#late night bookclub meeting
cinamun · 1 year
I’m sorry I know it’s late but this has been brewing with me for awhile and I know imma ruffle some feathers so I apologize in advance. I’m angry…. I’m angry for Hope and Elliot but mainly Elliot. What he did was selfish, cruel and disrespectful towards his friendship with Hope and her family. But as someone who tried to commit suicide I understand it…. I understand the loneliness and the pain of failure and staying there and thinking that’s all you are. Elliot legit had NO ONE other than Hope and her family and without realizing it it was taken from him. Hope had every right to discover herself and follow her own path, but she was the only support Elliot had. He was abandoned by his mother, forced to live out a dream by his father, replaced the love for Hope with Hani which was unfair to her and him and never had the time to figure out who he was and what he wanted. Please no one think this is a defense for Elliot and what he did. All I’m saying is I understand why he figured he had no other choice because at that point he was back to being the abandoned child who was alone watching his father trying to relive a time that was gone. Darren was his father, Indya was his mother and Hope was the love of his life all of who had their own lives to live. Elliot was failed by his parents and I’m angry with Sean for not giving him the live he deserved instead taking it away as punishment for the “life” he was “robbed” of by the “woman” who chose to leave. If I see her ass at the service I’m hopping through the screen and beating her ass myself. Thank you for coming to my red table talk.
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You know what time it is anonymous friend, let's get into it:
First off, I'm glad you're still here. The bookclub loves you.
Now, here's the thing; the anger is the biggest piece here, its the 2nd stage of grief. Its valid to be angry at everyone who failed this young man INCLUDING this young man. You're absolutely right about the progression of Elliot's reliance on The Drake Family. It became a safe space for him where there was none.
What I hoped to do, and it looked like it worked out, was show how two kids with vastly different backgrounds and experiences might handle something like love. Basically, I took a play out of the Indya/Darren circa 2017 playbook and applied it to the next generation. This time it was Elliot with a broken home and codependency issues, reliant on the love and support of a healthy Hope with a healthy support system being taught healthy boundaries. What drew Hope and Elliot apart is actually something 2017 Indya/Darren just dealt with and that was disrespect and intimidation (Elliot and the B word on the porch).
But we no longer do that here, so Elliot had to go off and deal with his shit. He did so with blunts, whatever, do you bro.
But now as a young adult and all this pressure to perform, he never addresses this deep rooted anger (see what I did there?). Elliot is angry, he's pissed that Hani isn't Hope, that all he is worth is a contract and a smile (and rushing yards and touchdowns). He's pissed off that Hope ran off to go be happy with some random who "doesn't have the history" they do. And we all know what happens when we do things out of anger; as another bookclub member said, we "make permanent solutions for temporary problems". Elliot never made it past the 2nd stage of grief after losing his world.
Personally, I believe he could have if he tried hard enough. Kinda like how Darren did.
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exosmutfactory · 1 year
Only Forever 008
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Originally posted by byunvoyage
How long could you wait for the love of your life to decide you are his as well? How many times could you witness all his best moments of winning over agencies and the amount of clothes left overnight from his daily one night stands?
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Main Masterlist | Bookclub zone | Chapter 8✓
networks — @/superm-net @/bbh-net
pairing — Baekhyun x You
word count — 3.7k
genre — model! baekhyun, playboy! baekhyun, friends to lovers! romance, angst, fluff, smut (eventually)
[ This chapter contains: a conversation, a night out, and a night in 🌻 ]
⏰💋 Only Forever Tag List: 💋⏰
@to-all-the-stories-i-love @you-n-me-e-e @insta1010 @bellamendoza @bbhflrt @weirdoome @marovekian1 @pearliejoy @soonvivi @jairahxelle @dynqstyna @xuxibelle
Chapter 8
You got me so high
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“Let me get this straight.” Shea takes a long sip of her tea, staring you down from across the living room. She sits back and crosses her legs, her intense gaze and her arched brow leaving you feeling chastised even before she says what she is about to say.
“Let’s recap so that I make sure I got everything straight: you went on vacation together, skinny dipped, rubbed each other down under the pretense of ‘needing sunscreen’, came back home, got drunk, kissed him, many times, went on a date, got head, finally talked about everything with him and now you’re freaking out?”
You flush at her words despite your best efforts. Well, when you put it like that… You cough, hastily sipping your own herbal tea to give yourself time to respond. She hit the bull’s eye as always; her words are brief yet her message is effective. Leave it to Shea to get straight to the point; all facts and no bullshit, compiling your problems into a concise and cohesive way that eases up your worries, even if just a little, from how confidently she breeches the issue. “Yep,” you reply after a moment. She’s got everything down and out in the open, after all. What else is there to say?
—a lot, but you can’t even begin to put your feelings into words.
“That’s pretty ass backwards,” May mumbles from your left, followed by the quiet sounds of her munching on food and the crinkle of plastic containers.
“May!” you exclaim at her words, turning to her in surprise. You immediately freeze when you meet her gaze. The look in her gray eyes has you sliding down on the couch as if you could disappear if you tried. The bubbly woman has paused in her quest to sample the newest flavor of donuts from your favorite pastry shop downtown to regard you with an unwavering stare, similar to the woman sitting elegantly across from you both. You know it’s serious when your normally cheerful friend has stopped mid-bite to give you a pensive glance, studying the expressions on your face like an abstract painting hung up in a gallery. Very fitting, considering the fact that you feel very much like a well-preserved piece of organic material being pinned against a wall underneath your best friends’ pointed stares.
—Okay, maybe you are being a little dramatic with that statement. Just a little bit.
You rub the back of your neck, resisting the urge to wipe away the bead of sweat lingering on the edge of your eyebrow. Okay, okay, I take it all back. I feel hella intimidated right now.
‘Intimidated’ is the perfect word to sum up how you feel about this entire situation.
“She’s right. It is ass backwards,” Shea sighs, making you snort despite your racing heart. “But you guys talked it out, at least.”
“Yeah…” you trail off, looking at the far wall in the room as if it could give you all the answers to all the questions that you have in your heart yet can’t even decipher in your mind. Your hands curl tightly around the warm cup of tea in your hands, trying to slow your breathing by inhaling the familiar lemon and ginger scent. Citrus and spice. Just like—you stop that train of thought right in its tracks, but it’s already too late. The damage has been done. The memory of messy black hair and soulful brown eyes plays vividly behind your retinas.
Inhale. Exhale. You hold your breath for a moment and sigh deeply. Really? Is this who you are now? You have a lot going on in your life lately between school and work. There always seems to be so much to do in so little time. All the long hours bent over counters and laptops. Your bathroom sink has been added to the mix as well. The bags under your eyes call for a half-hour dedicated to concealing your sleepless nights in front of the mirror. Are you really about to add your social life to your endless list of stress too? I mean it wouldn’t be the first time — but you haven’t had it this bad since high school!
Shea’s voice pulls you out of your thoughts before you can fall into that rabbit hole. Seriously, the last thing you need is to dive into those memories right now. Thank you, next.
“But you still have questions?” Shea states the obvious, reading you like an open book.
Yeah, 7 years of friendship will do that to you. All you can do is nod slowly. You can play cool and nonchalant all you want. You’ve always worn your heart on your sleeve. Even if you mask it behind a dozen layers of steel, one good hit to your feelings and all your walls shatter like fragile glass. If anyone knows that, it’s the two other women in this room. There’s no point in hiding how you feel. “He’s so- I don’t know how to put it… Guarded?”
Shea nods in understanding and May lets out an exaggerated sigh followed by a quietly uttered “men” in a voice full of disdain.
“I can see both sides,” Shea admits, forever the voice of reason in your friend group. “The Fashion Industry is cutthroat. It is in everyone’s best interest to keep their personal lives separated from business.”
“But she is his personal life!” May interjects, emphasizing her point with a wave of her hands.
“I’m his girlfriend, not his entire life, May,” you gently remind her. You rarely jump in when she gets this fired up, but even if you’ve daydreamed about being the center of Baekhyun’s world in your youth, you knew better than to think that in your 20s now. 
“Yes, which is why I can see why he’s cautious about where and how you guys meet up together.” Shea goes to take another sip of her tea but then pauses. “However, there is a difference between trying to keep your relationship private and safe behind closed doors, and trying to keep you held back at arm’s reach in an emotional aspect.” A brief look of irritation passes over her beautiful features, but the expression is gone in a flash.
“That’s what I’ve been thinking,” you mumble, worrying your bottom lip with your teeth.
“Yes, but is that what you have been saying?” Shea pointedly raises her eyebrow, taking a long sip of her tea. Even May takes a ridiculously long time chewing on the sprinkled donut in her hand, her gray eyes piercing into the side of your face.
“...No.” You’ve known Baekhyun since you were kids, but there is still a lot about him you don’t know about — especially in a relationship context. Wait, has Baekhyun ever had a serious girlfriend before? Maybe one, or something close, but you can’t remember her name…
“You have to communicate with him, girl.” Shea sighs.
“Yeah, Baekhyun is amazing, but he isn’t a mind reader,” May points out, her cheeks puffed up with a honey-glazed donut.
“You… have a point.” Of course they do, as usual, but you’ve never been good at having these types of conversations. You’re learning. You’re trying your best but things still manage to fall through the cracks and it never seems like your efforts are enough.
“What is stopping you from communicating with him...? Has he been giving you the cold shoulder?”
Your eyes widen in horror at the dark expressions that flicker over your friends’ faces. “No!” you nearly shout, not wanting them to go there. “I-it’s not that at all.” They have good reasons to make that assumption based on your past, but it isn’t like that now.
“Then what is it?” May tilts her head, peering at you with curiosity.
“What is the issue?” Shea reiterates, her eyebrows furrowed in deep thought.
Again, they do have a point and make a pretty strong argument. But why are you so anxious? It’s just Baekhyun. Baekhyun, who protected you when you couldn’t look out for yourself. Who pushes you to be a better version of yourself every day, not just for everyone around you but for yourself as well. Even when he isn’t around, he is forever on your mind. Living rent fucking free. It frustrates you as much as it comforts you to constantly be thinking about him. He is one of the few people who has stuck by your side for all these years, through the thick and thin… and dammit, the thought of losing him keeps you up at night so often that you might just die a little inside — if you aren’t already.
“You’re scared.” Shea’s strong and crisp voice rings across the silent living room without an ounce of doubt.
“I…” you take a deep breath, running a shaky hand through your hair. “Yeah.” Once you admit it aloud, it feels so much more real. You hold onto the cold cup of tea in your hands for dear life, hugging it to your chest.
The dead silence in the room is crushing until Shea stands up from the couch. “Alright, cancel all your plans.” She’s already on her phone, crossing out the list of errands that she mentioned about completing earlier today. “We’re going out tonight.” 
And that’s how you find yourself at the newest club in town hours later, skipping the mile-long line outside thanks to May and her networking connections.
“Oh?” The happy-go-lucky woman acted surprised when you mentioned the odd look on the bouncer’s face before he hastily let you three walk in. “I may have tapped that,” May admitted in a cheerful tone, hiding her coy smile behind the glass in her hand.
You and Shea locked eyes and hid matching smiles, sipping alcohol-free drinks. That bouncer was quite the looker though…
What can you say? Great minds think alike — you’ve all been friends for almost a decade for a reason.
Let’s make it clear though; you only came out here tonight to let loose and spend quality time with your friends and only your friends. Girl’s night only. After this, you all will most likely go back to Shea’s place and crash on her comfortable couch until the morning. But right now? You indulge in crowd-watching, your eyes zeroed in on the dancefloor.
You lean back on your barstool and cross your legs, observing the suave men and seductive women going full out during a popular pop song. The flashing lights and disco balls make the nightclub look like something you would see in a 70s Motown music video. You’re not surprised that Shea wanted to check this place out. It’s lively with a nostalgic feeling in the air, plus the juice they serve is great and the DJ has played nothing but back-to-back bangers all evening.
You spot May in the middle of the dancefloor, dirty dancing with a tall woman in a little black dress. The stranger’s classic attire contrasts with the neon green dress that your bubbly friend manages to pull off flawlessly. You can hear May’s twinkling laughter from all the way over here in the brief transition between songs.
At least she’s having fun, you smile. The sight reminds you of that one time you told Baekhyun that you don’t dance, which was a half-truth. You have rhythm; you know how to read the room and catch a vibe. But that’s the problem, you get too into it and then the next thing you know some guy’s jealous girlfriend is pouring her drink down your dress because her man decided to glue himself to your backside like a leech — but we digress.
Your smile slowly fades with a deep sigh. There you go again. Like clockwork, once you think of Baekhyun you can’t get him out of your mind. You made sure to text him earlier today to tell him that you would be out with your friends tonight. Doing it made you feel uneasy, but it was necessary, right? Aren’t you supposed to let your significant other know when you are going out to a nightclub in your not-so-freakdum-but-not-completely-modest-either dress with your best girl friends by your side?
You don’t know. You don’t know and hours later you are still worried about it.
It’s not like Baekhyun reacted badly to you telling him. He told you to be safe and have fun, the usual reaction when you told him the same thing in the past — he has a life-long habit of showing up unannounced at your place — but that’s the problem. It was the same as usual. The usual as in how he responded back when you were just friends, not boyfriend and girlfriend.
Does he not care? What if he doesn’t? What if he does? — your endless stream of worried thoughts is relentless tonight.
Honestly, the fact that you keep thinking about it has you upset. It’s girls’ night! You’re supposed to be having fun, yet here you are, sitting alone at the bar, sipping at a drink that is more melted ice than citrus juice while worrying about whether you’ll go home to a screaming match in the morning, which is absurd! Why is your mind so set on comparing Baekhyun to the partners of your past?
Your ex’s face flashes through your mind, a vivid image of his face as he gave you that ultimatum: him or Baekhyun.
Oh brother. Fuck it. You clench your teeth and order a fruity cocktail. You need to be buzzed to get through the rest of the night after that memory pops up. Actually, scratch that — you need to be buzzed and shake off this feeling of dread. So you take your drink, chug it, set the empty glass on the counter, and make your way to the dancefloor to meet your two best friends.
Shea’s red bottom heels and May’s gray eyes reflect the club lights, leading you straight to them through the crowd of sweaty bodies. You smooth down the front of your loose yet form-fitting dress and stride right up to them. They take one look at you and pull you closer with one goal in mind: dance the night away until your makeup smears and you want to kick your heels off.
A few days later you find yourself at Baekhyun’s door. You’ve only seen him once since the day you established your relationship. The summer months are always jam-packed with runway shows and elite events, but as the end of August draws nearer, he gets a few days off before the fall fashion season gets its claws dug into him.
Your baggy t-shirt slips off of your shoulder and you don’t bother readjusting it. It’s no use anyway, the oversized material will just fall down again like it has the other 100 times you’ve fixed it. You smooth down the front of your athletic shorts that sit loosely around your waist yet snug against your hips and thighs. Normally wearing an all-black outfit this time of year would be a death sentence, but with a cold front blowing in from the ocean, the nights have been cooler lately. Pair that with your slip-on running shoes and you are the embodiment of casual — which is ideal, considering the fact that you saw a camera flash on your walk into the apartment building.
You shuffle on your feet, nervously shifting your weight from side to side while having a staring contest with Baekhyun’s front door. The oakwood merely stares back, and if an inanimate object could judge you, you believe that his door would be at the top of the list from the number of times you have come here for one young adult crisis or another. Just remembering the amount of petty stuff you’ve bothered him about at 1 a.m. over the past 2 years has you flushing. God, why? Of all men to fall for, why did it have to be your best friend who knows practically everything about you?
Suddenly, the door opens and Baekhyun regards you with such a knowing look that you find the answer to your question within 15 seconds flat. This man knows you better than you know yourself in so many ways, and the familiarity in that, the comfort of being known for who you are and not what you can be is such a relief on your weary shoulders. You don’t have to make pretenses with him. He knows it all.
As a friend.
It strikes you right in the heart at that moment while you look into his warm brown eyes that reflect the brightly lit hallway lights, shimmers of stars sparkling in those soulful irises that you could spend lifetimes admiring. Baekhyun has accepted you as a friend time and time again. Through thick and thin. For better or for worse. But… will he do the same with you now? As the woman he is committed to?
“Hey.” Baekhyun’s low timbre pulls you from your thoughts. Just a single word from his lips has you filing away your worries to think about later. You take a good look at him as he braces his arm on the wall and leans against the doorframe. He’s wearing a black t-shirt that matches your own, but while yours is oversized, his fits snugly on his broad shoulders and defined biceps, stealing your breath away. Not like you have much breath in the first place when you’re standing in front of him, but still. Between that and the sweatpants resting low on his hips, you have half the mind to turn on your heel and run back home. Home date be dammed.
“Hi,” you utter in a small voice before hastily clearing your throat and standing up a little taller.
“I noticed you standing out here.” Baekhyun leans closer, his brown eyes scanning over you like an X-ray machine.
“Oh,” you reply, as smart as always under his unwavering gaze, “yeah, yeah I was.”
He hums and you think you are scot-free until he opens his mouth again. “Care to elaborate?” he tilts his head, his eyes dancing in amusement while he backs out of the doorway.
You sigh loudly as you step into his apartment. Dammit, you can’t get anything past this man. “I… might have been debating on whether to run away or not,” you admit in a guilty murmur, readjusting the collar of your shirt.
“Why? If I may ask.”
His words make you freeze in the middle of taking off your shoes. Baekhyun doesn’t usually ask if he can ask a question. He just asks. You glance over your shoulder at him, your running shoes still in your hand, and something about his earnest expression and the way his hands are in his pockets makes you lower your guard.
“I’m lost,” you admit quietly, struggling to maintain eye contact. “I know that we established our relationship and what we are to each other but I…” you take a shaky breath, running a hand through your hair. “I don’t know where to go from here. I don’t know what I’m doing. Please tell me what dating and a relationship means to you because I-I,” your voice cracks as you stand up and look at him with a helpless expression. “I don’t want to mess this up.”
You bite your lip in an attempt to mask your vulnerability, surprised by how open you were just now. Usually, you would brush things off and downplay your stress and worries, not lay out all your cards on the table like this. It makes you feel raw and exposed. A sensation that you hate from all the times you’ve been dismissed in the past. If expressing fragile emotions was a chess game, you would keep your strategy under lock and key. But right here, right now, you’re willing to take that risk. Like your friends told you before, how will Baekhyun ever know what you are thinking if you don’t tell him about it? You just hope that he will take you seriously.
Baekhyun calls your name, his voice no louder than a whisper. He steps closer to you and cups your face in his hand, his brown irises gazing over your features. “You’re overthinking this,” he murmurs, brushing his thumb over the apple of your cheek. “What does dating mean to me?” he tilts his head before kissing your cheek. “Spoiling you, taking you on dates, exploring places we’ve never been to before.”
Your skin tingles and flushes as he brushes his lips over your cheek and kisses the tip of your nose. “What’s a relationship to me?” Baekhyun pulls away slightly to look into your eyes and your breath hitches at the fond expression written all over his handsome features. His lips brush over your temple before he presses a lingering kiss to your forehead, slipping his fingers into your hair as he cradles the back of your head in his hands. “Spending time together, holding you close, and talking with you like this when you get stuck in your head like the little idiot you are.”
“Hey!” you immediately protest and pull away from him, giving him a halfhearted glare.
“Come here.” Baekhyun chuckles and takes your hand, interlocking his fingers with yours. His brown eyes shimmer brightly like midnight stars while he guides you further into his home and to his living room. You gasp at the amount of snacks scattered across the coffee table and one of your favorite movies on the TV, waiting in the streaming service queue. And you gasp again when Baekhyun plops down on the couch and pulls up onto his lap, wrapping his arms around you. His citrus shampoo lingers in his hair, his clothes smell like French vanilla, and the mint on his breath leaves you speechless when he firmly presses his lips to yours.
In that moment, you finally let yourself relax, leaning back against his firm chest while taking a bite of the candy he holds up to your mouth. Baekhyun’s eyes crinkle with one of his rarest sweet smiles and you just live in the moment and block out the rest of the world for a while.
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | PRE 7 | Part 7 | Part 7.5(M) | Part 7.75 | Part 8✓ | Part 9 | Part 10 |
Hello! I’m up to my chin with schoolwork, but I pulled a few all-nighters to get this chapter done and I’m pretty satisfied with the outcome. This chapter will serve as a bridge between the first 7 chapters and the next 20+ chapters. And yes, there will be multiple parts to chapter 8 (those decimals shall strike again!) I just really needed to add more character and thought behind showing our OC’s thought process because for 3 whole years she even had me confused and I’m like??? Girl me too lmao.
This author’s note probably makes little sense (2am type of brain power right here) but I just want to say thank you for all the support you loves and readers have given this story. Thank you, Infinity team! Part 2 of chapter 8 will have more fluff between our couple, so look forward to that! See you next time~ (^-^)
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arwainian · 1 month
Reading This Week 2024 #33
As warned, I come to you a day late because I was out of my house from 7:20am to 9:20pm. That time out was planned but also along the way my car battery died so I've sent it to the shop to get it looked at
I've really been in the zone with audiobooks this week, and I also worked on reading through the comic books I've had languishing on my shelf
Blue Box, Vol. 1 by Kouji Miura, translated by Christine Dashiell cute manga about some students at a very sports focused high school, badminton playing boy protagonist with a HUGE crush on basketball playing upperclassman girl. pretty cute, great art
Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg I am so glad that my library system had a physical copy of the 20th anniversary edition. It felt like an honor to hold this book in my hand. As expected, I cried at several points reading this. I have to say though, the mythos that has sprung up around this book (on tumblr but I'm sure elsewhere) as a Lesbian Book really really undersells how much this book's perspective is just as much if not more Working Class. it's a book about labor and difficulty making ends meet while butch: Jess' decision to pass as a man is certainly a gender-identity based decision but crucially it is also a financial one in hopes of getting a better job. Anyway. read the actual book
Remina by Junji Ito, translated by Jocelyn Allen read to keep up with Shelved by Genre. didn't like this one
Boys Weekend by Mattie Lubchansky recommended by a friend, graphic novel where a transfem attends the bachelor party of their old college buddy while the casino town they're in is taken over by a tech-startup-cult
The Empire of Gold by S.A. Chakraborty, narrated by Soneela Nankani okay yeah I spent like the last 2 hours of the audiobook jumping up and down my hallway. this was pretty rad, thanks for the rec dad. if you, like me, are put off by the YA characterization vibes in the first book, the characters do grow up
only fooling yourself by volefriend on ao3
System Collapse by Martha Wells, narrated by Kevin R. Free the murderbot diaries are always great
Jonny Appleseed by Joshua Whitehead, narrated by the author recommended to me by a friend! interesting and matter of fact perspective on racialized sex work from a two-spirit person
The Marlow Murder Club by Robert Thorogood, narrated by Nicolette McKenzie I'm going to come clean, I read this because I forgot the title of The Thursday Murder Club. however I really enjoyed this band of middle aged and older british ladies becoming friends and solving murders
Good Deeds #1-2 written by Che Grayson, art by Kelsey Ramsay, colors by Ronda Pattison comic about a small Florida town with unsettling supernatural stuff happening. I will be tracking down the other issues
Washed in the Blood #1 written by Kevin Roditeli, art by Rob Cannon, Kostas Pantoulas, and Vivi Ekhart the art and the lettering in this comic is crazy fun, but the story might be too "ooh so edgy" for me. I'll keep an eye out for the other issues but wont prioritize it
Crashing #1-3 written by Matthew Klein, art by Morgan Beem, colors by Triona Farrell miniseries focused on a doctor treating superpowered patients. absolutely going to find the other two issues of it, I need to see where this ends
What Feasts at Night by T. Kingfisher sequel to What Moves the Dead. it wasn't as good as the first one but it was still pretty enjoyable horror
The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch, narrated by Michael Page so excited to be reading this for the sff bookclub. too clever for their own good con man scoundrels are a favored character type of mine
Invisible Kingdom, Vol. 1: Walking the Path written by G. Willow WIlson, art by Christian Ward scifi comic that looked cool! a comic book shop employee recommended it to a friend, and I remembered I'd seen it at my library so I picked it up to check out (gorgeous scifi art)
little warrior by kathkin on ao3 read the next chapter :)
chapter 9 of follow the sun by verdantstars on ao3 new chapter out of a fire emblem three houses fic i like!
The Collected Poems of Audre Lorde this is hopefully just a temporary dnf. it was due back at the library and i did not have time to finish reading it before then. with any luck I'll check it out again when i have a bit more poetry reading motivation
Ragnarok by A.S. Byatt, narrated by Harriet Walter
Portrait of a Thief by Grace D. Li, narrated by Eunice Wong and Austin Ku
Reading Plans:
obviously The Lies of Locke Lamora is on my reading plan list bc its the sff book club pick for september! and I'll be reading Sensor to keep up with Shelved by Genre
other books I have out from the library and want to try out but may not finish reading: Bloom Into You Vol. 2 by Nakatani Nio, The Sprite and the Gardener by Rii Abrego and Joe Whitt, Female Husbands: A Trans History by Jen Manion, narrated by Kate Harper, The River of Silver by S.A. Chakraborty, narrated by Soneela Nankani
and I want to read more of the books that exist on my physical bookshelves. some of that I've been doing by borrowing the audiobook versions of them (like Jonny Appleseed and System Collapse above) but others dont have that option
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adelainejdevyn · 2 years
Late for the Valkyrie Bookclub
Gwynriel week 2 day 4🌶
Gwyn knew she was late for her Valkyrie Bookclub meeting and that Nesta and Emerie would never shut up about it.
They were discussing the latest novel they had been consuming titled: The Kingdom of Gods. It was about the daughter of an ancient God that had been prophesied to be the hero of their world.
To be honest, Gwyn was more interest in the pairings of the book, and if the main character would end up with the devestatingly handsome servant of a Death God or with the Centaur that was currently her teacher. She hoped the upending choise would somehow involve a hot threesome, just as Nesta had logically suggested.
Currently however it was pretty tough for Gwyn to think about book tropes, pairings or plot, with Azriel's cock in her mouth. She moaned as she looked up at him from her position on her knees. The shadows around him twisted sharpy as he exhaled a shaky breath.
He sort of looked like a beautiful Death God himself, Gwyn thought, taking him deeper into her mouth. The taste of him ungodly on her tongue.
Azriel had lost his goddamn mind, he thought as he threw his head back. His black hair was damp and his throat was exposed to the closed air in a nook on the stairs of the House of Wind.
“Oh,” he panted and looked down, his scarred hand woven between auburn locks, “Gwyn.”
The Valkyrie batted her eyelashes up at him, and took his cock deeper in her mouth. He must have lost his goddamn mind. 
Do you wish to fuck me, Azriel? She had asked him one night as they flew from Velaris to the House. He’d almost dropped her from his grip as the question settled. When she giggled he knew she had been drunk, or tipsy enough to poke his cheek, Well?
She was lonely she’d said as they landed on the balcony of the House, the lights soft and the stars bright as they gazed down at the odd pair. And you are my good friend, who else can I trust with this experiment? 
Azriel was sane enough to admit to himself that he hadn't wanted another male to touch her intimately. And that he was lonely enough himself to consider her offer. 
When he'd said yes, he hadn’t known that Gwyneth Berdara would be the death of him. He pulled her up by her hair now, and pressed her back to the staircase as he kissed her mouth. Their kiss was wild and open-mouthed, and she tasted like honey. Her long fingers dug into his flying leathers, the strings unable to unfasten at the speed of which she wished they would.
Azriel picked her up, and her legs wrapped around his waist. He was too large for this small staircase, and his wings hit painfully against the stairs above him, but he only could think about how soft Gwyn’s skin was and how perfect she felt against him and how her hands- 
“Now.” She demanded, freeing his length “Now, Az.” 
Azriel was not going to argue with her. He sunk into her carefully, aware that his size brought some discomfort along with pleasure. Gwyn moaned, shaking in his arms. She gripped onto his shoulders as she wiggled on to his length, her nails digging in. Azriel saw stars behind his shut eyelids. She was going to be the death of him, he thought again, as he thrust into her. 
“Cauldron,” she was muttering, “Oh, I am close-” 
Azriel did not change his pacing, knowing well that he was exerting the magical amount of pressure on her body that would have her shatter with pleasure. Gwyn surged forward and kissed him passionately, her tongue teasing his lower lip. He growled against her mouth as she clenched around him, before he stilled completely. Gwyn’s eyes were glazed with desire as she looked at him, one of her hands had reached up, her knuckles softly grazing the inside of his wing. 
“Is this all right, shadowsinger?” She asked, and stroked his wing again. Azriel gripped her ass in his hands tightly and moved again, fucking her deeper, and slower than before. She whimpered at the changed pace. 
“That’s right, Berdara.” He said, as he bit her throat lightly, “Play with my body like you own it.” 
“Oh, you are almost there, aren’t you, little Valkyrie?” He muttered, as he felt his own orgasm approaching, “Be a good girl and come for me, then. I’ll eat your pussy clean afterwards.” 
Gwyneth shattered at his words and he couldn’t help but spill inside of her as she grazed his sensitive wing with her nails. Azriel rested his brow against hers, both of them breathing hard, the sound echoed around them. 
Azriel blushed as he pulled out of her and felt his seed dripping down her thighs. His scarred fingers were there instantly, gathering the gleaming liquid up and then pushing it back into her. He could not, for Cauldron’s sake, understand this intense instinct that took over him in that moment. 
But Gwyn only gasped and said, “Let’s meet in the training ring tonight, Shadowsinger, I wish to ride you in the night air.” 
Gwyneth Berdara was going to be the end of him.
Author’s note: 
Curious to see which book the Valkyrie Bookclub is discussing? Check out Union of Souls and The Kingdom of Gods on my Wattpad page!
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ofmermaidstories · 2 years
Hi merms!!! Your last update was an absolute treat!! Thank you for sharing it with us <3
Speaking of funny little could-have-beens, how do you think our reader telling Izuku the history between her and Reo would go down? It's something I kinda picture him being curious about, given that Reo was the writer half of Justice Shield.
Sending you magic brain happy waves so that you have a great day! ✨️
Bluebelle! Hello!!!! Thank-you for wanting to read it!!! It’s like we’re in a lil bookclub. Except less democratic and varied i guess and more of a… dictatorship… okay maybe we’ll leave that comparison alone LOL.
It happens late at night. Reader can’t sleep. Izuku says something something innocuous—and Reader finally, finally goes, “have I ever told you about Reo?”, which is less, have you heard this, and more, I’m finally ready to talk about it.
I feel like Izuku would be curious—and sad, for Reader. But deep down, he’s selfishly grateful, too—because it was just one of those things that set Reader onto the path of meeting him.
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mediocre-daydreams · 2 years
Hello! I would love to submit for Adder Stone (Marauders era), any gender! I’m She/Her, plus size and I am 4’8(4’9 on a good day lol). I have shortish purple and blue hair and wear glasses. I love reading, baking and traveling (specifically to museums)! I’ve been told I’m the definition of sunshine and I just love meeting new people and making friends! And every test I’ve ever taken has said I’m a hufflepuff haha
hello!! it’s so nice to hear from u again :) u reminded me to take an updated house test and all of a sudden i'm a gryffindor ?? i went from ravenclaw to slytherin which i feel like makes sense but then the slytherin -> gryffindor jump seems less straightforward but anyway back to you.......
i feel like u and lily could be so cute tbh
lily’s a bit wary of james, and one of the reasons she doesn’t find him attractive is because he’s so fucking loud. lily has enough spunk in her and sometimes she just wants to feel cherished and understood, rather than an object to be chased. there’s nothing wrong with him, per se, but she just doesn’t think they click.
she tries to like him for a while. after all, james potter—rich, handsome, athletic, rich james potter—is pursuing her. the only logical thing to do is reciprocate, right?
well, lily isn’t a ravenclaw, so she doesn’t take the logical route. she finds herself completely enamored of you. as her feelings for you mature from platonic to romantic, she begins to pull away for seemingly no reason. nobody can really explain why, not even lily. you make her heart pound in a way she’s never experienced, even more than that time she was halfway through her history of magic O.W.L.S. and realized she’d completely forgotten to study the goblin insurrection.
she thinks it’s kind of ironic that you’re the one to confront her. you catch her outside the gryffindor common room and demand to know why she’d been ignoring you. the way you look up at her, not even angry, but concerned, makes the guilt bubble up and the confession start to creep up her throat. there’s a noise, and lily’s head whips around and bloody hell, why do the marauders always pop up at the most inopportune time?
lily pushes you away. again, and again, and again.
apparently, you only know how much you love someone when you don’t have them anymore. that seems very true for both of you. you miss your weekly bookclubs (which was just an excuse for you and lily to curl up in her bed and daydream about what it would be like to live in a different world) and you miss how she’d grow flowers in colors that matched your hair every time she came up to the hufflepuff common room.
lily misses your late night kitchen raids and gossip sessions with the house elves. she misses the taste of your baking and she missed the way you’d make fun of her for getting flour all over her robes when she tried to help you mix. (secretly, lily would make the mess and hope you’d lend her some of your clothes. you weren’t the same size, but lily didn’t mind short robes when they smelled like you and when everyone could tell they were yours. it made her feel like your girlfriend.) recently, lily’s been finding herself spending hours at the library until the sun sets and madam pince is ushering her out. usually, you’d be there with little reminders to eat and hydrate, but lily had been the one to push you out. her life was quieter and duller without you and your endless laughter and unconditional friendship and… and love?
lily spends the next week pouring her heart out to her journal and then all of sunday evening crying to marlene about how she feels toward you. why must she make everything harder for herself? she just always has to defend muggleborns and vie for top student and run tutoring sessions and do this and do that and why did she have to go and fall in love with you?
lily can’t see how she wasn’t supposed to. you were you. in lily’s eyes, the fact that everyone wasn’t in love with you was much odder than her being a girl in love with another girl. with a little encouragement (and a couple butterbeers), lily decided she would tell you how she felt the next time she saw you.
from the outside, it seemed everything had gone back to normal. the wrongs had been righted and the ends had been tied. but when lily told you she loved you, the courses of your lives were indefinitely changed. it was funny in a frustrating way how long it had taken the both of you to realize how perfect you were for each other. you were the yellow sunshine to lily’s gryffindor gold. lily was the wistful afternoons spent skipping rocks by the black lake and you were the careful fingers weaving flower crowns, like promise rings. 
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sunlitmcgee · 1 year
i do think that eventual healing for loci tommy will come in the form of just. not paying attention. moving on from those who hurt him. he has a whole world to explore and embody. why would he dwell on his pain
cdream cant get a response out of the ground. it is inanimate. the tnt he tries to set up disappears. when he tries to make his way to snowchester to use tubbo again, dream just. cant get there. the land sends him in circles. Punz keeps dropping his calls and ranboo's still mad at him for trying to kill tubbo. (he wouldve brought him back! if tommy cooperated). eventually dream just leaves. a little time away from the smp in the wilderness will do him some good.
ctechno's world is exactly the same. his crops grow at the same speed, without any helping hands. the sky doesnt shake with laughter when he cracks a joke. the aura that folllows ranboo and michael around vanishes when they come over for the weekly anarchist bookclub and techno's baked potatoes. its as if tommy was never there at all. except. tommy's basement has hollowed itself back out again. its filled with flowers that say "I'm sorry I hurt you" "I would do it again" "i still love you". techno does not retire into the upper room of his cabin early that night. techno does not travel hours into an area off the mainland and return with flowers that say the same. if the wind starts to rattle the windowpanes a little more often, and if techno and phil's crops start to grow unevenly, in the shape of a few lewd jokes, that doesnt have anything to do with tommy. certainly not.
ctubbo reconciling with cjack and cniki, all the old lmanburgians coming together to celebrate what it meant to them, how it fell, to say goodbye to it. to tommy, in a way.
I personally prefer a Tommy that tells cEmerald, in his own way, that he doesn't forgive them. A Tommy who is allowed not to say sorry to two men who ruined his life and actively worked to aid the man that delighted in his torture. A Tommy who yes, shows kindness and acts of grace, but who still lets Techno known very clearly that "You hurt me. You destroyed my home. You beat me in a pit because I asked you to say sorry for hurting Tubbo. You've never apologized for what you did to him. Maybe you're sorry now, but it's a bit too late. I'm not angry. I just don't want to forgive you."
and maybe yeah, Ranboo goes to the meetings for a while. But I imagine it's not long before he learns about the execution and the pit. I think that one day Ranboo comes to the cabin without Michael and takes Techno to the side to tell him straight up that he Knows what he's done to his loved ones. His family. He tells him very bluntly that he cannot be friends with someone who has done that, and lets him know that if he tries to force himself back into their lives that he's not above speaking the Blood God's language.
and maybe as Ranboo leaves, while Techno stands there, the words "betrayal" on the tip of his tongue there's just this faint Tinge on the breeze that forces him to be quiet. maybe for once the Blood God is the one who has to wallow in the ruins someone has left behind.
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pandapetals · 2 years
new years eve
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steve harrington x you - fluff, kissing, cussing, past history, not proofread.
a/n: idk just something cute for yall. maybe an au where steve went to college and met you. i took some creative liberties with the prompt.
The night was chilly causing you to tighten your jacket around you. You were already late to a New Years party you were invited as your watch beeped reminding you. You cursed under your breath making it to the door, frantically ringing the doorbell. 
“Hey!” Someone said as you rushed inside wanting to get out of the cold. You exchanged greetings, hanging your coat on the hanger as they guided you into the living room. There was at least fifteen people there, all of them mingling making you feel awkward. Not one face you recognized. 
You weren’t sure why you had showed up since the invite was last minute from an acquaintance you knew from class. Maybe it was because you didn’t want to be alone on New Years Eve, sitting at home watching rom-com like you always did. 
You walked around holding your mixed drink politely greeting people but this was worse than if you had stayed at home. You took downed your drink, throwing it in the trash before heading off to the foyer to grab your coat. There was no way you could stay here anymore. 
As you turned the corner, you ran into someone. You almost fell but an arm caught you pulling you up. “Are you okay?” They asked as you regained your composer. 
You looked up, “Steve?” You asked breathless surprised to see him here. “What are you doing here?” 
“I was invited. I’m not following you.” He replied giving you his classic charming smile. If you weren’t hurting from running into him, you would have had a sarcastic reply. 
Instead, you smiled back at him. “I figured that. I just didn’t think you knew anyone here.”
“I could say the same about you.” He responded his eyes searching yours, “I know Jennifer. She was the one who invited me.” 
You laughed, “Of course.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. Nothing.” You tried to be nonchalant but Steve could see right through you. 
“Oh god, she likes me. She has a crush on me?” He asked sounding worried. 
You slowly nodded your head making Steve curse under his breath. “I’m sorry. I thought you knew.” You quickly added before looking around to see if Jennifer was around. Thankfully, it was just the two of you in the foyer. 
“I knew I shouldn’t have come.” Steve said covering his face with his hands. 
“Hey, it’s okay. What’s the worse that can happen? Jennifer is a great catch.” You assured him but he shook his head turning to the rack where the jackets hung. “You can’t leave. She would notice if you left.” You hissed trying to prevent Steve from finding his jacket.
“I’m not staying here while tries to flirt with me.” 
You sighed letting Steve’s arm go deciding it was definitely time for you to leave as well. There was no way you were going to stay and let Jennifer ask you a million questions about Steve. Steve grabbed his coat slipping into it as you found yours. 
“What are you doing?” He asked as you zipped your jacket up.
“I’m leaving.” You replied walking to the door but Steve stopped you. 
“You can’t leave.” 
“I was trying to leave before your broad shoulder bumped into me.” You complained swinging the door open. 
“I do not have broad shoulders.” Steve whined as you made your way down the steps. When you didn’t reply Steve followed after you closing the door behind him. “Why were you leaving?” He asked when you were both on the sidewalk, the cold wind hitting you in the face. 
You shivered, “Because I didn’t want to be around people I don’t know on New Years Eve. I should have stayed home.” 
Steve nodded, “Oh. Well, I thought this was going to be more of a party but it-”
“Seemed more than a bookclub meeting.” You said at the same time Steve did. You broke into a huge grin looking up at Steve who was admiring you. Your smile quickly faded, “It was nice seeing you but I have to go.” 
“Wait, you must be hungry.” Steve blurted, “I know a good pizza place just down the road if you want to come?” 
You stood there a moment debating. Steve was a great guy but your relationship with him was complicated. In the first semester, you had fallen head over heels in love with Steve only for him to break your heart because he still had feelings for his ex. You were the one who broke it off and things had been weird since. You would see him every now and then because you knew the same people, and had the same classes. 
“I don’t know, Steve.” You finally replied shifting on your feet to fight the cold. 
“At least let me give you ride home. It’s freezing out here.” He said as a strong wind blew by causing a shiver to run down your spine. 
You sighed, it was better than walking or getting an uber. “Fine.” You uttered as Steve gave you a huge smile. He guided you down the street to his car opening the passenger door for you. Once inside, he turned the heat on high and you felt ten times better. 
“Do you remember where I live?” You asked as he pulled of the parking spot. He nodded as he flipped on his headlights since it had gotten dark outside. It was silent for a while, Steve tapping his finger against the steering wheel. “How have you been?” You asked to fill the silence. 
Steve shrugged, “Fine I guess.” He paused stealing a glance at you. “I’m actually bummed out that Jennifer’s party sucked.” 
“It was really dull. Who doesn’t play music at a party?” 
“Exactly! I can’t believe I thought I was going to met someone there and kiss them at midnight.” Steve confessed instantly regretting it when he saw from the corner of his eye your jaw had tightened. 
“Oh.” You managed to say feeling like an idiot all over again. Steve clearly was still a flirt just like when you were dating him. 
Steve nervously coughed, “It’s not like that.” 
“Then what is it? You go around flirting with every girl you see when we were dating and now I guess you kiss them?” You snapped feeling angry. 
“I swear I didn’t flirt with anyone. I don’t do around kissing people either. I just wanted to kiss someone at midnight because I’ve never done it before.” 
You stared out the window not sure what to say. Even though Steve claimed he wasn’t flirting, it had felt like it. You had thought you had gotten over him but all those feeling came rushing back whenever you saw him. It was hard to move on. 
“I’m sorry.” Steve whispered, “I didn’t know you were going to be at the party but I’m really glad you were.” 
“You can’t say things like that, Steve.” You reminded him looking over at him, his face dimmy light by the passing street lights. 
“You ended things so suddenly I never got to explain myself.” 
“What’s there to explain? Yes, maybe you were flirting with other people but I knew you still had feelings for your ex. It was plainly obvious.” 
Steve pulled up in front of your house turning the car off. He turned to you, a sadness in his eyes you had never seen before. “You’re right. I still cared about my ex which ruined our relationship. I regret that everyday because what we had was amazing.” 
“Steve.” You started but Steve held up his hand, cupping your cheek. 
“Sorry isn’t enough, I know that. I should have treated you better but I was stupid. I was stupid to let you go.” 
You pulled away, “You can’t say stuff like that.” 
“Why not? Because you still have feelings for me?”
You quickly looked away noticing the clock read 11:50. It was getting late and you had to work in the morning. “Give me another chance?” Steve insisted his voice low causing you to look at him. You were nervous to try this again but maybe it worth it. 
“I’ll think about it.” You replied barely keeping it together. It was true, you never had stopped caring and loving Steve. Everytime you saw him, it was hard for you not to go up to him and kiss him. You looked down at his soft lips remembering what they tasted like. 
“That’s good enough for me.” Steve replied leaning toward you. 
You didn’t notice his arms open, trying to give you a hug goodbye. You leaned in pressing your lips to his. He froze for a moment causing you to pull away. “Shit.” You mumbled under your breath as Steve nervously laughed. 
“I was trying to give you a hug.” He assured you as you covered your face in embarrassment. 
“I knew that.” You tried to say but it came out muffled. “Sorry.”
“At least I got some sort of a kiss on New Years from someone I care about.” 
You peeked through your fingers seeing Steve smiling at you before quickly looking at the clock. There was less than a minute before midnight. It probably was a mistake but at that moment, all you wanted to do was kiss Steve again. “Kiss me.” You said as the clock turned twelve. Steve didn’t hesitate, his lips caressing yours gently. You sighed into him feeling at ease. No matter what happened after this, at least you were happy for the moment.
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writeblrfantasy · 3 years
an incomplete list of shit that has happened in the 10 plus years i've been in my bookclub
for context: in addition to talking about the book we all read, we usually do a craft/activity related to the book as well as have snacks, and the organization who puts on the bookclub also puts on plays and concerts and game nights with the same kids
me (a lesbian) talking to this one boy about my favorite videogame and him telling me about his experience playing it
the absolute fucking solidarity i felt when i (in a full suit) went up to that same boy after a play and asked him what his name was because i didn't know which of two it was, and for him to tell me, shake my hand, and tell me he'd see me around. nothing has ever come close to this feeling.
me having a crush on this same boy's ex girlfriend
clocking another known lesbian in my bookclub wearing a full suit at that same play
the fact that this same lesbian requested we read divergent, her favorite books, for YEARS she wouldn't shut up about it. then we did. and she missed the fucking meeting
we still give her shit for that <3
this one boy who has had the exact same (unconventional) hairstyle the entire time i've known him (10 plus years)
holding hands with any girl who would hold mine when i was a little kid
this one dude who has the energy of an ancient, wise wizard but in the body of a lanky teenage boy with long hair that is never ever neat
the way i thought i was bi for seven months because of my four month crush on this one guy in the bookclub
my bookclub leader spinning me around to read the back of my band t shirt, exactly what i'd been hoping for when i wore that shirt
the fact that i put more effort into my outfits when i go to bookclub than i do for anything else
the fact that there are three lesbians in my reasonably small bookclub including me (i don't have confirmation about one but if she isn't i'll eat my hat)
this one dude who has a reputation for always disliking the books
that same dude having a heated argument over zoom with our bookclub leader about which was better: the hunger games or 1984 (he was indignant and outraged she thought the hunger games was better, we had read both books for bookclub)
a boy asking someone to teach him to braid, me volunteering, only for him to get bored five seconds into my demonstration
one time when everyone absolutely hated the book, thought it was garbage, wouldn't shut up about it, and i was silent. and someone was like "lila you're not saying anything" when i'm known for talking a lot and all eyes turning to me for me to quietly say, "i read the wrong book." i had read a novella in the same universe with the same name, just with different characters
the way everyone absolutely jumped on me to ask if that novella was any better, how was it, was it just as bad (it was from what i heard of the actual book)
the warmth in newly out me's heart when i recommended a gay book for the book list and my former bookclub leader going, "awww that sounds adorable"
when i think of reading harry potter and the riordanverse for the first time, i think of lying on my blanket in the park where we have our bookclub waiting for the meeting to start while i read
"i feel bad eating oreos if you're crying" "NO IT'S FINE"
realizing two years late that one of the other lesbians in my bookclub asking for my number to ask me if i wanted to get coffee sometime was not just platonic, i'm just fucking dumb
me having crushes on two girls with the same name who i only saw one time and pined endlessly for our next meeting only for them not to show up </3
the way my heart was absolutely hammering when coming out on zoom to some of the people there (the three people i know the best weren't there) because there was a gay character in the book we were reading and i couldn't not talk about it
the way no one batted an eyelash at this
my bookclub leader asking me if my experience coming out and being gay differed from the book character's or was the same
at our first in person meeting after a year and a half, the way my bookclub leader said "ooh i like your shirt" and i said "thanks i just got it for pride" the first time i'd mentioned gayness since coming out months earlier, and the way she said "oh yeah how could i have missed that"
the way we all kind of bonded together to thank our former bookclub leader for hosting and being the absolute angel she was when she quit doing it
a girl i'd never met before approaching me out of nowhere for a short conversation, and then me, confused, overhearing her saying to an adult she'd come with, "see? i talked to someone!" and them saying "good job!!" (it wasn't her parent lmao)
the warmth in my chest when the new kid introduced themself with they/them pronouns after our (cis) bookclub leader had us all introduce our own pronouns
the way no one batted an eyelash at this
this same new kid swearing for the first time in our bookclub's history, prompting for our bookclub leader to start swearing too
the fact that these people feel like my family and i don't even know if they think about me or if some of them remember my name, but the fact that i remember all of theirs and i count down the days each month of the school year until seeing them
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nejiraez · 5 years
masterlist | bakugou katsuki
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yes, i write for bakugou a lot, and what about it
it’s gotten to the point where this mfer needed his own masterlist. UPDATED 10/12/2020 LINK TO FULL MASTERLIST
© all rights reserved to @nejiraez​, reposting is NOT allowed on any platforms along with modifying/translating and straight up plagiarism.
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get well soon! | free bakugou until it’s backwards!!! but until then, he appreciates having your presence around as he takes the time to properly heal.
eye to eye |  it’s hard for bakugou to see eye to eye with todoroki as is. and that shit doesn’t change for the better when the subject at hand is you.
more & more (kinda suggestive) | bakugou’s choice of clothes is a force to be reckoned with. you never knew how much you desired him until you saw him wearing that promiscuous outfit of his
slip n’ slide |  swimming wooo~
rollercoaster |  bakugou takes (y/n) out on their first date ever to an amusement park. he hopes that his nerves don’t get the best out from him.
pretty face | {bnha bookclub event!} flattering bakugou is never easy. he doesn’t crack under the pressure of compliments. but his s/o comes around to change that
checking in | bakugou goes visits your house to check up on you, as a good boyfriend would. you’ re doing anything but fine, but that’s alright. that’s why bakugou’s there [baku’s birthday special]
play fighting | bakugou accidental punches his s/o in the boob while the play fight
none of your business (tattoo artist au!) | hcs [1] [2]
feb 14 | valentine’s day - is it a date or is it just bakugou hanging out with a friend. (y/n) can’t really tell.
feb 10 | tempting (suggestive/not ns/fw!) - bakugou finally got his driver’s license! but boy did that make him ten times hotter 
feb 3 | dares (angst) - dares were never a good idea, especially when it came to playing with people’s feelings. bakugou learns this the hard way.
boy interrupted (suggestive/not ns/fw!) | bakugou manages to sneak his s/o away for some alone time. however, the universe thinks otherwise thus leading to a series of unfortunate events where he gets interrupted every. damn. time. you take it with a grain of salt, but bakugou is less than pleased
like a baby (fantasy au!) | the prince begins to catch feelings for an outsider
texts | your text conversations with bakugou be cute or whatever ~
family | bakugou’s family absolutely adores his S/O, every single one of them has been whipped by her charms. 
sleep | in which katsuki finds you sleeping in the common room couches at an unusual time at night.
too “turnt” | drunk shenanigans where katsuki would take care of his s/o while sober, and his s/o doing the same
cheated on | bakugou comforting his crush who got cheated on
hickies | (Y/N) approaches katsuki with the request for hickies , just fluff
best friend’s brother | ‘dating or crushing on your best friend’s brother was a topic that was deemed unapproachable within many friend groups’. but what if that bro is bakugou katsuki
forehead smoochies | givin’ katsuki’s forehead a nice ol’ kiss
tacenda [1] [2] (angst) | katsuki and his s/o get in their first real fight/disagreement
unexpected visits | who the hell invited katsuki to (y/n)’s house, and why is he in their living room?
late night drives | katsuki drives his s/o around late one-night
jealousy (fantasy au!) | the young prince, bakugou katsuki, is becoming the talk of the town and swooned over. much to his s/o’s jealousy
whipped | katsuki becomes a cutie for his s/o; while his friends spy on how “odd” he’s acting while with you
freaking out | bakugou surprises you one day with a text asking you out
second button | katsuki gives you the second button of his uniform on the last day of middle school. whatever could that mean~
little brat | the first time bakugou ever meets your younger sibling.
down in the dumps | katsuki comforting his s/o after they had a simply no good, terrible, fuck ass day.
meeting the parents | katsuki invites you over to meet his parents for the very first time.
unintentional | katsuki is hit square in the face with his crushes shoe while they were training. this sparks a rather odd interaction between them both.
baku promo’ing skz [crack/inside joke w/ a friend again lolol]
get it (ns/fw) | kaminari is tired of hearing his friend get off. so he comes to the conclusion, that bakugou needs to get ‘it’. [baku’s birthday special]
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orange caramel |  not much to say about this except coddle bakugou 2020
asshole | you trick bakugou into thinking that he’d be getting a blowjob. when in reality... [suggestive]
nice hit | you hit bakugou in the head with you purse [tiktok challenge piece]
ok, bet. | bakugou never backs down from a fucking dare... no matter how stupid it may be.
daddy daycare (todo) hcs
refusing to hold their hands (mido/todo)
first with baku/todo (fluff)
being bed buddies with bakugou
‘v!rgin no more’ cake reactions w/ todoroki comedic puroses lol
more domestic/father bakugou!
unspoken ways in which they show they love you w/ mido/todo (sep)
bakugou as a husband
bakugou with a s/o who can bake!
reaction to his s/o calling him dude/bro w/ kiri 
bakugou/midoriya babysitting w/ their s/o (seperate) 
bakugou/todo/kiri dating a s/o who was also their childhood friend (sep.)
bakugou/mido/todo reactions to their s/o’s new hair (sep)
baku/todo/kiri’s reaction to their s/o getting piercings (sep.)
first date hcs
how the bakusquad would check their s/o out hcs
bakugou and his s/o on social media hcs (main) | additional : [1] [2] [3]
bakugou on snapchat
baku/todo/shinsou being wholesome bf’s
bakugou spoiling his s/o hcs
spending the whole day w/ his s/o who’s birthday is in summer
his reaction to his s/o’s morning kisses + snuggles [2]
how the bakusquad reacts when they find out he has a crush on you
bakugou w/ a s/o who’s considered as “adorable”
domestic hcs [2] [3]
bakugou cooking with his s/o in dorms
katsu having mom-like tendencies; especially when it comes to his s/o
baku/todo/deku reacting to their s/o waking them up in the middle of the night w/ a scream (sep.)
katsu being jealous [2]
bakugou helping/supporting his gf through finals week
bakugou being “a softie” for his s/o~ [1] [2] [3]
bakugou training w/ his s/o
bakugou w/ a s/o from the support department 
baku/dabi/kiri reacting to their s/o’s drawing of them (sep)
baku w/ a s/o who’s socially anxious
katsuki christmas hcs
baku/kiri/monoma’s reaction to their s/o who wakes up looking ethereal in the mornings (sep)
bakugou w/ a s/o who likes to sleep in comfy clothes
halloween hcs
baku/mido/shinsou w/ a s/o who’s always cold (sep)
bakugou/sero/midoriya’s s/o borrow their sweater (sep)
baku/kiri/amajiki accidentally telling their crush they like them (sep)
baku/kiri dating their classmate (sep)
baku/deku first kiss hcs w/ their s/o (sep)
baku being a cute spoiled brat
© all rights reserved to @nejiraez​, reposting is NOT allowed on any platforms along with modifying/translating and straight up plagiarism.
2K notes · View notes
exosmutfactory · 2 years
Only Forever 005
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Originally posted by hyunniebaeked
How long could you wait for the love of your life to decide you are his as well? How many times could you witness all his best moments of winning over agencies and the amount of clothes left overnight from his daily one night stands?
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Main Masterlist | Bookclub zone | Chapter 5✓
networks — @/superm-net @/bbh-net
pairing — Baekhyun x You
word count — 3.3k
genre — model! baekhyun, playboy! baekhyun, friends to lovers! romance, angst, fluff, smut (eventually)
[ This chapter contains: 😏 ]
⏰💋 Only Forever Tag List: 💋⏰
@to-all-the-stories-i-love @you-n-me-e-e @insta1010 @bellamendoza @bbhflrt @weirdoome @marovekian1 @pearliejoy @loey0491 @__jxnnx3 @soonvivi @jairahxelle @dynqstyna
Chapter 5
Your body's looking good tonight
I'm thinking we should cross the line
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You’ve been back home for a little under 48 hours and there’s already a lot on your plate.
The apartment is full of dust. Your bank account is looking empty. The lock on your bedroom door is jammed. Your landlord insists that your rent has gone up 2% because you were ‘short’ on your last payment, (which you vividly remember paying him 2 dollars over the amount before your trip). A raccoon decided to make a home in the back of your closet and your air conditioner unit broke again. All of the above are top-tier conditions to live in a week before your final fall semester.
In other words, you are royally fucked.
At least the raccoon doesn’t have rabies. That’s the least of your problems. You’re pulling your hair out over the fact that you have to wait for someone to come unlock your bedroom door and pray that it gets fixed before animal services arrive. The only reason you hadn’t noticed the wild animal last night is because you had passed out on the couch the moment you entered your apartment. Now, not only do you have an intruder in your home, but you also have to battle against the herd of fire ants crawling under the door.
By the time someone installs a new doorknob and the raccoon has been whisked away, you are gathering your hair into a ponytail and rolling up your sleeves to face the overwhelming stream of insects traveling in and out of your window. All in all, you’d give this experience a negative 10 out of 10.
This just goes to show that as much as you love (and need) your yearly beach vacations with Baekhyun, the clusterfuck you come back home to will never be anything less than overwhelming. You did not sign up for a WWE match with a colony of ants in the middle of your bedroom, or the hole in the wall at the back of your closet where that Over the Hedge looking rat bastard must have dug its way through.
Why did you insist on an apartment next to an oak tree on the second floor? In times like this, you’re seriously rethinking all your life choices. Thankfully, you have a strong support system to counteract all the mental breakdowns that threaten to disrupt your day-to-day life.
The next morning, you nearly fall flat on your face in your hurry to tie up your hair, throw on a cute outfit, and rush downtown to meet your friends for brunch at your usual spot. The early-August sunrise paints the sky in beautiful shades of baby pink and lavender hues. It’s warm enough for you to forgo a jacket and sprint to the nearest bus stop—the only perks of late-summer mornings. You get a good look at your surroundings while waiting for the bus, neatly tying bows on the ends of your long sleeve floral shirt and dusting off your faded blue jeans. By the time a bus arrives, the summer heat is already starting to bear down on the nape of your neck.
Now, there’s something that should be mentioned about your friends before you step off of the public transportation (that you are growing to disdain every day you travel around the city without a car. You’re one good chair kick away from swearing this woman’s entitled kid up to the heavens).
As someone who has never been much of an outgoing person, you like to keep your friendship circle small and close to your heart. Old classmates used to tease you about it in the past, especially at the small following you had across all your social media. ‘You have that little friends? How sad.’
Well, as you say time and time again, you rather have 5 close friends than 50 people who would leave you at the drop of a hat in their quest to gain popularity. Hell, your friendship circle has gotten even smaller than that these days. But the moment you step through the door of the upscale bakery, a familiar pair of brown and gray eyes light up at the sight of you.
May’s smile is blinding when she waves you over, with a smudge of blue paint on her cheek and her vibrant pixie-cut hair bobbing with every enthusiastic movement. Her pastel off-the-shoulder t-shirt rests snuggly above her waist, paired nicely with her high-waisted blue jeans. There’s an excited glint in her gray eyes that lets you know you’re in for a wild ride today. From her energy alone, you know she’s halfway through her second cup of coffee.
Your eyes shift over to Shea as she elegantly crosses her legs and nods at you, hiding her fond, rogue lipstick-colored smile behind her coffee mug. She sits tall and regal, not a curl or hoop-earring out of place. The sunlight streaming through the windows favors her burgundy pantsuit-clad frame and beautiful skin. Her mischievous brown eyes flash and she taps her french-tipped acrylic nails on the table as you approach.
You quickly make your way over to them, taking the empty side left in the cozy little booth, and the moment your eyes meet theirs, you’re immediately bombarded with their flow of questions.
“So!” May leans forward with a teasing grin, the pencil tucked behind her ear and her neon green crocs holding on for dear life. “How was the honeymoon? Any progress with Mister Heartstealer~~~?”
You nearly choke on the steaming drink a waitress sets down in front of you. That question alone reminds you of your last day at the beach, a vivid image of messy black hair, alluring brown eyes, and glistening pectorals instantly coming to mind. “Uh-” you shift your eyes off to the side as your face heats up, “-well-”
“Oh?” Shea quirks an amused smile.
“Ha!” May squeals, clapping her hands and gripping the edge of the table. “I knew something steamy happened! Spill!!!”
“U-uh-” you laugh nervously, shrinking under the curious (and irritated-) stares around the room. “I mean, I would but we don’t got all day-”
Shea scoffs, her crystal necklace sparkling under the cozy lights. “Girl, who are you kidding? I cleared my entire schedule for this.”
“Final painting done and submitted for the gallery next month.” May nods, fixing you with a serious look. “Now spill the beans.”
With a fond sigh, you recount every significant moment you had with Baekhyun over the last few weeks. The retelling of your story sounds like something out of a young adult novel and rekindles the heat in your cheeks. You wonder what he’s up to right now and frown. You hope he hadn’t gotten into too much trouble for blowing off his schedule yesterday to spend time with you. In a way… it’s almost as if he hates the fact your vacation came to an end as much as you do.
By the time you finish and trail off into your thoughts, a hush has fallen over the booth. 
“You’re telling me you went skinny dipping, stargazing, rubbed each other down, and you still think he doesn’t have feelings for you?” Shea gives you the most exaggerated stare before turning to May. “Who’s gonna tell her?”
“He’s in love with you, idiot.” May huffs, crossing her arms.
“It’s not like that!” you groan, fanning yourself in hopes of alleviating the heat in your cheeks. Is the coffee making you hot or is this conversation? You’re too flustered to tell. “We’ve been best friends for over 10 years.” The teasing, sly smirks, and heartfelt smiles… “He’s always like this.”
Shea takes a calm and collected sip of her coffee. “You really are a dumbass.”
You throw your hands up in defeat and the conversation draws to a close as a waitress comes over to take your orders. As familiar as your group is with Baekhyun, no one can forget how easy it is for rumors to fly about the supermodel in a place like this. You hope too much information hasn’t left your table when you catch a pair of waitresses whispering to each other off in a far corner of the room. The last thing you need is everyone finding out you are who Baekhyun vacations with every year.
To be fair, the general public knows a bit about you anyway. Not your name, or your face, but you’ve caught a few articles discussing the “Jane Doe” who is “frequently seen by his side” when the pair of you do mundane everyday things over the years. That and the wench who you do not speak of who always worms her way into paired photoshoots with him. But we digress:
You’re so glad you met up with your friends today as you discuss the message behind May’s latest art exhibit and the progress Shea’s marketing team has made recently. When all else has gone astray in this world, you can always count on your friends to be there for you. Just a conversation in a cozy setting like this is enough to get you through the rest of the week. If you were a castle, May and Shea are your pillars of strength.
All too soon, Shea looks down at her smartwatch when it beeps, and you check your own phone in astonishment to find out that it’s already a quarter to noon. You’re not surprised that you managed to spend over 3 hours catching up with your friends, that’s usually how it goes with how busy everyone is in your small group. It’s the fact that time has slipped away from you, the once gentle sunlight now blazing your fingertips through the windows. You’re already wincing at the thought of riding a bus back to your apartment in this “clear blue sky with a side of hell” weather until a jingle of keys catches your attention.
Shea smiles knowingly at your surprised expression. “Well?” she raises a brow, twirling her keys around her fingers, “I got one more errand to run before turning in for the day. You down?”
You’re already nodding before she even finishes her sentence, setting down your fair share of the tip and the bill before leaving the bakery. 
Shea watches you head for her sleek red car with a smile while May slaps money down on the table.
“Bet $20 he’ll make the first move,” the artist smirks, waving over a waitress to order a pastry before they leave.
Shea raises a brow, smoothing down her suit and grabbing her purse. “But if liquor ‘s involved?”
“...Touche,” May giggles, following her outside. She squints when they step out on the curb, shielding her eyes from the sun, “but when does she ever party?”
“When it comes to him?” Shea chuckles, glancing at you in the distance. “Don’t act surprised.”
You’ve reached a dilemma—or, more accurately, you’re facing one right now.
It’s a quarter to midnight, the moon high in the sky, the stars twinkling in celestial light, and you’re shivering like a fawn prepared to take its first steps into the wildest party you’ve ever seen with your own eyes.
How did I get here? you ask yourself as if the answer isn’t strolling up to you right now with midnight hair and sultry brown eyes.
“Are you free tomorrow night?” Baekhyun asks you from across his pristine kitchen counters, imploring you with curious brown eyes.
You stare blankly at him, taking the last bite of your favorite cuisine and hopping off of a bar stool before turning to rinse off your plate in the sink. “That depends,” you share hesitantly, weary of the hopeful expression on his handsome face. After this morning’s events and nearly running late to your interview when a certain someone decided to critique every single article of clothing you wanted, you can only imagine what ideas are forming in that beautiful head of his right now.
“There’s a party going on over on Maple street,” he starts, tapping his fingers on the counter, already giving you those puppy eyes. But all you can focus on is the fact that he’s asking you to go to a party with him. He’s asking you to go to a party with him. In the middle of the week. On a Tuesday night.
It takes less than 15 seconds for you to give him a reply, “I don’t dance.”
Baekhyun smiles as if he expected that answer, walking over to lightly bump his hip to yours. “There are plenty of other things to do at a party than just dance.”
“I don’t smoke either.”
“Free shots?”
“...” you pointedly look at his empty fridge. “Gin and juice does sound good about now.”
Remember when your friends called you a dumbass? Yeah, you are one. Now here you are, already two shots of vodka in from your ride over here, pacing back and forth on some rich guy’s lawn, trying to talk yourself into stepping through those double doors or turning around and sprinting back home… and then Baekhyun shows up fashionably in all his glory, stopping you dead in your tracks.
His black hair is messily tousled as always, the tips falling into his half-lidded, kohl-lined brown eyes. The first few buttons of his shirt are unbuttoned, revealing the sliver of a thin silver chain on his collarbones and a peek of his honey-toned skin. His shirt is tucked into a snug pair of dark jeans that your gaze is locked on a little too long before you manage to look away. From this distance, you can tell he’s already blazed.
As per privacy precautions, your best friend had asked you to meet him at the party rather than show up together. Even a frat party among a group of (plastered. Absolutely plastered and the party only started 30 minutes ago-) elite individuals calls for carefully navigating the lines between Baekhyun’s modeling and inner circles. More than half the crowd tonight is full of celebrities in celebration of one of their fellow influencers’ birthdays. You swear you can see the lean silhouette of another famous supermodel from here.
Baekhyun steps closer, the midnight breeze drowning you in his cologne and rich vanilla scent as he leans closer to murmur in your ear. “You ready?”
You glance back at the LED light, lit-up mansion behind you, feeling the wind flow through your crop top and the heavy bass of speakers in your newest pair of dainty black strap heels. You wonder if Baekhyun realizes how close he is standing to you, the warmth of his strong thighs felt through the fabric of your jeans and his minty breath caressing your ear. Unlike how loud you imagine the music is inside, you can hear him perfectly fine out here, under his sharp gaze and the light of the moon.
“Yes,” you whisper, meeting his eyes before he takes you by the hand and leads you inside.
Like you’ve mentioned before, parties aren’t really your scene of choice. You attend one every now and then to accompany May on her wild adventures for “inspiration” but even then you tend to stick close to the nearest wall and watch over the rest of your friends. You don’t like being in the center of attention like free-spirited May, elegant Shea, or your suave best friend. Yet when Baekhyun softly squeezes your hand and walks you through the heart of the party, you don’t have the heart to complain. As long as you are with him, you know that you’re safe.
The music is what hits you first, the bass boom of the latest R&B album overwhelming your senses. The inside of the house is decorated with smoke machines and disco lights, casting vibrant colors across the dim-lit rooms. If the smoke isn't already hindering your vision, you also walk by a group of guys passing around a joint in the center of the room. You stumble over someone’s feet in the crowd, looking back over your shoulder at the group of girls hurrying to catch their drunk friend before her swaying body falls.
There’s so much happening at once that when you finally reach the kitchen, you grab the nearest empty red cup and crack open a new bottle of tequila. You quickly throw back your drink, wincing at the way it burns down your throat.
Baekhyun cracks open a can of beer and leans his hip against the counter, chuckling at your pinched-up expression. 
You playfully roll your eyes, searching the fridge for a can of soda like you own the place before mixing another drink. The flashing lights are already giving you a headache. You’ll need something to sip on if you want to get through the rest of the night. Not even sza’s latest hits can persuade you to go back into the sweaty makeshift dance floor.
“Baekhyun!” a deep voice calls from the other room. You look up and squint through the dizzying clouds of smoke to see a tall figure step forward to greet Baekhyun and clap him on the back, recognizing their signature ears and a wide grin. Park Chanyeol: a rising rockstar and musician who is frequently seen among Baekhyun’s “industry” inner circle. His ripped t-shirt and right-sleeve tattoos look menacing when his piercing stare lands on you. 
A commotion in the next room has you peeking over Baekhyun’s shoulder into the crowded dining area, your curiosity peaked at the platter of sliced lime and a salt shaker laid out on the table.
Chanyeol clears his throat and crosses his arms, leaning against the doorframe. “We’re doing body shots. You game?” He tilts his head, raising a brow in challenge.
You screw the tequila bottle tight and meet the giant’s smug gaze with narrowed eyes. Now you ain’t a party girl, but one drink down and two shots in, you're ain’t no chicken either. “I’m in,” you grit out, brushing past both of them to enter the next room.
Liquor courage? Maybe. You’re a force to reckon with when there’s alcohol flowing through your veins. The worst thing someone can do is underestimate you while in a tipsy state. You’re already pushing through the small crowd, chugging your drink, and climbing up onto the dining table without a second thought.
Someone instructs you to lie still for them to pour the salt on your bare skin, put the shot glass in place, and for you to hold a slice of lime in your mouth. The music is still going. Your heart races in your ears. Cheers echo around the room, but everything fades into the background when your best friend’s shocked and handsome face comes into view. For a minute you feel a sense of triumph, savoring the rare moment when you leave Baekhyun, your ever-flustering best friend dumbstruck—until he shifts into his modeling persona. 
Baekhyun’s dark brown eyes lock on yours as he places his hands behind his back and leans down to slowly trace his tongue up the salty trail on your navel. You quiver when his warm breath fans over your hip, his mouth hovering over your waist before he licks up the rest of the salt on your torso, coming closer to the shot glass nestled between your breasts.
It takes everything in you to not bite through the lime wedge in your mouth when he wraps his lips around the edge of the glass and throws back the shot of tequila without breaking eye contact. But the sultry gaze in his smoky eyes keeps you locked in place with bated breath. When he leans closer to pull the lime from between your teeth and his bottom lip brushes over yours, you break, surging up to tangle your fingers in his hair and yank his mouth back down to yours as the world fades to black.
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Part 1| Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5✓ | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 |
A/N: “Just friends” take body shots off of each other right? 😇 Riiight? 😇🤭 Happy new year, loves! 🥳🎊🎉💕
56 notes · View notes
justgillespie · 4 years
Missing (6/?)
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Summary: Your next door neighbor, Luke Patterson (a.k.a. your longtime crush) has gone missing, and you think you could help finding him.
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: none!
Author’s note: Hi! So I’m back, and I’ve had a big writer’s block, so that’s why this part is kind of 💩. Anyways, hope you still enjoy!
Part 7
Sunday went fine.
You and your family went to church, you had lunch back at your house and then even watched a movie together, before getting everything ready for your sister’s boyfriend’s visit. He came and charmed your parents and yourself. He was very nice and polite. You couldn’t help but be grateful for the fact that he was nice to YOU. Tamra’s other boyfriends were usually indifferent at your presence and some of them would even get bothered by you, which you always thought was ridiculous because you didn’t even talk around them, as Tamra would ask you. And most importantly, he did like dessert. You and Tamra decided to bake Torta Tres Leches (your specialty) and he loved it. And after dinner, he helped you and your sister clean the dishes.
“...We ain’t searching for tomorrow...”
Tyler sang while washing a plate, and you couldn’t hide your surprise.
“You know Sunset Curve?”
Maybe it shouldn’t surprise you that much. They had performed in several places before. Maybe it should surprise you if someone didn’t know them.
“You know them?” He asked smiling.
“The lead singer is our neighbor next door.” Tamra informed him.
“That’s awesome! Could we meet him?” He said with shiny eyes.
“Sure. If he wasn’t missing.” Tamra said, placing the dishes in their place.
“What?” He said, his eyes wide open. “Really? That’s messed up! I know them because they tried to set their stuff in front of the caffe once, a while ago, but my boss kicked them out as soon as he saw them. But they dropped a demo on the sidewalk, I think on purpose, and I took it. I’ve been listening to it nonstop ever since.”
“Would you mind borrowing it to Y/N? She’s trying to reach them to find Luke. Luke’s the lead singer.” Tamra explained.
“Sure, I can give it to you this week.” Tyler said looking at you.
“Don’t worry about it. I don’t think I’m doung that anymore.”
“What? Really?” Tamra asked you. “Why?”
“Long story.” Not really.
Your sister looked like she wanted to insist, so you spoke again.
“I’m telling you about it later.” You rolled your eyes.
Tyler and Tamra kept talking about the band and she told him about the time she saw them playing at the bookclub. You helped them finish cleaning the rest of the dishes, quietly.
“I’m heading up to my room. It was nice meeting you Tyler.” You smiled politely.
“You aren’t watching a movie with us?” He asked, and you shook your head.
“Next time, I promise.”
“Perfect. See you soon, kiddo.”
You said you wouldn’t, but once you got to your room, you couldn’t help to open your window and look at Luke’s room again. Still empty and perfectly cleaned.
What Tamra said got stuck in your head. You started the investigation just four days ago, and you were already giving up.
I wouldn’t say it’s giving up, you thought, it doesn’t make any sense to keep looking for him if he has no plans of coming back.
Maybe there was such thing as too optimistic, after all. You underestimated the situation and expected too much. You didn’t realize how real this was until now. And right then it hit you: this wasn’t a joke. Luke was missing. Kind of. And you were trying to find him?
You must’ve looked ridiculous playing the detective.
You were still starring at the other side of your window when you heard Tamra laying down on your bed, in a jump.
“You didn’t watch the movie?” You asked, finally turning your head to see her.
“No. I told him to go home. It’s pretty late already and he has to work tomorrow.” She responded, looking at the ceiling.
You left your window seat and climbed onto you bed next to her.
“He’s super cool. I like him. Mom and dad did too.”
“Yeah.” You noticed the little smile on her face. “He loved you all too. Especially you. He says you’re adorable.”
You rolled your eyes. “I’m only two years younger than you two.”
“Well, say that to him. He told me he’s taking you as his little sister. He’s an only child, by the way.”
“That sounds fun.” You joked and she hit your arm slightly. “I’m just kidding! But I always wanted a big brother, so he’s more than welcome.”
“I didn’t say I want to change you for him.” You rolled your eyes. “I just want an older brother, that’s all.”
You tried to distract her for a little while, talking about Tyler, but that didn’t work for too long.
“What’s that about you quitting the investigation?” Tamra finally asked, and you sighed.
“That I’m letting the police do their work.”
“But, why?”
“It’s too much. I am just a sixteen year old.”
“You’re just months away from being seventeen.”
“Does that change anything?”
She looked at you carefully. “What happened?”
You shook your head before talking.
“Every time I think or feel I’m closer to find him, turns out I’m only further. Did you know this isn’t a movie? Where everything just comes in hand? Because apparently, I didn’t. And now I’m here.”
Tamra starred at you for a minute. “It’s weird seeing you giving up. You never give up. And you’re always so positive. It makes me crazy sometimes but it’s one of things I appreciate about you.”
It’s not giving up, you wanted to say, but maybe it was.
“But I guess you’re right. You are just a sixteen-almost-seventeen year old. How much could you do?”
She said it on purpose and you knew it. She wanted to get in your head. She just didn’t know she already did.
You just stayed silent.
You did feel bad. You tried not to think too much about it, but you did. You didn’t like the way you just... well, gave up. The way you were so close, and still didn’t get Luke. But it happened. And this wasn’t a game. It was real life.
“Are we not gonna talk about the cute guy that brought you home yesterday?”
Your thoughts fade away when Tamra spoke again after a while.
“That’s his name? I didn’t remember. But, yeah, him I guess.”
“He asked me out. And I said yes.”
“Really?” She raised an eyebrow at you. “So you’re planning on dating him or...?”
“I don’t know. Maybe?”
“Maybe is not an answer.”
“Um, yes it is. As in, maybe I will date him. Maybe I will not.”
“The fact that you’re hesitating is a bad sign.”
“I’m just-” You sat in your place. “-not sure. What if I waste this opportunity? I mean, come on. Josh is cute. Really cute. He plays football, likes to read, he’s really sweet and he’s fun to be with. But...”
“He’s not Luke.”
“Yeah, he’s not... wait.” Your heart sank. “What do you mean?!”
Tamra chuckled. “You thought I didn’t notice? You are really obvious.”
“But- how-? What-?” You shook your head, confused.
“I noticed ever since we moved. You were all heart-eyed for him the day him and his family came with those delicious muffins.”
Somehow, you felt a bit relieved. At least she didn’t know you’ve been sort of spying on him.
“Every time he says hi to you, you have a dumb smile on your face. I’d be surprised if he doesn’t know you like him.”
You blushed. You really hoped Tamra was just exaggerating like she usually does.
“I’m surprised you never talked to him, though.” She added.
You just shrugged and didn’t say anything.
“So?!” Tamra asked. “You’re not gonna give me any details?”
“There’s not much to say.” You said. “I have a crush on him even though I don’t actually know him.”
“But you could get to know him. Once he’s back.”
You held back a laugh. If he wants to come back, you couldn’t help thinking.
“If you like him, you should go for it. I mean, I don’t see why not.”
“I don’t know. He makes me feel weird.”
“In a good or bad way?”
“Good way, I guess. But I don’t know how to act about it, you know? I’ve never actually dated anyone. I’ve been living out of crushes my whole life.”
“That’s because you never make time to date anyone.”
“I don’t have, the time to do so. I’m always either at school or dance. And when I’m not, I’m here practicing or doing homework. That’s why I usually bring my friends here instead of actually going out. Yesterday was the first time I went out in a month... What I’m trying to say is that dating is not a priority of mine. I like Luke, but nothing ever happens with him. If things were supposed to happen, they should’ve happened already.”
“But that’s because you don’t make a move.”
“Why can’t he make the first move?”
“Nobody said he can’t. He’s just not doing anything, so maybe you should do it first.”
“Don’t you think that the reason he doesn’t make any moves could be because he’s not interested in me?”
“Do you know that for sure?”
“No, but-“
“Then you will never know.” She sat and faced you. “You’re wasting your time.”
You wanted to disagree, but it was true. Luke wasn’t your first crush, but he was the first boy you’ve ever considered the idea of dating. Or at least you fantasized with that image in your head.
“I’m just saying.” She lifted herself up from your bed and walked to the door. “Didn’t you regret it when you found out he ran away? You’ll have a second chance, but it’s up to you, if you take it or not.”
When Tamra left, you tried to ignore everything she said, because it really was nothing you haven’t thought about already.
A second chance.
That reminded you of the promise you made to Mrs. Patterson.
You told her you would visit her the next day after school, when you found her at church. Mr. Patterson even thanked you personally for doing so, and told him she looked better ever since your first visit. But did you have the heart to tell her you’re not searching for Luke anymore? You weren’t even sure if she actually believed you could find him, but it still didn’t seem easy to tell her that.
“Hey.” Max sat next to you in your backyard, later that night.
It was ten thirty, or maybe eleven when you called him, and asked if he could come over.
“Hey. Thank you for coming.”
“Of course.” He said, nudging his elbow against your arm, slightly.
You gave him a smile.
“Sorry for not calling today.” He said and you frowned.
Max’s cheeks went red. “Uh- I don’t know, I just, um-.”
You chuckled. “I’m just kidding. It felt weird for me too. To not talk to you today, I mean.”
He relaxed his face. “Yeah, yeah. I didn’t know if you felt that too.”
“I do. You’re kind of my best friend now.”
He looked surprised to your eyes. Maybe even excited.
“I thought you already had a best friend.”
“Let me guess. You assumed, I had a best friend?” You teased.
He giggled. “Yeah. Exactly.”
“Well, you were wrong.”
You haven’t had a best friend since elementary school. Your old best friend, Ana, moved to another city the year you started middle school, and although you were pretty sociable, you never really found a friendship like hers again. It was tough for you, but you managed to keep going. It wasn’t like you didn’t have friends. But of course, you still felt the need of a solid friendship.
“We’ve known each other for... three months?”
“Just two? Wow.” He shook his head. “It feels like more. We’ve known each other for two months, and I don’t think we’ve talked as much as these last few days. I don’t think I’ve trusted anyone this fast before.”
You chuckled. “Me neither. It feels weird.”
“Yeah. And nice.”
“Yeah.” You looked at him. “I didn’t hear you say it, though.”
He didn’t have to ask to know what you meant.
“Come on. Say it.” You insisted.
“You’re my best friend too.” He rolled his eyes, smiling.
“I thought you already had a best friend.” You joked. But you actually meant it. Unlike you, he had Ian.
For your surprise, he frowned. “Who?”
You looked at him kind of annoyed. “Ian? When I asked you if you had friends, at the library, you said you had Ian.”
“I never said he was my best friend.” He then smiled. “See? You assumed.”
“I’m spending too much time with you.”
He laughed. “Definitely... but, no, Ian isn’t my best friend. We do see each other often, because our parents are close friends. And there’s school too. But we don’t like... I don’t know. Have deep talks? Or anything. What do best friends even do together?”
You laughed.
“We don’t even hang out together at school.” He continued. “He has his own friends.”
“But he went with you to ask more about Luke, the other day.”
“Well, yeah, we trust each other enough to ask favors. That doesn’t mean we’re close.”
You stayed silent, processing everything.
“It makes me feel bad that you don’t know what best friends do.” You then said.
“First of all, best friends tell each other everything.”
“Okay...” He nodded, like taking a mental note.
“I’ll go first.” You said. “I’m going out with Josh next Saturday.”
“You what?!”
“Yeah.” You said indifferent. “He kind of asked me out yesterday and I said yes.”
“I’m honestly surprised. I didn’t think he was your type.”
“Who did you think was my type?”
“Well, I don’t know...” He looked up, thinking. “I kind of see you with someone like Luke.”
“Really?” You said. Not really believing it. He had to be teasing. Maybe he knew you have a crush on him too.
“Yeah... actually, yes. It makes sense the more I think about it.”
You shook your head and almost decided to not confront him. But you just said best friends tell each other everything.
“You can say it now.”
“Say what?”
“That you know I like Luke. And tell me I’ve wasted my time, that I should’ve done something before and definitely talk to him once he’s back.”
“Wow, hold on a second.” He frowned and shook his head repeatedly. “You like Luke?!”
“Either you’re too naive or my sister was just exaggerating when she said I was being obvious about my feelings.”
“Honestly? If someone else told me, I wouldn’t have believed it. Man.” He scoffed, amused. “It really is hard to tell when you like someone. You’re just... all yourself with everyone. You don’t give special treats. Maybe Tamra could tell because she knows you better than anyone.”
You considered his theory. Maybe he was right.
“What I said about... about me seeing you with someone like Luke it’s true, though. I just haven’t thought about it until now.”
He laughed and you laughed along with him.
You enjoyed each other’s company in silence for a minute before you spoke again.
“I saw Reggie and Bobby yesterday. At the party.”
And you told him what happened. Maybe it wasn’t much of a surprise, but he was mad.
“Why didn’t you tell me?! I could’ve helped somehow!”
“Max, you were with Aria. I wasn’t going to interrupt.”
“You weren’t going to-.” He ran a hand though his hair, frustrated. “I can’t believe you right now! This was important! I mean, I would’ve get it if you interrupted me for some other stupid reason but this was about Luke! We could’ve found him, we-“
“Did you not just hear me? They wouldn’t say anything, just like you said before.”
“I’ll talk to them. Tomorrow at school-.”
“It wouldn’t make sense. Bobby said Luke needed some time. We don’t know how much time is that but we do know that he’s not planning on coming back soon.”
“But Mrs. Patterson...”
“I told you I sent him a message. With a little bit about everything maybe. Including his family.”
“Yeah, but he’ll think Amy sent him the message.”
“Does it even matter?”
“Well, I thought it would now that I know you like him.”
“The correct answer is, no. It doesn’t matter. The point is for him to know his family is okay. My feelings are not a part of this. Hopefully he’ll talk about it with his pillow and come back sooner than expected. For his parents.”
“...So, is it over? It’s done?”
You knew he meant the investigation, and you didn’t respond right away, trying to come up with something. You found yourself worried he would get mad again. Or reproach you like Tamra did.
“I think... at least for now, yeah. We’re done with that. We got enough information to know there’s really not much we could do.”
Another silence grew between you two.
“Come on.” You said after a while. “Tell me about Aria. How are things going with her?”
He smiled, like he was waiting for you to say that.
Max stayed until the clock ticked 12:48 and he only left because he remembered finals at his school started the next day. That was the reason he didn’t call you the whole day, because he was studying. That made you remember that finals at your own school started the next week. Exams at your dance studio did too.
But you would stress about that later.
Right now, you had a beautiful view above you, and you were willing to enjoy it as long as you could.
Taglist: @ifilwtmfc @sovereignparker @catbcyluke @marvelgirl300 @valeriasannchez
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chelsfic · 5 years
Part 4 - Trustfall - August Walker/Reader - Mission: Impossible Fallout fanfic
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A/N: I’m not sure if this is quite the tone I was going for, but almost every time I set out to write something it turns out differently than I originally intended. For better or worse! I really hope you enjoy this little chapter. There’s action and angst to come in the next part!
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
You wake the next morning with all the awkwardness and mortification it is possible to feel. Your arms are twined around August’s middle and your bad leg is screaming from being folded underneath you all night. There is an unmistakable drool spot on August’s t-shirt that you are choosing to ignore. 
To you, August seems just as cool and collected as always. He stretches, reaching his arms over his head, deliciously exposing a few inches of his stomach as his shirt hitches up. You don’t notice. His eyes flick to the clock on the wall and he huffs a resigned breath before violently cracking his neck. The blatant masculinity is positively overwhelming.
You clear your throat, “Uh...sorry about that. I didn’t mean to fall asleep here...with you.”
You slowly unfold your leg and hiss against the pins and needles, the painfully cramped muscles. August watches you with an inscrutable expression.
He grunts a noncommittal response, effectively ignoring your poor attempt to address the sudden, confusing intimacy of the previous night. You look back at him, at his unreadable face and realize, with a sinking stomach, that he plans to just pretend it never happened. 
He observes your nervousness with cool calculation. At least that’s how it seems to your eyes. You can’t possibly know that his thoughts are racing. That he’s recalling, relishing the feel of your small body pressed against him, the perfect trust that seemed to exist between you when your eyes drifted shut and you slept without a thought for the locked door that stood between you every night prior to last night. 
“Alright, then,” you chirp, needing to fill the silence. “I’m gonna jump in the shower…”
You trail off. As August shifts forward in his seat to stand up he lets his hand just graze over your shoulder in a comforting caress. It’s there and gone before you have time to process it. But it was definitely there. 
Maybe he wasn’t going to pretend last night didn’t happen.
In the days that follow neither of you brings up the strange night you spent holding one another. But the magic of that twilight hour seems to have had a healing effect. The air in the house is lighter. You feel the easing of the tension you’ve been unconsciously carrying around in your shoulders. And there are the touches. It feels natural. Right. That night had unlocked an intimacy between you that wasn’t quite forgiveness. It was more like an acknowledgement of things to come, of the possibility of things. 
Your fingers sliding together as he passes you a soapy plate to dry. The brush of your fingertips along the nape of his neck when you pass him sitting in the living room. And one night when he returns home very late with a blackened eye and a cut over his eyebrow. He walks through the front door and makes a beeline for you, sitting on the couch in the living room. He kneels before you on the floor and winds his strong arms around your waist, pressing his face into your soft stomach. You move your hands in soothing circles over his trembling shoulders. 
Things are...changing. And you want them to. You find yourself looking forward to seeing August at the end of the work day. Driving home with a smile on your face. And you worry when he stays out late...working. You feel the blossoming of possibility between you and you can see in his eyes and feel it in his touch, that he feels it too.
Of course things are bound to go wrong.
You’re running late, you don’t even have time to shower properly. You just stick your head under the shower spray to wet it and then throw your hair in a bun. Better than nothing. As you’re rushing out the door you hear August’s quick steps on the stairs. By now you realize he only makes noise when he wants you to know he’s there. Otherwise he’s capable of moving with ghostly silence.
“Y/N,” he calls, “you’ll be home late tonight, right?”
He’s dressed in a crisp button-down shirt and dark grey trousers. He must have business today. When he’s staying in he tends to dress down in denim and t-shirts or sweaters. At first you had found the sight of him in casual wear to be jarring--now it is the other way around. When he’s dressed for business you know there is the possibility of danger. You feel your heart in your throat at the idea of August being hurt and you wonder when that started, feeling protective of him.
“Yeah,” you reply, pushing away the question you have no answer for, “it’s my book club night tonight. I’ll be home around nine-ish.”
“See you then,” he says and takes a step toward you before stopping himself. 
You stand there for an extra beat, feeling like he’s left something hanging in the air between you. Finally you offer him a half-smile and wave goodbye as you walk out the door.
Stupid, he thinks to himself. What is he thinking? That he’s your husband, hugging you before you leave for work? This situation was getting confusing and he didn’t have time today to be distracted by feelings that would be better off ignored.
He needs to think over his plans for the day, the night. He’s arranged for a meeting between two clients, money for information. Simple. The buyer is most certainly a Russian SVR operative although he is representing himself as a businessman in need of insider intel. The seller, whom August will be representing, is some low-level DOD engineer looking to live dangerously. August will be taking a substantial finder’s fee from the deal which he’s arranged for this evening in the house. It isn’t ideal, but the original location he’d selected had spooked the Russian. So, this is his alternative. And it will be fine. It’s a one-time thing and it will all be fine. As long as he is certain that Y/N will arrive home well after his client departs.
“So, on a scale of one to dead how much trouble would I be in if I didn’t finish the book for book club tonight?”
You’re perched on the edge of your friend Jen’s desk wearing a sheepish expression. Jen’s classroom is next door to yours. You both started teaching in the same year and had naturally become fast friends. It is a little comical given how different you are. Jen is a garrulous, spiritual star-girl who spends her weekends at psychic fairs and you are a snarky, introvert with a natural skepticism for anything that can’t be verified in a double-blind study. There is just something inherently compatible and complementary between you that makes the friendship work. You suppose it’s a sense of humor and the fact that Jen never really pushes too hard to break into your personal space. Other than constantly bemoaning your lack of a dating life.
Jen laughs at your comically shamed expression and shakes her head in mock disgust, “Y/N...this is like the third month in a row you’ve asked me that question.”
“Hey! At least part of that time I was in the hospital. You know I’m going to milk that excuse for as long as I can,” you reply. You really enjoy being in the book club--it’s just Jen and a couple other teachers and it pretty much comprises the entirety of your social life since well before the shooting. 
As far as Jen and the rest of your coworkers know you were in a bad car accident. The lie has become easier for you to accept with time. Now you can joke about it.
“Mmm...no, sorry that’s not gonna cut it anymore,” Jen scoffs. “But...you’re actually off the hook because it turns out that Maddy and Lisa both had to cancel tonight, anyway.”
You raise your hands in mock victory, “Just as I planned all along!”
Jen rolls her eyes, “You want to go out for dinner at Zorba’s anyway?”
“Nope!” you chirp. “Canceled plans? I fully intend to go home and finish this damn book.”
“Uh huh,” Jen’s voice is laced with skepticism. “Don’t think I don’t know the real reason you haven’t finished it. You have a secret boyfriend, don’t you? It’s the surgeon who fixed your leg! You’ve fallen in love and are going to get married and have little surgeon babies!”
“Good grief! Next book is going to be strictly non-romance! You’re delirious!” 
You walk toward the door that adjoins your two classrooms and force a laugh as you wave goodbye. You can’t help it. The little stutter you feel in your heart at Jen’s words. It’s ridiculous because August is basically a scoundrel despite how nice he’s been acting to you lately. But you can’t lie to yourself. You’re happy to be going straight home after work instead of heading to bookclub. In fact the little bubble of happy anticipation in your chest floats you through your day until you’re once again driving home with a goofy smile on your face looking forward to seeing the man who has somehow, incredibly, managed to carve out a place in your heart.
@thorins-queen-of-erebor @viking-raider  @onceuponathreetwoone @angelic-kisses13 @afangirldaydreams @peeyewpeeyew @calwitch @scuzmunkie @amy-choices​
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scorpiosanssexy · 4 years
(For the roommate matchup) I'm an INFP and a Leo and I'm pretty shy, I also have social anxiety so I don't like meeting lots of new people. I spend a lot of my free time playing video games (mainly Nintendo), sewing, and reading manga/novels. I love sweets and make pretty great brownie and even though I can cook I don't enjoy it much so I avoid doing it. I also listen to music and yt a lot. I'm an early riser and often have my friends over for anime binging nights. (1)
{Though I never have more than one or two over at a time. I'm a pretty messy person but I keep everything clean, a big problem is I have long, thick hair that sheds everywhere. I don't play sports but I go out for lots of walks (mainly with my dog). I have asthma and hayfever and often keep a fan going in my bedroom to keep it cool. My friends describe my aesthetic as 'modern pastel grandma' soft colours and cosy things with a modern twist (particularly quilts and knit sweaters). Thank you :)}
Dear User
congratulations, we have found you a potenial roommate. We have throughly looked through your application and we hope you are happy with your result. Below this post are all the details about them 
Yours Sincerely 
The Accomodation Team 
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Name: Sawamura Daichi
Birthday: 31st December (Capricorn)
Congrats you might have just bagged yourself the best roommate possible 
Daichi here a dealt with all sorts of personalities so if you are bit shy to him at first he doesn’t mind if he has to take charge and lead the conversation 
However, he would never do something to the apartment without your consent first
As a Leo you will apprciate Capricorn ability to organise and take action. You come up with the ideas whilst Daichi actually makes them come true 
He is also very understanding when it comes to your social anxiety and will probably set up some boundraies with you in regards to having people over (eg: has to alert you 2 days before or something along those lines) 
Daichi strickes me as an animal crossing lover, like he loves to fishing and bug hunting, he gives all his fossils to blathers yes he is that person
You too would visit each other’s islands and Daichi would give you tips on how to get rarer fish
Daichi was never a big manga reader to begin with however you have introduced him to it and he now loves it because of you 
At the end of the day you willl both discuss the Manga in great detail (kinda like bookclub) 
You know those house rules from earlier, yeah no one is allowed to give manga spoliers we need this rule on tumblr lol
It is canon that he is a big eater so Daichi likes to make dishes high in protein so they can fill him up . that’s what she said
He probably also cooks for the entire village so there is always enough food for you when you get back, with Daichi as a roommate you hardly have to cook 
Once in a blue moon when do make your brownies, it actually makes his day, I do not see him as a baker so he hardly indulges in sweet treats all that often
Daichi is absolutely fine with you having your two friends come and watch anime with you, just as long as you don’t stay up too late (what a grandad) 
He sometimes likes to accompany you on your dog walks when he is not busy. I see him as a guy who lives for long nature walks and will happily chat you you or just walk in a comfortable silence (you can choose my darling user)
Seeing as you are an early riser, you do have to be his personal alarm clock.
It’s not like he sleeps until midday but Daichi hates having to rush around in the morning otherwise he is grumpy for the rest of the day so he really appreciates your early wake-up call 
Now, depending on stressful the day is depends whether or not Daichi cares too much about your hair shedding girl i have that same problem hit me up so we can talk
I think if you are sharing a room with Daichi he would ask you to hoover the place quite a lot (seems fair if he does all the cooking) 
I am talking once every two days 
However he is in awe of your sewing, like as a gift for his birthday you made him a jumper and now he always wears it around the house 
His teammates take all of their unifrom to you, a buttom came undone or yeah Daichi’s roommate can sew it back on 
You are a life saver 
Now remember the rule about Daichi having people over 
I feel like he only allows Suga and Kiyoko round (tananka and noya are banned because they accidently broke the coffee machine) 
You and Suga really vibe, like he i fell he also has that cottagecore aesthetic so you always make him really nice coffee and you two sit and drink it (with your brownies) and just talk about books and manga 
You and Kiyoko have sewing afternoon together , Tanaka and Noya from the windows are having nose bleeds right now 
When it comes your asthma and hayfever he is literally the CEO of checking you have your inhaler at all times 
He just agressively cares ok 
He sometimes stops of at the store to buy some hayfever tablest when he knows that theire is high pollen that day 
Your actually apartment itself looks like it came from a ghibli film no cap . suga is jealous af 
You have to have fake plants tho because your hayfever plus you don’t have to take care of them 
Overall, you have a dependable, caring and slighly protective roommate 
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Other Potential Matches: Hinata Shoyo and Kenma Kozume
Askbox is still open 
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atlafan · 4 years
I had a feeling when I was driving home from dance I was like “Jordan might post tonight”... we are connected!! LATE NIGHT BOOKCLUB!! Uber driver/artist Harry?!? I will give him all my money just to drive around with him and talk about his art!! I feel like Harry would have multiple playlists just for the various riders he gets! Pottery and paint?!? I am *not* thinking about his hands covered in clay and paint nope not thinking about that 😏 FUCK YOU JOSH!! Harry was ready to fight when he saw Willow crying!! Yes boy!!! “We can pig out on Big Macs, it’ll make you feel better.” Can I do this please?! I want comfort food when I’m sad! He gave her his shake!! Jordan why do you want to play with my feelings tonight?!? “I’m gonna get a vanilla shake, that way we can trade off and have the best of both, hm?” God I’m falling for him hard!! Can you imagine them doing this again when they start dating? Also can I do this when I have a date or just a late night drive? Okay so josh had a reason... but I’m still skeptical about him.. he gives off a weird vibe! I hope he is one that gets slapped!! “or you could have it focus on your hands.” My kind of videos!!! 🥵 HE CAN BLOW GLASS?!? That mouth has talent as well!!! “Can’t help it when there’s such a lovely girl sitting right next to me.” I’m soft but wax... soft wax? A video of him making something with clay... in his underwear... okay Alyssa breathe! “She isn’t quite sure why her mouth runs dry watching his hands work the clay, or why she bites her bottom lip watching his arm muscles flex.” God if this isn’t me! My hand kink just sky rocketed! Ohh Harry is meeting Humphrey first, take that josh! “M’Harry Styles, and I make stuff.” That should be his slogan for the website! “No, I keep them filed short. For a multitude of reasons.” HE IS SUCH A FLIRT!! I love him! Fucking josh!!! I KNEW IT!! I knew there was something fishy about him! I’m with Harry I’m about to start fighting!! Oh shit Harry got slapped... well I know I’m always say I want to slap Harry but ummm yeah.. I lost my train of thought because he kind of deserved it but also didn’t... anyway let’s get back to reading! Fuck up josh Willow!!! Josh is an ass that deserves it all!! Fucking Gina all like “hehe it’s me I’m she” YESSSSS!!!! WILLOW!!! That slap!!!! 🤩 “I never wanna be the reason that you’re crying.” Harry 🥺🥺 “You didn’t lose me, babe, I’m right here.” My feistiness has settled so now I’m soft.. He calls her ‘my girl’ I’m so soft that I’m close to melting! (even if they are not dating) he’s going to sit behind her while feeling the clay?! Oh god is the kiln on I’m getting hot! “All she could focus on was how his hands moved hers along with the clay.” Oh that is me and my hand kink! HES PAINTING HER A WILLOW TREE FOR HER BIRTHDAY?!? STFU!! God he’s adorable! And Humphrey is sleeping under the tree!!! 😭😭🥺🥺 “You’ve sort of been like a muse to me these last few months.” I want to be his muse!! “Can we keep kissing? I like your lips.” Me every single day to Harry! “Gonna make you feel all kinds of good.” AHHHHH!! THE WAX!!! “Being so good for me, so wet and tight. You feel amazing.” Ohhh the wax is all over me! “He was in awe of this woman.” This is a waxy goal! “such a good girl asking first.” Don’t mind me just screaming into my pillow! “I’ve got short little nightgowns to try on and I need your expert opinion if I’m gonna surprise Harry.” Yes Willow!! And yes Jordan!!! Oh goodness me that was sweet and hot!!! I hope I get an artist Harry dream tonight!!! Love it!!!
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algae-alliance · 4 years
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🌈About The Meeting🌈
With all our present creative-type members, and following some great discussion during last week’s BookClub, now feels like a great time for another Creator’s Corner. During CC meetings, we invite members to work together to create LG story-lines they want to see but aren’t currently seeing in existing LG media.
🌈How It Works🌈
Much like our Rolling-Stories Games of meetings passed, CC involves members starting a story in a doc file, and then when asked, passing the file along to another member, to continue it. This is repeated until it’s completed. And then, if everyone’s comfortable in doing so, we read it aloud! There will be a bit more structure, than our Games-Night version. For anyone curious, here’s what the doc will look like. (For current members, examples from past CC meetings will be linked in discord.)
🌈What To Bring?🌈
As previously stated meeting is going to be a lot more structured than our usual discussion-based gatherings. Here’s how you can help keep things running smoothly: 🌈Have access to the Voice Chat & The capacity to access Google Docs. These are necessary as we unfortunately aren’t all able to be in the same room to pass physical papers around, or hear each other!
🌈 Be Punctual. Due to the nature of the activity (collaborative story writing), it will be very difficult to integrate members who come in half way through. So please try to come as close to the meeting start as possible! Late comers, are, of course, more than welcome to observe though.
Please Note: You do not need to be a masterclass writer to partake in this activity. This is a collaborative effort to remove ourselves from our egos and also to have some fun with story-telling! When we say ‘serious attempt’, we simply mean we want everyone to participate earnestly.
All skill levels are welcome!
📆Meeting Times📆
Saturday, June 6th @ 10am EST &  Wednesday, June 10th @ 8:30 EST
🐸As always🐸
Questions, queries, and comments are always welcome!
And to anyone interested in joining ALGAE, send us a message and we’ll get the ball rolling!
Mod Lars 🐸 Mod Lucy
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