#le Bouffon Maybe
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noa-de-cajou · 4 months ago
Day 2 : Change the World / I Hear You
L'Essence de la Folie (or, erratum, whatever spirit is in there) belongs to @corneille-but-not-the-author
“Hey there! Been a while, hasn't it, kid? Hey, don’t look so startled. I’ve always been there, just kept quiet. But it's boring here in your flute.”
“Then why are you staying inside it?”
“Because you’re funny. It's not every millenia I get to see someone defy my plans! Your little stunt with that dead revolutionary? Hardly saw that coming. My compliments, really!”
“I’m not proud of it. You know that.”
“Well, you should at least be grateful to yourself! I would have possessed you if it weren’t for that.”
“You can't do it anymore?”
“Oh, I could. But it would be such a waste! And you've gotten way stronger now. Well, you're still unstable, but that's just in your nature. And in mine.”
“What are you, exactly?”
“Not gonna tell youuuu~”
“Hey! You could at least try and insist a little!”
“I don't need to know what you are. Just what you do. And I've seen what you do.”
“Do you hate me, Hanko?”
“No. Not really.”
“Heh, not surprised. Couldn’t even hate your own parents even after all they did to you. Or your sister. Or the man who betrayed you. What was it that the inquisitor said? “You love even your ennemies?” Hell, the only person I've ever seen you hate is yourself, and even that is debatable.”
“I still do. Sometimes.”
“Because you didn’t carry on their last wills? It's not like you ever could. Make the Revolution live on? What a joke! You’re not a Revolutionary. Never have been.”
“You're right.”
“Ugh, do you ever resist? Do you even have opinions of your own?”
“I do.”
“Ha, right! You did ask that guy to join his troop. I still remember the look on his face. And now you’re all happily going around with your little plays.”
“You make it sound like a bad thing.”
“Well, I'm kinda disappointed. Didn’t you want justice? Didn’t you want revenge? Didn't you want to carry on Bazyli's ideals and change that fucked-up world?”
“That's what I'm doing.”
“By fooling around on stage? Hanko, come on.”
“I’m serious. Maybe we can't change the world at its roots, but we can change how people see it.
“How very noble of you.”
“Provoking me won't work.”
“Sure, whatever floats your boat. Back to the point, is that why you're doing this whole theater thing? To change the world?”
“Well… If I’m honest, I just want to be with the people I love.”
“So you’re a hypocrite.”
“No. They made me think maybe the world was worth saving. Each time someone stays with the people they love, they see the world as worth saving. Isn’t that the first step needed to change it?”
“... I don’t know if the world changed, but you sure as hell did. Went from a hopeless, frightened little thing to a sappy idiot.”
“Don’t be like that. You had people like that too, didn’t you? A long time ago.”
“Pfffft! Unlike you lot, I don’t need anyone, except maybe a vessel.”
“Don’t lie. I saw your memories. The cell.”
“Weren’t they your friends?”
“What was his name? The Angel?”
“.... I don’t remember.”
“Really? I'm sorry.”
“Are you pitying me? Wow, you really are an idiot.”
“It’s terrifying to forget.”
“It's worse to remember.”
“I don't agree. Not anymore.”
“In case you weren’t aware, I don’t give much credit to your opinion.”
“You’re the one who asked me if I had any… Even now, there aren’t many people who did.”
“Doesn’t mean I care ‘bout your answer.”
“Hey… Did they change the world?”
“Well, them. The Angel, the Demons, the Beast, the Giant and the Abomination. Did they make a difference?”
“I thought I was the mute one here.”
“They did.”
“Then that's good. I hope they're happy, wherever they are.”
“Are you happy, kid?”
“Not always. But I'm loved even when I'm not.”
“Sentimental, sappy, cheesy idiot.”
“Maybe. But you’re the one sticking around the sentimental, sappy, cheesy idiot. So who’s the stupidest?”
“Ha, ha. Careful, I might change my mind, you could still make a good vessel~”
“And you still don’t scare me.”
“... Hey, Hanko.”
“Keep going your way.”
“... What are you plotting?”
“Nothing. You’re interesting, is all.”
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bringingsexcback · 1 year ago
wait what if i only like him because I don’t have him
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blindrapture · 9 months ago
While this book has many names and many people in it, all the events and opinions portrayed are fictitious. Some real names were used, with permission, but only for aesthetics’s sake. People often express confusion over some of the emoticons in the story. Most are self-explanatory, but just bear in mind that every one has eyes and a mouth. .w. has the periods as the eyes and the w is related to the "kittyface" of :3, with the former emoticon intended as an expression of humble happiness (something like "Aw, shucks!"). The < in <:D is intended as eyebrows, not a party hat, no matter who tells you otherwise. This story is long. The first draft was started in 2011 and continued until 2013, the second draft finished the story in 2013, the third and fourth drafts were refinements of the whole and came around 2014. The fifth draft added a lot more content, introducing an element you'll see as the "Attacheds," and this came in 2015. This formed the basis for the sixth draft in 2016, which was published on Amazon as the First Edition. That draft saw refinement and tweaking for several years (the seventh draft). What you are looking at now is the Second Edition, the eighth and final draft. The point of all this is: I have had many opportunities to change this story. I have taken many things out. The content and how it is treated will make you uneasy, somewhere, somewhen. It is best to read this story by yourself, where you can feel your emotions rawly and give them space. Privacy is a theme here. There are many more themes for you to discover. Good luck.
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OVERTURE May 20 (Modern Invocation) May 21 (Title Drop From Red Sky)
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ACT I May 23 (Donnie) May 24 (The Pillar) May 25 ("world with empty eye sockets") May 26 (Aubade feat. Mistress Dread) May 27 (In Blackpool) May 28 (Cipher for a Million Years) May 29 (Everyone's Benefit) May 30 ("Cakes mean the party funds") May 31 (Tropes) June 1 (Kissing a Corpse) June 2 ("le bouffon blanc") June 3 (Great Dodongo of the Congo) June 4 (SLCEM) June 5 (Womp Womp) June 6 ("Doppelganger") June 7 (The Minotaur of Lloret de Mar) June 8 (Vorke, the Face Stealer) June 9 (Systematic Chaos) June 10 (Clearly Exaggerated) June 11 ("Promise you'll never?") June 12 (Donnie Goes to London) June 13 (missing) June 14 (There Were Strangers at the Birth of the Earth) June 15 ("How are human minds biggest") June 16 ("I'll kneel.") June 17 (Going Brazilian) June 18 (In the Name of Comcast...) June 19 ("ENGLAND'S THEIRS NOW") June 20 (Tally Marks) June 21 (Bad Jokes) June 22 (Classic Jokes) June 23 (Ten Years in Jail) June 24 (Tell Us Yourself) June 25 (Liverpool) June 26 ("Fears. There's the rub.") June 27 (Secret Friend) June 28 (The Fourth Rake of the Apocalypse) June 29 (Rael's Exodus, I: Start with the Pronouns) June 30 (Rael's Exodus, II: Indisen) July 1 (Rael's Exodus, III: Fear the Day) July 2 (Rael's Exodus, IV: EAT) July 3 (Rael's Exodus, V: The Anatomy of Everything) July 4 (Rael's Exodus, VI: Wishful Thinking)
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ACT II July 5 (Duck and Cover) July 6 (American Anxiety) July 7 (Ciphers of the Blind Man's Book) July 8 (The God Machine) July 9 (School Bus) July 10 (Family Expression) July 11 (Sempiternity) July 12 (Grimaldi's Mad Language) July 13 ("Operation: Rise Against Fear") July 14 (Guy Fawkes) July 15 ("yes, quite nice") July 16 (Infinite Series) July 17 (The Grand Gtheru) July 18 (A Conversation with Tiresias) July 19 (More Tally Marks) July 20 ("red ochre corridors") July 21 (Who Once Ruled the Streetlights) July 22 (Walking) July 23 (Goodbye, Swamp Queen) July 24 (Sanctuary Francisco) July 25 (Avoidance) July 26 (See, the Thing is...) July 27 (Maybes and Mysteries) July 28 (Synecdoche) July 29 (Crotch Museum) July 30 (King Real) July 31 (Ground and Pound) August 1 (Don't Speak Its True Name, I: Peace) August 2 (Don't Speak Its True Name, II: Mirrors) August 3 (Don't Speak Its True Name, III: Colors) August 4 (Don't Speak Its True Name, IV: Music) August 5 (Don't Speak Its True Name, V: Dominiere) August 6 (Don't Speak Its True Name, VI: The Ghost) August 7 (Don't Speak Its True Name, VII: Friend)
(and for bonus rambles talking about the creation of the story, see here)
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akaashu · 3 years ago
ok i was thinking about jean and an idea popped into my head, now i can't stop laughing
so we all know jean kevin and neil can speak french, ( jean was literally born in france ) ( baguette 🥖 )
imagine now they all have a group chat like with the foxes or whatever
when one of these 3 guys gets mad or something (or just to make fun of others) they just send french meme that says « c’est l’heure de la bagarre » , « garde le smile bouffon » or « supprime ou je te supprime »
the others would be like « tf is that supposed to mean » and they keep sending french memes
( maybe it won't make sense if you can’t imagine but as a french it makes me laugh so hard bc is not the french we learn at school its very familiar and gross,,, and imagine they send this and the others don't understand anything )
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laviedunefilledebordee · 4 years ago
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Des fois, j’aimerai juste trouver le bouton pour arrêter de me culpabiliser et de remettre sans cesse en cause mes actes et paroles, et ainsi me relaxer, me reposer. Mais visiblement, il n’existe pas. Du coup je culpabilise ou me remets en cause pendant des jours, des semaines et parfois des mois, si ce n’est des années (mon cerveau ne me lâche pas là-dessus sur certains trucs...). Donc je culpabilise vraiment pour plein de choses: de ne pas encore avoir le permis, de blesser sans le vouloir les gens que j’aime et apprécie (ami.e.s et famille, en plus ça me torture à chaque fois tellement c’est pas voulu, pas moi...je déteste faire du mal aux gens, même aux pires bouffons qui m’ont fait du mal, c’est dire... Bref, c’est horrible, je déteste ça.), d’accomplir un acte parfois anodin (genre aller voir mon oncle avec qui mon père est en froid par exemple, pour rien en plus, et même communiquer avec lui), de céder à une envie toute bête (comme acheter un appareil photo alors que j’en ai envie, ou du chocolat. But why ?). Et aussi, je me remets en cause pour tout et rien (un mot de ma mère, de ma soeur, de n’importe quel membre de ma famille, d’un.e ami.e, quelqu’un qui répond pas à un message, une décision que je prends, un acte avec les élèves...), vraiment pour tout et rien, même quand je suis dans mon droit ou que j’ai raison.
C’est constant, c’est fatiguant et je me rends de plus en plus compte que ça me rend la vie invivable... Parfois je me sens tellement coupable, que soit j’en pleure (ça part tout seul), j’en fais des insomnies, ou encore j’en viens à ne plus parler à des gens que j’aime de peur d’être violemment reçu à la suite d’une broutille, d’un problème (alors que, spoiler alert, non à 99%. Imaginez le nombre de contacts rompus mdr. Sans compter que je ne suis pas la championne de la sociabilité... parce que je ne sais pas vous, mais même si j’aime échanger, des fois, c’est trop pesant pour moi, je ne sais pas d’où ça vient.). Et le pire je crois: culpabiliser alors que je suis la victime. Alors ça, mdr, je suis championne aussi.
Bref, trouvez le bouton off, ça serait cool ! Et des réponses aussi, maybe.
Et cette culpabilisation permanente, cette remise en cause de tout ce que je fais, je le dois notamment à mes parents, je le sais. Pas merci à eux pour le coup.
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mikrokosmos · 4 years ago
Szymanowski - Masques (1916)
After returning from a Mediterranean vacation, from the north African coast to Sicily, Szymanowski was in the beginnings of his major compositional shift toward a more “impressionistic” and very emotional/erotic expressionist style using various figures from myth and ‘exotic’ cultures as inspirations for new pieces. One of these works is the lesser known and under-appreciated trio of ‘masques’ for solo piano. Each one conjures an image of a romanticized figure, each one acts like a dreamy story happening at night. Nocturnal is another good way to describe the music, listening to the pieces I cannot help but think of each figure in the nighttime. First, his take on Scheherazade, in a heavily draped an ornamented bedroom of the Sultan, telling him hundreds of tales from Arabian folklore each night to avoid being executed. Trying to sooth this evil man with bed time stories. The first section is slower, with a lot of meandering in the hazy impressionist harmonies, with the second section getting faster and turning into a kind of hectic dance. But it soon is gone with rolled chords, like lingering incense or candle smoke. The next piece is after “Tantris” which is a reimagining of Tristan by Ernst Hardt. In his version of the legend, Tantris tries to woo Isolde by dressing up as a jester and making her laugh at a party. Again, nocturnal, but instead of the mystery that was around the first story, this one is more lighthearted, energetic, and jumpy. Maybe you can imagine the jester dancing around, trying to do acrobatics, the romance of the young woman at the party enjoying the wine and the entertainment. The last piece is Don Juan’s serenade, another nocturne, and another love story, but of course Don Juan is a sociopath who is looking for another woman to add to his obscene book of names. This serenade isn’t really lyrical, with a lot of repeated notes and jumping about, sounding more like the kind of insect chirping that Bartok features in his ‘night music’ pieces. We do get some hints of Spanish rhythm in the bass, but the textures are a bit murky. It is definitely filled with the Don Juan passion. Three characters, three “masques”, each one wearing a mask in one way or another: Scheherazade pretending to be innocently telling stories and delaying endings when she is really plotting to save herself. “Tantris” a knight pretending to be a jester to woo his love. Don Juan pretending to be serenading for love hiding how evil a man he is. Interesting to see how this theme plays out, and otherworldly the music becomes.
1. Schéhérazade
2. Tantris le bouffon
3. Sérénade de Don Juan
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citlalline · 5 years ago
Ce monde m'étrangle, m'écrase et me brûle. Entends-moi hurler dans ce son qui conte la vie d'un con pessimiste. Peu d'amis, peu de vie. J'suis enfermé sous vide. Certains bouffons diront que j'abuse, j'exagère. Peut-être qu'ils s'emmerdent, ces cons car j'suis jeune et j'galère. Ma tête c'est le bordel. La vie m'bouffe avec un sale goût d'amertume.
Este mundo me estrangula, me aplasta y me quema. Escúchame gritar en este sonido que cuenta la vida de un idiota pesimista. Pocos amigos, poca vida. Estoy encerrado en el vacío. Algunos bufones dirán que abuso, exagero. Tal vez se aburran, estos idiotas porque soy joven e igual. Mi cabeza es un desastre. La vida me está comiendo con un sabor sucio de amargura.
This world strangles me, crushes me and burns me. Hear me scream in this sound that tells the life of a pessimistic idiot. Few friends, little life. I'm locked in a vacuum. Some buffoons will say that I abuse, I exaggerate. Maybe they get bored, these idiots because I'm young and I equal. My head is a mess. Life is eating me with a dirty taste of bitterness.
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skamfrsubs · 6 years ago
French Language - Episode 1
An anon asked me a few days ago to talk about the French langage a bit more, with examples taken from skam france
First, let me say that I am in no way a French langage specialist, so this post is just about my experience with French, and French culture, which is influenced by where I lived. I am not from Paris.
But let's talk about French.
There are four levels of French, I would call them:
"Familiar French" : it's the way people talk with friends or family, in non formal conversations. Sentences are simplified, we pronounce words quicker, etc..
"Polished French" is the 'correct' French, you are more careful of what you are saying. Sentences are longer, sometimes more complex. We use words that we don't often use. It's basically when you say something the same way that you would write it.
"Normal French" is basically a correct French, that you can use in more formal conversations. For example, with your teachers.
And then you have "Popular French" which is more dependant on your social circles. (like teenagers will understand each other because they have the same references. Group of friends might also use some references and not others)
There's 'argot' (slang) and 'verlan' mostly. Now most of the terms are well known, but it was invented so that people outside of the group couldn't understand.
Verlan is basically an inversion of syllables in a word.
For example, a lot of times you can hear 'les meufs' which means '(the) girls.' it's the verlan of "femmes" /fam/ became /mœf/ because you start with the last syllable (m) and you finish with the first (f)
Examples taken from the clips
Arthur says "elle est terrible", which means 'terrible' but in the context, it means she's very sexy
Yann uses 'target' instead of the French word 'cible'
Arthur says "la taille de ses einss" instead of "la taille de ses seins". The last s is silent so he starts with the last syllable (ein) and finishes with the first s.
Often, the boys calls the group "les gars" which is a very common way to indicate you're talking to everyone in the group (even if there are girls. You say "hey, les gars". I would say that if you want to only talk to the guys, you would say "les mecs" but that might be just me. Anyways, les mecs, les gars = 'guys' .
Arthur says : on s'en bat les couilles" which is a common way to say "I don't care." but it's vulgar. I guess the correct translation would be 'we don't give a damn."
Yann calls Arthur "gros" which is an equivalent to "man" kind of. It literally means "fat" but it doesn't have any connotation to fat anymore, at least in my experience. It's just a name to call a friend.
Chloé says 'putain'. (fuck). French people say putain when they're sad, when they are happy, when they are frustrated, all the time, for no reason at all. No matter the context, you can say putain.
Basile refers to Maria as "ta pote" : ton/ ta pote means "your friend"
Clip 3
La beuh = weed
Keufs (verlan of flic which is a slang for police) = policemen
Elle est vénère (verlan of énervée) = she's mad, she's furious
T'es relou (verlan of lourd) = you're annoying
Bordel = mess
Lucas says 'Tema la vue' instead of 'mate la vue' (or regarde la vue) = see the view
Manon says 'c'est canon, sérieux' (it's awesome, seriously). Sérieux is also a word we use a lot, to say 'really'
'Canon' can be used to describe a person as well.
'tu t'éclates à Londres' (have fun in London) literally translates to 'blow yourself in London'
Clip 4
't'es degueu' is a short version of 'dégueulasse' (disgusting)
Basile says 'vachement plus ' (way more). Vachement is a word we use a lot, it comes from 'vache' (cow)
'kiffe ton foyer' (love your common room) : the verb kiffer is used to say 'like/love'. It can be used to talk about things as well as someone. Daphné uses the same word to say the headmaster liked their project.
Boloss = slang word for loser
Chanmé (verlan of méchant, = mean) means... Cool, great, badass even maybe.
Basile says "Daphné est hyper bonne". Bonne means sexy, but it's considered vulgar. It means a girl has a great body, that she's 'fuckable' kind of.
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Mater = checking someone out but can also mean simply to watch
Bouffon = idiot, dumbass
"nous aussi ça nous saoule" ( it's annoying for us too) literally means "it makes us drunk too"
Bavarder = to talk, to chat (with friends).
Clip 6
"c'est pas ouf" (it's not great) is the verlan of fou which means crazy
"tu l'as pecho ? " (did you hook up with her) is the verlan of choper (to catch)
"ton blaze, tu mets Baz" blaze means nickname/name/user name" so it's a joke because Baz rhymes with Blaze.
Clip 7
"c'était chelou" (it was weird) is the verlan of louche which means weird or suspect. It means something is not right, but you can't point out exactly what, I would say.
Eliott says "elle était bizarre cette réunion" which means the same as Lucas' answer. Eliott uses the correct French word while Lucas uses slang.
I have to say that some people think the way that they talk is not realistic, that some words aren't used anymore, but others think it's okay.
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rejectory · 4 years ago
@bcck​:  [ touch ] for your muse to rest their forehead against mine’s (for Joe ofc)
shot one: joe’s shoulder, hard like dislocation. that’s his current gun arm. his ears sting with it.
shot two: aimed less amateur. well, that’s his goddamn fucking—
(his last thought goes where it always goes.)
— booker’s. that’s booker’s momentum that freeze-frames him in the aspiring trajectory of joe’s headshot as joe switches trigger fingers.
booker’s head takes it and whiplashes sideways, held like a breath in the violating twist, his temple spraying. the whole of him ragdolls. he bulldozes into joe with a punch-drunk center of gravity and the answering weight of its planet.
joe doesn’t remember him this heavy.
this rediscovering disjoints his balance until his shot arm fastens himself and booker into a parcel. he bites his tongue open on the pain. it fattens in his mouth when he blinks through booker’s blood.
the propel of onetwothreefour shots, booker’s front and face again, backs them into the wall. decent a bulletproof vest as he’s made of booker’s body, one of the bullets snaps through the wrist joe’s got over his ribs.
from behind booker’s hair, life is muffled. it cobwebs to joe’s beard. it pinches his eye. he has half a mind to shave it all off to a shiny knee before booker deigns to rejoin the show.
arm sinewing, joe fires. shot one: in the elbow. when the moron misses a step, he misses it right into shot two: in the cheek. those are always oozy. between the eyes, outside the eyes. his head, at the end of it, sieves in little leak holes of brain splat.
it’s a one-second pleasure to see that he couldn’t have gone without.
joe’s knee cracks like a nutshell when he drops to the cement. against him, still held, booker is a mountain.
there’s a fishbone in joe’s throat, a little claw. he smears booker’s own blood back to the side of his cheek. his gloved hand clutches booker’s wilted head until it sticks to his temple hard and not at all made for this.
he holds it there and nothing happens, and joe thinks that maybe, maybe. his exhales count the time out loud. he holds it there even when booker’s eyes pop open from up close and his wild coming-to headbutts joe for all his trouble. very sophisticated.
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’ tout le monde, regarde. bravo. ‘
he spits out pink to the side. his arms slip off.
’ bouffon. ‘
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peachychatnoir · 7 years ago
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first panel! not sure what i’m going to call it in the long run, but we’ll just call it “Fallen” for now (prob an overused title but wcyd)
Do not repost or use anywhere else. This is my art. Not yours. So don’t steal it, thanks.
His smirk dripped with malice as he bounced on his toes, in a teasing fighting stance. There was something off about this particular akuma and it made Adrien’s stomach churn with uneasiness. He tightened his grip on his baton. Ladybug still hadn’t arrived. This, however, didn’t bother the akuma at all. It was as if he wanted to wait for both of the superheroes before engaging into battle. Adrien did not know the powers of the akuma nor his ultimate desire, as he had not seen any sort of destruction to the city while pursuing the villain. The only inkling Adrien had acquired was that the akuma liked to play games. The exact type of games were unknown to Adrien, which worried him. What was the akuma able to do? What was his plan?
The cackling laughter of the akuma echoed across the rooftops. As he hopped from place to place, he asked Adrien many questions. What is your name, Chat Noir? How do you get your magic? I wish I had your magic, it would be so much fun… could you lend me your ring? And many jokes ensued. At least he was slightly more entertaining than irritating…
Finally, relief struck him when he heard the familiar spur of a yo-yo from behind him. 
“Ah, the games can now begin! We’ve been having a joyous time, haven’t we Chat?I’m so thrilled you can join the fun now, Ladybug.” The akuma laughed up to Chat and his partner. 
Ladybug landed softly beside Chat and shot him a raised eyebrow. Chat merely shrugged in response and said, “He’s excitable.”
Le Bouffon didn’t seem to have any powers at all. At least, not any visible ones. With his lack of magic, he resorted to real weapons instead. This was not going well for the heroes as they were dealing with hidden bombs and booby traps all over the city. Where did he even find the time to bury mines? This was getting ridiculous, Ladybug thought to herself. 
She turned around to call for Chat, when all of a sudden she was shoved forward. She lost her footing and began to fall. She gasped as she felt gravity pulling at her back. A hand grabbed hers and she was pulled into her partner’s arms. Wide-eyed, she gave him a breathless thank you and he jerked his head in a welcoming nod. 
They decided to head east towards the less populated areas; they wanted to avoid as many casualties as possible. Miraculous ladybug only could repair so much and the Marinette nor Adrien wanted to discover the tragedies that could not be reversed.
Just managing to pull out her yoyo, Ladybug spun it as fast as she could to deflect the debris from the now collapsing building. She sprinted away from the building and Le Buffon hadn’t even gone after her or Chat Noir’s miraculous, with the exception of mentioning them earlier, and his psychotic antics were getting out of hand. His explosives were getting bigger and deadlier by the second. Maybe that was his power?
None of this made any sense, and there was nothing on him that even resembled an akumatised item. What was going on? Was he not an akuma like we assumed? Something wasn’t right here. We need to get our bearings, Marinette thought. As she side stepped away from a pothole, she only had time to turn towards the beeping to her left. She knew what was coming, and she knew that Chat did too. He had been right on her tail. He screamed at her to run, but she knew she didn’t have time. She was too close. So she turned and yelled at him to run. She saw the panic in his eyes as he watched her stand there helplessly. And then, she was thrown down the street and into a cement wall.
A sickening crack could be heard as she made impact. Marinette could only choke on her lungs. She slid down the concrete wall and collapsed into a broken heap. Her ears were on fire and a constant ringing filled her ears.Her head was heavy and something wet was all down her back. It began to pour down the side of her face. She knew it was blood. Looking down she saw that shards of debris had cut through her suit. Her suit. Tikki. Oh, her head… She desperately tried to breathe but she found it impossible. She was drowning. Was this it? An explosion was all it took?
Her mom and dad, her friends… Chat. No. She couldn’t leave them. No. Her sight began to fade. No. No I can’t leave them! I need… I need… Chat. Where is..
Her thoughts were answered when she saw the familiar mat of blonde hair sprint into the room from the hole in the wall. She gave him a weak smile as she saw him. Hesitantly he smiled but it was plagued with despair. 
“Hey..” she gurgled. Her vision went black.
“No! Keep your eyes open, my lady.” He cried. When did he start holding her?
She looked up at him, watching the tears follow their tracks. A sudden thought occurred to her, Chat has really pretty eyes. Prettier than Adrien’s… 
Such pretty eyes.
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sabiheja · 8 years ago
I was tagged by that awsome persone that is @albanesa​
Rules: 20 questions, tag 10
Name: Sabiona
Nicknames: Sabi, Saboh, Ona
Sign: Aries
Height: 1.57 / 5′1 (?)
Nationality: Albanian 
Fave fruit: Pomegranate
Fave season: Late Summer
Fave flower: White Poppy
 Average hours of sleep: 4 to 7
Dog or cat person: dog
Fave fictional character: Dean Winchester
Fave book: Le Roi, le Sage et le Bouffon of Shafique Keshavjee (this has not been published in english yet as far as I know...)
No. of blankets you sleep with: 1 or 2
Your dream trip: Iran, Uzbekistan and Pakistan
Followers: 1062
Fave scent: L’Imperatrice D&G
Fave animal: bear
Fave beverage: coffee.
Blog created: i really do not remeber, 2013 maybe?
Tagging: i do not have the strength to do this, you wanna do it tag me
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