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maurockmusic · 5 years ago
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Jacquire King (Record Producer/Mixer) #jacquireking #grammyawardwinner #maurockmusic #maurock #recordproducer #nammshow2020 #protools #universalaudio (at Convention Center in Anaheim, California.) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9AWg6nAsGF/?igshid=1p3ngskkhg0r7
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mycrosurcos · 6 years ago
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"Mule variations" TOM WAITS (1999) #tomwaits #kathleenbrennan #brianmantia #lesclaypool #larrylalonde #ralphcarney #smokeyhormel #chrisgrady #jacquireking #genecornelius #stephenhodges #larrytaylor #joegore #charliemusselwhite #marcribot #christophermarvin #johnhammond #jeffsloan #andrewborger #gregcohen #larryrhodes #nikphelps #daltondillingham #jacquireking #music #musiccollection #musiccollector https://www.instagram.com/p/B1g6dfxIFpfPr5liVB9niYQgjnaBm9Bvyb9CTU0/?igshid=lu1nkvwkesns
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bringinbackpod · 2 years ago
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We had the pleasure of interviewing Robot Monster over Zoom video! Rock duo Robot Monster has released their newest single “OUT”, streaming now here. The song comes on the heels of their debut full-length album which was released earlier this year. Both were produced by Grammy award-winning Jacquire King (Kings Of Leon, Kaleo, Tom Waits, City and Colour) at King’s studio, The LBT, just outside of Nashville, Tennessee. The band’s previous single, “Get Somewhere” saw Robot Monster featured on Pittsburgh contemporary station T102; fans flooded the station with calls with over 7k calls following the band’s on-air interviews. The song has also been featured on Spotify’s Rock Hard and Apple Music’s All New Rock & Breaking Rock playlists. Last May Robot Monster played their first show ever, serving as direct support for Stone Temple Pilots at the Palladium in New York City. The band is on tour now with The Bronx and Drug Church, with upcoming stops in Charlotte, Atlanta, and Memphis. For a full list of dates, please see below or visit: www.robotmonstermusic.com . About Robot Monster: In 2020, guitarist Will Brennan and drummer Logan Sidle weaponized Instagram and TikTok with scrappy appearances in backyards and junkyards, quickly earning supportive comments and direct messages from the diverse likes of Skrillex, Fred Durst, and Wesley Schultz of The Lumineers. Since then the band has experienced a meteoric rise – gaining a combined social following of 500k and regularly garnering over 2M views per week on TikTok. The magnetism of their musicianship and creativity quickly drew producer Jacquire King (Kings Of Leon, Buddy Guy, Tom Waits). King guided the New Haven, Connecticut duo as they collectively sharpened an identity and vision for what became Robot Monster. The band took shape without sacrificing, limiting, or overly complicating the initial spark, which quickly attracted so many. On their self-titled debut album they summon the enduring strength of stripped-down, bluesy rock n’ roll with the feel of indie rock and punkish power. Songs like the riff-oriented and hooky groove monster “Caged,” the moody “Cargo Cult,” the expansively melodious “King of Everything,” and the atmospheric “When We Sang” confirm ROBOT MONSTER is a genuine force of nature. Both guys are in their twenties yet fully cognizant of the timeless appeal of what they’ve begun. We want to hear from you! Please email [email protected] . www.BringinitBackwards.com #podcast #interview #bringinbackpod #RobotMonster #WillBrennan #LoganSidle #JacquireKing #NewMusic #zoom Listen & Subscribe to BiB https://www.bringinitbackwards.com/follow/ Follow our podcast on Instagram and Twitter! https://www.facebook.com/groups/bringinbackpod
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rogersmasson · 3 years ago
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Do yourself and your ears a favor and get the new release from @vintagetrouble ! It’ll be like a musical hug for your soul. Proud to have produced and mixed a few of these tracks. It was a truly magical recording session with an outrageously talented group. Support this band, support artists you believe in, and keep the music going! @jacquireking give this one a listen! And since it’s #WayBackWednesday!, if that’s a thing, I thought a look into the session would be a solid share, dig it @vintage_trouble_troublemakers ! Thanks to @royerlabs and the great John Jennings for the support. Their ribbon mics are the best in the world. These beauties were largely responsible for capturing the sound of this amazing band, and they bring you right into the room at every magical moment. An honest sonic picture, like seeing beautiful art in person. #WayBackWednesday #MusicIsLove #MusicIsLife #KeepTheMusicGoing #SupportMusic #LosAngeles #MusicProducer #MusicMixer #R121 #SF12 Thrilled these guys are back on stage bringing the musical love to all those who need and desire it. @nallecolt @rickbarriodill @richardvintagetrouble @rev.tyronetaylor https://www.instagram.com/p/CUtK5QjMBFw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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richardfurch · 5 years ago
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Come see me talk all things AutoTune on Saturday the 18th at noon at the @autotune booth at @thenammshow and find out why it’s such an indispensable tool for modern record making. Come back as well for insights from @lesliebrathwaite @sirgregwells @jacquireking and @teezio as well. Great times will be had a/o @sirhenrikbridger https://www.instagram.com/p/B7SUh86h4j9/?igshid=1knfax6ddlbsy
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ajweiner3 · 8 years ago
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🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟#nowplaying #TomWaits #MuleVariations #1999 #AntiRecords #EpitaphRecords #2XLP #vinyl #vinylrules #vinyligclub #vinylcommunity #nowspinning #onmyturntable #TomWaits #KathleenBrennan • all songs recorded by OzFritz and JacquireKing with GeneCornelius, Mastered by ChrisBellman at BernieGrundmanMastering • #LesClaypool #LarryLaLonde #BrainMantia #JohnHammond #CharlieMusselwhite #MarcRibot #RalphCarney SmokeyHormel ChrisGrady JoeGore LarryTaylor StephenHodges ChristopherMarvin DJMMarkTheIIIMediaReitman AndrewBorger WingsOverJordanGospel BaliEternal GregCohen NikPhelps PreacherTom DaltonDillinghamIII LindaDelucciaGbidossi JeffGManSloan
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