dazai-on-my-mind · 2 months
You know the reason yourself, don't you?
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Perhaps one did not want to be loved so much as to be understood
Abbi Glines, Fallen Too Far | Sleeping At Last, Mercury | Franz Kafka, Letters to Milena | SZA, Babylon | Oscar Wilde, An ldeal Husband | Shannon A. Thompson, Take Me Tomorrow | Warsan Shire | JM Storm | George Orwell, 1984
Part 2 | Part 3
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zxphy · 1 year
☆ Yandere Alphabet!
Yandere! 2k18 Michelangelo x Reader
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Tws/cws: Uhhh yandere stuffs, implied sexual content??, abuse, nothing explicit, everything is just implied, and uhh just Mikey being straight up awful. 💀
Written by a minor, dni if uncomfortable.
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☆ Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Michelangelo is the cuddly, affectionate type, hugs and sweet kisses all around. There will be no point in the day where he's not holding you tightly against him. Depending on the type of darling, this would be either good or bad. But either way it doesn't matter, he's not letting up no matter how much you scream and cry.
☆ Blood: How messy are they willing to get when itcomes to their darling?
Surprisingly.. very messy, he'll do anything it takes to keep you at his side, and if he has to spill blood and hurt others badly, so be it.
☆ Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Since Mikey is kinda delusional, he kind of IGNORES the huge power imbalance between you two, even though its obviously there. He sort of treats you like both a pet and a lover. He doesn't allow you to do anything for yourself. He won't even let you feed yourself.
☆ Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling's will?
☆ Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
Oof, well.. when I say he loves you, he LOVES you. He's incredibly vulerable and tells you basically everything. He pours his heart and soul into your "relationship". He's so vulnerable when it comes to you, he'd rip out his heart and let you hold it.
☆ Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Nothing some good ol' mystic chains can't fix!
☆ Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
It's all fun and games to him...until he loses.
☆ Hell: What would be their darling's worst experience with them?
Do you REALLY want to know? :)
☆ ldeals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Probably some kind of cliche happily ever after story, where y'all get married and have kids or whatever.. but keeping you locked up and hidden where no one but him can see you works aswell!
☆ Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
All I have to say is, be careful of everything you do or say whenever he's nearby. Especially if you're with someone else.... he doesn't have anyone to take it out on but you.
☆ Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Ahh! Such a sweer and loving boy, like a said he's always going to have you in his arms, bruises all over your neck and face from him loving you just a bit hard. He's not going to stop till he's satisfied, stop struggling.
☆ Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
100% tries the old fashioned way, meeting you, trying to get to know you, becomming closer and closer, falling more and more in love with you, until he eventually couldn't take it ajd just snatched you right up. :3
☆ Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Mask? What mask? He's still silly, sweet and caring Mikey. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He is. He-
☆ Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
☆ Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Remember your old life? Maybe you went to school or had a job, or whatever the fuck. Forget that shit. You're with Mikey now! The only thing you're going to be doing is just sitting pretty and loving Mikey like you should.
☆ Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Incredibly patient, but... everyone has their limits.
☆ Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
No. Not ever. He'd do anything in his power to keep you with him, and he won't stop until that's the reality.
☆ Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
Nope! He doesn't regret a thing. :)
☆ Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Ah, well being the youngest, he's only had people protecting him and not the other way around. You give him a sense of control and refuses to let it go. But me personally, I headcanon him to have BPD. You make him feel something he's not used to and he loves it.
☆ Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Stop that. It won't end well for either of you.
☆ Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
I like to think that Mikey is obsessive, delusional and sadistic. Me personally, I think he mood swings a lot and his weird little personas judt make life hsrder for you. Ahem ahem... Dr Delicate Touch.
☆ Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
You could probably use the fact that he's incredibly emotionally vulnerable.. but I wouldn't suggest it. It could go south...really fast..
☆ Wit's end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
He didn't want to, but then you forced his hand. You made him do it, it's all your fault. Does the bruises all over your body not teach you ANYTHING?
☆ Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Like I said, he'd do ANYTHING to keep you with him. No matter the cost, no matter how much blood is spilled.
☆ Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Probably a couple of months...
☆ Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
He'll try not to. :)
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The yan alphabet draft can be found here!
(Please don't interact with her nsfw works if you're a minor, please respect her boundaries she's an awesome writer and you're free to read whatever sfw word she has.)
Bye pookies I hope you enjoy!! :3
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Taglist: N/A
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Well I don't think you're evil, you have shown no sign of evilness
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That makes us wonder... what are signs of being evil? Being evil is based on one's moral c○mpass, is it not? ldeals and beIiefs? The Multiverse Counsel deemed us as "a threat" wich some could see as... evilI I I ll lI... is evil based on actions or is it intent? Are things we can't control bound to make people label us evil..?
What is evil?
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kipskiptrip · 1 year
Your disabilty pride comic made me feel Seen and I want you to know I'm fucking crying as I tpe this so forgive any typos. Thank you. I've often had to tell myself that I am disabled and not just lazy because grw up with that so often and never got diagnosed and we still can't figure out what's wrong with my knees. I was called lazy and worthless and I'm stil ldealing with that fallout. I can barely get out og ned but I struggle with calling myself disabled. So thank you. Thank you so much. Something about that comic smacked me and told me I was valid and Actually Disabled and I should be proud I'm still kicking.
This is actually so touching. Thank you.
This comic was made for people to see. This was made for others to feel and accept themselves. To care for themselves. To make aware these experiences. To make people feel loved and accepted and felt and seen.
I just want you to know that you are amazingly brave, that you are loved, and that it's okay to let out all those tears of frustration and struggle, and I am so, so proud of you.
Also, I make sure not to mute the post. I see every little reblog and tag and like and comment. I want to make sure people feel loved and I like seeing the tags. Even though I cannot reply to them, seeing all of those tags makes me very happy, because I feel joy that others are seen.
Take care, you are loved and amazing.
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rhaaclaws · 2 years
Everyone say thank tou @ubashaaa fo ldealing w me tonight WHEEE good icht ebeebrhkne
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“I had no idea you held my skills in that high of a regard, your highness. Worthy of your personal knights? But, there is some confusion about this. How does my position of Viscount stop you from giving me the offer? As far as I’m aware, you are not a stranger to hiring those of noble blood. Such as your captain, I know Sir Godfrey is of the Cross Family.”
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“Godfrey is not the heir to his family’s title, nor is he the spare either, he’s the youngest of the Cross children, so it highly unlikely he will ever be in a position to become a Viscount himself. Moreover, I need someone to support me & follow me when I eventually leave Camellia, you as a Viscount can not do that, Lord Blackburn.”
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“And, even if I could forget all that, I know you are an ambitious person yourself. I have no way of knowing if you’d stay loyal to my ldeals. There a certain people who are willing to kill for positions & power.”
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“... Indeed, there are those types of people in this world. It is best to know who you keep at your side holds such lengths to reach their goals.”
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“You are young, but a very wise woman, Princess Suzanne.”
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osakanone · 27 days
Thinking about mechanical design again: Thoughts on self-altering dynamic form, and proportion designs
I like the idea of something which has big big shapes which can be very heroic and knight-like as we see in mecha anime, but something small and compact enough to enter human spaces and be spoken to as a character, like a friend of sorts.
Something which can be that big lean mighty form, but can also fit into something like a decently sized room with wider doors, and converse, so we're not entirely limited to "gigantic city-scapes", and we can have more intimate encounters in more intimate spaces.
The result is something which merges power-armour with mecha into something which isn't really one or the other.
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I had a strange epiphany a few years ago and I used to experiment with sketches, and I decided to revisit them and try something a little different.
The thought was something like, "how can I have a vehicle which can be both really dense for tight spaces, but also really lean and heroic looking in open spaces?"
So we go from something very Heavy Gear like, or Votoms like, to something more Nagano'ish, with leaner more heroic less soldier-ly shapes and more buccaneer or ballet-dancer.
The conclusion I came to made me think of armatures and mannequins used in tapestry which are designed to change shape and adjust.
The initial thought was, that the gimmick would need to first be the core: That the posture of the upper and lower (green and purple) would depending on the tilt, alter the altitude or height of the core which in turn has knock-on effects changing what's "normal" about the shape of the core:
With one posture being based on that of sitting in an office chair (short-form)
And the other, that of riding a horse (long-form)
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I think if this were a quad, it'd really be ldeal for ground movement.
I pretty quickly noticed, by varying the length of the legs on a linear joint, and with very minor work of the feet, we start getting variable mannequin style armatures.
The only difference? Change the plating on top, kind of like dressup to help soften the oddities.
There's a few other gimmicks we can kind of hide in these forms too. Say, the fact the feet flatten out into big snow-shoe like shapes, or up into big heels has implications of function -- going from land-like to something like aircraft landing-gear, poised and ready.
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The same is true of the knee sliding up and down on linear joints to extend the legs: I can imagine something like a secretary bird's powerful kick or to wallkick off of surfaces, or to absorb incredible landing pressures.
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The stancing isn't exactly great: The ankles for the long posture really need to widen, to sit beneath the shoulders to balance things out.
See here, how by splitting the thigh up (as we see in designs like L-Gaim MK II) we start to see as secondary leg structure emerge, where the knee is inside the former thigh?
That is to say, we're getting more movability, which becomes important as designs become more squat, making good strides and having good affordance gets much much harder.
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Note here, the leg straightens out somewhat as it assumes the fuller posture, wheras toward the reduced posture it becomes denser and thicker, overlapping somewhat akin to the designs of something like Armored Core's 5th generation.
I think if the leg structure were split into grills or fins a la Turn-A Gundam, a much cleaner overlap stack could be achieved, with less of this excess volume produced by virtue of the elements being excluded from one another?
Thinking about it...
The result then is a sort of new form of posture expression.
A machine which with very minor differences crosses from American and European percieved averages (I emphasize percieved since these are largely stereotypes based in audience preferences -- there's actually no such thing as eastern vs western mechanical design due to how interbred it is, which I'll touch on another time) to those we see in Japanese work.
Curious to know anybody elses thoughts.
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I was also thinking this too actually, so the leg can be flat. You'd get a surprisingly good road vehicle, which when it needs to climb, it rises up on its feet, but on flat, it can cruise quite comfortable at a really low height.
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Something like this, I'd imagine? I think if the hip joint allows, rotating to put the foot forward would make even more sense, with the knee facing back.
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karsinogen · 3 months
What's up boys, I'm back with more art
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That should be me
Carlos Schwabe's oil painting "Spleen and ldeal," created in 1907, depicts two figures engaged in sexual activity amidst a breaking wave.
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eobdtooluk-blog · 8 months
Lonsdor K518 Pro Vehicle Support List
Lonsdor K518 PRO Key Programmer has built-in LKE, and supports Bluetooth, file management, anti-theft deactivation, access card copy, data Write Initialization, EEPROM data mileage restoration, CAN-FD Protocol & DOIP Protocol.
Which vehicles can work with it? Check the support list below.
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Highlight model list:
Support Volvo S40/ S60/ S80/ S90/ V40/ V60/ V70/V90/ C30/ C70/XC40/XC60/ XC70/ XC90 all series IMMO
Support latest Toyota/Lexus chip type 8A/4A smart key programmed with free pin code
Support 2015-2018 Land Rover/Jaguar key programmed via OBD (no disassembly required)
Support Land Rover/Jaguar 2018- Change RFA module to program smart key
Support 2018- Land Rover&Jaguar -Turn off UWB PEPS function to program smart key
Support Latest Mazda smart key all key lost w/o PIN code
Support Latest Honda chip type 4A smart key all key lost
Support Latest Subaru chip type 8A smart key programmed
Support Latest Nissan New Sylphy B18,X-Trail T33 smart key all key lost
Support Latest Hyundai/Kia chip type 4A/47 smart key programmed
Support Latest Ford Mustang IMMO program
Support Latest GM CAN-FD protocol IMMO
Support 90% of 2010-2020 GM models read pin code from BCM
Support Volkswagen/ Audi/ Skoda/ Seat MOB platform IMMO and odometer adjustment
Support Ssangyong smart key and mechanical key program
Support Latest Maserati read pin code and smart key program
Support Ferrari (458, F12, F149) key programmed via OBD
Support key programming for European cars such as Renault, Fiat, Opel, Peugeot, Citroen, Alfa Romeo Lancia, Dacia, etc
Support key programming for American cars such as Dodge, Chrysler, JEEP, Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, and GMC, etc.
Support key programming for Asian cars such as Toyota/Lexus, Honda/Acura, Mitsubishi, Subaru, Nissan/lnfiniti, Hyundai, Kia, and Proton, etc
Support key programming for luxury cars such as Porsche, Land Rover, Jaguar, Lamborghini, Bentley, Ferrari, and Cadillac, etc
Support key programming for Chinese cars such as BYD, Great Wall, Geely, BAlC, Changan, Roewe, MG, Lynk &Co, etc
Support electric cars such as Leading ldeal, Denza, Leap Motor, etc
Support other functions like chip decoding, chip simulation, chip identification, remote generation, smart key generation, and frequency identification
Support generate key chip like 4D, 46, 48, T5, 7936
Read also:
Lonsdor K518 Pro vs. Lonsdor K518ISE/K518S:
Lonsdor K518 Pro vs. K518ISE (Function, System, Software License, Accessories):
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malaysiacarrier · 9 months
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Carrier Compact Four-Way Cassette VRF Indoor Unit
Compact design: installation restrictions reduced to enable high flexibility
ldeal for standard ceiling tiles and small rooms: 570*570 mm body size and 620*620 mm panel size
Built-in drain pump
lndependent control of four-way air flow
Low sound level, high-efficiency and comfort
Knockout hole for outside air
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lynnfoster1 · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 🆕️ KitchenAid Pistachio Silicone-Tipped Tongs & Spatula Set.
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myofferforyouworld · 1 year
Best Real Deal Sweeps $5000 New,
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manuelbazar369world · 2 years
Mini Sega Elettrica ShedFie ldeale per le potature
ordina ora ✅️ ✅️ ✅️
0 notes
stemsoc · 2 years
On "Being too Idealistic"
If you don't already know, the latter half of my blog name, "soc", stands for socialist. I'm relatively open (perhaps too open) about the fact that I politically identify as a socialist, and I am often told something to the effect of "You/your beliefs are too idealistic". I am told that it is not realistic to have the world I want and I am pointed to the USSR or the CCP as examples. I get frustrated when people do this. First off, the CCP and the USSR are red fascists. They may have enacted some socialist policies but they are by in large too authoritarian to meet any reasonable standard of socialism. In addition, it ignores the fact that governments do often lie about who they are to convince their people that they are just, and the more authoritarian you are, you must lie more. America lies quite a bit about what they are, and the CCP and USSR did it more and to worse ends. I think the issue with these examples of socialism is that it takes very little time to figure out that neither of these are what I want for the world and that the people who continue to bring this up to me are just being dishonest. Sure, lefties do sometimes say some cringe ass shit about the oncoming revolution or act like its easy to just switch over to a system they've only read about in a book. These people do not understand politics. But let's talk about the first point I made, about being too idealistic. When I think of history as it relates to the present day, I see a path, a way to trace the ancient past to our present day through a series of events. Looking to the future and trying to establish some sort of (liberatarian-leaning) socialist state is essentially figuring out the path of least resistance and least harm. We cannot define the whole path, but we can start the path forward. The path to a better world begins with the present day, and present problems. Every political belief system is able to give you an answer to problems, and sometimes this leads to policy. Details within these policies are where ideological beliefs come into play. Let's take an example, universal healthcare. The problem is "healthcare is often too prohibitively expensive for people to receive". The right wingers' collective answer is inhumane drivel that barely deserves recognition within the scope of this example. Left wingers generally will tell you that some sort of policy should be implemented so that those who cannot afford healthcare have a chance at getting it. But this manifests in many different ways. Maybe we just make health insurance mandatory. Maybe we offer a government sponsored insurance option for those in need. Maybe we do a single payer healthcare system where everyone pays for our collective insurance through taxes. The right answer tends to come from what you fundamentally believe. Dare I say, what your ideal world looks like (which is formed by your beliefs). It is, of course, a little more complicated than that but forgive the simplicity for the sake of example. As a socialist, I want people's needs to be taken care of by the government so they are free from the burden of medical costs, so I would want single payer healthcare. With that in mind, I support single payer healthcare because my ideal world has it. I use my ideals, my values, and the picture I have of my utopia to angle my support towards a specific implementation. In a less straightforward case, I would approximate. Though, on second thought, healthcare isn't so straightforward. My radical beliefs are unfortunately tempered by the political realities of today, where public option healthcare is the more viable option because of its popularity. Notice, however, that I started with my ldeal, and worked backwards to reality. Public option can lead to more radical reform, so if I had the choice between public option or not, I would choose the former because it gets us closer to what I want overall. Does this slip into milquetoast liberalism? After all, I just reasoned myself out of single payer healthcare. To that, I would say, in the short term, yes. But it is important to note that policies are temporary, ideals are forever, so if we keep pushing policies leftward, we can get to the ideal that we want. This also applies to the "vote blue no matter who" stuff. Keep being radical, keep trying to primary out the centrists, but when push comes to shove, vote for the non-fascist. There is no end to the fight for our beliefs, so we must not give an inch, and we must continue to ask for more. I think I started this piece assuming that my ideal is achievable. I want to also make it clear that my ideal world is also an approximation of my values and an assessment of the "true nature of people". If my ideal world comes into being (policy-wise), there will still be problems, because times and circumstances change, and reveal new facts about the people living in the new present. Science uses ideal situations to approximate the real world, why can't I? So, when someone tells you you're being too idealistic, I think the best response is to tell them that if they are not using an ideal to orient their policy positions, they have no beliefs.
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babyawacs · 2 years
@snowden .@law @law @laws @harvard_law @all @bbcworld oncemoreclearly donot harm mmy kids ever explainthem mercy personsof interest evenmore allthatmap germancrimes but that doesntmean you showup with a divorcecontract with 21year snot a hello and somehow a lawyerthen deserves or sssexxxbadensen membership because theother side ofthehill the exact samehill icarried newspapers as free population teen th atsame hill otherside  they assumed twoyears im literallysomeone else then and //// lawyers jail criminal lawyerspin oftheir crimes and victim vs victim but germanconvinced show mykids the accurate timeframe realms of mess allis before sth and after something and aftersomething and before sth theyshuffled scums and anytrick anything scummethods rhyme nocherrypicking  givemykids iftheyre fooled a real a c c u r a t e sense ofthe rea ldeal thescums decept andfool their own to steal andcommit morecrimes
@snowden .@law @law @laws @harvard_law @all @bbcworld oncemoreclearly donot harm mmy kids ever explainthem mercy personsof interest evenmore allthatmap germancrimes but that doesntmean you showup with a divorcecontract with 21year snot a hello and somehow a lawyerthen deserves or sssexxxbadensen membership because theother side ofthehill the exact samehill icarried newspapers as free population teen th atsame hill otherside  they assumed twoyears im literallysomeone else then and //// lawyers jail criminal lawyerspin oftheir crimes and victim vs victim but germanconvinced show mykids the accurate timeframe realms of mess allis before sth and after something and aftersomething and before sth theyshuffled scums and anytrick anything scummethods rhyme nocherrypicking  givemykids iftheyre fooled a real a c c u r a t e sense ofthe rea ldeal thescums decept andfool their own to steal andcommit morecrimes
.@law @law @laws @harvard_law @all @bbcworld oncemoreclearly donot harm mmy kids ever explainthem mercy personsof interest evenmore allthatmap germancrimes but that doesntmean you showup with a divorcecontract with 21yearsnot a hello and somehow a lawyerthen deserves or sssexxxbadensen membership because theother side ofthehill the exact samehill icarried newspapers as free population teen…
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pcasabona · 2 years
Milkaut presenta La Cremería una explosión de sabor en productos bien cremosos
Milkaut presenta La Cremería una explosión de sabor en productos bien cremosos cc @milkautlacremeria @bluecom.ar
La Cremería de Milkaut es una nueva submarca que ofrece una gama de productos unidos por un mismo ingrediente: la crema. Una propuesta pensada para cuando queremos tomarnos ese momento para nosotros y comernos algo rico. Así, productos como el nuevo Dulce de leche con Crema, la  Crema Doble Extra Consistente, la Crema ldeal para Cocinar y 3 variedades de Yogures Tipo Suizo con confituras de…
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