#last day to watch on Netflix
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standupcomedyhistorian · 1 year ago
Hi, everyone!
If you're looking for something to do this holiday weekend besides watching Christmas specials, may I suggest binging Zach Stone Is Gonna Be Famous?
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It's cringe comedy at its best, imo, and today is the LAST day you can watch it on Netflix!
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For that reason, I wanted to share my top 3 episodes of the 2013 MTV show and why I love them:
1. Zach Stone Is Gonna Be an Actor
This is the ONLY episode Bo Burnham wrote himself, and my god is it hysterical and heartbreaking in that way that Bo does so well.
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Bonus shout-out to Nelson Franklin playing the student film director. I ADORE him, especially on Veep as Will, the verbally abused underling to Furlong. Nelson is also 6'5 like Bo!
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2. Zach Stone Is Gonna Make a Sex Tape
This is probably the funniest all-around episode of the show, and seeing Bo "preparing" himself for sex with Christy (including randomly strumming on a guitar) is a joy to behold.
The Jackson 3! Scotch and Soda! Zach's hands on her ass...so much to love lol.
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3. Zach Stone Is Gonna Be Famous (No, Really) and the Pilot
This is a tie because, again, Bo wrote these episodes with fellow cocreator Dan Lagana, and they do SUCH a good job of introducing who Zach is and making you cheer for him by the end of the series.
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The Dr. Pepper being warm and Zach talking about 9/11 and Facebook really feel nostalgic now. Remember when our phones looked like that? Haha
Runner-up episodes: The Zachelor (this parody of reality shows is SPOT-ON plus Greg gets a win of sorts lol); Recording Artist (Bo's ringtone songs are all brilliant).
Bonus fun fact: Zach's parents are apparently mirror images of Bo's IRL mom Pattie and dad Scott per Dan in this interview! Crazy 🤯
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I had never met Bo's parents and we'd cast these people. And Bo's parents flew into Los Angeles and they came into the writer's room. And it was like...it was remarkable how similar they were in build.
Anyway, I hope this list inspires you to give the show a chance. It's well worth it and a hilarious alternative to the same-old holiday specials!
Enjoy the last day of Zach Stone on Netflix, and keep it here for more comedy fun! ✌🏼🐔
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kulai · 4 months ago
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Day 31: The Hug !
with lyrics from Adrienne Lenker’s forwards beckon rebound (should be in every wenclair playlist ever made btw)
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efadefoks · 9 months ago
normal people, watching for the 1st time: oh this is such a sad scene
me, deranged, traumatized by 17th rewatch: omg they are so beautiful here
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say what you want about the live action ATLA
But shoutout to Dallas Liu, Gordon Cormier, and Ian Ousley cause if those boys were gonna do one thing it was DELIVER THOSE LINES and SERVE THAT EMOTION
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boneskullravenriver · 3 months ago
*falls to my knees* *shakes fist*
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alittlechaotics-blog · 11 months ago
Just finished One Day and my chest hurts, I have a headache and my eyes are so thick from crying I can barely see properly. 10/10 show... No notes... I don't think I've ever loved something so completely the way I loved this show from beginning to end. Wow... Just wow.
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moonchild-in-blue · 6 months ago
I need everyone to watch Kaos (from Netflix) right now, please and thank you. Quite possibly my favourite modern retelling of the Greek myths / Olympic pantheon.
The story revolves mainly around Orpheus and Eurydice (Riddy), and around Zeus and a certain not-so-great prophecy. Dionysus is one of our main stars and he's great and amazing and hot and absolutely babygirl.
Yes there are a LOT of references and myths and characters beyond the main Olympians (Zeus' famous kids don't even appear). Yes you see Prometheus having his liver pecked. Yes, we do get to see the Minotaur & Co. Hades and Persephone too, obviously. Yes, there is A TON of great poc and queer rep. Yes, there is blood and sex and violence and poignant society AND religious commentary. Yes, you do get old man yaoi. Yes, Jeff Goldblum as Zeus is incredible and no joke my new favourite portrayal of him (Zeus). Yes, they are faithful to the "doomed from the start" narrative of Orpheus and Eurydice. Yes, Hera does have her peacocks.
Please please please go watch it please it's so great and visually beautiful and amazing. Pirate that thang if you must.
My thoughts whilst watching the show - no plot spoilers but be warned for mild thematic/ character/ setting commentary. Generally safe to read if you haven't watched it yet and don't mind a little preview:
SOUNDTRACK IS WOW. Don't Fear The Reaper? On episode one?? The song I've been listening over and over because of a certain beloved band has made a cover of it???
Love how they portray the worship of gods as something that is part of their daily lives and culture without seeming too "gimmicky".
There are clear parallels to Catholicism in the way they conduct themselves (either in favour or against the gods; all the little rituals and traditions), and it's quite interesting to see how would modern society function if Hellenism (or rather the ancient practices. pls correct me if I'm wrong) were the primary (and as far as I got it only) established religion in the world.
The "Vero" declaration with the hand gesture as part of Olympian liturgy? Amazing. Interesting choice in using Latin rather than Ancient Greek, but very cool nonetheless.
A significant amount of casual mentions of horrifying violent acts by the gods, and even some healthy dose of violence/ blood. Thought it was very interesting to see Zeus discussing infanticide and natural catastrophes the way we discuss the weather or grocery prices. They really leaned heavily into the whole grandeur and arrogance of gods in regards to human life which I super appreciate. I'm tired of seeing passive, Cool and Hip and Benevolent Zeus & Co.
Also the amount of criticism by the god-haters (Blasphemes? Non-sympathisers?) feels very refreshing (and on the nose concerning irl organised religions), especially in contrast with the more devout and how they put their life in second place in lieu of worship (yes I'm thinking about the Tacitas AND the Celebration Ritual™ iykwim).
The subversion of the "doomed from the start" narrative surrounding Orpheus and Eurydice is done so beautifully it hurts. Right from the first moment they appear, you know how it'll go. And yet!!
You know what happens, of course. Their story was never meant have a happy ending. But the way they took that and put a modern spin on it it's just!!!! My heart !!!!
I was rooting for Orpheus the entire time, knowing damn well it was a lost cause. I can't blame Riddy, but my God is it painful to watch. LOVED the actor who played him, he just the right amount of earnest love and rockstar flair. Riddy is SO cool - there's not much I can say beyond that that isn't a spoiler but. Yeah. We love complex female characters.
I'm gonna be really petty and pedantic here, but for a show revolving GREEK mythology, set in Olympia / Krete, with sooo many little references to the myths, it is CRIMINAL that they insist on calling Heracles by his roman name (Hercules), and that they refer to Hades as God "Of Death" instead of God "Of The Dead" / King Of The Dead. There's a major difference there - Thanatos would like a word.
Troytown? Where the Trojan refugees (displaced war victims really) are *literally* segregated to (their exact words, segregation), and even use those nose lines/tattoos as way to identify them? Where they face scrutiny and police brutality and prejudice from the Kreteans? As a clear reference to minority poc urban areas and how they are unfairly mistreated and deemed as "others" by the same governments who put them there in the first place??? YES YES YES.
A lot of queer and poc rep. And I mean A LOT. The Fates alone are a whole vibe.
Again, it doesn't feel gimmicky at all, nor does it fall under the "okay they're definitely trying to hit all the quotas so everybody is gay and ethnic and uses neo-pronouns" trend some media are starting to follow, which really just end up falling flat rather than significant (looking at you Sex Ed 4). An actual diversity win.
If you're familiar with the story of Caeneus, you'll love how they portrayed him here.
Dionysus is everything and some more. I love him. Prometheus is incredible. Jeff Goldblum as Zeus goes above and beyond expectations - he brings that Goldblum Flair™ but with an intense violence and paranoia you could only pull off as King of the Gods. Hera is just wow, truly a queen.
Hades and Persephone have an *interesting* dynamic - have never seen him being portrayed like that before. Usually Hades and Persie are the "dom goth Mommy and Daddy" of mythology retellings, and yet here it's completely different. Certainly *A Choice*. I don't mind Hades, but would've liked to see "goddess of spring & dreaded" Persephone.
I understood the vision, but I don't think it worked *quite* as well as the other ones. She's still super cool nonetheless - that sandwich scene was incredible.
Also - VERY COOL how diverse the actors are. With the exception of Dionysus who is objectively Young and Hot, pretty much all the other gods (and adjacent) are middle-aged or up, with visible signs of aging (grey hairs, wrinkles, sagging skin, belly fat, etc), which is cool cus usually the gods are made to be a specific flavour of "hot".
The Furies, who could've been all snatched and sexy and token Femme Fatale characters, are actually older butch women with mean lesbian energy and I think that's very cool and awesome and wonderful.
Even the human cast is so diverse and interesting and REAL, rather than yet another yassified ensemble - it's great to see. Not everyone is conventionally hot and attractive, and THAT is sexy af.
All the little Easter eggs and references to the myths and general ancient Greece culture are SO nice to see. I giggled when Polyphemus first appeared. That first scene on the cereal aisle was very funny. Gagged at Cassandra.
Stylistic choice of the Underworld environment and on-camera portrayal is chef's kiss. That's all I'll say.
LABYRINTH AND DAEDALUS YES. Would smash the Minotaur, 1000%. That Scene™ was. Hmmmmm yeah.
Overall I loved it and high key might re-watch it again. What an amazing show. This was a win for all of us Greek Myth nerds, and I'll be truly devastated if Netflix doesn't renew it for a second season.
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itsalongwaytotipperary · 5 months ago
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lemondoddle · 1 year ago
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My beautiful cringefail girlemployee/ girlboss/ girlemployee again/ back to girlboss
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soupycatart · 1 year ago
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just watched this movie and i am OBSESSED
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solshii · 15 days ago
hehe hello anon 🫶🫶 !!
this discussion popped out a few times while i was browsing through the mlp svsss tag earlier LOL and someone did say that since LQG doesn't have the whole rainbow get-up that RD does, he wouldn't exactly do a rainboom
but i definitely think he'd be able to pull off a sonic boom of his own flavour <33 LQG is a strong pony and ultimately a strong flyer with enough stamina and endurance to do such stunts (and maybe with the addition of cultivation, a strong core and higher levels of cultivation may aid in the success rate of sonic booms in pegasi cultivators?)
i just imagine he's not a flashy person for show but he just has abilities and moves that happen to be flashy hahaha (like his 1000 sword glare move he pulled on SHL and her troops) he's probably aware that it's cool and that others think that it's cool too, but the whole experience is just another walk in the park for him (or he was just raised to be humble n modest) so he doesn't really revel in the applause
i.e the only times he'd do a sonic boom is probably during severe events that need his high speeds. i imagine his severe loyalty for somepony in danger would be a big factor for an adrenaline rush, and he doesn't realise he's doing a sonic boom until it happens
though maybe he'd pull off a sonic boom stunt or two if somepony asks nicely (maybe (if you're the right somepony))
back to the whole rainboom part though, my pony LQG has phoenix motifs so perhaps he just creates a ring of fire rather than rainbows (that we'll say will not !! set things on fire !! for simplicity's sake 😩) and rather than making rainbows, he just gets a cool little transformation of his wing and tail feathers turning into long phoenix ones <33
though whether the fire and feathers are red or white will depend on the colour palette i create for him hahaha
thank you for the ask anon <33
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whumpy-wyrms · 1 year ago
yk i was having trouble writing tllr chapter 12 because Dew is sick with a fever in the beginning and i just,, idk felt uninspired or something because im not the biggest fan of sickfics or whatever
well now i’m sick with a fever and it’s helll so sorry Dew im gonna have to put you through this now my bad 👍👍 at least i am now inspired
if this post makes no sense it’s because my brain hurts and i’m tired 👍👍👍
#i’m fine it’s just kinda funny#like last night i was writing ahead to chapter 14 because i was stuck on chapter 12 cuz i didn’t know how to write it#and now i’m sick with a fever just like Dew hahahaha sorry buddy but we’re in this together now 👍👍👍 and it’s 105 idk if that’s normal#at least it’s giving me inspiration and i am no longer stuck on it#but i’m too sick to fucking write it!!!! i wanna write uhhgjjfjdjd#ok im done#well actually i had the craziest dream last night#it was about this new animated movie that doesn’t exist and i was watching it/ acting it out as the main character and it was so fucking#cool like i was flyingggg!!! i was a weird purple creature with wings and was flying just like dew it was fucking awesome#like there were so many really cool characters with really creative designs and the antagonist was a weird giant bug who could also fly#so he was chasing me around in the air and it was so cool i was so fast flying around like in a minecraft elytra course#i love vivid dreams like that that feel real and like after the movie was finished i posted on tumblr about how much i loved this new#netflix animated movie and my mutuals were there and also thought it was cool#anyway it was fun i love flying in my dreams i feel so free.. unlike Dewey oopsie sorry buddy#deweyeyeyeye ur so silly i love him SO MUCH#ok im gonna shut up now#wyrms says stuff#fever#fever dream#if i tagged this as irl whump would i also have to tag it as minor whump hahahhaha#idk i wanna play roblox with my mutuals again#mutuals if ur reading this u can literally bother me to play video games all day every day because the answer will always#be an enthusiastic YESS!!!!#i should watch nightmare time today#no dumbass i should REST dumbass ehehheehe#i’m being so annoying again sorry everyone 😼😼😼😼#dreams#wyrms lore
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stevethehairington · 1 year ago
heck yeah 20th book of the year is FINISHED!!!
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bugsbenefit · 9 months ago
they dropped the tfs trailer? while im OUT?
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prongsmydeer · 1 year ago
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"Kalyani has big dreams. She wants to do a lot. I am just trying to help her. I am not waiting here with the hope that she will accept me later. But because I might become a better person by staying with her."
STORIES BY RABINDRANATH TAGORE (2015): Episode 20 - Aparichita
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roses-and-elixir · 5 months ago
Don’t think im having a good day
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