#lateral queerphobia
itsoktocallmegay · 3 months
You know, I’ve seen more people learn about abrosexual and abroromantic lately, but even queer people do not seem to understand just what that can mean for an abro person, especially multigender and genderfluid abrospecs. Like, yes, sometimes I’m a lesbian, and sometimes I’m a gay man. Yes, sometimes I’m omni or pan. And, this is made worse by those who don’t know what the Split Attraction Model is or monos who don’t support it, because sometimes I feel no romantic or sexual attraction (I mostly identify as an angled aroace,) sometimes I’m panromantic and omnisexual, other times I’m panplantonic and switch to omniplatonic. And, sometimes I switch between aspec identities as well, like switching from cupioromantic to demiromantic, or from cupiosexual to apohtiosexual to orchidsexual, or demiplantonic to caedplatonic to orchidplantoic, and so on. Abro literally just means one’s orientation is fluid or changes, and people will say it’s a valid label and then turn around and call other labels abrospec people use invalid. I’m so tired of making my abro and genderfluid identity more palatable to others.
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k-wame · 1 year
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Stonemouth (2015) · S1·E01 · 08.06.2015
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skeyeseb · 1 year
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"LGBT is valid"
we love to see it !!
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wdym people on this site unironically think "androgynous privilege" is a thing
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
You know, even if somebody was "turned queer" because of trauma, that is:
1. Not your business
2. Not something you should be interrogating them about, be you queer or otherwise (see point one)
Trauma is a deeply harrowing experience, and it's oftentimes something people don't want to share if they don't feel safe or comfortable. Creating environments where queer people have to both interrogate their queerness and defend themselves is simply hostile.
If somebody seemingly became queer after a traumatic event, what you do is support them. Likely the last thing that person needs is you barging in and demanding explanations and justifications before they're allowed to be queer and/or exist around you.
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thehealingsystem · 6 months
another day another reminder that twitter still very much actively hates queer people with unconventional identities
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think-queer · 9 months
A few days ago I saw a post about how right wing people are really susceptible to left wing ideas when it's phrased in a way that appeals to them (the example they used was calling public transit a traditional value or something) and someone added that leftists are vulnerable to this kind of thing too. But the example they used was companies making statements about diversity and inclusion. I can't find the post in question, but this has kind of been weighing on my mind because I think a lot of leftists are already very cynical of the claims of corporations. The example that I keep thinking of is the way that (especially recently) leftists have been extremely willing to parrot antisemitic conspiracy theories if "jew" is replaced by "zionist." The conspiracy theory of "Jews control the media" is, to me, a very obvious tell of antisemitism, but I've been seeing self proclaimed leftists sharing posts about how you can't trust the new because it's all controlled by "zionists." I'm not Jewish myself, so I don't think I'm really qualified to speak too much on this. But whenever I see these things I can't help but wonder if it's because people haven't bothered to actually do the work of unlearning antisemitism. Is it just that a lot of people understand on a surface level that antisemitism is bad and so it's bad to blame Jews for things, but they haven't dug any deeper and so when the word Jew is replaced they don't recognize that it's an issue? Is just that a lot of leftists are only against antisemitism in a performative manner and don't actually care about the effects? I don't know, but I've been thinking about it a lot for some reason.
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lapsed-lys · 4 months
Go touch grass. I am dead serious. If your board is nothing but people calling out other communities, lay in the grass, look at the sky, admire an animal. Just. Get in contact with reality again. Online life is not the majority. Conversations are WAY better face-to-face rather than online.
I am begging you. Touch grass.
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loveerran · 2 years
Thinking about things I've heard and how certain portions of US Christianity have historically interacted with marginalized individuals and used religion and scripture to justify intolerance and hate. Possible responses I didn't think of at the time:
"Are you upset we have two federal holidays for civil rights in our country? Repent and maybe we won't need a third."
“Don't like Pride being a whole month? We wouldn't be having this discussion right now if you had done it right the first time around"
This season, rather than "Put Christ back in Christmas!", let's try "Put Christ back in Christianity ❤️".
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not to talk abt religion on the pansy blog but I think the reason catholics, esp queer catholics, cling so hard to marian imagery and veneration, even after leaving the church, is bc god in catholism is so distant and judgmental, with original sin being directly tied to not being worth loving and being inherently inferior, especially in regards to queerness, while mary is, frankly, a mother. she gives comfort and protection to the lowest and most downtrodden and for communities that are told by everyone from the pope to their neighbors that they are hell bound, that is a deeply comforting notion.
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glacierruler · 1 year
Sooo some warnings before I get into this.
CWs: queerphobia, religious trauma, anything to do with being closeted with a queerphobic parent, almost being outed
I am so fucking terrified rn, like, I'm planning on moving out next year, but I need a job first. So like, I'm actively trying to get one(and I suck at interviews). Anyways, until then I'm living at home with my queerphobic dad.
Last night, at like midnight, he wished to talk to me about my bf. And it was all like here's what the Bible says about this. blah blah blah. He also deliberately kind of slut shamed me for the clothes that I like to wear and And he kept going off into tangents. Which was nice, because I was dreading this thinking he found out about my identity. But no, this was all because my grandma somehow found out that he's an officer of the Pride Club at my college! And like, she's scarier than dad. I called my bf, we have it figured out. And everything is okay for right now. But because of where that could lead I was so scared of being outed.
Also how did my grandmother not figure out I was in the Pride Club as well ??? Cause like,,, the only way she could find out was through the Pride Club's FB page, and there is a picture of me on there.
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memento-mariii · 7 months
On the flip side, re: my tags on the prev post, being deep in the discourse trenches of Patheos.com made me discover the existence of Side-B Christians, which (counter-intentionally on their part, I'm completely sure) made me realize some people couldn't just "decide to be straight," making me rethink my then-stance on LGBT+ people, unlearn years of homophobia I absorbed from my parents, and become completely affirming in my theology.
So like, it wasn't all bad.
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theroundbartable · 1 year
It recently has come to my attention that there will be a new Harry Potter Series.
More under the cut, about my frustrations with it. I'm a little angry and emotional.
I'm tired. I am so fucking tired of JKR, of the never ending story that is the wizarding world.
I'm tired of the commercialism, the way she's milking her own franchise. Her fans. ( She's going to be paid per episode.)
The way she threatened them over publishing fanfics in the past.
I'm tired of the queer erasure in her books. I'm tired of the framing of marginalized groups as oppressors on her fucking twitter.
I'm tired of her pretentious feminism, because that's not what she stands for. If you don't treat trans women as women, you're not a feminist. Period. Yes, women are oppressed, but not by trans women, for god's sake, how can anyone even think that. Trans women are doubly opprossed. For being women and for being trans. It's called intersectionality, look it up.
In a podcast "the witch trials of JK Rowling" she made tumblr the enemy???? Tumblr???? You mean THE most chaotic Website for socially awkward people who talk about their blorbos and who are like 80% of your target audience? Those people? That's the evil people? Because the only power they have is canceling the people in power who oppress them? Yeah, for goodness sake, then don't be a bitch. (Disclaimer, i watched a video that more or less gave the gist of the Podcast. With direct quotes.)
I'm so tired. Harry Potter taught me to read. It's what got me into writing. It's, ironically, how I first learned what racism was, because until I was 12 I hadn't been confronted with the subject. (I admit, I did a racist thing back then in writing. I was 12, came from a pretty white village and I simply didn't know better. The encounter that called me out at the time, became part of the reason why I also invested into learning about the LGBT+ community to make sure I didn't do the same thing again. It was and still is a process that also lead to self discovery.)
It makes me so mad to see that legacy be tainted at the roots.
I'm not going to tell anyone whether or not to watch the new show. I don't have the moral high ground to make such a demand. Liking Harry Potter doesn't mean you share JKRs views. But like... At least pirate it, so she doesn't get the money. She doesn't deserve it.
She doesn't know when a story ends. Harry Potter was over after the 7th book. Everything else is a shitty spin off that lives off of HP' popularity. I'm honestly at a point where I don't want to see her name ever again.
Just. Stop.
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regallibellbright · 1 year
Out of curiosity…
So since I saw multiple mutuals reblog stuff during the homoerotic betrayal tournament going, in effect, “I should watch Utena”…
Would people potentially be interested in some sort of Utena watch club of some sort?
Not necessarily synchronous but since it is literally free on Youtube via the official localizer in my region I could probably arrange things so it could be.
I dunno I’m just going “Oh I should rewatch Utena” now anyway and I know from experience it can be a VERY fun communal “oh my god what did I just watch” watch. (Sometimes because it’s hilarious. Sometimes because it’s tense as fuck. Always because it’s Utena.)
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shasskor · 1 year
Today I received my first hate message for being queer, and honestly I just feel bad for the person who wrote this
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Like 1) I worry how you get through life feeling threatened by something as small as a minecraft resource pack for cute pride-flag bees?
2) I hope you one day find a more positive environment and realise the error of your ways.
3) This comment offers no useful or actionable information, you've wasted your own and everybody elses time and I have reported you for that.
4) You've grossely missunderstood the implementation of this resourcepack: with the exception of naming bees certain names, each bee will have a chance of getting a special texture each time you load them, which means
5) if you're really that determined to kill every bee with a pride flag texture, you would have to kill *every* bee (A surprisingly accurate metaphor for harming queer people)
6) You tell me I have no life, but it took me two hours tops to make this resource pack, yet you claim you will scour the entire minecraft world, many times the surface area of the earth, for these bees? Fine by me! Better you waste your time on that than on trying to be hurtful to random people on the internet. Meanwhile I'll be trying to make the world a better place in the little ways I can.
7) Also, what are you doing, lurking on the minecraft side of curseforge with this shit. Don't you know minecraft was made by trans-icon Hatsune Miku?
(Posting this here because I know better than being dragged into a debate with nothing to gain, but I also felt I had to voice my thoughts on this comment. Mostly I just feel sad for this person and hope they find a happier life soon)
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If I'm not dead before the end of my life, in or out I pray,
My gratitude to God; eternal
For only He will be there by my side
When all others desert
Or when the forms of fear unsheathe their claws upoun
The many suns, the flowers, the lovers and amateur writers of this world
Passion isn't a protection
I know full well and I do it still
Safety gives no great guarantee
I give my life up for other hands to feel upoun paperscript;
SO that you may see-
What we could not see
What I could not see
What they could not see
A rainbow's reflection, newly reborn
Searching around, through a great incomprehension, for kith and kin's soul.
This is how I wish my desire to always be.
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