#lancelot morningstar
ronunknown0413 · 4 months
Luci's autism kicked in during a visit at the Hazbin Hotel:
Luci: AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! *Screams as he ran to the kitchen sink*
Lance(7 years old): Ma-I mean Daddy! What's wrong, what happened?!
Luci: *Voice muffled by the water running through his mouth* Alastor fed me deer meat!
Lance(7 years old): That's... That's not part of your sensory comfort food pallette...
Luci: *Voice still muffled* Exactly!
Charlie: *Rushed to the kitchen with a worried and guilty face* Ma-Dad! Dad, I'm so sorry for Alastor's behavior, I-I forgot to tell him about your certain diet, I know how you queasy, sensitive, and uncomfortable you are when it comes to trying out new foods, especially when it comes to your condition! I'm so sorry!
Luci: *Turns off the faucet* It's okay, Sweetie. Not everyone is aware I'm autistic... Just try me warning next time when dinner time runs, okay...? *Smiles in reassurance*
Charlie: *Smiles back in relief* Oh! Thank goodness, thanks dad...
Lance(7 years old): Sissy? Where's Big brother?
Charlie: Oh, Arthur? He's with Alastor strangling him by the neck for feeding Dad deer meat
Lance(7 years old): *Snickers* Are you gonna help the deer man?
Charlie: ... Nah! Let him reap what he sow, it's Arthur we're talking about, he wouldn't let any inconvenience slide when it comes to dad
*Meanwhile with at the dining room of the hotel, all the residents were watching the eldest prince strangling Alastor with a pissed off look on his face*
Arthur: Not so tough as you say you are huh?! Does this hurt?! Does this hurt?! Come on, Radio Demon! Try and answer!
Alastor: Letting out screeches of horror and fear
Lance(7 years old): Maybe in next week's trust exercise, you should teach your friends about the Autism Spectrum with Daddy as an example so something like this doesn't happen again
Charlie: Roger that, Baby Brother
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Facts about Arthur Morningstar in Morningstar Symphonic Tears AU:
Being the oldest son, Arthur takes pride in looking after his brothers, he did his best to be the best big brother they could ask for, and it worked well! Maaaaaybe a little too well if you add the fact that his brothers can sometimes be extremely attached to him as the same level as their attachment to Luci. It didn't really bother him though, he's used to their clingy behaviors, especially especially Ain an Eth's clinginess
Being two of youngest set of brothers, Ain and Eth often cling onto Arthur every now and then, Ab isn't that clingy as he is more closed off than the rest of his brother despite being part of youngest three of the brothers. Ain is the most clingy, wrapping himself around the oldest prince's arm and never letting go, pout when he gets pulled away from the physical contact. Eth would often want to hold Arthur's hand and never letting go, he would also pout whenever the physical contact was lost
The brothers would be clingy to each other but with Arthur, he's the big brother and he gets the most clinginess from them and Arthur doesn't mind it and he will mind it because they're his brothers and what's there to be embarrassed or annoyed of being a little childish and cling onto him from time to time, huh?
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c0rpseductor · 4 months
tbh i'm thinking again about how i'm gonna approach vauthry in my fic, since i'm going to have to write him very soon.
i'm aleady planning on taking some sizeable liberties since in shadowbringers he's a bit cartoonish, both as a villain and designwise. i don't think it. well. i DO think it's a bad choice in terms of the fact that it's massively fatphobic, but in terms of tone i think a video game can get away with a somewhat absurd and cartoonish hate sink villain a bit more than a novelization, especially when he shows up sparingly. i want to keep a lot of the base tone of shb, but i do plan on morningstar being a little more sober and adult. there's sex in it i don't have to go with the shonen anime stuff if it doesn't work
i can't bring myself to agree with arguments that eulmore was Fine Actually, and in my writing i'm kind of making it worse, so i don't really want to go with a super sympathetic vauthry (although i think there can be, and want there to be, a sort of quiet tragedy to him, given his canon backstory). i Really need vauthry to still be detestable in morningstar because he has to pull double time on hate sink duty so i can pull my dirty little tricks on the reader with emet-selch. emet is getting more positive treatment in morningstar (until he isn't <3) so until such time as he has his little moment vauthry Really has to be terrible.
i've been thinking that rather than his being quite as. i guess juvenile as in canon, throwing tantrums and generally getting the "fat = dumb baby" treatment, i want to work the sort of egotistical aspect of his character from a place of sophisticated condescension (distinct in execution from emet's bitchy rich girl thing). he's supposed to represent the worst of nobility anyway, which is entitlement and a sense of others as being beneath oneself or belonging to an ontologically lesser class. i thought it might be interesting if he has a sort of grudging "respect" for pfeil, but regards him as a rogue asset to be seized moreso than a human being. i think it works very well from the angle of vauthry playing the role of a corrupt king and pfeil in many cases playing the role of a fairytale knight. like yeah of course the bad guy wants lancelot for his own. or whatever idk i dont know as much about arthuriana as i maybe should
i also think there's some running thread between them, like that there's something very similar that they take in different directions - moreso morningstar's as yet immaterial "serious vauthry" than the saturday morning cartoon vauthry of canon, but still, if you just lay out vauthry's story on paper, yknow?
on a meta level vauthry and pfeil are both fat characters from a source narrative that very much condemns and loathes fat bodies, so i think there's a sense of "similar monstrousness" that carries through even in a work intended not to be fatphobic given fic exists inherently in conversation with its source material - some of pfeil's Angst necessarily has to address that he's in a narrative role too small for his body, in a sense. fairytale knights and princes are only ever thin, shonen anime heroes are only ever thin, persephone was thin and remains so in every retelling, basically every one of those hot satan statues, you get the idea. all the motifs i draw on to inform his role-identity carry this expectation of otherworldly bodily perfection and attractiveness. to some extent this is what it means to be commodified in fiction at all. vauthry is still condemned to the same fate as he was before, but pfeil is a fat hero in a retelling of a story where fatness is evil, built on stories of heroes whose beauty is indicative of goodness and whose beauty is considered to lie in their thinness. maybe it's no wonder vauthry is like, "ditch these losers and eat bonbons with me," LMAO. sort of a like...what if solidarity was bad. you know
also, vauthry is Doomed, and pfeil is Fakeout Doomed. vauthry's story couldn't have ended any other way because he was set up to take this exact fall before even being born. even if he had been a good person morally he would have to die because his very existence upholds and hastens the apocalypse. on top of this, the circumstances under which he was raised were...less than ideal, let's say. i still vastly prefer to say that despite everything, INCLUDING the lightwarden shit, vauthry still has agency that he exercises poorly and likely had chances to be a better and kinder person which he rejected, because a narrative in which nothing is anyone's fault and no one has any choice and it all just Happens is boring. (not in the sense of tragedy, where fate and its incursion on autonomy and meaningful choice is a huge element that adds interest, but in the sense of like...if nobody ever decides to do anything and nothing is ever driven by character action it's not a story where the characters participate anymore. what is the point of that.) his ultimate aim was to secure paradise in eulmore, but no wealthy and powerful person's conception of paradise is gonna be equitable or sustainable or anything less than monstrous. also paradise is fake we live in an imperfect world and that's the only thing we get!! deal with it how you like but that's it!! the hero here is a satan allegory so he's gonna tear down your fake ass heaven!! so on and so forth. off topic. point is he's a villain, and by virtue of being a villain in a story with a clearly designated hero, he's doomed as fuck, no matter the circumstances or aims of his villainy, just like emet. sorry man
pfeil is, by contrast, Fakeout Doomed. like vauthry, he didn't really have much of a choice in becoming who he is - heroes don't get to resist the call no matter how hard they fight, and like all WoLs, hydaelyn had her sights on him for since forever because time loop shenanigans and arguably because reincarnation anyway. by virtue of being born, and even before being born, he was already stuck on the path he's on now. it's not kind to him, being on this path, but he can't give up on it because it would bring harm to others and he can't accept that. it's not who he is to shirk social responsibility. if it was, he wouldn't be the hero. but i as the author know that it's not going to kill him, and once he does what he was always meant to do he gets a whole life ahead of him free of my fuckin meddling. there's an end to the story and then pfeil kind of does a vague whatever. not my business. in the end, he escapes.
again, of course neither of them really know this because they don't know they're in a story. only emet kind of has that inkling of meta and it influences how he interacts with pfeil. but i think it's something that pfeil and vauthry might understand about each other sort of subconsciously, or voice it in other terms. vauthry is living a terminal villain's existence, where his choices are die or live and end the world, and pfeil by contrast is a Big Damn Hero, a beacon of hope who barrels toward the impossible light at the end of the tunnel. vauthry wants pfeil on his side because who wouldn't want that? maybe they can escape together. or maybe vauthry's terminal existence will feel that much less empty, with someone who is fated to one day be Real in a way he can never be at his side. heroes always win. (except in tragedies.)
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na0art · 3 years
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I know, I know... I’m late for the party!
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aceofwhump · 2 years
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Day 5: Who's your favorite whumpee?
HA! Like I could possible chose ONE!? Here's a top 15 list:
Mike Warren (Graceland)
Daniel Jackson (Stargate SG-1)
Danny Williams (Hawaii Five-0)
Killian Jones/Captain Hook (Once Upon a Time)
Tony Stark
Tony DiNozzo (NCIS)
Merlin (BBC Merlin)
Thomas Barrow (Downton Abbey)
The Weeping Monk/Lancelot (Cursed)
Neal Caffrey (White Collar)
Eliot Spencer (Leverage)
John Sheppard (Stargate Atlantis)
Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer)
Zuko (Avatar the Last Airbender)
Isaac Lahey (Teen Wolf)
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stealyourblorbos · 4 years
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For lovely @snowymary ‘s TDN Incredible Exchange request: “I will be there” from the musical Count of Monte Cristo. The first, 1853 novel edition black and white illustrations by Gustave Staal and Lancelot inspired me to draw something in this style. Plus, Dantes and Haydee’s complicated but heartfelt friendship immediatelly reminded me of Lucifer and Mazikeen.
I hope you like it!
  [image: ink\watercolor drawing of Lucifer Morningstar and Mazikeen as Edmon Dantes and his confidante Haydee from novel The Count of Monte Cristo. Lucifer is dressed in classic Regency era outfit and has long hair put into low ponytail. Mazikeen wears traditional Ottoman female clothing with golden headdress and necklace. They are standing on the balcony of theatre box, behind heavy curtains, looking at the audience down the hall.]
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thedrag0nking · 3 years
As the black dragon fallen all the way down into the abyss along with the broken chains of judecca crashing onto the frozen lake of cocytus, there stands fourth Koishi standing beneath the damned souls frozen under this cold lake, punished for their pitiful treachery against god. She looses focus on the frozen souls as she's now focus on the thing that is infront of her. In front of the No One's Rose is none other than the goddess of hell in her true form, a gigantic monstrosity that defies the gods frozen waist down into the lake of cocytus having six wings, three faces, and four limbs. Breaking the chains from both her other limbs, while feasting upon the ever so regenerating once perfect scholars of god Judas Iscariot, Marcus Junius Brutus, and Gaius Cassius Longinus all chewed to bits by the horror's mouths as jagged sharp teeth puncture their flesh. The morningstar looses interest in consumption for now, and focus on the one who freed her from her binds.
The horror roared into the circle so loud that it causes massive avalanches from the other side, now this is where Koishi's final battle begins. Swiftly pulling out these powerful spellcard she had taken from thise who had fallen from the catastrophe. With both the spells and the abilities and attributes of all gensokyo's inhabitants, and Koakuma's boon she'll be more of a worthy fight to go against the goddess of hell in front of her.
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The goddess of hell slammed her fist onto the No One's Rose only for the old woman to evaded her fist quickly as she swings her blade unleashing a barrage of energy from her weapon, now inflicting damage into the monster's face and chest. Hecatica can feel Koishi's strength from within knowing that she is the perfect one to free her. She once more growled as she once more slammed her fist onto the ground, moving her hand to knock back against her but this gives her an idea as she leaped into the air landing onto her hand, running up towards her arm while evading her and trying not to get knocked off her shoulder. When that time comes the No One's Rose leaped into the air, raising her blade and stabbing her through her head upon crashing down into her head.
This made the goddess of hell bellow once again into the cold circle as she removed her blade from the beast's skull, as she delivers multiple slashes all over her face from each direction and all the goddess felt was just the horrid stings of vicious hornets tearing her to asunder from each slash Koishi made.
" YES! YES! "
Hecatica grabbed her away from her head, and tosses her away back on the ground thus shattering a few of her bones and breaking parts of her armor. Koishi stands up shrugging off the pain no matter what happens, she will keep fighting until the end of time which made Hecatica all the more excited as she proceeds to speak towards the old woman giving her the honor to congratulate her for surviving the longest against her, no one had survive from her wrath, as they all die quicker than you can imagine.
" You are the best No One's Rose, many have tried and have failed me brave Ulysses, The great Alexander, Atilla, Lancelot, Vlad tepes, even Ares the god of war. It is Only YOU possesed the soul black enough to free me! "
And so Hecatica gripped onto the reddish dark coal of a skin, tearing open her own stomach revealing such eternal flames that burns in her stomach, the monsterous form had now remain in suspended animation as the goddess of hell emerged out of her form
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Now standing before Koishi she gave the old woman a sinister smile as their REAL battle begins here but not before they gave their final words of confrontation together.
" I didn't give my soul up to you, I gave my life to Sanae.. "
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" Do you REALLY think this all about the girl?! You are the choosen one! My way of escaping hell and rule Gensokyo all to my image! "
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" Her soul is free now Hecatia and you're not going anywhere, it's only you and I remain ! ! ! "
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From the palm of her hand a fiery sword had manifested as she's prepared to duel against the old woman in a fair battle, she will be whole again.
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And so the REAL final battle have just begun no more of her blade shapeshifting into any other weapons as she used her arm wiping the blood off her blade as they both charge towards each other as their blades clashed together into each other a few times before Koishi dodges the swift attack from the fiery sword and slashes her into her abdomen but being a goddess, she took the powerful blow only to retaliate but jumping back once more dashing towards the No One's Rose with fury in her eyes, Koishi blocked the attack but the impact not only burned her body alive but also knock her back destroying more of her armor. Koishi quickly got up from the ground spitting blood on the frozen floor grabbing her blade as Hecatia delivers another slash this time blocking her attack as they stare into their eyes. She sees the burning hatred and rage in her eyes, and revenge clouding in her heart as they speak.
" You dare assault ME? YOU, would have done far worse than I! I stood for my beloved Junko, Clownpiece and the rest of my fellow denizens for reason and Justice!
Than the whore of the moon made YOU, a flawed creation! Born from the moon, a means to an end! A weapon! The destruction of Gensokyo, the murderer of Junko! "
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" I'm sorry about what has happen to all of you, that is why I am here to set things right! Don't you see? We don't have to do this! Instead of being enemies, we can become allies and forgive each other!
If you stand for reason and justice than you know of my struggle to keep peace and seek justice for the pain we all endured! The lunar capital is gone, every one is dead! "
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" L I A R ! ! ! "
Hearing the No One's Rose speak enraged the goddess of hell to no end as the old woman is not the only one who suffered from the loss, the pain, and despair which lead her to a path of vengeance against the lunar capital, against Koishi Yakumo.
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She raised her blade slamming it onto the No One's Rose and she did this so many times just to see if her own blade can break from the force of Hecatia's rage unsware that her blade cannot be broken, being invincible against anything. Koishi had enough and she had no choice, she used her weapon staggering her knocking her back as she dashes in for the kill.
" H E C A T I A ! ! ! "
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Going all in the No One's Rose swung her blade slashing the Goddess all over her body inflicting massive damage but again Hecatia continues moving shrugging off the pain she recieved spin her body around swinging that fiery blade once more delivering a slash into her chest that pierce through the armor that strapped around her on the front. Koishi had gritted her teeth moving back as her blood is covering her face but she doesn't give up so easily. Neither is Hecatica.
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storieswrittcnarch · 4 years
Shipping Call Master List
this is a list of current shipping calls posted. i will update as i make more, feel free to like as many as you’d like.
Allison Hargreeves
Archie Andrews
Betty Cooper
Billy Hargrove
Buffy Summers
Cheryl Blossom
Chloe Decker
Cloud Strife
Damon Salvatore
Geralt of Rivia
Harry Hook
Jay Halstead
Jessica Jones
Justin Foley
Klaus Hargreeves
Lucifer Morningstar
Peter Parker
Peter Rumancek
Matt Murdock
Malcolm Bright
Nicole Haught
Sara Lance
Steve Rogers
Sookie Stackhouse
Will Graham
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natsukitakama · 5 years
Masterlist Tv Shows edition
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Since I am never satisfied with the way my blog look and I finally learn how to make a masterlist I thought it will be more convenient to make one. So here it’s the masterlist about every Series fandom I'm currently writing for. 
You could find my anime master list here and my video game masterlist here 
for now it’s just a list of headcanon cause I don’t feel confortable about writing an imagine but I will eventually. Request are still open 
i do not own that gif credit to the owner 
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DC Comics - Arrowerse 
The flash tv 
Earth 2 Harrison Wells aka Harry 
Headcanon : Being in relationship with Harry
Headcanon : Harry falls in love with you
Headcanon : Being pregnant with Harry’s child Pt 1
Headcanon : Being pregnant with Harry’s child Pt 2
Harrison Sherloque Wells 
Headcanon : Being in love with Sherloque but it’s not mutual 
The wells 
Headcanon : Celebrate Valentin’s day with the Wells 
Legends of tomorrow :
John Constantine
Headcanon : having a crush on John Constantine
Headcanon : Being friends with Benefits with John Constantine but it turns into real relationship 
Headcanon : Being in relationship with John Constantine
Lucifer Morningstar
Headcanon :  Being friend with Lucifer would include 
Marcus pierce aka Cain
Headcanon  : Being Marcus Pierce’s significant other (AU)
Dan Espinoza Aka détective douch
Headcanon  : Being Dan Espinoza’s partner 
Dick Grayson
Headcanon :  Dick Grayson falling in love with you
Headcanon : Dick Grayson being a dad
William de Nogaret
Headcanon : Being the wife of William de Nogaret 
Headcanon : Yandere!De Nogaret x reader 
Headcanon : Being in relationship with Gawain 
Headcanon : Being in relationship with Tancrede 
Cursed (Netflix) 
The weeping monk aka Lancelot 
Headcanon : Being in relationship with the weeping monk would include 
Multi characters 
What kind of boyfriends are they ? (The weeping monk, Green knight, Merlin) 
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Series : (insert a character) falls in love with you 
Headcanon :  Dick Grayson falling in love with you
Headcanon :  Harry falls in love with you
Headcanon : Arno Victor Dorian falls in love with you
Series : Being in relationship with (insert a character) 
Headcanon : Being in relationship with Harry
Headcanon : : Being in relationship with Gawain
Headcanon : Being in relationship with Tancrede 
Headcanon : Being in relationship with John Constantine
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bluboothalassophile · 5 years
Preparations for the End
It had started simple enough. It was graduation, for her, from Grimwood Finishing Academy for Ghouls, and she was graduating with honors and a full ride scholarship to Cornell; she wanted to be a veterinarian. And this was all simple because their headmistress Sibella De Ville had informed them to invite their families to this graduation. It wasn’t a massive problem, a lot of the families here were small, and simple, witches, werewolves, vampires, monsters or ghouls of some sort, they were mostly families hiding from the public eye. Hell, there was even a kitsune attending her school. But for the most part, a lot of the kids who landed here were orphans or runaways; persecuted for what made them different because it wasn’t like being a metahuman or alien; this was the supernatural, something mortals would always fear.
But this led Mary-Beth to her little problem. She could invited just one aspect of her family, it simply wouldn’t do. And Mary-Beth voted that she had the weirdest family in existence.
Sure, her mortal parents were supportive; and even encouraging of the family Magic being learned, she was a Charmed One and in the Magic world that was special as most magical families did not have as many as three children. Three was also a sacred number, a number for good luck, and in the Magic world, three was a number for power. So, her family was already an anomaly; as there were only a handful of Charmed Ones at any given time.
But back to her problem, for her graduation party; and inviting her family; she couldn’t NOT invite any aspect of her family, it’d probably start a feud; a bigger feud… again; but at the same time she didn’t think that it’d be this complicated. Family holidays were already hell enough to plan out since so many relatives; mostly on Raven’s side; had come out of the woodworks. And her weird family was so enthusiastic about being supportive and being there for her she couldn’t not invite any of them!
There was her one of the most powerful, raw magic Witches in modern age and completely mortal.
There was her little brother Billy, and he was her brother, he was weird.
Her baby sister Jessica was still growing into her powers.
And her best friend was a Witchlighter and the reincarnated King Arthur of Camelot, with his older brother being the reincarnated Sir Lancelot, and his younger sister being the reincarnated Lady of the Lake; they were also Charmed Ones
Then there was her cousin, Rachel Roth, a.k.a. Raven, most powerful mortal celestial being in existence.
Raven’s older, adopted brother, who was a famous cyborg hero, Victor Stone, a.k.a. Cyborg. Vic was exuberantly supportive of her; even embarrassingly enthusiastic about it; he had shown up to almost all her sports events with his moms, decked out in team spirit cheering for her; even when Rae couldn’t.
Their adopted moms, Dr. Harleen Quinzel and Dr. Pamela Isley, Gotham’s most dangerous villains. Surprisingly awesome and unsurprisingly crazy, but fun and loving aunts for her. Her mom loved them, as did her dad.
Raven’s adopted niece and nephews; Melvin, a metahuman who’s imagination manifested to suit her will and reality, Timmy, who was a metahuman banshee, and Teether, another metahuman who’s indestructible teeth could slice through anything.
Melvin, Timmy, and Teether’s foster parents; who were New Gods; Big Barda and Scot Free; they lived in Australia but would fly up for all family holidays; they were… big. Plus, their son Jacob; who was so precious!
There was Raven’s weird father figure/uncle person, who was also her mentor and loonier than a looney tune; having voluntarily locked himself up in an insane asylum; John Constantine. John Constantine was a madman, who adored Rae and had taught Mary more about thinking fast with Magic than anything her school had taught her.
Raven’s grandfather was the Devil himself, Lucifer Morningstar, who preferred to be called Luci with family, his demon consort Mazikeen Morningstar. Their frequent tag alone was Beatrice Decker; a good friend of Mary’s actually. Next to Chris, Trixie was probably her best friend.
All of the angels were Raven’s aunts and uncles; and Mary still didn’t know how but somehow Mary and her siblins had been adopted into that lunacy. Between Gabriel randomly dropping in on her studies, and Raphael coming around to tutor her, and Anna just swinging in; and Balthazar abducting her to random places, and Castiel showing up to check in on her from time to time with Luci’s son; Jack, who was Cas’ adopted son. It was nuts.
Not to mention Cas’ husband and husband’s brother, Dean and Sam Winchester were always randomly popping in to steal pie and drag her and her siblings off for monster hunting. They had charmed her mother somehow, Mary still didn’t know how, all she knew was that Hunters were always randomly popping into her life now.
Raven’s grandmother was Death, the actual entity of Death. The Endless were also now aunts and uncles; Mary had to remember to put them on her graduation party list as well. The Endless would be highly offended if she invited all the angels but not them, they still hated the angels for some results of the war, but they would hold truce for family gatherings.
And then there were the cousins she had gained through Raven’s demonic father, Trigon, who she couldn’t just ignore! Mary actually like Etrigan, she was awesome, Jason Blood not so much.
Also, if Raven came then her not-boyfriend boyfriend would come along, because Jason never strayed far from her cousin since their reunion. No, Rae would not be bring her actual boyfriend Koryak; no one approved of them dating, except maybe Jason, Mary didn’t get why the idiot didn’t fight harder for her cousin, they were magnetic and totally together.
Mary opened her door; which was taking a hard beating; as she dragged her attention from her quest to finish the list. The moment it opened a man shoved his way into her room.
“HEY!” Mary shrieked as she was shoved aside.
“Where’s the Gem!?” the man demanded.
“I’m tracking her magical signature, it led me here, where is she!?” the man turned on her. He was rather handsome, early thirties, long brown hair, brown eyes; he looked like the comic book character Remy LeBeau.
“And who the hell are you!?” she demanded, her own Magic cackling at her finger tips.
“She’s my aunt!”
“I’m Merlin, Merlin of Camelot, and I need help! I might have just unleashed the Four Horsemen!” he snapped, his brown eyes flashed red.
“Merlin has a beard,” she stated.
He laughed.
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Random Luci misadventures stuff that nobody fuckin' ask for PT 6:
We all know Lucifer Morningstar is a shape shifter, right? Well, the sins seems to have main forms of animals or have some animal features(Bee, Mammon,Ozzie, and Satan maybe) while Lucifer is the only one who looks a lot more humanoid,
Well, in this blog Luci's "humanoid" form is actually considered based on a porcelain doll! I like to think that Luci can sometimes has a habit of acting like a doll, being very still for a really long time, whether is standing, sitting, or even sleeping! He also using it as an element of surprise in indoor combat. What's more he likes to dress up, like a doll would often get dressed up by little girls. That's also means, no, Luci doesn't have goat hooves, his feet are similar to Barbie dolls(You get what I mean)
When he gets injured(Which rarely happens), his wounds are forms of cracks and sometimes blood would spill out of those cracks, he barely feels any pain from it(Poor baby went through a lot of pain so of course he would endure it), his cracks heal in almost an instant, so the cracks don't last long
While he could be still for a long, long time, he would do that while he's napping, while standing, while sitting and while sleeping, though, his positions during his naps are exactly how dolls are positioned and he never even made any sound during it either, you couldn't even hear his soft breathing as it is so quiet that it almost was like he wasn't even a living being at all
Arthur and Lance have inherited the same habit and mannerisms as Luci, Charlie could too, though being raised by Lilith, she doesn't sit still in one place as long as her brothers and father
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moonlightsong · 7 years
Fandom List
13 Reason Why Clay Jenson Jeff Atkins Justin Foley Tony Padilla Zach Dempsey
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Ambrose Spellman Harvey Kinkle Hilda Spellman Father Blackwood Lucifer Morningstar Nicholas Scratch Prudence Sabrina Spellman Zelda Spellman
Divergent Caleb Prior Eric Four
Doctor Who Amy Pond Clara Oswald The Doctor The Master / Missy River Song Rory Williams Rose Tyler
Game of Thrones Arya Stark Bran Stark Brienne of Tarth Bronn Catelyn Stark Cersei Lannister Daenerys Targaryen Eddard Stark Euron Greyjoy Gendry Grey Worm Jaime Lannister Jaqen H'ghar Joffery Baratheon Jorah Mormont Jon Snow Khal Drogo Margaery Tyrell Oberyn Martell Ramsay Bolton Rickon Stark Robb Stark Petyr Baelish Samwell Tarly Sandor Clegane Sansa Stark Theon Greyjoy Tommen Baratheon Tormund Giantsbane Tyrion Lannister Tywin Lannister Yara Greyjoy
Harry Potter Cedric Diggory Draco Malfoy Fred Weasley George Weasley Ginny Weasley Harry Potter Hermione Granger James Potter Luna Lovegood Neville Longbottom Oliver Wood Remus Lupin Ron Weasley Sirius Black Viktor Krum
Kingsman Charlie Hesketh ‘Eggsy’ Unwin Harry Hart Merlin Roxy Whiskey
Marvel Universe Bruce Banner Bucky Barnes Carol Danvers Clint Barton Drax Gamora Hope van Dyne Loki Natasha Romanoff Peter Parker Peter Quill Pietro Maximoff Sam Wilson Scott Lang Shuri Stephen Strange Steve Rogers T'Challa Thor Tony Stark Vision Wanda Maximoff
Merlin (BBC) Arthur Pendragon Gwaine Lancelot Merlin Mordred Morgana Any of the knights
Once Upon a Time Aladdin August Booth Belle David Nolan Emma Swan Gideon Sheriff Graham Jefferson (Mad Hatter) Killian Jones Prince Phillip Peter Pan Regina Mills Robin Hood Ruby/Red Snow White Will Scarlet Zelena
Peaky Blinders Alfie Solomons Arthur Shelby Finn Shelby John Shelby Luca Changretta Michael Gray Thomas Shelby
Pretty Little Liars Alison DiLaurentis Aria Montgomery Caleb Rivers Emily Fields Ezra Fitts Hanna Marin Jason DiLaurentis Spencer Hastings
Reign Bothwell Charles Darnley Francis Gideon Greer Leith Louis Conde Mary Stuart Lord Narcisse Sebastian (Bash)
Riverdale Alice Cooper Archie Andrews Betty Cooper Cheryl Blossom Fangs Fogarty FP Jones Jughead Jones Kevin Keller Polly Cooper Reggie Mantle Sweet Pea Toni Topaz Veronica Lodge
Sherlock (BBC) Irene Adler James Moriarty John Watson Mycroft Holmes Sherlock Holmes
Stranger Things Billy Hargrove Jim Hopper Jonathan Byers Nancy Wheeler Steve Harrington
The Vampire Diaries / The Originals Alaric Saltzman Bonnie Bennett Caroline Forbes Damon Salvatore Elena Gilbert Elijah Mikaelson Enzo St. John Jeremy Gilbert Katherine Pierce Kai Parker Klaus Mikaelson Lucian Castle Marcel Gerard Matt Donovan Stefan Salvatore Tristan de Martel Tyler Lockwood
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Differences between Lilith parenting Charlie and Luci parenting Arthur:
I think the Hazbin Hotel fandom didn't realize or forgot that many parents have their own way of parenting and how it could affect their children and will it affect their lives and mindsets... Characters in shows would be no different, honestly... Though, I think people in the fandom tend to forget that Charlie was raised by Lilith herself and Lucifer isn't often present most of her life. Like Father like daughter? In Luci and Charlie's case? Nah! Not in this blog!
Arthitus Hesper Alister Phoenix Morningstar and Charlotte Lucia Morningstar aren't that close as siblings from the beginning. Arthur was singlehandedly raised by Luci while Charlie was raised by Lilith.
Lilith is one of the big main antagonist of this blog, she's a red flag of a wife and a mother. She has reasons of what she does, and they're not good, from emotionally manipulating Luci into being blindly in love with her to ruling Hell to the worse and worse to the point the realm it's inhabitants are almost unfixable and she did it all by being manipulative and by singing songs like a siren. Lilith raised Charlie herself, She raised Charlie into thinking Heaven is the paradise every human soul could live in peace while it's actually not true, which is the result of Charlie's dream of redeeming sinners and doesn't even bother to look into the possible consequences more, and Lilith also raised Charlie into thinking that singing would express the heart of every soul though, we know for a fact Lilith's singing voice has the power to control sinners and I wouldn't be surprised if Charlie inherited it from her(There's a theory that Charlie unknowingly was controlling her friends but not by minds but by perspective so that they're similar to hers because of how much she sings, yeah, I'm using that theory here). Knowing Charlie, she's really naive and really stubborn about her naivety and idealism... Which gave me a feeling that Charlie hasn't mentally and emotionally matured at her 200 years of living. She thinks everyone everyone including the most evil souls have good in them and they can be redeemed which is entirely untrue. She hasn't realized her dream is not entirely helpful, and that she's unknowingly controlling her friends to backing her up and worse of all... That was a result of Lilith parenting and again she has no good reasons for that matter (We'll go into that next time). So, Lilith's parenting is down right shitty and bad, and worst of all she did that on purpose and felt no remorse for that.
Luci is the main star and protagonist of this blog as this is about some what if scenarios and headcanons and as well as personal theories. Arthur is Luci's first child and he raised him all by himself as Arthur refused to be near Lilith or even let Lilith be near Luci. Arthur may be a cold-hearted aristocratic prince, who's ruthless in battles, and a blunt bastard who can also can be a bit manipulative just to get some information he want but he has a bleeding heart of gold deep down inside who cares about his people, his kingdom and his realm who would do anything to protect and make it a better place. When Luci say he doesn't want his children to end up crushed by naivety, harsh assumptions, and misinterpretation, and idealistic goals, he meant it! He raised Arthur with genuine care, love and most all important life lessons, metaphorically, figuratively and literally which gets more mature as the prince grows up. Luci taught his son his point of view of life and how it should be lived, he also told him stories about his life in heaven, his adventures in hell before he became it's ruler and his family, the good, the bad, the heartbreaking, the infuriating, everything. Luci tells Arthur about his life because he wanted his son to know not to repeat the mistakes he made, and wanted him to carve his own path that it better the one Luci has. By the time Arthur turned 18-21(The Morningstar children stopped aging when they reach early adulthood) he set out his own first adventure with his cousins to explore the outside of the Cities within the Rings Of Hell, it was thrilling yet there are also traumatic events that scarred him and his cousins forever which is one of main reasons for his cold-hearted personality, THOUGH, it was also one of main events of his maturity. Luci was there when Arthur needed him, when he's stressed, when he's sad, when he's burnt out, when he's having panic attacks, Luci was there and there are also times when Arthur returns the favor when his Mama experience the same things. And Arthur is secondary Main Character as he's helping Luci with his goal of making Hell a better place and/or reshaping and reforming it into his own version of heaven and also help his subjects in this newfound society by helping sinners regain some their humanity within deep inside them and help giving Hellborns humanity within their soulless hearts, and Luci's siblings The Seven Deadly Sins are there to pitch in along with their own children as they also rule hell and wanted to establish the same law and rules to their own rings and it them batter places. Luci also wish to make peace with Heaven and maybe help them realize that their status quo and belief were not actually by his father God's word but rather a twisted misinterpretation that could just make things worse... It's a lot but hey! Luci and Arthur are royals so of course their jobs are meant to be a lot! And they're no stopping them! So, in conclusion, Luci's parenting is grade A good parenting! He's a sweet misunderstood soul and will do anything to make sure everyone has their sense of safety and humanity!
Bonus note on Lancelot Morningstar, since he's born and raised by Luci after the divorce it will be no surprises there Luci will raise his youngest baby boy the way he raised his first born baby boi~!
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Random Luci misadventures stuff that nobody fuckin' ask for PT 3~:
In my blog...Luci HATES beds! He despises them! Ever since he was a fledgling still living in heaven, he, God and his former Archangel siblings sleep together in nests like a flock of birds, same with the other sins too! They were fallen angels like Luci so they too grew up sleeping in nests while also despises beds. To Luci and the other sins, beds are REALLY uncomfortable especially the ones who still got their wings, like Satan and Luci and maybe Bee and Ozzie, laying on a rectangular mattress surrounded by handcrafted wood with pillows only for your head and having a blanket on top of you to "keep you warm"? To them it's an ABOMINATION, a MONSTROSITY! As much as Luci still adore Humans despite what they think of him, there are some things he couldn't understand about them, like beds! He gets that Humans but him and other sins? Heck naw! They prefer nests because they were angels back in the past, thank you very much! Lilith doesn't seem to get it as Luci was forced to sleep with her in that uncomfortable abomination, his words not mine or yours, this could be one of the many reasons for Luci's insomnia problem. After the divorce Luci just threw the bed he has from the bedroom out of the highness balcony in the palace cursing the said bed and flipped it off.
He then went shopping for materials or substitute for said materials for his new nest, he's glad he no longer has to sleep on that stupid bed and finally sleep comfortably, and he does with both his two precious sons,
Arthur was surprised by the fact angels, especially fallen angels prefer to sleep on nests instead of beds, though, he became quickly accustomed to the tradition that he doesn't even want to sleep on a bed ever again,
Lance was born after the divorce so, he grew up sleeping in nests and when he was put on an actual bed, he would screech and scratch the person who tried putting him on such a thing, cursing them while calling the bed as a monstrosity,
Charlie was hesitant about sleeping on nests like her brothers, though Vaggie being a angel herself was really ecstatic to point that uncharacteristically begged Charlie to join in, seeing on how Vaggie loves sleeping on nest, she agree and like Arthur, she quickly became accustomed to sleeping on nests
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Random Luci misadventures stuff that nobody fuckin' ask for PT 4:
Husk: Hey, Princess. I've noticed you and your fam often refused to eat Alastor's food for some reason, I mean he's an asshole but he cooks goddamn good! Charlie: Oh! Well, that's because most of Alastor's food contains meat and... We're not fond of the taste of meat Husk: Wha-?! Charlie: You heard me, Husker
------------------ Yeah, so Luci's autism made him have very limited food pallet as meat isn't one of them, and it somehow passed onto his children despite not having his condition. There are times demons such as the Ars Goetia and the overlords saw the whole royal family gagged and retched at the smell of cooked meals that contains meat. They're fine with eggs, sausage, and bacon but the rest of the meat family they couldn't handle it. So, they're diets and main meals contains vegetables instead and egg meals are they main source of protein as a way to make up for not eating meat. It's not like it's a shared allergy, they just couldn't handle the components of what's left of animals and the demons who witness it didn't dare to question it as they fear to face their wrath for asking such a question like it's a sensitive topic and while it's not, they just don't like to elaborate about it as to them explaining to them about such a thing is a hassle
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Random Luci misadventures stuff that nobody fuckin' ask for PT 5:
This one is about Lance! About time there is something about him!
Lancelot Damien Florus Perez Morningstar is as you know the youngest child of Lucifer Morningstar and Lilith(Ex-Wife)
Like Arthur, Lance is a prodigy in magic, though, his magical properties are more into the divine angelic side than the demonic side. He's interested in floral activities such as Gardening, Weeding, Flowering etc. he's also interested in poison, hence, his magic is more tune to floral and poison.
Again, Like Arthur, Lance is a Mama/Daddy's boy toward Luci, he doesn't remember anything about Lilith or rather anything good about her as like Arthur he was born aware, he doesn't know Charlie very well and she didn't give him a very good impression when they finally met for the first time, so, he stick more to Arthur as he admires him and looks up to him.
Lance always carries a basket full of flowers, he would give flower necklaces and crowns to cheer someone up or show he likes and trust them or when he sees someone and decided he doesn't like them and if he wants to be a sadist, he would give them poisonous flower crowns or necklaces and would poison their lungs as the flower scents were because Lance puts some of his magic into them, (he gave Alastor a poisonous flower crown in an overlord meeting once as it was their second encounter, the poison was enough for him to just pass out in pain, Lance even grabbed his mic staff and threw it out the window)
Lance has a goal to make Hell have some of their greenery and plants all over and not just in some places like in the noble demons and overlord's factions, he could wait till he's older but he decided to just start small and made small gardens all over the pride ring.
Lance always loves to take naps on trees, especially The Morningstar trees(The trees are one of the most important parts of this blog/AU). He finds them comforting, sometimes he even drag his big brother and cousins to read and nap with him on the trees.
As Lance is still a kid, he would follow either Luci or Arthur like a baby duckling as he just wants to stay near them and some experiences, plus, he loves his Mama/Daddy and Big Brother.
Lance is a quiet boy, who's also a blunt bastard child(Runs in the whole family), he doesn't people he doesn't know very well or doesn't like touches him out of nowhere. Charlie did it once and it did not end well for her, to Lance just because she's his big sister doesn't mean he get to touch her as he doesn't even know her, despite that, he's very affectionate and clingy towards the ones he love and adore, like Luci and Arthur,
His favorite out of the sins is Leviathan and Belphagor, his reasons are his opinions similar to Arthur's towards them.
Doesn't like the heaven hierarchy, he doesn't know as much as Arthur as he is still young but he knows enough to have an opinion about them.
He has a stuff duck he loves very much(It was a gift from Luci), touch it or take it from him and you'll face the consequences!
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