#last chapter of a not-existing story
bluetraverser · 5 months
Long post: The end of a story I never wrote - HighschoolAU - Stardew - Robert/Elliott
...They fell, crushed, stumbled into an embrace and he found himself crying uncontrollably. His entire body felt stiff and limp at the same time, his skin taut over his head and arms while he shuddered and sobbed at the sudden joy and pain of having him in arms reach again. While the life here was good, he had been so terribly lonely, so unable to let go of loving this man and…
(context and full chapter under the cut)
Okay, this needs a bit of introduction because this is basically part of a chapter for a story that would have had 20 or more chapters which I will likely never write. Or not for several years. Who knows. What follows is a very quick summary of the plot and then the actual story.
First of all: Chapter takes place in Pelican town - on the day Elliott moves there, much earlier than in any canon.
Story so far: Elliott and Robert both go to highschool??? Idk, a school where you go to when you're 18 at least, I am not comfortable with younger. Elliott is a rich kid who hates his parents and vice versa. Bookish, unpopular, somewhat aloof, pretty... in a word, Elliott.
Robert is a popular sports guy with all the cliches of gay guy who is terrified of people knowing he is gay so hes a bully and seemingly ladies man who always finds excuses to never actually do anything with them.
Obviously they fall in love.
Both are terrified of it, both pretend like nothings going on. After a very complicated instance of the good old "there is only one bed", they spend several nights of passion before ultimately Elliott breaks up with him and says they will likely never meet again because his dad is a monster, they will never be safe, yada yada, Robert does not take it well.
At the start of this chapter, neither of them has any idea what has become of the other but Elliott has finally managed to get away from his abusive family. Its been 2 years since they last met.
I think that hopefully set up all the most important points. Feel free to ask or comment about this!
Elliott felt an odd, uncomfortable weight within himself.
This was it.
He was free.
But he was also poor. He had no degree, barely any money… The bus stopped. „Pelican town!“ Elliott got off with a heavy heart.
It was beautiful.
He breathed in.
He dropped his bags.
Fresh, full air made his lungs blow wide, made the sheer act of breathing a joy. He smelled the ocean and the forests, the vitalizing greens of vibrant moss soaking in the country sun… It was invigorating.
Still, he picked up his bags again and looked around, trying to get a sense of which direction he was supposed to go. The shed he had rented was supposedly right at the ocean. From his notes, that meant he first needed to go left, then across a square, across a bridge and to the left again… But was that left from facing the bus stop or the other way around? He could see a fenced in farm with a house down the street, to his right. Going left was probably wise, but… He dropped his bags again and walked a little bit closer, curious as to his new environment and Neighbors. It was a nice little house that looked like it had recently been renovated. The fields that lay before it weren’t spectacularly wide but seemed to span a large assortment of different plants. How curious! He had thought it would be more common to source only one kind of plant per field. Was this a commercial farm or just someone living there with a big garden? His gaze grazed the mailbox and his heart stuttered in his chest as reality seemed to suddenly be turned on its hinges.
Robert Llyr
Elliott felt the air being sucked out of his lungs, stunned, confused, desperate in that insane hope suddenly rushing his mind away. It’s impossible! It can’t be him! It’s a freak coincidence! It’s...it’s…
He squinted over the fields, trying to find sight of anyone doing anything there and- A blond man surfaced between the rows of corn. He had spiky hair and bend down just now, doing something with the plants. Disappointment plummeted through his belly. He was starting to feel sick. The permanent up and down of this weird day, these rushes of hope and dread and pain and that blinding beauty of his new freedom but the sickness of being just so god-damn lonely on this path- He put his hands on his face, breathing. Trying to collect himself, trying to calm down. „Hey! You okay there?“
Elliott startled but the blonde was already approaching him in quick steps. „Looking a lil shaken there, mate.“
„Uhm. Uh. I’m fine, I’m fine, thank you!“
The man examined him for a moment, then his bags. „You new in town?“
Elliott awkwardly shrugged, then nodded. „Yes. I just got off the bus.“
„Ah. Lucky you that the bus runs at all. The man who lives here fixed it only last month. It was broken for years before that!“
„Oh. So. You, uh, you don’t live here?“
The man chuckled. „Nah man, couldn’t afford it. Robert lives here. He inherited the plot and moved here last year. My name is Sam, I live down in Willow Lane with my mom and brother. Do you know where you’re going?“
„I… Yes. I rented a place at the beach. And I wrote down directions. I was just curious I guess and…“ He contemplated for a moment how open to be with this person. He’d been friendly enough and… asking couldn’t hurt, could it. „...say, this Robert Llyr. Do you know him on a personal level? Like… do you know where he lived before?“
Sam made a motion to grab one of his bags. „Want my help carrying your stuff? I’m headed in the direction you’re going so I might as well help you out.“
„I- Uh- I… S-sure, that would be great. Thank you.“
Oh god, what a bumbling idiot I am being! One hint that even reminds me of him makes me a complete and utter fool! What must this man think of me already!
„Sorry, I just. I knew a Robert Llyr once and. It kind of shook me to see his name. I’m Elliott, by the way.“
Sam grinned at him widely. „Well hello Elliott. I’m Sam. But I already said that. Come on, let’s get going.“ He grabbed his bag and started walking. „And sure, I know Robert, we’re friends. Otherwise I wouldn’t have walked over his property and stolen one of his cauliflowers.“ He jangled a bag in his other hand around.
„You stole of him?“
„Not really. It’s cool with him if we take stuff and tell him later and he tells us what we owe once a week. Works out pretty okay. He’s a good egg but I don’t know where he lived before. He’s a little bit secretive like that. But he’s been working his ass off with the farm and making this town a better place, so. Not like anyone could complain about him, ever. What’s the Robert like that you know?“
„He’s...well…“ Handsome. Beautiful. Brave. Sad. God I miss you-„...complicated. We met under somewhat...difficult circumstances and he wasn’t always as nice as he could have been, I guess. But that wasn’t his fault and…“ He sighed. „It’s. Complicated. I mean, I’ll see if its him in good time, right?“
„I would guess so.“ They had reached what was probably the center of town. „This is basically the place where it gets most busy in this place. If at all. You got Pierres over there, selling mostly groceries n stuff, you got the mayors house over there and theres a notice board in front of Pierres shop if somebody in town has a small job or something.“
„Yeah, like, if they want somebody to fetch something for them or help them with a project. Things like that. Usually pays okay and people are grateful. Theres also a joja markt a lil further up the road and Clint’s shop is over there but I think he only sells rocks, no idea. I don’t really talk to him.“ They had gone across the square. „And this is the road where I live, Willow Lane.“ He handed Elliott's bag back to him. „You got any questions before I leave you to find your way across the bridge?“
Elliott stared for a moment, still trying to somehow digest the entire situation. „I...No.“ He managed a smile. „Thank you so much. You’ve been a great help.“
„No sweat, man! Take it easy!“ He waved and wandered off, leaving Elliott with a pounding, heavy heart and all the questions in the world.
Where would this person be? What should he do if it wasn’t him? ...what if it was him? Would he forgive him? Was he single? Ye gods, he was desperate to be with him. Had been for the past two years! But the need had been lying dormant and buried for so long now, it had been bearable. The current state was like a fresh, overwhelming physical urge to find him and hold him. To just have him back in his arms! But it was impossible. Impossible. He had to steel himself for the strong likelihood of this just being a freak name coincidence. That he would never see him again.
He walked across the beach and to the ocean.
It was the first time he saw the ocean.
It should be a wonderful moment. And it was. It was amazing to see it.
But it also felt hollow.
Everything seemed to mean nothing like this. Everything was just so dull, so… A figure sat at the end of the pier, near the hut he assumed to be the one he had rented.
Black hair. Slightly hunched.
It couldn’t be.
Elliott dropped his bags again and slowly walked onto the pier, barely daring to breathe. The figure looked even buffer than Robert had been. A broad back. Strong arms. The man was fishing. He looked. A lot like Robert did. As far as he could tell from behind. But the possibility of the man turning and it just being someone completely different-
He took another small step forward.
And Another. He had to know. He had to know…
The person turned and Elliott's heart stuttered out of his chest, unable to say anything in this moment.
It was him.
Robert looked at him with an unreadable expression. He got up, wiping his hands on a tissue, stepping up to him. He looked just a little bit different. Stronger around the jaw. Overall, even fitter. Kinder in the eyes. More peaceful. A small smile started gracing his features as he stepped up to him, reaching out with one hand, as if to see if he was real.
Elliott took his hand. Heard himself make a whimpering, emotional sound. Or had Robert done that? Robert smiled wider, blinking tears from his eyes. „How… are you here?“
Elliott pressed his lips together, unable to keep the tears from falling. „I...I don’t know.“ He wished he had something poetic to say but he was completely overwhelmed, clasping both his hands now, so full of uncertainty and need and-
They fell, crushed, stumbled into an embrace and Robert found himself crying uncontrollably. His entire body felt stiff and limp at the same time, his skin taut over his head and arms while he shuddered and sobbed at the sudden joy and pain of having him in arms reach again. While the life here was good, he had been so terribly lonely, so unable to let go of loving this man and… He cupped his face, looking at him, drinking in his strawberry hair and those green eyes.
And remembered.
He sighed and let go, rubbing his eyes. „I… it’s. Good to see you. Elliott.“
Elliott stared at him with pained eyes. „Yes… i… Robert I’m. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry! At the time… I was sure there was no hope! I didn’t think so now! Or I wouldn’t have…“
Robert shrugged. „It’s… not like I didn’t understand. I. I’m. I just. I’m not sure what to feel right now.“ He swallowed hard. „What are you doing here?“
„I… guess I’m moving here today.“ Elliott smiled. „I finally got a restraining order against my father and his goons, I worked a little while to get some money and then just. Left. I…“ He sighed. „I would have tried to find you if. If I had had any idea��� I suppose. It didn’t occur to me to investigate where you could have gone, to be honest. I didn’t feel like I would deserve your forgiveness. And I felt. I would not be able to bear your disdain, should you… should you feel bitter towards me.“ „So you had no idea I was here?“
Elliott shook his head. „No. I just. I worked for a little while to get a few savings. Then looked for a cheap place near the ocean somewhere. Earlier I saw your mailbox and. Dared not to hope. But. I. Longed for you anyway.“
„God… you make me feel so...conflicted.“
Elliott smiled wryly. “And why is that?”
Robert groaned. If only he wasn’t so cute! If only he hadn’t missed him so goddamn much! Robert had been in absolute agony when Elliott had left with the definitive statement that he didn’t think they would meet again. That Robert should move on. Give up on them. That they would never be safe together. Had left without really giving Robert a say in any of it. And he had been mad for a long time. Because he still loved him. Because he had missed him more than he felt appropriate for what had ultimately been a quick fling in his school years… And yet. Looking at him now, he wanted nothing but give in and fall into him again completely. Robert leaned his head on Elliott's shoulder, sighing. He felt Elliott slowly, hesitantly put his arms around him again. Allowing him time to stop him if he had wanted to… “I’m sorry I hurt you, Robert. I understand if you don’t want to just forgive me.”
“It’s… less that I don’t want to. More like I’m not sure if I should.”
Elliott leaned his head against him, trying to just… to just not… God. He wanted this to be okay. He wanted him to be okay. Both of them. They were finally together again but… but… He pressed a kiss to the others head.
I love you.
He had never said the words to him. He hadn’t known when they were together. And later...later… “I. Don’t want to pressure you. And I won’t. I…” He took a deeper breath, trying to feel okay with maybe letting go off him, but Robert was holding on to him tightly, despite the situation… “...I mean. I will be living here now. And you are too. And. If you don’t want to see me for a bit. Then. I understand. Even though I. I would. Of course. Very much want… to see you…” He was staring at his lips. Robert looked at him through tear-stained eyes with a stubborn expression. Elliott waited for a reply but Robert was just staring at him now. Elliott tried not to be too obvious the way he stared at him, tried to stop thinking about wanting to kiss him but the more he tried to stop himself, the more he wanted it, imagined what their lips felt like together, wanted to find a quiet place with him and-
Robert put a hand on his face and kissed him. Elliott felt a bolt of energy unleash in him as he rushed against him to kiss him back, pulling him closer, losing himself in the sweetness of his mouth that dissolved all thoughts and filled him with bliss… They slowly opened another more, lips rubbing and pressing against another while his tongue sought entrance into his mouth and… Mmmh…
He stroked through his hair, down his back, pulled him closer around the hip while he pushed himself forward, thoroughly lost in the sensation now, kissing his lost love on this pier at the edge of his new life, unexpectedly having salvaged the best thing from his old… They finally broke apart after who knew how long, heated and dazed… Elliott stroked his face, fighting the urge to kiss that dazed smile some more. He brushed his lips over his cheek. “Does this mean you want to see me some more too?”
Robert laughed and kissed his nose. “I don’t know if I will regret this. But right now I want to drag you to my home and have sex with you. Which is not actually what we should do, given that you just arrived and all. But yes.” He smiled. “I guess I do want to see you ‘some more’.”
[Plot note, timeskip; off-screen: they go back to the beach. Robert say he needs to sell his fresh fish, Elliott uses the chance to say hi to willy who is please he already knows someone and immediately knows whats up so leaves them alone in the cabin pretty soon but they soon realize they should go to roberts place cause they cannot keep their hands off eachother and Elliott simply wants to shower before doing it for the first time in two years. they decide to shower together] [some mild sex stuff ahead]
Elliott unfastened his tie while brushing his teeth, tracing his eyes over his now-finally-again partner, likewise brushing his teeth. Elliott could barely wait to take his clothes off and see all of him. He already looked delicious, sweats and sweatshirt sticking beautifully to his strong body regardless of fashion choice. Robert rinsed his mouth and Elliott started nearly tripping over himself when he took off his shirt. God, he looked good. The farmwork was certainly working in favor of his physique… He quickly rinsed his mouth, put down the toothbrush and the next moment they were kissing again. Elliott groaned into the kiss, thoroughly delighted to feel his naked chest beneath his hands while they both worked on opening Elliotts remaining buttons… Robert pushed himself against him and his hands wandered down… They had to at least briefly wash themselves, he knew. But stumbling naked beneath the shower with him, so close, so… mmh…
Robert wanted to savor this. Two long years since he’d been with him. And all the last times they’d had sex had been fast and desperate in half-public places. Uncomfortable and full of fear in so many terrible ways… But he wasn’t really thinking anything any-more. The water was rushing around them, his hands wandering across Elliotts back and chest and ass, tempted to rub his cock, take it in his mouth, to turn over and…
Elliott pressed him against the wall, kissing him deeply, reaching between his legs-
Robert cried out in pleasure, trying to adjust, trying to spread his legs more in the slippery space when Elliott kneeled down somewhat suddenly and his brain gave out…
He started coming back to himself more when Elliott washed off the shower lotion he’d spread on both of them after. He’d been holding on to the grip bar while Elliott was pleasuring him and was now slowly coming down from the high…
“You okay, darling?”
Elliott smiled and kissed his forehead, then turned off the water. “I suppose, there goes my plan of keeping my hair dry.” He reached for the towels.
“Heh. Well, you didn’t have to go down on me.”
“Mmh, but I loved doing it.” He squeezed his hand, then pressed a couple of kisses to his cheek. “...And I cannot wait to continue.” ---- They tumbled to bed, kissing and stroking and a part of him reminded him just how incredible this was. Twenty-four hours ago he hadn’t known if he would ever see him again. Had been anxious and unsure about leaving his old home for good, going to a place where he knew nobody with very little resources…
Now he had him in his arms, entwined as they kissed and loved another and it felt better than any time they had done this before.
They were free. They were both free.
He stilled. Pulled himself out of the kiss and focused on embracing him. He rubbed their cheeks together and pressed close, sighing softly. He had his eyes closed and just breathed. Breathed the beauty of the moment. Focused on this feeling of his loves strong arms holding him so tight and so loving, of this buzzing heady feeling in his mind that blinded him to all but the delicate feeling pouring out of him… “I love you.” He whimpered, overwhelmed by his emotion. “I love you, Robert.” He looked into his partners tear-stricken ocean-blues. “I never thought I’d see you again. But in the pain of being heart-broken, I relished in knowing the truth of this feeling. I was prepared to carry the pain until my end, if it meant I could also keep carrying the love. Even if it meant loneliness for all this life.”
Robert sobbed, emotion heavy on his face, changing from sorrow to contemplation and perhaps, some joy in a small moment until a smile graced his features and he stroked over Elliotts face again. “...and now?”
Elliott laughed. “Now I hold you in my arms… in what seems like the most unbelievable twist of my life. In what seems like the universe must have a conscience because our paths leading us here seem to unbelievable to be possible. Now up is down, the world is a circle. The birds sing and will always sing in the mountains of the world because I have you now and in this moment. And if all fails and my heart will be broken again, my love for you will still be whole. Made full, finally, by being here with you, finally offering my heart to you in earnest.”
Robert rubbed his face, crying, shaking his head… “Jesus christ, Elliott… How can you...how…”
Elliott pressed his lips together, hoping, praying he hadn’t ruined it all, That this didn’t mean… Robert embraced him again. “You goddamn dramatic idiot… Of course I love you too!”
Elliott shuddered, hugging him back, more tears flowing from his eyes while his brain seemed to spin and dance and light bloomed deep within him. “I love you.” He cupped his face, smiling like a fool no doubt but more happy than he’d ever been in his life. “I love you.” He kissed him once, twice. “I love you.”
“I love you too! And I hate that I had to wait two years to be able to tell you!”
Elliott smiled and kissed his nose. “Me too. But now we’re together. Isn’t that all that should matter?”
Robert made a face. “Kind of. I guess. I...argh! You’re just… you’re just…you’re… ah…”
Elliott had started nibbling at his neck, breathing warmly into his ear making soft, urging sounds while he touched him some more and…
“Hmm?” He kissed him…
...and all thought vanished...
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revasserium · 7 months
my favorite thing about stories, be it books or manga, tv shows or movies, or even epic poems and recited songs, is that they never really end -- the part we tell might end: there will always be a last page, or a last episode, a list minute, or a last line, but not really -- because even if it ends here, the story itself keeps on going -- in your heart, in your mind, in the hearts and minds of everyone who's read it or watched it, listened to it or sang it.
and the best part of all that is, even if it does "end", you can go right back to the beginning and start again.
because yes, stories end. the ending will always be there.
but then, so will the beginning.
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shummthechumm · 8 months
was kind of hoping g5 would explain where tf the rest of the pony population is, honestly. its hard to believe that every unicorn/pegasi/earth pony was compressed down into their respective towns/cities.
mym had a rough time juggling it's story so im not surprised this was never fleshed out more but--if they had the chance in a future series--i would love to see that. getting more into it below the cut (loosing it i fear):
back when we only had the movie i had a theory that there had been a major conflict that ultimately ended in the pony populations plummeting; and that ultimately fueling twilights decision to seal away their magic in the crystals--which would lead to the races separating after the fact. eventually, by some form or fashion, the crystals were separated (maybe stolen....?) between bridlewood, maretime bay, and zephyr heights.
however opaline being introduced in mym tripped up this theory to the point where it's pretty obvious that's not what happened--or at least not exactly. discord alludes to something too terrible to describe in the comics so there's that? (also "mane-ificent 7"??? lmfao)
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not even mentioning how this page utterly destroys the "magic removal resulting in pony exodus" theory; because it seems unified-equestria was able to exist for a while longer after the crystals were created:
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perhaps opaline instigated more conflict in the following years (after the mane 6 have died off...?) which ultimately resulted in magic failing the ponies. if not her, then im sure the hard work the of our g4 girlies slowly faded because the equestria became too comfortable, and perhaps stopped fighting for unity. (another point i remember appreciating when we only had the movie to go off of:)
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if so, that then brings up the question of HOW DID THE CRYSTAL GET SPLIT BETWEEN THE RACES BEFORE THE MOVIE???
did argyle find the earth pony piece during a history excursion or was it passed down to him??? how did alphabittle get the respective unicorn piece??? the pegasus crystal was literally a part of queen haven's crown--was there a point where all pony types swiped the crystals following the failing of unity to PREVENT the other races from using it against them???
but then???? we had the whole thing with elder flower and her fuckass story about a bat and web and whatever tf that implies that the time passed between g4 and g5 is way shorter than i anticipated??? also "opaline was here the whole time guys we swear. dont you remember our good friend opaline??? the opaline who was CHILDHOOD FRIENDS with LUNA and CELESTIA in SKYROS???"
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so maybe the equestria we've seen so far (as of chapter 6) is just a pocket of the current pony population, but if so, does that also imply that the other settlements are ALSO hostile towards other pony types? because wouldn't the unity crystals have been unrestricting magic to some extent (depending on how many ponies/creatures were collectively getting along)? the simplest answer is that the writers failed to think ahead but i wanna give them the chance to reveal a little more because there are still MAJOR things we dont understand.
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skibasyndrome · 8 months
my productivity is seriously gonna suffer if all my fave authors keep updating all my fave stories on weekends like this 🥲💜
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reaperfromtheabyss · 2 months
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lemongogo · 1 year
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#HELPP ok i have thoughts.my thinking cap back on#LOVEE the ending as far as the actual direction goes yk.like people seeing (literally) the pain&plight of plants#and vowing to protect and look after them w utmost care#loved that knives technically survived the fall and the aftermath esp in recruiting someone to care for vash#BUTTT i dont know how i feel ab his death ;___; the symbolism w the apple tree and him using the last of his energy is sweet#and i dont think i would dislike it necessarily if we just had more time#to marinate in his story.i think... the ending does not give u a lot of time to reach the full conclusion#i think that theres a whole side to his story i WISHH nightow explored and i wish we had seen knives turmoil and vashs acceptance of his#experiences more than the select few scenes we got beforehand. its soo rushed T_T DONT GET ME WRONG im still more or less satisfied that#we didnt get an ending like.. oh everyones dead and miserable and vash killed knives and ppl never learn to coexist right#like it could actually be so thematically worse BUTT im just like. THATS ITTT??? THATS ALL..sitting here twiddling my thumbs#waiting for a complete resolution thatll never come to be.and it sucks bc i wish i could look towards stampede to get that neat wrap up#but stampede completely altered knives' story and fell into the nasty horrid pittrap of aligning him with reprehensible values#so no conclusion of theres will ever touch on max!knives' conclusion and i think that is the thing im looking 4 the most#no conclusion of theirs* sry LAWL#also read some posts (by trigum LUVV ur analyses btw i need to rb some now that i finished) that the max ending#doesnt give vash an ACTUAL ending. we reach the climax in his confrontation with legato and then his commitment to save knives#but anything beyond that just doesnt exist. MY GODD imagining a reality where we got like 5 more chapters at LEAST to#give it a hearty ending#anyways. the reporter bit is so cute im bummed they went straight to that in stamp :sob: best like... cute ending fr#trigun spoilers#trigun maximum#trigun#vash
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aroacettorney · 5 months
when will aup sidestories return from war and stop leaving me bitter about how the main story ended
#lumensis' characterization & death + the revelation of ludgers desire were extremely anticlimactic#700+ chapters of building up only to have the resolution forcefully/hastily crammed into. what. 2 and 1/2 chapters?#and am i supposed to care for his relationship with his mom when it didnt come up in 99% of the novel?#tbh it had *many* opportunities to come up but the author wanted to keep ludgers desire as mysterious as possible#and so it lost its chance to have any emotional buildup#well other than the implications of regrets which were frankly a bit oversaturated in the novel#(again. what happened to the 'show dont tell' principles)#honestly even occasional flashbacks to ludgers mom teaching him about all kinds of myths and lores when its relevant#would have helped in this aspect plus showcased his growth and development over time even when its off screen#(doesnt make his vast knowledge look like it conveniently came out of nowhere)#while also greatly enhancing the world building of his game breaking 'real magic'#anyway i think ludgers reconciliation w his mother would have been more impactful if ludgers past life came up more often#hell it would have done wonder in exploring his depth if we are going with framing his past lifestyle as a flaw#the thing about ludger as a character is that his past (in both worlds) is much more interesting than his present#bc its the only way we can see how he mentally changed in comparison as his changes are nearly non existent in the present timeline#(a part of the reasons why ludgercaseys relationship over time is an appealing topic is that it showcases both of their changes)#(reading about a protagonist who has no mental changes over the course of the story is no different than watching... a nature documentary)#im still v salty about how we never get to see arpas and bettys reconciliation btw#so do emotional closures between ludger and other characters#those are literally the meat of the story that would be worthy of their own arc#sayren why the hell did you rush through them and put them off screen#in the end instead of proving that he has finally learnt his lessons by confronting his emotions ludger chose to run away from it yet again#even if we are to assume that is whats gonna happen post epilogue why is his change accomplished by a goddamn last minute timeskip#(that is also lowkey a failed suicide attempt in disguise)#instead of what could have been... idk... a banger novel named aup#good christ#rant
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shidoukanae · 5 months
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Did a study of a panel i like for a manga with absolutely my favorite female character i've seen yet and thought i'd post it here too in the hopes of eventually finding fans of this series when they inevitably, like me, look for more content of this story :'D
I could gush about this funny, lovestarved, absolutely downright sympathetic and villainous lady who absolutely deserves to be family with the protag for so many hours if you let me she is literally so perfect and everything I have ever wanted from female characters before.
I've gone from going "ooooo she's such a cool antagonist who is such a funny little mystery i LOVE her" to "yeah she's kind of on the insane spectrum but tbf who wouldn't be fucked up in her situation TwT" to "i WILL cry over her and she is completely in the right for doing what she's doing and i can't believe i ever believed she wasn't the heroine she's supposed to be :'D"
#the mighty extra: one girl changes the world#helene de belliana#my love#i found the raws but haven't found if there's a fandom for this manga#if it exists it's probs overseas but idk how to find said fandom then bc searching by title is useless fghjgfhj#the manga itself isn't perfect but my god does it have a lot of heart put into it#i can tell the creator adores Helene because there's no fucking way they don't at this point#just woke up to read chapter 72 and i am#melting#for baby Helene and hopefully getting to know more about her relationship with the original Lyla#because that last panel of her looking uncertain is so adorbs#but also im not used to seeing Helene with long hair and for once i prefer short hair to long hair#literally Helene is such a cool character how do i write a character as cool as her#and the fact that she has a love interest (debatably) who is is on manipulative terms with atm is so interesting#esp because he's the only one she's showing her true nature to atm and im !!! at the implications of that#her being mischievous towards Paris (even if she's meanly funny about it) and the fact she used to be mischievous as a kid...#waaah i wanna see her and Paris develop a relationship together beyond their current sarcastic partnership#especially because there's something so neat about the funny self-interested dragon man obeying her without reason to#at least the narrative hasn't addressed why he would bother??? bc she's neither offered him the fragment nor is he completely amiable to he#but also i can't help but think there was some omitting going on after their second to last scene together...#damn this manga gives so much food for thought and for that alone this story is instantly in my top 10 rankings#For Helene alone it's probably close to my number 2 spot lmao#anyways yes i stan Helene and at this point i think im her number 1 fan and defender until (hopefully) proven otherwise~#bc god do i need more content for her waaaah
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mejomonster · 10 months
To get good at telling stories... writing stories... one must... practice by writing stories ;-;
#rant#i tell u what i think id have functioned well in a wrbnovel publishing format. but i dont think#any good sites for that exist in english as of yet? (i think theres one but its contract is Yikes i heard)#but just like. the idea of publishing chapter ever 1-2 weeks until youre done. maybe 20 chapters maube 2000. maybr you never finish.#most of the chapters free and maybe idk you make some advertizing money on ads viewed on your chapter page. or make the last couple extras#paid only idk. but the big thing? the point im getting to - sorry i got lost in the sauce -#my point is: you probably DO write shit at first. or write fine with some SHIT ARCS or rushed chapters to hit ur weekly updates#and 5 years from then youll look back and wanna overhaul some of those fucking stories (weve seen many a jjwxc writer revise later).#but wow will you have practiced writing a LOT.#youll have 100k 500k 1 million 5 million words worth of writing under your belt in a few years#and youll probably be a hell of a lot better at knowing how to make more chaptwrs on average interezsting and Building Consistently to your#main plot and arcs. you'll probably get much bettwr at raw scheduling of wriitng and pre-planning that works for you and structure mapping#youll have a much better idea of your personal strengths whrn you need to lean on them for a rough month when your story's turned#into a mess. youll value your own writing more (i hope) cause LOOK how much you fucking accomplished.#like. npss? dmbjs author? idk about others but i can definitely see the improvement in wriitng skill#between dmbj book 1 and the recent heihua book and mountain village book#(in terms of style in word choice. and goals for the story set out to be told)#i look at priest and newer novels by priest are as impressive as any literary novel ive ever analysed#(and older ones while i also love i do see their slightly rougher word choice and how some were executed a bit#more up and down/not as tightly)#i just. agh. i am :c feeling that ill probably write 200k words this year#and none of it will be as good as i want. but i NEED to write these first 200k#because the only way i get better. get to the way i want to write. is to make the progress of improvement with this first 200k.#ToT fun fact i wrote 170k words this year. WOW. and maybe 400k words of fanfic in the 4 years prior (so 100k words on average)#i know i am imptoving. i just gotta keep at it.#also? annoying i cant focus my attention lmao. 160k words is mkre than enough to finish a 1st draft novel#but me? i split those among like 20 projects this year. so the novel most written so far is still only at 40k#and im probably going to need 60k more words to finish it
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curiosity-killed · 1 year
"its basically wednesday" wip thursday
“I have disappointed you, Your Royal Highness,” Pasquale said, a touch wry. “No,” she blurted out, too hasty. Part of her leapt with an inarticulate, inexplicable relief that he hadn’t stayed, that he had left by his own choosing; equal and opposite, part of her recoiled at the thought that he could leave family and duty behind with so little guilt. Only, even as she thought it, she caught herself: his posture was tighter than she’d ever seen it, his smile more brittle. “It’s just that you haven’t convinced me of your original point,” she said, aiming for a lofty tone. “You made your choice for the living, but by Aeridian measures, Callebero was already dead.” He blinked once at her and then cracked a startled grin. “I suppose I have already conceded that I know little of Aeridian ghosts.” This seemed to settle his wariness, and they fell back into their earlier quiet. He hummed a song she didn’t recognize and continued his work on the fragrant crown. Jisel sat, hands still on her papers but thoughts far afield. “Do you miss it?” she asked after a while. “Your home.” He gave a considering hum and rotated the crown in his hands as if looking for gaps. “Sometimes,” he admitted. “But it is a difficult place to return to after you’ve left, and my space there would no longer match the shape of me.”
once more i am holding up my babies (ocs) and rattling them at the world
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leofrith · 2 years
quickly, who's gonna explain to all these writers that in order for their "subtext" to actually qualify as subtext they need to have evidence that supports it WITHIN THE TEXT
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edettethegreat · 1 year
#Not saying which piece of media this is about bc it’s regarding the latest installment#But AAAASSJDHDJHSJKS THAT NEW CHAPTER#I’m losing my mind I’m gonna cry and scream#And no one has even heard of this manga so idk why I’m hiding the name to not spoil it#But still#i did not see this coming#In hindsight I should have but I didn’t#And that’s what makes it a great twist#I mean I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out to be a double twist#Like the character who revealed it turns out to be lying#I wouldn’t even be mad about that bc it makes sense in story#But seriously though those last few panels#Getting emotional over a character who I actively did not like prior to now#Ok fine fine he’s not so bad I admit it You don’t have to make me cry over him#But unfortunately now I’m protective of him Let’s get you away from these people my guy. Let’s get you to safety.#The manga/anime is Munou na Nana btw if you wanna suffer with me#Anime’s pretty accurate to the manga but it just barely touches on the main plot#Like the stuff covered in the 13 existing episodes is just barely getting to the point where the story picks up#That final arc in the anime is right about where I’d say the manga really picks up with the story#The beginning bits aren’t bad they’re just introductory#Like they’re necessary for introducing the plot and giving overview on what sort of environment these characters are living in#But the actual story itself is insane#You really really need to read the manga after you watch what’s currently out
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oh-meow-swirls · 2 years
love writing stuff for me rewrite of 2 when i'm not even done with my rewrite of 1 yet. </3
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#puppy rambles#puppy's yw1 rewrite#might change that tag now actually-#puppy's yw rewrite#there#will probably go back n add that to older posts eventually-#anyways#katie forester#jibanyan#whisper#first two were intended to be from a prologue for 2 but they'll probably work better as epilogues for 1 with some changes-#i will give 2 a prologue though. probably same with 3 but blunder n folly are useless so can't just adapt the opening cutscene-#seriously why do they exist. what is the point. is it just so we have a way to do chapter previews for nate's story#n so we can reference level 5-#the ''it's a level 5 rating'' or whatever in the opening cutscene cracked me up. i had to pause the game to laugh a lil#i had to do that a few times while playing 3-#anyways. last one is probably gonna be from 2's first chapter but maybe second#love the friendship between nate/katie whisper n jibanyan (n komasan in my rewrite)#they care for each other even if they're assholes sometimes-#said assholery is a lot of nate being an asshole to whisper n jibanyan. n jibanyan being an asshole to nate n whisper#n whisper being like ''nate you can't blame yo-kai for everything'' *there's a yo-kai* *acts shocked*#n it's just like. nate's been dealing with yo-kai for at least a few months at this rate-#(i remember at one point whisper says it's been two months but also a school year ended n started n also it was valentine's day)#(n i'm pretty sure that was in the shogunyan episode so a while back from where i am-)#of course his intuition's good. does average = bad intuition according to whisper fskldjfdksldf-#i think one of my favorite moments of their friendship in the anime is in the episode with yoodooit#where jibanyan acts kind of upset after he uses paws of fury on nate n whisper n they fake dying#(what is it with the anime n characters faking dying-)#like. i'm pretty sure it was just to get yoodooit to fucking stop n he wasn't actually upset over it#but it's just. THEY CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER OKAY-
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orcelito · 2 years
quick i need another 1k words to add to discacc chapter 42 bc it is 13.7k words rn and there are 485.3k words posted so current chapter count would put me at 499k words
i dont wnt to be store price label 500k words i wanna be actual 500k words!!!!! fuck!!!!!!!!1
#speculation nation#discacc shit#but also i dont. wanna add unnecessary shit to this chapter lol. shame#so im gonna be juuuuuuust under 500k words for main fic#tho series. will be. uhh#like 520k words lmfaooooooooo#uhm. im right on the verge of officially making discacc a series and that's pretty wild#ive thought about side things for a While but this is like. actually making it a thing#i want to write akira's perspective for discacc chapter 5. aka some really depressing shit#i want to write more in depth about goro's friendship with wakaba. which would Also be painful#i wanna write a ryukita side story. for their relationship development. since they are such MESSES it's not just happening#that has In Theory been happening. i made a list of Events to be placed in vague spots through discacc timeline#referenced one of them in the last chapter so lol. that's Passively happening. and maybe i will capture it at some point#and of course the interlude fic (akira 3rd year content) and sequel fic (them as young adults)#i played with the idea of writing smth from mamakechi's perspective#but tbh im kinda exploring her role in the story a lot with chapter 42 and this side thing. so.#a lot of the tragedy exists in the unknowns about it all#goro not knowing for sure that she loved him. and oscillating between the good memories and the bad#unsure of which to cite for whether she loved him or not#and honestly there's stuff even im not sure about. purposefully left vague bc there is no need for it to be known.#that's just what happens when someone dies before you can really get to know them. goro will carry this for the entire rest of his life.#and just....................... man that's really not what this post was originally about huh#SIDE FICS i gottem. soon.
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arklay · 2 years
aaaaaa thank youu bones 🥺🥺💖💖 i have been experiencing the horrors but i'm starting to feel better and like i could probably have the energy to scroll again lmao i have so much stuff to catch up on though i'm like oh no...
#asks.#nuclearstorms#honestly was really nice to be off of here for a while cause it was just bringing so much like pressure and negativity into my space for#some reason?? and like stepping back after everything that happened last month was so so needed omg... but i missed seeing you!! and all my#lovely moots!! i think too december in general is the worst month ever in existence i am not a fan of her <3 but yes hehe i have a#specialist appointment tomorrow so i'll be so conked out when i get back but might try to do some picrews afterwards 🤔 bet you didn't miss#my ramblings though omg i have some stories. like okay. so i have almost all the achievements for stray right? but i was doing#speedrun and making great time for the achievement and then i broke the facking game in the second last chapter. like. are you joking me???#and i reloaded checkpoint. nope. restarted chapter. nope. i just broke clementine and i don't even know how but rip i guess i'll try that#again soon!! OH also i 100% re4 as well... idk if i mentioned that on here i can't remember what date that happened but i beat highest#difficulty. you can say i'm somewhat of a gamer myself. but am feeling a bit better and like i think too like cause i've been active on twt#but i think too it's tagging posts instead of just like clicking a button like i was so so tired that i just couldn't even be in the like#okay i need to organise things mode? idk if that makes sense but yes hiii hi hello!!! i have all like tracked tag things in queue rn just#in case like anyone was wondering!! i have seen them!!#and i hope you're doing well also!!! 💖💖💖
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whumpitisthen · 7 days
You're not gonna believe this
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