#nistana the succubus
mintmavka · 5 months
When an artist gets a bit carried away with the "tiny, totally not detailed art" for a meme.
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toussainttwins · 5 months
@fallesto || x "Oh, that very one Geralt of Rivia from The Wolven Storm by Dandelion? The beloved of the raven-haired sorceress! A witcher who can love!" the petite succubus' eyes grew wider and some colour returned to her cheeks.
Oh, to meet the white wolf from the songs. It was scary, indeed, but also very, very adventurous. Of course, she would never seek a meeting with a witcher, even if he was a main protagonist of many a charming, daring ballad that often made her sister weep sweet tears of sympathy...why, they positively trembled when Geralt of Rivia visited Beauclair for the last time, cooked up in the Dreamveil like two frightened lambs before a real wolf... Oh, Nistana would be so jealous she ran into the hero of her favourite songs! She wished her lambkin was here. Then her shiny, tired hoofs would not tremble so. Nistana would devise a plan how to slip away, smooth as a song itself... "Of course Her Grace is kind and understanding! As a matter of fact she is my customer." Natanis stopped in her tracks, heedlessly dragging a witcher to stop too as only her delicate horned sisters with a muscles of iron could. And raised her curly head very high. "I am letting you know, master Geralt, that it was my shop The Dreamveil where our beautious Royal Sangbonbon has been ordering her attire for the Festival of the Vat...for the last several years!" the proud succubus' horns almost scratched Geralt's chin.
"As for my other clients and sangbonbons no one would wish me harm. My costumes are as much beloved as I am," to prove her point she dusted off her gown busily and made a little spin, showing off her smart travelling cape, embroidered with stars and constellations and her voluminous skirt, studded with tiny bells. It hid her tail and hoofs well and she was careful not to flash them before a witcher. Then she gasped and made a little bow. "Ah, I am terribly sorry! I have not introduced myself, the terror has drained all my manner from me! I am Natanis of Beauclair, the seamstress. You have certainly heard of my modest shop," Natanis said with amiable immodesty. She was hoping the cat-like eyes could see all the details of her painstakingly made travelling costume. A compliment was a compliment, wheither it came for a witcher or not. And ah, the fright made her ravenous. "Thusly, you see. There must be some mistake. The Duchess loves me well, but...there was no reason for her to place a contract for a succubus, even if it's a contract to keep me safe, which is very dear indeed! She would rather send for her seamstress."
"Are you positive you found a right damsel, sangbonbon? I am not complaining. I...oh, my very horns are risking to fall off when I think what those ruffians were after..." the silvery voice faltered and the petite succubus stopped abruptly, like an automaton doll whose cogs lost its power. She shuddered again and covered her horned head with her hood with extra care, not seeking an admiring glance that time.
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"They...they took my little dryad's embrace satchel." the only reason why they didn't take her chatelain from her waist was that it got caught in her dress. It was probably a mere matter of time...thinking of it made a sour taste, cold and nauseating raise up Natanis' throat. So loathsome the feeling was that she was ready to dash into the white wolf's arms on her own accord that time. "And I am...I am frightened... to go to the cart and get it. Could you possibly bring it to me, mas...Geralt?"
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ladysunbite · 7 months
love: is there anyone my muse has fallen in love with over the years? are they still alive? if not, does my muse do anything to commemorate them (ie. leaving flowers on their grave, etc.)? 
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for the immortals meme || open
The land of love and wine... Living in Toussaint without having a love story to wear upon a sleeve - a tragic one, a happy one, a secret one or a glorified one - was a rebellious affront to the tradition, if not to say the very nature of the fair Duchy.
The cultured vampiress cradles the goblet to and fro in her hand. "It would take either an unruly, riotous nature to ever consider mating with an..." the word that dances at the tips of her well-hidden fangs is 'eterau'. A part of sun-eyed's mind despises a blunder of foolishness; another part - a less well-formed, murky, still misshapen one - considers the usual term an anachronism, in its blindness and its rudeness.
"...I suppose you are curious about my human lovers? As I was saying, my kin can be drawn to such a match purely out of desire to shock or possessing within themselves a complete, respectful disregard of societal morals. I take after neither my darling Regis, nor Dettlaff in this regard."
During their shared mayhem youth, Emiel and her had... a simple thing of craving and curiosity. That, however, did not ruin their friendship, quite the opposite. Free of the shackles of dreams and desire, both were able to confess what they they found openly baffling about each other, without the need to judge, pretend or reshape one another. Turned out, the restless fledglings enjoyed challenging each other's view of the world - once they learned how deeply one should claw, in order not too draw too much blood. Metaphorically, of course. "I value both of my athumicas greatly, each one for their own, peculiar bouquet of folly and wisdom."
Something passes across Orianna's eyes. The marble forehead stays unclouded, the lips do not loose the rein of a courteous, indifferent smile. Yet a close friend might notice a change dancing across her irises for a blink. Warmth, bright and more telling than any grand, flourishing confessions. The moment is quickly lost in a cold, sharp, suspicion. "I hope my petite seamstress is not passing any rumours around?" what irritates the deceitful, usually indifferent mistress of Mandragora is that one can not be truly angry with Natanis ( or Nistana ). Little fools would probably think they are building her reputation. A handsome lover is as much a must as a proper gown of velvet and golden-thread in the circles that sun-eyed entertains and is entertained by. Besides, what can one expect of a succubus? A spying, spoiled succubus. "It was Our Belovedness the Duchess, who has ordered a portrait from master Vilesse. I have merely acted as a guise, and provided a safe haven for the sessions. Why should have I denied Her Grace a favour? Refusal would end in a highly unpleasant scene, and I loath any breach of my comforts. Besides, it is not the first time Dorian Vilesse uses Mandragora as a studio. There was no reason why I ought not have had my own likeness done...as a part of..." uncharacteristically, the sun-eyed stumbles as she speaks. And not just a stray tumble of words. Excuses! "...as a part of a scheme, to protect Her Grace's reputation, in case of any malicious gossip."
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museissick · 3 years
The Succubus and The Knight // a Nistana and Palmerin mix // A gift for @espurrly
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ginstermoff · 5 years
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So I got permission to draw and post @beastend's @toussainttwins' beautiful ship!
Please check out their accounts, both of their writing is simply divine and, i gotta be honest, it gives me so much joy. ♡
My utmost gratitude to both of you, I'm so honored you let me draw these sweethearts! ♡
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Jealousy is love-envy.
@toussainttwins asked:
Dear athumica, 
According to our mutual friends you are the wisest among our kin. Brace yourself, for I am afraid that I have something rather indecent to ask you. The question has been clawing at my fragile, worry-besotted mind for longer than I care to mention. What is jealousy? Many a ballad paints it as a terrible affliction, and many a sangbonbon of mine told me that he was jealous as a compliment. The tricky word confuses me utterly! While the emotion tastes…equally sharp and delicious. Is it a vile or a virtuous thing? Can it be dangerous to me or to my beloved? Please, lend your enchanting emeralds of eyes to my plight. 
I hope you will not think your poor little succubus very silly for asking you this,
Yours Natanis 
 P.s. The wisest and the most vigorous, if I may add. My softest parts still ache most pleasantly! 
My fairest Natanis,
first of all I would like to thank you, not only for your beautifully written and perfumed letter, but also for the exquisite compliment on my intellect. You can flatter me with many things, but a nice remark about my wisdom always makes me shine.
It's difficult with this phenomenon of jealousy. Humans see it as one of the deadly sins, we vampires do not understand the concept - it is alien to us. Although I have to admit to myself that I too have felt jealousy and I have understood it as a disgusting feeling.
I found out that jealousy is not a single feeling, but a mixture of several. It is fear, envy, the feeling of inferiority, distrust, anger, rage and even hatred. Jealousy often occurs in connection with love or success. With the second it is like this: someone has a good profession, earns a lot of money. Another has grown up with this person, but has hardly any money. Instead of changing his situation, he feels horror towards the person and tries to make his life harder. 
In love, jealousy can be a magnanimous force, like an army that wants to wage war. When one of your sangbonbons says that it is jealous, it means that it is afraid that you are with someone else. And that's usually not good. Surely jealousy can also be understood as a compliment: in the sense that you care terribly about others and only want good things for them. But it is usually the case that one regards one's partner as one's property - and I know that you don't like this idea at all, my darling. 
It often means, that he doesn't trust you. Jealousy can protect, but usually only hurts. It can be very dangerous for you if someone gets too over-protective. Love can make humans blind and sometimes irrational. Remember, my dearest. Please be careful, take very good care of yourself in this regard and pass this on to your most revered sister.
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akindlymonster-a · 5 years
Regarding fluff: what's about finding a very fluffy succubus at his cemetery hideout? The trickster has carefully perched among the alchemy equipment, set on the table; planning some coquettish welcome, no doubt. But fell asleep, while waiting.
.Send Fluffy Things! || Always Accepting
Regis had to stifle his laughter when he came upon his sweet intruder, curled up atop his notes with her button nose wrinkled in a dream. She must have come with mischief in mind, but now her hair was mussed and her artfully applied makeup smudged, knowledge that would probably have appalled her upon waking, and yet Regis couldn’t help the fondness that rose in him. Dear Natanis, still trying to cheer him up.
Ah, but her position was precarious, one leg already dangling and the rest of her threatening to follow, and before a rude awakening could come to pass he moved to catch her, gently gathering her into his arms. It was only then, when her face came into true relief in the dim light of the crypt, that he discovered his mistake.
Despite what he had first thought, this was decidedly not Natanis.
“ Oh, my dear... ” Regis felt a lump rising in his throat, the revelation settling warm and heavy around his heart. Not only did Nistana know, but she had come looking for him. For all of her sister’s chatter, he had not let himself believe that she thought of him still, their time together too long ago, divided from the present by too much distance and pain. And yet, here she was, snoozing peacefully in his morbid little hideout.
He swallowed hard, the succubus in his arms shifting slightly and making sleepy noises. He shushed her softly, carefully lifting her towards the meager mattress he had set up for those rare moments of rest. Not a lovely feather bed, my dear, but it will have to do. He settled her carefully, pulling his thin blanket over her and brushing stray curls from her face.
“ Sweet Nistana, still as beautiful as ever. ” Very carefully, he pressed a kiss to her forehead, his heart overfull. “ I am here, mijnliefste. Right beside you, as always. ”
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mintmavka · 6 months
❤️All the witcher pin-ups I have done by now ( Orianna, Syanna, and my beloved half-oc succubus twins - Natanis and Nistana)
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mintmavka · 1 year
🧇🐏🦇 In case you suddenly crave waffles after seeing the art, I haste to assure you it is not a succubus magic ( or the famed Beauclair air ). In truth, there are waffles that have a similar dusty-pink package.
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mintmavka · 5 months
🐏🐏 the lambkins are out to cause trouble and headaches again.
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mintmavka · 10 months
A modest "reDraw Dragon's Lair screenshot" challenge has turned into a mix of styles ( and the battle with the brush, ill-fitting for the particular lineart style). Among other influences, "The Swan Princess" (1994) and even a painting by K. Somov should be mentioned. The one who guesses the said piece of art, shall get a glass of Est-Est💋
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mintmavka · 1 year
a wip for a new icon with my lambkins 🐑🐑
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mintmavka · 2 years
The last frivolous and lighthearted meme of this month ( who knows… ). To fill in questionnaires from a character’s pov became our annual habit with @battyccino. However, this is the first one featuring Nistana and not Natanis 🐑🐑
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🐑 🧸 🦇 Check out the pretties stylized hoofs in the whole Duchy (aka the middle art piece)
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mintmavka · 2 years
The notorious girlfriend meme for both lambkins 🐏🐏
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// 💜 the certain bete’s part // // 🎨 support the artist (  boosty ) //
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mintmavka · 2 years
Nistana and Gwydeon aep Honingen, the bearlet 🐑☀️🧸
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Many thanks to @battyccino for suggesting the meme, for which the triflet was created. And to our notorious ataman, for helping to make Gwydeon's attire evidently Nilfgaardian.
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mintmavka · 2 years
A good friend - (noun.) a person, who chases the gloom away by challenging you to create silly memes. Below is the part for Nistana 🐏🐏
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💜The certain bete’s part
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