Maybe he could tolerate that kind of praise today. Maybe he would even -- he shivered -- like it.
From As Time Goes By (E) by Laura Shapiro (laurashapiro).
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ineffabildaddy · 6 months
last line challenge
thank you for tagging me, @eybefioro @ineffable-rohese @celestialcrowley!
rules - in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many as you like)
alright, here goes:
Crowley's claws scratched lightly at Aziraphale's thighs. "Again, angel, again, need-"
teeheehee<3 there's some totally human-shaped sex going on here clearly
no pressure tags for people i haven't seen tagged yet: @voluptatiscausa @crowleyslvt @laurashapiro-noreally @thescholarlystrumpet @hakunahistata @malachitegrey @aspiring-pansy @greenthena @gingiekittycat @robinwithay @createserenity
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karasbroken · 1 month
I found this looking at relationship tags on AO3 and was so overwhelmed I had immediately had to add it to the Farscape music Mondays queue. The thumbnail is blank because of a password (see the cut) but it's a Aeryn Sun/Kara Thrace (from Battlestar Galactica, where my username comes from) ship video!!?!
Take the extra effort to view it, it's worth it.
The song is Hurricane by Joan Osborne, and the creator is laurashapiro (who might be @laurashapiro-noreally). The editing is amazing, these gals are flirting, frelling, and fracking and it's perfect. The cuts are so smooth you think it's the same show. "Two pilots walk into a [space] bar" completely done with their men and ready for action. So hot, so believable, I am very on board this ship. You might want to watch this one in a private place.
It's password protected so I'm sticking that here: showme
I'm going to link the AO3 entry too, so you can go show the creator some love.
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stellacartography · 8 months
Toe the Line (Rated E)
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Words: 18,505 Chapters: 8/8
As Crowley and Aziraphale dine at the Ritz they are treated to a particularly reminiscent parade of chef's specials that spark memories of the past 2000 years. Crowley quietly panics his way through each course, drowning his anxiety in rather large amounts of alcohol. Aziraphale is helplessly drawn back into his own memories of their time together in the world they both love and every time they walked right up to the limits of their association.
Fandoms: Good Omens (TV), Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
Relationship: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Snake behaviours, Crowley is deep down still a snake, Food and drink, Drunken ineffable spouses, Rome 41 AD, Council at Nicaea, Wessex 537 AD, The Invention of Fireworks, How did Crowley make Hamlet popular?, Teaching an angel to tempt, Dancing Lessons, Portland Place Gentleman's Club, Ambush predation, diversion, camouflage, Thanatosis, Constriction, Mimicry, Sexy Snake Pile, Ritual foot-washing as temptation, Snake musk is not lube, Don't try this at home kids, Season one fix-it of a sort
Written for the @go-minisode-minibang with art by @willow-tea
Acknowledgements and tags below the cut
A thousand thank yous to my friends who attended the @ficwritersretreat2023 and listened to my reading of chapter 5. Your laughter made this happen. Thanks to @fearlessdiva930 for your help with the menu. I had lost all my original research outside of the story itself and your assistance was invaluable. Thank you @kinkykinker for the first beta and @cumberbatchedandgatissmitten for the second round and coaching. Thank you @basketcasebetty for coordinating the bang.
Tagging @copperplatebeech @keirgreeneyes, @seriouslymarythough, @cirquedereve, @laurashapiro-noreally, @totallysilvergirl, @hubblegleeflower, @sevdrag
Reblogs are love and are much appreciated. <3
(Psst! Hey, @mevima! I finally finished it. Only took 4.5 years.)
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gayvecchio · 7 months
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Short, one-shots under 5k
Stained by Jenn
mornings most of all by ifreet
were no crime by sionnain
Four A.M. in Chicago by mireille
Somewhere Else by Azar
Our Dancing Days by sdwolfpup
On Golden Pond by Belle_Evans
You're just my type by deathbyOTPin123
Repeat by SLWalker
Untitled by Jenn
On a map the gap's three fingers by belmanoir
Medium length, 5k-10k
Acharnement by pqlaertes
Reconstruction by brynnmck
Ray Vecchio, Sixty-Four, in Canada in the Summertime by Scribe
Long, Slow Drift by belmanoir
Red Ruse by Cherilyn (Ankh)
Heart Held Out Like A Tin Cup  by brynnmck, sdwolfpup
This Error by Laura Shapiro (laurashapiro), Pares (kormantic)
No Son of His by m. fae glasgow
Come In From the Cold by Nos4a2no9
Longer stories, 10k+
Disposable Teens (teachers au) by Jenn
Cold Heart (Twin Peaks Crossover, ft. Fraser/Cooper) by Dorthy Marley
Through the Night, Behind the Wheel, the Mileage Clicking West by neverfaraway
I Miss You, etc. by portlandwithyou
Bye Bye, Bookman by Muriel_Perun
Long Way Home by Justine Bennett, Morgan Dawn
Double or Nothing by brynnmck
The Diner by rose_malmaison
Power Out by NewEyes
The Poker Night Series (four stories in total) by Ruth_Devero
Shooting Star by Lazuli_Kat
Burn this Town to the Ground by vailkagami
Prodigal Mountie by amaruuk
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laurashapiro-noreally · 11 months
So, Season 2 messed me up for a while, as I think is true of a lot of us. But my own particular flavor of freakout had to do with investment in a read on Aziraphale and Crowley and their relationship which I felt in my bones that I understood -- and I had written hundreds of thousands of words about it. About a Crowley who fell in love at first sight, about an Aziraphale with scads of sexual experience, above all about the both of them -- by the time that tartan thermos was exchanged, certainly, if not well before -- knowing they were in love. Only waiting, maybe without much hope, for the moment when it would finally be safe. In my head, they knew. They both knew. And I wrote about that moment, and what came after.
Season 2 changed everything and for a long time I didn't know what to do. I couldn't go on purveying erotic romances as though nothing had happened. The thing I most desperately needed to work out, was, how did we get here? If, after the Ritz, things didn't go as I'd always imagined -- what did happen?
Thank goodness for @julietk, who allowed me to throw myself on their tender mercies and served up their flawless, flawed Crowley as brilliantly as ever, to support my occasional rep as Aziraphale-whisperer.
If you're still in a lather about S2, I hope this story brings you the comfort it has for me.
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possibility-left · 1 month
Good Omens fic recs #37
you're gone, and heaven cries by Imagined - A/C, 15k words.  This is so sad and so vibrant.  Aziraphale hasn't spoken to Crowley since 1862, and he ends up working as a nurse on the front lines of WWI, writing Crowley letters he doesn't intend to send.  There's a wonderful original character here, another nurse, who helps flesh out the story and tries to help Aziraphale when he can't help himself.  There's a little happy ending-ish coda as well so you get that breath of fresh air at the end.
A Portrait Drained of Blood by solsides - A/C, 5k words.  This story has an extremely funny Crowley POV that really works for it.  Crowley, his usual demon self, gets turned into a vampire and he tries to lean into it, mostly to annoy Aziraphale, but it's not the best plan.
no such dear delusion by solsides - A/C Ineffable Wives, 3k words.  A gorgeously sad Ineffable Wives piece that centers on the suffering lesbians of history.  Crowley beats up cops, Aziraphale keeps love letters.
bastard cobas by SpicyReyes - A/C, 2k words.  This is a very cute story about Aziraphale giving Crowley an incredibly ugly plant and Crowley trying to be secretly nice to it (so his other plants don't hear).
A Virtue of the Brave by juliet and laurashapiro - A/C, 32k words.  This is a stellar Through the Ages fic in which they confessed how they felt about each other early on, and also have been having sex for quite a while, but of course can't be openly together so we still get that delicious angst.  There is a great f/f sex scene and Aziraphale's first temptation in this, which are some of my favorite things.  (There's also some great m/m sex scenes as well but the f/f is rarer so I like to mention it.)  The thread through the story is Aziraphale wanting and hoping Crowley to be redeemed as an angel again -- this was written pre-S2 so all the more impressive for the writers to tease it out here and resolve it with a skilled and difficult conversation.
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twilightcitysky · 1 year
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Honest Angel by Twilightcitysky
3000 words, rated E, complete
“That’s why you decided to drive a scooter to the Downs? You wanted to break laws?” “I planned to trespass, too,” Aziraphale said conspiratorially. “Mr. Haverford’s estate has a lovely view of the ocean.” Crowley burst out laughing. He couldn’t help it. But Aziraphale blushed and looked twitchy. “I suppose it would seem funny to you,” he muttered. “It’s just… angel, you like being the good one.” He ought to, he’d lorded it over Crowley often enough. “I can do unexpected things.” Aziraphale turned to face him. His expression was a strange mix of contemplation and terror: a first-time parachute jumper looking out the open door of the plane. “I know that, but you don’t–” “And I can go fast,” Aziraphale said. His eyes dropped to Crowley’s lips. Crowley’s stomach swooped. “Angel–” “I can break rules,” Aziraphale whispered. “Especially the ones that don’t make sense anymore.”
Read it here on AO3! Thank you to @copperplatebeech for the banner!
I'm going to try tagging a few people when I post fic on Tumblr-- since things get lost so easily here and I always appreciate being tagged by others! If you'd like me to remove you from (or add you to) my tag list please let me know. And if you create something that you'd like shared, always tag me!
@hasturswig @kanna-ophelia @princess-spock @cinnabarmint @ashfae @tyrograph @siriosa @amberly333 @octoberspirit @madbethsb @valquainton @unuora @marsch00 @laurashapiro-noreally and of course @copperplatebeech who has been trying to get me to do this for months. Love you babe.
Thank you so much if you reblog!
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leviosally · 1 year
Vanishing Acts
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Okay, so a few months ago, I had a fun little idea to do a fic telephone collaboration, and pitched the idea to the server. We finally finished up, and I could not be happier with the result! Special thanks to @laurashapiro-noreally @nieded @werpiper @ajconstantine @ziggyz-eyepatch @vecieminde @nemznemz for writing with me!!
Who ordered Magician Aziraphale historical vignette with a side of fluffy cute bickerflirting?
Read it here.
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wordsinhaled · 1 year
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couldn’t resist a doodle of the lovely femme crowley in her 80s jacket from laurashapiro’s “Through the Glimmering Light” (everyone go read the series if you haven’t already!!!)
@laurashapiro-noreally thank you for writing the entire “Leaves of Grass” series! i’m nowhere near as skilled as many of the incredible artists in GO fandom but your imagery of crowley in this outfit has been living in my head rent-free since i read it ❤️
Crowley’s short hair was spiked up and she had trimmed the sides close. Her eyes, not yet covered, were lined thickly with black. She wore at least five rings in each ear in rainbow hues and a battered black motorcycle jacket studded with safety pins and various patches, badges, and stickers. Her t-shirt said “SIREN” in large orange letters, somewhat challenging to read as they dipped diagonally over her modest bosom.
She turned to fetch her glasses off the counter and Aziraphale noticed the tattered ACT UP flag pinned to the back of her jacket. “This is the original jacket, though. I didn’t think you kept these things.”
i also think crowley would love this particular pin circa 1980… “Whatever happened to gay lib? IT WENT DISCO”…
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ineffablebookgirl · 2 years
🎶✨ When you get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. Then, send this ask/tag 10 of your favourite followers ✨🎶
Thanks for tagging me, @inconveniently-discorporated !
1 - "Swan Upon Leda" by Hozier. Just lots and lota of feelings and I can't wait for the album to come out!
2 - "The Heart is a Muscle" by Gang of Youths. This really captures a hopefulness and resilience and emotional self-empowerment that I love.
3 - "The Water" by Johnny Flynn and Laura Marling. Pretty much any music about water or rivers has my heart.
4 - "Sky Full of Song" by Florence + the Machine. Just. Hngggg.
5 - "Saturn" by Sleeping at Last. Existential agnst is my jam. Sometimes.
This is just making me realize how much my music habits are dependent on mood and phase of life, and I'm kind of in a liminal space right now, musically.
No pressure tags: @skyisverybored @turniptitaness @naefelldaurk @sarahthecoat @sevdrag @uniquelyhilarious @darkcomicsbookslibrariesthing @ineffable-shenanigans @skinnyscottishbloke @lumbrellacoffeemug @soarts @koriquo @lazulibundtcake @laurashapiro-noreally
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ineffableclassics · 8 months
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After the nightingale sang, before a naked archangel arrives in Soho – four years passed. What happened during that time?
Words: 11,754
Status: Complete
Rating: Teen and Up
By @laurashapiro-noreally
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lineffability · 1 year
Okay, I tried really hard not to send you this because it is really strange to send people NSFW content, but when I saw your reblog of the french cellar scene fic idea I just couldn't help myself because I thought you might find it ...inspiring?
(It's an explicit fanart / fanfiction illustration)
oh yes, i've seen this before, actually (¬‿¬) it's glorious
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Good Omens (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens) Additional Tags: Ineffable Husbands (Good Omens), Ineffable Spouses, Ineffable Partners, He/Him Pronouns For Aziraphale (Good Omens), He/Him Pronouns For Crowley (Good Omens), Kissing, Making Out, Snogging, Biting, finger-licking, Fishhooking, wet and messy, above the waist, Light Dom/sub, slightly kinky, Begging, Top Crowley (Good Omens), Bottom Aziraphale (Good Omens), Power Bottom Aziraphale (Good Omens), Topping from the Bottom, Service Top Crowley (Good Omens), The Final Fifteen, Fix-It of Sorts, not really a fix-it Summary:
I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days. -- Bull Durham
My first story in over a year, and wow, I am glad to be back. @racketghost sparked this one with this outstanding post and I had to. I just had to.
“Do it again.”
Tears still tracked down Aziraphale’s face, but Crowley would not be taken in. Never again would he be swayed by Aziraphale’s manipulations.
“But – surely we’ve said everything there is to be said.”
The angel was flushed, brow knitted, anxious eyes darting here and there. Crowley didn’t read books – he’d been reading this one for six thousand years. Six thousand and more.
“Might have. Might be I need to say a little more.”
Aziraphale’s gaze dropped to Crowley’s mouth. Crowley licked his lips, then could have blessed himself for it. No. Not giving in.
“What is it you want to say, Crowley?”
Crowley wanted to tell him he hadn’t been idle, since Aziraphale went. He’d learned. And if there had been no one left he’d particularly fancied practising with, well, he’d put his disinterest aside, at first. And then he’d worked out how to be interested.
Crowley wanted to tell him he wouldn’t get another chance. There could be no second chances, because this wasn’t his second chance, it wasn’t even his dozenth chance. There were too many to count. And yet, here they both were, weren’t they.
Crowley wanted to tell him he understood what forgiveness was a lot better than Aziraphale ever had.
What Crowley said was, “Beg me.”
Read more
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possibility-left · 3 months
Good Omens fic recs #28
carol of the bells by drawlight - A/C, 17k words.  In that first holiday season following Armageddon, Aziraphale and Crowley slowly draw closer.  This is a series of lovely vignettes with a happy ending.  Drawlight's prose is as always vivid, colorful, and sharp, but this story is also immensely cozy and warm.
Four Cups of Wine by boreaowl - A/C, 56k words.  This is another lovely Jewish story.  Aziraphale and Crowley get invited to a Passover seder by chance and make friends with the hosting rabbi and her wife (great OCs).  They respectfully experience Jewish life through the year and try to figure out their mental health issues and their own relationship in the wake of Armageddidn't.
The Bentley Takes a Holiday by GiggleSnortBangDead - A/C, 4k words.  A very cute story in which Crowley unfortunately has to ride the bus (from his and Aziraphale's cottage), makes some friends, makes some enemies, but mostly wants to get home to his angel.  Very fluffy and sweet.
This must be the place by Laura Shapiro (laurashapiro) - A/C, 10k words.  After the lockdown phone call, Aziraphale writes a love letter and invites Crowley over, trying to be brave.  This turns into a slow, romantic seduction that I enjoyed very much.
mourning doves by sleepyimpulse - A/C, 22k words.  Sometime after the end of S2, Aziraphale Falls... into Crowley's living room.  They struggle, Crowley's angst I think is especially poignant here, as they try to figure out their friendship/relationship/existence and Aziraphale recovers.  The language in this is gorgeous.
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tyrograph · 1 year
Home screen meme!
Tagged by @blythe-ly
Rule: post your home screen and tag some other people, if you wanna
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This is a photo I took years ago of a window display at a local design agency. Beautiful lego pattens and structures - reminiscent of a cityscape witout replicating anything remotely real.
The whole thing was at least 1.5m wide, probably 70 or 80cm high and 40cm deep?
I love that it's so orderly and yet not at all the minimalist esthetic i usually see in that storefront!
Tagging @tybalttrouble @peepingnee @laurashapiro-noreally and @ajconstantine
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