#lazy morning kisses
boy-kisser-in-theory · 4 months
i want a boy to kiss the back of my neck and down to my shoulders while his hand is under my shirt but just for comfort, not as an expectation
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beccawise7 · 21 days
Heavenly Sundays...
~beccawise7 💜🖤
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hektor-world · 6 months
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sarcasticbambi · 1 year
HMBingo "Hot Chocolate"
Marinette loved mornings like this. Waking up in the arms of the one she loved while being basked by the sunlight filtering in through the windows. 
The best part? Neither of them had duties to attend to that would require them to be up early, so they could stay in bed to their heart's content.
And she was so grateful for that, because the previous night’s mission took a toll on Damian, and although he’d gotten better at expressing himself, he still wouldn’t let people know when he got injured.
Thankfully, she’d learned to read him very well and managed to convince him for a day in (it took a bit of help from Alfred’s side, but still, she managed to do it).
Moving his arm from its place firmly wrapped around her waist, Marinette got up to start preparing something for them both to eat. She moved lightly, in hopes of not waking him up so he could have a bit more rest, wrapping herself in her robe and getting her slippers on, she left the room, unaware of the emerald orbs already following her form.
She started by preparing herself a mug of coffee and placing the frozen croissant dough in the oven for 15 minutes.
She doesn’t have as much time to bake as she’d like to, so, whenever she does have the time, she bakes extra and freezes them so she only needs to place the dough in the oven to still have fresh pastries whenever she feels like it.
For Damian, she started a water bath to melt the chocolate and started heating up the milk with a hint of cinnamon and nutmeg.
For someone who inherited his father’s stoic look and with his mother’s training, it came as a surprise to her when she found that his favourite beverage was a cup of hot chocolate milk. But then again, it shouldn’t come as a surprise, especially when it was prepared by the one and only Alfred Pennyworth.
She had yet to reach his level of connaissance when it came to Hot Chocolate but, so far, the DuPain-Cheng recipe hadn’t failed her, so she was proud of herself for managing that much.
Distracted with her hot chocolate recipes, she wasn’t aware of the second person in the kitchen until strong arms wrapped themselves around her waist and his forehead fell on her shoulder, startling her out of her musings.
“Why did you leave?” came his groggy voice.
Damian already had a very pleasant voice to hear and she swore she could hear him talk all day if allowed, but his morning voice was something else, and it made the butterflies in her stomach become a chaotic mess she could not contain.
Turning around she pressed a light kiss on his lips and, taking a deep breath she replied, “I was just preparing something for us to have for breakfast. You can go back to the room and I’ll bring it all in, Honey.”
“Trying to get rid of me first thing in the morning already?” he said while peppering kisses all over the shoulder he was propped on.
No deep breath will help me recover from this, first thing in the morning even!!
“Damian, you know that’s not it! You need to rest, especially after last night. I just want you to recover and let me take care of you in the meantime.”
“I am rested.” he said while still continuing his ministrations on her shoulders, changing sides this time.
“Damian, I’m trying to prepare your Hot Chocolate!” She tried admonishing him.
“And what’s preventing you from continuing?” He asked, as if he was not aware of how much his actions affected her.
“You know exactly what it is! Aren’t you hungry, I’m trying to prepare breakfast here!”
“Oh, I am hungry alright.”
“See, I’m prepa- Damian!”- she didn’t get to finish her thought as Damian placed his hands on her waist more firmly before turning her around and placed her on the counter, so she was levelled with him, swiftly moving the cups aside so no spillings would happen.
“I’m hungry for something else though, something sweet.”
Damian always let Marinette know just how much he liked kissing her, that it was his favourite way of showing her affection. He also liked saying her kisses were sweet, teasing her that it was because she was raised in a bakery.
So when he leaned in for a kiss, she shouldn’t have been as surprised as she was.
But then again, every intimate moment with Damian was a surprise because one never knows what to expect from him. 
This time, it was her on the kitchen counter, his hands on her hips and his lips peppering kisses all over her shoulders and collarbones. 
“If you want something sweet, you could always have the hot chocolate I just finished preparing and you just pushed to the side.”
He pulled away from his ministrations to look at her and the little pout on her lips. She saw something light up in his eyes, as if he’d had an idea - which usually meant trouble - and saw him grab the said mug. He looked at it and placed it in front of her lips, looking at her expectantly.
“What? You want me to drink it? I made it for you though!” 
He just kept staring at her with the mug placed in front of her lips, so she huffed, but grabbed it and took a sip, all while raising her eyebrows at his strange behaviour this morning.
After confirming she had indeed taken a couple sips from the hot beverage, he placed it down and kissed her like a starved man.
Marinette, poor soul, could only place her arms on his wide shoulders in her flustered state. Not that she wasn’t enjoying it, because she definitely was. It was just startling, and her poor heart could not take that much so early in the morning.
Leaning away from her lips, he sighed.
“It was indeed a very sweet hot chocolate, thank you for preparing it for me Habibi.”
Marinette just stared at him blankly, still attempting to form words, or even process what had just happened. And it seemed Damian was enjoying her reaction a little too much, if his smirk was anything to go by.
“I’ll go wash up first and return to eat.” He said and pecked her still sligh opened lips in her dazed state.
In the end, she only got out of her stupor when he shouted from their room:
“The croissants will burn if you don’t take them out now!”
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prettysquishygirl · 7 months
Third chapter of this is now up and there’s kisses and smut and fluff and frankly I’m being indulgent. And my favourite lines are below:
"I'm thinking," said Aziraphale.
"That's not your thinking face."
"Well it must be, because I am thinking," said Aziraphale.
Crowley sighed. "Nothing right there that you want?"
"Oh! Oh everything that I want," said Aziraphale. "I'm just thinking about what I would like to do first."
"First," said Crowley and stared. "You've got a list?"
"I may have written it down a time or two," said Aziraphale. "Truthfully I didn't think we would ever get into a position where I could propose things."
"You can definitely propose things," said Crowley.
"Like what?"
"Anything," said Crowley. "Anything. Whatever's on your list. The first thing."
Aziraphale nodded and after a moment, he reached out for the demon's hands. "I should love you to kiss me."
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Comte’s Drama CD: Track Two, An Extraordinarily Elegant Awakening
All right, I gotta preface this one with the content warning that it is so domestic fluff it may induce cardiac arrest. I haven’t recovered and it’s been like two months, so take that as you will. The title is pretty self explanatory on this one, in that it’s basically a morning between Comte and MC, and he brings her breakfast in bed.
I will say this one is less meta only because I spent most of it squealing and/or hiding my face in glee LMAO. I’m weak to the man of my dreams, sue me Additionally most of it is just Comte being so on brand of like: “share my time with MC with others????? In my me????? It’s less likely than you think--” That also includes being the most doting and affectionate husband ever, which is the only kind of energy I want in my life. (It keeps making me think of that post that goes something like “goth husbands who are hopelessly in love with their wives is the only vibe I enjoy in hetero couples.”)
Anywho, enjoy the translation and fangirling beneath the cut! I put the sound effects in brackets, because leaving them out felt criminal to Comte stans everywhere~
Mm…morning already…
[chuckle]...You’re still dreaming
…you look awfully happy and cozy. I wonder what kind of dream you’re having?
[giggle] Since your lips are smiling, it must be a nice dream.
Just looking at you is enough to fill me with delight too…
Besides, I can’t help but think I’m the only one who gets to see this cute sleeping face. Just a few more minutes…
Literally what more can be said than him being the sweetest man alive. The affection????? Wants her all to himself as much as possible????? Just waking up to her beside him is enough to make him overjoyed?????? Anybody got some tissues sobsob I just love him sm 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
[kiss sound] To witness this kind of defenseless position is a lover’s privilege alone… (👀)
Since that wasn’t enough to wake you up, I’ll do it again… [kiss sound]
…Oh, [giggle] did you wake up?
Are you awake, princess…? (ohimesama) Good morning~ [kiss sound]
Haha, a good morning kiss was enough to make you blush…you’re so adorable.
With such a sweet greeting, you’ll make me want to do it over and over again.
Okay but I gotta tell y’all. I was re-listening to see if there was anything else I wanted to convey and like. The way his voice is a little sleepy and wispy at the beginning, just super content/relaxed/indulging. Then she wakes up and you can just hear the YAYAYAYAYAYAY SHE’S AWAKE. OKAY, BE CHARMING PERFECT LOVER I WANNA SEE HER BLUSH AAAAAAAAA, and I just. That’s so adorable???? I’m dying????
He’s so playful and giddy????? So many kisses????? Excited for her to wake up????? It’s so bad for my heart???? Truly nobody does romance like them, 11/10 I gleefully kick my feet every time I listen to it. Damn, me too MC, if I woke up to that every morning I would be error 404 shut down blush constantly
Also that first line. For lack of better words to describe my thoughts, BOW CHICKA WOW WOW. But more seriously I do love how much he prizes and respects the vulnerability that’s shared between lovers. This isn’t the first indication of it by far, but something about the deep value he places in intimacy and sincerity shared between them hits different in the best way. I guess, as a pretty serious and sensitive person myself, I can’t help but appreciate the same sentiments reflected in him.
[many, many kisses] Well, if you wanted a deeper kiss, of course I’m happy to oblige…now, what do you want to do? [seductive whisper, Horie-san have mercy]
I’m sorry. Don’t turn away, I won’t tease you anymore (THE WAY HE INSTANTLY BACKTRACKS. WHEN I TELL YOU I WHEEZED AND THEN COOED)
I don’t mean to make excuses…but I can’t help but think you’re the cutest. (that is the best excuse ever, and in the sexiest pout voice imaginable, you are forgiven)
Now that you’re awake, let’s have breakfast soon…I know, would you like to have breakfast in bed?
[chuckle] Well...because I still want to have you all to myself. [kiss sound, more sultry murmur] It’s okay once in a while, isn’t it?
I can’t get over how fast he’s like masaka when she turns around because she’s overwhelmed by his teasing, it’s so funny to me. She’s not mad, Comte!!! You’re just too powerful!!! Have mercy, she's just a human woman!!!! And not only that, he tells her two seconds later he wants her all to himself. When I say he has me by the throat, figuratively ofc because SOMEBODY keeps his fangs to himself--
If that’s the case…I’ll get breakfast ready then.
You should stay in bed a little longer, I’ll be right back.
Is it alright if I come in?
Sorry for the delay, I’ve brought you breakfast.
A freshly baked baguette, and omelets from Sebastian--
and our favorite morning teas, of course.
It’s a special breakfast for an exceptionally elegant morning.
Okay the way I snickered when he mentioned the baguette, the man really do be like “world cold and sad, baguette warm and soft.” Is this part of why he’s obsessed with MC’s thighs?
Come on over and eat. I’ll feed you, so open wide.
We’ll start with the omelet…it was just finished, so we’ll have to cool it down first.
[He’s blowing on it lmfao]
[laughter] There’s no need to be embarrassed, is there? It’s just me and you here. Come now, don’t be shy…
[chuckle]….That’s a good girl. Yes, aaah…
[laughter]…Ah, I’m sorry. You just look so pleased to eat it, I can’t help but wonder.
You taught me that smiles can even emerge in such everyday moments. (the fondness in his voice I 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭)
Yes, next time I’ll feed you potage…aaah (OPPORTUNIST Ò//Ó)
…is it good? Haha, [BOYISH LAUGHTER SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP] that’s good. I’m glad you like it.
I can’t believe I get to see your happy face this close first thing in the morning…I think today will be a good day.
I’ve specially planned our day together today, so I hope you enjoy it.
…let’s have a great day together, shall we? [kiss sound]
Honestly MC deserves more credit for not imploding on the spot, I know I’m not strong enough to be faced with all that and not literally become the PANIK meme. I love him more than life itself but that does not mean I’m ready to be doted on--
I have to say though, I really am touched by relationships that are built on little, day-to-day pleasures like this. The way he’s just happy to share mundane things with her, that every day together is a gift. The idea that her smile is enough, that he simply loves to be with her and look after her. Every time Comte manages to far exceed my expectations. (KING OUR EXPECTATIONS WERE ON THE FLOOR AND Y E T--) Well played, monsieur, well played. I concede defeat 👑
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euesworld · 2 years
"Mmmmm, sweet lazy kisses and sleepy cuddles are the best way to wake up in the morning.. now it's time for coffee and my life will be complete."
Coffee is a sunrise in a cup - eUë
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OH… dont get me started on ur bfb!gojo fic…. (i was going to write an ask abt it ages ago but anon is just too lazy .. (ヾ; ̄▽ ̄)ヾ
i was going to say that i really liked that gojo fic bc u portrayed him so well and i loved how gojo and the reader communicated instead of taking a slightly weird turn.. (i was rlly scared for that 😭) anyway keep the work up !! - 🍰
AH 🥺🥺🥺 you are so sweet 🍰 anon…. thank you!!! i’m still so happy with bfb!gojo’s characterization, it’s a relief to know you think i wrote him well….!!! :’3
AND YES . communication …… i really wanted to make both gojo’s and reader’s stance clear in that fic. unrequited love is often seen as an angsty trope but i don’t personally enjoy that take on it too much :’) their dynamic is really precious to me!!!!!
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mifunebooty · 4 months
Also it is very much like Robert Mitchum to suddenly begin something in me by appearing in a dream where he kisses me
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callmehaneul · 2 months
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Morning babe 🎀
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
For the domestic hc asks: 10, 15, 20 for mariocest?
Anon I mwah mwah mwah mwah mwah Love you thankyou SO much for the ask
Asks from Here
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10. What do they do when the other is away?
Keep busy mostly. Luigi does a lot of house work when Mario's off on adventures, and Mario takes any odd job he can get ahold of when Luigi travels.
Luigi handles his alone time a lot better than Mario. Mario gets a lot more fidgety when left to his own devices, anxious and depressed all on his own. If he can't find something to work on or do to be helpful he tends to just. Sleep a lot. Order pizza and sleep in.
He doesn't like it when Luigi's away.
15. What do they do when their partner is sick?
I think the Mario Bros both have stupid strong immune systems. The kinda guys who've only been "can't leave the house" levels of sick twice in their lives.
If Luigi's sick, Mario joins him in a lock down, only leaving the house to grab any prescription Luigi might need. He orders in Pizza and sets himself and Luigi up on the couch with blankets and tissues and whatever else he might need. He won't leave his brother's side for more then 5 minutes at a time.
If Mario's sick, Luigi has to physically fight him for the rights to take care of him. Mario does not take sick days. Luigi spends a lot of Mario's sick day just fighting him to lay down, take his medicine, stay still, just relax Bro. The easiest part of the process is getting him to eat at least. No stomach bug could keep Mario from a homemade Luigi meal.
Most likely though they'd be sick at the same time and need someone else to take care of them both. Keeping a Sick Mario from taking care of Sick Luigi would be a job all on it's own.
20. What is the first thing they say/do in the morning?
Mario is not a morning person.
Luigi is though. Loves to wake up in the morning. Loves to wake Mario up with a soft kiss and a hot mug of coffee. Loves to grab a shower right after waking up.
Mario in return, after lazing in bed with his mug, makes himself and Luigi breakfast. Something sweet like waffles with enough syrup to drown an elephant for Luigi, and something lighter like a banana sandwich for himself. Unless he has nothing to do that day, then he's making some breakfast meat. Sausage and Country Ham and Biscuits and Gravy.
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beccawise7 · 1 month
Some things are better than coffee...
Sunday kisses...
~beccawise7 💜🖤
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tomatoluvr69 · 10 months
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The rhythm and cadence of this sentence is enthralling to me for god knows what reason
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athousandbyeol · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: ชอกะเชร์คู่กันต์ | A Boss and A Babe (TV 2023) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gun Gungawin/Cher Saran Characters: Cher Saran, Gun Gungawin Additional Tags: Morning Kisses, Lazy Mornings, Morning Cuddles, Domestic Fluff, Domestic Bliss, Intimacy, Tenderness, Dorks in Love, Introspection, Sweet, Comfort, Teasing, Stream of Consciousness, Purple Prose, Confessions Series: Part 8 of for guncher Summary:
cher is never a morning person. but after gun, he is. just because— he likes looking at gun when he's asleep.
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
OC Kiss ~ Sloppy
(Miri/Gabriel; Dragon Age)
There were fewer darkspawn than they expected. In hindsight, maybe that made them overconfident going into the fight.
Okay, it definitely did.
It wasn’t until some of the hurlocks maneuvered them apart and she lost sight of the others that Miri started to worry. Fighting as a unit meant watching each others’ backs, broken apart like this was asking for trouble.
Ice danced at her fingertips, large spires sheeting out to drive back encroaching darkspawn. She smiled in grim challenge, lightning bolts and stonefists flying at the ones that closed back in. She’d felled half of them when a pained cry rent the air.
Gabriel--! Anger and panic surged with a fierce yell, telekinetic energy snapping as it flew from her staff to crush the leader of this group. She made short work of the rest; ichor from the last spattering her Warden blues. She was already moving toward the lingering sounds of combat as it fell. The others were just finishing when she reached them, and her reflexively flung arcane bolt fizzled against an alpha’s corpse as Luc dislodged his mace from its head.
Miri whipped a quick look over the sprawled bodies, tried to calm an icy curl of fear. All darkspawn, no Wardens, but then... “Where’s--”
“Miri!” Gabriel came running from behind a hillock, dark blood matted in his hair and splattered across armor and shield. But he was alive and from what she could see, unhurt. She wheeled and charged to meet him, both wrapping arms around the other, heedless of gore.
Her heart slowed its pounding with his arm around her waist, and Miri cupped his jaw in both hands as they met in a fervent, rushed, and slightly sloppy I’m-glad-you’re-alive kiss.
“I heard- I thought-” Miri mumbled, still breathing hard, when they parted. One arm wrapped around his neck, the other thumb traced his jawline.
Gabriel rested his forehead to hers. “I am fine, chéri. Martel needs some healing, but should be fine as well. A good day, no?”
“Any day I get to keep you is good,” she murmured, and guided him in for another kiss.
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baeshijima · 2 years
ughhug the urge to write a scenario of the waking up beside alhaitham… or falling asleep beside him….
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