#lava fields
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vestaignis · 11 days ago
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Вулкан плоский Толбачик, пролетая над извержением и  лавовые поля вблизи от фотографа Сергей Краснощёков . Россия  (Петропавловск-Камчатский).
Так описывает свои ощущения от жуткой и невероятной картины силы природы фотограф.
"На лавовых полях вулкана Толбачик, время от времени появляются провалы. Они образуются над лавоводами, ещё их называют лавовые трубы. Это когда лава от места извержения не идёт по поверхности, а уходит вглубь застывшего лавового поля и имеет выходы на поверхность значительно ниже самого извержения.
Очередной такой провал я наблюдал на прошлой неделе. С виду он казался обычной дымящей дыркой, каких большое множество вокруг и по сути похожих друг на друга. Днём из них валит дым и пар, по ночам можно наблюдать красное свечение. Но этот провал оказался особенным. Он образовался как раз над лавоводом. И открыл нам вид на подземную огненную реку. Течение этой реки мне показалось очень сильным. Обычно лава имеет вязкую структуру. Эта же текла как вода и с большой скоростью.
Температура текущей расплавленной породы около 1000 градусов. Это сразу ощущаешь всеми частями тела. Подойти можно не ближе полутора метров от края. На это есть несколько причин. Первая, это сильный жар, лицо и руки не выдерживают и нескольких секунд. Приходится сделав несколько кадров отходить. Вторая, инстинкт самосохранения. И страшно и интересно. Не понятно, в какой момент там может ещё что то обрушиться. Видя всё это, адреналин так и прёт со всех щелей. Мозг отказывается адекватно воспринимать происходящее. За спиной уже слышатся рассуждения. А если что... МЧС наверное уже будет не нужен. А сколько проживёшь, попадая в этот котёл. Закончишь своё земное существование в полёте или ещё помучаешься. Но от этого вида и действия ничего с собой не можешь сделать. Отходя на безопасное расстояние, ты снова подходишь ближе.
В один из таких "поближе" я увидел, что это не просто прямой поток. Под кромкой он круто падает с уступа, образуя своеобразный водопад и разворачивается на 90 градусов относительно основного движения. У вулкана своя жизнь и его кровь течёт по своим законам."
Volcano Flat Tolbachik, flying over the eruption and lava fields near the photographer Sergey Krasnoshchekov. Russia (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky).
This is how the photographer describes his feelings from the eerie and incredible picture of the power of nature.
"On the lava fields of the Tolbachik volcano, from time to time, sinkholes appear. They are formed above lava channels, they are also called lava tubes. This is when the lava from the eruption site does not go along the surface, but goes deep into the solidified lava field and has exits to the surface much lower than the eruption itself.
I observed another such sinkhole last week. In appearance, it seemed like an ordinary smoking hole, of which there are many around and essentially similar to each other. During the day, smoke and steam pour out of them, at night you can see a red glow. But this sinkhole turned out to be special. It formed right above the lava channel. And it opened up a view of an underground fiery river. The flow of this river seemed very strong to me. Usually, lava has a viscous structure. This one flowed like water and at high speed.
The temperature of the flowing molten rock is about 1000 degrees. You immediately feel it with all parts of your body. You can come no closer than one and a half meters from the edge. There are several reasons for this. The first is the intense heat, face and hands can't stand it for even a few seconds. Having taken a few shots, you have to step back. Second, the instinct of self-preservation. It's both scary and interesting. It's not clear at what point something else might collapse. Seeing all this, adrenaline is pouring out of every crack. The brain refuses to adequately perceive what's happening. You can already hear reasoning behind your back. And if something happens… The Ministry of Emergency Situations will probably no longer be needed. And how long will you live, getting into this cauldron. You will end your earthly existence in flight or suffer some more. But you can't do anything with yourself from this view and action. Stepping back to a safe distance, you come closer again.
On one of these "closer" I saw that this is not just a straight stream. Under the edge, it falls steeply from the ledge, forming a kind of waterfall and turns 90 degrees relative to the main movement. The volcano has its own life and its blood flows according to its own laws."
Источник:/most-41rus.livejournal.com/22051.html, 35photo.pro /photo_528331/,/www.wildlifephoto.ru/index.php?c=lava-vulkana-tolbachik& context =image_context, /35photo.pro/photo_529856/, 35photo.pro/photo_555149/#author/555149.
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zegalba · 2 years ago
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Chris Veeneman: Lava Fields (2000)
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unholyeldritch · 1 year ago
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Mossy Lava Fields in Iceland
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dr-julius-sumner-miller · 5 months ago
More from Dee Wright Observatory and the lava fields
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ivacunja · 2 years ago
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zenovyap · 6 months ago
Iceland in 1300km - Canyons, Craters, and Geothermal Wonders
Our first 3 days of the 7 Days Complete Iceland Tour saw us went on the Golden Circle circuit, followed by ice caving on Iceland’s biggest ice cap. As we move northwards and away from the touristy Reykjavik, we saw more rugged natural landscapes and took a dip in a geothermal pool surrounded by a frozen lake and the serene mountains. Moving on to the 4th day of our tour around Iceland, we…
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felicity-osborne · 10 months ago
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Molten rock? Flowing lava? A wild galaxy ? What does this abstract original painting create for you? Real art at affordable prices here; https://flowbyflo.etsy.com/listing/1345234491 #lava #
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pisaliv08 · 11 months ago
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acelucky · 1 year ago
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Latest eruption at Sundhnúkur on the Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland. 22.03.2024
Taken during a helicopter flight over the volcanic region - this was and still is the only way to see the eruption as the area is completely closed off to public.
This was a dream come true and a very last minute, and emotional trip. I’m so grateful that I could go 🌋🇮🇸❤️
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hungrytravellers · 1 year ago
Volcanoes And Us
Amazing scenes have been unfolding on the TV screen recently, the Earth itself cracking wide open as bright orange fire laps around buildings and rivers of molten lava surge with unstoppable power through the darkness. This is, of course, the latest eruption in Iceland, the land of fire and ice, captured live and beamed in graphic detail straight to our news channels. Michaela and I have always…
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rabbitcruiser · 15 days ago
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Craters of the Moon National Monument & Preserve, ID (No. 3)
This lava field is the largest of several large beds of lava that erupted from the 53-mile (85 km) south-east to north-west trending Great Rift volcanic zone, a line of weakness in the Earth's crust. Together with fields from other fissures they make up the Lava Beds of Idaho, which in turn are in the much larger Snake River Plain volcanic province. The Great Rift extends across almost the entire Snake River Plain.
Elevation at the visitor center is 5,910 feet (1,800 m) above sea level.
Total average precipitation in the Craters of the Moon area is between 15–20 inches (380–510 mm) per year. Most of this is lost in cracks in the basalt, only to emerge later in springs and seeps in the walls of the Snake River Canyon. Older lava fields on the plain support drought-resistant plants such as sagebrush, while younger fields, such as Craters of the Moon, only have a seasonal and very sparse cover of vegetation. When viewed from a distance, this cover disappears almost entirely, giving an impression of utter black desolation. Repeated lava flows over the last 15,000 years have raised the land surface enough to expose it to the prevailing southwesterly winds, which help to keep the area dry. Together these conditions make life on the lava field difficult.
Source: Wikipedia
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mothmiso · 5 months ago
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Kamchatka 2024 (2) (3) (4) by mirrors are more fun
Via Flickr:
(1) (2) Mountain range Vachkazhec (4) Lava field nearby Gorely volcano     
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ghostatrandom · 8 days ago
Soooo liiiikeeeeee Eiland x Caldarus x Farmer polycule, we agree?
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icouldhyperfixatehim · 3 months ago
[licks finger and holds it to the wind] hm. doesn't feel like this is the year i'll get a forcebook drama where force is the one pursued and book gets to make him blushy with compliments for his absurdly long doe lashes...guess i'm hanging in there til 2026 at least. i will wait.mp3
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topios · 23 days ago
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Tired of winter chill? Try the Asphodel fields.
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caprin-fishie · 6 days ago
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Lava caves - Fields of Mistria
Been so much fun to traverse ✨ I yearn for the mines once more
And a version without my farmer in it
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