#langblr finnish
mehilaiselokuva · 5 months
Why did you learn Finnish?
To communicate with my parents and extended family. At age 1 I started to feel a bit hungry and decided I should start speaking so that my parents would feed me.
Hope this helps!
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discolesbo · 6 months
Ways to say "girlfriend" in Finnish
Tyttöystävä, tötsy ötsä, tötti pöddi, öödipöödi, tytti pyttis, tööttipötsi, ööli bööna, rönttö höttiäinen, tötö ödö, tötterö ötökkä, tyty ytty, töötti torvelo
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nonstopfandomposts · 1 month
My dealer: got some straight 🔥 gas 💯 this strain is called "the estonian language" 🇪🇪 you'll be zonked out of your gourd
Me: yeah, whatever. I don't feel shit.
5 minutes later: dude I swear there's a hidden preposition in this word
Minu sõber jüüri: the puhas Kass is lying to us
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victusinveritas · 2 months
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A short guide to Finnish declinations (16).
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reflectionsofthesea · 8 months
minä: Anteeksi, voin sanoa vain muutaman sanan suomeksi
kaikki: Katsokaa tätä pientä italialaista !! Se osaa puhua suomea
minä : p-p
kaikki: perhe? pasta? pizza?
minä: PASKA
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lily-learns-finnish · 1 month
"perse edellä puuhun" - literally meaning something like "ass first into a tree" but just used to refer to when you go about things in the wrong order or an illogical way
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Via sonomiguelangelo su Tiktok
Italia 🇮🇹 España 🇪🇸 Suomi 🇫🇮
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gemsofgreece · 1 year
In Finnish: doing the dishes
In Greek: what the crap
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tealingual · 1 year
Käärijä - Cha Cha Cha vocabulary in Finnish
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Viikko - week Päivä - day Mielenkiinto - interest Rata - nightlife, going to bars, drinking (esp. during the weekend) Ilta - evening Aika - time Ulkokuori - shell Juoma - drink, beverage Huominen - tomorrow Tuoppi - pint Huoli - worry Tuoli - chair, seat Naamataulu - face Parketti - (dance)floor Maailma - world Samppanja - champagne Silmä - eye Puhe - speech Puoli - side Arki - everyday life; weekday, working day Mies - man Rankka - exhausting, hard Pitkä - long Nuori - young Jäinen - icy Sekaisin - messed up Vapaa - free Vakava - serious Toinen - other, another Olla - to be; to have Kumota - to down (a drink) Tuhota - to destroy, to demolish Pitää kiinni - to hold Miettiä - to think Tarttua kiinni - to grab Haluta - to want  Jatkaa - to continue Pysyä - to stay Kutsua - to invite, to call Olla lukossa - to be frozen Tulla - to come Lähteä - to leave, to go Tanssia - to dance Pelätä - to be afraid of, to be scared of Kaataa - to pour Karsastaa - to have eyes that are turned in different directions Sammaltaa - to slur Saada valta - to get (power) over Paljon - a lot, much Takana - behind Vielä - still Kaksin käsin - with two hands Niin kuin, “niinku” - like Kunnes - until Ei enää - no more Muutama - a few Päälle - on Tänään - today Tämä, “tää” - this Minä, “mä” - I Se - it, that Ja - and Ei - no Kun, “ku” - when Silti - still Vielä - still Nyt - now Jo - already Ei laisinkaan - not at all
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langvillage · 12 days
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hello language learners! new this month in the language village, a chill way to practice a little bit every day: the one sentence club! as the title suggests, the idea is to write one sentence in your target language(s) every day. for an extra challenge, especially if your target language uses a different script, try handwriting the sentence too!
join the language village discord server to receive daily reminder pings, get inspiration from a daily question prompt, and participate alongside other one sentence club members!
feel free to tag #langvillage if you post your sentences on tumblr ✨
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mehilaiselokuva · 2 days
what is wrong with your language.....
What IS wrong with Finnish?
The asks keep on getting more interesting!
This might be a bit off-topic but every time someone asks why Finnish is how it is I always blame Mikael Agricola. He did much of the work on the oldest standardized version of the Finnish language and is known for incorporating the (wildly different) Eastern and Western dialects into his work. This is why, for example, while the people in the West say "mettä" and the people in the East say "mehtä", the word for "forest" in the standard Finnish language is "metsä" (where did they even get this from...)
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sarenhale · 9 months
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I'm a big fan of getting better at a language you're studying, consuming a lot of listening content like podcasts and videos, and going from hearing a blurred static in your head when the language and words don't make sense and sound so unfamiliar, to slowly recognizing words here and there, and then eventually realizing you're following the entire conversation and you can understand everything they're saying...
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kuivamustekala · 1 year
Tässä postaus jokaikiselle suomea vieraana kielenä opiskelevalle:
Olette ihania, valtavan rohkeita, ja kaikki teistä puhuu parempaa suomea kuin itse luulette. Oikeesti, olkaa ylpeitä itsestänne! Suomen kieli on kielioppisääntöjen viidakko ja jos joku yrittää pilkata teitä siitä ettette osaa niitä tarpeeksi hyvin, niin mää ryömin niiden ilmastointikanavista sisään ja varastan kaikki puhelinten laturit kunnes ne oppivat käyttäytymään
(and the same in English for those of you who are still just starting, or who want to know how well they understood, or what have you)
Here's a post to everyone studying Finnish as a second language:
You are wonderful, incredibly brave, and every one of you speaks better Finnish than you think. Seriously, be proud of yourselves! Finnish is a jungle of grammar rules and if someone tries to mock you for not knowing all of them, I'll crawl in through their vents and steal all of their phone chargers until they learn to behave
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The Finn just announced that we'd handle some things "one potato at a time".
Another idiom she has seamlessly translated from Finnish into English that's completely wonderful.
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beelearnsfinnish · 12 days
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[16.09.24, monday]
I've spent the last couple of days doing all the exercises from the textbook related to the grammar points we covered in the last lesson, and it hasn't been easy. Maybe today just wasn't my day, but I was making more mistakes than I would like to. But on the bright side, I did quite well in the listening exercices, actually surprised myself.
I still have a couple writing ones to do before my lesson on Friday, but I'm super busy so hopefully I can get them done on Thursday. I'm actually going to a concert tomorrow!! Really excited about that.
✓ active studying
✓ media consumption
my Skufkin mug & I wish you have a great and productive week 🍵
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reflectionsofthesea · 4 months
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🔥​🔥​🔥​🔥​ Snadi fisu tiistai 🔥​🔥​🔥​🔥​
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