#latest news today live updates 30
shoebillstork · 11 months
Mutual 1: (An extremely extensive post detailing their trauma on their secret blog)
Mutual 1: (A picture of the soup they finished making) Eeatting penis soup grab a bowl
Mutual 2: (Cropped batman yaoi) This scene was so compelling in the comics qnd established so much for Bruce Waynes character as a bottom
Mutual 3: Just updated my comic (it is one of the most compelling pieces of narrative youve ever read. Its based off of a bad game)
Mutual 4: Ngl this omegaverse gacha life youtube video is more compelling than most shows i watch
Mutual 5: Finally cocking out i swear if one more thing happens today i will snap
Mutual 6: PENIS TYPO
Mutual 7: PENIS TYPO
Mutual 8: PENIS TYPO
Mutual 9: This yak tranquilizer weak af
Mutual 10: Come make my sinister potion (posts how to make a pipebomb)
Mutual 11: Do i get plastic surgery and change my name and move to a different country y/n (poll is in favor of yes by a huge margin)
Mutual 12: Mutual 13 is a lying fucking piece of trash and i think they should drop dead. They live at 308 Negra Aroya Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104 and im going to record me beating the shit out of them
Mutual 13: Aww my bestie is coming to visit me soon :]
(Mutual 12 and 13 are dating)
Mutual 14: who tf does she think she is (posts a sc of mutual 8 from three url changes ago. It is mutual 8 saying theyre going to the park)
Mutual 15: So in my latest session in dnd we rolled 1d12 for dick size and i rolled a nat 20 and idk what to do with this reponsibility now
Mutual 16: he looks so good im going to scream (a screenshot where said character is so far in the background he doesnt even have a face)
Mutual 17: eho up thinking about the moral dillemma presented in pokemon go
Mutual 18: take a look at my ocs :D (mona lisa if dhe was gay)
Mutual 19: i hadba really good day today i got to spend some time bonding with my entire family and we got to celebrate something we havent had the time for in 37 years
Mutual 20: (reblogging mutual 19) L + Don't care + 632146K~P PRC, dl.2146K~P, 5K > 2146K~P, 5K > JF 2146K~P, 2H, WS ([4]6H->P), 623H
Mutual 21: (Blurry photo of them running from police) they're after me for my stash kf yaoi cocaine
Mutual 22: (Miles long RP chain they started 2 months ago. You have post notification on for them because its awesome)
Mutual 23: Discussing the morality of liking bananas over mangoes
Mutuals 24 ans 25: having a dramatic wedding where theyre acting as a crack ship. They're on the verge of divorce
Mutual 26: She winding onbmy waker (is in the middle of intense controversy)
Mutual 27: (Callout for mutual 26)
Mutual 28: If Mutual 17 asked i would give them a sloppy toppy
Mutual 29: Anon get out of my inbox before j block you his ass is NOT flat. (His ass is fucking concave)
Mutual 30: Shes just like me fr (a picture kf a shopping cart)
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
Dear Mr. Gaiman,
I’ve been meaning to write to you for a bit and today -  May 1st - is a prefect bit of timing.
I’d like to address 2 1/2 things if I may: You recently posted a conversation you had about losing a cat and how much the death of a pet hits you. My spouse and I have and have had a number of pets - best friends really - pass away. One of the ways we have come to deal with their moving on is to make up a story.
(To be honest, yet another story. Our friends live very full lives, indeed.) Our Tuxedo cat, Tybalt, is now playing bass in a Journey cover band that tours. I travel a lot for work and that allows “Tybalt” to send us postcards telling of his latest adventures. Since today is May Day and the expiration of the Writer’s contract I wanted to say bravo to you for posting about it and the subtles of the issues at hand. Most people looking at Hollywood will not give carful consideration to what is at hand.
Since you have the currency of a celebrity that is thoughtful and nuanced your voice carries over much of the rhetoric. I thank you for that. I should say at this point that I also work in film and television and have for most of the last 30 years. I am a grip and enjoy the craft of my job.
While the concerns of your Guild are valid and should be addressed i would like to point out that your voice and those of your colleagues are heard. All the national pages and news outlets are carrying the story. As they should. In 2021, IATSE (the union the covers all the below the line craft people in the United Staes and Canada with approximately a 150,000 members) was set to renew our contact that August. Our asks for that contract were minimal and most of us assumed the contract would be updated with little haggling. The producers balked. They, in fact, wanted to get rid of a number of long held points in our contract. This went on for four months. Something that never happed in my 30 years of work. I won’t go into all the details. I assume that you have a passing familiarity with the issues.
My point to all of this is that our voice was never heard. All the news outlets merely interviewed the producers and only gave their side of the story. And this happens every time the is a contract or safety issue (Think “Rust”. Reporters never interviewed other armors. The closest that came to a below the line voice was an essay written by a Prop Master - who happens to be Martin Scorsese’s daughter.)
Most producers have little idea of what it takes to make a show. But they are the only ones who are quoted. Overlapping during these 4 months was the John Deere strike (with just over 10,000 members).  And good for them. 
It should be noted that their coverage was far greater than ours.
There are 7 stories about the John Deere strike in the New York Times morgue. There are none for the IATSE contract negotiations. I can go on but I feel I should wrap this up. If you’ve read this far, I thank you.
I have an ask for you. The half of my 2 1/2 things to say. When the IATSE contract comes up for re-negotiation next year, would you please put a posting on your social media sites about it? 
The same as you have done for your Guild? It would give us a voice we have not had before. Thank You, Spider Goat P.S. Also thank you for all the wonderful stories you've written. I do so love visiting the worlds you've created.
I was pushing IATSE on Social Media last time -- for example
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and pushing things like the @ia_stories Instagram link -
I will do it again. And I was disappointed by the outcome of the negotiations last time, too.
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valpoupdates · 2 months
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So much to see, so much to do, so little time ! Lucky for you, here in the Valparaíso Region, we keep track of it just for you ! Unless stated otherwise, these activities are optional. Residents do not have to take part in these if they don't wish to ! These can be used for threads throughout the month but new threads can't be started for these activities once the month is up. Please track the valpocalendar tag to stay updated month to month ( ©️ )
BUT FIRST ! A word from VALPOFM... Transmitting...
"Gotta be real, guys: being stuck in a tent at a snowstorm at El Carnaval De Invierno was not on my bingo card for July, and judging from the stats I'm looking at, I don't think very many of our listeners had a great month either. While we were all pleased to hear the newest tracks from both my sister Luna Dominguez-Herrera and great friend and ValpoFM co-host Tobias North, produced by the brilliantly talented Spencer Westin, some of you chose instead to listen to… a Nancy Drew audiobook ? Mountain lion growling noises ? Oi guëy, whatever. I'm Sebastián Herrera and this is the ValpoFM July 2024 playlist, made by residents- but listen: if you like real music, stay tuned later this month for a special session hosted by Salem West, because her new album drops soon. "
Casablanca Activities
August 1-30 : It’s not agosto, it’s aGATO!  This month, El Café de los Gatos is hosting a special adoptions in August event.  Every weekend, the cafe will be featuring different cats for adoption: staff will have poster boards made for each cat; they’lll be featured on staff’s social media; and the adoption fees will be discounted for those specific cats for the weekend.  Even if you don’t adopt, come spend an afternoon with some baked goods, sweet coffee, and feline friends.  We promise it’ll be a purrfect time!
August 3 : Inesperado celebrates International Blues Music Day with a live performance and a special dinner menu inspired by cuisine from the southern USA ( with a Chilean twist ! ). The special dinner and live performance will be from 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM.  Tickets will cover the seat and the 13-course meal—and they’re going fast, so reserve your table now!
August 6 : Chile and Peru will be coming together for this year’s Global Grape Convention held at Isidora’s!  Major retailers and prominent organizations will be hosting conferences and open dialogue to discuss critical industry issues, provide the latest market information, and offer innovative solutions and strategic insights for sector opportunities.  The convention takes place from 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM, with an after-ceremony cocktail event from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM held at Agustín’s Jazz Lounge, and food catered by guest chef and famed Argentinian chef, Julieta Sáenz.
August 20 : Buen día, ¡Valparaíso!  Tune in at 9:00 AM today for a very special interview that you won’t wanna miss.  ValpoFM has quite a guest for you!  She’s beauty; she’s grace; she’s a star finding her place!  She’s Valpo’s very own Salem West ( @cybermuses ) and she’s here to talk to the ValpoFM AM hosts about her upcoming album, Moment! Pitchfork describes it as “a rare species of pop-soul that evokes a real sense of spiritual uplift.”  This album tells us we’re meant for more: we’re not just succeeding, we’re made for better things—and we’re excited to ask Salem what better things she has in mind.
August 31 : For Every Season sends their warmest regards and most sincere apologies to all those caught in the sudden and freak snowstorm back in July.  As the winter season comes to an end, the amusement park would like to extend a special invite to those trapped during that time ( and a discounted rate to the rest of the public ) for the last winter day of the season.  For Every Season welcomes you back with open arms; come back and make some snow angels!  Come back and make better memories!
Quilpué Activities
August 1 : It’s International Mahjong Day, and the Plaza de Sol invites all mahjong players, beginners and veterans alike, to their food court turned mahjong court!  From 11 AM - 5 PM, if you think you’ve got what it takes, come grab a seat and test your luck and skills!  If you’ve always wanted to play, now’s the time to learn, as there are several beginner tables with a knowledgeable player, ready to teach you the ropes.  If you’re just feeling peckish and wanting brunch and a show, come do a little bit of shopping, grab a meal from the 40+ food court vendors, and watch mahjong players do what they do best. Peace, love, and good luck to all!
August 15 : Los Fantasmas has scary stories, drinks, and ( potential ) ghosts—but you know what else they have?  A roller derby champion!  Los Fantasmas’ very own Poet Hawley ( @wishingbcnes ) leads the Los Fantasmas team in their very first roller derby competition!  The competition will take place from 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM.  Tickets to compete and watch will go towards a charity of the winner’s choosing; winners also will receive free drinks at the most haunted bar in Valpo ( it is not transferable to other people; staff members retain the right to cut off drinks per their discretion ).  Do you think you have what it takes to win?  Are you going to be the jammer, or are you going to get jammed?  
August 19 : Cosmic Connections wants you to know that not only is this moon a full moon, but it’s a supermoon!  This is the ideal cosmic time to practice manifestation and invite positive change.  Intentions, goals, prayers, and wishes are more likely heard and supported by unforeseen forces during this time.  If you were ever to wish upon a star, you should make it during a supermoon—even better, make it with the professional, spiritual, and expert guidance of those at Cosmic Connections!
August 27 : You’ve heard of Taco Tuesday, but what about Tobacco Tuesday?  If you haven’t, swing through to Puro Chile and they can tell you all about it!  While you’re there, why don’t you take advantage of their Tobacco Tuesday sale?  Special discounted rates on stock as they’re trying to clear out for the season, a nice little BOGO, and some special strains you can’t find anywhere else except in the Jewel of the Pacific.
Valparaíso Activities
August 17 : Pequeños Eruditos will be celebrating Black Cat Appreciation Day by decking out the entire place with cat-themed decor and paraphernalia.  The children will learn all about cats ( from big ones to small ones! ), and there will be a fun photoshoot at the end of the day where kids can wear different colored cat ears.  Gift bags containing photos from the photoshoot, a cat plushie, building blocks, and a kids’ book ( La suerte de ser un gato negro ) will be given to each child. 
August 18-24 : Calling all ( amateur & local ) photographers!  Casaplan is hosting a photography competition, specifically for the beginner, the amateur, and the lover of photography.  The title and theme of the competition is A Mis Ojos: Paraíso.  For the entire week, submissions will be open to all Valpo Region photographers.  All entries will be judged and selected by a panel of expert photographers, and all selected photographs will be featured in next month’s public exhibit.  Send up to three ( 3 ) photographs to [email protected].  ¡Buena suerte!
August 29-30 : Valpo Universidad presents TED Talk x Valpo, a yearly conference where students from all over Chile ( and some neighboring countries ) as well as a variety of organizations come together to exchange ideas on education, technology, business, and creativity.  This year’s speakers and topics range from quantum computers to the musicality in sign language to folklore—as Valpo's very own Luna Dominguez-Herrera ( @divinctions ) will be presenting their research and thesis: “The Earth’s Unseen Powers: Seasonal Pagan Ritual Magic in Popular and Unpopular Culture.”  From 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM, come support your colleagues; come watch the next generation of academics, scientists, and creatives; come and learn about the world around you and the people most excited to teach you about it!  ( Snacks, appetizers, and beverages will be provided by the culinary department. )
August 31 : Ilustraverde is working with the Writer’s Org to make sure your manuscript is in tip-top shape.  From 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM, several Ilustraverde Editors will be there to give a presentation on manuscript, writing, and submission tips; there will also be time carved out for a workshop with your fellow writers and with the editors; and lastly, there will be time to network while eating lunch provided by the culinary students of Valpo Universidad. 
Viña del Mar Activities
August 6 : Nido de Nomadas invites its hostel guests to a special community cookout!  From 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM, the hostel staff will be cooking caldillo de congrio, a delicious seafood concoction served in a bowl, and baking bread from scratch ( fun fact : caldillo de congrio was a Pablo Neruda favorite ! ).  Hostel staff encourage participation from their guests, but if cooking or baking isn’t your thing, you can still spend time with your fellow wanderers as board games will be provided— and, if you’re not a hostel guest, have no fear!  This event is open to the public, as tours of the facility will also be offered to prospective guests ( or to hostel guests and their friends ) all day.
August 23 : If you’ve got nowhere to be at 8:00 PM, come on down to 12 Pulgadas as Un Breve Concierto is being live-streamed!  You can’t make it in, but you can peek inside from the windows—and who’s the talent?  Why, none other than Valpo’s very own Salem West ( @cybermuses ), whose new album Moment is set to hit the shelves, digitally and physically.  Critics are already raving about her musical genius, writing that she “excels at striking a tone that’s classic, sexy, and understated . . . under a veneer of fantasy and metaphor, like how it still counts . . . as a dress even if it’s mesh.”  You heard it here first, folks, so cancel those 8:00 PM plans and come watch un breve concierto!
August 25 : Just because it’s winter time doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the local park!  Jardín Botánico invites you to spend a Sunday exploring the 370 acre national botanical garden with 2 clubs of your choice: The Bird Watching Club ( at 7:00 AM - 11:00 AM ) and The Foodies ( at 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM ).  There are a variety of birds that thrive in the Chilean winter, and the Bird Watching Club has put together a little bingo card to help you out.  Whoever gets a BINGO will receive 4 tickets to go to the Quilpué Zoo.  The Foodies will be working with a famous forager ( known for their informative and fun foraging TikToks ) to show members how to identify edible and poisonous plants, how to sustainably gather local plants, and how to prepare them.  The Foodies will be grilling for lunch, and all foraged foods will be part of the meal.  If neither of those clubs interesting you, maybe you’ll be excited to know that the Combi Coffee Stand is debuting two new drinks: La Avalancha, a sweet caffeinated concoction that’ll warm you right up, and The Snowman, a hot chocolate drink that mixes 3 high quality chocolates.
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
1. Brussels-Midi station reimagined from 'no-man's-land' to key meeting place
While Brussels Midi station is one of the most important train stations in Europe – with over 60,000 people passing through every day – it has a history of crime and open drug use, with locals voicing growing feelings of insecurity. Read more.
2. Why most Belgian farmers aren't joining today's protest in Brussels
Tractors are expected to once again track manure through the streets of Brussels on Tuesday, the latest in a series of farmer protests that have caused significant disruption in the Belgian and de facto European capital. Read more.
3. Brussels, the city of bubbles
Restless Brussels wants expats (but not only) to burst their bubble and get politically active in their host city. Read more.
4. Woman gives birth at ticket counter in Mechelen train station
A woman has given birth in the ticket hall of Mechelen train station. Fortunately for her, a midwife in training happened to be in the room, and helped her. Mother and daughter are both healthy. Read more.
5. One in five EU adults in their early 30s still live with their parents
One in five (20%) adults aged between 30 and 34 in the European Union still lives with their parents, according to a new analysis by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound). Read more.
6. Brussels Environment authorised to take action against wild boar in Woluwe
A wild boar has been spotted in Woluwe Park for several weeks. The authorities of Woluwe-Saint-Pierre have issued a decree allowing the Brussels Environment teams to take measures to ensure public safety, stated Mayor Benoît Cerexhe's office on Sunday. Read more.
7. Le Chou: Michel’s ‘Mediocre’ Manoeuvers Bounce Off Von Der Leyen
Le Chou is Europe's most dedicated source of news. Catch up weekly on the biggest headlines with our roundup, all with an intentionally inaccurate and satirical streak. Follow live updates on Twitter and watch Le Chou TV on Instagram. Read more.
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sl1tcl1t · 11 months
Life Update: Idk where else to write down my thoughts and experiences for almost the past year.
To get myself caught up with the last post I made from last year, it was my final year in HS and I never wanted to leave that rancid hél/hø\e so damn bad. I finally graduated and got into college. This freshman year is the absolute worst. On top of that, I couldn't get a dorm room, which is expected according to the hierarchy of classmen. But anyway, this year's schedule has been extraordinarily harmful to my physical and mentally. Since I don't have a dorm, I gotta commute to my classes every single day. In my case, I must drive all the way from the south to the city (1hr 30min on avg.) This is not a bad drive, unless u wanna beat the I-75/I-85 9 - 5 traffic. Which ALSO MEANS I gotta wake up at 4:00 am and leave the house by 5 if I want to arrive in time for my 8 and 10 am classes. Additionally, my last class during Mon,Weds, and Fri ends at 5pm. I don't get home till about 7. AND on top of all that, Tue and Thurs is when I work my part time shift. The latest my shift can end is at 7:30pm and it takes me at least 30 mins to get home. If I want to get the most sleep possible, I gotta be in bed by 9. My sleep schedule bc of this is incredibly fùçk3d up. Luckily, me and my friend made a little room for me to sleep in my car. Which is also another problem. Bc Im too damn sleep deprived, I oversleep multiple times and end up missing classes. Classes where I can't easily get a PowerPoint w/readily available info to write. I feel incredibly behind.
My mental and physical health has gotten progressively worse since I moved outta my mom's house. I really don't wanna get into grave detail abt my family, but TLDR; both parents are complexly problematic, but one's more flexible than the other. But, Jesus Christ Almighty, living with this man is insufferable. Nothing but complaining, guiltripping, nonchalant shaming, and being plain irritating. He brings a wave of negative energy anytime he enters a room. Granted, there are things that he complains about that are justified, but he's getting more and more senile everyday. So he just gets mad at anything now. It pisses me off but also makes me sad. Another thing is that work is overexerting my well-being whilst giving me such a low pay. For context, I work in a warehouse now. Lifting boxes every other day that are half the size of you will give you nausea. My feet have blisters and my hands are cramping. My calves burn, my entire arm is aching, and my head pounds harder than ever. My friend suggests that I might have burn out, and I believe it with every bone in my body. Working at a place that accepts newly hs grads, ofc there would be å$5h0lés my age and worse. The smell has gotten worse since I moved in w dad. He essentially lives in a white trash neighborhood, so the smell outside is horrendous. This smell has affected the inside of my house and now I reek. And the ppl at work love to remind me abt my smelly ass despite trying my hardest to mask it. I seriously cannot stand other day in there and hopefully I can get a new job this upcoming summer.
But apart from all this, the cherry on top of this shit show was today after work. I got off early and wanted to visit this little gravesite around in my area to take pics and upload on here. I chickened out. It's too damn dark for me to take any so I walked around, contemplating life per usual. I decided to go inside the convenience store. I asked if there were any sleeping pills/melatonin and the guy had asked a question that made my mind go blank,
"Are you homeless?"
Never in life would I hear those words issued to me, but if I'm gonna be completely honest, I live at my dad's house, not paying any bills or insurance (yet), I sleep in my car majority of the day, and I have the worst pay to labor ratio. So technically, Imma borderline broke ass freeloading bum. But anyway, I was even more in shock when he rang my items. I forgot my wallet in the car and told him I was going to run out n grab it, but he just gave me the bag with an empathetic, "it's okay". And now I feel like a piece of shit to completion. Bc in hindsight, Im not HOMELESS, but it damn sure feels like I am.
I can't believe Im turning into every person I've met in the workforce. Ppl who just live paycheck to paycheck and just let the days past by; not doing anything but working. I use to make fun of those ppl at my last job as a cashier while in HS, but seriously, I got the realest reality check of my life. I really cannot live a life like that for 30+ years if I can't figure something out by graduation. Else I'm better off with maggots in my eyes and my skin wilting in the ground.
I'm done ranting, I need some sleep.... GN and happy Halloween ✌🏽
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New IPCC Report just dropped. We’re fucked.
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See the red line? That’s where we are now.
See the blue line? That’s the absolute bare minimum of where we should be.
If you haven’t heard of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report, it’s a report that is produced once every every seven years by scientists from around the world who work on a series of reports culminating in one final “synthesis report.” The report released this week was the sixth such report produced since 1990.
The report updates and compiles findings from all the reports in the IPCC’s latest assessment cycle, which covered the latest climate science, the threats we’re already facing today from climate change, and what we can do to limit further temperature rises and the dangers that poses for the whole planet.
The latest report is very clear about the urgency of the climate crisis.
This is what we mean when we say the planet will become unlivable.
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Crops will fail, entire cities will wash away, global supply chains will collapse and billions will die. The death toll from extreme weather events, starvation, illness and other impacts of climate change will be unlike anything we’ve seen in centuries, possibly ever. Some scientists are predicting that the human species will be extinct by the end of the century if we continue on our current track.
Here’s an idea of what you might be facing in your lifetime.
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Amidst all of this, Biden just signed off on one of the largest oil projects to ever be established on U.S soil. The Willow Project will produce an estimated 260 million metric tons of heat-trapping gases over 30 years. We don’t have 30 years.
We have to cut global emissions in half by 2030 in order to avoid 2C of global warming.
You can read the IPCC synthesis report here.
Keep in mind when you read the synthesis report that non scientists had input on what was included and omitted from the report and that input resulted in things such as the Saudi Arabian delegate having any mention of fossil fuels being identified as the root cause of climate change removed from the report.
Read the full report here:
There is hope. All is not lost.
Policy makers just need to get off their asses and out of the pockets of the fossil fuel industry.
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There are so many stories like this. Hold your politicians accountable. Do not accept inaction.
Educate yourself and the people in your life, vote green, advocate for climate policies and take direct action toward climate goals and do not let yourself fall for doomerism.
It is not too late, we can still avoid the worst of what’s to come and save billions of lives if we start demanding action and stop accepting inaction from our leaders.
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lemonseeds-blog · 1 year
Vlad Journal | Prologue
"At the start of the night, he was as far as he could be without blatantly sitting elsewhere. But as we went on, it was as if we were pulled together, unconsciously. A force that we did little to fight against. The rest of the night…I’m not sure I could pen it here properly. (And perhaps should not?)"
This will be an in-character journal entry summarizing Vlad's thoughts from the latest episode of The Sanguine Society. You can find the public copy of this journal here, if you prefer google docs. This particular post is a bit longer than is usually to be expected, as it contains several entries; it is also mildly NSFW, though not all entries will be. If you like to listen to music while reading, I would recommend Elegie, Op. 24 for today's entry. I Hope you enjoy 🖤
Wednesday, April the 28th, 2023
I had kaffe und kuchen with Elenor today. She found me sitting in the greenhouse again, practicing for the show. She has been such a dear since I took residence here; accommodating my 'odd' hours and habits, with hardly a question. We chatted a bit, but my German is barely conversational these days. Shame I did not pick it up more, and leaving already. But it is nice to sit quietly as well. She says she enjoys my playing, and I enjoy her company. 3 decades has gone impossibly fast.
Friday, April the 30th, 2023
Louis Roederer Cristal Brut (2008) 1.5L
Colour: Amber, Sunlight 
Fragrance: wonderfully golden fruit
Savour: Opens bright and fruity; pear and apple. A bit bitter on the end; floral, but pollen
Paired with Crème Brûlée: slightly too much fruit for the dish, but lovely to sip afterwards
Transcribe to wine notes⤴️
Sunday, April the 1st, 2023
Performance with the company has been going well; we will have our final show tomorrow. And my final altogether. I will greatly miss living here. The town is quiet. This apartment is quaint, but has only gotten finer over my stay. The people have been kind and allow me to keep to myself. I think I could stay here for quite a while longer without being bothered. But it is time. Adăpost Manor cannot sit absent and idle, it is a waste. I will be meeting with Reya after the show tomorrow, and perhaps get some updates on the community while catching up. It really will be so good to see her, it has been too long. Too long since many things. When I left Adăpost, I thought I might put it up for sale before returning, but I have found myself longing more and more. To perform in the music room and to have the smell of good food in the kitchens. To sit and read in the library and to tend to the arboretum. The place has had many lifetimes already, and it will be good to get back and find footing in a new cycle. It is not a home only for I, after all. 30 years of selfishness is enough. 
Monday, April the 2nd, 2023
Aurelio was at the show tonight. Aurelio. 
It was no accident of course, Reya must have planned this. Though I am not sure why. I had no words, and am still in lack. After 60 years, suddenly, Aurelio walks through my place of work. I don’t know that I ever gave much thought on what I would say, if he were to return. I would not have allowed myself to dwell there. And yet, here he is. And here am I, at a loss. He was polite, as always; asking about my colleagues and the city. Feigning interest, at the least. But he was nervous too, if I am not mistaken. In some ways it was just like we used to speak; joking, laughing, touching.  And in other ways, he was more frightened than I have ever seen him. He has been traveling around Europe; backpacking and visiting family. He spoke often of loneliness, and longing for the familiar, so I offered to accompany him while he is in town. He surprised me with his enthusiasm, and then even more, with an invitation to the opera. A bold proposition, coming from him. But his excitement showed genuine, and after all this time, a night out could be refreshing. A date? 
My coworkers invited us to a drink and we spent most of the night at Schlenkerla, and before I knew it, it was nearly sunrise. The rest of the lot turned in after the bar stopped serving, but I was not yet ready to watch him go. So I invited him to join me, and he agreed, even without knowing where I would take him. I showed him to the greenhouse. 
His delight was apparent as soon as he saw the greenery and life growing over it.
"It's like a part of the old world reclaiming what has become modern" he says.
 I had forgotten what it's like to see the world through his eyes. I feel I have been missing much. We sat and talked and waited for the sun to rise. He told me more about his family; how he has been tracing his blood lines and finding the ends. How he's gotten close to some of the younger ones, despite his eccentricities. And now he is unsure of where to go next. It seems like he has grown; the travel must be good for him. As the sky grew lighter, his face glowed with joy in telling me about the different generations he's met. His love has always made him beautiful. The sun coming through the leaves and on his skin and filling the colour of his eyes…I could almost let him burn to see his beauty in direct light. But he lives in chiaroscuro, and my heart aches all the more in the limbo. I feel that the opera will be difficult, I am not entirely sure what he expects from me. But I cannot let nerves stop me. I cannot miss this.
Friday, April the 5th, 2023
Yesterday was beyond words, but I will do my best. The opera was lovely. The champagne was delicious. And Aurelio, a beacon of light in all of it. He sent me a letter, penned in his own hand, though I did not receive it until nearly too late. I hardly had time to put together something to wear.  He still dresses in his classic fine things, and wears them just as well as ever. I worried at first that I had overdressed, and that I would look quite the fool showing up at his place of stay in a tuxedo. But he knows me well, and suited for the occasion just as we used to. It was as if I had taken a step back through time, and this persisted for a good portion of the night. We shared looks, we laughed, we walked arm in arm and talked and talked. About the show and technology and travel and Vienna. I admitted to him that I will be returning. He seemed a bit excited at the concept, and said that he would like to visit. Apparently he has been searching for his sire, and thought he might be able to find more information at the Manor’s library. Perhaps he could have more casual visits, along with the research.  
He apologized as well, for leaving all that time ago. Though I wish he hadn't. To see the pain I had caused him etched on his face and then take the blame for it all. I can hardly stand it. But he would not hear of my reasoning, and seemed nearly desperate to explain himself. The least I can do for him is listen and accept an apology. He said he couldn't imagine being enough; that he had never stopped to ask how I had felt. It never felt like we needed to. The fact that he suited me in a fashion that no other could, always felt so obvious. Until it was too late, I suppose. It was a bit of a relief though, to finally know. He says he was afraid, and so certain he would lose me, that he somehow ended up making sure of it.  
“I had not felt the way that I felt with you for any one before, and that certainly frightened me”
My heart aches at the words, but I do not dare ask if he still feels this way. The reassurance of what once was, is enough. I brought him to the townhouse after the opera, to show him the stereo system and have some more conversation. Sat on the couch next to me, sipping wine and talking music, it was almost as if he had never left. At the start of the night, he was as far as he could be without blatantly sitting elsewhere. But as we went on, it was as if we were pulled together, unconsciously. A force that we did little to fight against. The rest of the night…I’m not sure I could pen it properly here. (And perhaps should not?)
“I don't want to waste anymore time”
My hand went to his cheek, without a thought. And our lips, meeting in a second. I am shocked for a moment, and look to his eyes to find a familiar fervor. He pulls at me, and the nostalgia washes over. The touch of cold marble, the smell of orange blossom. The look of his eyes, that of dark woods at dusk. My teeth at his neck, a taste of bitter iron; and a moan rising from his chest and vibrating in his throat under my lips. A groan that laments all the wasted time, and every second lost now between touches. 
Waste no time.
My hands move faster than my thoughts, strict, leading; his fingers are gentle, pleading as ever. As always. On neck, on shoulders, on chest. Our movements and his song flowing and sliding ever down and down.
I can still hear it. And this letter he wrote, I trace the characters over and over to see the movement of his hand in the starts and stops of the ink. This letter that he penned and touched and surely fretted over, I can almost smell the orange blossom on it still. Perhaps I shall write him back; it would be my move at this point, no? I would not want him to think this was a single affair to me. 
Saturday, April the 7th, 2023
He is not here. I had hoped to catch him for some coffee before I departed, but that may have been asking too much too soon. It was a fine evening, and we talked of many things, but perhaps that is all that he needed. A chat, a date, some closure. I was a fool for expecting more, really. One night with him again…It will have to be enough. I have so much to attended to at the Manor in any matter, it is long time tha
He’s here. 
He came to me at the train station. He is coming with me to Vienna. He will stay in the Manor with me. I can hardly believe the words as I scribble them with him getting settled into the train car. 
We're going back to Vienna.
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jessefferguson · 1 year
A Perfect 10?
I was sitting in a warm, cloistered room when they came in to give me the news. They walked in and asked how I was doing.  I responded with some non-committal, nonchalant answer like “living the dream and avoiding the nightmares.”  It’s one of my regulars.
Then they gave me the update from the scans.
That described my latest visit to my oncologist on Wednesday of last week. It also describes my doctor visit 10 years ago, today.  Ten years ago (May 21, 2013), the doctor told me that the scans and biopsy revealed cancer in my neck. It was aggressive, dangerous and a real threat.  
At my appointment ten years later, the doctor told me it was still there.  Then again, so am I.
Ten years ago, it was soul-crushing news that left my life forever altered.  Ten years later, it was good news – a regular test every 6-months that shows the disease remains under control, in check and status quo.  In other words, a chronic condition.
The same answer but 10 years apart. Expectations really are everything.
5,256,000 Minutes
So, today is the 10 year “anniversary” of my diagnosis.  I’ve been thinking about it a lot but not really talked to anyone about it. I don’t bring up my health issues often any more as they’ve receded from the ‘headline’ of my life. But, like page B27 of the metro section, the news is still there.
As I’ve thought about the 10-year mark, it’s made me think about what changes have occurred in my life and what experiences I never experienced because of the disease. I’ve definitely lost weight from the nearly 350-lb person I was when diagnosed to about 200-lb today.  But, I’ve gained weight in my face thanks to radiation treatments.
In 10 years, I’ve gone from thinking about my next career move and next opportunity to a life more focused on the work I’m doing now.  As I’ve said before, I’m not much of a “stop and smell the roses” kinda person, but I have learned to noticed that there are flowers outside.
In 10 years, I’ve probably had 200 IVs and 350 blood tests. In 10 years, I’ve probably had 25 or 30 scans (CTs, PET scans and like).  In 10 years, I’ve had 4 major surgeries and a lot of other ups and downs.
In 10 years, I’ve learned to live with it.  Sorta.
The last few years were hard for everyone.  The tragic loss of too many people and the terrible loss of connection, interaction and basic humanity for too many more. It will take years and, even, generations to fully grasp what happened to us during the pandemic. For centuries, humanity has had biases and fears of each other based on skin color or background. Now, people feared each other because of what they might be breathing out of their mouth.
That fear has led to anger and the anger led to defiance.  The defiance may now have led to some level of resignation.
You go through a similar emotional roller coast when you’re diagnosed with cancer. It didn’t emerge in you through some rational, easily traceable pathway. It’s more random.  It feels like it floats on the air.
Throughout the heights of the pandemic, I was pretty careful and quarantined. Living in New York was eerie, as the city that is always alive but the noise went dead and silent.  The noises you’re accustomed hearing on the streets were replaced with only the blaring sirens of ambulances.  And, as someone who had a pre-existing condition, I lived in fear.  I went months without interacting directly with any human being. Eventually, aided by vaccines, I got comfortable with the risk again and reentered the world.
I made it nearly 3 years without ever getting COVID but did get it in January of 2023.  It wasn’t pleasant but I was fine thanks to vaccines. Wish we had those for cancer.
Loss is hard on anyone.  Whether it’s a loved one or a friend, a peer or a pioneer. We all feel it differently. Over the last 10 years, I’ve lost people for a variety of reasons but the ones with cancer obviously stand out to me – people like Mame Reiley and Tyrone Gayle. They were both taken too soon, in their 50s and their 30s, respectively. I learned so much from both of them but am left to wonder what I would have learned if I’d had more time with them. Both were diagnosed after I was, a reality that makes me uncomfortable to even type.
But, none of the loss can compare to June 3, 2020.  
My dad has struggled with some health issues for a few years due to a blood cancer known as MDS (Myelodysplastic syndrome). He was diagnosed about a decade ago and had a stem cell transplant in fall of 2017.  Doctors said his condition had no relation to mine.
On June 3, 2020, he passed away. He lived a full life – and a life well lived – but losing him at 73 was devastating.  I’m not over it and don’t expect I ever will be.
But, one thing really didn’t come to my mind until a few months ago – as I started thinking about my 10th year with cancer. He was by my side through all of it – from months of treatment in Houston to daily reminders to put one put in front of the other to regular proclamations that we’d beat this thing.
There’s one very vivid memory that had somehow been stored in the recess of my brain until recently.  It was when I was first getting treated in fall of 2013 and I was in a treatment room at MD Anderson. The treatments those days were long (6hrs) and fairly miserable in their side effects. I remember one day running particularly long and my mom had left the room for a bit. Dad and I were talking.  And he said something that day and we never talked about it again. He told me he had asked in prayer that somehow he would be able to “take on this cancer for me” – that he would do it so I didn’t have to.
As I reach 10 years with this disease, I guess I’ve been asking myself lately whether his prayer had kind of been answered?
I haven’t written much on this blog in the last few years because I haven’t had much “news” to update.  I’ve had a few scary moments but none of them have amounted to much of anything in the long run.
In October of 2022, I started to feel weak. My stomach was uncomfortable. I had chills and sweats. I was running a fever.  Finally, after putting it off for longer than I should, I went into the urgent care at Sloan Kettering.  When I checked in, things were stable. Within an hour of checking in, things took a turn.
Apparently, I had an infection that likely came about through my tracheostomy tube.  The infection had led to pneumonia and, at this point, I was dealing with sepsis. My blood pressure had dropped pretty dramatically and they took me into the ICU.
Fortunately, the doctors knew what they were doing. One of them was particularly arrogant. I liked him – having long believed that I like slightly arrogant doctors since they spend all day boxing with the almighty.
Through lots of days of antibiotics and other remedies, things became stable again. For a little while, my legs and feet were so swollen that I couldn’t put on shoes - I truly though I was looking at clown feet in my own bed. 
For me, though, the worst part was the timing – it was 4 weeks before the midterms.  I’d love to characterize it as some heroic gesture where I kept my phone by my side and my laptop on the table while I spent 10 days in the hospital.  I’d love to pretend like it was an act of dedication that I carried my phone on walks around the hospital while building strength in my legs so I could walk again. Honestly, none of that is true.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the 10 years, it’s that the world – even in the political world – will function (or dysfunction) just fine if I’m not attentive. But, my work is my distraction. It is my therapist. Instead of focusing on what I might be going through, I’d much rather take a call about an ad campaign or send edits to a polling draft.
It’s why, after 10 years with this disease, I get daily reminders that I have to enjoy my work to make it worthwhile. If you have the privilege of doing something you love to do, hold onto it.
So, the last 10 years haven’t exactly been a “perfect 10.” There have been some bumps (both figurative and literal). If you had asked me 10 years ago whether I thought I’d be here in 2023, I don’t know what answer I would have given.  To be honest, I couldn’t think that long into the future.
But, the disease is status quo. No news is good news. I still get my treatments every 3 weeks. Those haven’t changed. But, I’m still here.
A few years ago, I used to spend time really thinking about the things that I’d lost and missed out on because of this disease. I’d been dwelling on the things I might have been doing – different trajectories on my career, my personal life, pr even a family.
As I look at 10 years, I think my perspective has changed just a little.  Sometimes in life, the path of least resistance is also the path of least return and least result.
I'd obviously never wish an illness or a disease on anyone. I'd never wish anyone had to go through what I've gone through or face the even-harder road that so many others have had with this disease.  This isn’t my effort to pretend that every cloud has a silver lining.  It’s pretty clear that cancer is a nasty thunder storm.  There’s not much silver lining to be seen.
But, maybe, you can occasionally step back and take some solace from the fact we only know about the existence of electricity because of a bolt of lightning.
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samacharapp · 5 days
Kolkata Rape: Will the protest end today? Mamata government called the doctors again, email surfaced
Row On Kolkata Rape: The Mamata government has once again called the doctors, who are protesting for justice and other demands in the Kolkata rape murder case, for talks.
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Kolkata Rape Murder Case: The West Bengal government has invited doctors protesting against the rape and murder of a female doctor at the government RG Kar Hospital for another round of talks on Wednesday (September 18) at 6.30 pm. Chief Secretary Manoj Pant reiterated that the government reiterates its appeal to the protesting doctors to return to work in view of the flood-like situation in some parts of the state. He said, 'You know that there is a flood-like situation in many districts of South Bengal and a large area has been submerged.'
This will be the second round of talks between the protesting doctors and the state government within 48 hours. The first round of talks was held on Monday in the presence of Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee. Pant said in an e-mail, 'You know that there is a flood-like situation in many districts of South Bengal and a large area has been submerged. In view of the situation, we again appeal to you to return to your work in the larger public interest and serve the common people. I, along with other members of the task force, will meet your 30-member delegation at the auditorium in Nabanna at 6.30 pm today.'
Doctors had made this demand
Earlier, the protesting doctors sitting on a dharna outside the headquarters of the West Bengal Health Department sent an email to Chief Secretary Manoj Pant demanding a discussion to resolve some important "unresolved issues" such as security in hospitals. These issues are included as their pre-condition for ending the dharna. The doctors had sent the email in reference to the meeting of their governing body which ended on Wednesday morning. The doctors raised the issue of safety and security inside government hospital premises and mentioned the promise of formation of a special task force headed by the Chief Secretary and inclusion of its details in the agenda of the proposed meeting.
What did the doctors write in the email?
In their email, the doctors wrote, 'In the context of our last meeting with the Chief Minister, we would like to reiterate that there were some major points regarding our five-point demands that could not be resolved. In particular, our fourth and fifth issues related to the development of the healthcare system, security, defense and the culture of the current threatening environment have not been resolved.' Let us tell you that in the details of the meeting held between the doctors and the government at her Kalighat residence in the presence of Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday (September 16) night, a mutual agreement to form a task force was confirmed as a step taken to address the security concerns of doctors.
News is originally taken from: https://bit.ly/3TwgOA8
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fashioneditswebsite · 10 days
Tommy Hilfiger’s nautical NYFW show makes a splash on a Staten Island ferry
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Tommy Hilfiger presented his spring/summer 2025 collection on the unusual location of a decommissioned Staten Island ferry. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Tommy Hilfiger (@tommyhilfiger) For his latest New York Fashion Week show, the American designer paid homage to the nautical lifestyle that has inspired the brand for almost 40 years. He took guests to the John F. Kennedy boat, which served as a Staten Island Ferry until decommissioned in 2021. Pete Davidson and Colin Jost, both New York natives, bought it the following year with other investors. The collection had nautical accents such as anchor motifs and Breton stripes (Charles Sykes/AP) Hilfiger's love letter to the East Coast of America extended to the Empire State Building, lit up in the label's colors. The show's invitation was a Tommy-fied version of a brass Staten Island Ferry token, a remnant of New York history. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Empire State Building (@empirestatebldg) The New York-born designer unveiled his second collection since returning to the NYFW schedule with a further refined luxury aesthetic. The pieces were classically Tommy: navy captain’s blazers and trench coats, cricket sweaters and cable-knit V-necks, pleated prim dresses, and capri pants. The nautical theme ran throughout, with anchor motifs and Breton stripes aplenty. Hilfiger made the classic styles modern through contemporary tailoring (Charles Sykes/AP) “It’s the New American Prep wardrobe, fusing vibrant Ivy League style with everyday coastal functionality,” the label said in a statement. Hilfiger wanted to “live within our brand codes: Stripes, red, white, and blue, nautical and collegiate preppy.” Modern silhouettes, crinkled cotton, and fabrics encompassing sportswear's fluidity energized the signature looks. “Today, it’s updated and remixed for 2025,” said Hilfiger. “The look has the ease of effortless summer style, but with a confidence that feels ready to step off the ferry and back into the city.” The collection featured classic Breton and Ithaca shirting stripes, regatta jackets, and utility trousers made from sail-cloth nylons. Celebrities in the front row included Gen V actor Patrick Schwarzenegger, 30, who recently became the brand’s face. In a herringbone tweed suit jacket and nautical-striped shirt, View this post on Instagram A post shared by Tommy Hilfiger (@tommyhilfiger) Schwarzenegger embodied the brand's quintessentially preppy aesthetic. Schwarzenegger was accompanied by Blackpink’s Jisoo, 29, who noted Hilfiger’s hip-hop influence of the Nineties in a leather baseball jacket and beanie. Others in attendance included actor Brooke Shields, who watched her daughter, Grier, on her first Fashion Week runway. “I got very emotional,” Shields said. “It was her first show and this is something she wanted to do. And I said, ‘You’ve got to go to college, but it’s a Sunday, so it’s OK.’” View this post on Instagram A post shared by Gabby Thomas (@gabbythomas) Sports stars were out in force – including Olympic gold medal-winning sprinter Gabby Thomas, who wore a herringbone double-breasted blazer over a white mini dress, and gymnast Sunisa Lee in a classic belted trench coat. Romee Strijd, Noah Beck, Tinashe, and Wu-Tang Clan members enjoyed a surprise performance at the event. Tommy Hilfiger demonstrated that the brand is as much part of the city’s iconography as the ship that hosted it. It is a true American classic. Read the full article
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Tamilnadu News Live August 30, 2024: TOP 10 NEWS: ’பி.எம்.ஸ்ரீ திட்டத்தில் சேர அழுத்தம்! உருவாகும் புதிய காற்றழுத்த தாழ்வு பகுதி!’ இன்றைய டாப் 10 நியூஸ்!-today tamilnadu news latest updates august 30 2024
தமிழ்நாடு செய்திகள் August 30, 2024 நேரலை:தமிழ்நாடு முழுவதும் உள்ள அனைத்து மாவட்டங்களின் முக்கிய செய்திகள் உடனுக்குடன் இந்த தளத்தில் வெளியாகும். விரல் நுனியில் உங்கள் பகுதி செய்திகளை நீங்கள் உடனுக்குடன் அறிந்து கொள்ளலாம். Source link நன்றி
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featurenews · 24 days
Baby scalded with hot liquid in Brisbane park attack to undergo more surgery
Police continue hunt for man alleged to have thrown coffee on nine-month-old in Hanlon Park in Stones Corner on Tuesday * Follow our Australia news live blog for latest updates * Get our breaking news email, free app or daily news podcast A baby boy who was scalded with hot liquid in an alleged random attack in a Brisbane park will undergo a second surgery today, as doctors continue to assess the severity of his burns. Queensland police have released new images of a man they believe can assist with their enquiries after what they allege was a random attack on the nine-month-old boy, who was with his mother at a playground at Stones Corner in Brisbane’s south. The man was seen running from the park and captured by nearby CCTV cameras. Continue reading... https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/article/2024/aug/30/baby-scalded-hot-coffee-liquid-attack-surgery-hanlon-park-stones-corner-brisbane-qld-queensland-ntwnfb?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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thestageonbroadway · 27 days
Upcoming Events at The Stage on Broadway: What’s on the Calendar
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Experience the Best of Nashville's Live Country Music 
The Stage on Broadway is one of the most iconic live music venues in Nashville. Located in the heart of downtown, this venue offers a unique blend of vibrant atmosphere, historic charm, and top-notch live country music. Whether you’re a local or a visitor, The Stage on Broadway is the perfect spot to immerse yourself in the rich musical heritage of Nashville. Let's take a look at some of the exciting upcoming music events you can look forward to. 
A Snapshot of Upcoming Music Events 
At The Stage on Broadway, the music never stops. Our calendar is packed with performances from some of Nashville's finest artists performing at our Main floor, Second floor and Rooftop/Patio. Here are some of the upcoming highlights in July: 
Kelly & Sarah are performing on 26 JUL from 10:00 am to 02:15 pm on the main floor. 
Brendan Bowe will perform on Friday, 26 JUL, from 05:30 pm to 09:15 pm on the second floor. 
Kristine Kabbes and The Skallywags will perform on Saturday, 27 JUL from 02:30 pm to 06:15 pm on the main floor. 
Anna Barnes will take the second floor stage on Saturday, 27 JUL from 05:30 pm to 09:15 pm. 
For the night owls, Aaron Patrick will take the stage on the second floor on Saturday, 27 JUL from 09:30 pm to 01:30 am. 
These talented musicians bring a unique blend of energy and emotion to every show. Check out our live music calendar for a full list of performances and to stay updated on all the upcoming live music events. 
What Makes The Stage on Broadway Special 
Iconic Location: Situated on Broadway, The Stage is surrounded by some of the best bars and live music venues in Nashville. This prime location makes it a popular spot for both tourists and locals looking to enjoy a night out in Music City. 
Historic Venue: The Stage on Broadway is steeped in history, featuring memorabilia from country music legends such as Hank Williams Jr., Toby Keith, and Miranda Lambert. The famous mural and the original oil painting of The Highwaymen hanging over the front door add to the venue's unique charm. 
Variety of Performances: From up-and-coming artists to well-known country stars, our stage hosts a wide range of talent. This ensures that every visit offers a new and exciting musical experience. 
Planning Your Visit 
Flexible Event Space: The Stage on Broadway is not just a great spot for live music; it also offers a versatile space perfect for hosting private parties and corporate events. Our flexible floor plan can accommodate any occasion, ensuring your event is a memorable one. Contact us to learn more about our corporate event venue. 
Vibrant Atmosphere: The lively atmosphere at The Stage is something you won’t find anywhere else. With friendly bartenders, ice-cold craft beers, and a dance floor that’s always packed, it's the ultimate destination for a fun night out. Whether you’re here for a concert or just to enjoy the ambiance, The Stage on Broadway delivers an unforgettable experience. 
How to Stay Updated 
To ensure you never miss out on the exciting events at The Stage on Broadway, make sure to check our Nashville live music calendar regularly. From weekly performances to special events, we keep our calendar updated with the latest shows. 
For more insights and updates on the best bars and live music in downtown Nashville, check out this guide on what’s happening in Nashville. 
Ready for an Unforgettable Night? 
The Stage on Broadway offers the perfect mix of great music, historic charm, and vibrant nightlife. Whether you’re planning a night out with friends or looking for a unique venue for your next corporate event, The Stage is the place to be. With live music seven days a week, there’s always something happening. 
Plan your visit today, and get ready to experience the best of Nashville’s live country music scene. For more details and to stay updated on our events, contact us or visit our website. 
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fashioneditswebsite · 10 days
Tommy Hilfiger’s nautical NYFW show makes a splash on a Staten Island ferry
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Tommy Hilfiger presented his spring/summer 2025 collection on the unusual location of a decommissioned Staten Island ferry. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Tommy Hilfiger (@tommyhilfiger) For his latest New York Fashion Week show, the American designer paid homage to the nautical lifestyle that has inspired the brand for almost 40 years. He took guests to the John F. Kennedy boat, which served as a Staten Island Ferry until decommissioned in 2021. Pete Davidson and Colin Jost, both New York natives, bought it the following year with other investors. The collection had nautical accents such as anchor motifs and Breton stripes (Charles Sykes/AP) Hilfiger's love letter to the East Coast of America extended to the Empire State Building, lit up in the label's colors. The show's invitation was a Tommy-fied version of a brass Staten Island Ferry token, a remnant of New York history. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Empire State Building (@empirestatebldg) The New York-born designer unveiled his second collection since returning to the NYFW schedule with a further refined luxury aesthetic. The pieces were classically Tommy: navy captain’s blazers and trench coats, cricket sweaters and cable-knit V-necks, pleated prim dresses, and capri pants. The nautical theme ran throughout, with anchor motifs and Breton stripes aplenty. Hilfiger made the classic styles modern through contemporary tailoring (Charles Sykes/AP) “It’s the New American Prep wardrobe, fusing vibrant Ivy League style with everyday coastal functionality,” the label said in a statement. Hilfiger wanted to “live within our brand codes: Stripes, red, white, and blue, nautical and collegiate preppy.” Modern silhouettes, crinkled cotton, and fabrics encompassing sportswear's fluidity energized the signature looks. “Today, it’s updated and remixed for 2025,” said Hilfiger. “The look has the ease of effortless summer style, but with a confidence that feels ready to step off the ferry and back into the city.” The collection featured classic Breton and Ithaca shirting stripes, regatta jackets, and utility trousers made from sail-cloth nylons. Celebrities in the front row included Gen V actor Patrick Schwarzenegger, 30, who recently became the brand’s face. In a herringbone tweed suit jacket and nautical-striped shirt, View this post on Instagram A post shared by Tommy Hilfiger (@tommyhilfiger) Schwarzenegger embodied the brand's quintessentially preppy aesthetic. Schwarzenegger was accompanied by Blackpink’s Jisoo, 29, who noted Hilfiger’s hip-hop influence of the Nineties in a leather baseball jacket and beanie. Others in attendance included actor Brooke Shields, who watched her daughter, Grier, on her first Fashion Week runway. “I got very emotional,” Shields said. “It was her first show and this is something she wanted to do. And I said, ‘You’ve got to go to college, but it’s a Sunday, so it’s OK.’” View this post on Instagram A post shared by Gabby Thomas (@gabbythomas) Sports stars were out in force – including Olympic gold medal-winning sprinter Gabby Thomas, who wore a herringbone double-breasted blazer over a white mini dress, and gymnast Sunisa Lee in a classic belted trench coat. Romee Strijd, Noah Beck, Tinashe, and Wu-Tang Clan members enjoyed a surprise performance at the event. Tommy Hilfiger demonstrated that the brand is as much part of the city’s iconography as the ship that hosted it. It is a true American classic. Read the full article
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