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mydailynewupdtaes · 6 months ago
Mobile Application Development by Mobiloitte
Mobiloitte involves developing Mobile Application Development  to client needs. Mobiloitte specializes in creating robust software bundles, implementing backend services with APIs, and conducting thorough testing on target devices. By focusing on both iOS and Android platforms, Mobiloitte ensures compatibility and performance across a wide range of devices, enabling developers to reach a vast audience and deliver seamless user experiences.
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theoutcastrogue · 29 days ago
Many museums around the world make high-quality 3D scans of important artwork and ancient artifacts in their collections. Several forward-thinking organizations freely share their 3D scans, allowing the public to view, copy, adapt, and experiment with the underlying works in ways that have never before been possible.
Anyone in the world with an internet connection can view, interact with, and download the British Museum’s 3D scan of the Rosetta Stone, for example. The public can freely access hundreds of scans of classical sculpture from the National Gallery of Denmark, and visitors to the Smithsonian’s website can view, navigate, and freely download thousands of high-quality scans of artifacts ranging from dinosaur fossils to the Apollo 11 space capsule.
With access to digitizations like these, artists can rework and incorporate our common cultural heritage into new works, such as films, video games, virtual reality, clothing, architecture, sculpture, and more. Researchers and educators can use 3D scans to further our understanding of the arts, and the art-loving public can use them to appreciate, study, and even replicate beloved works in new ways that are not possible within the confines of a museum or with the original works. [...]
Unfortunately, some ostensibly public-spirited organizations do keep their 3D scans hidden. I’ve been trying to help them see the light. Beginning in 2017 I spent three years using German freedom of information law to successfully pressure the Egyptian Museum of Berlin to release its 3D scan of its most prized possession and national treasure, the 3,000 year-old Bust of Nefertiti. Since then I’ve turned my attention to the digital treasures being hoarded by taxpayer funded institutions in France.
The Louvre, for example, will not allow the public to access its ultra-high quality 3D scan of Winged Victory, the Nike of Samothrace, despite its aggressive public and corporate fundraising campaign to digitize the iconic Greek sculpture. Nor its scan of Venus de Milo.
The French Ministry of Culture’s Réunion des musées nationaux (RMN) receives tens of millions of dollars anually in public subsidies to provide services to French national museums. [...] RMN advertises its scans’ availability to the public, which makes for great PR, but its ads are false. In fact, RMN has a strict look-but-don’t-touch policy for its 3D scans and absolutely refuses to allow the public to access them directly. My own investigation has revealed that, in private, RMN admits it won’t release its scans because it wants to protect its gift shops’ sales revenue from competition from the public making their own replicas. For practical applications and creative potential, and direct value to the public, it is as though these scans simply do not exist.
And then there is the Rodin Museum. Founded in 1917 shortly after the death of famed sculptor Auguste Rodin, le musée Rodin is a state-run administrative agency and an arm of the Ministry of Culture. It has a legally mandated mission to preserve, study, enhance and disseminate Rodin’s works, all of which have been in the public domain since their copyrights expired decades ago. Even though musée Rodin never passes up an opportunity to remind the public that it is France’s sole “self-funded” national museum, it sought and obtained direct public funding from the Ministry of Culture’s national digitization program, and in 2010 as part of its public service mission began 3D scanning its collection with the stated purpose of publishing the results.
Fourteen years later, musée Rodin’s scans have not been shared with the public. [keep reading]
- Cosmo Venman
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The Baltimore Museum of Art’s unpublished 3D scan of The Thinker.
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longliveblackness · 5 months ago
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Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
Acting on the presumption that rural southern blacks were generally more promiscuous and syphilitic than whites, and without sufficient funding to establish an effective treatment program for them, doctors working with the Public Health Service (PHS) commenced a multi-year experiment in 1932.
Their actions deprived 400 largely uneducated and poor African Americans in Tuskegee, Alabama of proper and reasonable treatment for syphilis, a disease whose symptoms could easily have been relieved with the application of penicillin which became available in the 1940s.
Patients were not told they had syphilis nor were they provided sufficient medication to cure them. More than 100 men died due to lack of treatment while others suffered insanity, blindness and chronic maladies related to the disease.
The original experiment took on a life of its own as physicians, intrigued by the prospect of gathering scientific data, ignored human rights and ethical considerations and managed to extend it until 1972 when a PHS researcher Peter Buxtun revealed its history to the press. Public exposure embarrassed the scientific community and the government and the experiment was quickly shut down.
Attorney Fred Gray initiated a lawsuit on behalf of the patients. In an out-of-court settlement each surviving patient received medical treatment and $40,000 in compensation.
In the wake of the scandal Congress passed the National Research Act of 1974 which required more stringent oversight of studies employing human subjects.
In 1997, on behalf of the federal government, President Bill Clinton issued a formal apology to the victims of the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment.
Experimento de Tuskegee (Sífilis)
Actuando bajo la presunción de que los negros en las áreas rurales del sur eran generalmente mas promiscuos y sifilíticos que los blancos, y sin tener los fondos suficientes para establecer un programa de tratamiento efectivo, los doctores que trabajaban para el Servicio de Salud Publica comenzaron un experimento que duró varios años en el año 1932.
Sus acciones privaron a cuatrocientos afroamericanos de un tratamiento adecuado y razonable para el sífilis, una enfermedad cuyos síntomas podrían haberse aliviado fácilmente con la aplicación de penicilina, la cual estuvo disponible en la década de 1940.
A los pacientes no se les dijo que tenían sífilis, tampoco se les brindó suficiente medicamento para curarlos. Mas de cien hombres fallecieron debido a la falta de medicamento, mientras que otros sufrían demencia, ceguera y otras enfermedades crónicas relacionadas con la enfermedad.
El experimento original cobró vida propia cuando los médicos, intrigados por la perspectiva de recopilar datos científicos, ignoraron los derechos humanos y las consideraciones éticas y lograron extenderlo hasta 1972 En este año es cuando un investigador del Servicio de Salud Pública, Peter Buxtun, reveló su historia a la prensa. La exposición pública avergonzó a la comunidad científica y al gobierno y el experimento fue rápidamente cancelado.
El abogado Fred Gray inició una demanda en nombre de los pacientes. En un acuerdo extrajudicial, cada paciente que sobrevivió, recibió tratamiento médico y 40,000 dólares de indemnización.
A raíz del escándalo, el Congreso aprobó la Ley de Investigación Nacional de 1974, que exige una supervisión más estricta de los estudios que utilizan sujetos humanos.
En 1997, en nombre del gobierno federal, el presidente Bill Clinton emitió una disculpa formal a las víctimas del Experimento de Sífilis de Tuskegee.
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ishaan7389 · 6 months ago
Trienviro360 specializes in website design and development services. Our website developers provide expert web application development and web design services to our clients.
For More Details Click Here:- Best Website Development Company in India
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c-cracks · 2 years ago
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So I've been doing some good old HackTheBox machines to refresh a little on my hacking skills and this machine was a very interesting one!
Exploitation itself wasn't particularly difficult; what was, however, was finding information on what I needed to do! Allow me to explain the process. :)
As is standard, I began with an nmap scan on SteamCloud:
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Other than OpenSSH being outdated, all that I could really see was the use of various web servers. This led me to believe that there was a larger app running on the server, each service interacting with a different component of the app.
I performed some initial checks on each of these ports and found an API running on port 8443:
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I noted the attempt to authenticate a user referred to as 'system:anonymous', originally thinking these could be credentials to another component of the application.
Some directory scans on different ports also revealed the presence of /metrics at port 10249 and /version at port 8443. Other than that, I really couldn't find anything and admittedly I was at a loss for a short while.
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This is where I realized I'm an actual moron and didn't think to research the in-use ports. xD A quick search for 'ports 8443, 10250' returns various pages referring to Kubernetes. I can't remember precisely what page I checked but Oracle provides a summary of the components of a Kubernetes deployment.
Now that I had an idea of what was being used on the server, I was in a good place to dig further into what was exploitable.
Seeing What's Accessible
Knowing absolutely nothing about Kubernetes, I spent quite a while researching it and common vulnerabilities found in Kubernetes deployments. Eduardo Baitello provides a very informative article on attacking Kubernetes through the Kubelet API at port 10250.
With help from this article, I discovered that I was able to view pods running on the server, in addition to being able to execute commands on the kube-proxy and nginx pods. The nginx pod is where you'll find the first flag. I also made note of the token I discovered here, in addition to the token from the kube-proxy pod (though this isn't needed):
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After finding these tokens, I did discover that the default account had permissions to view pods running in the default namespace through the API running on port 8443 (/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods) but I had no awareness of how this could be exploited.
If I had known Kubernetes and the workings of their APIs, I would have instantly recognised that this is the endpoint used to also add new pods to Kubernetes, but I didn't! Due to this, I wasted more time than I care to admit trying other things such as mounting the host filesystem to one of the pods I can access and establishing a reverse shell to one of the pods.
I did initially look at how to create new pods too; honestly there's very little documentation on using the API on port 8443 directly. Every example I looked at used kubectl, a commandline tool for managing Kubernetes.
Exploitation (Finally!)
After a while of digging, I finally came across a Stack Overflow page on adding a pod through the API on port 8443.
Along with this, I found a usable YAML file from Raesene in an article on Kubernetes security. I then converted this from YAML to JSON and added the pod after some minor tweaks.
My first attempt at adding a pod was unsuccessful- the pod was added, but the containers section was showing as null
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However, it didn't take me long to see that this was due to the image I had specified in the original YAML file. I simply copied the image specified in the nginx pod to my YAML file and ended up with the following:
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I saved the json output to a file named new-pod2.json and added the second pod.
curl -k -v -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer <nginx-token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://steamcloud.htb:8443/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods [email protected]
This time, the pod was added successfully and I was able to access the host filesystem through 'le-host'
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The Vulnerability
The main issue here that made exploitation possible was the ability to access the Kubelet API on port 10250 without authorization. This should not be possible. AquaSec provide a useful article on recommendations for Kubernetes security.
SteamCloud was a relatively easy machine to exploit; what was difficult was finding information on the Kubernetes APIs and how to perform certain actions. It is one of those that someone with experience in the in-use technologies would have rooted in a matter of minutes; for a noob like me, the process wasn't so straightforward, particularly with information on Kubernetes being a little difficult to find! I've only recently returned to hacking, however, which might have contributed to my potential lack of Google Fu here. ^-^
I very much enjoyed the experience, however, and feel I learned the fundamentals of testing a Kubernetes deployment which I can imagine will be useful at some point in my future!
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telomeke · 1 year ago
ID text–
A post by Najat @‌Mlle_N_75, reposted by Sarah Jolley:
A lire, surtout pour les créateurs. Ne postez plus rien d'original à partir de fin septembre, car Twitter se réserve le droit de prendre votre contenu et de le modifier à l'aide de l'IA puis de le vendre, sans que vous puissiez rien faire (après je sais pas si ça vaut pour l'UE)
Below the post is a translation of the French by Google:
A must read, especially for creators. Don't post anything original from the end of September, because Twitter reserves the right w to take your content and modify it using Al and then sell it, without you being able to do anything (after I know not if it applies to the EU)
The post that OP Najat is recommending we read is by Christopher Rauch @‌c-rauch.bsky.social on Bluesky Social:
If you still have a Twitter/X account, read their new terms of service VERY carefully and make an informed decision about your account before September 29, 2023. The attached image shows that they have the right to pirate and modify your content using Al, then sell it, and you have no recourse.
This is followed by an extract of the Terms of Service in question:
3. Content on the Services By submitting, posting or displaying Content on or through the Services, you grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display and distribute such Content in any and all media or distribution methods now known or later developed (for clarity, these rights include, for example, curating, transforming, and translating). This license authorizes us to make your Content available to the rest of the world and to let others do the same. You agree that this license includes the right for us to provide, promote, and improve the Services and to make Content submitted to or through the Services available to other companies, organizations or individuals for the syndication, broadcast, distribution, repost, promotion or publication of such Content on other media and services, subject to our terms and conditions for such Content use. Such additional uses by us, or other companies, organizations or individuals, is made with no compensation paid to you with respect to the Content that you submit post transmit or…
Attention is drawn to the line:
"Such additional uses by us, or other companies, organizations or individuals, is made with no compensation paid to you…"
This is followed by an image post of a headline:
NEWS: X's updated Privacy Policy has added a mention of using X data to train Al models
The headline is accompanied by an extract of the Privacy Policy in question:
2.1 Operate, improve, and personalize our services. We use the information we collect to provide and operate X products and services. We also use the information we collect to improve and personalize our products and services so that you have a better experience on X, including by showing you more relevant content and ads, suggesting people and topics to follow, enabling and helping you discover affiliates, third-party apps, and services. We may use the information we collect and publicly available information to help train our machine learning or artificial intelligence models for the purposes outlined in this policy. We may use the information we collect from accounts of other services that you choose to connect your X account to provide you features like cross-posting or cross-service authentication, and to operate our services. We use your contact information to help others find your account if your settings permit, including through third-party services and client applications.
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elon musk should kill himself elon musk needs to kill himself elon musk would make society as a whole better if he killed himself now
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iotexpo · 1 day ago
Industry trend|This City Trials Automatic Collection of Street Parking Fees through RF
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The innovative Vietnamese metropolis Ho Chi Minh City recently announced an innovative initiative to trial the use of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to collect parking fees on Ba Hai Trung Street and Le Loy Street in District 1 and Pham Ho Chi Street in District 5. This initiative aims to optimize parking management and improve urban operation efficiency through technological means.
According to a recent notice issued by the Ho Chi Minh City Transportation Bureau to Volunteer Youth Public Welfare Service Co., Ltd., the RFID technology pilot program will last for three months. The company has been tasked with charging for on-street parking in the southern metropolis. Although the report did not mention a specific start date, the news has already attracted widespread attention.
The introduction of RFID technology marks an important step for Ho Chi Minh City in the field of parking management. Vehicles parked on designated sections of pilot streets will be automatically charged through electronic wallets or electronic tags. This new solution not only helps minimize direct contact with drivers and reduces potential conflicts and disputes, it also significantly reduces the time required to download and pay for the app, providing citizens and tourists with more convenience and convenience. Efficient parking experience.
In the current parking charging system, MyParking software has been used to streamline the charging process, providing car owners with diverse payment methods by integrating popular e-wallets such as Momo, Zalopay and Viettelpay, as well as domestic and international credit card payment options. However, despite these conveniences being in place, users are still reporting errors in payment processing and vehicle location. The pilot of RFID technology is precisely to meet these challenges and improve the reliability and accuracy of the system.
It is worth noting that the implementation of the RFID technology pilot program does not happen overnight. Volunteer Youth Public Welfare Service Co., Ltd. has accepted the task of selecting a technology solution provider to enhance the management of roadside parking lots in Ho Chi Minh City. After the pilot period is over, relevant agencies will fully evaluate the success of the solution and then consider whether to expand RFID-based parking fee collection in other areas of the city.
This innovative measure by Ho Chi Minh City is not only an innovation in the traditional parking charging method, but also an epitome of the intelligent and digital development of the city. By introducing advanced RFID technology, Ho Chi Minh City is expected to achieve significant results in improving urban management efficiency and optimizing citizens' travel experience.
In addition, judging from the current status of parking charges, the introduction of RFID technology will also have a positive impact on urban finance. According to statistics from the Volunteer Youth Public Welfare Service Co., Ltd., from January to June this year, parking fee revenue has exceeded VND3.8 billion (approximately US$149,460). With the popularization and application of RFID technology, this number is expected to be further improved, injecting new vitality into the sustainable development of cities.
Ho Chi Minh City’s trial of RFID technology to automatically collect parking fees is an initiative worth looking forward to. It can not only improve urban management efficiency and optimize citizens’ travel experience, but also inject new impetus into the city’s intelligent and digital development. In the near future, RFID technology is expected to become a mainstream trend in the field of parking management in Ho Chi Minh City.
This paper is from Ulink Media, Shenzhen, China, the organizer of IOTE EXPO (IoT Expo in China)
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brokerscam-review · 3 years ago
Avis complet trading.xeodis.co
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Nous voyons que le propriétaire du site utilise un service pour cacher son identité. C'est peut-être parce que le propriétaire ne veut pas être spammé. Cependant, il est également difficile d'identifier le véritable propriétaire du site internet. Par conséquent, les sites qui cachent leur identité obtiennent un score légèrement inférieur.
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Cloudflare is a worldwide distributed Content Delivery Network (CDN) platform. Cloudflare does not provide web hosting services and is primarily concerned with web performance and security. It is also a Google Cloud Platform and IBM Cloud partner and therefore shares a lot of mutual reputable customers with both companies. One of Cloudflare's most popular services is its Domain Name Service (DNS) which comes with built-in security measures such as DDoS-blocker and DNSSEC, as well as a Web Application Firewall (WAF). The platform's reputation over the years made it the go-to for a lot of credible organizations and platforms.
Analyse de la boutique
Selon Tranco, ce site a un faible rang Tranco. Cela signifie que le nombre de visiteurs de ce site est assez faible. On peut s'attendre à ce que ce soit le cas d'un petit site Web, d'un site de départ ou d'un site de niche. En revanche, un site Web populaire devrait avoir un classement plus élevé.
Le domaine n'a été enregistré que récemment. Nous vous recommandons d'être prudent lorsque vous achetez ou utilisez les services d'un site web très jeune. Vous pouvez consulter notre blog : "Comment reconnaître une arnaque" (Comment reconnaître une arnaque). Les sites Web des escrocs ne durent souvent que quelques mois avant d'être mis hors ligne. Un vieux site web n'est pas une garantie que le site est sûr. Certains sites d'escrocs ont même des années d'existence. La plupart des sites d'escroquerie sont toutefois retirés au bout de quelques mois, car le nombre de plaintes de consommateurs augmente et la société d'hébergement se lasse des nombreux courriels et appels téléphoniques.
Analyse technique
Ce site internet est un site dans un site. Cela signifie que le site inclut ou iframing fonctionnalité située sur un autre serveur. Ce que vous voyez peut en fait se trouver sur un site complètement différent. Nous vous recommandons donc d'être prudent avant d'entrer des données personnelles.
Cette société d'hébergement a un pourcentage élevé de spammeurs et de sites frauduleux. La société d'hébergement semble attirer les sites web avec un score de confiance faible à très faible. Cela peut être dû au hasard, mais aussi au fait que le processus "Know your customer" de la société d'hébergement est médiocre ou inexistant. Nous avons ainsi réduit la cote de confiance du site Web.
Un certificat SSL valide a été trouvé. Les sociétés professionnelles utilisent un certificat SSL pour crypter les communications entre votre ordinateur et leur site Web. Cependant, il existe différents niveaux de certification et les escrocs installent également un certificat SSL gratuit. Si vous devez entrer vos données, ne le faites jamais sans vérifier si un certificat SSL protège vos informations. 
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fiatvisions-scam · 3 years ago
Avis complet trading.xeodis.co
Notation de l'entreprise
Nous voyons que le propriétaire du site utilise un service pour cacher son identité. C'est peut-être parce que le propriétaire ne veut pas être spammé. Cependant, il est également difficile d'identifier le véritable propriétaire du site internet. Par conséquent, les sites qui cachent leur identité obtiennent un score légèrement inférieur.
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Cloudflare is a worldwide distributed Content Delivery Network (CDN) platform. Cloudflare does not provide web hosting services and is primarily concerned with web performance and security. It is also a Google Cloud Platform and IBM Cloud partner and therefore shares a lot of mutual reputable customers with both companies. One of Cloudflare's most popular services is its Domain Name Service (DNS) which comes with built-in security measures such as DDoS-blocker and DNSSEC, as well as a Web Application Firewall (WAF). The platform's reputation over the years made it the go-to for a lot of credible organizations and platforms.
Analyse de la boutique
Selon Tranco, ce site a un faible rang Tranco. Cela signifie que le nombre de visiteurs de ce site est assez faible. On peut s'attendre à ce que ce soit le cas d'un petit site Web, d'un site de départ ou d'un site de niche. En revanche, un site Web populaire devrait avoir un classement plus élevé.
Le domaine n'a été enregistré que récemment. Nous vous recommandons d'être prudent lorsque vous achetez ou utilisez les services d'un site web très jeune. Vous pouvez consulter notre blog : "Comment reconnaître une arnaque" (Comment reconnaître une arnaque). Les sites Web des escrocs ne durent souvent que quelques mois avant d'être mis hors ligne. Un vieux site web n'est pas une garantie que le site est sûr. Certains sites d'escrocs ont même des années d'existence. La plupart des sites d'escroquerie sont toutefois retirés au bout de quelques mois, car le nombre de plaintes de consommateurs augmente et la société d'hébergement se lasse des nombreux courriels et appels téléphoniques.
Analyse technique
Ce site internet est un site dans un site. Cela signifie que le site inclut ou iframing fonctionnalité située sur un autre serveur. Ce que vous voyez peut en fait se trouver sur un site complètement différent. Nous vous recommandons donc d'être prudent avant d'entrer des données personnelles.
Cette société d'hébergement a un pourcentage élevé de spammeurs et de sites frauduleux. La société d'hébergement semble attirer les sites web avec un score de confiance faible à très faible. Cela peut être dû au hasard, mais aussi au fait que le processus "Know your customer" de la société d'hébergement est médiocre ou inexistant. Nous avons ainsi réduit la cote de confiance du site Web.
Un certificat SSL valide a été trouvé. Les sociétés professionnelles utilisent un certificat SSL pour crypter les communications entre votre ordinateur et leur site Web. Cependant, il existe différents niveaux de certification et les escrocs installent également un certificat SSL gratuit. Si vous devez entrer vos données, ne le faites jamais sans vérifier si un certificat SSL protège vos informations. 
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denizaslanihukuk · 14 days ago
Succession in Izmir
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Succession in Izmir, Succession in Turkey, Inheritance Lawyer in Izmir, lawyer for foreigners in Izmir, Residence permit, Work permit, Citizenship application, Property acquisition, Immigration law, Family reunification, Residence permit, Legal consultation.
Succession in Izmir, Succession in Turkey, If you are looking for a lawyer specializing in foreigner law in Izmir, there are several options available. These lawyers provide legal consultation and services on matters such as the legal rights of foreigners in Turkey, residence and work permits, citizenship processes, property acquisition, family reunification, and more. Denizaslanı Law Firm in Izmir specialize in inheritance law. Inheritance lawyer in Izmir
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Testaments for Foreigners in Turkey, Inheritance procedures for foreigners in Turkey, Inheritance procedures for foreigners in Turkey, Inheritance of non-resident foreigners in Turkey, Tax status of foreign heirs in Turkey, Will procedures for foreign heirs in Turkey
Foreign heirs, International inheritance law, Inheritance rights of foreigners in Turkey, Citizenship status in inheritance, Will for foreign heirs, Estate of deceased foreign nationals in Turkey, Inheritance tax for foreigners, Turkey's practices in international inheritance. English French Speaking Law Firm in izmir, Cabinet d'avocats en Turquie, English Speaking Law Firm in Turkey.
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Succession in Izmir, lawyer for foreigners in Izmir, Residence permit, Work permit, Citizenship application, Property acquisition, Immigration law, Family reunification, Residence permit, Legal consultation, Testaments for Foreigners in Turkey, Obtenir un Certificat de Décès en Turquie pour les Étrangers avec une Assistance Juridique, Obtaining a Death Certificate in Turkey for Foreigners with Legal Assistance, Inheritance of foreign citizens in Turkey, Foreigners inheriting in Turkey, Rights of foreign heirs in Turkey, Inheritance status of foreigners in Turkey, Inheritance of foreign nationals in Turkey, Inheritance procedures for foreigners in Turkey, Inheritance procedures for foreigners in Turkey, Inheritance of non-resident foreigners in Turkey, Tax status of foreign heirs in Turkey, Will procedures for foreign heirs in Turkey, Foreign heirs, International inheritance law, Inheritance rights of foreigners in Turkey, Citizenship status in inheritance, Will for foreign heirs, Estate of deceased foreign nationals in Turkey, Inheritance tax for foreigners, Turkey's practices in international inheritance Le cabinet dispose d’une équipe francophone en Turquie et d’une équipe turcophone en France. Türkiye'de Fransızca Konuşan Avukatlar Bir önceki yazımız olan Get Citizenship in Turkey başlıklı makalemizde bayraklı adliyesi yol tarifi, çiğli adliyesi adres ve izmir karşıyaka adliyesi hakkında bilgiler verilmektedir. MAPS Read the full article
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complaintreviews · 3 years ago
Avis complet trading.xeodis.co
Notation de l'entreprise
Nous voyons que le propriétaire du site utilise un service pour cacher son identité. C'est peut-être parce que le propriétaire ne veut pas être spammé. Cependant, il est également difficile d'identifier le véritable propriétaire du site internet. Par conséquent, les sites qui cachent leur identité obtiennent un score légèrement inférieur.
Cloudflare is a worldwide distributed Content Delivery Network (CDN) platform. Cloudflare does not provide web hosting services and is primarily concerned with web performance and security. It is also a Google Cloud Platform and IBM Cloud partner and therefore shares a lot of mutual reputable customers with both companies. One of Cloudflare's most popular services is its Domain Name Service (DNS) which comes with built-in security measures such as DDoS-blocker and DNSSEC, as well as a Web Application Firewall (WAF). The platform's reputation over the years made it the go-to for a lot of credible organizations and platforms.
Analyse de la boutique
Selon Tranco, ce site a un faible rang Tranco. Cela signifie que le nombre de visiteurs de ce site est assez faible. On peut s'attendre à ce que ce soit le cas d'un petit site Web, d'un site de départ ou d'un site de niche. En revanche, un site Web populaire devrait avoir un classement plus élevé.
Le domaine n'a été enregistré que récemment. Nous vous recommandons d'être prudent lorsque vous achetez ou utilisez les services d'un site web très jeune. Vous pouvez consulter notre blog : "Comment reconnaître une arnaque" (Comment reconnaître une arnaque). Les sites Web des escrocs ne durent souvent que quelques mois avant d'être mis hors ligne. Un vieux site web n'est pas une garantie que le site est sûr. Certains sites d'escrocs ont même des années d'existence. La plupart des sites d'escroquerie sont toutefois retirés au bout de quelques mois, car le nombre de plaintes de consommateurs augmente et la société d'hébergement se lasse des nombreux courriels et appels téléphoniques.
Analyse technique
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lizseyi · 1 month ago
Acquarius Announces Participation In The London October Events Promoting Gibraltar’s Financial Services Industry
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Acquarius to showcase Gibraltar’s financial services at London events, highlighting corporate and private client solutions in 2024
As in previous years, London will host a series of Gibraltar financial services events in mid-October. Oliver explains this year’s programme is especially crucial for a number of reasons.
‍First, he outlines the broader context. After several years of complex negotiations involving the UK, Spain and the Government of Gibraltar, a long-anticipated agreement may soon be reached. It is premature to speculate on the details, but a successful outcome would significantly benefit residents and businesses on both sides of the frontier. 
‍Even in the absence of an agreement, Oliver believes that there is much to celebrate at this year’s London events. Gibraltar’s private client sector is mature and well- established but equally important is the corporate offering. Local regulated trust and corporate service providers, including Acquarius, are increasingly focused on corporate solutions. These range from tried and tested holding company structures to the “headquarter” model, allowing Gibraltar entities to establish local operations with substance – including personnel and premises – supporting a network of subsidiary businesses worldwide. 
‍Gibraltar and the UK have developed a “passporting” arrangement – unique for an Overseas Territory – enabling a financial services company regulated in one to operate freely in the other. This allows a Gibraltar-regulated business to establish in the UK without undergoing a separate regulatory application process. Acquarius has experience in this area and is eager to develop this aspect of the business in the coming months. 
‍Another reason for Acquarius to participate in some strength this year is that 2024 marks a significant stage in the firm’s development. After completing a number of local acquisitions in the last couple of years, Acquarius aims to grow both organically and, where possible, through strategic corporate deals. 
‍To support this growth, Ian Le Breton, a longtime friend of Gibraltar, has recently joined the team as a consultant. Ian will accompany Oliver and fellow executive director, Gareth Cross at the October events. Ian recalls attending many of the earlier Gibraltar Day in London events dating back to 2000. He notes that Gibraltar has made significant progress in the past twenty-five years, reflected in the wider variety of industry-related events planned for this year.
‍Gareth Cross, Acquarius’ COO, is particularly impressed by the diverse range of attendees expected at the various functions. Gibraltar-based politicians and practitioners will showcase the breadth of services the territory offers to a wider UK audience than ever before. 
‍The Acquarius team will participate in the Financial Services Lunch and several other events focusing on private clients, funds and distributed ledger technology, among others. Participants will have more opportunities that ever to discuss business prospects. Additionally, these events will reaffirm the deep-rooted relationship between Gibraltar and the City of London, which dates back centuries. In today’s uncertain global climate, such connections will prove to be even more crucial. 
‍There will be some free time available for London-based clients and their advisers to meet with members of the Acquarius team. The firm is keen to stress that someone will be in London on a very regular basis from now on should October not prove convenient. Gibraltar has an impressive story to tell and Acquarius is part of that narrative. The firm is committed to expanding its diverse business in London and beyond in the years ahead. See you in London! 
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prepareservicecbe · 1 month ago
Preparing for an LG Washing Machine Service: A Complete Breakdown
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Regular servicing of your LG washing machine is essential to keep it running efficiently and to extend its lifespan. But when the time comes for a service appointment, what should you expect, and how can you prepare? Here's a complete guide to help you understand the process and make sure your service visit goes smoothly.
Top LG Washing Machine Service in Coimbatore
1. Why Schedule Regular Service?
Over time, any washing machine undergoes wear and tear due to frequent usage. Scheduling routine service ensures that small issues don't escalate into major repairs, saving you both time and money. Regular maintenance can:
Improve washing performance
Reduce energy consumption
Prevent sudden breakdowns
Extend the life of your machine
2. Signs Your LG Washing Machine Needs Service
Before calling for a service, you might notice some signs that indicate your washing machine could benefit from professional attention. These may include:
Excessive noise or vibrations: This could be due to drum imbalances or loose components.
Water drainage issues: If your washer isn’t draining properly, there might be a blockage in the filter or drain hose.
Persistent error codes: Error codes such as “OE” (drain issue) or “LE” (motor issue) indicate specific problems that need attention.
Unusual smells or residue buildup: A musty odor or detergent buildup can affect performance and should be addressed.
LG Washing Machine Service in Coimbatore
3. What to Expect During an LG Washing Machine Service
When the technician arrives for your LG washing machine service, here’s what they will typically do:
Initial Inspection: The service begins with a thorough inspection of your washing machine. The technician will check for any visible signs of wear, damage, or malfunction.
Testing the Machine: The technician may run a short cycle to test various functions, including water filling, spinning, and draining, to see if any issues occur during operation.
Checking Key Components: Some critical parts of the washing machine will be examined, including:
Drum and motor: To ensure smooth movement and operation.
Belt: To ensure it's properly aligned and hasn’t loosened.
Hoses and connections: To check for any leaks or blockages.
Filters: To make sure they are clean and free from debris.
Software Diagnosis (if applicable): Modern LG washing machines often have diagnostic tools built into them. Technicians can use this feature to detect specific error codes and pinpoint issues.
Cleaning and Maintenance: The technician will typically clean out any lint or detergent buildup from the detergent tray, drum, or filters. They may also provide tips on maintaining hygiene to prevent mold or mildew growth.
Replacing Worn-Out Parts: If the technician finds worn or damaged parts, they may suggest a replacement. Common parts that may need replacing include door seals, filters, belts, or valves.
Safety Checks: Finally, the technician will ensure that the washing machine is safe to use by inspecting the electrical connections and grounding.
Top LG Washing Machine Service in Coimbatore
4. How to Prepare for the Service Appointment
To make the service visit go as smoothly as possible, follow these simple preparation steps:
Clear the Area: Ensure easy access to your washing machine. Remove any items or obstacles around it so the technician can work efficiently.
Empty the Machine: If there’s any laundry in the washer, remove it. The technician needs the machine to be empty for a complete inspection.
Have Your Purchase Information Ready: In case of warranty claims, have your warranty card or proof of purchase available.
Note Any Issues: Make a list of any problems you've noticed, such as odd noises, leaks, or error codes. This will help the technician diagnose the issue faster.
5. Questions to Ask Your Technician
During or after the service, don’t hesitate to ask your technician questions to better understand your washing machine's condition and upkeep. Here are a few examples:
Are there any parts that may need replacement soon?
How can I avoid common issues like residue buildup or drainage problems?
What detergent or cleaning products do you recommend for my machine?
How often should I schedule future services?
6. Post-Service: What to Do After the Technician Leaves
Once the service is complete, the technician will typically give you a summary of what was done, any parts replaced, and if any further repairs are needed in the future. Follow their advice on care and maintenance, and be sure to:
Test the Machine: After the technician leaves, run a cycle to ensure everything is functioning correctly. Pay attention to noise, performance, and any unusual signs.
Follow Maintenance Tips: Regular cleaning of the filter, checking the hoses, and avoiding overloading the machine can go a long way in preventing future problems.
7. How Often Should You Schedule Service?
For optimal performance, it’s recommended that your LG washing machine be serviced at least once a year, even if it's not showing any obvious signs of trouble. However, if you're using your machine frequently, or if you notice performance issues, you may need more frequent checks.
LG Washing Machine Service in Coimbatore
Preparing for an LG washing machine service is simple, but it can make a significant difference in how smoothly the service process goes. Regular servicing not only keeps your washing machine in peak condition but also helps you avoid costly repairs down the line. By knowing what to expect and how to prepare, you can ensure your LG washing machine continues to deliver top performance for years to come.
If you haven’t scheduled your next service yet, now is the perfect time to take action!
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sanikapatil22 · 1 month ago
Online Bus Ticket Service Analysis with Detailed Competitive Outlook by Forecast 
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Online Bus Ticket Service Market Overview
Global Online Bus Ticket Service Market Report 2024 presents critical information and factual data about the Online Bus Ticket Service Market, providing an overall statistical study of this market on the basis of market drivers, market limitations, and its future prospects. The widespread Online Bus Ticket Service market opportunities and trends are also taken into consideration in the industry. with growth trends, various stakeholders like investors, CEOs, traders, suppliers, research & media, the global manager, director, president, SWOT analysis, i.e., strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to the organization, and others.
According to Straits Research, the global Online Bus Ticket Service market size was valued at USD 7.91 billion in 2023. It is projected to reach from USD 8.95 billion in 2024 to USD 24.09 billion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 13.2% during the forecast period (2024–2032).
While studying the Online Bus Ticket Service market growth report, we completely studied the driving forces, development trends, restraints, obstacles, and profitable challenges to demonstrate the current and future market environment. Straits Research has given a thorough analysis that includes the key market strategies based on the most recent technologies, applications, and geographies around the world. The industry is predicted to grow significantly during the forecast period because to increased Online Bus Ticket Service market demand.
Competitive Landscape
Some of the prominent players operating in the Online Bus Ticket Service market are
Busbud Inc.
Easy Trip Planners Ltd.
FlixMobility GmbH
Global Charter Services Inc.
GoEuro Corp.
Gozing Technology Pvt. Ltd.
Hip Mobility Inc.
Le Travenues Technology Ltd.
MakeMyTrip Ltd.
Mantis Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Stelling Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Vy Bus AS
Yatra Online Inc.
Zeelo Ltd.
Get Free Request Sample Report @ https://straitsresearch.com/report/online-bus-ticket-service-market/request-sample
The report can help to know the market and strategize for business expansion accordingly. The strategy analysis, gives insights from market positioning and marketing channels to potential growth strategies, providing in-depth analysis for brand new entrants or existing competitors within the industry. Global Online Bus Ticket Service Market Report 2024 provides exclusive statistics, data, information, trends, and competitive landscape details during this niche sector.
Global Online Bus Ticket Service Market: Segmentation
As a result of the Online Bus Ticket Service market segmentation, the market is divided into sub-segments, the following are:
By Type
Mobile Application 
By Applications
Tourism travel 
Business travel 
By End-User
The report forecasts revenue growth at all geographic levels and provides an in-depth analysis of the latest industry trends and development patterns from 2024 to 2032 in each of the segments and sub-segments.
You can check In-depth Segmentation from here: https://straitsresearch.com/report/online-bus-ticket-service-market/segmentation
Stay ahead of the competition with our in-depth analysis of the market trends!
Buy Now @ https://straitsresearch.com/buy-now/online-bus-ticket-service-market
Key Highlights
The introduction, product type and application, market overview, market analysis by countries, market potential, market risk, and market driving forces are all used to explain the Online Bus Ticket Service Market.
Examining the manufacturers of the Online Bus Ticket Service Market in terms of their profile, main line of business, news, sales and price, revenue, and market share is the aim of this study.
In order to give a general picture of the competitive environment among the top manufacturers worldwide, including sales, revenue, and market share of Online Bus Ticket Service percent
To provide an example of the market segmented by kind and application, together with sales, pricing, revenue, market share, and growth rate for each segment.
To conduct an analysis of the main regions by manufacturers, categories, and applications, covering regions such as North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, the Middle East, and South America, with sales, revenue, and market share segmented by manufacturers, types, and applications.
To investigate the production costs, essential raw materials, production method, etc.
About Straits Research
Straits Research is dedicated to providing businesses with the highest quality market research services. With a team of experienced researchers and analysts, we strive to deliver insightful and actionable data that helps our clients make informed decisions about their industry and market. Our customized approach allows us to tailor our research to each client's specific needs and goals, ensuring that they receive the most relevant and valuable insights.
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tudip123 · 1 month ago
Challenges and Solutions in Implementing AI in Small and Medium Enterprises
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the landscape for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). By automating tasks, enhancing customer service, and providing valuable insights, AI can significantly improve business operations. However, implementing AI in small businesses comes with its own set of challenges. Understanding these challenges and exploring effective solutions can help SMEs leverage AI to drive growth and efficiency.
Common Challenges:
Limited Resources: Many small businesses have tight budgets and few staff members. This can make it difficult to invest in AI technologies or hire skilled personnel to implement and manage these systems.
Lack of Knowledge: Small business owners may not fully understand how AI works or how it can benefit their operations. This knowledge gap can lead to hesitation in adopting AI tools.
Integration Issues: Integrating AI solutions with existing systems can be complex. Many SMEs use various software tools that may not easily connect with new AI applications, leading to potential disruptions in workflow.
Data Quality: AI relies heavily on data to function effectively. Small businesses may struggle with collecting, cleaning, and managing data, which can hinder the performance of AI tools.
Fear of Job Displacement: Employees may be concerned that AI will replace their jobs, leading to resistance against adopting new technologies.
Effective Solutions:
Start Small: SMEs can begin by implementing small-scale AI solutions that address specific needs. For example, using chatbots for customer service can streamline operations without requiring a significant investment.
Invest in Training: Providing training for employees on how to use AI tools can ease concerns and enhance understanding. This investment not only improves employee confidence but also maximizes the benefits of AI applications.
Choose User-Friendly Tools: Selecting AI tools that are easy to integrate with existing systems can reduce implementation challenges. Many platforms offer plug-and-play solutions designed specifically for small businesses.
Focus on Data Management: Establishing a solid data management strategy is crucial for effective AI implementation. SMEs should prioritize collecting high-quality data and consider using cloud-based solutions that simplify data storage and access.
Communicate Benefits: Clearly communicating the advantages of AI to employees can help alleviate fears about job displacement. Emphasizing that AI is intended to assist rather than replace human workers can foster a more positive attitude toward technology adoption.
Examples of Successful Implementation:
Many small and medium enterprises have successfully integrated AI into their operations:
Retail Stores: Some retailers use AI-driven inventory management systems to predict stock needs based on sales trends, reducing waste and improving efficiency.
Customer Service: Businesses are implementing chatbots powered by natural language processing to handle common customer inquiries, freeing up staff to focus on more complex issues.
Marketing Automation: SMEs are utilizing AI tools for targeted marketing campaigns, analyzing customer behavior to tailor promotions that resonate with specific audiences.
By starting small, investing in training, choosing user-friendly tools, focusing on data management, and communicating the benefits effectively, SMEs can harness the power of AI to enhance their operations. As more businesses adopt these technologies, the potential for growth and innovation becomes increasingly attainable, making it essential for small businesses to embrace this transformative wave of artificial intelligence.
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simonsboiler · 2 months ago
Top Picks: Best-Selling Steam Humidifiers in Australia from Simons Boilers
Simons Boilers, a well-established name in heating and humidity solutions, has served Australian homes and businesses for decades. With a focus on innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction, we’ve become a top provider of steam humidifiers across the country.
Australians are increasingly recognizing the need for maintaining optimal indoor humidity, especially in drier regions. Steam humidifiers stand out as the superior option, providing clean, bacteria-free moisture in the air. In this article, we’ll explore why steam humidifiers are so vital, showcase our best-selling models, and offer useful guidance to help you find the perfect fit for your needs.
At Simons Boilers, we proudly distribute a range of high-quality Vapac steam humidifiers, made in the UK and available in Australia since the 1980s. These electrode steam humidifiers produce dry, sterile steam—crucial for precise humidity control in various settings.
Why Choose Steam Humidifiers?
Steam humidifiers work by boiling water to create pure vapor, eliminating the risk of bacterial growth and reducing mineral buildup, issues that can plague other types of humidifiers.
Benefits of Steam Humidifiers:
Improved Air Quality: Steam humidifiers add moisture to the air, reducing allergens, dust mites, and static electricity.
Health Advantages: They can alleviate dry skin, respiratory issues, and sinus discomfort.
Energy Efficiency: Although they use energy to heat water, steam humidifiers often prove more energy-efficient than other humidification systems.
Enhanced Comfort: Proper humidity promotes better sleep, reduces fatigue, and creates a more pleasant living environment.
Best-Selling Steam Humidifiers from Simons Boilers
The Vapac Advantage
Vapac humidifiers are known for their reliability, efficiency, and low maintenance. They are ideal for a range of environments, from residential to commercial and industrial spaces.
Key benefits of Vapac steam humidifiers include:
Precise humidity control, ensuring consistent moisture levels.
Dry, sterile steam that eliminates the risk of bacteria growth.
Energy-efficient operation with minimal power consumption.
Low maintenance, requiring little upkeep.
Versatile applications across various industries.
These features make Vapac steam humidifiers adaptable for use in diverse sectors, offering flexible solutions for both service and manufacturing environments.
Vapac Models
At Simons Boilers, we offer several Vapac models to cater to different needs:
Vapac Microvap LEC LAB: Compact and precise, ideal for laboratory and research settings.
Vapac Minivap: A versatile option for small to medium spaces, providing efficiency and adaptability.
Vapac Room Distribution: Designed to maintain optimal humidity in residential and commercial spaces.
Vapac Vapanet LEP: Delivers highly accurate humidity control for critical applications.
Vapac Vapanet LE: Offers a wide range of steam output capacities, suitable for industrial needs.
Each model is designed to provide outstanding performance and meet specific industry requirements.
Vapac steam humidifiers are used in a variety of industries, including:
Healthcare: Maintaining optimal humidity in hospitals, clinics, and laboratories.
Commercial Buildings: Creating comfortable environments in offices, hotels, and shopping centers.
Industrial Processes: Supporting manufacturing processes that require precise humidity control.
Data Centers: Protecting sensitive equipment from static electricity and overheating.
By combining Simons Boilers' expertise with Vapac’s advanced technology, we provide comprehensive humidity control solutions for every need.
How to Choose the Right Steam Humidifier
When selecting a steam humidifier, consider the following factors:
Size and Capacity: Ensure the humidifier is suitable for the size of the room or area.
Installation Requirements: Assess the best location and any specific installation needs.
Maintenance Needs: Consider the ease of cleaning and descaling the unit.
Budget: Determine a budget that aligns with your needs and preferences.
We can guide you in making an informed decision by highlighting the key features of our best-selling models tailored to your requirements.
Installation and Maintenance Tips
Proper installation and ongoing maintenance are crucial to ensure your steam humidifier operates at peak performance and lasts longer. Regular checks can help detect any issues early, ensuring smooth and efficient operation. Water quality is another essential factor, as it can impact performance and lifespan. Regular cleaning minimizes mineral buildup and prolongs the unit's life. Always follow the manufacturer’s maintenance guidelines.
Installation Tips
Strategic Placement: Place the humidifier in an area free from drafts or obstructions to ensure efficient performance.
Water Quality: Use distilled or filtered water to reduce scale buildup and maintain performance.
Ventilation: Ensure there is adequate ventilation to prevent excessive humidity.
Maintenance Tips
Regular Cleaning: Descale the unit frequently to prevent mineral deposits and ensure efficiency.
User Manual: Always refer to the manual for specific maintenance instructions.
Professional Servicing: Schedule regular maintenance checks with a certified technician for optimal performance.
By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the long-term benefits of your steam humidifier.
Investing in a high-quality steam humidifier can significantly enhance your indoor air quality and overall well-being. At Simons Boilers, we offer a range of models to suit different needs. By understanding the benefits of steam humidifiers and considering factors such as size, features, and budget, you’ll be able to make an informed choice.
Visit our website to learn more about our best-selling steam humidifiers or contact our customer support team for personalized assistance. We’re here to help you find the perfect solution for your home or business.
Click here: https://simonsboiler.com.au/
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