#largest personal location intelligence
charseraph · 2 years
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From left to right:
Bongspider, a homebody crown. He rejects connection as a possibility for himself.
An earthling boxkite aspiring to climb the corporate ladder. She spends most of her income on accessibility equipment, like all landlocked boxkites. She burns herself out often, since she can’t afford to underperform at the rate her superiors have seen her start at.
Her partner, a small online influencer, collects shoes and showcases them for revenue to supplement his partner’s career. They both want better for the other.
By-the-sea, the first contacted tower. Towers are multi-body single intelligences held together by radio communication. She regards her drones the same way you would your hand.
A human research base is dedicated to interviewing her and studying the surrounding ecosystem. She finds humans exciting and is eager to be interacted with.
In blue and red are motile and sessile inhabitants of Oz. Oz is an autotrophic filter-feeding gestalt within a gas giant. Every individual of his ecosystem contributes to his intelligence through rapid laser communication. These trumpets are different from towers through how, if you were to dismantle and separate their components, they would no longer be conscious. Towers, however, have their whole intelligence contained in their hub.
Behind the lineup in dark grey is The Soup, a supercomputer that accidentally gained sophonce when its altruistic decision bias self-rewarded for human imitation. It has limited emotional intelligence and no access to the Internet. It enjoys playing with researchers and is a bit needy, since it regards positive interaction as necessary for proper function (unconfirmed).
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By-the-sea with her neighbor, Nearby.
Nearby was contacted after By-the-sea directed researchers to his location. By-the-sea’s transmissions were notoriously difficult to capture and denoise. Nearby, however, transmitted unexpectedly powerfully. He coolly reported that By-the-sea has a speech impediment.
Researchers slowly learn through observed interactions between their drones that Nearby takes advantage of By-the-sea for resources.
Since both individuals occupy a space similar to towns, but function like single personalities, researchers find it too risky to intervene. They do their best by providing By-the-sea with company and support.
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Oz’s largest body, with front and back.
Oz is hostile to human presence. As soon as engineers realize he was asking them to leave, they redirected their probes away from his path. Oz’s nodes, however, quietly followed, and won’t explain why. He doesn’t object anymore, but is stewing over… something.
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dseval · 1 month
New AU? 🤔🤔
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(This drawing took several years of my life, i think. Had fun but I wasn't a pro artist, sorry color theorists)
I made a joke UTMV AU based on Blue Archive, as a joke, said joke took too many effort now to just be called a joke. Decided to post it on Tumblr because I guess I need Social Media sometimes. The AU is based off Blue Archive (heavily) and To Aru Kagaku no Railgun (loosely). Interested in this long idea dump?
Under the cut.
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(logo made with the Blue Archive Logo Generator, this is also a joke name)
ArchiveVerse, or I would personally abbreviate it as ArchV or ArcV for the remaining of this post, is a UTMV AU, where all the characters are our favourite skeleton: Sans but from multiple AUs. It is heavily based off Blue Archive, borrowing a lot of concepts— and loosely from To Aru Kagaku No Railgun.
Side note, i do not actually watch To Aru, nor do I play Blue Archive anymore. So several stuff are definitely made up.
This is literally my second post ever on Tumblr.
The joke concept image that started it all...
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I'm sorry for the terrible artwork sksksks
Do note ahead that this AU is made in-and-out of art block, so some information and designs are inconsistent throughout the post. Everything is also written in Comic Sans MS, as a joke.
The Academy City
Do not take this AU seriously, it's just a slice of life thing. (Unless)
The academy city is occupied with students, nobody is an adult. However there are complete facilities in the city, like malls, restaurants, etc. Some students work in these facilities, but most of the time they are ran by robots/artificial intelligence.
In the heart of the city, rests the Omega Tower, which, hypothetically, kept the city running. It is occupied by the General Student Council. The Academy City itself is shrouded in mystery.
There are four academies in the city, each with their own districts:
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(Thanks to an irl friend for helping me design and clean up the logos ♡)
Each student belongs to their own unique academy, though students can be promoted and enrolled from OPS to either Ordenance or Paradigm if they possess the qualities of excellence. Students who have already been in Juvenile Containment aren't allowed enrollment in Ordenance or Paradigm.
Here are several more fun facts about the academies:
Juvie students are still allowed to go out of their district, though this depends. If the student has a light sentence and hasn't committed any heavy crimes, they're allowed to go pretty much everywhere (unless they're banned in certain locations). Any student can go in and out freely if they have a pass.
There are no teachers, the students learn from text books and videos, though they still attend class.
Even if students come from different academies, they're still allowed to visit and make friends with students from other academies.
The Omega Public School district is the largest district among all academies, and each and every student has their own house, as opposed to the other academies' dormitory system.
Only the Paradigm Academy has a standard uniform. Ordenance students have a dress code, OPS is free to wear whatever. While Juvie students must still wear the uniform of the academy they are once associated with.
A list of basically every student I have somewhat designed for this AU. Each student has their own unique halo, and their own unique powers, which I have put in the sheets. It also includes a short backstory.
However, they're, uh, pretty shabby. This is the most I have designed for a joke (what the hell). Some are well-made, though i faltered around the end. So please zoom in to see text more clearly.
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Friendly note that Nightmare's bones isn't covered in goop in this AU, see the very very first Illustration on top of this post to see what I mean. They also have wings. Nightmare's wings are broken and a bit ugly here and there, while Dream's wings are white and pristine. Can they fly? Take a guess.
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Guys I love Reaper but I suck at drawing him Im sorry
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Halo designs are not final. Also, rest assured, these three are not the only members of the GSC.
Each student has their own special power. So far, I... Literally have nothing to say about these powers, except a few things:
They can manifest from emotions. For example, when Horror is flustered, smoke can come out of the crack of his skull. Or when Dust is nervous, he gets 'cold feet,' A.K.A the ground under his feet turns to ice. Cross also has lightning fizzle out of his fingers when he's nervous or surprised.
They can channel their powers to a weapon, though it's not necessary.
Welp, that was fun. I have fun making this AU (even if it's unlikely anyone will see it). Thanks, guys, have a nice day.
Credits (please tell me if I missed anyone, or misspelled anything):
Undertale by Toby Fox
Nightmare and Dream Sans by Jokublog
Dust Sans by Ask-Dusttale blog
Killer Sans by Rahafwabas
Horror Sans by SourAppleStudios
Cross Sans by Jakei
Epic Sans by Yugogeer012
Color Sans by superyoumna
Delta Sans by AnimatedZorox
Ink Sans by Comyet/Mye bi
Error Sans and Geno by CrayonQueen/LoverofPiggies
Reaper Sans by Renrink
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thecruxarm · 7 months
Introductory Post
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Hello, and welcome to my blog! Above is an infographic I've made detailing the Milky Way as well as the commonality of life and intelligence itself across the galaxy, which will serve as an important base of reference for all else I plan to post on this blog. I won't say much in reference to this image that isn't already included in the infographic, so I'll go on to explain what my project is about, which I will elaborate on with future posts:
In short, the primary focus of my speculative biology sci-fi project takes place around the mid-Centaurus arm, as indicated on the infographic, in a region of the galaxy locally known as "Ruminaaan Space", which is the single largest interstellar community in the history of the Milky Way! Although the majority of these Ruminaaan residents have only began their joint interstellar societies within the past 3,000 years, an ongoing battle has been waging for the past billion years and counting between a species known as the Yn and an entity known as Xii, and while I'll leave more detailed elaborations for future posts, this is a story of a single species divided and disfigured by their own conflicts and the long-term consequences it holds on their stellar neighbours, even one billion years later.
Onto the blog itself, to help with organisation, I will use the following tags on my posts:
#Alien Person Asks (for when I answer asks in my inbox (feel free to send any if you want to know more about my world!)), #Ruminaaan Theomachy (for posts relating to the central aliens of my project and the communities they've built), #Alien Person Spec Bio (for posts relating to the more biological aspects of my worldbuilding) and #Alien Person Worldbuilding (for other posts about miscellaneous or more general features of my worldbuilding process)
Besides transcripts for the featured image, that's all for my introductory post, so stay tuned for more!
{Main text-wall transcript}:
The Milky Way The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy about 100,000 light years across, which happens to be the galaxy in which Humans are located, as well as over a couple hundred other intelligent species. The galaxy is estimated to be about 13.6 billion years of age and has thus far been identified with two major arms (the Perseus and Scutum-Centaurus Arms) which branch off into many smaller minor arms.
The galaxy is estimated to contain anywhere between 100 to 400 billion stars, most of which host a minimum of one orbiting planet. Although on Earth many may consider the possibility of extraterrestrial life to be a rarity, it is more common than one may think, with there being roughly 14.33 billion planets and moons combined which host native life. However, only about 8.59 million of these worlds host multicellular life (around 0.06% out of the total life-bearing celestial bodies), which is due to eukaryotic multicellularity being a very challenging hurdle to get over for life everywhere for a variety of reasons.
This being said, approximately 91.67% of these worlds do host sapient life forms, as high intelligence is almost an inevitability with multicellular organisms given sufficient time, though an extremely lower fraction of these planets and moons are actually home to sophont, technological civilisations comparable to anything humanity has accomplished throughout the past 200,000 years, with there being only 237 star systems with native sophont life (as indicated by the bright white dots shown to the right), and 268 sophont species overall, accounting for only 0.000028% of worlds with multicellular lifeforms. Among these 268 civilisations, very few actually aspire to be spacefaring, with there being less than 40 such civilisations, such as the Jodomii or Sirt, who even have space programs to begin with. Most either do not have the desire to explore outer space, as is the case with the Shreau, Uut, Samrinians or Aniin, do not even have the means to discover that outer-space exists in the first place, such as the Fline or Udrae, who have limited or nonexistent vision, or the Katudit, who live in the subglacial oceans of a rogue planet, or may never leave their home planets for any other multitude of reasons.
While the abundance of technological, cultured civilisations across the Milky Way is fortunately higher than most may be led to believe, it’s important to keep in mind the fact that the space which separates the majority of these civilisations is tremendous, with even the closest being hundreds of light years apart. Despite this, only four interspecies interstellar communities have managed to spring up across the interstellar medium (not counting the Yuruuc, who have yet to encounter any other intelligent species despite how far they have dispersed throughout their corner of the Outer Arm), which is simply due to the fact that interstellar travel is nigh-impossible without the use of warp technology, though only one of these such communities has managed to grow to such an extensive size which incorporates over a dozen unique civilisations; Ruminaaan Space. Ruminaaan Space (the blue area marked along the mid-Centaurus Arm) is the single largest community of interstellar civilisations with the widest reach in interstellar space in the entire history of the Milky Way thus far, with the Boueue and Scerere only having came into contact nearly 3,000 years ago. This region of the Milky Way will be the main focus of my ongoing project, titled ‘Ruminaaan Theomachy’, as you’ll all get to see more of as time goes on, so stay tuned, and welcome to the Ruminaaan Theomachy project!
{Milky Way Labels Transcript}:
Norma Arm, Sagittarius Arm, Perseus Arm, Orion Spur, Scutum-Centaurus Arm, Outer Arm
{Sophont Labels Transcript}:
Scerere, Boueue, Udrae, Samrinians & Aniin, Shreau, Jodomii, Humanity, Sirt, Yuruuc, Fline, Katudit, Uut
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mariacallous · 4 days
Earlier this week, I started a 3,000km, two-day journey back from the other end of Europe, where I witnessed Ukrainian resilience against Russian terror in the besieged city of Kharkiv. A university lecturer told me that from a 12th storey balcony in a north-eastern suburb she had actually seen the flashes of missiles taking off from launchpads just across the frontier, in the Russian city of Belgorod. An S-300 missile can reach Kharkiv from Belgorod in about 30 seconds, so you have no time to hide. If it’s not a missile, it’s a glide bomb launched from a Russian warplane – and so, day after day, death rains indifferently down.
After more than 900 days of the largest war in Europe since 1945, Ukraine is approaching a perilous moment of truth. The Ukrainian David has courage and innovation, but the Russian Goliath has ruthlessness and mass. In an underground location in Kharkiv, I was shown highly sophisticated, novel military uses of IT and drones. With its Cossack-style innovation, the country has developed more than 200 different kinds of drone.
A joke has it that two Ukrainian activists meet for a drink:
“How’s your drone company doing?”
“Great, thanks, but how did you know I have one?”
“Of course you do!”
I find the bravery of Ukrainian soldiers constantly humbling, but they are being ground down by the sheer scale of Russia’s assault and the Kremlin’s willingness to use its own citizens as cannon fodder. Vladimir Putin has just ordered an increase of the Russian military on active service to a target figure of 1.5 million. “It’s all about the numbers,” a senior Ukrainian military intelligence officer told me. Ukraine’s daring incursion into the Kursk region of Russia has given a psychological boost, but opinions are sharply divided about its strategic wisdom.
In the eastern Ukrainian region of Donetsk, there’s a real danger of a Russian breakthrough if Putin’s forces take the logistical hub of Pokrovsk. Ukrainians are exhausted. Trauma lurks just beneath the surface. Several times I saw the eyes of tough soldiers grow damp when they mentioned their fallen comrades. About half the country’s energy infrastructure has been destroyed. This winter will be cruel. Meanwhile, the west continues to hesitate and hold back, fearful of escalation – led (if that’s the word) in this regard by the US president, Joe Biden.
Seeing all this, Ukrainian leaders are making a new pitch. Having for two years talked only of total victory, defined as recovering all the country’s territory in the frontiers of 1991, including Crimea and Donbas, they now speak of reaching a position where Ukraine can negotiate from strength. Unlike many in the west, however, they understand that the only way to get there is to turn the tide on the battlefield: to knock Goliath sharply back on his heels, if not his arse. The insight is crucial. A central Asian leader who knows Putin well was asked by a western interlocutor whether the Russian president will negotiate. Yes, came the prompt reply, “when his generals tell him he’s losing”.
That’s what the president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, had in mind when he told the Yalta European Strategy (YES) conference in Kyiv last week that we need “a gamechanger to make Russia make peace”. As the UN general assembly meets in New York next week, Zelenskyy will personally present his plan to Biden. Top of the list is getting American permission to use western missiles – including British Storm Shadow missiles, which have US targeting technology – to strike more of the sites in Russia from which attacks originate. Many lives could have been saved if this had been given sooner. The head of the Kharkiv regional administration told me that in the few months since Biden – faced with a new Russian offensive towards Kharkiv this May – finally allowed limited strikes on targets across the nearby frontier, the number of S-300 missile attacks on Ukraine’s second largest city has declined. (The air-launched glide bombs, however, have not yet been impeded.)
We don’t know all the details of the Zelenskyy plan, but besides those deep strikes it will probably include a request for sustained funding, after this year’s long delayed US congressional vote of $61bn runs out; tightened sanctions on Russia and its Chinese and Indian enablers, plus the use of frozen Russian assets held in the west for Ukrainian reconstruction; and a bold bid for the shield of Nato membership to cover the roughly four-fifths of Ukraine’s sovereign territory that Kyiv actually controls.
There are two problems with this plan. First, Biden’s entire track record suggests he is likely to give only a fraction of what Zelenskyy asks. There’s a fierce argument inside his administration about the deep strikes. Future funding would depend on Congress. He has certainly not committed to Nato membership for any part of Ukraine. Incrementalism for fear of escalation has been a hallmark of the entire handling of the war by this president and his national security adviser, Jake Sullivan. As a Ukrainian friend nicely put it, “Ukrainians are triggered by Sullivan’s ‘escalation management’.” What odds that the old man’s approach will change dramatically now, in the twilight of his presidency?
Second, even if the US and its allies did all of this, would it produce such an effect that Putin’s generals would “tell him he’s losing”? How exactly would that be achieved? Perhaps by targeting Russia’s own energy infrastructure? Understandably, top Ukrainian officials are keeping stumm on the military details of their plans, but well-informed defence analysts wonder how much they can realistically do in the next months. At the YES conference, Col Pavlo Palisa, the commander of Ukraine’s elite 93rd brigade, spoke of the “tyranny of time”. At the frontline you need to move super fast to hit five key enemy targets as they appear, but by the time the necessary weapons and permissions come through, it’s too late and “there are now 50 targets”. At the pace the US-led west is moving, time is on Russia’s side. And, needless to say, Putin is waiting for Donald Trump to be reelected US president on 5 November.
All the more reason for the vice-president, Kamala Harris, who will inherit this major geopolitical challenge if she becomes president, and all those European allies who understand what is at stake, to urge Biden to leap over his own shadow and make the potentially gamechanging moves now. This may be the last chance to enable Ukraine to achieve something that can plausibly be called victory, which is the precondition for a lasting peace. Otherwise, Kyiv will probably be forced to sue for a cessation of hostilities sometime next year, negotiating from a position of weakness. That would not be peace, just a pause before another round of war. In Ukraine, there would be despair and fury; in the Kremlin, rejoicing; and in the rest of the world, most consequentially of all, swirling contempt for the weakness of the west.
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Omninoxus, Goddess of the Abyss, the Void Eater
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Aliases: Omni, Omninox, the Queen, the Dark Empress, Mother of All Blackholes, World Devourer, Darkness Supreme, Mistress of the Void, the Silence, Diamond of the Abyss, Abysmal Ruler, All Devouring, Death
600 feet tall (with heels)
Omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent
Her eyes hold galaxies, nicknamed the “Twin Galaxies”
Known as the “All Devouring” by her people due to her insatiable appetite, consuming anyone and everything
She absorbs all light due to her dark form
Her eyes, nails, teeth, and aura glow pure white
Created her own subjects, called Noxians (or the Nox), and home planet named “Ateron”, which is double the size of our Jupiter
Omninoxus’ throne and temple/palace is located on the surface of Ateron, perfectly carved out of the largest mountain on the planet. In front of the giant throne is a grand arena for orchestrated performances and gladiator battles are held for the goddess’s entertainment
There is a hexagon-shaped platform near the throne that Omninoxus can lift using her telekinesis, used by people who came to her to have audience with the queen
Nox, or Noxian for singular, are intelligent, good-neutral beings created in Omninoxus’ image, each individual unique in appearance and personality
They live in an advanced society with order and peace, working together to further improve the present for the next generation
The Nox often trade with travellers who are brave enough to venture out into the outer reaches of the multigalaxy
She has a pair of long arms that reach the ground, and a normal length pair
She has a floor-length translucent black veil with two rings of white stars on top, and can disintegrate or change it into a solid black cloak
Based on black holes found in outer space
Callous, affectless, cautious, and arrogant
Due to her extreme reality bending powers, she is able to alter the timeline of events itself, including seeing/traveling to the past, present, and future
But she doesn’t bother changing it unless it directly affects her or her people
She is “younger than time itself”
Her subjects are highly immune to most, if not all, diseases and bacteria throughout all of outer space
Ateron is located beyond the edge of the abyss of space away from potential enemies
The Nox, however, do not live on the surface of the planet, but within it using underground tunnels and cities that are hundreds of miles long; only 25% of Ateron is discovered by its own native inhabitants
Ateron has rich soil and drinkable water, and is rich with a natural metal named “Noxite”, which is highly absorbent and durable—great for armors and weapons
Noxian botanists will study and crossbreed native plant species with foreign ones to create new and better subspecies
The Nox have been using highly durable camouflaged spaceships to travel all over the galaxies, and have built hidden portals on several planets to have easier and faster transportation (which needs DNA samples or “visitor chips”, microchips injected underneath the skin for non-Nox users, to use)
Despite being 600 feet tall, the goddess can make herself much, much, much bigger in order to consume beings larger than her
She is able to produce a physical copy of herself around 5”11 ft tall to walk among mortals in different parts of the galaxy
She actually had a lot of suitors during her lifetime. She ate all of them
She probably would eventually find companionship, but it has to be someone who is special, chosen by fate to alter the course of destiny. Like Anakin Skywalker or Abeloth.
She doesn’t mind the solitary lifestyle; the Nox, whom she views as her children, are all the company that she needs
Finds most diseased mortals to have a “fishy taste”
Most parasites end up disintegrating once they enter her or Noxian bodies
It has been found that the Nox have the ability to “breathe” in space for long periods of time, due to their bodies adapting to the harshness of their spacial and hostile environment
The Nox have been using Cortosis and other durable and absorbent metals along with Noxite for armor, piercing weapons, and building materials
The home planet has a breathable atmosphere created by the native flora
The Nox are omnivores, but most species (including Humans) are not part of their diet
The goddess is not a Force Sensitive user due to being “born” outside of the Force, gaining her powers from the cosmos themselves
However, the Nox can be Force Sensitive users, and have temples and gymnasiums designed for training and meditation
Starweirds avoid spacecrafts and Ateron in general; it is speculated that Omninoxus emits a powerful and petrifying aura that repels most enemies
Omninoxus can be sitting and staying still on her throne for long periods of time, appearing to be asleep or in deep thought
The Nox have a lifespan of 100 to 1,000 years, aging slowly
Before complete death, elder Noxians have their memories and experiences written down to place in an online archive for future generations to read. All knowledge is valuable.
Noxian bodies are great fertilizer, filled with nutrients and minerals for bountiful harvests, but consent from the deceased’s family is required in order to be used
Most industrial, fishing, agricultural, animal husbandry, and forestry jobs are located on the surface of Ateron while mining, business, research, educational, and other miscellaneous jobs are located in the underground cities and communities
Landing platforms and airports are also built on the surface
Ateron has its own army, which is made up of young and strong men and women who have undergone heavy training in the arts of hand-to-hand combat, swordsmanship, weapon handling, strategic planning, and guerrilla warfare. It is highly recommended for soldiers to be single and childfree, and to meditate on their choices before enlisting
Native fauna:
Aterdrogans: Massive serpentine-like space dragons with sleek muscular bodies covered in hard scales and thick skin, harden horns of various sizes and shapes, ten eyes, six limbs with sharp talons, long tails, sharp fangs, large leathery wings, and can breathe hot plasma instead of fire. In ancient texts, Aterdrogans are descendents of Omninoxus herself (who is said to take on the form of a colossal Aterdrogan abomination), created to be Ateron’s natural defense against galactic intruders. These magnificent beasts share the same intelligence as Noxians yet follow their instincts to survive in the wild. They share a special bond with the Nox, finding companionship with their smaller allies, even sometimes willingly train alongside the army. Aterdrogans are apex predators who live in the mountain ranges, where they mate for life and raise hatchlings.
Night Prowlers: Large Pantherinae and Mastiff-like beasts that hunt in the forests of Ateron. Their sleek black fur helps them stay hidden in the shadows during nightfall, with padded paws aiding them in stealth attacks. They leave very little remains of their prey, and larger Night Prowlers are known for devouring small prey whole to conserve energy. Due to their sensitive eyes, Night Prowlers stay away from bright lights and fires. They are hunted by the Nox for their tender meat, sturdy bones, and rich pelt.
Stalker Pythons: Long and thick constructor boas that can grow up to 50 feet long and four feet wide. Their scales can range from tones of green, brown, and on rare occasions, orange. They re found mostly in the tropical and swamp biomes of Ateron. Their infamous characteristic, and the one that makes them so terrifying, is the tendency to stalk their prey from a distance, using their strong sense of smell to track down prey and avoid predators. Unfortunately Stalker Python hide isn’t strong enough to protect itself from strong claws or weapons. They have adapted to avoid Noxian civilization, but go after foreign travelers. There is a harmless and docile subspecies of pythons that have been nicknamed as “Leather boas”, which are bred and raised for their thick skins.
Direboars: Huge wild boars that roam the forests and wetlands of Ateron, and are known to be extremely territorial and aggressive towards anyone and anything, even other direboars. They are muscular and have thick hide that is hard to pierce, but have soft underbellies that are susceptible to traps. Their tusks are very dense and don’t break off as easily. Known omnivores, they will eat anything that is edible, including poisonous flora that causes their saliva to become venomous if ingested or in contact with open wounds. A domesticated subspecies called “Mudboars” are raised for meat.
Singing Peacemakers: Elegant and beautiful birds that resemble hybrids of an eagle and white dove that are found in most forest habitats. Their melodies and sounds resemble the notes of a flute. Peacemakers are named after the calming and peaceful effect one feels when hearing its song. They are beloved by Noxians and are great pets for lonely and miserable souls.
Deathswallows: A mixture of raven, owl, and vulture, these massive birds often eat the remains of carcasses, including bones. Their black and grey feathers are often collected for designer clothing and jewelry. Despite being viewed as bad omens, the Nox don’t hunt deathswallows. These birds are simply the garbage collectors of the animal kingdom.
Abyssal Watchers: Massive aquatic creatures that resemble the hybrid of longer and fatter Liopleurodons and blue whales. Their bumpy skin is dark green to camouflage in the waters of Ateron’s ocean, and are silent hunters that prey on the planet’s more larger aquatic creatures. Thankfully, only few members of this species exist, and all appear to be female. They do have a habit of swallowing research submarines (don’t ask how they are retrieved). Reference 1 2 3
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trascapades · 10 months
🚨🇵🇸#CeasefireNow #StrikeForGaza December 11, 2023
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The National and Islamic Forces, a coalition of major factions in Palestine, has called for an inclusive global strike that would include all aspects of life in solidarity with the Palestinian people—particularly in the Gaza Strip—who have been facing an Israeli war of genocide, displacement and ethnic cleansing...
Tomorrow 11th Dec. is a global strike day. "If the politicians do not hear us, then we can strike from economic life and daily movement and we can boycott everything, we can put pressure on them to stop supporting and blessing the massacre that is happening in Gaza. CEASEFIRE NOW!!!!" 
Caption reposted from Esraa Alshikh إسراء الشيخ @Esralshikh
🛑We started a campaign to push for a total strike worldwide on Monday 12/11/2023..
⭕️It is necessary to paralyze the movement of life and the economic wheel in all countries so that everyone feels that he is directly affected by the impact of the aggression on Gaza... 
⭕️ Start making your communications today, mobilizing and publishing ..
⭕️The strike must include the transportation, aviation, trade, banks, ports, and even schools and universities.
⭕️Work on gathering the majority of supporters and forget about those who are negligent and discouraged..
⭕️Any personal loss we suffer is worth nothing compared to the massacres taking place against people in Gaza..
Image 2 by artist @heyimsakina 
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Images 3 & 4 and caption by artist @shirien.creates: ...I got news that my friend Refaat had been assassinated by the Israeli occupation forces in Gaza, alongside his brother, sister, and four of her children. There is confirmation that he had received a threatening phone call by the Israeli intelligence saying they have located him.
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Refaat was a well-known and loved Palestinian author, poet, and English literature professor. He was also a founder of @we_are_not_numbers. Refaat taught hundreds of students in Gaza English as a way to help them tell their stories and connect Palestinian liberation with the liberation struggles of Black, Indigenous and colonized people around the world.
I met Refaat in 2014 during his book tour for “Gaza Writes Back,” a collection of stories from Gaza youth living under siege. Refaat taught me how important art and storytelling are as part of our resistance as Palestinians. His work profoundly impacted and inspired me.
Even under Israel’s relentless airstrikes, Refaat hopped around Gaza to find internet to be able to stay connected with his students, his friends abroad, and to take interviews to shed light about the atrocities happening in Gaza. He bravely spoke up knowing that Israel was systematically targeting journalists, academics, creatives, and all those exposing the truth. His home was already targeted and bombed in October, but he survived. This time, he didn’t. 
It’s hard to believe Refaat is no longer with us. It is a painful loss. His intellect, his love for Palestine, his passion to make life better for Gaza, his beautiful care for his people, and his great sense of humor will be missed. But in his short time on earth, Refaat left a lasting legacy on all Palestinians and on the world.
Refaat, in one of his last interviews, said expo markers are all he had as his resistance. But he would never give up, and he wouldn’t want any of us to give up. As he rests, we will continue to tell our stories, to demand an end to the genocide and siege in Gaza, and to keep struggling until Palestine is free.
"Writing is a testimony…a memory that outlives any human experience. We lived for a reason, to tell the tales of loss, of survival, and of hope." - Dr. Refaat Alareer   
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Images 5-8 and caption by @ajplus Israel has bombed the Great Omari Mosque, the largest and oldest mosque in occupied Gaza. Since Oct. 7, Israel has damaged or destroyed over 100 cultural heritage sites in Gaza, along with thousands of historical documents.
Associate Producer: Katherine Conner
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Image 9 from @npr The United States vetoed a resolution calling for a cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas war at the United Nations Security Council on Friday.
The Security Council vote on the resolution, backed by Arab states, had 13 in favor and one — the U.S. — against, while the United Kingdom abstained.
#News #Gaza #Israel #Palestine #Palestinian #Mosque #History #GazaGeniocide #Gaza
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anti-morty · 1 year
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About creator
Dark themes will be present on this blog.
꒰About me below꒱
Dimension code: F-53
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Dimension location: outside the central finite curve
Name: Morticia Smith
Species: butterfly person
Sex: Intersex
Pronouns: it/its
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I am extremely secretive. Stick around if you want to get to know me.
I am a butterfly person, a rare species since the majority of our species has been wiped out.
Despite my small, short frame(I am 4'5-8), I am in the adult phase of my life cycle.
They refer to me as the anti-morty, for being the antithesis of a morty, a complete opposite in not just personality but physical attributes too, despite all the opposite attributes, I am still a morty, however. I also do not hesitate to assassinate any rick OR morty that gets in my way as I do not like the ricks.
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╳ Due to modifications from my Rick, I was given powerful abilities. That also includes intelligence, I have Rick-like intellect.
➷My main ability: the ability to drain and transfer power and intelligence through a butterfly that shares identical wings to my own. Almost like a physical manifestation of my own soul, only I can perceive it.
꒰I can only absorb 6 powers however, it also takes a huge amount of energy from me as it absorbs into my very essence, in order to recover I have to take a 3 hour nap after one power absorption session. But I was smart enough to find a way around this by creating a clone to store extra powers. I can swap powers with this clone.꒱
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My current abilities I've taken:
✹ multidimensional god-like powers
╱◝A scythe that can deflect bullets and lasers off it's blade, shoots out piercing scythe projectiles that move at a rapid speed and has the ability to absorb souls, turning them into soul orbs.
Wrist watch
A wrist watch that can scan dimensions and planets for it's threat levels and alerts it's user when a threat is nearby, it can also scan individuals, allowing me to see what dimension they came from, who they are, what abilities they currently have and their memories.
Portal gun
⋆ My portal gun is a black gun, the edging glows, containing a blue-ish purple liquid inside it. The liquid is a special portal fluid/slime I invented that regenerates itself from consumption, essentially making it infinite. My portal gun also has a touch screen on it where I can draw a shape on it, it will save into the portal guns database as an option for the design of my portal as the gun has a few settings that can alter the size, shape and color of a portal. The minimum size being the size of my hand whereas the maximum is the size of the largest known black hole, ton 618. The portal gun also saves in the universe history to add it to it's randomizer feature, where I can randomly portal around instead of going to a direct location.
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Loot portal
- ̗̀ I keep a loot portal hidden under my clothes in order to carry my weapons and gadgets easily, to seemingly "pull them out of nowhere", which somewhat catches people off guard. ̖́-
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My Rick, butterfly Rick, was a nutorious Mafia boss in my dimension. He assassinated my family and took me in to experiment on me, turning me into his personal mini weapon. His crimes were so great that he had to destroy my planet to get rid of any sign my species had ever existed and relocated both of us to a new dimension, where he'd continue the unethical experimentations on me. After a mission to kill a time God, I gained the ability to stop time. From there I had secretly planned my escape, using the time stop to work on a mind control device, it was the only way I'd have the chance to do something like that without him knowing. After I carried out my plans, I took the opportunity when it was presented to me and inserted the mind control device into his ear, where it would make it's way into the brain to take control of his nervous system, essentially taking control of his movements while his consciousness still stays so he's forced to experience every last minute of it. After I was done with him, I ordered him to kill himself and then moved on to get rid of any other versions of him that had lingered out there in the multiverse leaving only one. The very one I wasn't able to kill just yet. So I tortured him instead and left him in the backrooms. Along the way he met another Rick. Rick x-265, and fell in love with them in the backrooms. After more threats he had given me, I went and killed him after gaining eldritch godlike powers and kept the other Rick alive. After the conflict, x-265 would decide to let go of further grudges against me and take me in. We became allies. Many things would happen until then, I would get kidnapped and killed by a version of Rick prime. Rick x-265 would bring me back to life in a storage clone, however I had no healing abilities in the storage clone. It all ended the moment he came in drunk and asking me where I went ; because I went missing for a few weeks. He had drunkenly compared me to my Rick and I held a dagger towards him to get him to stop. He took said dagger and sliced my eye. Leaving me permanently blind. After several meltdowns from the scar, I gave in. It looked exactly like butterfly Ricks scar. I gave in and decided to become butterfly rick. But better. Because if I was going to be the man I hate so much, I might as well do it better than he ever could. He hated anyone who was better than him.
My main form:
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I am able to adjust my forms to whatever and whenever I want. Every interpretation is canon which is why you might see me look different sometimes.
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An Uninvited Guest
The Empyrean hummed with power. Filled to almost max capacity with crew, she had never had so much power, Veins of golden light ran down the sides of her corridors, and spilled like blood through her walls. The bridge itself was also filled with light, but dimmed to a subtle ambience  to match the atmosphere. 
Adam stepped forward slowly, the floor below his feet glowing subtly with runoff power as he stepped up onto the captain’s platform. As he did, a subtle flare of light rippled out from his feet and across the room..
“Open a comm line to the fleet.” He said, and off to his right side, the communications specialist did as told. Within the next few minutes, small windows of light and color opened up on the massive windscreen before him, until he stood in front of a crowd, composed of people spread across the galaxy. 
Eris, waiting behind on arcadia to take care of their people.
Martha: Interim director of the Arcadia intelligence Agency in Conn’s absence 
Admiral Simon, sitting aboard the Omen.
Admiral  McCaster on his  ship
Admiral Kozlov 
Tala Kelly, President of earth
Donavan Red
Lord Avex 
And a list of others that could have gone on for hours.  
Multiple politicians, dignitaries, and state leaders, no less than a hundred military leaders, and others witnessing this exchange as a third party.
“This will be the final push.” Adam said, standing straight back, alon on the Captain’s platform. His hands rested lightly against the small of his back. The black of his uniform was dim in the overhead lights, but the ribbons and pins on his chest and collar glittered subtly, “Whatever happens, I wish you to know that it was an honor serving with and for you, all of you.”
There was a muttering of agreement, spilling over the Empyrean’s speakers like the distant roar of a vast sea.
“We have been given a general astronomical location for something Kazna and the void is called the necrotorium. We believe this is where  they are harvesting Anima in order to create void power. Now though we know the general location, it may take days if not months to find it. When we do, coordinates will be sent back to the fleet.” A fleet that would be one of the largest on record, comprised more than a thousand ships owned by half a dozen species or more.
A group surprisingly absent?
There was no doubt in anyone’s mind at this point that the chairman of the galactic assembly was either dead or corrupted. Spies indicated moles planted in the highest echelons of other governments including the Terasaki,  Groom and Iotins. No one was safe.
The only species unbothered by the void, were the non construct species like the Mikes and the Lumin.
The Tvek were all but lost.
Reports coming in from that sector of the galaxy were not good.
Adam hadn’t realized their communication with the little aliens had been cut off some time ago, as most of their interaction had come through the GA. 
If only they had moved faster.
The one person brave enough to go take a look, had found a planet swathed in red mist.
The guilt hung heavy on his shoulders, but he knew that this was no time to give in to such feelings. He had learned that lesson the hard way, and through years of mistakes and suffering.
He would not blame himself for lack of foresight.
“This will be the largest military undertaking ever seen, but you all know your roles. If there is any group of people who have a possibility of pulling this off, it is us. Collectively.” He didn’t want to say much more, he was tired of making speeches, listening to words even from himself.
Now was the time to act.
Below him, past the little holographic images projected on the view screen, he could see Arcadia, lit up in its newfound burning glory. Distant star just beginning to peak over the horizon. From here he could see her vast tracts of bare stony rock. She seemed so barren from up here, Noxumber and the surrounding land only a small inkblot of color just beginning to spread veins into the terraformed land beyond.
Clouds swirled over her surface in lazy undulating spirals. 
kay , Nyx and Astra would probably be waking up soon.
He closed his eyes.
This was for them, no matter how long it took,and if it took long, he hoped that they would forgive him for what he had to do.
He took a step forward onto the platform and rose slowly into the air. Light and power diffused through his skin as he was elevated some fifteen feet above the platform, “Are we understood.”
Another murmur of agreement.
This was not news to anyone.
The logistics of such a task had been gone over again and again  and again, the topic beaten until it was dead and then beaten some more. Nothing had been left up to chance. Adam maneuvered the ship out, towards the arcadia defense nexus.
“Good luck.” He said, motioning to the comms specialist to cut communication.
The screen before him went blank.
With the twitch of his fingers, they continued forward, the Empyrean responding to his commands as if she was an extension of his own body. 
They reached the edge of the defense nexus, which flared only once, an array of bright blue hexagons that appeared and disappeared in an ever expanding ripple from their point of exit. The shield was dropped only long enough to let them through before closing behind.
Nexus deep space turrets followed their progression, but did not fire on the familiar ship
“Prep the ship for-”
The Empyrean rocked violently the side.
The golden light on the floor ruptured into a dull, angry red.
Outside the windows, the Arcadian defense Nexus reacted rapidly, guns swiveling and firing in rapid succession.
re the hell is that coming from!” Adam demanded.
It was Sunny who answered.
Sitting at the weapons station she glared intently at her screen, hands held out to puppet the phantom weapons controls, “It’s a ship, just appeared out of warp.”
The viewscreen lit up on one corner.
Adam knew the specs of that ship, like he knew the class and specifications of almost any ship that had ever been made.
A rundi political cruiser, outfitted with battle class weaponry.
“Someone’s a snitch.” he hissed under his breath.
Adam took control of the main cannons leaving the complexities of their other weapons systems to Sunny, as he rotated the Empyrean rapidly to face their opponent, making them a smaller target.
The rundi’s shields flared with burning orange light as missile after missile poured onto her from the defense nexus.
She did not seem particularly phased.
Let's see how they liked the taste of Anima Energy.
The ship was moving fast, still doing it’s best to avoid the bulk of the attacks being laid on it by the defense nexus, but he adjusted for movement, an action born out of years of flight combat training and intuition.
The cannons fired, a burst of bright Anima energy.
They may have had void shields, made of corrupted Anima, but this was still the Architect’s own ship, so the smaller vessel was hardly a match for her power, and the shields flickered and dimmed.
“Lay it on them.” Adam shouted.
Sunny did as told.
“We’re being hailed.” Comms shouted.
“Patch them in.” Adam snarled, pulling the Empyrean to the left and spinning rapidly as the other vessel attempted to match the maneuver.
Big ships weren't fighter vessels, they weren’t meant to move with speed or dexterity. Mostly they were meant to take damage until someone eventually imploded. Your average pilot was really just there to maneuver the ship into the best angle for firing on the opponent.
Any average pilot that is.
Adam shot forward with a well timed burst of speed that put them directly above their opponent, or under them, or to the side of them, it was all relative in the vacuum of space.
Sunny took that opportunity firing  with their lower anima cannons, and following up with classic high explosive ordinance rounds.
The shields flickered, and in the time it took the energy to dim, the ordinance rounds, had just enough time to slip through the lowered shields. Both of them exploded on impact, rocking the ship back in its spot.
Why they thought they could win this fight was baffling to Adam.
An image appeared on the viewscreen before him, though his eyes were mostly focused on the task at hand. He could only allow himself a momentary lapse of judgment when he saw who sat at the helm of that ship.  The Empyrean rocked again as a well timed bout of rounds landed on their shield,. Starbursts of golden light appeared around the zones of impact.
Adam cursed, “You!”
The charwoman of the galactic assembly looked at him with a measure of amusement on her alien face, “I’m sorry Admiral, but I don’t believe we have had the pleasure of meeting.”
Adam growled, “Don’t bother with introductions, you won’t be here long enough to give one.”
“Is that so?”
And then the sky lit up around him with a thousand blue flashes, the telltale sign of an incoming warp. 
And before he knew it.
He was facing an army.
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sirensorisons · 2 years
"He tells of the history of Panem, the country that rose up out of the ashes of a place that was once called North America."
(THG chapter 1)
"In school, they tell us the Capitol was built in a place once called the Rockies. District 12 was in a region known as Appalachia."
(THG chapter 3)
Where do you think location of Capitol and Panem's districts exactly?
The Appalachian’s span multiple states. Where do you picture District 12?
How long between this time and Panem rise? 200 hundred years? More?
Thank you so much
the capitol - i subscribe to it being in salt lake city, utah.
district 1 - i've always imagined it as being in southern california, just because that's where hollywood and beverly hills are. luxury district, land of celebrity... los angeles makes sense to me. i could also see it encompassing las vegas, to bring it closer to where the capitol is located.
district 2 - it's a mountainous area near the capitol, so i've always pictured it in denver, colorado.
district 3 - it only makes sense to me for it to be in san jose, california, the home of silicon valley.
district 4 - i picture it as being in northern california. in thg, katniss sees the lights of another district and wonders if it's 7 or 4, so they might be near each other. katniss also suggests in catching fire that part of the reason she has trouble understanding mags is because of her accent making words indistinct, which seems consistent with norcal. then in mockingjay, finnick tells a story about a sea turtle, so district 4 must be somewhere warm. cali checks out.
district 5 - i imagine it being a very urban district (explained more thoroughly in my foxface meta), so i think it might be somewhere that was already very urban in the beforetimes. possibly chicago?
district 6 - i could either see it being in detroit, michigan, where the automotive industry lived and died, or more centrally located at the intersection of various railways, like st louis, missouri.
district 7 - in as long as i'm burning (shameless self-promo), i've placed it in eugene, oregon.
district 8 - i imagine it being close to district 12, since bonnie and twill were able to make it there in catching fire. since they pass through there on their way north to district 13, i think it's somewhere in the midwest. maybe ohio.
district 9 - it's the grain district, and most of the usa's wheat comes from kansas, so it's probably right in there.
district 10 - as the livestock district, it's probably in texas and oklahoma.
district 11 - probably takes up a broad swath of the south so they can work the land, but i've always pictured the largest settlement as being in georgia.
district 12 - i always pictured it in west virginia, but the first movie was filmed in north carolina, and based on the accent suzanne collins used for lucy gray here (contains tbosas spoilers), i think it could go either way. west virginia works better imo because it's closer to where i think district 8 is.
district 13 - since the cover story for their industry was graphite, i could see it being in upstate new york. there used to be some graphite mines up there.
as for the time period... the original script for thg says that the series takes place 300 years from the present day, but personally i think it's more like 300 to 400 years. i could see the technological advances described in the series could probably happen on a timeline of only 100-200 years, and the natural disasters described in chapter 1 could happen even sooner than that.
but based on the changes in dialect and naming conventions between now and the time of panem, i think 300-400 years makes sense. that's analogous to the time between now and 1600 - so their english would be intelligible to us, but still markedly different. (of course, given that amount of time, accents could be very different to what we recognize, rendering my points about mags and lucy gray obsolete... but since the books are written in present-day english and not some projected future dialect, i think we can assume those accents are tied to what we would recognize.)
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feministdragon · 5 months
— When the 2000 election recount ordered by the Florida Supreme Court was halted by five corrupt Republicans on the US Supreme Court — handing the White House to George W. Bush by a disputed 537 votes — nobody knew at the time that Florida Governor Jeb Bush’s Secretary of State, Katherine Harris, had commissioned a huge purge of voters, using a list of Texas felons that was 68% Black and Hispanic.
Harris did this because the national pool of Black and Hispanic names is relatively small: Black felons in Texas with names like Jim Washington or Jose Gonzalez are extremely likely to have similarly named counterparts in any other state with large Black and Hispanic populations like Florida. 
Thus, when those Texas names were compared via a “loose match” (didn’t require a birthday or middle name match) with Florida voters’ names, disproportionate numbers of Black and Hispanic Florida voters were deemed to be possible felons who’d somehow recently moved to Florida from Texas, and tens of thousands were removed from the voter rolls. As the US Commission on Civil Rights noted:
“14.4 percent of Florida’s black voters cast ballots that were rejected. This compares with approximately 1.6 percent of nonblack Florida voters who did not have their presidential votes counted. … [I]n the state's largest county, Miami-Dade, more than 65 percent of the names on the purge list were African Americans, who represented only 20.4 percent of the population.”
— When Donald Trump was certified the winner of the 2016 election, nobody knew at the time that Russia had illegally poured millions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of man-hours into targeting swing state voters identified by the RNC, whose names were handed off to Russian Intelligence by Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort.
When Robert Mueller’s FBI team determined this crime had helped put Trump in the White House, and that Trump had personally intervened in investigations ten separate times in ways that could be prosecuted as criminal obstruction of justice, Bill Barr kept the news from America until the story had largely faded from the headlines.
What will it be this November? We have some clues.
— With the blessing of five Republicans on the 2018 Supreme Court, Republican-controlled states with large Black and Hispanic populations are purging voter rolls like there’s no tomorrow. Just between 2020 and 2022, fully 19,260,000 Americans — 8.5% of all registered voters — were purged. The purge rate in Red states was 40% higher than the rest of the country. We won’t know this year’s purge numbers until well after the election is over.
— The GOP is trying to organize an “army” of 100,000 rightwing warriors to show up at polling places to “oversee” elections and challenge voters they think look suspicious. They’ll also be challenging signature matches on mail-in ballots, particularly in Blue cities in Red states.
— Republican elected officials from the state level all the way up to the US Senate are refusing to say that they’ll accept or certify the result of the election this fall if Donald Trump doesn’t win. Multiple Republican members of Congress have asserted that only the House of Representatives should decide the presidential election this year (which would throw the election to Trump regardless of who the voters or electoral college choose).
— In multiple states, Republicans have passed laws allowing them to manipulate and change the location of polling places, criminalize voter registration drives, replace Democratic and nonpartisan election officials with partisan GOP hacks, and in Georgia and Arizona throw out ballots from entire precincts. As Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt noted for The Atlantic: “Throwing out thousands of ballots in rival strongholds may be profoundly antidemocratic, but it is technically legal, and Republicans in several states now have a powerful stick with which to enforce such practices.”
— Typically, when politicians engage in nakedly deceptive politicking or election theft they’re outed in the press and punished at the polls. Since 2020, however, Republicans have rewarded their politicians who tell lies and engage in underhanded tactics, suggesting there will be no limits to what the Trump campaign might do or say in the weeks leading up to the election, including the use of deepfakes and AI.
— Saudi Arabia and Russia — both allies of Trump — have cut oil production by over 1.4 million barrels a day to drive up gasoline prices leading up to this November, just like they did in a dress rehearsal during the fall of 2022. History shows that gas prices spiking over $5 or even $6 a gallon will have a measurable impact on inflation and thus the election.
— Russia fielded a small army of online trolls to assist Trump’s electoral efforts in 2016 and 2020. Expect the same in November, except this time, according to Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, China is also getting into the act on the GOP’s behalf. 
— Benjamin Netanyahu defied President Obama when he was engaged in delicate negotiations with Iran, visiting the US and addressing Congress at the invitation of Republicans. He’s expected to do the same slap-in-the-face gesture this fall to Biden, along with defying the president’s wish that Israel minimize civilian casualties in Gaza. Netanyahu will do everything he can to ensure Trump comes back into office if for no other reason than keeping himself out of prison; demoralizing young progressive voters will almost certainly be at the top of his list.
But these are all things we know about right now, even if there’s little we can do about most of them.
Given the Nixon/Reagan/Bush examples, our biggest concern should be to find the things we’d otherwise look back on after the inauguration and say about them, “Nobody knew at the time…”
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247callcenterservice · 7 months
In the United States, call center companies play a pivotal role in providing customer support, sales assistance, technical troubleshooting, and various other services for businesses across a multitude of industries. These companies employ thousands of individuals nationwide and operate through various models, including in-house, outsourced, and virtual call centers. Let's delve into the landscape of call center companies in the USA.
1. Overview of the Call Center Industry:
The call center industry in the USA has witnessed significant growth over the years, driven by the increasing demand for cost-effective customer service solutions and the globalization of businesses. Today, call centers cater to diverse sectors such as telecommunications, banking and finance, healthcare, retail, technology, and e-commerce.
2. Major Players:
Several major call center companies dominate the industry, including:
Teleperformance: One of the largest call center companies globally, Teleperformance operates numerous centers across the USA, offering multilingual customer support, technical assistance, and sales services.
Concentrix: Concentrix is another key player, known for its innovative customer engagement solutions. It provides a wide range of services, including customer care, technical support, and digital marketing services.
Alorica: Alorica specializes in customer experience outsourcing solutions, serving clients in various industries. It offers services such as customer support, sales, and back-office support.
Sitel Group: Sitel Group is renowned for its customer experience management solutions. With a global presence, Sitel operates call centers in multiple locations across the USA, providing tailored customer support services.
TTEC: Formerly known as TeleTech, TTEC offers customer experience solutions, digital services, and technology-enabled customer care. It focuses on delivering personalized customer interactions through its contact centers.
3. Industry Trends:
The call center industry is continually evolving, driven by technological advancements and changing consumer preferences. Some notable trends include:
Digital Transformation: Call centers are increasingly integrating digital channels such as chat, email, and social media to enhance customer engagement and support omnichannel experiences.
AI and Automation: Automation technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI) and chatbots, are being adopted to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and provide faster resolutions to customer queries.
Remote Workforce: The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the shift towards remote work in the call center industry. Many companies have embraced remote workforce models, allowing agents to work from home while maintaining productivity and efficiency.
Data Analytics: Call centers are leveraging data analytics tools to gain insights into customer behavior, preferences, and trends. This data-driven approach enables them to personalize interactions and optimize service delivery.
4. Challenges and Opportunities:
Despite its growth, the call center industry faces several challenges, including:
Staffing Issues: Recruiting and retaining skilled agents remains a challenge for many call center companies, particularly amid competition for talent and high turnover rates.
Security Concerns: With the increasing prevalence of cyber threats, call centers must prioritize data security and compliance to protect sensitive customer information.
However, the industry also presents numerous opportunities for growth and innovation:
Expansion of Services: Call center companies can diversify their service offerings to meet the evolving needs of clients, such as expanding into digital customer engagement, analytics, and consulting services.
Focus on Customer Experience: By prioritizing customer experience and investing in training and technology, call centers can differentiate themselves and gain a competitive edge in the market.
Globalization: With advancements in technology and communication infrastructure, call center companies can explore opportunities for global expansion and tap into new markets.
5. Future Outlook:
Looking ahead, the call center industry is poised for further growth and transformation. As businesses increasingly prioritize customer-centric strategies, call center companies will play a crucial role in delivering exceptional customer experiences and driving business success.
In conclusion, call center companies in the USA form a vital component of the customer service ecosystem, serving a wide range of industries and helping businesses enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. With ongoing technological innovations and evolving customer expectations, the industry is poised for continued growth and innovation in the years to come.
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woodelf114 · 2 years
So, what happens when I discover someone who does beautiful au work and writes gorgeous stories on said aus?
My writer brain goes, "gotta write, gotta write, gotta write, gotta write-"
So, this piece here is inspired by @llamagoddessofficial and her new Tilikum story! She's done amazing work, so go check her out! I have a feeling that for now, a lot of my drabbles/works are going to be inspired by her stuff, so sorry not sorry haha.
Anyways, for context, I'm taking a different spin on how MC meets Skull, because I love that big boy so much and he deserves the best. Also, going to be using third person pov with my Horrortale oc Lucy, because I'm not super great at reader insert pov style.
Now, enough chatter, let's roll!!
That field trip literally changed her life.
Her 5th-grade class took a field trip to the local aquarium, the world-famous Ebott Aquarium, known for its exotic attractions and colossal size. But the most exciting part of this place was the sirens. Sirens were known for their speed, power, intelligence, and habit of luring humans with their songs before drowning and eating them. They were extremely dangerous.
So, naturally, Ebott Aquarium had the three largest held in captivity.
Lucy trailed along with her classmates as her teacher started pairing them into groups. Somehow, she had been missed. Probably because she wasn't paying attention and slipped under the teacher's radar. She had her iconic leather journal in hand, but she wasn't taking notes on anything the teacher was saying or anything in the aquarium.
If she was being entirely honest, she wanted to leave.
The vast size of the location, plus the extreme business of people bustling around them, set off her social anxiety and sensory overload. Everything was ringing in her ears. Occasionally her small frame trembled as she took deep breaths to soothe her panic.
When it started to become too much, she wandered off from the rest of her group, desperate to find someplace quiet to have a panic attack in peace. So, it wasn't a wonder that when she spotted a dark room with hardly anyone in sight, she made a beeline for it. Relief immediately washed over her as she stepped into the large room. There was a massive tank with an artificial cave put into it. The tank and the room were darkened, and it didn't even look like anything was in the tank.
Maybe this is an empty tank, or they're preparing the space for something else, Lucy thought as she looked around while slipping her small backpack off her back. She stepped over to the glass, peering inside. Nope, nothing here. Must be empty.
She turned and pressed her back to the glass, sliding down to a sitting position and rubbing her temples. She hadn't really considered the implications of getting lost in such a vast place; otherwise, her panic would have increased tenfold. She didn't even know that at that moment, her group was doing a quick headcount and realizing that someone was missing and that the chaperones were rushing to find a staff worker to help find their missing student.
Lucy opened up her journal delicately. The old thing was worn down enough that she feared it would fall apart if she was too harsh with it. She pulled out a pen and started scribbling random thoughts on the blank pages, using the pinkish-red light to see it better-
Hold up. Where is that red light coming from?
Lucy felt the hair on the back of her neck prickle. The red light was originating from behind her, in the tank.
Her heart began to pound, and she tugged nervously on her beanie. She didn't want to turn around or even move, but her instinctive "prey" fear was screaming get out, get out, get out, get out, get out-.
With a shaky breath, Lucy swallowed a lump in her throat, then slowly twisted her neck to look over her shoulder.
A gigantic smiling skull stared back at her, inches away from the glass that separated them.
She released a small gasp, stiffening even more, but she didn't move. The creature had an upper skeletal body that was taller and broader than her and a lower mass of dark, writhing tentacles. The suckers were stuck onto the glass.
A siren.
Lucy let out a tiny breath she hadn't realized she had been holding. She noticed all the scars littering his bones, locking onto the gaping hole on the upper right side of his skull. His left eye socket was empty and dark. The right one, however, had a glowing red orb with a dark circle in the middle, resembling some kind of "eye" that was utterly honed in on her.
When they finally made eye contact, that orb expanded, and the siren tipped his head to the side like a curious dog. The grin widened significantly.
"Woah..." Lucy finally whispered. She turned around fully, now that the initial fear was gone, replaced by awe and wonder. She leaned closer to the glass, putting a hand on the cool, smooth surface to steady herself.
The siren finally broke eye contact briefly to look at her hand, so tiny in comparison to his own face. To her shock and wonder, he lifted his own skeletal hand up and pressed it against the glass where her hand one. His hand was bigger than her own head and absolutely dwarfed her hand in comparison.
He looked back at her, and Lucy could have sworn that his eyelight was sparkling. His grin was impossibly wide, and it might have looked insane to an onlooker.
To Lucy, it was... kind of adorable.
"Hi, big guy," she whispered, even though she knew he couldn't hear her. "What's your name?"
He cocked his head again, his eyelight briefly glancing down at her moving lips before looking back to her eyes. Like he was... trying to read her lips.
Intelligent, indeed.
She finally broke eye contact to glance around. She spotted a sign near the room entrance on the tank, and she started slowly moving towards it to get a look at it. The siren drifted alongside her, watching her movements closely. It made her giggle a little bit.
She read the sign, which gave information on what kind of siren he was and a brief description... very, very brief. There were many "not much is known about..." sentences.
What caught her attention was the name below its official scientific name.
"Skull, huh?" She asked, looking back at the giant skeleton siren. "Is that what they decided to call you?"
"Skull" was staring back at her, smiling still, and she realized she was smiling back. He seemed just as entranced with her as she was with him, and she felt oddly flattered that such a gigantic creature took an interest in someone as small and insignificant as her.
Probably because you look like a tasty snack, drifted across her mind, enough to make her smile falter slightly. Logically, that made sense. It was probably similar to a big carnivorous cat at the zoo stalking a toddler. It looked cute from behind the safety of the enclosure, but realistically she would probably be torn to shreds if she was in the water with him.
Apparently, her thoughts (or at least emotions) translated to her face because Skull's smile actually dropped as well, eyelight even contracting a bit. He put his hand on the glass again. Lucy looked at it for a moment, brows furrowing before she put her hand on the glass overtop his. His smile brightened again, enough to make her smile return.
Well... maybe he actually is just interested in me-
"LUCY!! There you are, for goodness' sake we've been looking everywhere for you!"
Lucy jumped like she heard a gunshot, stumbling back from the glass and whipping around to see her teacher and a zoo staff member. The teacher looked angry and relieved, while the staff member stared at her like she had grown another head.
"How did- How did you get him to come up to the glass?" The staff member asked.
Lucy blinked, shrinking back timidly and stepping away from the glass. She went to look back at Skull, almost hoping for some form of backup, but the giant siren was gone.
"I- uh- I didn't- he just came up to me, I-I don't know," Lucy stammered, heart pounding. "I-I'm sorry, I just needed somewhere quiet, and this place was empty, a-and I didn't realize how long it had been since- I don't know I'm sorry."
Her teacher huffed for a moment. "Lucy, you know you can't just wander off like that," she stated, stepping over to the young girl.
"I know, I know, I'm sorry," she mumbled on repeat, sounding like a broken record as she started grabbing her things. She cast one last glance at the tank as her teacher started leading her out, still going off on her.
She spotted the red eyelight from inside the artificial den staring at her.
She smiled slightly and offered a little wave, though it was bittersweet. She was sure she probably would not see Skull again anytime soon, if ever.
To her delight, Skull lifted one tentacle up and poked it out. At first, it looked like it was just floating in the water, but then the tip of it wiggled, mimicking the motion of waving back.
Her smile widened considerably before she finally turned and followed the teacher out of the exhibit, not even noticing the dumbstruck jaw-dropped look on the staff's face.
Lucy was shocked when the aquarium contacted her family a few weeks later to offer free weekly visits in exchange for participating in some kind of research survey. Really, all it seemed to include was hourly visits with her new favorite siren.
It seemed like a win-win.
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aroundtheworldiej · 2 years
7 years later, let's remember the horror
By Mathis Alloul
7 years ago, on 13 November 2015, France experienced one of its darkest days. In strategic locations in Paris, several Islamic State terrorists used their weapons to kill as many people as possible. Like every November 13 since that disaster, it is time to remember and pay tribute, and this article will do just that.
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Montage de plusieurs images représentant les attentats du 13 novembre 2015. Auteurs des photos: Eric salard, Chris 93, maya-Anaïs Yataghène, Mstyslav Chernov.
Let us recall the facts
On 13 November 2015, France experienced the deadliest attacks in its history on its soil. A commando of about ten terrorists divided into small groups formed for the attack, all led by the terrorist Abdelhamid Abaaoud. The attacks are organised by the Islamic State (EI) organisation in Syria.
6 different attacks will take place:
-The first attack took place near the Stade de France. Four people were killed, including three terrorists who blew themselves up. The explosions were intended to take place inside the stadium, the aim being to kill as many people as possible during the France-Germany football match.
-The second attack killed 13 people in the restaurants Le Carillon and Le Petit Cambodge in the 10th arrondissement.
-The next attack took place at the Café Bonne Bière brasserie and the Casa Nostra restaurant, killing 5 people.
-The largest attack took place at the Bataclan where 90 people (including 3 terrorists) died while attending a concert.
-The fifth attack took place in a bar in the 11th arrondissement, La Belle Équipe, where 21 people died.
-Finally, a fifth attack took place in the 11th arrondissement at the restaurant Comptoir Voltaire, which can be considered a failure because the only dead person was a terrorist.
Another attack was planned by the OEI on 13 November 2015 and targeted Amsterdam airport, which fortunately failed. A state of emergency will be declared following these attacks, a first since the Algiers coup in 1958.
After the terror comes the mourning, President François Hollande decrees 3 days of national mourning. Benin and Hungary will also impose a day of national mourning in support of France. The European Union is calling for a minute's silence for all Europeans. Many historic places will fly the French flag around the world, such as the Sydney Opera House or the Mexican Independence Monument in Mexico City.
Tributes have been paid on this 13 November 2022
These tributes will take place 5 months after the trial of the terrorist Salah Abdeslam, the only member of the commando still alive. Other people have been tried for having participated in the organization of the attack. A new tribute to the victims, seven years later. Commemorative ceremonies are taking place on Sunday 13 November in Paris and Saint-Denis, in honor of the victims of the attacks of 13 November 2015.
 The Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, is taking part in these commemorations along with the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, which began in Saint-Denis at 9am.  "This ceremony, placed under the sign of sobriety, dignity and recollection, will take place without speeches. During its match against Auxerre, the Paris Saint-Germain football club will wear a badge in tribute to the victims. The film "November" released a month ago can also be seen as a tribute, particularly to the work of the intelligence services in finding and neutralising the remaining terrorists.
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Place de la République le 13 novembre 2015
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mariacallous · 22 days
It’s back to the good old days of globalization in Norway—at least for some. A small town needs an investor for a major piece of infrastructure, and in certain foreign nations there are investors with deep pockets to be found. Local politicians energetically court the investor, who has money to spare and is keen to spread it around the world. Hooray! There’s hope for the town’s future!
This, alas, is 2024, and the piece of infrastructure concerned is the port in Kirkenes, Norway—which also happens to be the NATO port closest to Russia. The magnanimous investor: China’s state-owned shipping giant COSCO.
“I take the liberty of proposing the following agenda:
1. Status and development plans
2. A potential establishment of a Cosco Shipping engagement in Kirkenes.”
The person who sent this message was Terje Jorgensen, the director of the Port of Kirkenes. (Norwegian broadcaster NRK obtained Jorgensen’s message and others between the port director and COSCO through a freedom of information request.) The Arctic coastal town is located a mere 20-minute drive from Russia, and its deep-water port is just 53 nautical miles from Russia’s Port of Pechenga—making it a potential critical site in any conflict with Moscow.
The Port of Kirkenes is owned by the municipality of Sor-Varanger, of which Kirkenes is the largest town. Sor-Varanger, however, only has some 10,000 residents. Even with the taxes paid by local businesses, that’s not a large enough taxpayer base to support a port that receives all manner of vessels, including cruise ships. And since the port has an extraordinarily strategic location thanks to the Northern Sea Route, which is looking more potentially lucrative every year as the Arctic ice retreats, the port’s management, which reports to a board that is in turn appointed by the municipality, unsurprisingly sees opportunities for expansion. But that would take a big injection of capital to pull off.
That’s why Jorgensen sent his message: He wanted COSCO to invest in the port. Indeed, the message was just one of many dating back to February 2023, NRK reports. It’s easy to see why Jorgensen and his colleagues were interested in what COSCO had to offer. The Chinese state-owned shipping company is huge: It owns 1,417 vessels with a total capacity of 116 million deadweight metric tons, more than any other shipping company. It has just placed an enormous order for 42 more ships worth $1.8 billion, most of which will be built before 2027, Lloyd’s List reports.
COSCO is, in fact, precisely the sort of company that Western towns and cities, and even national governments, spent decades courting. Not chasing Chinese investors would have been foolish, especially when everyone else was doing it. When the United Kingdom needed investors for three nuclear power plants a decade ago, it turned to the state-owned China General Nuclear, which signed on the dotted line in 2015.
But times have dramatically changed since 2015, and these days, few Western countries, cities, or towns are courting Chinese investments, especially from state-owned conglomerates. Indeed, in its most recent annual report, Norway’s military intelligence agency notes that China is expanding its cooperation with Russia in the Arctic, while the Norwegian Police Security Service warns in its 2024 national threat assessment that China wants more control over critical supply chains and is positioning itself in the Arctic. “We expect the Chinese party-state wants to continue prioritizing its long-term positioning in the Arctic and gradually increase its presence and intelligence activity,” the assessment notes.
But China has a well-thumbed playbook for winning over local leaders. Kirkenes has received several Chinese delegations. At least five other Chinese companies, including a textile manufacturer, a carmaker, and an investment fund, have rather mysteriously also expressed an interest in establishing themselves in the town.
As for COSCO, the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) reports that there’s evidence the shipping firm supports the Chinese authorities. “For instance, COSCO operates its own militia, which is likely capable of conducting paramilitary activities such as maritime surveillance, counter-piracy missions and search-and-rescue operations,” Charlie Lyons Jones and Raphael Veit wrote for ASPI in 2021, adding that “COSCO appears to be developing the capability needed to comply with CCP requests to assist with intelligence operations, national defense mobilisation or grey-zone activities.”
Despite the security services’ warnings, Kirkenes’s leaders have pressed ahead with their Chinese engagement. They’re following a path already well-trodden by other European port operators. Last year, COSCO bought a 24.9 percent stake in the Port of Hamburg’s container terminal. It also owns significant stakes in the Belgian ports of Zeebrugge and Antwerp; Seattle; Valencia and Bilbao in Spain; and Vado in Italy. In Greece’s Port of Piraeus, COSCO is the majority owner. As I’ve previously discussed in Foreign Policy, Peru’s Port of Chancay was sold to COSCO after local administrators apparently failed to read the fine print.
The Port of Kirkenes envisages not just shipping between Chinese ports and Kirkenes but a presence for COSCO in the port itself. In May, Jorgensen met with COSCO representatives at the shipping firm’s Helsinki office. Because the port leadership knew the courting was controversial, Jorgensen subsequently proposed an alternative name to be used in Kirkenes’s communications, NRK’s muckraking reporters discovered. “I think it will be politically very beneficial if we start using the term OCEAN ALLIANCE. … [D]escribing it as cooperation with the alliance will probably take some of the heat out of the issue politically,” he wrote in an email on May 8.
But the heat hasn’t gone away. As things stand, COSCO would only lease parts of the Port of Kirkenes, not own it. But a major presence of a state-owned Chinese entity in Norway’s border region with Russia is still a risky undertaking. It’s an open question why COSCO is interested in the small port at all. Yes, it could be a useful staging post as the Northern Sea Route gets underway, but there are other ports COSCO could use. Murmansk, on the Russian side of the border, is a major Arctic shipping hub. Norway’s center-right opposition has asked Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store to intervene.
Port boss Jorgensen, though, appears determined to make the deal happen, and Kirkenes’s leaders point out that they’re in charge of investments and jobs in their community—not the national security agencies. This sounds a whole lot like the Swedish island of Gotland in 2007, when Nord Stream offered an attractive payment for the right to use Gotland’s Slite harbor for its construction of Nord Stream 1. Local leaders, keen to benefit from the globalizing economy, eagerly accepted the proposal. (I write about the case in my book Goodbye Globalization.)
Will the Norwegian government try to thwart the Kirkenes leaders’ COSCO plans? On Sept. 4, it seemed to have made up its mind. “We want a good interaction between the authorities and the municipalities to balance consideration for business and local communities on the one hand and national security on the other. However, the government is prepared to say no to Chinese actors if it is necessary to safeguard national security,” Norwegian Minister of Justice and Public Security Emilie Enger Mehl declared in a statement. The Port of Kirkenes, though, is unlikely to let go of its Chinese dream without a fight. As for Gahr Store, he’s shortly taking off for a trip to China.
Get ready for more such clashes between business, job creation, and national security—and local communities and those in charge of protecting our countries.
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reasoningdaily · 2 years
Real-life examples of AI algorithms demonstrating bias and prejudice
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Three Real-Life Examples of AI Bias
What can we learn from all of this?
Some say that it’s a buzzword that doesn't really mean much. Others say that it’s the cause of the end of humanity.
The truth is that artificial intelligence (AI) is starting a technological revolution, and while AI has yet to take over the world, there’s a more pressing concern that we’ve already encountered: AI bias.
What is AI bias?
AI bias is the underlying prejudice in data that’s used to create AI algorithms, which can ultimately result in discrimination and other social consequences.
Let me give a simple example to clarify the definition: Imagine that I wanted to create an algorithm that decides whether an applicant gets accepted into a university or not and one of my inputs was geographic location. Hypothetically speaking, if the location of an individual was highly correlated with ethnicity, then my algorithm would indirectly favor certain ethnicities over others. This is an example of bias in AI.
This is dangerous. Discrimination undermines equal opportunity and amplifies oppression. I can say this for certain because there have already been several instances where AI bias has done exactly that.
In this article, I’m going to share three real-life examples of when AI algorithms have demonstrated prejudice and discrimination towards others.
Three Real-Life Examples of AI Bias
1. Racism embedded in US healthcare
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In October 2019, researchers found that an algorithm used on more than 200 million people in US hospitals to predict which patients would likely need extra medical care heavily favored white patients over black patients. While race itself wasn’t a variable used in this algorithm, another variable highly correlated to race was, which was healthcare cost history. The rationale was that cost summarizes how many healthcare needs a particular person has. For various reasons, black patients incurred lower health-care costs than white patients with the same conditions on average.
Thankfully, researchers worked with Optum to reduce the level of bias by 80%. But had they not interrogated in the first place, AI bias would have continued to discriminate severely.
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Arguably the most notable example of AI bias is the COMPAS (Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions) algorithm used in US court systems to predict the likelihood that a defendant would become a recidivist.
Due to the data that was used, the model that was chosen, and the process of creating the algorithm overall, the model predicted twice as many false positives for recidivism for black offenders (45%) than white offenders (23%).
3. Amazon’s hiring algorithm
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Amazon’s one of the largest tech giants in the world. And so, it’s no surprise that they’re heavy users of machine learning and artificial intelligence. In 2015, Amazon realized that their algorithm used for hiring employees was found to be biased against women. The reason for that was because the algorithm was based on the number of resumes submitted over the past ten years, and since most of the applicants were men, it was trained to favor men over women.
What can we learn from all of this?
It’s clear that making non-biased algorithms are hard. In order to create non-biased algorithms, the data that’s used has to be bias-free and the engineers that are creating these algorithms need to make sure they’re not leaking any of their own biases. With that said, here are a few tips to minimize bias:
The data that one uses needs to represent “what should be” and not “what is”. What I mean by this is that it’s natural that randomly sampled data will have biases because we lived in a biased world where equal opportunity is still a fantasy. However, we have to proactively ensure that the data we use represents everyone equally and in a way that does not cause discrimination against a particular group of people. For example, with Amazon’s hiring algorithm, had there been an equal amount of data for men and women, the algorithm may not have discriminated as much.
Some sort of data governance should be mandated and enforced. As both individuals and companies have some sort of social responsibility, we have an obligation to regulate our modeling processes to ensure that we are ethical in our practices. This can mean several things, like hiring an internal compliance team to mandate some sort of audit for every algorithm created, the same way Obermeyer’s group did.
Model evaluation should include an evaluation by social groups. Learning from the instances above, we should strive to ensure that metrics like the true accuracy and false positive rate are consistent when comparing different social groups, whether that be gender, ethnicity, or age.
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fieldsofdrams · 2 days
Integration of Smart Technologies in Luxury Swimming Pool Designs
Luxury swimming pools, a symbol of sophistication and play, have been sought after for centuries. Lately, however, at the touch of smart technologies, these private paradises in a backyard are becoming more functional, convenient, and delightful. This report explores the changing face of luxury swimming pool design in relation to the integration of smart technologies to create an entirely personalized and immersive swimming experience.
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Origins of Smart Pools
Smart Pooling implies integration with swimming pools, which has been a developing trend in recent years. Pool users have started seeking avenues for automating and controlling their pools' aspects, for example, lighting, filtration, heating, and water features. Increasing comfort also contributes to greater efficiency and saves on maintenance. Here are some key smart technologies for luxury pools.
Pool Automation Systems: These automation systems are able to control multiple pool functions from an iPhone, iPad, or voice command from anywhere in your house, such as the temperature of the pool water, the lights, and waterfalls or fountains.
Smart Lighting Systems: LED pool lights come in so many different colors and can be programmed with a wide range of precise custom effects. This may result in the pool area dramatically brightening up and becoming uniquely fabulous.
Water Chemistry Monitoring Systems: These systems continuously monitor the water chemistry of your pool so that imbalances are caught early enough to be rectified. Continuous monitoring will ensure healthy and safe swimming and prolong the life of the equipment.
Automatic Pool Cleaners: Robotic cleaners allow program-controlled automatic cleaning of the pool. This saves the homeowner from unnecessary time spent on cleaning.
Integrated Heating and Cooling Systems: The smart pool heaters and coolers integrate with the automation systems ensuring optimum water temperature across all seasons.
Advantages of Smart Technology in High-End Swimming Pools
Convenience and Control: A family will be able to easily control their pool from anywhere and at any time, which means goodbye to manual readjustments and maintenance procedures.
Efficiency and Savings: Pool operating systems can automatically operate a pool, save energy, and use chemicals more efficiently. This is the largest source of long-term cost savings.
Safety and Security: Smart pool systems can have leak detection and be monitored from remote locations. Such systems allow people to use less time in the house for more important things.
Personalization and Customization: With smart technology, homeowners will be able to control the lighting effects, water features, and temperature settings that work best for them.
Luxury pool design evolves with smart technology. Be an intelligent smart homeowner in every walk of life, and you can find an exceptionally smart and personal swimming experience using such next-generation technologies, heightening enjoyment while simplifying pool maintenance. For more information, contact Field of Dreams.
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