Moved from Doma at a young age, travelling aimlessly since. Journal entries and random thoughts knocking around in Kojo's head.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
I can’t understand economics
East Aldenard kicked me out of their warehouses
I am a l o s t l i z a r d.
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I can’t remember how I met the Xaela, but I did.
I have proof.
Some old screebs with @nomad-kojo and bike ♡
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lvling is suffering
ft @nomad-kojo
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Why did I get this

It’s huge and smells like pine and I don’t know what it celebrates
In a few days I’ll probably drive it out to the forest and plant it so it can be with other trees
I like how trees can find a place to settle and stay there.
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The Coat
If you’re reading this, you probably found my coat. I like it a lot, it’s very warm.
If you find it without me, please repeatedly shout “KOJO” in the nearest city-state’s largest public area.
Did you know I found this coat just kind of in a cave? I don’t know who put it there. Maybe they lost it. If I ever find who was wearing it I might give it to them.
I’ve had it for like six years though, I wonder if they’d even still want it.
OH ALSO all those pouches on it have stuff in them, cool rocks and bits of metal I find while I’m travelling. They don’t mean much to most people, but they mean a lot to me because they come from weird places, just like me. The bigger ones have the tools I use to keep the bike working. They might be broken now if you found this on my body or something, but I’m probably dead so I won’t care.
Also if you’re reading this because you’re rifling through my coat while I’m sleeping or something, I should be about to concuss you with the blunt edge of a large weapon just about now.
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end-of-the-web asking Kojo things
This cannot go wrong, ask things.
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Kugane Docks and the Garlean Consulate
I remember when I heard about the Doman resistance.
It felt electrical. Like a million little weights getting lifted.
Maybe it didn’t need to be horrible forever. I could help it not be horrible.
I never wanted to fight. I would have loved to know that it’s unnecessary to fight, and the Empire could be made to leave. That the skulls I found in the field I played in as a child were a relic of a harsher time. Maybe I could be intelligence for the resistance, or a scout, or something.
It was never going to be like that.
When I first left for Kugane, I knew I’d opened a new door in my life. When I was a child, my exploration was limited to the vicinity of my house. Now, I’d be touring Doma as an adult...and freeing it.
It was terrifying to think about.
I’d been to Kugane a few times as a child. With what my father did, it just sort of came with the territory. I’d sit on the crates he brought in, and wait for the ship to dock. In that sense, stepping onto the old docks felt almost nostalgic, for as little of my childhood as I remember. There was one addition that I don’t think was there at the time. I could recognize the dull gray of their masonry anywhere.
The Garlean Consulate.
They’d taken everything, running through the body like a sickness and reducing Doma to rot. They’d corrupted the concept of technology and scared the rest of the world into stagnation. They took everything physical from me. From everyone.
Here they were, in Kugane, sitting and doing nothing. No guns, no airships, just a squat concrete growth contained by wrought-iron guarded by two men with batons.
As I walked by, the larger man called me a savage. I spat at his feet and told him we were one and the same, then.
I was not distraught at the idea of not being invited into that building. There were many beautiful things in Kugane. Across the sea, many more would soon be free.
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I should make an OOC blog and an aesthetic one shouldn’t I
I’ll name them soon
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bike broke, writing this in friend’s house.
trying to scrounge spare parts
if anyone knows how to repair a motorbike and finds this please help quick i think this is a custom model
// in actuality I haven’t been able to pay my sub, and classes have killed my energy. I hope to get back on soon.
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Places Been Pt. 2: Coerthas
[Problem: I still haven’t figured out how Kojo gets to Ishgard. She finds something useful eventually, but I think it’ll warrant an entire post of its own]
Elezen have always been weird to me.
Not them as a race, mind you. They’re very nice people. I’d just always heard the stories of Ishgard, the church of Halone, the utter squalor the lowborn lived in, and... Look, I remember what the Garleans did to my race when given the chance, and they didn’t even have a god backing them.
It’s been very hard to reconcile the two images in my head. I was in Coerthas around the time they were considering- and ultimately opted to- join the Alliance. I don’t even entirely remember how I got to Ishgard, just that at some point between leaving Gridania and heading towards Mor Dhona I ended up approaching the city.
I think there were people from Eorzea around when I arrived, but the events that took me to Ishgard are a swimming, pulpy mess.
It is cold in Coerthas. I vaguely remember a time before when the fields were temperate, but as I walked through thigh-deep snow it seemed as if it’d always been frozen. Or at least, it was always meant to be frozen.
The windmills and other trappings in the Western Highlands were almost infectiously depressing. Whatever happy life they planned here was gone. I almost felt as if this would be the ultimate fate of Summerford Farms as well, sitting silent and empty until a cold wind knocks it over.
It felt sort of existential.
I was reminded of Doma again, at least the area where I lived. We weren’t attacked directly, village burning was reserved for less obedient areas, but that made life almost worse. Everything slowed down, things began to wither and die as the other townsfolk moved to the “safe” towns. Soon fields were choked with weeds, and my parents would hide the food and reassure me we had enough. I always figured the Garleans were biding their time till the old and weak starved to death, and I never saw anything to disprove that theory.
Were the Dravanian Horde planning the same thing? Wait till the people of Ishgard froze to death, then just come in and kick over their grave?
I guess it’s for the best we never know.
Coerthas is cold.
I wish there was just one place in the world where the cold and heat bid farewell to arms.
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Places been pt. 1: Eorzea:
I needed an introduction post, but I struggled to write it for a very long time. I hope this series of things helps somewhat! I’m not tagging with ffxiv or anything until I’m confident I have enough stuff
Kojo is semi-nomadic, she moves between places she’s been allowed to stay. In the canon I have so far she eventually gets a mechanical mount, but this is before then.
Limsa Lominsa felt nice. I first showed up there a few years ago. I don’t know who put me on the boat there, or where it came from. I grabbed an axe there, and ate what was left in the Bismarck after closing.
Summerford Farms reminded me of a simpler time, but I don’t know when. It felt very simple, like the farms would stay that way forever.
Swiftperch was nice and accomodating, if a bit tiny. I felt a bit sad when I left. Those people won’t be able to live forever. Aleport looms overhead, though. A strong, silent parent watching their sickly child through the night. I was never allowed past the Tidegates, but the word beyond looked nice.
I thought Oakwood was under siege when I first saw Thalaos, though after I felt a very strange dread. I did not remain for long, but it was so beautiful there. I may return eventually.
Wineport accepted me for a few days. An odd town, built of the white stones I loved in Limsa. I wish I could build a giant tower of the stones. There was a Castrum nearby, and the Garleans there were not happy at the time, so I left quickly. You can feel when Garleans are around, feel their presence cloying into the world around them. Maybe it’s simply their military, I don’t know.
Fleeing to Costa Del Sol was a good decision. The sun, the sand, it felt nice on my horns. I do not like the heat, and neither did the denizens clearly. They spent their days splashing in the tide, the waters rushing against their skin.
North again, I passed Bronze Lake briefly. The sulfuric odor of hot springs stung my nostrils, and I hoped it would fade as I wandered further north...It did not, and I was escorted back towards Limsa by the soldiers at Overlook as I ran at them covering my face with my coat.
A year later I went to Thanalan. I wandered past Horizon and was hit by the heat again. Hellish still, this heat was carried on dry winds. The heat of La Noscea is smothering, the heat of Thanalan is suffocating. I carry a lot of water for that.
Horizon and Hammerlea were very interesting. I was fixated by the hammers specifically. Such wonderful, interesting, automatic machines. That was where I found the desire to build machines.
I waited for a week at Black Brush Station, but the train never came.
I spent a lot of time in Ul’Dah, getting what was left of my coat and waterskins repaired, improved. One of them mentioned getting me a mount, and I shook my head silently. An animal that large, that noble, I wouldn’t want to starve it.
I was told to never go to Northern Thanalan if I valued my life. I snuck a few glances in the area. Blue, unnatural blue. Ceruleum flowing freely from a burning mountain. I wish to see it once the Garleans are gone.
In Southern Thanalan the Ala Mhigan refugees watched me pass by. We didn’t speak, because there was nothing new we could say to each other.
I followed the Royal Allagan Sunway for a while longer, crossing Highbridge as I did. What a wonderful name, Sunway. It was as if the world changed instantly on the other side, and tiny amounts of life began to claw themselves out of the earth. I saw a dead goobue there, his body giving life to the area. I left some of my food there for his children, and proceeded north to the Shroud
It began to cool off in Rootslake, but the insects became unbearable. I passed through the swamp without stopping.
Once in Quarrymill, I felt a new sensation: Dread. While the heat was gone, it had been replaced with a sensation of being watched. It was as if reality itself grew eyes and stared at everyone who passed. It did not feel like they cared for me at the time, so off to the east shroud I went.
I spent most of my first time there watching the church in awe, congregations moving to and fro. Two families entered, and they’d leave with one name. They were ready to settle down for the long lives they expected to lead. I was a bit sad, so I kept moving.
I spent the meat of my time there in Gridania, where the eyes wouldn’t stare. It was beautiful at night, lanterns casting a warm light, keeping the darkness away. It felt cozy. I’d heard of a massive Garlean structure nearby.
Baelsar’s Wall scared me as I watched it work. I went back to Gridania. It was for the best I did not know what it was doing.
Those places were where I spent my first years as the Kojo I know today.
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Putting stuff here later
Once I know what stuff to put here mostly
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