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postcard-from-the-past · 3 months ago
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Crosses in Lannion, Brittany region of France
French vintage postcard
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fullscoreshenanigans · 4 months ago
sobbing crying throwing up if anyone has a pdf of Our Light (Shining After the Storm by Fyrsil/Hantii hmu I can't find it on the wayback machine </3
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The only post-canon AU fic I've ever seen focusing on Thoma and Lanni (with their chapter centering around how it seems like they were the only ones to come out of the demon world unscathed but they have PTSD just like all the other children) and Nat and Anna (platonic or pre-romance with Anna integrating into school in the human world well, but then a group of girls start gossiping about Nat and his features, with the two of them having a sweet conversation at the end)
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thathilomgirl · 2 years ago
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Posuka Demizu’s second 2023 Birthday Art for Norman (3/21)
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ihatenotreading · 3 months ago
Ok dont deny it we all know that the grace kids are vegetarians 🍏🍎🥬🥦🥒
Aroace Emma🧡 (just bc i ship norray and dont want her feeling left out)
Phil is like the smartest & smallest person in his class 🤓🥰
I see victor being a technology teacher at a high school ⌨🏫🖨
the lamdia squad would NOT get over calling norman "boss" ☆♤♡◇♧●○□■•°
Anna is defo a doctor/school nurse🏥
Thoma & Lannion are like the school pranksters but are actually rlly smart and all😗😙
Don & Gilda are defo crushing on eachother but it took like 57024182 yrs 4 them to realise
Every year ray goes to issabella's non-existent grave to mourn her😚
Emma & Gilda are like the number 1 norray shipper 🖤💛💙💜💚🧡
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paranasloc · 3 months ago
Ray just shot down an owl recording their every move. Why an owl though? Is it because it’s from the ratri family and the owl is one of the symbols or animals that they use or are known for or is it because William Minerva aka James ratri himself is also their enemy and pretending to help and giving them hope is some sick trick he’s playing
Also can we take a moment to appreciate how mature and responsible and intelligent he is? The rest of them are all crying or struggling, including Emma, meanwhile he’s outside trying to figure out how they got tailed and in the end does manage to find out how. There’s obviously nothing wrong with crying or struggling and it is in fact healthy to process your emotions, and I don’t know if ray was necessarily able to do so, but what he did at the time was also admirable
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natsu7art · 1 year ago
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Side Story 4-1
Ray lost his scarf (getting chased) so Chris and the others shared theirs 😇
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naehja · 1 year ago
Lannion: I dare you- Ray: Emma is not allowed to accept dares anymore. Yvette: Why not? Emma: "I have no regard for my personal safety", as some would say.
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justafterawintermorning · 2 years ago
Chaque jour avec toi est un petit voyage. Un voyage qui commence en tendresse, qui se poursuit par différentes aventures, chaque jour renouvelées... toujours pleine de complicité, de Nous, d'un Amour tellement fort...
Et puis il y a les autres voyages...ceux qui nécessitent un peu d'organisation, quelques valises bien remplies...sans oublier les pelles et les râteaux, notre grain de folie, lui il nous suit partout, pas de risque de l'oublier.
Alors si, bien sûr que si "0n part en voyage" au bout de la rue, au bout du monde...peu importe la destination, tant que l'on est tous les deux.
Alors oui...Vive la vie!...avec Toi!
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postcard-from-the-past · 1 year ago
100 years ago:
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Lannion, France (by Patrick)
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esoterique-fr · 3 months ago
Énergie Féminine - Pauline Beau - Ateliers Pleine Lune
🌕 Découvrez notre nouvel article sur l’Énergie Féminine : Cycles, Sexualité et Spiritualité 💮 Envie d’en savoir plus sur l’énergie féminine et ses mystères avec @Pauline Beau lors des Ateliers Pleine Lune? Plongez dans les pratiques spirituelles et holistiques qui célèbrent les cycles féminins comme une force sacrée, en lien avec la nature et l’énergie vitale. 👉 Au programme : - Une exploration des traditions qui entourent l’énergie féminine. - Comment appliquer ces savoirs ancestraux dans votre vie quotidienne. - Des clés pour mieux comprendre et honorer votre corps et votre esprit. 🎥 BONUS : une vidéo exclusive pour découvrir le reportage vidéo avec des extraits de l’atelier “Énergie Féminine”. 📖 Lisez l’article ici : https://esoterique.eu/energie-feminine-pauline-beau-ateliers-pleine-lune 💬 Et partagez vos impressions avec nous en commentaire ! #energiefeminine #Atelier #Conférence #PaulineBeau #BienEtre #Spiritualité #AteliersPleineLune #esoterisme
Un atelier dédié à la thématique “Energie féminine” a été animé par Pauline Beau aux Ateliers Pleine Lune à Lannion, dans les Côtes d’Armor en Bretagne. Découvrez notre article et reportage vidéo pour explorer les liens entre cycles, sexualité et spiritualité. Atelier “Énergie Féminine” avec Pauline Beau : Une exploration entre cycles, sexualité et spiritualité Le samedi 19 octobre 2024, Pauline…
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gillesvalery · 1 year ago
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LANNION (église Saint Jean du Baly)
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postcard-from-the-past · 1 year ago
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Vietnamese musician playing on flutes
French vintage postcard, mailed in 1906 to Lannion, France
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fullscoreshenanigans · 7 months ago
Thoma and Lani teasing Ray after this is so incredibly real
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(Mystic Code Book Chapter 2 Bonus Comic for Chapter 48)
Norman might potentially get flustered (see: his reaction to Emma in the infirmary when he's sick), but Ray just makes it ridiculously easy and fun to tease him over it with how riled up he can get. They adore their big brother so so much but they would never let him live it down (for a bit) <3
honestly i dont ever really imagine any of them being overly shocked because like- with the exception of the Youngest ones all of these kids watched the three of them grow up together for at Least a few years, and they all saw how close they were. so it just kinda makes sense that yk. theyd be together in this as well.
And big agree after moments like this:
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(Chapter 31 | Chapter 119 | Chapter 161)
It just feels so natural for the three of them to find their way back to each other.
theres also potential with normans gang but i think that would be less funny and more they would be losing their minds like. saying they treat it like a drama seems mean but JSBDKEBB. theyd just be like hoooolyyyy fuck oh my god. what the hell. i am going to explode
Also real
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(Chapter 123 | Chapter 124)
When they meet they're openly obsessing over who are these impressive people the boss holds in such high regard and is so close to (Vincent is much more lowkey, but the interest is there), so while it's not entirely a shock to them either, especially after what they witness between them at the imperial capital:
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(Chapter 153)
It's still something I could see them playing up as a Big Thing as their way of showing their enthusiasm and support for the three of them.
Who has the funniest reaction to REN officially announcing they're together?
ohhh man some of the younger kids for sure. my first reaction is definitely to say thoma and lani, i always see them becoming fucking hilarious as they get older. they would tease ray sooo hard i bet. like oh man you got it bad dont you? living your life for them. growing as a person for them. CRINGE. all with love of course but yk how brothers be<3
honestly i dont ever really imagine any of them being overly shocked because like- with the exception of the Youngest ones all of these kids watched the three of them grow up together for at Least a few years, and they all saw how close they were. so it just kinda makes sense that yk. theyd be together in this as well. i think there could be funny potential in gilda and anna or whoever else arguing about if emma is in love with norman or ray and emmas just like. surprise :D frankly i think most of the humor is gonna come fromt teasing ray. that boy is so teasable. loser boy in love<3
theres also potential with normans gang but i think that would be less funny and more they would be losing their minds like. saying they treat it like a drama seems mean but JSBDKEBB. theyd just be like hoooolyyyy fuck oh my god. what the hell. i am going to explode
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bestofava · 2 years ago
Projet 52-2023 semaine 15 : c'est bon !
Ce thème me fait penser à la chanson : “C’est si bon !”. Côté plaisirs de la vie, les intérêts varient d’un individu à l’autre : certains aiment les sports automobiles, d’autres les sensations fortes, manèges, saut dans le vide… Moi, c’est ce que mon assiette contient qui m’emporte au nirvana. Hier, je suis allée chez une productrice locale et je suis revenue avec une barquette de fraises, bio……
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lrem-deco · 2 years ago
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Lannion 18/03/2023
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sydnvs · 4 months ago
so.. i have a lambda lanni and thoma au (ik, it makes no sense)..
title is taken from BRUTUS lmao (so i’ll drive this dagger (into the heart of my enemy)) and an alternate title could be minerva and his liason
its still in the works but..
Yall i made them unhinged during the two years after the experiments and torture (they tried to escape more than ten times and actually have gotten peter critically injured)
Like they actually are batshit insane.
You know the people working at lambda? scientists, guards, ect.
Well.. when it was destroyed.. the two of them decided to have their fun (context: it was definitely not fun)
Lanni (now half blind and with a huge cut across his neck) has vincent and some others concoct some acid, while Thoma has the surviving employees have a fight to the death with the so called promise that whoever finishes gets to see another day.
no he has them drowned in acid while lanni’s full on joker cackling and spinning a knife in hand.
Hes just extremely happy to see them scream :D
and peter is royally pissed. hes just like : who are these two mentally ill nine year olds to KILL my employees?? hello?? these rats managed to explode lambda and kill them too?? ?? (stay mad peter we slayed (and we’ll slay you next) <3 -thoma)
gonna draw art of the goobers in canon meeting this au but i will apologize for lanni’s hair in advance💔
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