#last life scarian angst is so good
Last life scar makes me want to kill myself
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angeart · 1 year
hello! hope you don’t mind a fic rec, but there’s a scarian fic with really good angst by mochiwrites on ao3, https://archiveofourown.org/works/46636072/chapters/117448516. grian from 3rd life gets pulled into last life after winning and he teams up with scar. thought it might be something you’d like!
thank youuu! i definitely don't mind fic recs, i'll happily take them! i know this fic in particular, i am actively reading it and you're right, it's so good! sharing for anyone who might not know it - the fic is called and like an arrow, you broke me down and i definitely recommend it too <3
grian comes directly after 3rd life, plagued by guilt and grief, and meets scar, very much alive, except this scar is isolated and wary and Complicated Feelings(TM) ensue. i love it.
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bluiex · 2 years
my last life scarian brainrot is real. but my brain is going to actually rot when can people pleaseplssllsekle make more last life scarian content i am begging 🙏 its so good. so angst. so enemies to lovers capability, so secret lovers capability and im going to go crazy
- 🧨
SO TRUE so many sleep on last life Scarian. The oppurtinites to have the sneaking off together for a steamy make out session-- or Grian sneaking up the mountain at night to cuddle Scar in the night.. just Lovers to enemies as well! killing that horse signified the end of their bond in those games (even tho yes- the horse was never Scar’s but it meant a great deal to Scar keeping Grian's horse. As some sort of connection to him)
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erstwhilesparrow · 1 year
double life fic recs
organized by session! (i.e., fics under session 4 will have spoilers up to and including session 4, fics under session 5 will have spoilers for session 5, etc.)
session 1:
these old ghosts; Thunderbirds_and_Lightning - Team Rancher Pacific Rim AU. Brutally sad, but also features: a terrific action sequence, gorgeous prose, unspeakable grief about Flower Husbands, and incredible jaeger and kaiju names.
the right thing; sparxwrites - Cleo and Scott talk the night after the first session. Short and tender and sort of a character study for all of Divorce Quartet despite the other two not being there. Joe Hills, despite also not being there, is a significant presence, which I think really elevates the whole experience.
session 2:
all is fair in love and war but i can't fight with you anymore; wizardlover - Scarian angst with a happy ending. Scar isn't stupid and also he should be allowed to go apeshit. The author is correct on both counts about this. Works out to be very sweet. (Psst. This author does great Scarian just in general -- it is worth checking out the other works in the series this fic is in!)
Detail of the Fire; canarydarity - Team Rancher hurt/comfort, patching each other up after the fire. This one feels a little like walking slowly through an art gallery -- lingering on beautiful / stately / lonely images. Inspired by a Richard Siken poem and does fun things with excerpts from the poem.
those were kinder times; SurrealSupernaturalist - Team Rancher Actually-Ranchers-Not-In-A-Death-Game AU! They escape to a farm and go on a healing arc that is nearly 10k words long. Incredibly sweet, domestic, and warm, plus angst about Jimmy as Omen of Misfortune.
session 3:
[When BigB returned from his rendezvous with Grian,]; orangeocelotmartyn - Ren and Bigb go red and figure out that this isn't going to work. They eat golden apples about it. Very good for Bigb and Ren talking about their relationship! Parting ways basically amicably! Realizing the soulmate thing is bullshit and they can and will pursue what they want!
under my skin?; Sixteenthdays - The soulbound pairs discover that their partnerships are literally, physically changing them. Features snapshot scenes from every soulbound pair as they attempt to cope with this change to varying degrees of success. A total delight all around.
you're the fool, i'm just as well; honeyblock - Pearl gets sick. Scott attempts to soldier through the effects this is having on him to deal with her. Contains: really fun / creative / piercing turns of phrase, Scott and Pearl doing that thing where it feels like they almost understand each other and then everything falls apart again, soulbonds being upsetting.
to catch a secret soulmate; wormcity - The entire server gets looped in on an attempt to find Bigb's secret soulmate. Bets are made, shenanigans are had, the sitcom energy is through the roof. Incredible character voices, and also just generally really fucking funny.
rainy day; whatcaniwriteinthis - It's a rainy day on the Double Life server, and people are waiting it out, or finding ways to occupy themselves, or reflecting on the game so far. The narration style is lots of fun, and it perfectly captures the vibes of hanging out somewhere during a torrential downpour in the late afternoon.
session 4:
[Once a week, the double life players each get one phone call to someone in the outside world.]; dmwrites - The Double Life players make off-world phone calls after session four. They gossip, or pass along life updates, or share blueprints for death machines. Hilarious, and also makes me so goddamn sad about ZombieCleo.
Soulmate-Things With Other People; savannah_owl - During the Homewreckers's pool party, people sneak off in pairs to, shall we say, hang out without their soulmates. There are good times had all around. Features relationships from Third Life, Hermitcraft, and Last Life. (savannah_owl also just has a bunch of really good Double Life fic? Worth taking a look!)
session 5:
hit the ground running; jelliegiggle, rosycheeked - Scar and Grian have a talk at Bigb's grave. Bigb is not, of course, physically there, but it is very much a fic where someone's absence is distinct and palpable. Really really good Desertduo Being Sad And Complicated And Intertwined.
session 6:
[The room is a dim basement room.]; theminecraftbee - Pearl and Scott have a bad time. Superhero AU, featuring a clandestine meeting between two people who hate each other and have no one else who will ever know them the same way. Months after reading it, I'm still obsessed with this one.
and by resilient i mean which holds; TheYesterdayShow - Martyn and Cleo have a bad time. Canon divergent: Cleo and Martyn survive to the end, and wind up talking about what they were supposed to mean to each other and what happens next. Absolutely brilliant characterization for both of them.
sugar, we're going down swinging; BananasofThorns - Etho and Joel have a-- Wait. [checks notes] Okay, honestly, they seem like they're having a fine time. Canon divergence where after outliving every other pair, Boat Boys fight to the bloody death. It's incredibly pretty and perfectly paced.
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vapemaster42069 · 2 years
🤡 ⛔ 🦅
:D hello!!
🤡: i have a little unposted thing imma stick under a readmore below because i was hysterically giggling the entire thing i wrote it and idk if i'll ever post it lols. here: !!
⛔: oh my gosh, so many. i'm notorious for starting fics and never completing them because of one reason or another; usually i lose inspiration or get a new idea to hop on. most recently, i was planning a 20+ chapter fic that i had about a half planned and a third written that follows a scarian life series+hermitcraft timeline. mainly, i wanted to write the angst bc that's waht i enjoy lols. (ok so. respongin to this actually inspired me to finish a scene so i might end up posting at least one part somewhere lmao, can always rely on you for inspo :] ). uhh, another one was just a party during the hc/empires crossover, one was a jrwi riptide hamlet au, there was a thanatos backstory thing that was Very similiar to Kaladin from TWoK if you're into that, there was a southlands coffeeshop/pottery class thing, much ado twelfth night au because i thought the convolution was funny, and a lot of chatfic-style crack stuff that i live for but will Never see the light of day
🦅: depends on the fic! i have a doc where i scribble down ideas, quotes, or good sentences, so sometimes i'll go off that and ball with whatever strikes inspiration, but i do have a tendency to do specific au's where i know where it's going! (rip jrwi twelfth night au draft you will be missed. ao3 draft deletion hates me fr). kinda off-topic but i feel like i frequently have a starting point and an ending point, especially for longer works, and i have a really hard time filling in the in-between scenes! probably, i should outline more than i do lmao.
"Joel, have you gotten shorter?"
"I- What? No!"
"No, I swear you look shorter." Grian paused and backed up, looking him up and down quizzically. He rubbed his chin to hide the quirk of a smug smile. "Scar, come look at Joel. Does he look any shorter to you?"
Scar, who had been slowly picking the leaves off of a plant, wheeled around. "Hey, yeah, he does, now that you mention it!"
"Weren't you like 11 foot last time I saw you? You only look like 10'8 now," He leaned back in his chair, lifting a hand as well to scratch at his beard.
"Must have taken out the lifts in his shoes," Grian nodded sagely.
"Little Timmy's rubbing off on you now, Joel--"
"I do not have lifts in my shoes!"
"--Every time you visit him, you get smaller."
"I do not-- I am not-- wait! I'm 11 foot, still!" 
"It's okay, Joel," Grian couldn't hide the amused lilt in his voice, "Us short kings have to stick together."
"Us-- HUH? I am not a short king!"
"What's this about short kings?" Sausage, ever with good timing, strolled around the corner and casually leaned on a fencepost next to Grian, propping an elbow on his shoulder. He leaned over and promptly toppled over with a yelp when the unsupported pole moved, before Grian hopped out of the way, grabbing him before he could smack his head on the ground. "I love sho-- waAAAH-- thank you, Grian--I love short kings. I am a short king! What do you have against short kings, Thunder Cheeks?"
"Hold on--"
"Nothing, Sausage! I'm just not one!"
"--Thunder Cheeks?" Grian squeaked.
"Oh, yeah, Joel's Thunder Cheeks, or Thunder Daddy! When his cheeks clap, thunder happens!"
"... I don't know how to respond to that,"
"Which cheeks?"
"Whichever ones you want to,"
"That an offer?"
"Only if you want it to be,"
"Joel, I swear to god,"
Sausage giggled, his eyes alight. He had, evidently, already had his third cup of coffee today, based on his buzzy hands as he spoke. "You know what we gotta do, the four of us, is go to my tavern sometime! It could be like a double date, I'll show you a dance!"
"Like a-- no, Sausage, we aren't-- I mean, I haven't--" Grian could feel his face burning, "Scar, back me up here,"
"I'd love to go on a double date with you, Sausage! Would Joel and Grian be together, then?"
"Uhh. I mean, sure! Totally..." Sausage sideyed Grian, who looked away, desperately fanning his face to try to ease his blushing. It wasn't working very well, "So, you and I, and Grian and Joel! it's a date!"
"A double date! Oh my gosh, Grian, I'm so excited, we gotta get you out of that red sweater and into something snazzy?"
"I-- Scar, I look so snazzy in this sweater!"
"I mean," Scar wiggled his fingers at Grian, his eyes lighting up, "You're adorable with it on--" Grian squeaked. "--but not formal, like for a date! Come on, let's get dressed up all fancy!"
Sausage clapped his hands, bouncing on the balls of his feet. "Ooh, Scar, I might have this beautiful vest that might fit you, if you need one? The color would really pop on you."
"Oh, maybe! I could show you the shirt I had in mind, if you'd like!"
"I'd love to! Oh my goodness I'm so excited, maybe we could match shirts..." Sausage trailed off as he dragged Scar away by the hand, grinning, going a nerve-wracking speed down one of the hills surrounding Sanctuary, towards the nether portal.
"In about 5 seconds we're going to hear a crash, aren't we,"
"Most likely." Joel turned to Grian, a smug look on his face. "Anyways, Grian."
"Don't you dare."
Joel grinned, crouching down to his height. Grian scowled. It was a bit funny, as Joel was approximately 6 feet taller than Grian was, so he was fully doubled over in a squat to meet his eyes. "Got your eyes on someone, pretty bird?"
Grian covered his face, pressing the heels of his palms into his eyes. "Joel, I swear to god--"
"I won't tell him!” Grian looked up at him.
“Promise. But I can’t guarantee I won't never blackmail you for it,”
Grian sighed. “I guess that’s all I can hope for,”
“Are you– is it that uncomfortable to go on a double-date with him there? Because, I mean, I could invite some other Empires members too if you think it’d help. Make it more like a server party than a date?”
“That–” Grian paused, looking extremely relieved, “I don’t want to ruin it for you and Sausage, but that would be a lifesaver, I think.”
“Then it’s done! We can probably drag Timmy in, and if he comes, Tango and Scott will come, which will get Oli, and Sausage can get Keralis, which means Jev will come, and I can probably get Lizzy, who will get Doc and Impulse, and– Well, we can figure out the specifics later, I’ll text Sausage.”
Grian sighed. "Well, what are you wearing?"
"Uhh. This?"
"You're wearing that to our date? Wow, Joel. I see how it is," Grian mock-pouted.
"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" Joel startled, playfully indignant.
"It's not bad, you just wear it every day!" Grian winked, "Let's get snazzy."
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sca-rian · 2 years
my howl's moving castle inspired au, the long masterpost:
*will use scar's moving castle as a tag for this!
consider: grian manages a family business with his sister, pearl. their life is anything but glamorous, and grian doesnt have much prospects of ever leaving his town and doing something different. he hears stories about big cities full of possibilities, magic (hes isnt sure if he believes in that), a moving castle and a handsome wizard who steals the hearts of young women;
one day, grian gets cursed by the wizard of the wastes (joel), after he comes into his shop late in the shift and they get into a heated discussion over the existence (or lack, thereof) of magic. joel thinks of it all as just a silly prank, a curse that can be easily lifted or is just naturally disappearing after a few days;
joel girlbossed too close to the sun, though. the curse is bad. grian wakes up finding out that his body has started to grow feathers. its uncomfortable and borderline painful at times, specially on his back;
after properly freaking out, he tries to deal with it as best as he can, chugging some painkillers, wearing oversized clothes and going to work as if nothing is wrong. pearl notices something unusual, tho—perhaps its grian's murderous expression whenever he remembers joel's face. hes going to kill that bastard;
the curse gets progressively worse as the days go by, until grian can no longer easily hide it and pearl finds out by the ungodly amount of feathers spread around their house. she, of course, gets worried, and tell grian they need to find the wizard that cursed him somehow, or perhaps asks someone else for help;
they dont know any other witches and wizards, since, until last week, grian was pretty sure those didnt even exist. until pearl mentions that one dude who apparently steal hearts and was around town with his moving castle;
grian tells her thats a legend to scare young people so they wont go around talking to strangers. pearl argues that she knew of a lady who disappeared after allegedly spending time with the wizard;
grian supposes that man, if he actually exists, isnt the most trustworthy. but 1. hes not a young lady, which appears to be the ones who get their hearts stolen and 2. he has nothing to lose, really, besides some of his time;
pearl offers to go with him, but grian insists for her to stay (shes a young woman, after all). so grian leaves by himself in good old ghibli fashion: taking with him nothing but a block of cheese, some bread and a clock;
he founds the moving castle with ease: its ridiculously big and it makes no sense at all, having many weird bump outs, few windows, a dramatic copper roof and many chimneys. if anything, it looked like the weirdest house ever and nothing like a castle. something about it was still charming, tho: he just couldnt point out what.
development for this au just started, but so far it includes:
scar being weird and overly dramatic, but still charming. he also refuses to pay taxes;
cub as scar's weird demon roommate, with whom he made a contract many years ago. cub is so miserable sometimes that he regrets getting scar's heart (or his soul, whatever). cub keeps the "castle" moving with overly complicated redstone magic and fire that allegedly comes from the depths of hell;
scar sending threatening letters to joel. many of them. demanding for him to break the curse. joel ignores every single one;
he eventually gets pissed and goes with grian to look for joel, who admits the curse wasnt supposed to be that strong and now he doesnt know how to break it. scar turns him into a frog and joel is kept hostage;
joel still does his best to be as annoying as possible despite the limitations of his new body.
it also includes:
scarian falling in love;
found family;
silly cliche romance tropes;
romcom elements;
characters acting like divorced couples;
funky magical men with their funky little spells;
light angst.
i want to write this but im afraid i might not have the time. still want to brainrot tho so im accepting asks! you may also write with this au as long as you credit me! :)
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prisonguards · 2 years
Trying and failing not to think about how every. single. duos. potential win would be made infinitely sexier if the bonds break in the end when I’m an angst and tragedy enjoyer
Tango and Jimmy… forced to kill their partner, the only one who has uplifted them every step of the way, believed in them when no one else would, stood up for eachother through thick and thin. It would break them. They would be inconsolable. Like first of all it would be no small miracle for them to be the final two standing, but just the absolutely crushing devastation. All their joy immediately decimated when the bond breaks and they realize what has to be done. It would have to be a Scarian-style thinly veiled self-sacrifice from one of them because I don’t think they could have the heart to do it for real, to actually fight eachother to the death.
Ren and Bigb… their messy on and off again relationship coming to a head. Could they really ever amicably come back together? After all their issues they’re always reunited by convenience, but will those feelings and frustrations and fears that we saw at Scott’s Relationship Ranch surface again? Will they make a honorable fight of it, or will Ren’s rage and Bigb’s resentment surface again? They were always so good at making issues with eachother when there weren’t really any there...
The Divorce Quartet would all make such interesting face-offs, because it shows the defeat of the system set in place. Cleo or Scott would have already lost their chosen soulmate, so maybe it would be easier for them, less feelings to get in the way of the job that has to be done.
Cleo and Martyn… wouldn’t it be such a grand show of valor, as the Soulbound who couldn’t provide, who endangered his partner, for Martyn to sacrifice himself? To let Cleo win? Though he was never very good at giving Cleo what she wanted or needed or asked for, he always was a bit too selfish, despite what hes always thought
Scott and Pearl… Scott doesn’t seem to think they’re making it to the end again, he’s said he’d rather kill himself than let Pearl wreck havoc as Red. But if they did make it to the end… the hatred between them is so much. Pearl has no sense of self preservation, she would take so many risks, so it could go either way. She could either win because of her lack of hesitation, or not be careful enough and slip that way. Also the concept of a repeat winner in Scott has me shaking, to be the champion of the traffic games by rejecting the very rules each set in place (Boogey and Soulbounds)… It would be incredible.
Joel and Etho… well they’re repeating fate. Last Life again, instead of the others who will repeat 3rd Life. An even more familiar memory. But Joel has been so loyal all season, so loudly devout. When they have to fight, will Joel continue to show servitude, or will his bloodlust get the better of him? Will Etho be able to turn fate and defeat him this time, or will he be forced to relieve it exactly the same? Their fight in Last Life was so satisfying to me too, it would just be a joy to watch them fight no-holds-barred again.
And those who would have to repeat 3rd Life…
Bdubs and Impulse… oh wouldn’t it just be everything? Wouldn’t it just be beautiful? I’ve seen the dash theorizing about Bdubs betrayal all night already, and I’m with you guys, narratively it would be beautiful. A clock couldn’t really save Impulse… Oooh to be doomed to repeat fate, oooh for Bdubs to prove himself a betrayer once again, after all that love. Oooooh for Impulse to either lay down his life and let it happen again, prove his love, or to reject his repeated fate, turn on Bdubs first or harder, not letting himself make the same mistake twice (not the lack of the clock, it was just trusting Bdubs)
Scar and Grian… Scar and Grian.
It seems like this whole game was set up so what happened in 3rd Life could never happen again. So Grian wouldn’t have to beg the ghosts that couldn’t just the both of them win it together? And for that to collapse at the very last moment, to prove that it will always come back to this, that there will always only be one, no matter what the games seem to promise…
It was set up so 3rd Life could never happen again, so Grian wouldn’t have to kill Scar again in the very end, but they’ve been on the rocks the entire game. Grian’s been trying to outrun what fate has given him again, a physical tether to Scar this time, instead of just one of obligation. He’s been trying to outrun it, and now he finally has his out, he’s no longer bound with Scar.
He just has to do it again.
And the result either way, if he repeats it, if he becomes the trafficgames champion, by having to strike down his oldest ally both times… or if he can’t do it again. If instead of Scar hitting at air and letting Grian overtake him, after already offering up his life before the fight, if Grian takes the fall. He lets Scar have this one. His obligation over, his service of a life. They’re even now.
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moon1ee · 3 years
scarian & grumbo for the meme thing
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Scarian is... ough. I've written like ten different ficlets about Them. They are all I have published on my ao3. The COMEDY in 3rd life amd hermitcraft paired with the incredible ANGST of the finale and last life? they have a weird rivalry in ll that i LIVE for, and i do think they have the potential to make each other better and just. So much worse. and from a cc standpoint? Immaculate. the vibes are awesome, they are so wholesome and clearly became closer after pairing up in 3rd life and realized they make rlly good content together. scar saying grian especially messaged him saying he knew things were tough but he was ready to mess around and do a recording...😢
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they are just. Hilarious. The entire dynamic is amazing. They steadily grew closer through the seasons; first they were neighbors, then there was a secret tunnel connecting them, and then they literally lived in each other's walls. best buds. they are unhinged.
Romantically? Not my thing, but again, the comedy is enough to make up for it. They raised a crazy robot son together. Grian keeps putting Mumbo into positions of power without him knowing.
The angst of ll? We all went RABID at the "we can still be friends" scene. They never truly got to be on the same side. I
cc wise they're clearly rlly close as well.
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sparxwrites · 3 years
I was supposed to go to sleep and now i gotta go ham on AO3 bc YOU GAVE US MORE HORNY SCARIAN CONTENT AND I'M IN A MELTED PUDDLE OF GOO.
Hope you're proud!!
Jokes aside tho, omg you've done it again!! Sparx you amazing, stunning, SUPERB writer you!! Your Scar's narrating voice is so on point, so deliciously Scar!! He's making loop-de-loops, he's thinking through ten pages but threads the needle nonetheless. The process he goes through is so fascinating, I'd read a 30k+ fic just full of his thoughts. Chef's kiss of a characterisation honestly!
On a more serious note, I really truly hope I haven't annoyed you or upset you while the last two asks I sent before. You haven't banned my IP (which you can totally do if you wish for it!!) so maybe I'm just being anxious like usual. If you simply wanna keep the other two asks (and this one too) in your inbox for yourself that's perfectly alright too :D
Or maybe tumblr ate them, cuz in that case i give up on the mobile app, it sucks xD
Anyway!!! Thank you for the good food, have a great and amazing day!!
-immac anon
thaaaaaank you! it was only a little off-the-cuff thing i initially wrote on discord - one day i will write horny scarian for real, i promise, i am just so so busy atm and also writing fic takes time... (and i hope you did end up getting enough sleep)
the narrating voice is more me than scar tbh, it's my default Omniscient Narrator voice, but it does work well for scar too. he's got too many thoughts running parallel, and is too good at lying to himself, and has too much shame and guilt and horniness and want all tangled up together. poor man's tying himself in knots. it's very fun playing around inside his head as a writer, though - or rather, both him and grian's heads, in the aftermath of third life. weird angst-horny-wires-getting-crossed, my beloved trope.
(and no, i'm not angry with you! just slow at answering asks - the vast majority of the stuff that's been posting for the past month or so is from when i was in quarantine, which gave me a wonderful period of time where i had no obligation other than to Write and Answer Stuff, but mostly i am very very slow. please do not ever stop sending me such lovely anon asks rhhgh they make my day)
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bluiex · 2 years
I’ve had no thoughts other than pregnant scarian today (sorry lol). So I know we’ve talked about Grian getting pregnant during Third Life, however, I haven’t thought about Last Life or Double Life. I’m actually thinking Double Life is not quite as dramatic as the other two but I think it’d still be a sort of? sweet concept of Scar going through the same symptoms as Grian (minus the actual, you know, pregnant part). Which actually isn’t that abnormal considering that pregnant peoples partners can sometimes experience the same symptoms as them even if they themself are not pregnant (I forget what it’s called, but I know it’s a thing that can happen lol). Last Life on the other hand, I don’t think there’s many instances in which Grian and Scar are completely alone (unless you count that one part when Grian brought Scar’s things to him after he died to the trap in the Southlands, I believe). I haven’t seen Scar’s videos for Last Life yet, but I think they’re pretty well separated for a majority of Grian’s videos (if I remember correctly). Either way, THE DRAMA. Goodness, Grian getting pregnant in Last Life, I feel like it’d be even more of a dramatic little scenario than Third Life ;) I don’t really know how it might go over, but it was just a fun little thought I had today lol <3 (probably rather angst filled, oppositional drama. Them being somewhat at odds with each other, especially since Scar was mostly isolated up on the mountain, and with making contracts over lives with each other).
☕️ anon (I was also thinking about sweet little scenarios on the Hermitcraft server, napping with hatchlings, their friends cooing over hatchlings, and being so endeared by how happy and lovey Grian and Scar are with such tiny little fledglings <33 just, babies ugh my heart. Other members teasing them about how they’re not constantly causing chaos for once because they’re too busy cooing over their hatchlings all the time <3)
Scar is hella alone for almost all of Last Life.. so would Grian have gotten pregnant before Last Life then? That's the only scenerio i can think of. so it'd basically be- Grian finding out he got pregnant with Scar, in hc, then being thrown into Last Life. Scar not knowing, Grian being away from Scar never alone with him until Scar turns red and Grian brings him his stuff
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bluiex · 2 years
Conductor anon, CHOO CHOO, ALL ABOARD-
I always wanted to say that. But as a certified angst operator (train pun). I got some ideas!
So you know how in the minecraft end credits it talks about the dreaming (which I’m writing a Scarian fic about the dreaming and how that goes with the life series) since it’s a neat thing of how players dream and create worlds
To be specific, every minecraft world/server except for the home server which can be changed on how much you dream in it.
Now imagine this: Grian is a watcher, they don’t dream necessarily, but they don’t dream like players, when they dream, it brings people together, for example the life series. They bring people who have similar dreams or have dreamt this before to this
Now for the life series, Scar has always dreamt of him, and the life series like in the background, Scar had dreamt of Grian as the foreground.
Now the angst part of it: like dreams, players don’t always remember it.
The world ends once the dream ends. Grian was the last one to go in 3rd life, the world ends.
What does happen to every player who was part of this? They don’t remember, but they know something happened, Scar knows there was a desert, Scar knows there was a mountain, two different mountains.
Even in the life series, they don’t remember all of it it’s entirety.
Now think of this: Grian still loves Scar and knows how this happened while Scar does feeling something towards Grian, he doesn’t know the history of this.
Yay angst woo!
bruuuhh dude this concept of your is fucking amazing. The amount of angst potential.. and Watchers dreaming being their world, specifically how Grian's is the life series :sobs: Scar not being able to remember much Im SUPER excited to read your fic when you finish it. Like you've no idea its gonna be sooo good i know it
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sca-rian · 3 years
choose to stay
tags: scarian, light angst, mentions of 3rd life, mentions of canon death and violence, fluffy
word count: 839
note: this is my first time posting something i wrote in english, so please forgive me for my lack of knowledge on how this language works. also, huge thanks to my best friend for beta reading and my other friend for their nice feedback!!
“Then why didn’t you tell me?”
There it was, at last. Some sort of confrontation—or something as close as they’d ever get to one.
“Did you love me? Back then?” Scar asked, his voice low, hesitant, even. Perhaps that single question had been stuck with him for a long time—and Grian knew exactly why it was so difficult to put it into words.
They usually refrained from talking about the past. Scar always understood. He knew that, as unfortunate as it was, Grian had no choice but to comply with Their wishes. Scar knew the universe had been cruel to them, over and over again. Scar knew they weren’t allowed to have a happy ending on multiple realities.
But, on Hermitcraft, things were gentler. On Hermitcraft, they were allowed to lay beside each other and lose themselves in unconcerned conversations about their days. They were allowed to daydream about plans together, about the cozy home they wish to build in their spare time, once their gigantic bases become a little too much for their desired domesticity.
On Hermitcraft, they had more time to reflect on how things used to be. And Scar did that a lot, Grian knew. But he never really brought whatever thoughts he had up.
Until now.
Grian allowed himself a long sigh. He felt Scar’s breath against his neck and gentle fingers caressed his hair, as they did many times before. But, this time, it felt different.
Scar wanted an answer.
“As much as one could.”
The answer came out easier than he expected it to. It was Scar, after all; his best friend, his soulmate, the person he would find himself drawn to in every single universe.
He would always love Scar. As deeply and as purely as one possibly could.
“Then why didn’t you tell me?”
There it was, at last. Some sort of confrontation—or something as close as they’d ever get to one.
“If I had told you back then, and if I had allowed you to love me back, it would hurt even more when you left,” he answered, voice shaken. “I’d miss you like hell. And it’d be even harder for me to forgive myself for what I had to do.”
Scar’s fingers stopped for a moment, and he fell silent. Grian wondered if he, too, still felt the pain of the bruises they inflicted upon each other. If he still smelled the blood and the ashes.
“You know I don’t blame you,” he said.
“I know, Scar. I know. You’re too good to ever hold anything against me. I know.” He raised his voice ever so slightly at every single one of those words. And it hurt. Hell, did it hurt. “But I have seen them. I have seen the scars I gave you, and I wish I had let you hurt me instead. I wish I had been less selfish.”
“Look at me.”
Grian did as asked, turning towards his partner. Scar had that look in his face he only had when Grian was hurt or had overworked himself once again. Scar carefully caressed Grian’s face, and it felt soft, even if his hands often were bruised by work.
“We both know I’d never be as brave as you were to end it all,” he said with a sad smile. “I don't blame you, because I know you don't always get to choose.”
“The only thing that matters to me is that you chose to stay.”
Grian leaned his head towards Scar’s touch.
“I always will,” he whispered. “I need you.”
“Oh, you don’t. If anything, I’m the one that needs you the most. I can’t even cook by myself.”
Grian couldn’t help himself but to laugh at that.
“You’ve been improving!”
“At breakfasts. You couldn’t even taste my beetroot soup, I was so hurt… Stop laughing!”
Scar was smiling, though. Nothing made him feel better than being able to make Grian laugh—it was, by all means, the perfect view: Scar would never get tired of the way his body moved and how his eyes narrowed.
“In my defense, I had never seen a soup that smelled like that, and I still don’t quite understand how you even managed such a thing.”
“You still should have given it a chance, though. It wasn’t that bad after the first two spoons.”
Grian smiled, snuggling himself a bit closer against his partner. It was always that easy to feel comfort when it came to Scar.
“Hm, no, I don’t think I’d like it.”
“You’re such a menace to this household, did you know that?”
Grian laughed again, closing his eyes.
“I know. Jellie wishes she was me.”
Scar embraced Grian and pressed his lips against his forehead. Grian was just a little embarrassed to admit his heart still raced every time he did that, but there was nothing he could do against his most prominent weaknesses: soft kisses and gentle caresses across his feathers.
“I love you,” Scar said, marking his words with yet another gentle kiss, this time against his partner’s temple.
“I know,” Grian whispered. “I love you too.”
“As much as one can?”
Grian smiled.
“As much as one can.”
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