#latta cooke
froynlaventje · 6 days
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The Ramaswami - Cooke family welcome a new addition! Sala and Sanjay now have a son together named Deep.
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Sala is the only one who can teach the toddlers and her plantsim status really helps keep her motives up so she can teach quickly. Latta learns to walk and talk with just a nap in between.
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Two kids age up this week. Deep is now a toddler and Nundat is a child.
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The heat is hard on all the kids this rotation but they all manage to prevent heat stroke and by the end of the week everyone is feeling a lot better already.
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nb-hedgewolf · 10 months
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"If I cannot win in this game, then I'll make it so that everyone loses. You can't continue a game of chess if one of the kings is missing."
Inspired by @boom-fanfic-a-latta's Tachophobia AU, I've been cooking this drawing for far too long, and it's finally complete! :)
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isles-queen · 4 months
A Christmas Gift
Back from yet another hiatus!
I will be quite honest that I have no idea who's in anymore (fortunately seems like Seguin's a classic), so please, please, please send requests!
In my inbox, I do have oldies that are of Seguin, Tom Wilson, Morgan Rielly, Roman Josi, Auston Matthews, Michael Latta, Jason Demers, Johnny Gaudreau, Henrik Zetterberg, Andre Burakovsky, Aaron Ekblad, some AHL players, etcetera. Again, I have no clue who's in/fans are interested in anymore! So let me know either through inbox or messages!
Would you please write one where Tyler Seguin's wife is a hot mess, forgot some key ingredients, and is making a mess of most of the dishes for the first Christmas dinner she's cooking for Tyler and his family. Tyler doesn't care and is very sweet about everything. In the end they figure out her forgetfulness and temporary insanity is because she's pregnant.
"Breathe in ... and out... In... and out." Tyler straightened in his stance and narrowed his eyes at you, feigning annoyance. This man only knew how to annoy, not to be annoyed, so his eyes gleamed with playfulness. "I see no breaths coming in or out of you when you're glaring at me like that."
With your knuckles turning white from gripping the edge of the counter, not feigning annoyance, you chided, "Because you chanting 'in and out' for the past two minutes isn't going to breathe life back into the ham I left burning in the oven."
His eyebrows shot up instantly, and he retorted, "Well, I sure hope not. That'd be one terrifying zombie pig, in my opinion."
"Tyler," you groaned, head dropping between your outstretched arms in defeat. You stared at the floor below, where out of the corner, you spot a splatter of mashed potatoes from the bowl you managed to knock over earlier that distracted you from pulling out the ham in the first place.
When Tyler's rested his hand on your back, you felt at the tip of your tongue the urge to snap at him to not touch you right now, but there was a reason this man married you not too long ago: He knew you better than yourself (or at least close enough).
He gently moved his hand up your back and over to your left shoulder then slipped his other hand to your right shoulder and began to give your back a small massage. For the years of massaging sore or tense muscles, whether for injury or anger, for himself and teammates, Tyler learned which muscles and pressure points were needed to help relax a person.
A sigh involuntarily escaped your lips, and you found yourself straightening into a standing position. You melted into his hands that consumed your body, yet were surprisingly (but also not) delicate along your skin.
You bit your lower lip to hold back a smile when his lips grazed the lower part of your neck that met your back before moving left to where your neck met your shoulder and finally up your neck to right below your ear. His breath tickled the sensitive skin over there, and a shiver ran down your spine.
"Ty," you murmured, any sort of anger or frustration as lost as the cinnamon sticks you misplaced for the mulled wine. "This isn't exactly the time or place for this."
Tyler's hands slipped away from your shoulders and down to wrap around your waist, drawing you against his toned body where you can faintly feel his muscles underneath his buttoned flannel long-sleeve pajama top. His family tended to love wearing matching flannel pajamas for Christmas, which you were not left out of the tradition by wearing your matching flannel sweatshirt.
Not deigning you a verbal response, Tyler instead nibbled on your earlobe and squeezed you a bit tighter against his --
"Do you need help in there?"
You jumped at the sound of Tyler's mom and immediately sent an elbow into his hard stomach. Even though he gave a loud "oof," you knew better than anyone that an elbow from you was nothing compared to an elbow from a 190-plus-pound hockey player. He chuckled, as he loosened his grip on you.
"Behave, sir!" you scolded, narrowing your eyes at him but this time feigning annoyance like he did to you earlier.
He raised his hands in defense, struggling to maintain an innocent pout when he clearly wanted to burst laughing. "I've been a good boy this year, Santa, I swear!"
You snorted. "More like a naughty boy, if I'm not mistaken."
His pout turned into a sinister, seductive smirk, as he immediately wrapped his arms around you again and pulled you into his chest, your hands resting on his pecs. "If that's what you prefer," he purred, capturing your lips with his in a painfully slow, sensual kiss.
You couldn't resist this kiss and found yourself standing on the tip of your toes, wrapping your arms around his neck, and drawing him closer.
"Tyler Paul Seguin!" Tyler instantly groaned and pulled his head away, leaving you now pouting for more, even though you should've been the one to stop him from tempting you. "Stop distracting your wife please!"
"Yeah, Tyler Paul Seguin," you echoed with a playful push to his chest, though he unsurprisingly didn't budge. "Stop dis--" A wave of nausea hit you, and you immediately clasped your hand over your mouth, as a rapid tingling sensation climbed up your throat.
With a step back, Tyler popped out a hip and slapped his hands on both his hips. "Now that's just rude. My kisses aren't that gro--" Before he could finish that word, you bolted out of the kitchen and into the hallway bathroom where you ran past his sister, Candace, who watched you in alarm.
"Are you okay?" Candace asked, automatically following you into the bathroom and catching your hair before it was caught in the crossfire of your vomit.
Unable to respond, you focused your attention on puking into the toilet. You vaguely heard Tyler calling out your name and felt his hands on your back again.
"What's going on?" either his sister or mother asked in the background of you hurling up your guts while Tyler's deep, concerned voice responded, "Not sure. Y/N's been like nearly every day for the past week."
"Every day?" whomever asked, and Tyler provided confirmation. A muffled "I'll be back" was the last thing you heard of their conversation.
By the time your stomach calmed and you successfully flushed the toilet without feeling an urge to throw up again, you rested your back against Tyler's legs, as he sat against the lip of the bathtub. You closed your eyes while he switched from massaging your shoulders into rubbing gentle circles behind your ears.
When you opened your eyes again, you found a white stick with a white screen and a blue tab shoved before your face. You absentmindedly accepted it and kept holding it in front of you before you processed what you were holding.
Eyes growing like saucers, you immediately sat up and away from Tyler, only to turn around and meet his dark brown eyes that were just as wide as yours. Smiles creeping on both of your faces, you uttered at the same time, "No way."
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arzooooo · 1 year
aww @napworthysunbeam ty for tagging me 💗
nickname: so many people call me so many things! childhood friends call me gayu which is why I get a very warm nostalgic feeling when anyone calls me that, my parents call me choti si, babyloo, yoli, latta tendel (small coconut in tullu cause as a child I wanted to be an astronaut but couldn't pronounce it so I said I wanna be a coconut) all random sorts of variations, my best friend calls me gayuumi, etcetc. I love the concept of special nicknames special people call you
sign: Gemini
height: 5"4
lucky number: 7
last google search: painting kit cause my bf and I wanna paint my new tote bag
number of followers: I actually don't know cause I've never checked it or been curious
song stuck in head: a shitty love song by jye, my bf introduced me to it in the valentines playlist he made
amount of sleep: oscillates wildly depending on the day, if I've been out a lot of if I'm feeling low I sleep more
what are you wearing: I have such a watpad bad boy look rn... I didn't realize. It's black boots, black jeans, black leather jacket, white t back top
fav media: star trek, gilmore girls, the good place, everything ghibli, love jab we met, watch zindagi na milegi dobara like 6 times a year
fav song: changes constantly, but rn I'd say Somewhere a Judge by Hop Along, Curls by Bibio, White Morning by Seoul (can't pick!), also love Gulzar's lyrics about life (Dil Dhundta Hai, Tujse Naraz Nahi Zindagi)
fav instrument: hmm... I love classical Indian instruments... sitar.. veena.. sarod...
fav author: oh I love love ursula le guin I've almost finished earthsea but I love her scifi stuff more like the dispossessed and left hand of darkness, I love ted chiangs short stories also, in non fiction I like reading anthropology I've been reading David graeber
aesthetic: I love pastels, especially pink and green. I love heart shaped objects. Basically I love wholesome happy things, the sun shower streaming down between the leaves, cats lazing around, sparrows eating grains, pastel maxi dresses, windchimes, artworks by Agnes Martin and Kurt solmssen, for love and lemons, cinnamon rolls, I love anything that emphasizes the wonderful euphoria of daily living and the mundane aspects of life, japenese haiku from masters like Basho and Yosa Buson, japenese woodblock art
fav animal noise: we keep rice grains on our window for sparrows, so I guess sparrows chirping!
random: this one and a half year I've had free of academic and professional pressure because I've been placed have taught me so much about myself. I've had the chance to do things I wouldn't have otherwise. I colored my hair pink. I learned pottery. I traveled. I wrote a short story. I know better now who I am and what I enjoy. My ideal morning is exactly this: wake up early, have breakfast with my mom, take a shower while listening to my favorite indie mellow songs, do pottery, cook lunch, settle on the couch to watch gilmore girls while having lunch, go on a post lunch walk with dad to look at the building cats. All this puts me in such a good mood. But I know soon it's all going to go away. I'm going to enter the drudgery of corporate law firms. How will I feel my sense of individuality intact? How will I remain soft and sweet? How much of myself am I giving up to ensure I have a secure future?
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444names · 2 years
Aamureen Abdelsayni Abdulsolde Abelenssen Abuair Adabwander Adalamoud Adela Adhair Adprimein Adwalkfyr Aegil Aeria Afrik Agimir Agnir Ahammera Aladaidh Alathnald Alazi Aldar Aldsen Alforsen Algash Alhashvor Alkadi Alkyn Allion Almalarda Alqadra Alsorm Alven Amergon Anach Anbarwaidh Andrynn Angers Annaim Anthies Anthinngyrr Aracean Arahjarach Areen Arkmirulda Arwaena Asdanetta Asgal Ashdi Awestag Babneh Badriftedil Bahirandir Balunda Barich Barward Bastia Batashvorik Batheiman Bawalidon Baxrek Bearlmir Beatringte Beldil Bellephild Bergissan Bergrimuna Bilif Bjardic Bladdven Bolrerboa Bonolian Bonwë Bottdole Brandróg Brani Brascatch Brees Brestrom Briela Bruni Brunúmen Buider Burad Burbenords Calingersen Canon Cantemari Cathariqi Celen Chalard Chrìosd Chughted Clydis Cooks Creathoron Cruime Dabbah Dagail Dagarder Daggerd Daleb Dalleadaf Dariss Darorr Daven Debbi Deorgte Deòin Donan Dorianto Druimelen Edidy Eimder Ejani Eliani Ellaine Elles Ellow Elrude Elsen Elsletha Elsming Emfrilfr Eofalkhâd Ergarri Esbekke Faflod Faira Fakil Faldagbar Far-skindin Farri Fathle Fayeed Fenrersming Fenroom Feryl Fjalraig Fjrong Fleed Foreyga Frosing Frostheviny Frottie Fukari Galde Galmak Gamed Gersed Gesrytta Ghald Giman Gjald Gogormina Golaich Gordren Grarkas Grayman Greldi Grita Gunmenduil Gwaihilt Gòrdain Hadmarynga Hadringmen Hadrissen Hafard Haffanair Hafoot Hajjed Halex Halmo Halwyn Hamalexanda Hamert Hamil Handlari Hangird Haralda Haralouk Harth Hasach Hasadin Hasgert Hasnart Havielsi Heilingroki Hengarth Herina Hersen Hildosef Hishair Hishida Hjala Hjoldoski Hjolf Hjurgianto Hloumayer Hogfing Hoknina Hongulvar Horfan Hrasticky Hroddvira Hrokryand Hroldening Hruik Hused Hussafwani Hyunusafid Ideach Imrot Imtia Indil Intenveid Ireak Irondgrom Ishaper Issen Ivacy Jabrir Jacke Jacoubi Jacquelynd Jaemady Jaffarika Jafoor Jafourik Jafrider Jakar Jammard Jeanach Joagdis Jornhelleb Joseid Jurge Justina Kakattirich Kalfgalmir Kamitcheh Kanord Kasios Khais Khalde Khwalker Kjakareeka Kjanis Kjelde Korjother Korseem Korunn Krissuilleb Kuwaidi Lastrona Latta Leifbrima Leiman Lenna Linge Lodied Logald Logaldsen Lokhtar Lothéodwyn Lover Madah Magald Mahafknir Mahaman Manhvid Maraflod Meadys Mensser Merced Meregol Merth Metta Micki Mjolf Moarestamir Mohdzar Mojarad Mojarness Morwyn Mourilf Mumbar Muram Murin Mursen Musanesen Mussamansen Nabettakid Nabhaidh Nabhraldar Nailaven Najema Naquickamad Nasana Nasira Natar Nathman Nawazzam Njamjolfeir Njorlynn No-toot Nohraedya Norik Norval Obaigh Olaninah Ollanar Ommed Ormarette Ossus Patrid Pedrengar Pennir Phanimein Podan Portina Rabeeb Rakim Red-toe Reggi Rehmedvir Reida Rhoosach Rigaar Rizkaldur Rock-sky Rofnir Roggr Roxwind Rundil Ruwar Sabjora Sabregorn Sabria Sahani Saharngrima Sahuma Salmohd Sameh Samuel-wine Sarwen Saudrek Sealtaesa Shafoor Shahjald Shahra Shaig Shaque Shron Sifnir Sigvar Sirfid Sjark Skaggerd Skorda Skulvad Snarik Snowmeana Sorrodunn Soudah Srouk Staggur Stalift Stormara Sultriwenna Svard Svarr Svogenssen Tanny Thaidh Thain Thalbani Tharaad Thasselwë Thjornsen Thomsi Thongarah Thork Thram Thrison Throsa Thvileldir Timonick Tirir Titar Tribeirull Turna Two-fist Two-hair Two-man Tymvardo Tyrbjorfing Ullaherr Ulrahi Ulrarda Ulrawa Ulrek Ulrenna Ulrenssed Ulrina Ulrisiria Umblind Unbrondarsa Urnes Usaidh Vaglasine Vanaider Vanno Vicker Vigling Vigwen Vilder Virgue Volkbjor Volund Vulwa Vundómiel Warkmar Warth Wasfour Wasir Wayfar-weal Whitema Willeasbah Willfhaold Winds Windy Wordir Wormira Wostinúvion Wulfslod Yamit Yassarans Yllowhaniya Yores Yound Ysgras Zadaw Zainia Zubaigh
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ofgio · 3 years
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Kome took many mandarins for the soup. He was cutting big bread bones while the white milk was gellifying for the eyes.
18 mandarins were floating in the old pan; the smoke was sweet and toasted. Around the fire where Kome was cooking, the room was inexorably expanding.
Big sand's bricks and tin plumbing pipes were the highest conception d'idée d'arredamento
Kome ha preso molti mandarini per la zuppa. Tagliava grosse ossa di pane mentre il latte bianco stava gellificando per gli occhi.
18 mandarini galleggiavano nella vecchia padella; il fumo era dolce e tostato. Intorno al fuoco dove Kome cucinava, la stanza si stava inesorabilmente espandendo.
Grossi mattoni di sabbia e tubature idrauliche in latta erano la concezione più alta d'idée d'arredamento.
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rarebritney · 3 years
omg ag cook DJing live at ekhaus latta ... chic
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pksuburban · 5 years
Here’s why the Preds suck
Josi: pretty?? speaks like 5 languages?? full on That Bitch
Johansen: beneath the beauty. won’t call me for dogsitting no matter how many resumes I send
Rinne: has a smart house. team daddy
Saros: was collared by a man he calls daddy in front of a camera and a whole team
Subban: makes hockey fun
Forsberg: makes Caps fans cry every time he touches the ice. Where’s your Michael Latta now??
Arvidsson: elite. but tiny af
Smith: eyes the color of jolly ranchers. basic name. craigathon sounds better
Boyle: Superman???
Grimaldi: sounds like a cartoon character. looks like he could be in 10th grade
Bonino: looks like he legitimately enjoys orange juice with extra pulp. that is a level of chaos the world isnt ready for
Gaudreau: Freddie Hockey
Granlund: looks like he was on Mama Mia 2
Jarnkrok: has a child. barely knows how to cook
McLeod: annoying
Salomaki: Preds cryptid
Simmonds: best Wayne in hockey
Sissons: phone wanted to autocorrect to Wisdom.
Turris: adopted Fiala
Ekholm: left the other Swedes to fend for themselves when he moved buildings
Ellis: probably a leprechaun
Fabbro: should be doing his homework
Irwin: never looks like how I think he does
Weber: is one number off from Shea. It throws us off
The team: JoFA line. Daddy kinks.
The fans: catfish and fang fingers. The epitome of Tennessee sports fans “this is our year!”
Laviolette: I saw him in Dillard’s once. Pound the fuckin bodies
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krinsbez · 4 years
GI Joe: Remixed, a tidbit
Imagine, if you will, CC decides he feels like having an old-fashioned cook-out, and makes the rest of Cobra High Command participate, and then gets scary when the Baroness, snob that she is, balks at eating such plebeian fare as grilled hot dogs. 
(If you’re like me, you now have Chris Latta's CC voice screeching "EAT THE HOT DOG OR FACE MY WRATH" stuck in your head )
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5th March >> Daily Reflection on Today’s Mass Readings for Roman Catholics on Tuesday of the Eighth Week in Ordinary Time. (Sirach 35:1-12, Psalms 50:5-6, 7-8, 14 and 23 & Mark 10:28-31).
Lectionary: 348
Praying Ordinary Time
A Mardi Gras Prayer...
What Is Fasting and Abstinence?
Weekly Guide for Daily Prayer
Cooking Lent
Recipes for Ash Wednesday,
all the Fridays of Lent and for Good Friday
Both the first reading today from the Book of Sirach and today’s Gospel from Mark carry very profound promises of God’s covenant with his people to “give back” in abundance. In Sirach we see the Lord giving back seven-fold for what we give in charity. In Mark we see Jesus’s response to Peter is even larger noting that whatever his followers have sacrificed will receive a “hundred times more in this present age” and “eternal life in the age to come.”
My goodness! With such a promise why are we so reluctant to respond? What God offers to us, and what Jesus offers to his disciples, is a gift of God, not our right. Whatever place we think we have with God, is God’s to give. In other places he promises the sheer generous gift of his love to all. Perhaps our reluctance and anxiety is the same as Peter’s. While Peter was outspoken, enthusiastic and often spontaneous perhaps he, like us realized that he may be left with nothing as a result of supporting Jesus. Indeed it is likely our fear and specifically the fear of losing our attachments to the material things of the world that is our barrier to receiving God’s promise.
How do we overcome our fears to embrace God’s will for us? It might be as simple as Dorothy Bernard’s perspective that “courage is fear that has said its prayers”. The reward to those who are not enslaved to disordered attachments is to be content with their sense of self and their personal God-given dignity and to have inner peace. If we see wealth, honor and power for what they are and not how the world sees them not only do we enhance our own sense of dignity but we are more open to seeing the dignity of others and showing the respect and care for others that Jesus modeled for us. Whoever wants to be first must in fact be the last of all and in service to all.
As a final note, we cannot ignore Jesus reminding us that even in receiving a hundred times more that with that will inevitably come with being persecuted for His sake. Let us be comforted by this powerful prayer of St. Teresa Avila:
“Let nothing disturb you,
Let nothing frighten you,
All things are passing away:
God never changes.
Patience obtains all things
Whoever has God lacks nothing;
God alone suffices.”
by Mark Latta
Creighton University's School of Dentistry
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chattanoogatn · 3 years
Intriguing Things to Do in Chattanooga, TN
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The mountains of Tennessee are known for their magnificent charm and everything to do with nature, so if you like nature and the outdoors, then it would be a great concept to prepare your journey in heaven Ridge Mountains of Tennessee. Here you can find various things to do such as playing golf, trekking, cycling, and fishing. If you like the carrying out arts, the best places for you would be the Chrysler Museum of Art in Downtown Chattanooga and the Hunter Museum of American Art in Chickamauga. As you can see, there are great deals of possibilities when it refers to going to paradise Ridge Mountains of Tennessee. Hunter Museum of American Art: If you are an art lover, then you should definitely go on a tour to the Hunter Museum of American Art. It provides individuals who have an interest in being a possibility to get more information about different kinds of artistry by taking a look at many works made by well-known artists from all over the United States and the world. Amongst the popular artists who have really added to the advancement of this museum are Clay Paterer Frank Lloyd Wright, Woodrow Wilson, Thomas Moran, and others. This is a terrific place where one can simply relax and appreciate the stunning works done by these fantastic artists. There is no other area like this in the entire United States. Rock City Gardens and Creek Walk: Those who take pleasure in nature can have a look at the unbelievable activities they can participate in while they stay in downtown Chattanooga. They can go on a strolling experience on the strolling routes around the sensational natural appeal of Rock City or attempt their hands at various activities in the outside gardens. All of them will unquestionably get a kick out of the natural appeal that these areas provide. Other terrific activities they can get a kick out of here are mountain climbing, nature enjoying, biking, and horseback riding. All of these activities are quickly provided all throughout the year so you will never ever get other than things to do in Chattanooga. The Fish tank: It is a great location for kids. If you are planning to take kids to this area, you can do so with numerous exceptional factors. It is a fantastic place to spend quality time with your kids and at the same time you can also discover more about marine life. Water Park: Another among the leading things to do in Chattanooga is to go to the interesting water park. If you want to include pleasurable to your day, you can take your kids with you and let them enjoy various journeys such as the jet-ski, raft, and numerous others. There are a good deal of satisfying things that you can do in the water park with your kids including wave pools, waterslide, and many other amazing journeys. This is a fantastic location to relax and invest a very long time with your kids. Downtown Chattanooga: If you are looking for activities that are educational and a bit uncommon, you should take a look at downtown Chattanooga. It is not only an excellent location for houses nevertheless it also uses a training environment for kids. There are a great deal of fascinating things that you can do in the downtown place including the William Woolsey Historic State Park, Bailey-Matthews Museum, the Tennessee Performing Arts Center, and the First Presbyterian Church. All of these sites can produce a remarkable day out for the entire home. Children's Occasion: Chattanooga TN is popular for its love for kids and there is no better technique to delight in the day in this city than by participating in a children's festival. There are numerous events that you can take part in throughout the day so that you can actually have a satisfying time. For example, you can go to the Kid's Event at Latta Park where you will get to play together with other kids and have a good time. Other things you can do in Chattanooga include shopping in the many search the area as you will find a bargain of local and ethnic products. When it concerns the food and drink, you can delight in tasty yearnings from a range of regional dining establishments consisting of those that focuses on Southern cooking. Water Parks: If you are tired of the kids and the outdoors, why not try amongst the many water parks positioned in Chattanooga. This city uses a variety of tourist destinations for both grown-ups and kids. Some of the popular water parks include Boomerang Creek, Cedar Falls, White Water Kingdom, and lots more. So if you are looking for things to do in Chattanooga TN, you can never ever fail with a journey to amongst the city's water parks.
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froynlaventje · 2 months
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After all the drama Sala goes home and gives birth to her fourth child. It's a girl and she names her Latta.
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Since Sala got caught kissing Sanjay and Julien is secretly having an affair with Tema Strongarm they are not doing well and are constantly fighting.
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They even end up in a fist fight, Sala wins and Julien is left feeling horrible. First he loses to Sanjay and now to Sala as well.
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They each walk away to tend to their own needs and just before morning they decide this isn't going to work and it's better for everyone if they end their relationship. Julien moves out.
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And Sala wastes no time. The next day Sanjay walks by to see how she is doing and she asks him and Abhishek to move in. She gets pregnant the same day!
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The next day Sala rolls a want to marry Sanjay and they get married that night.
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?The coming days Sanjay will have to see if Sala's kids will accept him. His son Abhishek has met Sala many times but Kherv, Torv, Nundat an newborn Latta never met Sanjay before he moved in.
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aoabmur65 · 3 years
Ayna, pangaldaw mammet gayamen, aya? Solo flight manen a mangan datao ta nagobra dagiti kabbalayko, piman. Nupay kasta, diak met ketdi ay-ayen ti bagik, naruamankon nga agmaymaysa no kastoy a pangaldaw.
No dadduma, ti la adda ti kasarsaritak no kasta nga agmaymaysaak. Ngem bayat a tangtangadek [piman] ti bobeda ti balay ken panagdengngegko iti musika, inrapinko metten ti nagluto. Adobo a manok a nalaokan iti gisantes, sangkaiwa a carrots, celery ken bassit a bihon. Ken kas gagangay, adda latta bassit cooking wine a nailaok a mangpaimas iti ramanna.
'Maykayon ta kadduaendak man a mangaldaw, karruba!
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shutframe · 6 years
Probably my favorite part of the rp we did last night was when Latta was listing off the meats she'd been cooking, like gagana, aurochs, gyuki, and offhandedly tossed in 'namazu,' to see if anyone was paying attention.
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deepsweetsmoon · 3 years
Lebanese Sweets - How To Choose The Best One For You
Lebanese Sweets Sydney are one of the best desserts in the world, but sadly these delectable treats are no longer available in Sydney. Although many local bakeries have added this tempting delicacy to their menus, the Lebanese sweets are still made with traditional clay ovens and recipes handed down from generation to generation. The bitter taste of these pastries and pasty-like desserts is what makes them a delightful treat for any dessert lover!
Sweets in general have an interesting history. Many different cultures from all over the world share the same sweet recipes. For instance, some cultures make their own versions of nut cookies, whereas others prefer sugar cookie recipes. What you decide to make depends on your comfort level and the availability of ingredients. In other words, there is a Lebanese recipe for all tastes and ages. However, if you are short on time or want to try out a new suite, you may be hesitant about trying the more sophisticated sweets available in Sydney.
A visit to Lebanese restaurants or even take a trek through the bazaars will give you ample opportunities to sample the local cuisine. You can choose to go out to one of the Lebanese restaurants in Sydney or head to one of the bazaars for a more authentic taste. If you want to go out to a restaurant, check out the menu before ordering. There are usually some very good dishes on the menu that don't require much effort. If you really want to explore the local cuisine, then you may need to order something off the main buffet.
If you go to a Lebanese restaurant in Sydney, ask to learn the actual recipe. It's often quite simple and with a little research, you'll be able to recreate this delectable recipe at home. A couple of good suggestions would be to go to the Middle Eastern food blog and read through the posts. You'll almost certainly spot recipes that you'll fall in love with!
A quick search online reveals there are a number of versions of Lebanese sweets making their way to Australia. As you may have guessed, the two most common types are Caramel and Latta. Both are similar to other sugary sweets in terms of texture, but not in taste. The caramel version is probably the most popular of these recipes, though.
If you don't fancy cooking up a sweet yourself, you can always purchase them from Lebanese food blogs and websites. Some of these companies even sell pre-packaged recipes. Alternatively, you could try a more homemade route. Ingredients such as dates, sugar, butter, and oil can be bought from your local supermarket. Syrups and sauces for liqueurs such as Riesling can also be found in your local grocery store. These recipes will require you to experiment a bit and cook the items very slowly to ensure they don't fall flat.
Don't be afraid to mix things up and come up with your own unique take on Lebanese sweets. Variations on the traditional apricot brittle and thin sandwich cake are all very popular. You can make your own syrups and dressings, or buy ready-made mixes that are available in Sydney supermarkets and groceries. The sky is the limit!
There are so many recipes for Lebanese sweets online and in books that it can be difficult to settle on just one. Try out some of your favourite flavours and see what you like! As with most food trends, the most popular ones tend to be around for a while and then become classic recipes.
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wijakartuya · 3 years
Creamy Pasta Salad. The absolute BEST Creamy Pasta Salad loaded with veggies and tossed in a sweet and tangy dressing. This is the perfect pasta salad for parties and potlucks! My recipe for the BEST Creamy Italian Pasta Salad consist of garden spiral pasta, fresh vegetables, and feta cheese.
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Thanks to one secret ingredient, this classic creamy pasta salad is infinitely flavorful. Throw in your favorite veggies, cook up your favorite pasta, and watch this easy pasta salad disappear. How to make the best macaroni pasta salad with an easy creamy dressing and crisp, colorful vegetables.
Hey everyone, hope you're having an incredible day today. Today, I'm gonna show you how to make a distinctive dish, creamy pasta salad. One of my favorites food recipes. This time, I'm gonna make it a little bit tasty. This is gonna smell and look delicious.
The absolute BEST Creamy Pasta Salad loaded with veggies and tossed in a sweet and tangy dressing. This is the perfect pasta salad for parties and potlucks! My recipe for the BEST Creamy Italian Pasta Salad consist of garden spiral pasta, fresh vegetables, and feta cheese.
Creamy Pasta Salad is one of the most well liked of recent trending meals on earth. It's easy, it's quick, it tastes yummy. It is appreciated by millions daily. They're nice and they look fantastic. Creamy Pasta Salad is something which I've loved my whole life.
To begin with this recipe, we have to first prepare a few components. You can have creamy pasta salad using 12 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you can achieve that.
The ingredients needed to make Creamy Pasta Salad:
{Take of Pasta Salad :.
{Get 1/3 cup of elbow pasta, uncooked.
{Make ready 1/4 cup of peas (I use frozen).
{Get 1 of small carrot, peeled and shredded.
{Take 1 of small chicken breast, grilled and diced.
{Take 1 tbsp. of freshly shredded white cheddar cheese.
{Take of Dressing :.
{Make ready 1 tbsp. of mayo.
{Prepare 1 tbsp. of sour cream.
{Make ready 1 tsp. of apple cider vinegar.
{Get 1 tsp. of honey.
{Take To taste of salt and pepper, garlic powder.
Jump to the Creamy Macaroni Pasta Salad Recipe or read on to see our tips for making it. This Creamy Pasta Salad recipe has a bold, secret ingredient: French's Spicy Brown Mustard. A family favorite and so easy to make". Watch me make this creamy vegan pasta.
Instructions to make Creamy Pasta Salad:
In a smalk bowl, whisk together the mayo, sour cream, apple cider vinegar, honey and salt and pepper and garlic powder to taste. Set this aside..
Cook the pasta according to the package directions to al dente. In the last two minutes of cook time, stir in the peas..
Drain the pasta and peas into a colander and rinse with cold water..
In a large bowl, mix together the pasta, peas, shredded carrot, shredded cheese and diced chicken. Pour the dressing over the top and stir it in. Taste for any additional seasoning you'd like to add..
You can eat this immediately or you can chill in the fridge until you're ready..
Healthy Creamy Pasta Salad with tomatoes, herbs, peas, and lemony, creamy dressing. Quick & Easy Creamy Pasta Salad Amy Latta Creations Creamy Poolside Pasta Salad. A cool, quick and zesty twist on the traditional! Pasta salad is a summer party staple, but we absolutely adore this fun twist on the traditional. This Creamy Pasta Salad isn't just delicious, it's versatile, too.
So that is going to wrap this up for this exceptional food creamy pasta salad recipe. Thanks so much for reading. I'm confident you can make this at home. There's gonna be more interesting food in home recipes coming up. Remember to bookmark this page in your browser, and share it to your family, colleague and friends. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!
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