#lawrence oleander headcanons
unimo · 5 months
if lawrence were real i think he’d look like a younger blonde vincent gallo
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here’s my evidence k bye 🏃‍♀️
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iamyourtruesavior · 8 months
A request by myself
Lawrence Oleander X Reader who sleeps with their eyes open
-As I read other hcs that Y/N woudn't sleep with Law in bed so often
-So he woudn't notice that at first
-But the first time he noticed he almost got a heart attack
It was cold that night so he let you to sleep in this bed.
He woke up for his job, as usual. He turned to you. He saw you staring at him...but you were sleeping? Right? "AHH... w-what th hell..". You jumped up thining something happend " WHATS HAPPENING?????". He looked at you "Why... do you sleep... with your...eyes open". You said "Well...I have no control over that... sometimes my eyes close and sometimes they don't". Law just lisened and then said "Ah... well i got to go so... bye see you".
That night he came home with a sleeping mask for you.
Sorry for bad english :) And special shootout to Google Translate who helped me with translating about 90% of the text :3. I hope u like it.
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bl4z3zxc · 4 months
TW: drug use, harassment, rape
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Maybe I'll post more headcannons soon because I have some ideas.
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mothwingwritings · 5 months
Boyfriend To Death/The Price Of Flesh Sleeping Headcanons 🌙💤🛌
Hello everyone! In between fics I have been working on some headcanons, like this one, for your reading pleasure. :) It's some bedtime/sleeping arrangement scenarios feat. you and our favorite murderous companions. <3 It’s dedicated to all the sleepy individuals out there that just want to hit the hay and snooze the day away-I feel you and you are valid. Also there is a bonus plushie headcanon for each character because why not! If you don’t have at least stuffed creature on your bed, this is your sign to love yourself. Go acquire a friend and snuggle up with him, I demand it. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Warnings: abuse/abusive relationships, noncon/dubcon, forced cuddling, forced interaction, forced relationships, implied kidnapping, being held against your will, reader is threatened and hurt, mentions of/implied sex, very lightly edited.
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·         Exceptionally clingy when he sleeps. Honestly like a suction cup. Regardless of if he’s the little or big spoon, he’ll be latched to you the whole night. Wiggle and complain as much as you like, he’s not relinquishing his hold.
·         Even if you two are just taking a little nap together, he always has to have some kind of skin contact with you. Holding hands, cuddling, a limb draped over you, something.  He needs the reminder that you are there and that you aren’t going anywhere, he can’t sleep peacefully without it.
·         He’s warm. Too warm, really. Uncomfortably warm. In winter this poses no problem, but during the summer it’s nearly unbearable. You need to crank the AC to keep yourself from melting into a puddle of sweat, but the added cold only makes him cling to you tighter, increasing the heat. He doesn’t seem to mind the warmth at all and takes offense if you try and voice your irritation, giving you an earful (if not worse) over how you need to be more grateful for the affection he douses you with, warning that if you don’t watch yourself, next time it snows you’ll be camping outside with nothing but the clothes on your back. We’ll see how much you miss his warmth then.
·         He’s a night owl, but he also somehow always wakes up before you do. It’s not uncommon for you to be awoken by an eager beastkin shoving a homemade breakfast in your face, excited to start his day with his love by sharing breakfast in bed with you and watching anime. <3
·         Though sometimes he gets a little too excited in the morning, and if that’s the case you’ll be waking up to a very handsy man pawing at you, kissing any and every place his lips can reach, pressing himself against you so you can feel just how excited he is. It’s a good thing you are in bed because by the time he’s done you’ll be so worn out you’ll need some more rest. ^^;
·         Also, he is an avid fan of plushies. If you also collect them your bed is going to be 90% plushies and he is 100% going to use that as an excuse to be squeezed on the bed with you as close as physically possible so as you all can have room. None of them are allowed on the floor, no man is left behind, and he’ll make sure you all fit whether it is comfortable or not.
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·         Lawrence is the exact opposite of Ren when it comes to contact. Though he may fall asleep with you in his arms (or vice versa), he very quickly grows uncomfortable with the prolonged contact, his body used to being the sole person in his bed. Very shortly after he falls asleep, he will unconsciously push you away to try and create distance. No matter how much he may yearn for your contact in his waking hours, he has no control over his subconscious actions. Often times the shoving is much rougher than it needs to be, abruptly (and painfully) waking you up in the process.
·         However, this does not deter him from making you sleep with him. Even if he ends up damn near shoving you off the bed, he wants you to be close to him for as long as and as much as possible.
·         Lawrence is basically nocturnal, and even if you are also a night owl there are bound to be some times when your sleep schedules don’t fall in line with each other. He gets a little excited when you fall asleep when he is awake, taking pleasure in watching you as you slumber. The way you lay near him, completely unguarded and quiet, only the slow rise and fall of your chest denoting that you are alive at all… It does something for him. More than once you’ve woken up to him standing over you, face flushed and tears in his eyes as he’s pumping his dick to the sight of your passed out form. If you wake before he can finish himself, he’s gonna use you to complete the job.
·         In fact, he just likes to stare at you while you sleep in general. He doesn’t have to feel anxious or worried of how you may perceive his gawking if you aren’t aware it’s happening to begin with. It’s a nice chance to really take in and appreciate your beauty without facing any backlash, and it comforts him to know you trust him enough to fall that deeply into slumber in his presence.
·         Doesn’t really get the point of plushies and never really had a strong attachment to stuffed animals as a child, so he doesn’t have any of his own and has no desire to own any. He thinks it’s cute that you like them though, and won’t deny you if you want to take one or two to bed with you. If you gift him one, he’ll be flustered but thankful, hugging it when he is unable to hug you. The little friend is a perfect cuddle buddy for when your sleep schedules don’t align and he doesn’t want to disturb you once you have fallen asleep.
·         Just be mindful that if he gets agitated or you piss him off, he’ll definitely destroy your beloved stuffies, tearing them to shreds with either his bare hands or any of the gardening  tools he has lying around. He’ll instantly feel bad if you begin to cry over it, but at that point it’s too late. It’s best to stop the tears before he turns the assault towards you.
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·         Strade is all over the place when he sleeps. It doesn’t matter how big the bed is or how little space you take up in it, his presence is unavoidable. You can try and create as much distance as physically possible, scrunching yourself up in a corner in hopes that he doesn’t come in contact with you, and you’ll still end up with him sprawled all over you come morning.
·         He’s also loud. Snoring, grunting, talking in his sleep, he’s so noisy it’s a wonder you can get any sleep at all. You get used to it after a while (you don’t have a choice), but each time he nudges you in his sleep or wakes you up with a particularly loud snore, it’s all just another unpleasant reminder you are stuck with him, unable to find tranquility even in your dreams.
·         He has a tendency to latch on to and keep a close hold of whatever is closest to him while he sleeps. The moment he looks even slightly drowsy you try and stay away from him, not thrilled with the prospect of being smashed up against him for hours on end while he’s pleasantly off in dreamland. Were it anyone else or any other situation, you may find the clinginess endearing, but with Strade it’s just extremely uncomfortable and confusing. You spend the whole time unsure if you want him to wake up and let you go (and thus have to deal with an alert and active monster) or if you want to remain silent and just put up with it, thankful for the rare moment of peace.
·         He sleeps the best after successfully finding and securing a new victim, the gusto and energy that he puts towards spending time with his new ‘friend’ leaves him completely spent by the end of the day. A tired Strade is usually a good thing for you-if he’s worn out, he’s less likely to bother or hurt you. However the opposite is also true, if he hasn’t been able to blow off steam in a while he’ll grow antsy and restless, and he’s bound to make his lack of sleep and overall disgruntlement your problem. Regardless, you won’t get much sleep either way, as you find no contentment in either situation.
·         Though they aren’t really his thing, he is amused by your plushies. While he can see the appeal of them, the only real interest he takes in them is how you react to them. Which ones are your favorite, do you favor one character or animal over another, do you prefer the big and fluffy or small and squishy? Most importantly though, he wants to know how deeply your fondness for them extends and how/if he can use that as a persuasive tool against you in the future. Should they prove to be a promising means of coercion, prepare for quite a few new plush friends to keep you company in the future. :)
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·         She’s an early riser. Not necessarily because she wants to so much as it’s engrained in her from years of putting in overtime at her corporate job. If you try and pull her back into bed she’ll gripe at you, but is secretly happy that you are willingly making yourself a scapegoat for her laziness. Though on days she absolutely has to get up early, you best be getting up right alongside her to help her get ready for the day or you will be deeply regretting it. She always takes precedence, you can sleep more when she leaves.
·         She’s on edge most of the time and is overall a very light sleeper. If you snore or toss and turn too much, she’ll get pissed off and roughly shove you awake, grumbling obscenities while complaining about how annoying you are being. If she can’t sleep, she certainly isn’t going to let you sleep either.
·         Even if you aren’t a noisy or restless sleeper, she’ll still find constant things to gripe about regarding your sleeping arrangement. Either you take up too much room, or you are encroaching on her personal space, or you have some other sleeping habit she finds grating that you have no control over because you are unconscious when you do it. She doesn’t ever seem overly pleased to share sleeping space with you, and you often wonder why she doesn’t just banish you to the couch or some other place to get your rest.
·         And yet, she never does make you sleep elsewhere.  In fact, it only makes her MORE pissed off if you suggest it, taking it as a personal offense that you don’t want to spend time with her. She won’t admit it to you, but the act of sleeping near someone she doesn’t positively loathe or who isn’t trying to use her in some way is one of the few things that really brings her peace. Even if it’s against your will, having you in bed with her soothes her. It’s honestly the best sleep she has had in ages.
·         She’s not a huge cuddler, but she does like physical confirmation that you are near. Often times she’ll reach out in the night to grab your hand or drape her arm across your body, never smothering, but just enough contact to assure that you are still by her side.
·         She staunchly refuses to have any stuffed animals in her bed, telling you she finds them childish and stupid (whether she actually feels this way or is just pissed you are trying to bring things into her bed that take up even more space is debatable). If she finds any plushies you are hiding she will most likely throw them away on sight. You may be able to get away with a little one, but that’s only if she doesn’t find it or is feeling extremely benevolent.
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·         The only time Derek shows any kind of ‘affection’ is when he sleeps. Like Strade, he likes to secure himself to things while he slumbers, and if he doesn’t fall asleep with an item (you) already in his arms at some point in the night, he will subconsciously grab onto something (also you) and not relent until he wakes the next morning.
·         The way he clings to you can almost be considered sweet. Wrapping his arms around you securely, burying his face into your chest or the crux of your neck as he snuggles up against you as close as physically possible, it makes you momentarily forget what a monster the man beside you actually is. It’s almost as if he’s a child huddled up close to a parent, seeking comfort from the things that go bump in the night.  The spell is broken if he happens to be awoken during one of these cuddle sessions, and he’ll take out his embarrassment over the situation by treating you even crueler than he typically does.
·         One of the few niceties he allows you is sleeping in his bed as opposed to the floor-but it comes at a price.  It’s an honor to be able to sleep next to him nightly in his huge, plush, expensive bed, an honor far too good for the likes of you. He expects to be compensated for his generosity, so you’d best be ready to do any and everything he asks or desires at the drop of a hat, no matter how degrading or agonizing it may be. If you want to keep this privilege while preventing as much suffering as possible, you’ll do as he says. (Then again, it’s not like he really needs your active participation to force what he wants out of you, but he does like when you obey him ‘willingly’ and has a tendency to be a smidge less cruel when you follow his instruction).
·         He usually forces you to either sleep nude or in some very compromising/uncomfortable/embarrassing negligee that covers so little you mine as well BE naked. He’s a blanket hog too, and has a penchant for cranking up the AC at night, leaving your only source of warmth to be curling up beside him. You try and fight it at first, but you inevitably give in when the chill gets to be too much (also you aren’t too keen on getting ill in his presence, swallowing your pride is worth it if you can avoid more suffering).
·         He will mercilessly make fun of and belittle you for any stuffed animals you may have or try to sleep with. He’ll infantilize you, asking if you need a binky to go with your stuffy, or tease that he’ll need to put you in diapers so you don’t accidentally shit the bed. However, even with all the constant mocking, he does find it kinda hot when you try and use the plushies as a shield, doing your best to conceal your sniveling face and exposed body behind the fluffy creature as he plows into you ruthlessly. The toy does a shit job shielding you, but it is hilarious to watch you try and hide yourself behind them.
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·         Despite everything, he’s actually probably the nicest of the lot to sleep with. He’s warm and soft, and when he holds you it’s comforting and shockingly soothing. It’s disconcerting how easily you melt into the same person that caused you so much trauma and torment, haunted by the fact that the arms that now wrap snuggly around you were not so long ago the greatest threat to your life. You don’t know whether you should be more disgusted with him for holding you with such familiarity or yourself for enjoying it as much as you do.
·         The man can sleep almost anywhere. After years of surviving out in the wilderness he has honed his body to handle tough climates and all manner of conditions, granting him the ability to thrive in less than favorable environments. The man could probably fall asleep in the middle of a torrential downpour with nothing but a rock bed beneath him and come out of it completely rested.
·         You aren’t expected to immediately be able to rough it. He realizes this way of life is all fairly new to you and that getting used to nights out in the wilderness has its own learning curve. Because of this, he’s actually surprisingly accommodating about the whole thing. When you camp, he makes sure to bring his best tent and sleeping bag for you to use, even though it’s a hassle to drag around and he himself has long since forgone the need for it. Though it’s nearly impossible to find comfort enough to sleep while stranded deep out in an unfamiliar forest, surrounded by nothing but the pitch black of night, all manner of voracious wild animals, and a serial killer, he does his best to make sure you are adequately cared for and as content as you can possibly be.
·         However you best not slack with your survival instincts, this coddling is only a limited time deal. You proved yourself to him once by pulling through his trial, but that doesn’t mean you have a free ride forever. He’ll pamper you a bit in the ‘honeymoon’ phase, but if you grow complacent and begin to let him down… It isn’t going to be a smooth or happy time for either of you. Its best not to betray his expectations, if you do something overly stupid or otherwise show your survival was just a fluke… your sleeping arrangement is going to be the least of your concern.
·         He finds your affinity for stuffed animals a bit juvenile, but also slightly endearing. He can’t deny how cute you look when you are curled up in his bed, nestled amongst various furs and blankets, clutching tight to your favorite plushie while you rest. He enjoys that sight so much that he decides to make you his own plushie for you one day as a gift.
·         It was a strange little lumpy creature he cobbled together from various fabric scraps and other soft, but unidentified, material, all sloppily hand sewn with little black buttons for eyes. It was a true amalgamation of mismatched cloth and stuffing, and to be honest… You weren’t really sure what it was supposed to be. A bear, maybe? Or a raccoon? Regardless, you take it without question, and once he sees it’s been accepted he’s quick to discard your previous plush. He’s accepting of this hobby to a degree-you can have ONE. And since you were smart and picked the better of the two, you don’t need the ratty old one to cling to for company anymore. You have him and you have his gift, everything else is frivolous.
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splishsplashgash · 5 months
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My Lawrence Oleander headcanons
-he dumpster dives behind gardening and floral shops sometimes.
-Lawrence either eats like he's at 5 star restaurant or like a feral racoon in the trash.
-Lawrence actually deeply cares for his sisters he just doesn't know how to express it.
-His first pet was a fish,he'd sit for hours watching it in the family living room.
-Lawrence developed his plant obsession because his father would often garden,after his parents found out about his hobby with dead animals his father started teaching him about plants in hope that it'd give him a different hobby.
-Lawrence has to listen to either white noise or nature sounds to go to sleep
-Lawrence only showers once a week,and when he does it's an everything shower,aka shave,wash hair,body,etc.
-Lawrence is a rainbow baby,his parents calling him a miracle but once he got older his mother would murmur when he walked past that he was a curse instead
-Lawrence would clean the house when his family left hoping that they'd see him in a different light but they'd come home and say nothing,ignore him.
-Lawrence as a kid didn't eat his boogers like other kids he'd eat and pick at his scabs instead (me too Lawrence me too.)
-Lawrence was designated babysitter when ever his parents would leave for dates or other things.
-Lawrence hated school,we all know that, but I believe that Lawrence's teachers probably loved him,that they would call him sweet and hardworking.
-Lawrence likes routine and when his routines are messed up it angers him
- (Okay this one is more jokingly but...) He uses MC's piss to pass his works drug tests.
-He buys those essential oils that those old white ladies promote saying it will cure everything and all that junk
-He doesn't know much about technology,yeah he'd search stuff up on the family computer and on his phone but besides that he doesn't really know much.
-avid nail biter
-lived off Arizona Green Tea as a teenager
-Let his sisters braid and play with his hair when they were younger
-When he got his hair cut as a kid by his mom he'd cry everytime to the point she gave up on cutting it anymore
That's all I can remember right now I'm sure I have more though lol.
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delicateangelz · 2 months
When I say that autism is a spectrum it's like...
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hiskillingjar · 7 months
What kind of reactions do you think Btd characters might have to a period, crying Mc who is writhing in pain?
Today I got my period unprepared and without pills and pads I suffered indescribable pain for a long hour… (Man I don't want to go through this again 😢)
and it made me think about it. Would they be surprisingly kind and help, or would they take advantage of it for their own benefit?
urghhh i hate being unprepared for my period, i'm so sorry to hear that :( hope this cheers you up!
ren 🦊
ren would definitely panic if he found you in a lot of pain
he'd ask a lot of questions to try to understand what was up before you just told him you were on your period
"oh...OH! okay! okayokay, i'll go get you what you need! do you want pads, tampons, painkillers...um, something else?"
he'd be a good boyfriend for like ten minutes and get you everything you need and then some
any sorts of pads or tampons, chocolate, your favourite food, a heat pad, all sorts. he'd be very well stocked so you weren't caught off guard again
as soon as you were slightly more comfortable, though, he'd be hovering at your side like "so...um...i've heard some things are really good to settle period pain...heh..."
he was horny the second you told him lol
he'd be DESPERATE to fuck you and, especially, to eat you out while you were on your period
he'd bug you every single day, just full on pathetic begging
"please please please please can i eat you out please it'll make you feel better pleaseeeeeee"
and of course he'd asking to be nice. if you said no, he'd just do it anyway...and spill a little more blood if he needed to
he's a fox. what do you expect <3
(i've also written this (for fox) if you wanna see it in action lol)
lawrence 🥀
law would probably be pretty shocked too
like they come back from work and you're hunched up on their bed moaning in pain. it's not like you can get out to sort out the issue yourself after all :(
you tell them and they get sort of flustered
"um...alright, i guess i'll get something for you. what do you need?"
if you give them a list, they'll do what they can. but they need a list. they would NOT know what to get otherwise
they'd also be pretty nice about it though
maybe run you a bath and make a batch of tea to settle your stomach. it would work a little too well lol
they wouldn't be too desperate to fuck you (they never really are lol) but if you asked, they might do it in the shower or something
they rent the place and don't want to do more laundry than they need to
strade 🔨
*knowing look*
what do you expect from strade, the sole boyfriend who's exclusively horny for violence?
yeah he'd be all over you the second he figured it out lmao
your discomfort and pain is like. His Thing so he would not care at all about you bleeding
he might even like that a little more, and the opportunity to make fun of you as you bled all over his lap and stained his trousers and thighs, and see you even more uncomfortable and put off by how much he wants you
"aw look at you, you're so embarrassed! why, you're never usually this flushed when you're bleeding for me <3"
i read a fanfic once where strade ate the mc out while they were on their period and like. pulled their tampon out lmaoooo he'd totally do that too xux
lay you down in the basement, or even soak his bed sheets, and take you even when you tried to shy away or pull back
that's more in just taking advantage of you when you're in pain
barring the horny stuff, strade kind of doesn't care about getting you tampons or pads or anything. ask him and he'll do it
that doesn't mean he wouldn't tease you a little first cus he totally would
that's just cus he likes to see you squirm though :)
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puppycassie · 26 days
Can you do sano (btd) nsfw headcanons plsplsplsplspls 🙏🙏
♡ hey there anon, ofc I can!!<3
! you guys know the rules, especially with btd, 18+ ! 🩷🍰
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some of my sano nsfw headcanons ♡
♡ medical play is an obvious one, he would push your body to the limit in any way he could to see how much you could take, using various medical appliances in different ways
♡ strapping a stethoscope to your chest to monitor your heartbeat accelerating as he fucks and plays with you
♡ enemas, enemas, enemas. wants to fill you up to the brim
♡ forcefully injecting you with various different drugs , making you helpless to him
♡ cutting you open and cumming inside of the wound before stitching you back up, telling you that it's staying inside of you forever
♡ this man loves marking you up, cuts, bruises, hickeys
♡ injecting his cum straight into your holes so that you take it all
♡ "doll" "angel" "puppet"
♡ "how does that feel?" makes you describe the sensations you're feeling whilst he ruins you, enjoying the way you struggle to form words, even when you're gagging on his cock
♡ temperature play!! would insert ice cubes into you, watching you squirm and plead for it to stop
♡ would pour alcohol and salt over fresh wounds if you misbehaved, enjoying the noises you make when you're in pain and recording them, playing the clip back to you later
♡ fucking on the operating table? yes. especially with restraints
♡ makes you masturbate in front of him and watches intently, noting down your reactions
thank you for the request, lovely anon ♡
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cloverwulfs · 4 days
to me this is funny
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celestial-sinner · 5 months
What the BTD/TPOF characters smell like
Strade: Machine oil, grease, blood (real bad if he's recently killed/tortured someone), cheap cologne, cigar smoke, cheap beer Ren: Really nice shampoo and moisturizer scents like lavender or roses Lawrence: Rot, mint (to cover up the rotting smell), grass, dirt, earthy tones, small whiffs of different flowers Derek: When in the desert, like must and sweat; at home, like really nice colonge (like ones from Gucci idk) Celia: Nice perfume scents (roses, vanilla, orange) with a hint of alcohol Mason: Smells like the woods; trees, grass, earthy smells. Also kinda smells like smoked meat (dude definitely smokes his own hunted game)
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unimo · 5 months
Random Lawrence Headcanons 🌱
He can read or watch something very obscure and graphic and not lose his appetite.
Doesn’t really even have an appetite most of the time (due to being a lil dead) and gets stoned in order to eat.
His family used to go on vacations and he’d purposely stay home so he could watch over the house. (aka enjoy some alone time and be himself)
At the end of long stressful days he probably hides underneath his blankets and silently sobs into his pillow. (gets high after to block out the pain)
Was probably nice and sociable when he was a kid, talking about his interests but got made fun of and ignored because of it. Over time he learned the hard truths of the world and shut himself out and stopped. (may or may not have been lectured by his parents for it too)
He would’ve probably enjoyed ceramics class in school, enjoying the feeling and smell of the clay between his fingers as he shapes and mends the material to form.
He was probably also pretty smart for his age when he was younger, took a liking to dinosaurs and biology type concepts. Just one of those kids that would sit in the back of the room to read or skip recess to go to the library. (gifted kid burn out)
When he goes into the woods sometimes he just cries unexpectedly, all of his bottled up emotions just start to spill out. Life gets to be too much sometimes, he has a lot of regret and frustration towards himself because of his actions. He’s comforted by the trees and flora around him when he’s done.
He has a lot of resentment for his parents, and they have resentment towards him for not trying to conform. They probably would’ve wanted him to interact with his family during reunions, but he would avoid them like the plague. He decided to stay in his room with the door locked and headphones on, not coming out till they were gone and felt comfortable enough to.
Would keep a little terrarium in his room when he was younger living with his parents, probably where his little plant obsession started.
Makes homemade hygiene and cosmetic products from his plants and stuff, outsources when he feels up for it.
He probably thrifts for his clothes sometimes or buys cheap to save money.
Has a scent kink, usually for the hair or other body smells from someone he likes can turn him on.
His moods affects the way he views intimacy sometimes. He’ll give himself a hard time after being affectionate, mad at himself for “giving in” and feeling vulnerable to someone. If he’s in a different mood, he’s frustrated that he doesn’t give MORE affection and can’t express his emotions right. He flip flops between trusting and able, to avoiding and feeling vulnerable. There’s an ironic war in his mind he fights with constantly.
Has gotten bad trips while high on different substances because of the guilt he has from killing, it haunts him and he’s aware that what he’s done was wrong. When he’s tripping by himself those pangs of guilt come back tenfold and taunt his hallucinations. He’s still addicted to the drugs so it’s hard to stop using them even after those experiences.
The type who doesn’t know he actively likes something or someone until something happens to it/them and it’s too late.
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sofi9995 · 6 months
- My edit for gatobob :3
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gor33ehe · 7 months
Thank you for answering my question. Well, here we are, so, another question:
Since you mentioned a little bit of your headcanons, what other kind of headcanons have you got about Lawrence? If you mind sharing, of course.
yeah of course!! i think he it’s a little chubby, ya know, he doesn’t have a good diet at this point, gas station sandwiches and fast food everyday might gain a little weight on his body! but he stays in that way cus he walks to his work every day and takes the tea like his dinner. He has schedules to do things, if he misses something he starts to get a little worried or feels guilty all the day. I have the headcanon that he really enjoys Radiohead’s music, i bet his fav album is ok computer hehe. He has the bad habit to smell MC’s clothes, even if he doesn’t notice, he’s doing it again and again, it’s a vicious cycle and a creepy one and i like that…
He really likes fishes! but he doesn’t know how to take care of them, they always die, he thinks that he can do it because they’re are equal to a plant, but no, after all he keeps trying and trying.
When he doesn’t have work, on nights he spends all the time on internet searching on botanic forums new plants he can get, chat with Ren or watch movies on discord (he doesn’t knows how works discord yet so Ren helps him)
I have more but maybe more later i’ll upload them!! they’re a little nsfw :3
(btw im sorry for my bad english, it’s not my first language TT)
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bl4z3zxc · 3 months
TW: mention of cuts
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I'm really sorry that there are so few headcannons, but I can't think of anything else ಥ_ಥ
if you want headcannons for other characters, you can suggest them in the comments of the characters. |・ω・)
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1schadenfreude1 · 5 months
fluff headcanons for ren law and strade plsss :3
Thanks for the request <3 Ren - He himself is so fluffy. His ears and tail and fur are so soft and velvety - He loves cuddles and is pretty clingy, just being near you makes him so happy - He has nightmares about Strade and squeezes you extra tight when he's scared. It can be hard to wake him up Law - Not really a cuddly guy, but sometimes he stands a little too close for comfort so he can smell you - He has names for all his plants, and they start to seem like real people to you - He loves long walks in the park and out in nature Strade - The most fluff you get out of him is cuddling up on the couch when watching TV - He's not super cuddly but he is soft and warm and doesn't mind when you snuggle - He's a goddamn heater when he sleeps, there's no need for blankets when he's all up against you snoring away
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soureggs · 9 months
So i drew the hands of my favorite btd and tpof characters, please dont think to much about it
Ren's hands
Derek's hands
mason's hands
And Lawrence's hands
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