#tom f nelson
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standupcomedyhistorian · 1 year ago
Hi, everyone!
If you're looking for something to do this holiday weekend besides watching Christmas specials, may I suggest binging Zach Stone Is Gonna Be Famous?
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It's cringe comedy at its best, imo, and today is the LAST day you can watch it on Netflix!
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For that reason, I wanted to share my top 3 episodes of the 2013 MTV show and why I love them:
1. Zach Stone Is Gonna Be an Actor
This is the ONLY episode Bo Burnham wrote himself, and my god is it hysterical and heartbreaking in that way that Bo does so well.
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Bonus shout-out to Nelson Franklin playing the student film director. I ADORE him, especially on Veep as Will, the verbally abused underling to Furlong. Nelson is also 6'5 like Bo!
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2. Zach Stone Is Gonna Make a Sex Tape
This is probably the funniest all-around episode of the show, and seeing Bo "preparing" himself for sex with Christy (including randomly strumming on a guitar) is a joy to behold.
The Jackson 3! Scotch and Soda! Zach's hands on her ass...so much to love lol.
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3. Zach Stone Is Gonna Be Famous (No, Really) and the Pilot
This is a tie because, again, Bo wrote these episodes with fellow cocreator Dan Lagana, and they do SUCH a good job of introducing who Zach is and making you cheer for him by the end of the series.
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The Dr. Pepper being warm and Zach talking about 9/11 and Facebook really feel nostalgic now. Remember when our phones looked like that? Haha
Runner-up episodes: The Zachelor (this parody of reality shows is SPOT-ON plus Greg gets a win of sorts lol); Recording Artist (Bo's ringtone songs are all brilliant).
Bonus fun fact: Zach's parents are apparently mirror images of Bo's IRL mom Pattie and dad Scott per Dan in this interview! Crazy 🤯
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I had never met Bo's parents and we'd cast these people. And Bo's parents flew into Los Angeles and they came into the writer's room. And it was like...it was remarkable how similar they were in build.
Anyway, I hope this list inspires you to give the show a chance. It's well worth it and a hilarious alternative to the same-old holiday specials!
Enjoy the last day of Zach Stone on Netflix, and keep it here for more comedy fun! ✌🏼🐔
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zamansiler · 1 month ago
"Şu anda kaç yaşında olursanız olun. Başarı için veya istediğiniz şeyin peşinden gitmek için asla çok genç veya çok yaşlı değilsiniz. İşte farklı yaşlarda büyük işler başarmış kişilerin kısa bir listesi
1) Helen Keller, 19 aylıkken sağır ve kör oldu. Ancak bu onu durdurmadı. Bachelor of Arts derecesi alan ilk sağır ve kör kişiydi.
2) Mozart klavye ve kemanda zaten yetenekliydi; 5 yaşından itibaren beste yapmaya başladı
. 3) Shirley Temple, "Bright Eyes" filminde film yıldızı olduğunda 6 yaşındaydı.
4) Anne Frank, Anne Frank'ın günlüğünü yazdığında 12 yaşındaydı.
5) Magnus Carlsen 13 yaşında satranç büyükustası oldu.
6) Nadia Comăneci, 14 yaşındayken Olimpiyatlarda yedi tam 10.0 puan alan ve üç altın madalya kazanan bir Rumen jimnastikçiydi.
7) Tenzin Gyatso, Kasım 1950'de, 15 yaşındayken resmen 14. Dalai Lama olarak tanındı.
8) Futbolun süperstarı Pele, Brezilya ile 1958'de Dünya Kupası'nı kazandığında 17 yaşındaydı.
9) Elvis 19 yaşındayken bir süperstardı.
10) John Lennon 20 yaşındaydı ve Paul Mcartney, Beatles 1961'de ilk konserini verdiğinde 18 yaşındaydı.
11) Jesse Owens, 1936'da Berlin'de 4 altın madalya kazandığında 22 yaşındaydı.
12) Beethoven 23 yaşındayken piyano virtüözüydü.
13) Issac Newton, Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica'yı 24 yaşında yazdı.
14) Roger Bannister, 4 dakikalık mil rekorunu kırdığında 25 yaşındaydı.
15) Albert Einstein, görelilik kuramını yazdığında 26 yaşındaydı
. 16) Lance E. Armstrong, Tour de France'ı kazandığında 27 yaşındaydı.
17) Michelangelo, 28 yaşındayken en büyük heykellerden ikisi olan "Davut" ve "Pieta"yı yarattı.
18) Büyük İskender, 29 yaşına geldiğinde antik çağın en büyük imparatorluklarından birini yaratmıştı. dünya
19) JK Rowling, Harry Potter'ın ilk taslağını bitirdiğinde 30 yaşındaydı.
20) Amelia Earhart, Atlas Okyanusu'nu tek başına geçen ilk kadın olduğunda 31 yaşındaydı.
21) Oprah, türünün en yüksek reytingli programı haline gelen talk show'una başladığında 32 yaşındaydı.
22) Edmund Hillary, Everest Dağı'na tırmanan ilk erkek olduğunda 33 yaşındaydı.
23) Martin Luther King Jr., "Bir Rüya Görüyorum" konuşmasını yazdığında 34 yaşındaydı.
24) Marie Curie, Fizik dalında Nobel Ödülü'ne aday gösterildiğinde 35 yaşındaydı
. 25) Wright kardeşler, Orville (32) ve Wilbur (36), dünyanın ilk başarılı uçağını icat ettiler ve inşa ettiler ve ilk kontrollü, motorlu ve sürdürülebilir havadan ağır insan uçuşunu gerçekleştirdiler.
26) Vincent Van Gogh, neredeyse hiç tanınmadan öldüğünde 37 yaşındaydı, ancak bugün resimleri milyonlarca dolar değerinde.
27) Neil Armstrong, Ay'a ilk ayak basan insan olduğunda 38 yaşındaydı.
28) Mark Twain, "Tom Sawyer'ın Maceraları"nı yazdığında 40, "Huckleberry Finn'in Maceraları"nı yazdığında ise 49 yaşındaydı.
29) Kristof Kolomb, Amerika'yı keşfettiğinde 41 yaşındaydı.
30) Rosa Parks, otobüs şoförünün beyaz bir yolcuya yer açmak için koltuğunu vermesini söylemesine uymayı reddettiğinde 42 yaşındaydı.
31) John F. Kennedy, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Başkanı olduğunda 43 yaşındaydı
. 32) Henry Ford, Ford T piyasaya çıktığında 45 yaşındaydı.
33) Suzanne Collins, "Açlık Oyunları"nı yazdığında 46 yaşındaydı
. 34) Charles Darwin, Türlerin Kökeni adlı kitabı piyasaya çıktığında 50 yaşındaydı.
35) Leonardo Da Vinci, Mona Lisa'yı çizdiğinde 51 yaşındaydı.
36) Abraham Lincoln, başkan olduğunda 52 yaşındaydı.
37) Ray Kroc McDonald's Franchise'ını satın aldığında ve bunu benzeri görülmemiş seviyelere taşıdığında 53 yaşındaydı.
38) Dr. Seuss "Şapkalı Kedi"yi yazdığında 54 yaşındaydı.
40) Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger III, 2009 yılında US Airways Flight 1549'u Hudson Nehri'nde başarıyla suya indirdiğinde 57 yaşındaydı. Uçaktaki 155 yolcunun tamamı hayatta kaldı.
41) Albay Harland Sanders, KFC Franchise'ını kurduğunda 61 yaşındaydı.
42) JRR Tolkien, Yüzüklerin Efendisi kitapları çıktığında 62 yaşındaydı
. 43) Ronald Reagan, ABD Başkanı olduğunda 69 yaşındaydı.
44) Jack Lalane, 70 yaşında kelepçelendi, zincirlendi ve 70 kürekli tekneyi çekti.
45) Nelson Mandela, Başkan olduğunda 76 yaşındaydı”
— Pablo
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daydreamodyssey · 10 months ago
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ao3feed-tedlasso · 29 days ago
See Two People So Much In Love
https://ift.tt/qzSF60Y by lyricsandlaziness Jan Maas and Richard Montlaur find themselves on a series of double dates with the various couples of Nelson Road. One question is on everyone's mind. Is it possible for any duo to be a more romantic coupling than Richard and Jan Words: 3361, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English Fandoms: Ted Lasso (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Jan Maas, Richard Montlaur, Roy Kent, Keeley Jones, Colin Hughes, Jamie Tartt, Moe Bumbercatch, Isaac McAdoo, Sam Obisanya, Dani Rojas (Ted Lasso), Tom O'Brien, Paul Reynolds (Ted Lasso), Ted Lasso, Coach Beard (Ted Lasso) Relationships: Jan Maas/Richard Montlaur, Keeley Jones/Roy Kent, Colin Hughes/Jamie Tartt, Moe Bumbercatch/Isaac McAdoo, Sam Obisanya/Dani Rojas, Tom O'Brien/Paul Reynolds Additional Tags: Not Britpicked, AFC Richmond Players are Himbos (Ted Lasso), Double Dating, 5+1 Things, Romance source https://archiveofourown.org/works/62638477 January 31, 2025 at 01:53AM
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overlordneon · 2 years ago
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ao3feed-narlie · 4 months ago
How To Never Stop Being Sad - A Heartstopper As You Are AU
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/BmFPG3X by Rudan_8 “Love is a gentle thing Yours is thicker than a velvet ring Yours is thicker than a velvet ring” Velvet Ring - Big Thief Words: 1441, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Heartstopper (TV), As You Are (2016) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper), Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Tom (As You Are), Karen (As You Are) Relationships: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring Additional Tags: Underage Smoking, heartstopper au, as you are movie, non-canon parents, 90’s au, beta reader we dont die like the wings smp read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/BmFPG3X
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ao3feed-fratt · 5 months ago
The Manuscript
The Manuscript https://archiveofourown.org/works/59553277 by nothanks42069 Peter had lost everything. He had quite literally nothing. So when he is lying unconscious on a rooftop on Hells Kitchen, who is going to save him? Enter Mathew Murdock and Frank Castle. Can Peter have something or has 'Parker Luck' cursed him forever? POST NO WAY HOME please read the tags!! COVER FROM PINTEREST & TITLE FROM TTPD TAYLOR SWIFT cross-posted on wattpad under biderman14 Words: 1841, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Daredevil (TV), The Punisher (TV 2017), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M Characters: Peter Parker, Matt Murdock, Frank Castle, Wade Wilson, Franklin "Foggy" Nelson, Karen Page Relationships: Matt Murdock & Peter Parker, Frank Castle & Peter Parker, Frank Castle & Matt Murdock, Frank Castle/Matt Murdock, Peter Parker & Wade Wilson Additional Tags: Hurt Peter Parker, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff, no beta we die like frank castles family, Protective Frank Castle, Soft Frank Castle, but only for peter and matt, Matt Murdock Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Protective Matt Murdock, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Precious Peter Parker, Post-Movie: Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021), I hate tagging, Dead Aunt May Parker (Marvel) via AO3 works tagged 'Frank Castle/Matt Murdock' https://archiveofourown.org October 07, 2024 at 04:00PM
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world-cinema-research · 9 months ago
Week 9 - Forrest Gump and Inception Two-Film Comparison Essay
Carly Leavitt-Hullana
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The two movies I chose to watch for weeks eight and nine were Forrest Gump directed by Robert Zemeckis and Inception directed by Christopher Nolan. Both of which have many similarities and differences within their critical acclimation and conventional/unconventional attributes, which are separately discussed below along with a major historical event that occurred during the year in which each film was released.
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Starting with Forrest Gump, a popular fan favorite, the film follows the lucky but tough life of Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks), who grew up in a boarding house with his single mother, as his father had left them when he was very young. As many may already know, Forrest was diagnosed with scoliosis which affected his ability to walk as well as was mentally challenged which affected his life greatly in many ways that we experience throughout the film. However, throughout his event-filled life he always kept in mind what his mother had instilled into him, that “stupid is as stupid does,” and that Forrest is just as normal as any other person. He also had the support of his lifelong best friend and wife, Jenny, with whom he lost touch and rekindled his relationship with multiple times throughout the span of their lives.
This scene shows how much Jenny cared about Forrest from the time he started school to the time they got into high school.
Although I cannot speak for the global audience, I know that Forrest Gump is a fan and family favorite among America in today’s society as well as when it came out in 1994. This film is notoriously known for many quotable lines as well as Tom Hanks' exceptional and award winning, (for both Hanks himself and the film) performance. I, as well as many other acclaimed film critics, consider Forrest Gump an American classic as many have seen and greatly loved this movie. Those in the audience were inspired by Forrest Gump's life story and his ability to get up and keep going despite all of his hardships that he had encountered throughout his life.
However, a more indepth look into Forrest Gump reveals more complexity of the film and the director's message. Critically acclaimed film critic Roger Ebert skims the surface when he says, “And yet this is not a heartwarming story about a mentally challenged man. That cubbyhole is much too small and limiting for Forrest Gump. The movie is more of a meditation on our times, as seen through the eyes of a man who lacks cynicism and takes things for exactly what they are” (Forrest Gump via Roger Ebert). An academic article, written by Yunling Zhang, takes it a step further when he states, “It analyzes the plots related to social, political and cultural context and discusses main themes reflected in the work, namely anti-war ideas, anti-racism and the realization American dream” (A New Historicist Interpretation of Forrest Gump via Universe Scientific Publishing).
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Taking Forrest Gump’s political and social commentary into consideration around the time of its release in 1994, we see similar events that relate to the film’s emphasis of a changing society with Nelson Mandela’s inauguration. An article describes this major event in South African history, “On 10 May 1994, Nelson Mandela, at the age of 77, was inaugurated as South Africa’s first black president and F W de Klerk became Mandela’s first deputy. Although the ANC gained a majority vote, they formed the Government of National Unity (GNU), headed by Mandela” (Nelson Mandela is inaugurated as South Africa’s first black president via South African History Online).
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Despite these three main historic events being a large part of American history, they were highly controversial which leads to the conventionalism of Forrest Gump. I argue that it is both conventional and unconventional, as it has many conventional aspects such as: starring already famous, big name actor Tom Hanks; it quickly became a fan favorite for a large population; and it regards many, high critical acclimations for the American comedy-drama. On the other hand, it also contains multiple unconventional aspects of: showcasing the perspective of a mentally challenged man; adding many controversial and/or devastating moments in politics and society; inadvertently displaying the majority feelings of society during those times; ‘promoting’ bullying; and ‘advertising’ a relationship between Jenny and Forrest that greatly goes against societal norms.
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Moving into Inception, this film takes you through the impossible job of mind inception, hence the title of the film, which is the act of planting the seed of an idea into someone's mind to allow it to grow until it is all they can think about. Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio), a thief with the ability to enter people’s dreams, leads this assignment as they work with their employer to get the company’s rival to dismantle their business. As they scheme up a plan and finally begin, Cobb fails to mention his own compromises he may expose to the mission and how dangerous it is. As well as how easily it can go south as they are working under a sedative to go into a dream, within a dream, within a dream.
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I greatly enjoyed watching Inception as it is a great action-packed, suspenseful film that truly does keep you on the edge-of your seat guessing. However, it is not the best film I have seen and can agree with film critic Peter Bradshaw when he says, “Well, Inception is still very impressive; looking back, I see that I found its tech and technique dazzling, but the narrative inert. Yet maybe that was not doing justice to how staggering its fantasy set pieces were” (Inception review – the virtual reinvention of virtual reality via The Guardian). Even so, further in his article he applauds Nolan on the uniqueness of this film as well as the brilliant creation of the dream scenes throughout the film, where I also argue Nolan’s focus of the film was prioritized.
This scene shows off some of the great visuals and tech that the movie has, especially during the dream scenes.
With that being said, I claim that Inception is unconventional despite having a few conventional aspects. The few main conventional aspects are the use of multiple big name actors such as Leonardo Dicaprio, Cillian Murphy, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tom Hardy, and Elliot Page (formerly Ellen Page); the film’s distribution by Warner Bros; and the plot following a normal action film. Regardless, this film is unconventional as it poses a unique and confusing idea of building, entering, and controlling a or another's dream, has a very subjective and perplexing ending and plot overall, and adds commentary to the corruption of business politics commonly heard about big name corporations.
With Inception’s release in July of 2010, it adds commentary to the state of not only America’s government and social corruption, but of those issues shared globally as well. We see an example of the effects of a corrupted society and government with the 2010 Haiti earthquake of a magnitude of 7.0, that greatly devastated the country and world’s population. An article comments, “Haiti's capital city, Port-au-Prince, was almost completely flattened in the space of 35 seconds. The loss of government buildings and staff in the quake meant the country's ability to manage the response was severely weakened. Even today, issues such as lack of infrastructure, limited access to basic resources and weak political governance still plague the country” (Britannica & Sky News on 2010 Haiti Earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0).
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In conclusion, Forrest Gump and Inception are similar in ways that they both regard high critical receptions, both add to the commentary of societal and governmental views/issues during certain timelines, they both share aspects of being both conventional and unconventional films, and they share connections with historic events that occurred during the years that both films were released. On the other hand, these films are different as they came out in different eras, showcase different aspects of societal views during those times, and are completely different genres and concepts.
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docrotten · 1 year ago
EFFECTS (1979) – Episode 208 – Decades of Horror 1970s
“It would be nice just to see one little spurt at the moment of slashing.” A little spurt, you say? Can do. Join your faithful Grue Crew – Doc Rotten, Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, and Jeff Mohr – as they take a trip to George A. Romero’s sphere of influence for a movie within a movie within a movie within … well, you get the picture. The movie is called Effects (1979).
Decades of Horror 1970s Episode 208 – Effects (1979)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
Decades of Horror 1970s is partnering with the WICKED HORROR TV CHANNEL (https://wickedhorrortv.com/) which now includes video episodes of the podcast and is available on Roku, AppleTV, Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, and its online website across all OTT platforms, as well as mobile, tablet, and desktop.
While a small film crew are shooting a low-budget horror movie in a house in the woods, the lines between reality and fiction start to blur, and the movie slowly turns into a “snuff” film.
Director: Dusty Nelson
Writers: William H. Mooney (novel); Dusty Nelson (screenplay)
Producers: Pasquale Buba (producer), John Harrison (executive producer) (as John S. Harrison Jr.)
Music: John Harrison
Cinematography by: Carl Augenstein (as Carl E. Augenstein), Toni Semple (as Toni Semple-Nelson)
Editing by: Pasquale Buba
Special Effects by:
Tom Savini (special effects)
Tony Panatella (explosions)
Regis Survinski (explosions) (as Rege Survinsky)
Boom Man: Nicholas Mastandrea
Selected Cast:
Joseph Pilato as Dominic (as Joseph F. Pilato)
Susan Chapek as Celeste
John Harrison as Lacey Bickel
Bernard McKenna as Barney
Debra Gordon as Rita / Mona
Tom Savini as Nicky
Charles Hoyes as Lobo (as Chuck Hoyes)
Blay Bahnsen as Scratch (as Blay Bahnson)
Joe Wittkofski as TV Director
John Sutton as TV Sound Man
Dave Balko as TV Video Man (as Dave Belko)
Jackie Lahane as Murdered Girl (as Jackie Lehane)
Cindy Sebastian as Dancer
Filmed in 1978 and released the following year, Effects (1979) features Tom Savini (as both actor and special effects guru) and a collection of George A. Romero’s filmmaking friends and colleagues. Oh, yeah, the cast also includes Day of the Dead‘s Captain Rhodes, Joseph Pilato, in a lead role. Shot on a miniscule budget with an ambitious script, the feature contains a story within a story with another movie buried within. The Grue-Crew share their thoughts on all the shenanigans and then read through a hefty amount of feedback. This one has all the goods!
At the time of this writing, Effects is available to stream from Tubi, Screambox, and Arrow, as well as various PPV options. The film is available on physical media as a Blu-ray from AGFA.
Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1970s is part of the Decades of Horror two-week rotation with The Classic Era and the 1980s. In two weeks, the next episode, chosen by Chad, will be The Mad Butcher (1971), aka Lo strangolatore di Vienna, starring Victor Buono. Yikes!
We want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans: comment on the site or email the Decades of Horror 1970s podcast hosts at [email protected].
Check out this episode!
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casp1an-sea · 11 months ago
Comfort Characters
Steve Rogers AKA Captain America
Tony Stark AKA Iron Man
Han Solo
Doppo Kunikida (BSD)
Remus Lupin
Thomas McGregor (Peter Rabbit)
Hera Syndulla
My Boys:
Tech :3
Armitage Hux >:(
My F/Os:
Azul (Caszul/Caszurole) (My boyfriend)
Rook Hunt (Hunter’s Song/Chanson du Chasseur) (mon mari)
Jade Leech (Frilled Shark) (my wife)
Bill Weasley occasionally
Gabriel O’Malley
(so Floyd is my brother in law)
Fictional Found Families:
The Bad Batch
The ghost crew
The Weasleys
My special little guys:
Kwazii Cat (Octonauts) (Kin)
Lewis McCartney (H2O) (Kin)
Luke Skywalker (SW) (Kin)
Thorax (MLP) (Kin)
Shining Armor (MLP) (Kin)
Kylo Ren/Ben Solo (SW)
Qimir/The Stranger (SW)
Cal “Carl” Kestis (SW)
Alexsander Kallus (SW)
Howzer (SW)
Gonky (SW)/srs
Unidentified clone trooper  (332nd Company) AkA ARMS (sign my petition) (SW)
Coran Horn (SW legends)
Anakin Solo (SW legends)
Arista (Little mermaid)
Johnny Cade (Outsiders)
Crutchie (Newsies)
Raph 2012 (TMNT)
leather head 2012 (TMNT)
Steven Grant (Moon Knight)
Spider-man in general
Harry Osborn 2002 (Spider-Man)
Gwen Stacy AkA Spider Gwen/Ghost spider (spider Verse)
Braco (Violeta)
Tenya Iida (MHA) (kinda an f/o?)
Kyoya Ootori (OHHC)
Tom Harris (Alex Rider)
Alex Mercer (JATF)
Harry Hook (Descendants)
Mathew (Og Lego friends)
Noble Bell college student council aide AKA Travis because I have decided that is his name (Twst)
Nick Nelson (Heart Stopper)
Elle Argent (Heart Stopper)
Daring Charming (EAH)
Sokka (ATLA)
Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel)
Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)
Stolas (Helluva)
Ozzie (Helluva)
Better then Blitzø guy (Helluva) (Look I don’t ship him with Stolas he was just nice okay let me have this)
Cedric Digory (Harry Potter)
Techie (Dredd 2012)
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avatarsbymingi · 2 years ago
mingi avatars’s masterlist
clicando aqui você vai ser redirecionado para a minha lista completa de todos os avatares desse blog ♥ recomendo dar um ctrl+f pra achar o nome da pessoa rs
click here to be redirected to the masterlist of every avatar i made ♥ feel free to use ctrl+f to find their name lol
@3.48kg (lim bora)
aaron taylor johnson
abbey lee kershaw
adelaide kane
ahn heeyeon
alexandre cunha
alina kovalenko
andrew j. west
aom sushar
april chaekyung
april chaewon
april naewon
april rachel
april yena
ariana grande
audreyana michelle
aya shalkar
bae joohyun
baek jiheon
bang yongguk
barbara palvin
barbie ferreira
benedict cumberbatch
byun baekhyun
cailin russo
candice accola
cara delevingne
carrie fletcher
charlotte mckee
cheng xiao
choi chunghyeop
choi yujin
choi vernon
christian daloi
christina nadin
crystal reed
dan stevens
diana korkunova
do kyungsoo
doutzen kroes
dua lipa
dylan sprouse
ellie thumann
emeraude toubia
emily rudd
enzo carini
gabriela bloomgarden
gigi hadid
giovanna grigio
gong yoo
grace hartzel
halston sage
harry styles
heo hyunjoon
holland roden
iga wysocka
im dayoung
im jaebum
isabella scherer
jack falahee
jang dahye/heize
jeon jungkook
jeon somi
jeon soyeon
jeon wonwoo
jessica clements
jessica jung
jessica rothe
jesy nelson
joanna kuchta
joaquin phoenix
johan philip asbæk
joland novaj
julia ratner
jung hoseok
jung jaehyun
jung jinsol
justin barnhill
kalani hilliker
kang seulgi
karol queiroz
kathryn newton
kaya scodelario
kiko mizuhara
kim doyeon
kim hyojong
kim hyuna
kim hyunjin
kim hyunjung/seola
kim jennie
kim jisoo
kim jiwoo/chuu
kim junmyeon
kim kibum
kim lip
kim namjoon
kim seokjin
kim taehyung
kim taeyeon
kim yerim
kwon yuri
kylie jenner
lalisa manoban
lana del rey
laura harrier
léa seydoux
lee chaeryeong
lee chaeyeon
lee jinsol
lee jongsuk
lee sungkyung
lee sunmi
lili reinhart
lily collins
lindsay ellingson
louis partridge
louis tomlinson
lucas lynggaard tønnesen
lucky blue smith
luma grothe
maaya uchida
madeline ford
mao yanqi
maría pedrazo
mark lee
mary elizabeth winstead
maxence danet-fauvel
maya hawke
megan fox
melissa benoist
meng jia
min yoongi
na jaemin
nam joohyuk
nana komatsu
nick truelove
nina dobrev
oh sehun
ong seongwoo
park bongyoung
park chanyeol
park hyungsik
park jimin
park sooyoung
park yuri
patricia broka
phoebe tonkin
pia kristine cruz
pyper america
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ao3feed-irondadspiderson · 10 days ago
to grieve the sea
https://archiveofourown.org/works/63186937 by clandestinegardens When she was four years old, Morgan Stark's father sacrificed his life to save the world. Well, to save a boy, really. A boy that no one remembers, a few months later. They are so good at acting like he never existed, in fact, that Morgan starts to believe it, too. For a while, at least. It's not until she's almost 14 years old and in a world of trouble that she's reminded that Peter Parker was, in fact, very real. And Spider-Man, to boot.  or; when a battered and bruised Morgan Stark shows up on Peter's doorstep after nearly ten years of no-contact, sporting a concussion, a knife wound, and a dogged stubbornness that could rival even her father's, Peter finds that love (or spite) may be the only thing capable of transcending magic memory spells. alternatively; how Morgan Stark refuses to let Peter Parker remain forgotten. Words: 4620, Chapters: 1/10, Language: English Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Iron Man (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Harley Keener, Pepper Potts, Matt Murdock, Franklin "Foggy" Nelson, Jessica Jones (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Michelle Jones (Marvel), Ned Leeds, Happy Hogan, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel) Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Peter Parker & Pepper Potts, Peter Parker/Other(s), Pepper Potts/Tony Stark Additional Tags: Irondad, spiderson, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Protective Peter Parker, Strong Peter Parker, BAMF Peter Parker, Peter Parker is a Mess, Bisexual Peter Parker, Peter Parker is Trying His Best, Peter Parker is a Ray of Sunshine, Angst, Angst and Humor, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Post-Movie: Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021), Fix-It, Team Red (Marvel), Genius Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Peter Parker & Morgan Stark Friendship (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Morgan Stark-centric (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Hurt Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Morgan Stark is Autistic (Marvel Cinematic Universe) read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/63186937
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ao3feed-tedlasso · 1 month ago
See Two People So Much In Love
https://ift.tt/RZTHo2s by lyricsandlaziness Jan Maas and Richard Montlaur find themselves on a series of double dates with the various couples of Nelson Road. One question is on everyone's mind. Is it possible for any duo to be a more romantic coupling than Richard and Jan Words: 3361, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English Fandoms: Ted Lasso (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Jan Maas, Richard Montlaur, Roy Kent, Keeley Jones, Colin Hughes, Jamie Tartt, Moe Bumbercatch, Isaac McAdoo, Sam Obisanya, Dani Rojas (Ted Lasso), Tom O'Brien, Paul Reynolds (Ted Lasso), Ted Lasso, Coach Beard (Ted Lasso) Relationships: Jan Maas/Richard Montlaur, Keeley Jones/Roy Kent, Colin Hughes/Jamie Tartt, Moe Bumbercatch/Isaac McAdoo, Sam Obisanya/Dani Rojas, Tom O'Brien/Paul Reynolds Additional Tags: Not Britpicked, AFC Richmond Players are Himbos (Ted Lasso), Double Dating, 5+1 Things, Romance source https://archiveofourown.org/works/62638477 January 31, 2025 at 01:53AM
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stratverse · 2 months ago
4/2/13: Rockies Hit Early, Often to Down Brewers
Tuesday, April 2, 2013 Miller Park
Final score: Rockies 10, Brewers 4 MVP: CF Dexter Fowler, Rockies: 3-5, 1 HR, 1 double, 4 RBI
The Rockies bounced back strong from the opening day extra-inning heartbreaking loss, hitting Marco Estrada early and often en route to a 10-4 victory. The offense was powered by two 3-run home runs - one by Todd Helton to cap off a 4-run first inning, and the second a 2-out shot by Dexter Fowler in the 5th off reliever Tom Gorzelanny to put some more distance between the teams. Jorge de la Rosa pitched in a quality start, with 6 innings of 1-run ball, to complement the offense. Estrada, who didn't look right from the get go, was ultimately lifted in the 4th inning, and the Brewers are concerned he may miss some time with an upper arm injury.
COL 10/16/0 – WP: Jorge de la Rosa (1-0) MIL 4/9/0 – LP: Marco Estrada (0-1)
Col 1st: Dexter Fowler smacks a lead off double into the right/center field gap; Carlos González brings Fowler home with a 1-out single to center; Michael Cuddyer doubles with 2 outs to put runners on 2nd and 3rd; Todd Helton lifts an errant offering over the right field fence for a 3-run home run; Chris Nelson triples with a ball to the left field fence; Yorvit Torrealba grounds to short to end the inning. 4-0 COL Col 2nd: Josh Rutledge, González, and Troy Tulowitzki hit back-to-back-to-back 2-out singles to center, with Rutledge racing home on Tulo's hit. 5-0 COL Col 3rd: Helton draws a lead off walk; Nelson strikes out; Torrealba doubles to center; Jorge de la Rosa tries to lay down a sacrifice bunt, but 1st baseman Álex González throws home instead, snagging Helton; Fowler singles to right, plating Torrealba. 6-0 COL Mil 3rd: Rickie Weeks draws a 1-out walk, steals second, and scores on a single to right by Ryan Braun. 6-1 COL Col 5th: Torrealbe and de la Rosa draw 2-out walks, and Fowler follows with a 3-run moonshot to right. 9-1 COL Mil 8th: Weeks smacks a lead off double to left; Braun drops a single into center and then steals 2nd; Jonathan Lucroy grounds out to short, with Weeks rushing home. 9-2 COL Col 9th: Pinch-hitter Eric Young Jr. singles to center; Torrealba smashes a single off the wall in left, allowing Young to reach 3rd; Jonathan Herrera, who entered earlier as a pinch-hitter/defensive substitution, singles to center to bring home a run. 10-2 COL Mil 9th: Carlos Gómez leads off with a single to right; after a strikeout, Gómez steals second and scores on a triple by defensive replacement Yuniesky Betancourt, who then scores on a single by Nori Aoki; Aoki then steals 2nd and Weeks is walked to load the bases, but Braun flies to right and Aramis Ramírez grounds to short to end the game. COL 10-4 (F)
Injuries: SP Marco Estrada, MIL - out for 30 games
(Strat note: Offensive lineups intact, which will hopefully be true for most of the games from here on out - injuries aside - and not require daily mention. Another offensive explosion of sorts, though slightly more spread out; this time, though, both teams were getting on base, Milwaukee just wasn't able to get the rolls to bring folks home. Also, both 3-run home runs, and 2 additional runs, came with 2 outs, so the Rockies really just got lucky with the needed rolls at the most opportune times.)
Colorado 1-1; Milwaukee 1-1 Next game in replay: SF (Bumgarner, 0-0) @ LAD (Ryu, 0-0)
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ao3feed-narlie · 4 months ago
Young Fuckers Boys
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/q0iJyv6 by PhantomLord500 Nel Multiverso esiste una Realtà chiamata Terra-69 dove tutti i più attraenti e giovani Eroi sono preda dei loro impulsi Sessuali e li sfogano con amici e parenti, qui Peter Parker cerca di trovare la scopata perfetta e comincia a fare sesso con le persone più sexy che trova per capire come ottenere la Best Fucked Experience, ciò lo porterà a conoscere i sexy gemelli Billy & Tommy Maximoff due 20enni molto attivi e la loro splendida famiglia allargata, attraverso un'altra realtà i due porteranno un paio di loro sexy varianti e lo aiuteranno a stringere amicizie con Clint, Nat, Loki & ciò che rimane degli Avengers Words: 303, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Italiano Fandoms: Agatha All Along (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Heartstopper (TV), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Peter Parker, Pietro Maximoff, Billy Maximoff, Tommy Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Agatha Harkness, Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Eddie (Agatha All Along), Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Vision (Marvel), Kate Bishop, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Nicholas Scratch (Marvel), Teddy Altman (Marvel), Wade Wilson, Flash Thompson, Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper), Tom Holland (Actor), Harry Holland, Sam Holland, Original Characters, Harrison Osterfield Relationships: Billy Maximoff & Tommy Maximoff, Agatha Harkness & Billy Maximoff, Eddie (Agatha All Along)/Billy Maximoff, Billy Maximoff & Nicholas Scratch, Rebecca Kaplan & Billy Maximoff, Billy Maximoff/Peter Parker, Billy Maximoff & Original Character(s), Pietro Maximoff/Original Male Character(s), Pietro Maximoff/Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton & Wanda Maximoff, Clint Barton/Kate Bishop, Loki/Peter Parker, Loki/Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff/Peter Parker, Kate Bishop/Peter Parker, Pietro Maximoff & Wanda Maximoff & Peter Parker, May Parker (Spider-Man)/Peter Parker, May Parker (Spider-Man)/Original Male Character(s), Kate Bishop/Pietro Maximoff, Agatha Harkness & Nicholas Scratch (Marvel), Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring, Billy Maximoff/Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Teddy Altman/Billy Maximoff, Peter Parker & Flash Thompson, Michelle Jones/Flash Thompson, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Flash Thompson, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Wade Wilson, Natasha Romanov & Wade Wilson, Clint Barton/Wade Wilson, Wanda Maximoff/Wade Wilson Additional Tags: Incest, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Vaginal Sex, Gay Sex, Shower Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Alternate Universe - Porn, Family, Table Sex, Double Penetration, Threesome - F/M/M, Threesome - M/M/M, Bi-Curiosity, Hardcore read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/q0iJyv6
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ao3feed-petermj · 7 months ago
Shared Secrets
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/YGyJeua by TheSecretVal Just another field trip fic. I love these, so I wanted to try my hand at writing one. I also just love the defenders, and it just makes sense that Spider-Man is more vigilante than superhero, given how he operates, so I'm adding them too. This happens in the same world as the other work in this series, but you don't NEED to read it to understand this. I will be adding in some easter eggs from the other one. For those who have read Feel the Fear, this happens much later in the timeline, but I wanted to write it separately because it has a different vibe, if that makes sense. Words: 750, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Demigod Peter Parker Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Daredevil (TV), The Defenders (Marvel TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, Gen Characters: Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Matt Murdock Relationships: Matt Murdock & Peter Parker, Matt Murdock & Franklin "Foggy" Nelson & Karen Page, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker Additional Tags: Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries, Demigod Peter Parker read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/YGyJeua
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