#law and hana
water-writings · 4 months
ways to say i love you + as an apology + hana!
I loved this one so much! Thank you, Leaf, I hope you like it! I'm starting to love Hana and Law so much. This is my first piece I've ever written for them. Enjoy!
Heart sinking, Hana stared at the pieces of paper on Law’s desk. The white sheets slowly turned brown as the coffee seeped into the material. Wide eyes slowly turned up to look at her boyfriend and she held back a squeak when she saw the look on his face. 
Law was staring down at the papers and books on his desk, a vein throbbing in his forehead. He was silent as his hand clenched around the pen he was holding, his knuckles turning white. He didn’t move, only sat there staring at the ruined items.
The atmosphere in the room was tense, almost to the point it was hard to breathe. Hana was holding her breath, shaking as her brain ran a mile a minute. She couldn’t figure out what to do. Should she say something? Clean up the mess? Leave? Run? She was afraid to speak. The look on Law’s face and the fact that he hadn’t moved or uttered a word  terrified her. She couldn’t figure out how to help her boyfriend and with her clumsy nature she knew she’d only make it worse. She shouldn’t have brought the coffee to him.
Slowly and with shaky hands she started to pick up the coffee mug. A piece of sopping paper clung to the ceramic and the pink haired woman poked at it, trying to knock it off. Her eyes kept shifting from the mug to Law, back and forth, back and forth. 
She finally opened her mouth. “I um-” “Just leave it,” Law said quietly, still not looking at her.  “I-I-I’m sorry, Law, I ju-” “I said just leave it!” he snapped. His eyes snapped over to look at her. His grey eyes were sharp and angry as he glared at his girlfriend.  A loud squeak came from Hana and she nearly dropped the mug. “I-I’m sorry. I d-didn’t mea-” “Get out! Now!” the captain shouted.  Tears welled up in Hana’s eyes. Law had never shouted at her before. Only ever to give her orders along with the crew, but never like this. Her cheeks turned pink and she clutched the mug to her chest, lips trembling as she tried to find her voice.  “I-I-I’m so-s-sorry,” she whispered.   Quickly she ran out of Law’s room, tears streaming down her face. She didn’t mean to anger her boyfriend. She didn’t mean to ruin his research. She just wanted to bring him a cup of coffee because she knew it was late and he’d been in his room the majority of the day. All she wanted to do was help and show him she was thinking of him.  Slamming a fist on the desk, Law cursed under his breath. His research was ruined. He’d have to start his notes all over and he’d been working on them all week. He had just finished them! Brow furrowed deeply, he snatched up the documents, crumpling them up in his fists before practically slamming them into the metal waste bucket next to his chair. He brushed the remaining coffee off the table with the back of his hand before grabbing a rag from the small wardrobe he had in the corner. After the spilt coffee was wiped up, he sighed as he rubbed his fingers over his tired eyes. It would be another all nighter just to redo all the work.  ooOOoo
By the time Law had completed redoing his notes he could hear the tell tale signs of his crew moving around. The sound of their voices echoed off the Polar Tang’s walls. Laughter and shouting could be heard as they all gathered to get breakfast.  It was morning.  Groaning, Law ran a hand down his face. It was definitely an all nighter.  Trudging out of his room, Law followed the noise of the crew to the dining hall. As he walked into the room he was greeted with the entirety of his crew. Some were shouting over at each other. Others looked exhausted and grabbed cups of coffee and food as they took their seats at a table. Glancing over at the far end, Law could see Penguin, Shachi, and Ikkaku arguing about something or another. Grumbling, Law went to grab his own breakfast, choosing to grab a cup of coffee and a muffin.  “Captain!” came the gleeful voice of Bepo. “Good morning!”  “Mornin’,” Law grumbled as he sipped his drink.  Bepo looked around, smiling at some of the crew before his brow furrowed. He did another take of the room, eyes scanning over each head.  “Um…Captain?” he said slowly.  “Hm?” came the grunted reply from the dark haired doctor. “Have you seen Hana?” the Mink asked, looking worried. “She’s normally one of the first one’s here and I don’t see her.”  Law’s brow furrowed. “What are you talking about, she’s right…”  He trailed off as his eyes didn’t see the familiar head of pink hair. His first mate was right. Hana was nowhere to be seen in the dining hall. The herbalist was usually smiling and talking with the others as she drank her tea or hot chocolate, but she wasn’t there. It was odd behavior for the woman. 
“Do you think she’s sick?” Bepo asked, breaking the captain’s thoughts. “No, she was fine last nig-” Law trailed off again as memories of last night popped in his head. The image of Hana’s tearfilled face flashed in his vision reminding him of what happened. “Fuck…” he cursed as he ran a hand over his face.  Without a word, he grabbed a plate of fruit and a mug before exiting the dining hall. Ignoring the calls from the crew he made his way through the halls once more, heading back the way he came. The whole way he was berating himself in his head. His brow furrowed deeply. He forgot about last night, and he hated himself for it. He couldn’t believe that he had yelled at her like that. He blamed his sleep deprivation and the headache that had been growing before Hana had visited him. He’d never yelled at her the way he did last night and he was angry with himself for it.  Standing outside the metal door that was decorated with a few hanging dried herbs and flowers, he stood there thinking over his words. With a sigh, the man raised a tattooed hand to the door and knocked. Through the other side he could hear a little squeak followed by a soft thud. Hana could be heard giving a sad “oh no…” and Law knew that she had dropped whatever it was that she was working on. Most likely a new batch of medicine. 
“H-hello?” Hana called out.  “It’s me,” Law replied. Shuffling on his feet awkwardly. As he glanced at her could just picture Hana curled up on her bed and hugging one of her stuffed animals to her.  Another squeak could be heard from his girlfriend. Law waited a moment, but when he didn’t hear any movement or see the door open he let out another sigh. She was hiding. “Hana,” he called out.  Silence.  Gritting his teeth, Law balanced the plate of food and mug in one hand as he opened the door. Figures it wasn’t locked. Hana never locked anyone out of her room. She always enjoyed the company of anyone from the crew over being alone.  Pushing the door open, Law was greeted with a mess of leaves and flowers surrounding a spilt bowl of medicine on the floor. His eyes trailed up from the mess to Hana’s bed where he saw a lump under the floral sheets surrounded by her usual pile of stuffed animals.  Sighing, the doctor walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge. Placing the plate and mug on the nightstand, he sat there in silence with his hidden girlfriend. He looked at the lump and raised an eyebrow before gently grabbing the blanket and pulling it off of her. Hana squeaked, as she looked up at Law. Her eyes were wide and her face was starting to turn red. “H-h-hello, L-Law…” she greeted. “You weren’t at breakfast,” the captain pointed out. He jerked his head to the nightstand. “I grabbed you some fruit before the others ate it all.”  Slowly, Hana sat up and looked to where the breakfast was. Her eyes shifted from it to meet Law’s gaze once more. Her hands were shaking as she fiddled with them before reaching over and grabbing the plate. Her boyfriend shot out a hand when he saw her nearly drop it.  “Careful,” he said firmly. “S-s-sorry!” she stuttered out, her cheeks turning even redder.  With yet another sigh, the man looked at her, watching her turn her head away from him as she started eating the fruit. He had an unreadable expression on his face which was only making Hana squirm where she sat. It was tense and quiet, not helping the woman in any way feel comfortable.  Without a word, Law placed a hand on the back of her head and pulled her close to his side. They sat like that for a while in silence, the only sound coming from Hana chewing on the fruit and the distant sound of the crew in the dining hall.  Hana sat there, staring at the plate, as she felt her heart pound against her chest. She didn’t like the silence. She normally did when she was with Law. It was always peaceful. But not this. She could feel how tense Law was as she sat against him and she was waiting for him to scold her for last night.  Seconds turned into minutes before the pink haired herbalist had the mug shoved in her face. Blinking, she looked at it and gasped. It was hot chocolate. Turning her gaze from the drink, she looked up at her boyfriend to see him staring off in a different direction. Taking the drink, she blushed and smiled lightly to herself before sipping it.  A kiss was pressed to the top of her head and words were mumbled into her hair.  Blushing even more, Hana looked back at Law once again. There was a hint of pink on his cheeks as he looked down at her.  “H-huh?” she said, eyes going wide.  Law sighed, and closed his eyes before meeting her green eyed stare. “I’m sorry,” he said.  Her breath hitched as she was pulled into a tighter hug from her boyfriend. He didn’t say anything else. She knew he’d eventually say something, but right now she just leaned into his embrace. A smile danced on her face as she enjoyed the moment with him.
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iwanturinsides · 4 months
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here u go 𝒻𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓀𝓎hana 😈
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soup-in-my-fly · 25 days
HAIIII!!! It’s been a while 😼
Haven’t drawn at ALL (much less anything BTD related) for two months straight, so have some warm up sketches
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marqymoo · 5 months
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endoxxx · 5 months
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ren at the beach
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(also, i used the layout from this gato art as a template to keep the usernames and pfps accurate :3)
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hiskillingjar · 3 months
Do you think you can make more of ren Hana x reader please and keep doing amazing amazing job 
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yeah sure.
1300+, hyperfem mc, kind of...au post BTD2 ren where he's trying to be a normal guy and. doesn't work out for him. cw for ref to CNC but we're all freaks here so......
College was supposed to Ren's fresh start.
Well, community college was supposed to be, anyway. A full bank account and a computer full of fake documentation software and malware couldn't get him into a regular school (what with a lack of a GED and all).
So, he had applied to the closest community college with a sob story (something something abusive relationship that forced him to drop out, something something he’s trying to build a life for himself again) and gotten in on a partial scholarship to finish his high school diploma, and to study coding and programming after the fact.
It was good. Or, at least, it was movement to start a new life for himself, a normal life, a life he could be proud of that wasn’t built off of the legacy of-.
Then she happened.
He wasn't going to do this, he had told himself from the beginning. He wasn't going to let himself get caught up in the dazed and familiar spiral of infatuation and dangerous obsession, as he was so prone to do.
She deserved better than that. She was good and he was going to be good, too.
But...he was never that good at controlling himself.
Which was why they were making out in the college library, his hand up her frilly skirt (he was a sucker for that kind of thing and she almost leaned into it) and his tongue down her throat.
She moaned little whimpers against his lips, pressing her fingers in to his hair, her fake acrylic nails occasionally scratching at his scalp and rubbing the base of his ears, making him totally melt against her.
They were decorated with ‘My Melody’ charms this week, the pink matching the pale streaks in her blonde hair.
Like she had been plucked right out of his fantasies and placed in front of him.
Like a steak in front of a starving animal.
“Ah, Ren,” She gasped sweetly, wrenching her lips away from his as his fingers stroked over the front of her underwear. He pressed two of them against the slightly damp fold, and idly circled the plush flesh underneath, feeling the wet fabric cling to her skin. “Mmm…noooo, don’t…”
“You like that?” He whispered, dipping his head down to kiss her neck.
She smelled of perfume and powder foundation, and he was addicted to it.
“Stoooop,” She whined with the slightest pout, pressing her face into his shoulder and gripping his hair a little tighter, pulling a little too hard for it to feel good.
“Ngh,” Ren let out a little grunt, pulling himself away and shaking his head (like a startled animal) before staring at her, his brows knitting together as he drew his fingers back from her panties. “Are you not into this? Should I stop?”
“Huh?” She blinked as he pulled back, her fake lashes fanning against her cheeks, making her eyes look even bigger and doll-like. God, no wonder he was crazy about her. “Oh, no, I’m…really into it, actually.” She admitted shyly.
“But,” He tilted his head with a confused look. “You were telling me to stop…”
“Um…y-yeah,” She giggled, her cheeks flushing a soft pink, matching her blush, as she idly scraped a lock of pink hair behind her ear. “Ah, not to freak you out out or anything, but, mm…I’m kind of into that sort of thing…consensual-non-consent, roleplay…stuff. And, you know, we’ve been seeing each other for a while, so…”
Ren blinked too, his ears tilting back as his expression gave away even more confusion.
"Non-consent? You...think about that stuff?" He asked, idly hooking a fang over his lip and biting down.
"Ah," She shook her head and covered her face to hide a bashful smile. It was a ridiculously adorable gesture. "I-It's not that big of a deal...and a-a lot of girls are into that stuff, more than you think!"
"Isn't that kind of messed up, though?” He continued to press, drawing his hand back from her thigh and letting it trail down to her knee, where her sock was slipping down.
“I mean, I know it's a little messed up, even if it’s not...the real thing," She insisted, her hands back in her lap (like she was chasing after his hand, chasing some way of grounding her body to the Earth) and looking at him, sweet sincerity in her big eyes. "I know it is. But it's like a...reclamation kind of thing, you know?"
Ren frowned.
"Reclamation, wha...?"
"Like, taking bad things that have happened to you and,” She paused, biting her lip to hide a thoughtful frown of her own. “...Putting them in a situation that you have control over. A situation you can stop, if you need to."
He’d never considered anything like that before.
Ren did know, probably more than most, that there were a lot of…weirdos out there (pot calling the kettle black, he knew), but he hadn’t considered that she might be like that too.
It didn’t make sense to him. She dressed in pink and white, got new nail designs every two weeks, and told him extensively about her plans to program a game about cat sitting when she had finished their course.
Girls like that didn’t have the darkness that he had, did they?
She was his ‘sweet one’, after all, his innocent, little angel, his doll, his Madonna, his-
"Please don't think I'm weird..." She murmured, her smile dropping at little at his extended silence. “I was being a little hasty, I know that. We don't have...I was just trying-"
She was so nervous. She was so worried that showing her darkness was going to scare him off.
If only she knew how often he though the same.
"No, no, I-" Ren cut her off with a slight chuckle, rubbing her knee affectionately. "It's okay," He then said, giving her an encouraging smile (trying not to let it grow into something bigger, scarier, more threatening, more honest). "I...I like it too, I think.” He knew, but he didn’t want to tell her too much. Not yet. “I like that you like it, too. We can keep going."
Her eyes widened a little and that sweet, innocent smile came back to her face.
"Really?" She said, her voice filled with something close to awe.
"Yeah," He dipped his voice down low and moved in closer again, reaching up and wrapping his fingers around her wrists and squeezing tight, keeping them pinned together (in lieu of any bondage) as he gave her a fang filled smirk. "Let's keep going."
She shivered, trying to wrench her wrists away from his grip as he pressed his smirk to her neck for a harsh bite.
“AH!” She gasped, her soft thighs pressing together as he dug his teeth into her skin, bruising her, marking her as his. “No, no…s-stop-“
He paid no attention to her protests (uncaring if they were even real or not) as he dug his teeth in a little harder, feeling the first pinpricks of blood welling against his lips as he reached one hand back up her skirts and began to knead at her panties again.
She was much wetter than she had been before, and he didn’t stop himself from purring lowly in delight.
“Dirty girl,” He murmured hotly, laving his tongue over the bloody bite on her neck. Her cute blouses weren’t going to hide that one, and he struggled to contain his delight about that. “Getting off on this, aren’t you? Me touching you when you don’t want it.”
“Nghh…” She kept twisting in his grip, her bottom lip swelling as she bit down even harder. “I’m not…getting off-“
“Yessss, you are,” He drawled, suddenly pulling the gusset of her panties to the side and pressing his fingers inside of her. Thank god it was late, and the library was empty. “Look at that, angel…I think your body is smarter than your head~”
“Fuck,” She swore, pressing her face into his shoulder again and tensing up even tighter. “T-That’s good…”
“I know,” He crooned, pressing a wet kiss to her cheek and sliding his fingers deeper. “I know it is. Good girl…”
“Just let me take what I want, now…”
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legobowl · 3 months
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glitterponyshark · 6 months
tbh, this was my honest reaction when i was first playing btd, strade would be a dead man from how much i would spray that bear mace in his eyes😭
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retrobadgamer · 3 months
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I remade the fruits (:
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cantagirldrawinpeace · 4 months
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What if One Piece Devil Fruit powers but as Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Stands?
Heres Robin’s please enjoy
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hitwiththetmnt · 11 months
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Back, P20, next
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casxmanis · 1 year
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Random shit I came up with at 4am
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water-writings · 9 months
!!!! what can you tell me about your two one piece ocs? thank you!
Oh man I have a lot for one and then not so much for the other.
One OC is named Hana. She started off as an OC for Pokemon Arceus where she was the healer for the Diamond Clan, but I've been throwing her around fandom to fandom. I didn't intend for her to be thrown into One Piece, but here we are, but I saw Law and somehow she just seemed to fit in pretty well with the world. Hana is a sweet girl who gets shy and flustered easily. Almost always stuttering and blushing. She's a mess. She came from a Winter Island where she lived with her mom, who ran an apothecary there. She learned about a lot of plants and flowers and all their healing properties from her mom. She keeps a log/journal of all the plants and flowers she has learned about. She keeps one pressed and glued into the pages with the information on the plant written all over the page. She knows how to make medicines or teas with them. She ran into Law and his crew when they were on her island. They visited the apothecary for some medical supplies and seeing Law, Hana was scared, but also developed a major crush on him. Some things happen while the crew is on the island that ends up with one of them needing medical attention. Hana and her mom help Law with that. Bepo suggests to Law that Hana joins the crew to help with the medicine supplies, saying it'd help Law out with any medical needs. Law reluctantly agrees and Hana sets off with them! Like I mentioned before Hana is a shy, flustered mess of a girl. So now that she's living on the Polar Tang with her crush she's stuttering almost every time she talks to him. I always pictured Penguin and Shachi being like big brothers to her and when they learn about her crush on Law, they start to tease her and come up with plans to get them together. It's chaos and Hana's almost always has pink or red on her face from blushing.
My other OC who I'm a little more invested in and thinking of writing a story for her name is Fiona. I didn't plan on making her, I was trying to focus on Maiko and my Tokyo Revengers. But my roommate who convinced me to get into the series told me I'd like Sabo she was right and somehow Fiona popped into my head even before Sabo even showed up in the show. She just developed and the name was a place holder originally, but it stuck. I tried so hard to not create an OC for this show!
Fiona comes from an Autumn island where she lived with her parents and younger brother and sister. Her parents ran a bakery on the island and from them she learned all their recipes and developed her love for baking. She dreamed of having her own family and bakery when she got older after seeing how her parents were together and how they were with her and her siblings. She loved it! She loved working in the bakery with her parents and playing with her siblings. She'd run deliveries around their town for her parents whenever she wasn't helping with baking.
When she was 14, a group of Marines settled on their island and made a base there. While on a delivery run, Fiona ran right into someone, a young Marine who turned out to be the captains son. She met Caldur, who immediately noticed her red face and how she apologized, which resulted in him teasing her. Fiona just left, giving him a glare in response to the teasing. After that Caldur would show up to the bakery, flirting and teasing with Fiona. She did find him cute and enjoyed the flirting, but she was stubborn and wasn't going to just give in. It kept going for a few weeks until finally Fiona agreed to one date with him. That date resulted in her and him dating for a couple years. Fiona actually falls in love with him over the years.
However, Caldur isn't great. He's more focused on impressing his dad and moving up in ranks, but he can't deny a cute girl having interest in him. He loves hearing the other Marines commenting on how lucky he is to have a cute girl as his girlfriend, it just boosts his ego. At some point over the time of them dating, Caldur finds the Claw Claw Fruit and gains its abilities. The power goes to his head and his hunger for power and control grows.
One day a pirate crew raids the island while Fiona is on a delivery run. She races back to the bakery and finds it on fire with her family trapped inside. She runs around looking for help when she finds Caldur and some of his Marine buddies. She begs Caldur to help her save her family and she's shocked when he refuses, saying his has his orders from the captain/his dad. Fiona keeps begging, saying how her family and him got along, how they like each other. Some of the Marines hesitate, suggesting that they go help, but Caldur tells them to shut up. Fiona tries again and Caldur uses his Claw Claw Fruit on her, slicing across her chest. He just looks at her and tells her "Know your place. Remember who I am to you" showing her that he never really cared for her as she did for him. Fiona just falls to the ground and bleeding out, people screaming and running around her as the town is burning.
When she wakes up the next day she's in the town's hospital and learns about her family's death. After that she eventually leaves her island and escapes from Caldur. After a couple years on her own she runs into some Revolutionary Army members as they're on a mission to take care of some Marines on whatever island she's on. She helps them as their trying to hide and eventually joins them. When she gets to headquarters that's where she meets Sabo. She runs into him just as she had with Caldur and once again, feeling embarrassed since she's new she's blushing and apologizing. Sabo makes a comment about her blushing which reminds her of Caldur and she immediately closes herself off from Sabo. She doesn't like him at all. Over time Sabo develops a crush on her and flirts and teases her which only makes Fiona not like him even more. He reminds her too much of Caldur and how they were at the start of their relationship. She refuses to fall in love and be hurt all over again, refusing to believe that Sabo's intentions are genuine and not the same as Caldur's.
I'm so sorry for the rambling! I got a little too carried away haha, but these are my One Piece OCs! I big shout out to @nightwingshero for helping me brainstorm and plot these girls out, especially for Fiona! Without her I wouldn't have been able to come up with half the things I have for Fiona, so thank you, Jo!
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hollenka99 · 3 months
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Artur V now has his great great grandfather as a rival for the title of 'emperor with the most unhinged family dynamic'.
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tinodude · 1 year
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