#lancaster fanfic
ephemerasnape · 6 months
Comic! Paying the Piper
So pleased to present the following illustrations for my fic Paying the Piper. Oswald and his dynamic with Elisabeth have been captured so well in this! The comic is SFW but the fic is not.
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This comic does an amazing job oversimplifying the basic premise of the first couple chapters.
✸ Paying the Piper
Ashwinder Scout x OFC The newest shopkeeper in Hogsmeade is met with an unpleasant surprise when a handsome young Ashwinder shows up at her door demanding payment.
ETA: I've made a video of this comic!
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lord-of-rain · 1 year
Ruby vs. Mama Arc pt. 1
#You have one new message#
"Hey mom..."
Jaune's voice filtered through the speaker, his face came into focus on the screen.
"So uh good news... We won, I didn't think I'd make it this far but I guess I'll be coming home after al-"
Jaune was cut off when someone tugged his arm from off-screen.
"Come on, Vomit Boy~ let's get to bed~"
The camera jerked to the side revealing a girl in a corset tugging on his arm, smiling suggestively. The camera snapped back to a blushing Jaune.
"Haha okay, Rubes! Uh, I might bring a girl home too, love you, bye!"
Tears rolled down Mrs. Arc's face as her son awkwardly ended the message, she tried with every scrap of willpower not to break down sobbing.
"Iris, what's wrong?"
Her husband asked rubbing her shoulders.
"Our baby boy."
He voice was faint
"He's been seduced by some... some... Hussy!"
Iris cried out as she imagined what weird kinky stuff that goth floozy was doing to her sweet little prince.
"There's only one thing I can do."
Mama Arc said menacingly.
"Please don't threaten her with the Billhook."
Papa Arc pleaded, suddenly his wife turned on her heel.
"That's a great idea, honey! I'll get my old Billhook to scare off that Bimbo!"
Iris strode out of the room her heels barely touching the ground, her husband looked over to Saphron and her son who looked up at his mother.
"Mama, what's a bimbo?"
Saphron nearly spat out her coffee.
"Ack! Uhh, It doesn't mean anything, but you're gonna see Uncle Jaune soon!"
Saphron obfuscated.
Adrian gasped in excitement, Terra breathed some things never changed and she did not envy Jaune's girlfriend.
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newcathedrals · 6 months
favorite winnix fics pt. 2
pt. 1
these are all "long" winnix fics (like the first list), which I'm defining as around 20k or more. they're in in no particular order, either, they're all great!
duology by leoandsnake, 118k, series, explicit. felt very "realistic" in its own way. Winnix the long way around, which is my favorite. heavy on Nix's alcoholism. I adore the ending to this, as well.
He Shall Live This Day, and See Old Age by CorvidCordelia, 56k, explicit. Great writing, very classic long Winnix fic.
A Spell of Riot by churchkey, 62k, explicit. very intense portrayal of alcoholism and recovery from addiction. depressing and very well written.
A Different War by x_art, 28k, explicit. Dick keeps having dreams about Lewis. Very sweet, great writing.
Lancaster County by raquelelpillo, 37k, series, teen/mature. AU where Nix visits Lancaster as a teenager with his mother and stays for the summer. Essentially Nix and Dick are teenagers in the 1940s and fall in love. definitely one of my new favorite longer Winnix fics. very creative, great writing style, very sweet. made me feel nostalgic for a summer I never lived <3
Long Ago and Far Away by churchkey, 18k, series, explicit. very classic Winnix, well written. the best fic in this series is "This Tender Offering."
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bonnibellexox · 4 months
Fanfiction Snipet Requests!
Any scenes from my stories you’d like to see get the credit they deserve?
For example:
-sad scenes from Time Together
-flirty scenes from Caught Red-handed
-cute scenes from Privacy
I also have many White Rose and White Knight scenes to choose from so let me know.
(Here’s a progress screenshot for “We All So Happy for You”)
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seedsinmygarden · 4 months
MC's Wedding Day
for: @rosy05
this was a fun request!! i randomized every (former!) student and used that as my basis. while there were certainly some I could have done easily (like MC and Amit inviting Shah or MC and Imelda inviting Kogawa), I wanted the challenge. enjoy!
Word Count: 2,017 words
Tags/Warnings: Set in a time where Fig didn’t die in the Final Repository Battle; takes place seven years after the Battle Below Hogwarts— thus, all student characters aged-up to their early 20s! Fluff, some found family.
“HEADMASTER BLACK and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Mr. Phillip Hans and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          What in Merlin’s bloody beard is this? He scoffs, preparing to owl back, but then his wife, Ursula Black, spots the letter over his shoulder. “Is that a wedding invitation? Darling, we should go!” “Absolutely not. To be quite frank, I don’t even know why I was invited!” “Perhaps it’s only a formality?”
          After some persuasion from his wife, Headmaster Black attended the event. He started off still grumbling, but eased up only a tad as the ceremony turned out to be rather lovely (and both Eleanor Gryffindor and the Minister of Magic were in attendance as well, seeing as Phillip, MC’s now-husband, was a renowned Auror). Besides, it was free food and he supposes there was some good conversation to be had among the other… witches and wizards, in attendance. He exchanged brief conversation with Phillip and MC when they visited his table (shared with a few other professors and their spouses) during dinner, only just congratulating them after a firm nudge from Ursula on his right.
“PROFESSOR MATILDA WEASLEY and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Mr. Thomas Dharby and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          Professor Weasley was shocked to say the least, but not too shocked. She had remained in touch with many of her former students, but she had never been invited to one of their weddings before! Since it was only just outside of Hogsmeade, it wouldn’t take much of her time to attend and so she did. It was a beautiful wedding, especially when Tommy loudly proclaimed his vows as if he wanted the whole world to hear them because, well, who could blame him.
          Upon the first opportunity she saw during the reception, she had made her way to the lovely couple and thanked them for inviting her to join them on their day, to which MC had smiled and invited her to an embrace. “Oh, how you’ve grown into the wonderful adults you are. May your lives together be full of fortune, love, and happiness.” 
          Well, Professor Fig didn’t quite need an invite as he was the person walking MC down the aisle. When MC had asked him to walk them down the aisle alongside their father, Professor Fig could not have been more honored to do as much. He won’t admit, but he cried after MC had left. He got to watch them grow up into the wondrous person they are now and he was ecstatic to be there as they take their next step in life— quite literally.
          He watches as MC wedded Peter Green, the quiet Ravenclaw that was seemingly Madame Scribner’s favorite student in all her years as librarian of Hogwarts (and he was sure she would have been invited had she not passed away so soon). The dinner and reception were both lovely as ever, and he could see the love in both their eyes as they had their first dance, not far from the love he held for Miriam when they first wedded. MC was in perfectly good hands.
“PROFESSOR DINAH HECAT and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Mr. Lucan Brattleby and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          When the former Unspeakable first received the invitation, she was a bit surprised. It certainly wasn’t everyday that former professors would be invited to the wedding, though perhaps she had more of an effect than she thought back when they were students. 
          She later learned that with both MC and Lucan long out of school and working in the same department as Aurora, of course they were going to reunite and, as it seemed, a relationship kindled from there. When she arrived and witnessed the couple tell their vows, she knew the love they held was true and wished that it would live forever for them— one of a kind, she told them when she got the chance to speak to the couple. 
“PROFESSOR ABRAHAM RONEN and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Ms. Annabelle Sallow and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          To say he was giddy was certainly an understatement. He cheered so loud, one could have heard it clear across the castle. He knewwww, he kNEW, from the moment Anne and MC sat together in 6th year Charms (how she was cured, Ronen will never know, but he always had an inkling that MC was involved) that they would come to spend the rest of their lives together. Now to get an invitation to their wedding? Merlin, he was pleased!
          The venue and reception were beautiful, and he could see the hint of charmwork weaved into the space, including Avis, the very first charm he had taught them in their 6th year. To know they had valued him so much in their lives that they would invite him to witness their marriage brought him to tears alone, and he was ready— more than ready— to sing their praises (and maybe brag a bit about some of the present charms as he had taught them so long ago). When he finally came face to face with the newly married couple bearing MC’s surname, he gave them both a great big hug and wished them all the best on their new lives together.
“PROFESSOR ASEOP SHARP and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Mr. Everett Clopton and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          Well, this was certainly a surprise. An unexpected one. Yet, it was also rather welcome. He found himself itching to go, but at the same time, he wasn't exactly a party person, he had always been much more introverted... but then again, MC was one of his best students (and possibly the most powerful ever) and they were a joy to have in his classroom, though he would never admit that out loud. 
          In the end, he decided to attend the ceremony and since he had a plus-one, he took along Professor Ronen to keep him company. He knew the man's giddiness would rub off at least a bit and allow him to enjoy the wedding— and enjoy the wedding he did! He didn't quite dance, but he got to sit in on the scenery and atmosphere, and found himself grateful that he had decided to attend. (Even Professor Ronen managed to drag him out to the dance floor for one dance and of course, bragged about it later.)
“PROFESSOR MIRABEL GARLICK and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Ms. Amoria Dovah-Fawkes and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          Professor Garlick gasps happily at the sight of the wedding invitation, and to see that it was located in MC's own conservatory, a beautiful location on its own... Merlin save her. Though it had been a while since the two were out of school, Garlick was rather close with MC and Poppy as they started a combined herbology/beasts in the Gilded Perch corridor, a dream they shared since they had found it all those years ago (as MC had enthusiastically shared with Garlick shortly before graduation). 
          When she arrived, she could feel all the love that was put into the new conservatory, and the love that the now-married couple had for each other. Amoria always had a fascination with beasts, particularly dragons, so of course there was a couple baby dragons about without their mothers (whether it be abandoned or the mother was dead :( ). She congratulated the couple when she was finally face-to-face with them, happily wishing them all the best on their new lives together like a pair of beautiful budding roses. 
“PROFESSOR CHIYO KOGAWA and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Ms. Poppy Sweeting and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          Like Professor Sharp, Kogawa was rather surprised to have received this invitation— unexpected, yet welcome. She found herself sighing with a smile as she looked at the beautiful artwork on the invitation itself— a phoenix and a badger, no doubt reminiscent of the couple whose wedding she was invited to. She decides then and there to attend— MC was a wonderful person and to be marrying Poppy Sweeting… Kogawa knew they had found true love with the sweet yet stern Hufflepuff girl. 
          The wedding ceremony was beautiful, of course, as was the reception. MC had expressed their excitement upon Kogawa’s arrival and chatted with her a bit while Poppy danced with her few bridesmaids— some mutual friends of her and MC’s— and Kogawa, of course, wished them well. 
          Professor Onai couldn't have been happier to walk her daughter down the aisle to MC. The two have been inseparable since they first met in Charms class in their 5th year and even through all the hardships they had experienced, well… they experienced them together and it only brought them closer. 
          Handing her daughter off was truly a gift in itself. She had heard MC’s muttered compliment and Natty’s giggle in response and smiles. The ceremony itself was beautiful and went off without a hitch, and when the reception came with dinner and dancing involved, Professor Onai sat and watched the lovely couple. She remembered the excitement Natty brought with her after her first date with MC, and she certainly didn’t need to be a Seer to know that her daughter was in good hands.
“PROFESSOR SATYAVATI SHAH and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Ms. Scarlet Fawkes and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          Professor Shah scoffs. A former student inviting her to their wedding? Please, this must be a joke. However, after a brief conversation with Professor Garlick, who was also invited, Professor Shah decided it was worth her time and went only as long as Professor Garlick joined her. Of course, Garlick was excited, and even shared the color of her gown with Shah so they could match if Shah so wanted to.
          The venue itself was beautiful, but the reception area was extravagant. So much more than Shah was expecting. It was in the Highlands, and it was a clear sky, and they were so lucky to have picked a date where there would be a few constellations and even planets spotted in the sky. MC visited with Professor Shah, thanking her for coming and the two shared in spotting some constellations. Shah wouldn’t say it aloud, but she was proud of her students and the wonderful people they grew up to become. 
“PROFESSOR BAI HOWIN and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Mr. Leon Hans and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          Certainly a pleasant surprise when Professor Howin received the owls. She knew that MC had been traveling the world with Leon as he played Quidditch, and they studied, rescued, and rehabilitated various beasts that they found around the globe, often owling Howin with their finds and anything else interesting they see along the way.
          She attends the wedding, marking it the first time she saw them in years and MC was excited that Howin was there. She doesn’t converse much as she wasn’t a party person, but she still wishes the couple all her best and only the best lives together going forward. 
“PROFESSOR CUTHBERT BINNS and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Ms. Florence Watts and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          Unfortunately, he cannot even leave Hogwarts as he's confined to its walls. (It's a ghost thing.) He sends an owl with regrets, but adds a letter wishing them all the best and a few books as a wedding gift. Hopefully they understand. 
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tanakavox · 1 year
Jaune:Hey ladies, sorry the misson took longer then expected. There turned out to be mor-
Jaune was interrupted by Weiss leaping on to him. Jaune's refilx allowed him to catch her, wrapping his arm around her waist. Before Jaune could ask what's up, Weiss gave him a searing, passionate kiss. After a bit, weiss pull back and look him dead in the eyes, her own clouded in lust.
Weiss:Baby! You! Give me now!
Jaune(confused) H-huh?
Ruby:She wants a baby.
Jaune turned to see Ruby leaning on a wall looking a bit annoyed.
Ruby:Every since Saphron left with Adrien she hasn't shut up about having a baby.
Weiss:Because their cute and brighten my day, Ruby, and I'm not getting any younger, so your knocking me up tonight!
Jaune simply stares at Weiss blankly before giving her a wide, goofy smile and begins to Weiss upstairs before stopping to look at Ruby
Jaune:Ruby? Do you wanna join
Ruby simply scoffs.
Ruby:No. Not interested in having a baby right now.
Weiss:Suit yourself! JAUNE!
Jaune, without saying a word, rushed up stairs. Ruby sighed and sat down to watch T.V. However, it didn't take long for Ruby to start hearing Weiss moans and the sounds of thumping above her. She gritted her teeth as she felt a heat build up in her. Jaune had been gone a awhile and Weiss was too busy ranting about wanting a baby to really have sexy times. And Ruby didn't feel like getting any toys.
Ruby:Godsdammit, screw it!
Ruby pulled off her pants and rushed upstairs, knocking down the door, shocking Weiss and Jaune.
Ruby:I still don't want a baby yet, but I'll be damned if I'm not getting laid tonight!
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brunossan · 9 months
Part 3: Jaune and The Girls
*in the Last Episode, Jaune Arc discovered that Witches have a way to find their mates by seeing a certain light in someone's eyes. Now, this Witch Hunter apprentice is The mate of 4 Witches: Ruby Rose, Yang Xiao Long, Blake Belladonna and Weiss Schnee.*
*Now, The Narrator is gonna let Jaune tell How he is right now. After all, in The time of this AU, one week has passed.*
Jaune: Hum... I am supposed to read something?
*no, Jaune. Just Tell me, How this week has been.*
Jaune: Oh! Its... Been great. Im living pretty well actually.
*So They are treating you well?*
Jaune: I mean... In their own way. *Blushes.*
*If you do not feel ashamed, Tell me. How They are with you?*
Jaune: Can i Tell in Order? *The Narrator nods* Ok. I Will start with Ruby. She is gentle, kind and Very cute. And she loves weapons. Like, a lot!
flashback on
Ruby: Here, right here. *She shows her scythe to Jaune, focusing on The Blade* You see? Its getting blind.
Jaune: Blind?
Ruby: It means The Blade is getting Weaker. But with my Magic, i can revigorate It. *she uses her wand and The Blade is shining like New* See? Good as New!
Jaune: That's Very cool!
Flashback off
Jaune: And that night i discovered that It also affects organic things.
flashback on
Jaune: *panting, no clothes on bed* Ruby... Please... No more... Its been 6 times already... The others are gonna get angry...
Ruby: *on top of him, with a grinning Smile* Well, I was the one to bring you here. And I convinced Yang that you would Last The entire night in my First time so...
*she Takes her wand and touches The tip of his Dick with It. Without any further Warning, The massive dong rises again, Ruby smiling in a pervert way, while Jaune looks terrified.*
Ruby: Get ready for more 4 rounds of riding.
Flashback off
Jaune: Yeah... Ruby can be cute and kind. But in bed... I must pray to survive her lusy.
*And The other girls?*
Jaune: Oh, yeah. Well, Blake is like a cat. She is serious, acts like Nothing matters but... She has a Very cute and needy Side too.
Flashback on
Jaune: Is that... Cat ears?
Blake: Yep. *Reading an erotic book, sitting by his Side in The couch* I use to hide them in a bow, as Its a way Witch Hunters finds either Witches like me or Familiars.
*Jaune looks at her cat ears, an urge growing Inside of him. Blake notices his looks, grabbing its hand and putting it in her Head.*
Blake: Listen. If you ever Tell anyone that i like being petted, i Will turn you into a Frog And dissecate you. Got It?
Jaune: ... I got It.
Blake: Good. Now you can pet me.
*Jaune moves his Hand in Blake's Head, patting her. The Black haired girl then lets a small and cute purr, while clinging in The Blonde one*
Blake: You know, you have a good talent with hands.
Jaune: I was the best at polishing armors and giving massages in The academy.
Blake: Massages? *She lays in his lap, letting her back visible to him, smiling in a smug way* The girls Will take her time to Go back, so How about you give me a special massage?~
*Jaune gulps, as he looks at her back and butt. He looks around, trying to see If They are truly alone. Suddenly, his neck is pulled by a Black cat tail, making him get on top of Blake's back, his crotch near her butt. She smiles as she feels his bulge grows beetween her buttcheeks*
Blake: Oh, so you are Anxious for that~
Flashback off
Jaune: Blake is The boldest of them all. And likes to take risks. Different of Weiss. Weiss is... A princess. She is Very bossy and its on Command of everything. But there's The thing. She... Knows How to motivate everyone.
Flashback on.
*Jaune is swordfighting with Weiss in The forest, The girl overpowering him with its Rapier. Suddenly, with a fast cut, Weiss disarmed him, slicing its rusty armor in half. Jaune drops his Sword, putting his hand up*
Jaune: I surrender.
Weiss: Good. *she makes her Sword disappear* Its Very rare for a Witch Hunter to surrender.
Jaune: Im not totally a Witch Hunter, you know.
Weiss: Yes That's why i Said It, dolt. *she cleans her hands*. You need to improve If you wanna have a chance against me. Or anyone.
Jaune: I got it... *He turns around, going towards The house.*
Weiss: Where are you going?
Jaune: Im tired. I wanna rest. *he bumps into an Ice wall* ouch!
Weiss: You are not tired. I can Sense it. Come here and Tell me what's wrong.
Jaune: Im saying im Fine! Its not enough?
*Weiss opens its arms, Jaune dont understanding any of this. Suddenly, an Ice Pillar pushes him towards her, The girl embracing The taller One in a gentle hug.*
Jaune: W-weiss what are you doing? *He asks as he blushes, his Head in her chest*
Weiss: People used to treat you harsh, right? And your calming mechanism... Was hiding. Lying that you are tired Just for staying alone... *She touches his hair, stroking it.* And crying.
Jaune: I dont cry. Im Fine.
Weiss: Jaune... *She pulls him down, making him knee* You know that a week has passed and The light didnt faded away, right?
Jaune: ... Yeah.
Weiss: So dont be afraid of crying on my shoulder when you want to. Ok? You are my mate, our mate. And... I wont think you are weak If you show me your feelings.*
*Jaune Arc stopped resisting The hug and started letting himself be embraced by Weiss arms, all while sunking its Head in her shoulders and, in silence, letting The tears flow. Weiss stroked his hair, while thinking that Maybe They werent so different after all.*
Flashback off
Jaune: I like that she is The Ice Witch but gives me The warmest hugs. Even in bed. Her favourite position is anyone where she can hold in me. In my opinion, i think she is The most clingy.
*I see that your Relationship with them has improved. But i have a question for you. And Yang? You still didnt talked about her.*
Jaune: Oh. Yang. Of course. Well... She is... Difficult. Very difficult. I dont think she likes me much. In fact we still didnt did... Anything. *Sigh* I still think she wants to Crush me.
*I as The Narrator knows everything. However, i cant Tell you much. All i can Tell to you its to be patient. Because you still need to Dig deeper Into her Heart.*
Jaune: Can you give me some advice?
*Unfortunally, only on next episode. Also, If someone wants to know something more about this séries, The Askbox and The comments are always open. See you later.*
*To be Continued...*
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thannwriting · 5 months
Yang sneaks up on Ruby (Lancaster)
Ruby peeked from behind the tree, watching Jaune chop the wood they were going to use for the campfire. Technically, she was supposed to be gathering berries right now, but she’d already done it. 
Berries were nowhere as good as cookies, she harrumphed. And that was final. 
No matter how much Ren tried to convince her and Nora otherwise, with his disgusting green smoothie shakes... 
Uncle Qrow had made them do everything they needed to do to live out in the wilderness, which included foraging and hunting for food. Once the cookie snacks ran out, there were no more cookies...
Jaune stood tall, a heavy axe in his hand. Ruby watched as he brought it down, grunting, making a noticeable dent. He brought it back up for another round, and slammed it home on top of the wood, splitting it cleanly in two. Both pieces fell to the side, and he was already bending down to get another block to hew. 
J-Jaune was shirtless! 
Ruby unashamedly watched, as the tight muscles of his arms flexed and rippled with every grunt. With every forceful swing of the axe, muscles across his body rippled. Biceps, triceps, deltoids, pectorals. 
In the morning sun, his sweat glistened on his skin. He set the head of the axe into the next chunk of wood, as he wiped his forehead with the back of his hand, perspiration dripping onto the ground. 
Since when was Jaune lean and beefy, and almost tan? Noodles weren’t supposed to be beefy, they were supposed to be limp and skinny! Beacon, and more specifically, Percy’s and her dad’s training routine, had done him nothing but favors.  
“Hey Ruby.”
Ruby would have ‘eeped’ if not for the hand muffling her mouth. She kicked and struggled for a few moments, but eventually gave up. She couldn’t physically overpower Yang. 
“So, whatcha looking at?” Yang whispered conspiratorially, “Ladykiller again?”
“What do you mean again?” Ruby whispered back furiously. 
“Aww don’t play coy~” her elder sister grinned, “You’ve been watching him for the past thirty minutes haven’t you, you dirty little sister... Watching his muscles at work, dripping sweat~”
Ruby’s face and ears turned red at the image her dirty mind conjured up. 
“Yang!” she launched herself at her sister, tackling her into the brush, further from Jaune. Still, it only widened Yang’s stupid grin. They grappled for a few short moments, before Yang came out on top, pinning Ruby beneath her.  
“Alright, alright, I think it’s interrogation time,” Yang grinned. 
“So, why do you like Jaune?” 
“W-What do you mean?” Ruby played innocent.
Yang looked at her. 
“Sis, you are the worst liar I’ve ever seen,” Yang rolled her eyes, “Come on now, out with it.” 
“Okay, fine!” Ruby tried to throw her hands up in exasperation, but suddenly remembered that Yang had pinned them to her sides. 
“I like him because he was there for me, okay? He was just like me. My first friend at Beacon.”
Ruby could still remember when she blew up dust and made a crater, and he was there for me, offering her his hand. It made her feel fuzzy and warm inside, thinking of him. Appearing to her like her knight in shining armor, unafraid and unrelenting.  
“We were two awkward dorks that had each others’ backs. He’s nice, and honest, and dorky, but that’s what I like about him. He’s clueless, and dorky, and a klutz, but all the little things he does are what I like about him. He told me about his tr-”
Ruby cut herself off abruptly, internally panicking. She couldn’t betray Jaune’s trust like that! No way! Not after he confided in her! 
“He told me about his troubles,” Ruby amended, mentally clapping herself on the back for the quick thinking, “He confided in me. He trusted me. He’s honest, and caring, and kind. That’s what I love about him.”
Ruby finished, looking up at Yang hopefully. 
The blonde had a massive grin on her face. 
“I think someone’s in love~” 
Yang sobered up, “Okay, I approve. You like him for him. You can date him, but on one condition:”
Ruby didn’t like this. 
“No fooling around in the dark you know? We’re all trying to sleep, so at least keep it quiet if you’re too pent up, you know~”
Ruby moaned in distress.
—From Chapter 33 of my PJO x RWBY fanfic, Never Change. Feel free to check the fanfic out!
Never Change - Chapter 1 - Wattpad
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shinobirain24 · 8 months
Sunsprite Arc
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Full name: Sunsprite Summer Rose Arc
Nicknames: Lady Arc, Lieutenant Arc, Sunny (by her parents)
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Silver
Occupation: Leader of the Knights of Arc, Second-in-command pf Vale's military, Member of the Resistance, huntress
Affiliation: Clan Arc, Knights of Arc, The Resistance, Vale's military
Semblance: Aura Amp, Rose Manifest
Weapon: Crocea Mors (upgraded into a scythe)
Family: Ruby Rose (mother), Jaune Arc (father), Yang Xiao Long (maternal aunt), Taiyang Xiao Long (maternal grandfather), Summer Rose (maternal grandmother, deceased), Qrow Branwen (honorary great-uncle), Jaden Arc (Paternal grandfather, deceased), unnamed paternal grandmother, Saphron Arc (Paternal Aunt), Terra Cotta-Arc (Paternal aunt), Adrian Arc (paternal cousin), Unnamed 6 paternal aunts, Unnamed paternal great-grandfather, Unnamed great-great grandfather, Mirak Arc (great-great-great grandfather, deceased)
Sunsprite was born to Ruby Rose and Jaune Arc. Named after a yellow rose that represents to feel positive and hope, and the promise of a new beginning. Like her mother, Ruby, Sunsprite is born with silver eyes.
She was born during the time of the 2nd Great War in Vale. As an infant, it was the only time Sunsprite sees her mother, but Ruby feared Salem will come after Sunsprite (due to the fact that she has silver eyes). To lure Salem away from her daughter, Ruby resolves to leave. But not before telling Jaune, and asked him to give Sunsprite a letter when she turns 17.
After Ruby left, Jaune was left to raise his daughter on his own, with the help of his older sister, Saphron, and Ruby's older sister, Yang. This way, Sunsprite will still be surrounded by love and family, even during the hard times in the 2nd Great War.
As Sunsrpite grew up, her aunt Yang would not only spoil her and spend some time with her, but also taught her niece hand-to-hand combat. Then Jaune would teach her swordsmanship, but she prefers to fight without a shield in order to excel in her speed.
Later, she would meet her honorary great-uncle, Qrow Branwen, one of the surviving huntsmen that has been watching over Sunsprite from a distance until now. And the one who taught Sunsprite's mother the ways of the scythe. Qrow then taught her on her to use a scythe.
When Sunsprite is ready, Jaunes passed her his own weapon, Crocea Mors, which has been in the family for generations. With this, Sunsprite would readjust the family sword so that it can also turn into a scythe. Jaune doesn't mind this, since he acknowledged her creativity and strategy.
After she turns 17, Jaune finally gives Sunsprite the letter. On the letter, Ruby explains her reason for leaving for the fear of her safety. But encourages her to fight for what she believes in. It also includes a journal that tells her stories about her friends, her time in Beacon Academy, and her journey for the four relics.
During one of her missions, she is helping evacuating the civilians in the town of Sunset Island, when the Grimm got too closer to the crowd, Sunsprite wasted no time to fend off the protect the citizens. It also unlocks the semblance of Rose Manifest (which turns her into Rose pedals to switch from one to to another).
Since then, Sunsprite has become the leader of the Knights of Arc. A group of hunters that serve as protectors of the weak and aiding the Resisatnce. Because of this, Sunsprite unlocked her father's semblance, Aura Amp. Which is surprising, cause never before a huntsman and/or huntress can unlock two semblance, and she is the first to do so.
And because of her dedication for the rebellion, Sunsprite became known as "the Silver-eyed Knight of Remnant."
Sunsprite is similar to her mother, Ruby, intelligent of strategy, and filled with dreams despite being involved in the 2nd Great War. And filled with nostalgia when hearing fairy tales as a child. She tried her best to remain positive throughout her battles. Like Ruby, she also has a sweet-tooth for sweets such as cookies, or other baked goods. And would make them from her grandmother's recipe.
She would refer to her father, Jaune as a "Super Dad," who told her fairy tales in Ruby's absence and spending time with her when not fighting in war. For that, she is close to her father, even if he is absent for busy reasons. Which Sunsprite doesn't mind.
Sunsprite dreams of writing her stories, and would write down her journal previous events, so that if the war is won, she can convert them into a book. Writing down her journal, Sunsprite longed to meet her mother since she left. And was curious about what caused her to leave.
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reashot · 2 years
New Years Hangover
Jaune is woken up by the first sun of the new years.
Jaune: Uhhh my head what just happened... I felt like I been hit by a truck... Why am I naked?
Ruby: Ahhh Good morning... And happy new years Jaune. ☺
Jaune: R-Ru-Ruby why, why are you in my bed. And where are your clothes. D-did we do it last night?
Ruby: What? N--
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Why yes... We did do it last night. Multiple times actually. And we did it all night long and in every position imaginable and unimaginable. You even filled me with so much of your baby batter I can't even close it right. 😏
Jaune: Oh gods I'm a monster... I'm a horrible drunk monster for laying my hands on you.
Ruby: It's true. You actually took my first time. And I didn't have the time to give consent. 🫢
Jaune: What? Say it is not so. Please Ruby tell me I didn't do you know what...
Ruby: I'm afraid so. You forced yourself on me Jaune... Even when I told you many times not to... 😌
Jaune: I, I, I will give myself up to the Vale Police the first thing I do... I'm sorry Ruby, I'm so sorry.
Ruby: 😧!!! Oh no you don't! You can't give yourself up! 😨
Jaune: B-but Ruby I did something horrible to you...
Ruby: Y-you just can't! Okay, because, because I'm pregnant with your baby!!! 😫
Jaune: You what???!!!!
Ruby: Y-yes that's it. Ain't no way I'm gonna let my baby daddy go to prison. You don't want little Jaune junior to grow up without a dad do you? 👶
Jaune: I, I guess not but a baby... I guess I have to take responsibility by marrying you then. I mean you're my best friend. So getting married to you maybe isn't so bad.
Ruby: Yes Jaune you have to take responsibility for putting a bun in my oven. Now you have no choice but to marry me. 😈
While Ruby gaslight Jaune into marrying her something stir under a blanket near the two of them.
Ciel: *Yawn* Good morning everyone... Oh it's this time already.
Jaune: Why are you naked too? Oh gods did I do something to you too?
Ciel: *grabs Jaune arm to snuggle* Can't you tell?
Ruby: What?! No don't trust that hussy! You only did it with me Jaune. 😡
Ciel: Actually you did it with both of us... You made us service you together, then you take your time taking turn with us, forcing us to came and then you finished inside both us... I think I might already be pregnant with your child, daddy.
Jaune: I, I, I....
Ruby: You lying Bitch!!! Stay away from my man! 🤬
Ciel: Hey all is fair in love and war... And besides a Man like Jaune is wasted on you. He is better suited with someone like me.
While the two girls trying to claw each other eyes out. Something starts to stir under the blanket again...
Penny: Salutation! Friend Ruby, Ciel and Jaune.
*glomp at Jaune's chest*
Ruby: Penny? What are you doing here and why are you also naked?
Penny: Greetings friend Ruby, both Ciel and I were invited to celebrate new years festivity. Then friend Jaune accidentally ingest some alcohol....
Jaune: That's it! Please tell me what happened Penny. Did I do something to both Ruby and Ciel while I'm blacked out?
Penny: Ahh.... No you did not do anything to both friend Ruby and Ciel.
Jaune: Oh sweet, mother of. Thank you, oh lord. I'm not a rapi-
Penny: You did it with all three of us.
Jaune: *internally screaming*
Penny: In fact after you done with both of them. You start lusting after me saying. "Ha, ha, now that I had both Rupus, and Cipus now I want the Ropus" Then you starts to ravish me, tore of my dress, then stuck your gigantic cable inside of me, then pour some white liquids inside of me. And now I might have a little mini penny soon.
Jaune: I-I think might need some time to process this...
Ruby: No Jaune she's lying, you only did it with me and Robot can't get pregnant. 🤰
Ciel: Yes you only have to take responsibility for me. Don't worry about these others two. Just dump them somewhere in the alley.
Penny: He, he Friend Ruby and Ciel this game is so fun.
Jaune: Don't treat me like I'm some sort of a game!!!
Meanwhile outside the room peeking inside to watch the scene of carnage.
Yang: LOL this is so much fun. I should give Jaune more alcohol if I get to see more of this.
Weiss: You seriously need to get another hobby.
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Heh, heh, *slurp* more, more, I need more. More fuel for my novel!
Yang: And I think Blake has lost it...
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madmanwonder · 1 year
The Knight of Lancaster or Something by Sai-Dui
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anretoga · 1 year
Day 6: First kiss
Talking about it
After RWBY+J arrived at Vacuo everything was almost like perfect. As the Tree said they were just in time when they were needed. It was amazing how all the kingdoms were united for the war against Salem. Hunters and huntresses united for the cause. Everyone organising for the day/s that this will take. It took just some time for RWBY+J to also be part of this. Everyone were so relieved that they were alive. However, during that time Jaune noticed something odd and he was finally able to talk about it with Ruby.
Jaune: Hey Ruby, can we talk for a moment?
Ruby: Oh... I-I need to talk to my team I’m sorry—
Jaune: I’m sure they’ll understand. Please just listen to me
Ruby: ... okay
Jaune: Are we... *sighs* Are we good?
Ruby: What do you mean?
Jaune: You know what I mean. In the Ever After we—
Ruby: Jaune of course we are. Don’t worry alright? Can I go now—
Jaune: Then why you don’t talk to me? Ever since we arrived every time I wanna talk to you, you aren’t available there’s always an excuse just like now and when you want to tell me something is either your team or someone else who does it for you. It’s like you’re avoiding me and I can’t help but think it’s because of what happened in the Ever after-
Ruby: It’s not that. It’s just...I-I don’t think this is a good time-
Jaune: Then when would it be a good time? We are about to face a war and it’s better to settle things now.
Ruby: Please it’s not what you think. I-I’m sure we can talk it later. It’s not that much important now-
Jaune: It is important to me! *sighs* Ruby I’m sorry for what I said in the Ever After I wasn’t in my right mind. You’re an special friend to me and I need to know if you could forgive me, if we could be friends just like before..
Ruby: Jaune... neither of us were in our right mind I also hurt you back there. I’m the one who feels sorry. The thing is.. I don’t think our relationship is going to be the same as before. Whenever I see you I think about us arguing there, I can’t face myself talking to you like before, it hurts me that I hurt a dear friend and that I might do it again. Because I know I’m not perfect and you don’t deserve a friend like me-
Jaune: Ruby.. You know I understand for what you went through. I don’t need a perfect friend. No one is but that’s the risk we take when we trust in someone. If I could go back in time I would choose you as my friend again without a doubt because you’re just the friend I need.. just the way you are.
Ruby: *sniffs* Why are you doing this? Why does it matter now?
Jaune: It matters to me because I care about what you think, I care about you. In my hardest times you brought the best out of me, and also to the people around you. Perfect or not I loved that you were capable to give hope in any circumstance and you’re still that person! I want to remind you I still trust you and nothing it’s going to change that even if something happens during the war, you can count on me
Ruby: Stop... *sniffs* You know what you are doing. *sniffs* You know me so well and that’s the thing you knew where to hurt me but you also know how... *sniffs* y-you also know how to-
Jaune: Ruby?
Ruby: You also know how to make me feel things! Things I never experienced before. It’s so strange *covering her face* How can you say those things so easily? I can barely look you in the eyes. Is it because I’m the only one feeling this?
Jaune: Ruby... *getting closer to her*
Ruby: *takes steps back* To be honest with you I can’t be your friend again without feeling uneasy about these feelings. I just can’t pretend that nothing changed because it did and I can’t ignore it. Whenever I see you, I feel overwhelmed, I feel angry, sad, fear, relieved, happy, nervous then again angry, sad-it’s like an endless cycle. I have a lot of thoughts and all of them get in a conclusion.. but I shouldn’t feel like this. We are about to face a war that depends on everyone’s life I can’t- I mustn’t feel like this. That’s why I distanced myself from you. I didn’t wanna make you feel uncomfortable so we can stay focus on what’s more important. I know it was selfish I’m sorry for putting you through all this..
Jaune: You... You are not the only one dealing with those feelings.. *gets closer*
Ruby: *raises her head* I- No- D-Don’t look at me like that. W-we can’t. What if something happens? What if someone dies? What if I have to make a sacrifice? I don’t want to see you suffer again I want you to be happy even if it’s not with m-
Before she could finish Jaune kissed her. Instantaneous yet so gently. His hands were around her face, kissing her shaking lips softly, evoking from her sensations she had never know she was capable of feeling.
Jaune: Wouldn’t be better to have something to look forward after the war? And if you want to know I’ll choose you to spend the rest of my life with *smiles*
Ruby smiled at him with teary eyes and before he could say something, she kissed him back with a swift gradation of intensity that made him cling to her as the only solid thing in a dizzy swaying world.
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lord-of-rain · 10 months
Why is Atlas Acadamy so cold?!
Ruby thought as she crept to the common room looking for some extra sheets, blankets, or something.
"Oh hey, Rubes."
Ruby nearly jumped whirling around to see Jaune sitting at a table, his hoodie splayed across the wooden surface.
"What are you... Doing?"
Ruby asked, Jaune shrugged gesturing to his hoodie.
"I was just patching a new hole I found. I think I'll get a new jacket."
Jaune sighed, Ruby looked disappointed.
"Why? I like the hoodie."
Ruby asked, Jaune gave a short laugh.
"Yeah to laugh at maybe, besides I think I've outgrown it in more ways than one."
Jaune said, thinking back to when he got his new armor.
"Well, when you put it like that... I."
Ruby conceded, Jaune quirked an eyebrow at her.
"I mean If you want it, you can have it."
Jaune offed standing up. It was Ruby's turn to laugh.
"Oh come on, it's way too big..."
Jaune shrugged.
"Well, guess I'll just leave it for someone who does, night Rubes."
Jaune said, walking back to his dorm. Ruby waited until she heard the faint click of Jaune's door. The new huntress hugged the patchedwork hoodie to her chest and petal burst back to her bed.
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teaospin · 1 year
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Image is from MSG:Witch From Mercury, S2, Ep02
Also- if you want to meet other, fellow Lancaster shippers- feel free to join The Kingdom of Lancaster Discord Server with this link here!
Just make sure to follow the rules and be respectful peeps! ^_^
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bonnibellexox · 4 days
Time Together:
This chapter S U C K S.
I'm having a bad time.
I am sorry... Truly
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seedsinmygarden · 4 months
HLC Music Taste
for: @endeavour12345
as a deaf person, this was kind of a fun one to figure out!! i stuck with picks that weren't totally period-accurate, but at least it made sense a bit?
i decided to use a randomizer again-- five random students (2 OCs, 3 canon) and three random professors! happy reading :)
Word Count: 328 words
Tags/Warnings: None, really.
Everett Clopton - He knows how to play the guitar and piano! He just much prefers flying compared to improving his musical talent, but hey, when someone asks him to play, he'll gladly grab his guitar and play! He likes folk songs-- like old Scottish folk songs. His moms taught him plenty of them for both instruments.
Ariel Evans - As a girl who was basically born in a circus, she really loves show tunes! She'll play and perform them when she can at school, but her studies always keeps her a little busy. Doesn't mean she'll stop, though.
Leander Prewett - He always says he hates it, but he secretly really loves the piano and violin music often played at balls or galas. He'll whine in front of friends, but in secret, he'll pretend he's dancing with a partner to the gentle tunes.
Leon Lancaster - He's not really a music person, but he likes the upbeat tunes that the band makes for their entrances to the quidditch pitch! It hypes him up for any game.
Natsai Onai - She likes anything that is upbeat! She doesn't have a true musical preference or taste, if it sounds good, she's all in to dance along!
Professor Cuthbert Binns - Classical music, obviously. He loves pianos and quite misses playing his own. If only he could remember some tunes...
Professor Eleazar Fig - He quite likes theater. He always attended shows with Miriam when he could before she passed, and he always tells Ariel to continue singing if she stops because a professor was nearby (and he knows her typical response is to quiet down whenever authority is nearby, it's always hit or miss). He sees quite a bit of Miriam's childish joy in Ariel.
Professor Bai Howin - The sweet song of the beasts in their pens is the best music in the world. The fact that they are safe and out of harms reach on the grounds of Hogwarts always brought great joy to her.
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