#lds LGBT
rincolonthree · 3 months
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the-rockinahard-place · 5 months
I hope the people in our little tumblrstake we have on here know just how much their words have helped me. Just seeing queer mormons is such a privilege. You’ve brought me a lot of guidance in this past year and you have strengthened my testimony to great heights. It is so simple what you do on here, yet so powerful. It has changed my life, and probably my future too. If church leadership was as progressive, accepting, and informational as tumblrstake then the church wouldn’t be viewed as it is today.
I told my classmate today that I was going to mormon prom, which led her to ask me if I was mormon. When I told her I was, her jaw literally dropped. It was obvious that she couldn’t imagine someone like me ( queer af ) being in the church. She has a small perspective of who I am, and a small perspective of what the church is. Unfortunately, they were far too different things in her head, to be seen mixed together. It hurt realizing that some people see the church that way, as this bad thing. I’ve been so fortunate to have a mostly accepting ward and a special place in queerstake, that I’ve forgotten our reputation and our dark history and our not very accepting “brothers and sisters” that when I say I’m mormon to someone, they react like I just came out to them.
know that our LDS blogs in our tiny corner of tumblr proves to be more than just a small community. It is a life line keeping me holding on to that iron rod and I’m sure so many others aswell. I thank everyone for all that you’ve done here. You represent the real church of jesus christ of latter day saints.
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loveerran · 30 days
What does 'Sensitivity, kindness, compassion and Christlike love' feel like?
A new church policy affecting transgender members of the LDS church has recently been implemented. This new Policy of Exclusion severely restricts or eliminates baptism (, fellowship and opportunities for service for transgender members - including transgender children. Insofar as I am able to tell, it treats transgender members, who have transitioned in any way, worse than convicted child molester members (treatment of convicted child abusers who are members, including child sexual abuse, in vs. guidance for church participation of transgender members, including transgender children).
If the default setting for a transgender member, including a transgender child, is to be treated by their congregation more severely than a convicted adult sexual predator of children, can you see why some of us are having difficulty feeling the church's stated 'sensitivity, kindness, compassion and Christlike love' for us? Why we may feel we are not part of 'All are welcome'?
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thecrowscandle · 1 month
I feel like when a lot of people talk about “worldly things” or being “in the world, not of the world” misunderstand what “the world” is. The world isn’t all the horrible people who don’t live the way church members do or “attacking the family”, which is usually a sugarcoated way of bashing on people who are different. The world is the influence of darkness, hate, pride, envy, selfishness, greed, etc., the things that are antithetical to who God is and who we are to become. All people are prone to be susceptible to those impulses, but we can change and improve because we are of divine substance. The people aren’t the problem with the world, it’s what the world does to people. And I think that a lot of rhetoric in the church is directed at people or groups when in reality it’s what people are subject to that needs attention
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koreofmagdela · 6 months
it’s mormoncon this weekend what’s everyone’s go to general conference food?
personally i gotta go with cinnamon rolls
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brothermouse · 4 months
Sunday doodles 6/2/25 Fast Sunday
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And, because I like tumblr better than any of my other socials, a Pride month bonus doodle:
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rarebird22 · 28 days
Some insight on my personal religious beliefs and why I think some recent statements my church made are absolutely, mind-bogglingly WRONG:
(warning: there is, unfortunately, a lot of transphobic stuff in the publication my church made. I'm including my summary here for people who don't know about it, but it could possibly be triggering. if there's a better way I could be doing this, let me know. Basically they're choosing to make some dumb restrictions to trans people's participation in the church. It's unchristlike and I wanted to comment on it.)
(my comments are listed in parentheses. Everything else is quotes or summary.)
Potentially transphobic quotes start below:
“Gender is an essential characteristic in Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness. The intended meaning of gender in “The Family: A Proclamation to the World" is biological sex at birth.”
The church doesn’t have an official stance on why people experience gender dysphoria.  They make a separation between experiencing dysphoria and “identifying as transgender.”
“[Transgender people]—and their family and friends—should be treated with sensitivity, kindness, compassion, and Christlike love. All are children of God and have divine worth.”
(If this is true, why doesn’t this policy seem to show Christlike love and compassion?  Denying participation to some children of God doesn’t seem like what Heavenly Father would want, especially when the reason for the exclusion is an intrinsic part of someone’s identity.)
“Church leaders counsel against pursuing surgical, medical, or social transition away from one’s biological sex at birth.  Leaders advise that taking these actions will result in some Church membership restrictions.”
(I believe this policy in particular is incredibly harmful.  Many, many studies have shown the positive effect of transition on alleviating gender dysphoria, reducing symptoms of depression, and preventing suicide.  My own family members have explained how medical and social transition improved their mental health better than anything else they tried.  Just as appropriate medical care is important for the wellbeing of trans people, so too is a loving, supportive network of family and friends.  This policy sets up a false dichotomy between community support and personal authenticity, forcing trans church members to undergo incredible levels of distress as they decide between remaining as a fully participating member of the church or undergoing the changes that help them become who they truly are.)
According to the church handbook, anyone who has transitioned in any way cannot participate in saving ordinances, which are “received according to a person’s biological sex at birth.”  Exceptions can be made for baptism with the approval of the first presidency, but not for priesthood ordinances or temple recommends. The handbook also says that leaders should “address individual circumstances with sensitivity and Christlike love.”
(It is good to show Christlike love, but what freedom is there to lovingly address individual circumstances when this policy places such exclusionary limits on transgender individuals’ participation in the church?)
“Individuals who transition away from their biological sex at birth are welcome to attend sacrament meetings and participate in the Church in many other ways.”
The handbook’s recommendations for how trans people can participate include attending church meetings and activities, participating in family history work, and providing service to others.  The handbook then includes a link to a document with “guiding principles” for trans people’s participation in church.  The document lists that leaders should:  “Seek spiritual guidance; Treat individuals and their families with love and respect while teaching gospel truth; Consider the needs of the individual and other ward members; Ensure that the Church’s doctrine on gender is not undermined or misunderstood; Seek counsel [from other leaders]; and Involve the parents or guardians of minors.”
(The part about being careful not to undermine the Church’s doctrine on gender is what stands out to me and concerns me the most.  Based on this line, it seems to me like the primary purpose of all these changes is to maintain the church’s historically accepted norms.  Any search about the doctrine of gender within the church’s website will always lead to the same phrase: “Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose.”  Apparently this phrase is the church’s doctrine about gender.  That makes me wonder, though, because the Family Proclamation is a newer document that has an ambiguous state between scriptural canon and church policy.  Perhaps that phrase has been misinterpreted due to cultural lenses.)
The Guiding Principles document states that someone’s preferred name can be noted on their church membership record.  It also places restrictions on trans individuals’ participation in the church.  It says that people should attend the meetings, activities, and camps that match their biological sex at birth.  Some exceptions can be made for meetings and activities, but not for overnight camps.  In addition, youth who have transitioned in any way aren’t allowed to stay overnight at mixed-gender activities like youth conferences.  Trans people can’t hold callings that are gender-specific or involve caring for children or youth or teaching.  They are also asked to use a single-occupant restroom, a restroom that matches their assigned sex at birth, or be the only person in a restroom.
(All of these policies are problematic to me.  The policies about overnight activities feel exclusionary and could lead to ostracization of trans youth.  The policies about gendered activities and meetings feel like they place unnecessary emphasis on differences between men and women, which makes me uncomfortable.  The restriction against teaching makes me feel especially hurt and angry, because to me this is a silencing of trans voices.  This policy says “we do not want the perspectives of trans people to be shared in our church.”  And the restroom policy is based on outdated and unfounded fears that associate trans people with predatory behavior.  That’s a sad stereotype to perpetuate.)
4. My conclusion
(I don’t think these new changes live up to the Church’s ideals of showing Christlike love to everyone and inviting all to come unto Him.  While it doesn’t say so explicitly, the handbook seems to consider transgender identity as a personal label and choice.  Every trans person I’ve met says otherwise.  Being trans is a core part of so many people’s life experience.  While I, like the church, don’t know why some people are transgender, I do believe that trans people should be treated with the same dignity and respect as anyone else.  The church’s new policies seem to do the opposite, treating trans people as “other” and restricting their ability to participate in the church.  The church has already caused so much heartbreak and despair among trans people, who understandably see past and current policies as evidence that something is wrong with them.  As representatives of Christ, it is not appropriate to send that message - directly or indirectly.  Instead, the church should be focusing on how we can reflect the true nature of Jesus Christ.  He sacrificed his life to bring redemption and salvation to every single one of God’s children.  He spent his mortal ministry interacting with those who leaders of his time considered different or unworthy.  Every aspect of His life shows his infinite love.  If the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints truly wants to live up to His example, love and inclusion for ALL of God’s children - including trans people - is essential.)
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palatteflags · 6 months
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Zoey from Lego Dreamzzz based Aroace moodboard! ^^ For @this-slide-of-paradise :) Hope you enjoy!!
Want one? Send an ask!! -mod Jay
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surrealsubversivo · 4 months
Você me perguntou qual era a palavra mais bonita da língua portuguesa…
E eu? Disse o seu nome!
[Tudo isso para lhe explicar, que, às vezes, as palavras não são apenas bonitas pelo som e pela maneira como são escritas, mas, sim, pelo o que elas representam]
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kimsiever · 8 months
I’ve been seeing quite a few examples lately of openly queer people who are choosing to be out and actively participating in the LDS Church, including gay couples.
I’ve seen this on Tumblr, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and on several podcasts.
I think this is a good thing.
For too long, leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were able to conflate their personal homophonic politics with church doctrine. They benefited from the silence (as well as the departure) of queer members.
Plus, as queer members remained in the closet, it perpetuated the common perception that queer members were alone, that there was no one else like them in their ward or stake.
But with queer members being open and participating, it forces church leaders (and even members) to no longer ignore us, to even make space for us.
Of course, not everyone will be able to remain in a church that has inflicted so much trauma and pain onto them, but I’m encouraged by what I’m seeing from those who do.
It’s one of the reasons I chose to come out at church.
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hurlinkandwit · 8 months
I published a poetry chapbook about dealing with religious trauma and compulsory heterosexuality last year, and I dedicated it to my fiancée who I get to marry later this year. Here’s the dedication:
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My fiancée is still a part of the religion we both grew up in while I am not. Despite our differing spiritual beliefs, we love and respect each other. She is the Aziraphale to my Crowley and I am so grateful for her support and love while I worked on this project.
Thank you to Terry Pratchett and @neil-gaiman for creating such a wonderful story—with complex, relatable characters—that helped me work through some of the negative experiences I had with religion. ❤️
P.S. The chapbook I wrote is called Religious Trauma in the Key of Poetry and it is available from Bottlecap Press if anyone is interested in checking it out. 😊✨
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growingupmormon · 1 year
I just read Hell Followed With Us by Andrew Joseph White and I’m having a lot of feelings about growing up AFAB and trans in an oppressive religion/cult. It’s tagged as horror and it is but a lot of it felt too familiar, another person I know read it around the same time and she was scared and now I’m more concerned that I wasn’t scared, I felt seen
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I don’t see a lot of spaces that covers the difficulties of being a closeted trans person in the LDS church especially ones specific to trans men. so hopefully that is something I can create here.
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loveerran · 28 days
LDS Doctrine, 8yr-old Transgender Children and Policy
One of the most shocking things about the new LDS policies for transgender children, is the policy that appears to deny or severely restrict their access to baptism. I discussed that briefly here (last year and recently). This post looks more at the doctrinal side of the question.
LDS doctrine has been amazingly clear and consistent on the treatment of little children prior to the age of accountability (defined as 8yrs-old in Doctrine & Covenants 68) from the very early days of the church. I honestly feel this issue has some nuance, but the church has been absolutely unwavering in stating the tenet that children under the age of 8 cannot sin, or even if they can their sin is swallowed up in the atonement of Christ automatically.
I might personally believe that accountability for actions is a continuum based on the light and law an individual has received (2 Nephi 9:25-6, Luke 12:47-9, Romans 4:15, 5:13, DC 137:7 – a continuum applying to all individuals, regardless of age). However, LDS doctrine and statements are emphatic in declaring the complete innocence of little children, and that the atonement covers them completely until the child is 8 years old:
Moroni 8:8,11-2,14,19 (verses 20+ are much harsher) “...wherefore little children are whole, for they are not capable of committing sin… their little children need no repentance… little children are alive in Christ, from the foundation of the world… little children cannot repent; wherefore it is awful wickedness to deny the pure mercies of God unto them…”
DC 20:71 “No one can be received into the church of Christ unless he has arrived at the years of accountability before God, and is capable of repentance”
DC 68:27 “And their children shall be baptized for the remission of their sins when eight years old, and receive the laying on of the hands”
DC 74:7 “But little children are holy, being sanctified through the atonement of Christ; and this is what the scriptures mean”
See also Mosiah 3:16, Mosiah 15:25, DC 29:46-7, DC 137:10, JST Genesis 17:3-11, etc.
Taken together, little children are whole and clean through Jesus Christ until they arrive at the years of accountability and are capable of repentance. And that age is 8 years old. Church leaders have repeatedly restated this:
Dallin H Oaks: “We understand from our doctrine that before the age of accountability a child is ‘not capable of committing sin’” (Dallin H. Oaks, “Sins and Mistakes,” Ensign, Oct. 1996, 65)
Bruce R. McConkie “There comes a time, however, when accountability is real and actual and sin is attributed in the lives of those who develop normally. It is eight years of age, the age of baptism.” (Bruce R. McConkie, “The Salvation of Little Children,” Ensign, Apr. 1977, 6)
And we can even see this in the policies laid out in the current General Handbook of Instructions: Children who are Members of Record
(note: children of record are children whose names are on the rolls of the church prior to baptism at age 8)
"In the interview, the bishopric member ensures that the child understands the purposes of baptism (see 2 Nephi 31:5–20). He also ensures that the child understands the baptismal covenant and is committed to live by it (see Mosiah 18:8–10). He does not need to use a specified list of questions. This is not an interview to determine worthiness, since 'little children need no repentance' (Moroni 8:11)."
(bold emphasis mine)
But for the first time in our history, we have an exception to this rule, and it applies only if the child is transgender. Instead of a meaningful interview with the local bishop or one of his counselors about following Jesus, a transgender child (and only a transgender child) who dresses differently or uses a different name and pronouns must have a worthiness interview with the regional Stake President directly. There is no other ‘sin’ that calls for this, even when little children have somehow perpetrated horrible crimes. If the Stake President finds the child worthy (is this even possible under the new guidelines??), he recommends the child for baptism to the First Presidency. The First Presidency is the highest council/court in the church, from which there is no appeal. The First Presidency then chooses whether or not to permit the child to be baptized. This new policy is spelled out in the Handbook: Individuals Who Identify as Transgender
"Any exception to this policy requires the approval of the First Presidency. To request approval, the mission president, or the stake president for an eight-year-old, interviews the person. If he finds the person to be worthy and if he recommends baptism and confirmation, he submits a request for approval to the First Presidency using LCR."
(bold emphasis mine)
In the past, the church has denied baptism to the children of polygamists and to the children of gays (possibly others). In those cases, it could always be said the child’s parents were at fault, not the child themselves. This new policy is a marked departure from that and, in my opinion, is inconsistent with the church’s doctrine. I hope to see this policy adjusted as other policies have been when they do not align well with our core values and doctrines.
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Erin Alberty at Axios Salt Lake City:
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has broadened its restrictions on transgender members and banned them from congregational roles that involve children. Why it matters: The change is one of many new policies announced this week that single out transgender members for restricted participation and inferior status in Utah's dominant religion. Driving the news: Members who "pursue surgical, medical, or social transition away from their biological sex at birth" are banned from the faith's temples and may only be baptized with special permission from the "First Presidency" — the top three leaders in the global faith.
The church's manuals now forbid transgender members from "[working] with children or youth" — similar to restrictions on members with a history of child abuse.
They face possible "annotation" on their membership records — a flag usually reserved for members with a history of sexual misconduct, violence and fraud — to be shared with local leaders.
They also may not serve as teachers or in gender-specific roles, or hold the church's all-male priesthood — a status conferred to men in good standing as well as boys as young as 11.
Catch up quick: Some of the restrictions on transgender membership previously existed, but baptism was explicitly withheld only for members who sought medical interventions in their transition. The intrigue: Now all restrictions are also imposed for "social transition," which the church defines as "intentionally identifying and presenting oneself as other than one's biological sex at birth, and may include changing dress, grooming, names, or pronouns."
It's unclear how that applies to nonbinary members or anyone whose dress or grooming doesn't conform to traditional gender norms. The church did not immediately respond to Axios' request for comment.
The Mormon Church imposed tougher restrictions on trans members of the church, such as banning them from volunteering from roles involving children or youth, banning those who undergo physical, medical, or social transition from their temples and can only be baptized with special permission, and trans youth are barred from overnight camps.
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koreofmagdela · 6 months
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sat afternoon recap
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