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Album Number One Hundred Eighty Eight “Canned Heat” is their 1967 self-titled debut album. It was released shortly after their appearance at the Monterey Pop Festival, and is a blues cover album. My copy is on #libertyrecords - LST-7526. (Unfortunately, looks like something was peeled off the front and left a scar. And, a ‘5’ in ink, upper left) The initial members: #bobhite – lead vocals (except “Help Me”) #alanwilson – rhythm and slide guitar, lead vocals on “Help Me”, harmonica #henryvestine – lead guitar #larrytaylor – bass #frankcook – drums #rockandroll #bluesrock #sixtiesmusic #cannedheat (Note to self: launched by two blues enthusiasts Wilson and Hite, who took the name from Tommy Johnson's 1928 "Canned Heat Blues", a song about an alcoholic who had desperately turned to drinking Sterno, generically called "canned heat", from the original 1914 product name Sterno Canned Heat.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWLdSv6rC-1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Album on table! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8a8cutYP7foP3sccnL556cBTVhvfP_V0 https://open.spotify.com/album/1Tbsq8NynaMCYdz33nsfZH?si=sVdVIgiQTJiuB77e-t02OQ #movingon #johnmayall #therecordexchange #bluemitchell #freddyrobinson #victorgaskin #keefhartley #fredjackson #charlesowens #erniewatts #larrytaylor #cliffordsolomon #jazz #polydorrecords #1972 #the70s #70s #blues #rock #bufordqueenofhearts #vinyl #vinyligclub #vinylgram #vinyljunkie #vinylrecords #licoricepizza #instawax #instavinyl #nowplaying #nowspinning (at Peachtree Corners, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B74ZmCvp3c0/?igshid=1mx2xc51cnlt2
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"Mule variations" TOM WAITS (1999) #tomwaits #kathleenbrennan #brianmantia #lesclaypool #larrylalonde #ralphcarney #smokeyhormel #chrisgrady #jacquireking #genecornelius #stephenhodges #larrytaylor #joegore #charliemusselwhite #marcribot #christophermarvin #johnhammond #jeffsloan #andrewborger #gregcohen #larryrhodes #nikphelps #daltondillingham #jacquireking #music #musiccollection #musiccollector https://www.instagram.com/p/B1g6dfxIFpfPr5liVB9niYQgjnaBm9Bvyb9CTU0/?igshid=lu1nkvwkesns
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John Mayall - New Year New Band New Company #johnmayall #deemckinney #sokorichardson #larrytaylor #rickvito #jayspell #donharris #lp #vinyl #nowlistening #vinylcommunity #33rpm #vinylcollection #vinylrecords https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz3PmKhJF55/?igshid=r7gj9j7bvti0
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Alan says, “Thank You Larry!” 📚 #nerdingoutalittlebit #nfcomics #alancarroll #nightflightcomics #larrytaylor #batman #detectivecomics1000 #adamhughes #startrekmirroruniverse (at Draper, Utah) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwf4hNmBBHK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=z20fhiumljp0
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Hoy en la historia de la música https://ift.tt/rjnb2uU (For English see below) 11 de febrero de 1967 The Monkees establecieron un nuevo récord, cuando su segundo álbum, “More of The Monkees” saltó de la posición # 122, a la cima de la Billboard 200 albums de los Estados Unidos. Y mantuvo esa posición por 18 semanas consecutivas. Comenta y dinos que quieres escuchar en @pontikradio y taguea a tus amigos. Escucha nuestra estación de radio 24/7 sin anuncios SALVA este POST para que puedas volver a leer esta info. Today in music history February 11, 1967 The Monkees set a new record when their second album, “More of The Monkees” jumped from position #122 to the top of the US Billboard 200 albums. And it held that position for 18 consecutive weeks. Comment and tell us what you want to hear on @pontikradio and tag your friends. Listen to our radio station 24/7 without ads https://ift.tt/rjnb2uU SAVE this POST so you can read this info again. ------ #pontikradio #hoyenlamusica #thisdayinmusic #todayinmusichistory #oldies #oldiesbutgoodies #oldiesmusic #music #musica #retromusic #musictime #musiclegend #leyenda #TheMonkees #MoreOfTheMonkees #TommyBoyce #BobbyHart #MickyDolenz #DavyJones #PeterTork #WayneErwin #RonHicklin #GerryMcGee #LouieShelton #LarryTaylor #BillyLewis #NormJefferies @TheMonkees #sixties #rocknews https://ift.tt/TeiSR2Z
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🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟#nowplaying #TomWaits #MuleVariations #1999 #AntiRecords #EpitaphRecords #2XLP #vinyl #vinylrules #vinyligclub #vinylcommunity #nowspinning #onmyturntable #TomWaits #KathleenBrennan • all songs recorded by OzFritz and JacquireKing with GeneCornelius, Mastered by ChrisBellman at BernieGrundmanMastering • #LesClaypool #LarryLaLonde #BrainMantia #JohnHammond #CharlieMusselwhite #MarcRibot #RalphCarney SmokeyHormel ChrisGrady JoeGore LarryTaylor StephenHodges ChristopherMarvin DJMMarkTheIIIMediaReitman AndrewBorger WingsOverJordanGospel BaliEternal GregCohen NikPhelps PreacherTom DaltonDillinghamIII LindaDelucciaGbidossi JeffGManSloan
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#myday #turntable #records #plastic #vinyl #johnmayall #blues #jazz #fusion with #specialguests #bluemitchell #cliffordsolomon #larrytaylor #ronselico and #freddyrobinson #alldaylong #isingtheblues #love #sax #trumpet #bass #piano #keys #percussion #guitar #everybodygetsasolo
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Rock ‘n’ Roll The First 25 Years - The most successful variation of #cannedheat (L to R) #fitodelaparra #alwilson #henryvestine - seated; #larrytaylor and #bobhite https://www.instagram.com/p/B743gz6lSIc/?igshid=jr0qe5iy212f
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Album on table! @downstairsantiques https://youtu.be/vpN7SZCv9W4 #usaunion #johnmayall #donharris #larrytaylor #harveymandel #blues #bluesrock #music #rock #fightpollution #green #vinylrecords #vinylgram #vinyligclub #vinyl #licoricepizza #instavinyl #nowplaying #nowspinning #attheshop #bluesguitar #tapanitapanninen #polydorrecords #1970 #the60s #60s (at Downstairs Antiques) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrawFXphscR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3f2cdpk8u634
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"Mr. Lucky" JOHN LEE HOOKER (1991) #johnleehooker #royrogers #johnniejohnson #michaelosborn #steveehrmann #scottmathews #robertcray #richardcousins #jimmypugh #timkaihatsu #kevinhayes #albertcollins #deaconjones #kenbaker #jimguyett #bowenbrown #rycooder #nicklowe #jimkeltner #bobbyking #terryevans #williegreene #vanmorrison #bookertjones #mauricecridin #johnhammond #carlossantana #chesterthompson #bennyrietveld #johnnywinter #keithrichards #larrytaylor #music #musiccollection #musiccollector #blues
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John Mayall - Moving On #johnmayall #freddyrobinson #bluemitchell #victorgaskin #keefhartley #charlesowens #fredjackson #erniewatts #larrytaylor #cliffordsolomon #lp #vinyl #nowlistening #vinylcommunity #33rpm #vinylcollection #vinylrecords https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz3KBljp6Im/?igshid=1fhzzcerxgb6
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Afternoon of songwriters for the Acoustic Guitar Project Calgary 2016. Thank you all !!
@acousticguitarproject @Christopher_gheran #emilydrzymala #petermay #karenmills #willmehew #larrytaylor #scottduncan #jennyallenmusic #gallerycalgary #yychouseconcerts #ckuaradio #villagebrewery #bowvalleymusicclub
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Album on table! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8a8cutYP7fo0VcJNz4Ibu6-OU_VBF53o #jazzbluesfusion #johnmayall #bluemitchell #jazz #blues #jazzblues #polydorrecords #vinylrecords #vinylgram #vinyligclub #licoricepizza #instavinyl #vinyl #guitar #trumpet #saxes #harmonica #piano #boston #newyork #1971 #the70s #70s #notforsale #germanpressing #music #cliffordsolomon #larrytaylor #ronselico #freddyrobinson (at Peachtree Corners, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoAxH7dH7LP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16eorv61ied98
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John Mayall - Jazz Blues Fusion #johnmayall #bluemitchell #cliffordsolomon #larrytaylor #ronselico #freddyrobinson #lp #vinyl #nowlistening #vinylcommunity #33rpm #vinylcollection #vinylrecords https://www.instagram.com/p/BzwOlm9Jazz/?igshid=14as90wfvezug
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John Mayall - Memories #johnmayall #jerrymcgee #larrytaylor #lp #vinyl #nowlistening #vinylcommunity #33rpm #vinylcollection #vinylrecords https://www.instagram.com/p/BzwIszRpFd1/?igshid=xmmuu797dyc2
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