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takoxuls · 11 months ago
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Free Palestine 🍉 And #StrikeForGaza today, April 15th!
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iriyaices · 1 year ago
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Do NOT stop talking about Palestine Do NOT stay silent.
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sangled · 1 year ago
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For Palestine.
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adropofhumanity · 1 year ago
scenes today in istanbul of a child jumping to kiss the palestinian flag attached on a shop that was closed for the global strike. the world loves you palestine.
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thisshitisridiculous · 1 year ago
If you don't know, the people who have been using their voices to represent Gaza and the people of Palestine have asked for a world wide general strike on Monday December 11th.
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that means
- don't buy anything. don't use cash or card, online or in person. make a statement economical
- call off work if you're able
- call/email your representative in your cities and countries to demand a ceasefire from Israel in Gaza
- post on social media about Palestine #strikeforgaza
- go a protest or demonstration near you to add your support and direct your efforts towards the demand for a ceasefire
I know it's daunting to think enough people will participate in this strike to matter. That calling your representatives won't be enough to get them to listen. It's easy to think your voice and your actions will just get lost in the grand scheme of things. It's a trap we all fall into. The point is to add our voices together and cause a disruption. Anybody and any effort towards the strike and the demand for a ceasefire will count. It will be added together with everyone else trying. The people who's lives are on the line are asking for us to try. The more people that try the more it will matter. What's the point in not trying?
It's one day. One call. One email. One at a time. You can make a difference.
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be-ba-rs · 1 year ago
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trascapades · 1 year ago
🚨🇵🇸#CeasefireNow #StrikeForGaza December 11, 2023
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The National and Islamic Forces, a coalition of major factions in Palestine, has called for an inclusive global strike that would include all aspects of life in solidarity with the Palestinian people—particularly in the Gaza Strip—who have been facing an Israeli war of genocide, displacement and ethnic cleansing...
Tomorrow 11th Dec. is a global strike day. "If the politicians do not hear us, then we can strike from economic life and daily movement and we can boycott everything, we can put pressure on them to stop supporting and blessing the massacre that is happening in Gaza. CEASEFIRE NOW!!!!" 
Caption reposted from Esraa Alshikh إسراء الشيخ @Esralshikh
🛑We started a campaign to push for a total strike worldwide on Monday 12/11/2023..
⭕️It is necessary to paralyze the movement of life and the economic wheel in all countries so that everyone feels that he is directly affected by the impact of the aggression on Gaza... 
⭕️ Start making your communications today, mobilizing and publishing ..
⭕️The strike must include the transportation, aviation, trade, banks, ports, and even schools and universities.
⭕️Work on gathering the majority of supporters and forget about those who are negligent and discouraged..
⭕️Any personal loss we suffer is worth nothing compared to the massacres taking place against people in Gaza..
Image 2 by artist @heyimsakina 
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Images 3 & 4 and caption by artist @shirien.creates: ...I got news that my friend Refaat had been assassinated by the Israeli occupation forces in Gaza, alongside his brother, sister, and four of her children. There is confirmation that he had received a threatening phone call by the Israeli intelligence saying they have located him.
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Refaat was a well-known and loved Palestinian author, poet, and English literature professor. He was also a founder of @we_are_not_numbers. Refaat taught hundreds of students in Gaza English as a way to help them tell their stories and connect Palestinian liberation with the liberation struggles of Black, Indigenous and colonized people around the world.
I met Refaat in 2014 during his book tour for “Gaza Writes Back,” a collection of stories from Gaza youth living under siege. Refaat taught me how important art and storytelling are as part of our resistance as Palestinians. His work profoundly impacted and inspired me.
Even under Israel’s relentless airstrikes, Refaat hopped around Gaza to find internet to be able to stay connected with his students, his friends abroad, and to take interviews to shed light about the atrocities happening in Gaza. He bravely spoke up knowing that Israel was systematically targeting journalists, academics, creatives, and all those exposing the truth. His home was already targeted and bombed in October, but he survived. This time, he didn’t. 
It’s hard to believe Refaat is no longer with us. It is a painful loss. His intellect, his love for Palestine, his passion to make life better for Gaza, his beautiful care for his people, and his great sense of humor will be missed. But in his short time on earth, Refaat left a lasting legacy on all Palestinians and on the world.
Refaat, in one of his last interviews, said expo markers are all he had as his resistance. But he would never give up, and he wouldn’t want any of us to give up. As he rests, we will continue to tell our stories, to demand an end to the genocide and siege in Gaza, and to keep struggling until Palestine is free.
"Writing is a testimony…a memory that outlives any human experience. We lived for a reason, to tell the tales of loss, of survival, and of hope." - Dr. Refaat Alareer   
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Images 5-8 and caption by @ajplus Israel has bombed the Great Omari Mosque, the largest and oldest mosque in occupied Gaza. Since Oct. 7, Israel has damaged or destroyed over 100 cultural heritage sites in Gaza, along with thousands of historical documents.
Associate Producer: Katherine Conner
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Image 9 from @npr The United States vetoed a resolution calling for a cease-fire in the Israel-Hamas war at the United Nations Security Council on Friday.
The Security Council vote on the resolution, backed by Arab states, had 13 in favor and one — the U.S. — against, while the United Kingdom abstained.
#News #Gaza #Israel #Palestine #Palestinian #Mosque #History #GazaGeniocide #Gaza
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soon-palestine · 1 year ago
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polluted-bat · 1 year ago
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from the river to the sea Palestine will be free.
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hukusu · 1 year ago
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jojou2 · 1 year ago
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اضرابٌ شامل يومَ الإثنين 11/12/2023🔻 إضرابٌ عالمي عن الدوام في المدارس، والجامعات، والشركات الحكومية والخاصة، وكل المحلات في البلاد - الهدف: الضغط على الحكومات اقتصاديًّا لاستخدام أوراق ضغط أقوى على العدو لإيقاف العدوان على غزة.. وهذا أقل الواجب بعد أكثر من 60 يومًا بلا حلول واقعية فكن جُزءًا من الإضراب احشد.. انشر.. شارك.. أضرب
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dedi-ashour · 1 year ago
بدأت حملة على مستوى العالم من أجل الضغط باتجاه الإضراب الشامل غدًا يوم الإثنين الموافق 11/12/2023
- الشعوب تريد شل حركة الحياة والعجلة الاقتصادية في كل الدول حتى يشعر الجميع أنه متأثر بشكل مباشر إثر العدوان على غزة وبالتالي يتم الضغط لوقف الحرب
- الإضراب يشمل قطاع المواصلات والطيران والتجارة والبنوك والموانىء وحتى المدارس والجامعات
A worldwide campaign began to push for a comprehensive strike on Monday, 12/11/2023.
The people want to paralyze the movement of life and the economic wheel in all countries so that everyone feels that they are directly affected by the aggression on Gaza. The strike will include the transportation, aviation, trade, banks, ports, and even schools and universities.
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Repost ,
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lustrant · 1 year ago
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adropofhumanity · 1 year ago
BREAKING: egypt and mauritania have invoked UN resolution 377 - calling for an emergency meeting to demand a ceasefire after US vetoed. we will not be bullied into silence! meeting is tuesday Dec 12 at 3:30pm at UN headquarters in NY
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missanthropicprinciple · 1 year ago
While I am not able to get out of work today I am not buying anything with cash or card, I’m not using my bank account, and I’m not posting anything on FB and Insta other than info about the strike today.
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