gawrkin · 5 months
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(From Launfal by Thomas Chestre)
So in Thomas Chestre's version of Marie's Lai:
Guinevere is Irish. This changes everything.
Rather ironically, her dad this time is King Ryons - the same giant who was invading Cameliard in the French stories. Lol, even here, Guinevere is still the daughter of a Giant.
Everyone already hates her.
Of note, the story literally says "[she had] so many [lovers] there was no end". Girl can't stop winning.
Guinevere forgot to give Launfal gifts, so now he hates her even more.
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silentmoonbutterfly · 10 months
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mintmavka · 10 months
A modest "reDraw Dragon's Lair screenshot" challenge has turned into a mix of styles ( and the battle with the brush, ill-fitting for the particular lineart style). Among other influences, "The Swan Princess" (1994) and even a painting by K. Somov should be mentioned. The one who guesses the said piece of art, shall get a glass of Est-Est💋
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// 🎨 support the artist ( boosty ) //
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dukeofdogs · 2 years
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Gwent: The Witcher Card Game | Chronicles | Nilfgaard
Artists: Maciej Laszkiewicz, Angelina Lisovskaya, Volmi Games,
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prankprincess123 · 2 years
Some days my Medieval Literature class is filled with intellectual discussion about symbolism and repeated themes, as we loose track of time reading Middle English texts aloud. Other days it is simply someone calling Queen Guinevere a slut and the prof dissolving into hysterical laughter for the entire remainder of the lecture time. Today is not the first instance of the latter
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stromuprisahat · 2 years
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fantasyoftales · 2 years
Knights Tourney
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vanillapie-art · 2 years
I'll be back for a couple more seconds to say are we still about to ignore fact that Palmerin de Launfal was gray-haired in the books????? I mean?????? HUH???????????????? we were robbed. (I remember not a single word about its length so *insane infernal laugh* even if it was I don't care pfft)
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cdchyld · 2 years
Just added to the Vintage shop!
~ “The Vision of Sir Launfal and Other Poems” by James Russell Lowell (1916)
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marwyn · 1 month
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Alone and melancholy, Launfal had ridden deep into the forest one midsummer’s day. At length he dismounted, flung himself down on a grassy bank and closed his eyes to the sunshine. After a while, the murmur of sweet voices roused him. Nearby were two golden-haired maidens, who signaled to him. He arose and followed the maids through the trees to a clearing ablaze with wild flowers, where he saw a pavilion of embroidered silk, adorned with gilded roses and crowned with an eagle of burnished gold. It sheltered a maiden who was so radiant that every memory of mortal beauty faded from Launfal’s mind.
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He found the Queen in a dark and high-walled palace garden. She quickly came to the point: He had become her heart’s desire; she wished to make him her paramour. Unmoved, Launfal courteously refused.
Without a backward glance, Sir Launfal strode across the courtyard to the lady from the realm of Faerie and leaped up behind her on the white horse. Launfal and Tryamour rode together out of the castle gates and into the meadow beyond, dwindling in the distance and finally vanishing.
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Tryamour was never seen again. It was said that she had taken her lover far across the seas to live on the fairy island of Avalon, from which she never could return. But Launfal reappeared in the forests near Caerleon once each year on the eve of the day he had left. A shadowy figure in the fading light of dusk, he was mounted on a splendid charger, and he rode alone, a hint of longing on his face for the mortal world that he had forsaken.
Lyanna Stark and Launfal, illustrated by Kinuko Y. Craft (from Fairies and Elves, Time-Life Books)
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lillipad72 · 4 months
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The Annotated Anne of Green Gables ~~ a special rereading
CHAPTER II ~~ Matthew Cuthbert is Surprised
"The little birds sang as if it were/The one day of summer in all the year."
These verses at the beginning of Chapter II come from a long verse parable by James Russel Lowell, "The Vision of Sir Launfal," published in 1848. I could not find much besides a quick synopsis of the poem, but we can learn much from it. This poem is a twist on the classic Grail story. Sir Launfal decides not to search for the Holy Grail after a dream causes him to realize that the real meaning of the Grail is charity. These verses come as Matthew travels to pick up an orphan boy from the train station only to discover our heroine, Anne Shirley, waiting instead. While the verses perfectly describe the beautiful spring day of the setting, the poem as a whole fits into the theme of the novel. It was the charity in the Cutherberts' hearts that led them to find their Holy Grail, Anne, even if it wasn't the orphan boy they thought.
"Her face was small, white and thin, also much freckled; her mouth was large and so were her eyes, that looked green in some lights and moods and gray in others. So far, the ordinary observer; an extraordinary observer might have seen that the chin was pointed and pronounced; that the big eyes were full of spirit and vivacity; that the mouth was sweet-lipped and expressive; that the forehead was broad and full; in short, our discerning extraordinary observer might have concluded that no commonplace soul inhabited the body of this stray woman-child."
This is the introduction and description of Anne Shirley! While there is so much here to unpack, I'll leave that for another day; for now, I will discuss L.M. Montgomery's inspiration for the appearance of Anne. I knew about this before, but this book pointed it out, and well, I love this fact! So Montgomery said she saw a photo of a girl in an American magazine that she then used as a model for Anne. Montgomery said she had no idea who the girl was and if she had any idea that her face was the model for Anne. Well, that girl has been identified as none other than Evelyn Nesbit! The exact photo is above! For those of you unaware of the lovely Evelyn, she was a chorus girl and model in New York City at the beginning of the 20th century, but she really became famous when her husband, Harry K. Thaw, murdered Stanford White. (White was a famous architect who designed such buildings as the Pennsylvania Station in New York; he is also a character in the Gilded Age on Max). Nesbit alleged that White raped her when she was a minor and that she had told her husband that, causing him to shoot White to defend her honor. The trial would go on to be called "The Trial of the Century" (despite it only being 1907), and Nesbit was the star witness in her husband's defense. Her fame would rise, and she became a star in vaudeville. Another fun fact is that she (according to her grandson) received $25,000 from her husband after the trial, and she donated it to the anarchist Emma Goldman (who I really suggest looking into; her work was fascinating). Anyways, all that to say: I wonder what L.M. Montgomery would have thought if she knew that Evelyn Nesbit, a woman of 'loose morals,' was her inspiration for the appearance of Anne?
I was going to write as well about a few song lyrics that appear in this chapter, but I talked too much already I feel, so if anyone wants to know about the lyrics, let me know
next chapter
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silentmoonbutterfly · 11 months
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cultofthewyrm · 1 year
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Guillaume de Launfal by Konstantin Porubov
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dukeofdogs · 10 months
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Gwent: The Witcher Card Game | The cards that could’ve been 71/?
Guillaume de Launfal (Konstantin Porubov), Grégoire de Gorgon (Sébastien Blondet)
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Tomorrow Never Came
pairing: Fleeced Wolf (Anthelme de Launfal x Lambert)
wc: 155
context; Anthelme's about officially completed his training, as he's just received his medallion. He sees no reason to stay any longer.
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The medallion around Anthelme’s neck weighed heavy. Lambert could tell. Sure, it wasn’t too heavy on its own. The memories were what made it weigh so much. He focused back in on the deer tracks they were following. It was limping; something else had injured it, or maybe it’d injured itself. He bumped into Anthelme, who’d…stopped for some reason.
“...Why’d you stop?” “Can you see my tracks too?”
Lambert blinked. It was a simple question, with a simple answer. His brow furrowed.
“Obviously I can. Why?” “...Do you think you could see where I’m going to go, too?” “I’m not a fucking fortune teller. I can predict, maybe, but…” Lambert sighed and tossed his hands up. “Whatever. Who cares. Let’s just get the deer.”
Lambert took the lead. He glanced over his shoulder for a moment, to check if Anthelme was following. He was, but he looked…disappointed? Why?
…It didn’t matter. He could ask tomorrow.
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toussainttwins · 10 months
The Carnival of The Animals
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The Dreamveil is a heaven of disguises - the most fanciful, equally artful and ridiculous, mysterious and charming, costumes are gathered under its roof. Yet it would be an error to conclude that the sewing succubi have created dresses for their human - or elven, or dwarven ( or even a doppler one ) - patrons only. Sir Cervantes - a steadfast and loyal steed of Palmerin de Launfal’s - has donned the festive attire too once. As an attempt to reconcile with the over-protective horse, Nistana suggested to her lover that the three of them could go equally dressed. After all, don’t knights reel in grooming their horses most lavishly for tournaments and battles? Why not let the beast have some fun during the carnival procession, when many masked people flood the streets of Beauclair and fill the air with songs and laughter that fall down like rose-petals? The hoffed coquette even had a fitting legend in mind - the fashionable story of Roger and Angelica, that featured a fearless knight, a beautiful maiden in distress and a magical flying horse*. Sir Cervantes, despite his initial neighing and nagging, warmed up to the pretty succubus - a common task is the best material for building bridges. Indeed, it required patience to be measured and to wear fake wings amidst a crowd; the flippant attire secretly made Cervantes very proud, for he and his knight fought a griffon once, and the pair of gorgeous wings haunted his daydreaming moments ever since.  Still, he didn’t cease his disapproving grunting when the hoofed seamstress called his master “Tubbynubs”. At least, not at once. Having one dream fulfilled makes even a heart of a beast more gentle.
* As far as the mun is concerned the 16th century poem “Orlando Furioso” by Ludovico Ariosto, where the characters appear, features no flying horse (instead, there is a griffon) or even a mutual love story. Yet the horse with wings appears in many paintings depicting the couple such as by Johann Peter Krafft and Joseph Blanc. The last is featured for the post image. Nistana’s romantic interpretation is closer to the story of Perseus and Andromeda, which in turn inspired the creation of Roger and Angelica. The names of the later couple seems more fitting for witcher-verse; thusly the choice of them.
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