#language ressources
lameravigliadoro · 1 year
my langblr introduction! hallo!!
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age : 22 yo stress ball
name : klara (you can call me klar)
pronouns : she/them
my target language during the 2023 summer : german
languages i know : italian (advanced), chinese (beginner to intermediate, french (native), english (fluent) (i hope)
centres of interest : linguistics, politics, impressionism, arts and crafts, cinema, queer history
i'll post my german journey as much as possible. i'm going to live for at last one year in germany, so i need to get back to german and get better at german. like a lot of french high schoolers, i studied german as part of the compulsory course but did not actually enjoy it nor did i learn anything from it. so the main goal here is to reunite with my inner teenager and make peace with them ⁀➷
what i like to do when studying languages is journaling/writting in TL, revising lists of vocab and going through the grammar points one by one.
then, i'll look for podcasts in german and youtubers, radio broadcasts, free online newspapers and TV series so that i can practice my listening comprehension.
anyway, don't hesitate to interact, and if we share a common TL/language, get in touch, i love to make friends and getting to know more abt this world <33 also i don't wanna let my italian die, quindi raga, parlami in italiano!
see you soon! a presto, tschüss!ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
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jawnressources · 3 months
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_ Réflexion personnelle ceci dit. Ça vous dirai que je compile ici tous les skins réalises pour d'autres forums ? Que ce soit des commandes payées ou non (ps : y'en a une quarantaine à peu près ???)
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moinsbienquekaworu · 4 months
thank you so much!! okay so. past tense stuff. I'm confused why sometimes it's être+verb or avoir+verb, but other times you can use imperfect? it kind of seems to me like être/avoir+verb are for more recent things, but I'm not entirely sure. if that is the case, is there a specific time limit or is it just up to the speaker? thanks again!!
Conjugation my beloathed. (not against you, I just never liked learning conjugation)
Être/avoir + verb is called passé composé, it's a compound tense made with the auxiliary verb in the present simple + the past participle of the verb. It's used for an action that happened in the past and that is over now, but it doesn't necessarily denotes that we know when the action happened. It's tense that's used for narration informally (with the present tense), so like, talking to people.
Imparfait is a simple tense used for - the French wikipedia page phrases it as "the imparfait presents the action while it is happening, as it is being done or repeated in a past moment all the people in the exchange are aware of, even if implicitly". So it's in the past, but it implies we know which moment of the past, as opposed to passé composé where that's not necessary. The example they use is if you're talking about someone learning french, "il a appris le français" only says it happened in the past at some point, but know he knows how to speak French, but if you say "il apprenait le français", that only makes sense if you know when he was learning french.
The other difference between the two is that - this is a weird way to explain it, but using the imparfait gives this vibe of your POV being in the past? The wikipedia pages says that it's often used to contrast the past and the present, to discuss a past situation/action that is clearly over, with examples like "quand j'étudiais en France, je mangeais beaucoup de pain". And looking at that sentence, in English that'd be like, "when I was studying in France, I ate a lot of bread", your POV for that sentence is "when you were studying in France" (except french and English do tense agreement differently so in French we keep using the imparfait but in English once you've established which time you're talking about you switch to another tense). In that vibe scenario, passé composé has its POV in the present? I don't know if that makes sense. The way the wikipedia page puts it is that "presents the action as it is happening" part.
They also say that the imparfait is used for putting a past event in the background when combined with the passé composé or passé simple, with the time of the event in the imparfait being the reference for the time of the event in the passé composé or passé simple (so the event in the imparfait kind of sets the scene - "je mangeais quand j'ai entendu un cri"). When you're writing a story, there's the narration tense, for actions, and the scenery tense, for descriptions - the passé composé is a narration tense both out loud and in writing, the imparfait is a scenery tense, and obviously both of them are used when you're writing in the past.
So the passé composé isn't necessarily for things that happened more recently, it's more about that "knowing when the event happened" thing + in real life discussions the thing where imparfait kind of sets the scene. The writing thing with narration/scenery tenses (which - maybe that's a thing in English also? I'm assuming? never took an English creative writing class) is also applicable out loud, especially the passé composé + imparfait combo (as opposed to passé simple + imparfait, which is very literary, since we don't use the passé simple out loud). There isn't a time limit, but like in English, there's different tenses for when you're talking about events that happened in the past of the past - like, if you're talking about something happening yesterday, but in that story there's something that happened the week before (plus-que-parfait informally, for sentences like "I had eaten a full meal")
All of that is only for the indicative and not the subjunctive, and obviously if you want to check out a verb's conjugation your best friend is the Bescherelle conjugaison website, which is nicer to use and easier to access than a physical Bescherelle book. Hopefully that helped a little?? Looking at wikipedia pages and example sentences I was realising I am so so bad at explaining what's going on in this hell language. Conjugation is one of the hardest bits of french though! It doesn't get much worse than this shit. Maybe agreements?
Here's the Wikipedia graph about which tense to use and which one comes before which on a timeline, if that helps
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cockroachbait · 7 months
I've realized fairly recently that out of all the languages I know/study, french is the only one that doesn't make a distinction between wool and yarn and it pisses me off so bad??
english has wool and yarn, japanese has 羊毛 and 毛糸, italian has lana and filato!! I even looked it up in fucking german and they also have two different words (respectively wolle and garn) so french really is the only language i know to use the word "laine" in both contexts and it keeps me awake at night
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caeliangel · 1 month
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tagging: @cocajimmycola @puriette @neopronouns @genderstarbucks @genderselkies @estrogenism @haunted-thing @mogai-sunflowers
If you want to be untagged, pls lmk!
note: I do not use most of these, but I digged on the internet in order to find stuff that could very much help to make flags!
sites that will help you get inspiration with colours and generate colour palettes from nothing or even from words.
apps and sites to make flags.
any drawing app
collection of flags.
pride-flags on deviantart
lgbtqia fandom
templates to make flags for simple or more complicated terms.
neopronouns on deviantart
flag templates by crowdsourcedgender
pride-flags in deviantart
sites and information to help naming certain terms.
study.com: latin roots
latin and greek roots pdf
thoughtco.com (latin & greek roots 1)
en.m.wikipedia.org (latin & greek roots 2)
google translate
using the languages you speak (ie I often use irish or french when naming my stuff!)
Bunch of links where symbols, templates and such are in order to make symbols on your flags.
pride-flags gallery : (01) (02) (03) (04) (05)
apps: canva, picsart, etc
suffixes card: (here)
suffixes vs systems: (here)
In-nature: (here)
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broomsick · 11 months
List of interesting ressources pertaining to norse paganism, scandinavian folklore and history, and nordic religions in general
These are sources I have personally used in the context of my research, and which I've enjoyed and found useful. Please don’t mind if I missed this or that ressource, as for this post, I focused solely on my own preferences when it comes to research. I may add on to this list via reblog if other interesting sources come to my mind after this has been posted. Good luck on your research! And as always, my question box is open if you have any questions pertaining to my experiences and thoughts on paganism.
The Viking Spirit: An Introduction to Norse Mythology and Religion
Dictionnary of Northern Mythology
The Prose and Poetic Eddas (online)
Grottasöngr: The Song of Grotti (online)
The Poetic Edda: Stories of the Norse Gods and Heroes
The Wanderer's Hávamál
The Song of Beowulf
Rauðúlfs Þáttr
The Penguin Book of Norse Myths: Gods of the Vikings (Kevin Crossley-Holland's are my favorite retellings)
Myths of the Norsemen From the Eddas and the Sagas (online) A source that's as old as the world, but still very complete and an interesting read.
The Elder Eddas of Saemung Sigfusson
Pocket Hávamál
Myths of the Pagan North: Gods of the Norsemen
Lore of the Vanir: A Brief Overview of the Vanir Gods
Anglo-Saxon and Norse Poems
Gods of the Ancient Northmen
Gods of the Ancient Northmen (online)
Two Icelandic Stories: Hreiðars Þáttr and Orms Þáttr
Two Icelandic Stories: Hreiðars Þáttr and Orms Þáttr (online)
Two Sagas of Mythical Heroes: Hervor and Heidrek & Hrólf Kraki and His Champions (compiling the Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks and the Hrólfs saga kraka)
Icelandic Saga Database (website)
The Saga of the Jómsvíkings
The Heimskringla or the Chronicle of the Kings of Norway (online)
Stories and Ballads of the Far Past: Icelandic and Faroese
Heimskringla: History of the Kings of Norway
The Saga of the Volsungs: With the Saga of Ragnar Lothbrok
The Saga of the Volsungs (online) Interesting analysis, but this is another pretty old source.
The Story of the Volsungs (online) Morris and Magnusson translation
The Vinland Sagas
Hákon the Good's Saga (online)
History of religious practices
The Viking Way: Magic and Mind in Late Iron Age Scandinavia
Nordic Religions in the Viking Age
Agricola and Germania Tacitus' account of religion in nordic countries
Myths and Symbols in Pagan Europe: Early Scandinavian and Celtic Religions
Tacitus on Germany (online)
Scandinavia and the Viking Age
Viking Age Iceland
Landnámabók: Book of the Settlement of Iceland (online)
The Age of the Vikings
Gesta Danorum: The Danish History (Books I-IX)
The Sea Wolves: a History of the Vikings
The Viking World
Guta Lag: The Law of the Gotlanders (online)
The Pre-Christian Religions of the North This is a four-volume series I haven't read yet, but that I wish to acquire soon! It's the next research read I have planned.
Old Norse Folklore: Tradition, Innovation, and Performance in Medieval Scandinavia
Children of Ash and Elm: A History of the Vikings
The Penguin Historical Atlas of the Vikings by John Haywood
Landnámabók: Viking Settlers and Their Customs in Iceland
Nordic Tales: Folktales from Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland and Denmark For a little literary break from all the serious research! The stories are told in a way that can sometimes get repetitive, but it makes it easier to notice recurring patterns and themes within Scandinavian oral tradition.
Old Norse-Icelandic Literature: A Short Introduction
Saga Form, Oral Prehistory, and the Icelandic Social Context
An Early Meal: A Viking Age Cookbook and Culinary Oddyssey
Runes & Old Norse language
Uppland region runestones and their translations
Viking Language 1: Learn Old Norse, Runes, and Icelandic Sagas and Viking Language 2: The Old Norse Reader
Catalogue of the Manks Crosses with Runic Inscriptions
Old Norse - Old Icelandic: Concise Introduction to the Language of the Sagas
A Companion to Old Norse-Icelandic Literature and Culture
Nordic Runes: Understanding, Casting, and Interpreting the Ancient Viking Oracle 
YouTube channels
Ocean Keltoi
Arith Härger
Old Halfdan
Jackson Crawford
Wolf the Red
Sigurboði Grétarsson
(Reminder! The channel "The Wisdom of Odin", aka Jacob Toddson, is a known supporter of pseudo scientific theories and of the AFA, a folkist and white-supremacist organization, and he's been known to hold cult-like, dangerous rituals, as well as to use his UPG as truth and to ask for his followers to provide money for his building some kind of "real life viking hall", as supposedly asked to him by Óðinn himself. A source to avoid. But more on that here.)
The Troth
Norse Mythology for Smart People
Icelandic Saga Database
Skaldic Project
Life in Norway This is more of a tourist's ressources, but I find they publish loads of fascinating articles pertaining to Norway's history and its traditions.
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themedialmercurial · 9 months
🌟Asteroid Abundantia (151) and where you may be blessed🌟
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Asteroid Abundantia represents the area(s) of your life in which you can expect to be extra plentiful.
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Greater self-perception, more favourable impressions amongst others, improved physical appearance, improved health
Better finances, increased personal possessions, experience ease in making money, greater access to ressources, improved self-worth
Ease in producing thought, communication comes more naturally and wanting to do so with others, uptick in short trips, greater early education experience (if in natal chart), more learning, more siblings (if in natal chart)
Several family members, a prominent relationship with the mother, several familial traditions, many properties (real estate), a blessed early life (childhood)
Great creativity, comfort in self-expression, having several children/pets/relationships, numerous vacations, hobby-lover, several talents, attracting a lot of attention naturally
Manifests as many employment opportunities or having an abundance of work to do, overall health, a busy daily routine
Experiencing many relationships or one in particular that brings about blessings, several enemies
Having many transformations in one's life (rebirth, leaving behind old thinking patterns/perspectives), immense interest in spirituality
To speak several languages, experience many different cultures, numerous long travels, religion is prominent, to gain knowledge through higher education, luck through one's media/internet access
Great public reputation, great ambition and work ethic, attaining a prestigious career, many responsibilities, a prominent relationship with the father
To have many goals, very involved in humanitarian endeavours, many acquaintances and/or friends, to experience an abundance of money from one's career
To love sleep, spirituality is prominent, many fears and secrets, a need to withdraw, many hidden enemies, a need for privacy
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ★
ABUNDANTIA IN THE SIGNS (how this abundance is expressed)
ARIES Emphatically, energetically, enthusiastically
TAURUS In a stable manner, practically, aesthetically, patiently
GEMINI Adaptably, curiously, communicably
CANCER Sensitively, emotionally, in a nurturing way
Dramatically, generously, creatively, in a fun way
Cautiously, critically, usefully
LIBRA Peacefully, indecisively (back-and-forth), diplomatically
Powerfully, intensely, persevering, passionately, extreme
SAGITTARIUS In a scattered way, exaggeratively, restlessly, idealistically
CAPRICORN Responsibly, efficiently, ambitiously, insensitively
In an original, unexpected manner, rebelliously
Sentimentally, spiritually
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Abundantia/Sun benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength and peace in self-identity, creativity and leadership
Abundantia/Sun malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Experience a surplus of ego, will power, identity (self-absorption)
Abundantia/Moon benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength in feeling one's emotions and emotional responses, nurturing qualities and habits
Abundantia/Moon malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Experience a surplus of feelings, sensitivity, overwhelm of emotion
Abundantia/Mercury benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength in one's own thought (rationality), all forms of communication, local travelling
Abundantia/Mercury malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Experience a surplus of thought (overthinking), constant travel (perhaps as a means of escape or for work)
Abundantia/Venus benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength in one's own beauty, the beauty of the world (seeing the little things), balance and harmony
Abundantia/Venus malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Experience a surplus of desire for beauty (obsession with aesthetics), constant need for balance and harmony
Abundantia/Saturn benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength in structure, discipline, responsibility and maturity
Abundantia/Saturn malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Experience a surplus in responsibilities, authority and restriction
Abundantia/Mars benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength in assertion, initiative, independence and competition
Abundantia/Mars malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Experience a surplus of aggression, competition and initiative (restlessness)
Abundantia/Jupiter benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength in higher education, growth, long distance travel
Abundantia/Jupiter malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Experience a surplus of growth (too many things all at once to tend to), long distance travel
Abundantia/Uranus benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength in the unusual/unexpected, individuality, reform
Abundantia/Uranus malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Experience a surplus of uniqueness, sudden unexpected/undesired changes
Abundantia/Chiron benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength in heaving, teaching and innovation
Abundantia/Chiron malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Surplus of hurt and pain
Abundantia/Neptune benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength in imagination, spirituality and arts
Abundantia/Neptune malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Experience a surplus of fear, confusion, and mental sensitivity
Abundantia/Pluto benefic aspects (conjunction, sextile, trine)
Experience strength in finances, transformation, intimate encounters
Abundantia/Pluto malefic aspects (opposition, square)
Experience a surplus of transformation (unable to get one's footing)
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Don't forget to apply this to your solar (year outlook) or lunar return chart (monthly outlook)! Also transits!
For example, in my 2023-2024 solar return chart, I have abundantia in scorpio 2H. This placement predicts that my year will be plentiful when it comes to personal finances and possessions (2H). This is expressed very powerfully and intensely and should also be shared with others (scorpio). Based on what I've seen thus far, I’d say yes in the sense that I had a solid income source and have been able to treat myself and my loved ones (the urge to do so has very much been intense, especially as Christmas is right around the corner).
Natally, I have abundantia in sag 3H.
Thoughts come naturally to me and I tend to express myself exagerratively ngl (my words tend to come across more harsh than I'd like)
Also, I do tend to go on small road trips with my family. My early early education experience was amazing (I honestly miss it so much and I love love learning but that could also be my scorpio 3H and pluto 3H interacting lol).
-->Ironically, I don't have any siblings! It's also worth noting that abundantia quincunxes my mercury. A quincunx is a rather "negative" aspect and represents a disconnect or compromise.
-->I nearly forgot to mention that the asteroid itself is in retrograde...great. Perhaps delays in abundance are expected
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ★
What’s your abundantia placement? How does manifest either natally or in your solar return chart?
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diejager · 9 months
I can request yandere! König and yandere Ghost?
She used to be a soldier before she was kidnapped by them, so she uses what she learned to beat them and escape from that room she was locked in.
Although she can't find the exit
No Escape Cw: DARKFIC, kidnapping, yandere, possessive behaviour, obsessiveness, nonconsensual drugging, basement wife, tell me if I missed any.
You learned that compliance was a better choice in this situation, having fought tooth an d nail against them only to be punished and had your privileges taken away from you. You started in the basement, waking up confused and disorientated, throat dry and head heavy from the substance König and Ghost used to drug you. You trusted Ghost, having worked with him so often - too many to count on both your hands and feet - and learned to put your trust in him to watch your back and protect you.
You, however, couldn’t say the same about König, you didn’t trust him, he was the enemy, someone you and Ghost had fought so many times, shot and wounded time and time again —only for him to come back stronger, more determined and more dangerous. Yet they worked effortlessly together rather than fight on every decision, they’d work through their differences, barked and fought but they clung to the thought of having you to themselves. It was the driving force behind their cooperation.
They took you, locked you away in the darkness of a home in Austria (an idea they both agreed to, Austria was farther and calmer, less populated and you wouldn’t be able to get help if you escaped, a stranger to the country’s spoken language) until they deemed you compliant enough to let out. You threw snide remarks, leering comments and a disrespectful and bratty attitude to push the act, to have them believe you weren’t thinking of playing them.
You were punished for every act of noncompliance, Ghost was cruel but he didn’t beat you, he used words and training —dog training, to train the disobedient mutt out of you. He did just enough to stop you from always biting, but never too much that you lose your feistiness, the aspect that made keeping you interesting and fun. König was more direct, holding you down and making you listen to him, he went without beating or training you. He had firm hands and he knew how to use them, praising you whenever you did something well and giving you privileges like going to the bathroom, showering alone, taking a walk outside or sleep in a bed.
Compliance had worked so far, they were lost to the domesticity of having a soldier turned housewife cook for them, care for them and give yourself to them. They had grown so used to having you at their beck and call, giving you whatever you wanted: books, food, a bed, a Tv, but never your freedom. That was something you had to work harder for, to pull them deeper into the delusion of your love and subservience towards them. You went unsupervised for long periods of time at home, leaving the doors locked and windows shut whenever they left.
And today seemed like the right time to move, you’d been warned by Ghost that they would be gone for a while for a joint mission (SpecGru and KorTac had somehow formed an impossible alliance), leaving you home alone with enough food and ressources to last a year. You watched them leave, their cars driving out in the distance and disappearing behind the trees once they turned the corner. You waited an hour, and hour of patience in case they came back for an emergency or because something in the plan changed, but you didn’t hear the tell-tale sound of car engines or the imposing steps up the porch.
You scoured the house, eyes roving over every little crevice and hands feeling the walls for any weaknesses. The windows were bolted shut and the grates made of hardened iron that were simply too sturdy for you to cut through without the right equipment, and the doors were locked from the outside, both men holding the only copy of the key. You wanted to keep forcibly unlocking the door as a last ditch effort because it would take more effort than needed to pry it open. So you searched the house, up the attic and down the basement, and their individual offices, who unfortunately had every drawer locked with a master key.
As you broke apart a few pins to make a lock pick, you heard two cars drive up the driveway, the loud rev of the engine and the angered slam of a door. You cursed, swiftly moving down the stairs and into the hidden corner of your reading spot, hidden by the arch between the indoor porch and the kitchen, away from the entrance’s sight. You hadn’t prepared for them to come back home —a mistake. You’d picked a random book, flipping through the pages and acting as if you spend the time reading, hoping that they wouldn’t grow suspicious.
“Come here, love,” there’s a dark edge in his done, a deep and angered growl. “Now.”
They knew. Not only were you too late, but you were caught as well. You’d lose all your freedom, your privileges and your soft affection, replacing them with the cold and damp air of the lonely basement. You bit your trembling lip, stopping yourself from spitting at them and worsen your punishment. You felt their disappointing and wrathful gaze without looking at them, it oozed off their broad shoulders in waves.
“You know what you’ve done, ja, Bärchen?” König sounded more disappointed than mad, his tone on the edge of condescension, his blue eyes dimmed with sorrow.
Ghost was quick to grab you, handling you roughly against his chest, gear and vest scrapping your skin. He had you down the basement stairs and chained to the mattress in seconds, a leather collar wrapped around your neck. He scruffed you, pushing your nose into the musky bed and thin sheet of your new room, glaring down at you with deep browns, his chest puffed with angered breaths and throat rumbled with menacing growls.
“You’re stayin’ here until we see you’ve learned your lesson.”
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @havoc973 @im-making-an-effort @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @danielle143 @dont-mind-me-just-existing-sadly @tuttifuckinfruttifriday @kaelysia @notspiders
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sissa-arrows · 10 months
I was asked for ressources on Western Sahara so here is a list.
Context: Western Sahara was colonized by Spain. In 1975 Spain was about to leave and they somehow decided that it was their right to fucking give the land despite the fact that the people did not want it. So Spain kinda agreed to give the land to Morocco (2/3) and Mauritania (1/3). Except they had no right to. Morocco then organized the “Green March” a march during which Moroccan colonizers marched to Western Sahara and settled there. Becoming settlers in a land that did not belong to them. Morocco claims that Western Sahara belongs to them because once a long time ago (in like 1040) the chiefs of multiple Sahrawi tribes allegedly swore allegiance to the Sultan of Morocco. It makes no freaking sense. On top of it the founder of the dynasty to which Western Sahara allegedly swore allegiance was an Amazigh man from Mauritania not from Morocco. Anyway after Morocco colonized Western Sahara in 1975, a war broke. In 1979, Mauritania gave back the land Spain had given them but Morocco still refused to give back their land to the Sahrawi people. They actually decided that if Mauritania didn’t want that piece of Western Sahara then it would also belong to Morocco and they colonized it too. In 1991 a ceasefire was signed under the condition that a vote would be organized for the independence of Western Sahara. Except they never voted… Morocco refuses to. In 2020, the Polisario (the name of the Sahrawi resistance) blocked a bunch of trucks between the border of Western Sahara and Mauritania. Morocco considered that it was a declaration of war and the ceasefire ended.
(If people wanna know how Algeria is involved in all this just tell me I’ll make a post)
Now the ressources to learn more about what’s happening!!
Sons of the clouds, the last (colony of Africa) a documentary in Spanish and Hassania (Sahrawi language) about Western Sahara. The link included subtitles in French.
An article from Amnesty international regarding how a Sahrawia activist, Sultana Khaya, was abused by Moroccans authorities.
The book “Sáhara occidental: un viaje a la libertad” by Taleb Alisalem a sahrawi activist. Only available in Spanish but if you have Twitter you should really really follow him. He shares a lot of information past and current on the subject with sources.
A human rights watch article from 2022 about the situation in Western Sahara (the article mention the Human rights situation in Morocco too)
Because listening to local journalists is very very important here is a Sahrawi newspaper in multiple languages: in Arabic in English in French and in Spanish
The APS (Algeria Press Service) is also a good ressource BUT I wouldn’t suggest to quote it when you’re debating with someone who is pro colonialism. Algeria is 100% pro Western Sahara so people against the independence of Western Sahara don’t consider that Algeria is a reliable source on the subject.
A friend suggested the Book “Sahara occidental: conflit oublié, population en mouvement” by Sébastien Boulay (Western Sahara: forgotten conflit, displaced population) to my knowledge its only available in French maybe in Spanish too as the co-author is Spanish. I personally haven’t read this one yet but I 100% trust the person who recommended me the book.
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hi-i-am-a-sock · 9 months
this is a gentle reminder that when learning languages, you need to keep in mind the "mother tongue rule". if you're dyslexic, dysgraphic, have speech impediment, social anxiety or something else, if you have problems with reading, writing or talking to people even using your mother tongue, then you can't blame yourself for not being fluent enough or compare yourself to others when having these problems with your target language. everyone is different. this difference is not only about methodology, speed, or ressources. it is also about disability and mental illness. please don't be too hard on yourself.
and if you know someone who has these problems, be patient and understanding. don't insult them or laugh at them.
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Hello! My name is Jax (they/them) and I noticed many of the resources for queer youth are US and UK centered so I'm making this an international blog where you guys can talk about anything, and I'll do my best to either respond myself or find some local resource for you, all your home language. I just feel the need to warn you guys: I'm brazilian and only speak english and portuguese br. Any other language will be translated by the internet so I'm sorry for any mistranslations both in my understandment or in the response. And, for last but not least, welcome!
Português BR
Oi! Meu nome é Jax (linguagem masculina) e eu notei q mts recursos(?) para jovens queers giram ao redos dos EUA e do Reino Unido, ent eu tô fazendo um blog internacional onde vocês podem falar sobre qualquer coisa, e eu vou fazer o meu melhor pra responder eu mesmo ou achar recursos locais pra vocês, tudo na sua língua natal. Eu só sinto q devia avisar: Eu sou brasileiro e só falo inglês e português br, qualquer outra língua vai ser traduzida pela internet, ent já me desculpo por traduções erradas, seja na resposta ou no meu entendimento. E, por último mas não menos importante, sejam bem-vindos!
¡Hola! Me llamo Jax (elle) y yo noté que muchos de los recursos para los jóvenes queer son muy enfocados en los EEUU y el Reino Unido, entonces he hecho este blog internacional para que ustedes puedan hablar de cualquiera cosa, y para hacer lo posible para responder por mi mismo o encontrar recursos y ayuda cercano a ustedes, en sus idiomas propios. Pero, para que saben, soy de Brasil y solo hablo inglés y portugués brasileño. Todos los otros idiomas serán traslado por el internet, entonces lo siento por errores en mi entendimiento o en mi respuesta. En fin, pero todavía de manera importante, ¡bienvenidos a todos!
Hé! Je m'appelle Jax (iel) et j'ai remarqué que beaucoup de ressources (?) pour les jeunes queers tournent autour des États-Unis et du Royaume-Uni, donc je fais un blog international où l'on peut parler de tout, et je vais faites le Je ferai de mon mieux pour y répondre moi-même ou trouver des ressources locales pour vous, le tout dans votre langue maternelle. J'ai juste l'impression que je dois vous prévenir : je suis brésilien et je ne parle que l'anglais et le portugais brésilien, toute autre langue sera traduite sur Internet, je m'excuse donc pour toute mauvaise traduction, que ce soit dans la réponse ou dans ma compréhension. Et enfin, bienvenue !
Hey! Mein Name ist Jax (männliche Sprache) und mir ist aufgefallen, dass sich viele Ressourcen(?) für junge Queers um die USA und Großbritannien drehen, deshalb betreibe ich einen internationalen Blog, in dem man über alles reden kann, und das werde ich auch tun Ich werde mein Bestes tun, um die Frage selbst zu beantworten oder lokale Ressourcen für Sie zu finden, alles in Ihrer Muttersprache. Ich habe nur das Gefühl, ich sollte Sie warnen: Ich bin Brasilianer und spreche nur Englisch und brasilianisches Portugiesisch. Jede andere Sprache wird im Internet übersetzt. Daher entschuldige ich mich für etwaige falsche Übersetzungen, sei es in der Antwort oder in meinem Verständnis. Und zu guter Letzt: Willkommen!
Hoi! Mijn naam is Jax (hen/hun) en ik heb gemerkt dat veel hulpmiddelen voor queer jongeren zich in de VS en Groot-Brittannië bevinden, dus ik ben bezig met een internationale blog waar je over alles kunt praten. Ik zal mijn best doen om het zelf te beantwoorden of lokale hulpbronnen voor u te vinden, allemaal in je moedertaal. Maar ik moet nog wel iets duidelijk maken: ik ben Braziliaans en ik spreek alleen Engels en Braziliaans Portugees, elke andere taal zal op internet moeten worden vertaald. Mijn excuses dus, voor eventuele verkeerde vertalingen, zowel in het begrijpen van wat je zegt en mijn antwoorden. En natuurlijk: welkom!
嘿!我的名字是 Jax(男性语言),我注意到很多针对年轻酷儿的资源(?)都围绕美国和英国,所以我正在做一个国际博客,你可以在其中谈论任何事情,我将我会尽力用您的母语亲自回答或为您找到本地资源。我只是觉得我应该警告你:我是巴西人,我只会说英语和巴西葡萄牙语,任何其他语言都会在互联网上翻译,所以我对任何错误的翻译表示歉意,无论是在答案中还是在我的理解中。最后但并非最不重要的一点是,欢迎!
おい!私の名前はジャックス (男性的な言葉) です。若いクィア向けのリソース (?) の多くが米国と英国を中心に展開していることに気づきました。そこで、何でも話せる国際的なブログをやっています。あなたの母国語で、私自身が答えたり、地元のリソースを見つけたりできるよう最善を尽くします。警告しておきたいと思います。私はブラジル人で、英語とブラジル系ポルトガル語のみを話します。他の言語はインターネット上で翻訳されます。そのため、回答または私の理解にかかわらず、間違った翻訳があったことをお詫び申し上げます。そして最後になりましたが、ようこそ!
Привет! Меня зовут Джекс (мужской род), и я заметил, что много ресурсов(?) для молодых гомосексуалистов вращается вокруг США и Великобритании, поэтому я веду международный блог, где вы можете говорить о чем угодно, и я собираюсь сделайте Я сделаю все возможное, чтобы ответить на него сам или найти для вас местные ресурсы, и все на вашем родном языке. Я просто чувствую, что должен вас предупредить: я бразилец и говорю только на английском и бразильском португальском языке, любой другой язык будет переведен в Интернете, поэтому я прошу прощения за неправильные переводы, будь то в ответе или в моем понимании. И, наконец, добро пожаловать!
يا! اسمي جاكس (لغة ذكورية) وقد لاحظت أن الكثير من الموارد (؟) للشباب المثليين تدور حول الولايات المتحدة والمملكة المتحدة، لذلك أقوم بإنشاء مدونة دولية حيث يمكنك التحدث عن أي شيء، وسأقوم بذلك افعل ذلك، سأبذل قصارى جهدي للإجابة عليه بنفسي أو العثور على موارد محلية لك، كل ذلك بلغتك الأم. أشعر أنني يجب أن أحذرك: أنا برازيلي ولا أتحدث سوى الإنجليزية والبرتغالية البرازيلية، وأي لغة أخرى ستتم ترجمتها على الإنترنت، لذا أعتذر عن أي ترجمة خاطئة سواء في الإجابة أو في فهمي. وأخيرًا وليس آخرًا، أهلًا بك!
(I'd like to apologize if there's anything wrong about on the languages with different alphabets, I can't really check what's written)
Inspired by:
@queer-mental-health @queer-advice-hotline @our-trans-youth-experience @our-transgender-experiences @our-nonbinary-experience and others I forgot.
(I am not creative enough to make my own posts, so send asks)
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valictini · 5 months
I don't think people truly realise how Qstudio's response to the revelations has been and still is extremely unprofessional. Ghosting people you exploited for a year because you're what, scared of leaks? Is unacceptable behaviour.
(Angry rant below)
Like, to be clear, it is obvious to me that they haven't recruited any Human Ressources yet because this shit wouldn't fly in a normal workplace.
You have a lot of exploited ex employees left on read, asking for a private DISCUSSION for 2 months now.
All the somewhat relevant announcements were made thru public streams, in a language they know not all their ex employees understand.
They relied on volunteer labor (the fans') to translate their official annoucement instead of, you know, doing it themselves (and not just in english but all the language they prided themselves to have included in the project)
And even then, the announcements are so vague and unhelpful that we might as well not have them.
Let's be real. They don't consider these ex employees as such. They consider them formerly privileged fans that are now ruining it for everyone. People they think are a pain in the ass and would rather not deal with for now. At least, that's the message their behaviour is sending.
This is an extreme caricature of bad management, except it's in real life.
Their only saving grace is that Quackity, his friends, and the project are beloved by fans. If it were any other company, i can guarantee you that there would be zero support because they objectively don't deserve it after this much shit.
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wolke17 · 3 months
"Deadly Sentencing" - An insight into the Japanese Criminal Justice System
Ok, I finally got around to make this. For context, @marikuchanxo asked me to elaborate my previous post on Higuruma's domain, so here's a brief explanation (sorry, that it took me so long).
Quick disclaimer: I am neither an attorney, nor do I live in japan myself. These are just my personal thoughts based on the knowledge that I gathered either from the JJK manga, or from articles and other sources I found on the internet. You are welcome to add information or give your own two cents, as long as you remain respectful of course. :) And in case you come across any language mistakes, please keep in mind that English is not my native language. With that being said, let’s get started. 🙃
Who is Higuruma Hiromi?
Prior to the Culling Game, Higuruma Hiromi was essentially a pro-bono defendant lawyer with a great sense of justice. Despite his young age, he’s already considered a genius by his peers, with the potential to become a judge even.
However, he declines these friendly suggestions as he believes he’s not suited for this role. He does not have much interest in money after all and rather likes to take upon himself to deal with the so called "impossible" cases.
At that time, he still takes the view that the unique, "flawed and hideous" nature of mankind is still something that should be cherished.
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However, his optimism gradually fades as he is slowly disillusioned by the reality of the criminal justice system.
One particular obstacle he encounters is that, in contrast to the prosecution side, the defandant attorneys usually have small, limited budget and ressources - making their fight for justice extremely difficult and essentially leaving them at the mercy of the judges and prosecutors.
Prosecution has also big authority in prolonging trials - sometimes even under the most ridiculous disguise. This is a major factor for the surreal conviction rate of 99.9% in japan, which means that 99.9% of the cases that go to trial, will get the guilty verdict eventually.
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Professor of Law, Muraoka Keiichi from Hakuoh University explains the reasons for this extraordinary conviction rate in an interview:
"INTERVIEWER  How do these factors come together to create Japan’s high conviction rate? MURAOKA  The simple answer is that prosecuting attorneys have broad discretion to suspend suits, even when there is substantial evidence, and only pursue cases that are certain to end in indictment. The reason that some 60 percent of cases are deferred is because public prosecutors are overly concerned about losing a case and tarnishing their reputation."
This means A) 60% of all cases are deferred without a chance of an indictment, with only the cases who gurantee the guilty verdict proceeding to trial in the first place. B) Prosecution has high administrative discretion in the trials, resulting in retrials and prolonging the process until the guilty verdict is declared. Higuruma keeps encountering this kafkaesque reality where laws are just proven to be powerless over and over again, until this realization fuels his disdain for the justice system and he loses all hope after a particularly upsetting case.
Essentially, what sparks his interest and makes him join the Culling Game is the very fact that contrary to those powerless laws of the justice system, where one has to argue over what is true and what not, "the rules of Jujutsu feel as real as nature's law".
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Domain Expansion
Being the genius that he is, Higuruma quickly learns the rules of Jujutsu, to the point he manifests his Domain Expansion "Deadly Sentencing". Deadly Setencing presents itself as a court room. Its prominent feature is that it has no sure-kill effect and relies on a binding vow that requires the explanation of preset rules - reminiscent of the traditional domains from Heian Era (which showcases Higuruma's raw talent and high intellectual grasp yet again, as he's able to learn the rules of barrier techniques in record time and manifest a Domain Expansion this early on).
Anyway, in the beginning, the conditions of his domain seem pretty fair for both sides :
A non-violence rule that is applied to both sides.
Despite being the owner of the domain, Higuruma does not take the role of the judge. Rather, his role is compared to the one of a prosecutor by Yuji.
Instead a thirdparty, a shikigami, serves as the judge. Except for a single piece of evidence, it does not share any personal information about the defendant with the prosecutor. Furthermore, Judgeman decides on a lawful verdict solely based on the provided evidence and arguments from both sides.
The defendant can choose between three options to defend themself, which are: Silence, Confession and Denial (with the latter even providing the possibility of lying, so long as it is convincing enough for the judge).
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However, in his fight against Yuji, we quickly notice that this feeling of impartiality is merely on surface level because
Judgeman is manifested by Higuruma's own Cursed Technique, meaning it is tied to his cursed energy thus to his very being. It delivers verdict inter alia by recalling Higuruma's own juridical knowledge and this goes both sides, because it implicates Higuruma can estimate its reasoning and the possible outcomes of the trial (at least to a certain degree) - something the defendant can not do.
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Furthermore, Judgeman is not a neutral judge by any means. It actively participates in the trial by gathering evidence, which it shares with the prosecution and is omniscient when it comes to personal information about the defendant, going as far as obtaining CCTV footages. It is crucial, that the defendant has no access to this piece of evidence and is left in the belief that they have a fair chance to deny the allegations. Moreover, they are even encouraged to lie to be declared innocent.
The provided evidence is extremely firm and material (in Yuji's case a photo of him entering the pachinko place), meaning essentially nothing the opponent claims to defend themself is actually of value against the solid evidence.
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Lastly, there is a hidden rule which allows the defendant to request a retrial, granting the possibility to escape the punishment (as long as they have not confessed to the crime prior of course). This rule, however, is purposefully not disclosed to the defendant and has to be found out by themself.
The Japanese Justice System
Like many other criminal justice systems, the Japanese Justice System is offically an adversiral legal system, which means there's a prosecution and a defense side which present their arguments to a neutral third party (judge) working under the presumption of innocence until the defendant was proven to be guilty.
However, in reality and due to historic reasons, it is actually a so-called pseudo-adversarial system with the following traits:
A dominant prosecution: Prosecution has more access to ressources and evidence. Which is why they are able to do thorough research even prior to pressing charges, often times only going into trial if success is absolutely guranteed
Weaker defense: Consequently, the defense has less authority and access to ressources, thus has to put in extra work and strongly rely on their own juridical knowledge.
Partiality and active role of judges: Judges are most often in favor of the prosecution. Furthermore, they are actively participating in evidence gathering (questioning of witnesses, requesting addtional evidence etc.) instead of taking a passive, neutral stance or merely listening to the presented arguments like they should be doing.
Professor Muraoka further explains the issue of active judges with the following:
"[...] Whether sitting in a summary court or on the grand bench, judges are expected to follow the ironclad rule that a defendant is innocent until proven guilty. All too frequently, though, court rulings ignore this fundamental principle.There are of course many on the bench who are capable of hearing cases with an unbiased ear, but they are in the minority. [...]Judges are obligated to give all aspects of a case equal consideration to keep the scales of justice from tipping in favor of the prosecution. As this isn’t happening, defense attorneys need to study the law more thoroughly and carefully follow proceedings to ascertain the leanings of the bench and act accordingly. There’s also a need for judges to learn how to avoid implicit bias."
Deadly Sentencing - A reflection of the flawed Justice System
All in all, the above points are strongly reflected in Deadly Sentencing.
What seems like a neutral trial at first with a fair chance of winning for both sides, quickly establishes itself as a partial setting. Even the existence of a designated third party such as the judge is barely an illusion.
Higuruma, who has always considered himself a lawyer, cherished the flawed human nature and fought for the ones less fortunate, now takes the role of an ironclad prosecutor himself. He plays dirty at times and ruthlessly punishes his opponents. Due to the very nature of domains, there is no prosumption of innocence. Everyone who enters the domain, is set to be declared guilty from the start. The judge is biased, and the prosecutor hostile. Just like in real life, prosecution has more authority and access to ressources ( evidence, knowledge of the law etc.), the judge is actively operating against the defendant while the defendant themself has to abide to their rules and is at a clear disadvantage throughout the trial, which ultimately results in Higuruma's high body count in the Culling Game - strongly reminding us of the absurdly high conviction rate in real life.
Ultimately, Higuruma's domain expansion reflects the flawed reality of the criminal justice system and his resignment as a lawyer and cynism towards human nature are underlined by the fact that he does not appear as a lawyer anymore, but takes the stance of a prosecutor instead.
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mibyledraws · 1 year
alt text 101 for artists
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I’m not an accessibilty expert, but I gathered these tips here and there, and it has really been helping me writing better alt texts - and I hope they will help others too!
Alternative text is a description of an image that can be read by a screen reader. It also can help the understanding of an image for people who don't use screen readers.
What do you write?
It all goes down to including what is relevant to give the user an accurate idea of your artwork:
the medium you used to make the artwork (is it a digital illustration? a traditional oil painting? a graphite pencil sketchbook doodle?)
the subject of the artwork
anything that is relevant for understanding the meaning of the artwork. For instance, is the lighting important, or does it bring a particular meaning or mood?
Write sentences - don’t just throw away key words. EDIT: don't write full sentences, but phrases and fragments to keep your description concise
adding one more thing after getting feedback: keep it concise! Under 125 characters (even 100 is best)
Where/how do I add it?
The alt text feature is more or less obvious on the apps we usually post on. In doubt, please just search for it on a web browser, you’ll find how to add it in the blink of an eye :)
On Twitter
enable the alt text reminder! Everytime you post an image, it will remind you to add alt text if you forgot it. Go in your settings, then “accessibility, display and languages”. Then “accessibility”, and in the media section, check the “receive image description reminder” box.
on web browser: once you’ve uploaded your image, click on “add description” under it.
on the app: once you’ve uploaded your image, click on the “+alt” bubble in the right bottom corner that appeared on your image.
On Instagram
at the bottom of the posting page, go in “advanced settings”, then “accessibility”, then “write the alt text”.
On Tumblr
once you’ve uploaded your image, click on the three dots icon that appears when your mouse is on the image, then click on “update the description”.
On Mastodon
once you’ve uploaded your image, click on the “description missing” message that appears on it.
On your website (portfolio, shops, etc)
Where and how you can add it depends on the platforms but there’s always a way! My tip for this would be to schedule yourself an alt text audit of your website to take a moment when you would search how to do it and when you would add all the necessary alt texts! I’d also encourage you to pay attention to some other accessibility features - for instance contrast between background and text. There are lots of ressources out there and I admit it can sound overwhelming: digital accessibility is an expertise, a job field in itself after all. In my opinion, taking it a few steps at a time is a good way to go! For instance I like to do little accessibility audits of my portfolio every once in a while and check a new area that I might have missed before.
I forgot to add it, what should I do?
On some platforms, you can add it after posting if needed - it’s the case on the Instagram app for instance. Always try to see if you can add it afterwards. If you can’t, add it in the replies (if it’s on twitter for instance) or edit the body/caption of your post if you can change this but can’t change the alt text.
Adding it as a “simple description” instead of an alt text that will be read by a screen reader in lieu of the image isn’t perfect, but having it somewhere very close to the image in plain text that will get to be read by screen readers is way better than nothing to my knowledge :)
It's Disability Pride Month (July, when I'm writing this)
I wanted to take some time to encourage you to take some time and energy this month, and at anytime of the year, when you can, to learn about Disability Justice. I’m not the best at explaining what it is, and how much there is at stake. I’m better at this, making small guides about what fellow artists can do to make their work more welcoming to disabled people. But it doesn’t mean Disability Justice isn’t close to my heart and that I shouldn’t even mention it.
There’s a documentary about the Disability Rights movement that I can only highly recommend - it’s Crip Camp. It’s on netflix, and even watchable in full on Youtube.
Pay attention to us, disabled people, to what we have to say. ”Nothing about us without us”: our perspectives and opinions are those you must focus on when it comes to disability and to our lives.
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dreamtydraw · 1 month
do u have any advice for someone starting to draw?
Hmmmm I have a bunch of advices the thing is they worked one me and might not work on everyone but let me share things that helped me in my art journey.
It’s a long post with advices and resources so i hope it can be helpful.
On advices :
Accept the fact that not every art you'll make will be good. Unless you're a full on professional with years of experiences you'll always need to learn things and so, often you'll find flaws in your art. That where it's important to remember to have fun , art shouldn't stress you into making flawless products.
Doodle often. Again you don't have to daily make detailed artworks but doodling will help you progress and helps with creative process.
Find an art format you like. Just like you can't ask a guitarist to play piano, every art mediums are different with their rules. I would advise you to experiment until you find something you're the most comfortable with ( ex i like markers, color pencils and digital art but I despise oil painting )
The quality of your material does matter. It doesn't matter on how well you draw but it does matter in helping you work better so sometimes it's worth saving up for better materials ( do research on what seems the best for you ). This apply for digital tools too ! I only like one app and it's ibis paint...
Copy. Now this doesn't mean blindly trace or steal but find artists or artworks you like and try to find WHAT you like in it and then try to copy it on your own. This goes for anything you want to reference visually, find what you like in it and copy that, if you just copy the reference you don't do much more than being a printer.
Flip your canvas or use a light tablet to turn your sketch. This help you notices anatomy errors more visibly so you can correct them before starting the clean up.
Don't sleep on cartoon. A lot of people say "learn realism before finding your style" and I'd say that not for everyone. If you want to get professionally into art or works on your anatomy then yes you should learn realism because it's the fundamental of anatomy but that not an obligation. One thing you can learn from tho regardless of what you try to do is cartoons. Cartoons are exaggerations of posing, expressions and designs and learning some cartoons rules might help you understand a bit better some notions ( mainly shapes languages and expressions )
Find something that motivates you to draw. Draw for fandoms, draw your oc, draw for yourself but having something that makes you want to draw is important. It's very important that you don't base your motivation on other people's opinion of your art.
Get inspired by other medias. Search about symbolism in other art form, get inspired by movies, books, videos games, people, objects, design etc… Humans are good at making creative stuff, it feed the spirit.
Now on ressources ( That i use or have used )
My personal pinterest board for visual reference
Scan of morpho, a good morphology book
Scan of morpho, about fat and muscles
Post with resources about fat
Tips about character design
Links to Kasey golden Chanels for cartoon inspiration and material review
Post about shapes designs
Hope this can be of help !!
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mtkay13 · 3 months
hi! I have a question, i dont quite understand why zhou zishu is drawn to wen kexing, would you be able to help me? Esp in the earlier chapters, i just get the vibe that he's annoyed with him and doesn't want the guy's company. Do you know when he starts having feelings for wkx or how it progressed? I know zzs is very composed and in pain due to the seven nails so maybe i missed it while being focused on the plot, or maybe the translation is confusing me
Hello there!!! I'm sorry for the time I took to reply, I've been quite busy lately and I am currently taking sort of a break from this fandom (I'm not done or anything haha, just focusing on other things atm.) Anyway! Since you sent two asks, I'm going to quote the other one as well here and reply to both at once! :) Here's your second ask:
i think i answered my own question, i saw the ask where you recommended a certain translation, and the translation is completely different from the one i read. In one, zhou zishu comes off as annoyed w wen kexing and i had a hard time figuring out why tf he was even bothering to meddle. In the other, he comes off as an inquisitive person who suspects more to the situation and to wen kexing, and he's drawn in. Not to sound like an idiot but i understand why there's so many translations of greek classics now. The word choice make the interpretation completely different. I wish i could learn mandarin and learn what the original work says. Random but do you know if it'll ever get an official translation? It has a TV show and all, wouldn't it be marketable to western audiences? Question by the same Anyonymous person
As you put it yourself, yeah, the translation and tone does a lot to indicate what ZZS sees in WKX. I feel like there has been a widely shared sentiment that ZZS is pretty much fed up with him for the better part of the book's first half, and while I think it's a front that he puts up indeed, I feel like the original version and some of the translations do a good job of showing how ZZS finds WKX very intriguing, likely very strong and quite handsome (haha). I like to feel like he started developing a crush quite early on in the book, already seduced by WKX's deep and suave voice in chapter 2. From then on, more and more details about him catch ZZS' interest--WKX's appearance, mystery, his strength and martial arts expertise, and of course the way they seem to profoundly understand each other. It seems to me like there's a big shift during the campfire scene where ZZS recognises WKX's sword technique as being Wen Ruyu, the two of them thus discussing WKX's ancestry and, following that, what it means to be a good or bad person. The connection feels so strong during that conversation that it seems very likely to me that they both started falling in love from then on. Overall, where the translation may play a big role in perceiving ZZS' attraction is how "human and lively" he may seem in some versions. His quirks and "humanness" come out stronger in the ones I have recommended (IMO at least) and thus comes off as much warmer and fun. Through that characterisation, the nuance of him expressing one thing (annoyance) but feeling another (interest) is easier to understand. So yeah, indeed, translation sure is something! Haha, and there are many stories of disagreements and re-interpretations of classics even within professional translators (because for how much I can sometime criticise some versions of TYK, it's important to reiterate that these are all fan translations provided by people kindly dedicating their time and ressources to translate for free--most of the time (cough)--and share for free as well.) Well, I can only wish for you to get to read it in mandarin one day, because it's really, really great (and mandarin is just a fascinating language altogether!!) As for the official translation... I'm not very optimistic. It seems like getting publishing rights is rather complicated to begin with, and on top of that, TYK is currently locked on jjwxc (the website where it was initially published) due to censorship, which I feel makes it even more difficult. Priest has expressed in a rather recent socmed post that she didn't want to edit TYK (whether to censor it or for publication) because it was too old, so it's quite possible that she just isn't interested in putting in the work for TYK to be officially published and translated. That being said, it's just my opinion/analysis of the situation, and I may very well be wrong! Anyway, many thanks for coming to me and trusting my opinion, and I wish you a wonderful day!! 💗💗💗
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