#lana lang│Interactions
fairyroses · 4 months
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— SMALLVILLE, "Tempest" (1.21) & "Fragile" (5.18)
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lanaluthorlang · 10 months
Now, I don’t necessarily think that Lexana are that out of character in season six. On the surface at least. With everything the two of them had been through, together and separately, you wouldn’t have to suspend your belief to accept that cracks would begin to show. Those trials could have strengthened their bond, or,they could have brought to the surface any anxieties that might have been lurking in their minds. 
For Lana, this is a new relationship. There’s bound to be doubts or fear that she’s rushing into things. Especially when you take into account everything that happened with Zod possessing Lex. She had to make a choice on the spot to follow him into the unknown. And she did. And once the dust settled she had time to sit and think about what she just got herself into. All her past relationships have either been built on lies, or staying with someone she had fallen out of love with for the sake of the other person’s feelings. 
Nothing new would have ever been easy for someone who’s used to being put on a pedestal until it’s time to discard her and move on. Clana might have had many ups and downs but at the same time, Clark represents a safe place for her to run to when her current situation starts to feel too real or she starts to have second thoughts. Lex might have been her confidant, but Clark had always been her constant, no matter how fragile that base might be.
And there is a version of Lex where his paranoia leads him to do all these awful things. Here is a man that has had every bad thing said about him proven to be true in the eyes of the people he cared for most, and as a result been rejected and abandoned. Who’d been lied to and deceived countless times over. There is a world were his fear of losing Lana, the one person he has left, leads him to going to extremes to keep her in his life. And with this being a sci-fi show, a fake pregnancy or a little cloning wouldn’t be out of the question. I think that’s what this season was going for, but the writing was so cold and detached that we couldn't connect with Lex’s reasoning. 
Also, obviously manipulating situations to keep your partner is wrong in any circumstance, but the point is that they could have given Lex a very human motivation and they didn’t. They wrote a mentally ill character and never followed through in a way that mattered. 
The biggest change in their dynamic this season is the absence of their communication. Y’know, the very foundation their relationship was built upon. I could buy Lex lying to Lana about his secret projects. I could buy Lana hiding her resurfacing feelings for Clark from Lex. I could even buy the clones and the fake pregnancy. But Lana wouldn’t have been afraid to push Lex until he told her the truth. She wouldn’t have been afraid to vent to him about her fears, her feelings, or her insecurities. Lex has had a habit from day one from hiding the truth until it blows up in his face (secret Clark room anyone?) but he wouldn’t have so coldly brushed aside those massive breaches of trust. 
You could make the argument that every single thing Lex did to and for Lana in the previous seasons was leading to him trapping her in this abusive marriage, but quite frankly, I don’t think the Smallville writers were smart enough to plan long term like that. I still respect that reading, but, as with a lot of things, our perception of these characters changes how we perceive their interactions with others and how we read their overall narrative. This entire breakdown is soaked in my bias, but it’s still how I see the show at the end of the day. 
Because I don’t see the Lex from the first half of the show as a scheming mastermind. You can have Lex be the big scary villain all you want, but you can’t go from one season where he’s clearly shown to have empathy and understanding to having him be a volatile gaslighter in the next with no signs leading to that point. As for Lana, I could buy this relationship being an act of rebellion on her part. After all, Clana was the dying star that this show revolved around for eight seasons. Still, it’s a disservice to her character to tie her to a ship we all know is sinking.  
Tldr: the foundations of the Lexana divide is in character for both of Lex and Lana’s traumas, but the execution of how they deal with it, and the framing of Lex as the shallow villain and Lana as the silent victim makes the entire storyline feel cheap and poorly written.
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fearlessmuses · 10 months
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☕ ───── she smiled towards him as she straightened some and her hands rubbed together quickly, "clark ... hi." she spoke with a warmth. "um -- can i get you a coffee or ..." her shoulders shrugging some while her arms swung some trying to find the right thing here.
@dynastymuses ♥ for a starter from lana lang for clark kent
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aulel-process · 4 months
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"A second famous slash scene occurs in the episode Red. This episode is the first where viewers are exposed to the effects of red kryptonite on Clark. While green kryptonite depletes Clark's strength, red kryptonite enhances his emotions allowing him to express latent desires. When Clark purchases a class ring with red kryptonite in it, he immediately forgoes his usual emotional restraint and acts out his repressed emotions. As his feelings intensify, he goes to Lex's mansion to ask for help:
CLARK: My parents don't understand me. Truth is, there's nothing left for me here in Smallville… LEX: So you just packed your stuff and you're off?… Maybe you're right to get away from your folks. Maybe I should do the same. If my father wants the mansion so much, he can have it. I never wanted to live in Smallville anyway CLARK: You can come with me LEX: Nobody's using the penthouse in Metropolis. We can stay there CLARK: Clark Kent and Lex Luthor. I like the sound of that. (Loeb and Woolnough 2002)
While many viewers may see this as a typical teen-rebellion attempt, slash fans are quick to point out the subtextual intricacies surrounding the interaction. As one participant noted, "red kryptonite lets out Clark's wild side, right? So what does he do? He goes right to Lex and wants to pretty much run away with him" (H10). If Clark's emotions are unhindered when on red kryptonite, why does he not approach Lana Lang, the female love interest, and ask her to run away with him? He approaches Lex instead, and participants cite this as evidence of Clark's repressed homoerotic feelings toward Lex."
Slashing Smallville: The Interplay of Text, Audience and Production on Viewer Interpretations of Homoeroticism
Clark also dresses like Lex when he's on red kryptonite and Lex notices.
I am enjoying this paper... academia is so horny... wait no, maybe that's just me...
did I tell you the story of the time when I watched a lifetime supply of worm porn under a microscope for science? The role of neuromodulation in c. elegans hermaphrodite mating decision making (i.e. let's watch worms try to have sex with each other when we knock out their ability to respond to certain neuromodulators like oxytocin (hormone famous for bonding behavior)... will worms become promiscuous sluts and indiscriminately mate without oxytocin? voles suggest yes... what are potential practical implications of this research? A drug that makes mammals uninhibited and promiscuous and nonmonogamous? A counter drug that forces monogamy? Woo ethics... nop)... good advice I received once is I should learn how to be motivated without relying on horniness 🙃 solid advice... work in progress as are many things in life
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winchestergirl2 · 9 months
December Reading Recs
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Thank you to all the incredible writers here on tumblr, who provide us with these fantastic stories and thank you to everyone who interacts with these fic recs posts to help spread the love for these writers.
Happy New Year everyone, and happy reading!
To show some love and appreciation to all the amazing writers here on tumblr, here are all the fantastic fics I've read this month. 💖
Many of these fics and blogs are 18+ only, and NSFW please heed the author's individual fic warnings and requests regarding no minors. I am not responsible for your media consumption.
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2023 Reading Rec List
Sam Winchester
Take Me Back Series Chapter 3 | Epilogue | @kaleldobrev
Authors Summary: After making a deal to bring you back, Sam doesn't see you until years later when your paths cross during a case
The Widow Timestamp: I Love You @pink-sparkly-witch
Authors Summary: Sam tells Y/N that he loves her for the first time. This is basically PWP.
The Widow Timestamp: Marry Me? @pink-sparkly-witch
Authors Summary: It’s almost Christmas, and Sam has an important question to ask you.
A Blacksmiths Hands @sams-sass
Fall For You @justagirlinafandomworld
Authors Summary: You don’t always go flying through the air. But when you do, there is one Winchester who is always there to catch you. Or. A series of times you and Sam fell over each other. And Dean’s there.
Imagine Walking Your Dog With Sam @imagineteamfreewill
Dean Winchester
Smoke Eater Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | @zepskies
Authors Summary: Dean Winchester is the cocky, but well-respected Lieutenant at Firehouse 25. He leads by example, but he’s also known to break a few hearts. He’s starting to crave something he’s never had, though. Something stable. Something real. 
That’s when he meets you, on a truly terrible day, trapped in a rickety old elevator.   
The One That Got Away Epilogue @pink-sparkly-witch
Authors Summary: Childhood sweethearts, Dean and Y/N, are very much in love with each other. When she accepts a full scholarship to an out-of-state college, she finally gets to leave behind her traumatic childhood and abusive father, but it means leaving Dean behind too.
Over a decade later, Y/N returns to Lawrence, Kansas, and finally tries to heal the only wounds she has left… the psychological and emotional scars her father gave her and the heartbreak she endured by Dean Winchester, the one that got away.
Just Thought You Should Know @smellingofpoetry
Authors Summary: It was just one of those drunk calls until it wasn't anymore.
Christmas Boredom @soaringeag1e
Screw Consciousness @kaleldobrev
Authors Summary: Taking a nap with Dean after a long drive
Strangers @smellingofpoetry
Authors Summary: They were just two strangers, dancing in the middle of a club.
10 Inch Hero
Boaz Priestly
Black and Blue @lipstickandwhiskey
Authors Summary: You can’t help your feelings for your friend, but maybe some jerk will give you a push in the right direction?
Pondering Fate While Ignoring The Obvious @impala-dreamer
Authors Summary: Priestly has got it so bad for Tish that he can barely see past the end of her... well, her back end, anyway. He's love sick and forever rejected, constantly stuck inside his own head. When a new girl in town starts messing with him, he quickly loses his cool...
Unique and Brightly - Colored @crashdevlin
Authors Summary: You don't like Priestly's new look and you really don't like the reasoning behind it.
Jason Teague
Miss Professor @zepskies
Authors Summary: Jason has to make a decision. You, or Lana Lang.
The Boys
Soldier Boy
Memories Are All I Have @kaleldobrev
Authors Summary: You’re all Ben thinks about while he’s in Russia
From Russia With Love @kaleldobrev
Authors Summary: You’re the first person Ben goes to see after escaping from Russia
Robert Chase
Kiss and Tell @iwritefandomimagines
Authors Summary: after endless mutual pining, you and chase finally hooked up over the weekend. you agreed to keep it a secret while you figured things out, but it doesn’t last long with the team around.
Dark Angel
Alec Mcdowell
Not So Lonely Christmas @daughterofcain-67
Authors Summary: You’re beginning to grow accustomed to doing things by yourself now that you’ve moved away from family, but your friends at Jam Pony seem to forget that Christmases after moving to a brand new area can often result in being alone during the holiday season… and Alec won’t stand for it.
Bullseye @zepskies
Authors Summary: Alec’s tired of being ignored. Whatever you’re reading can’t be as interesting as his company, now could it?
Chicago Fire
Matt Casey
Untitled Imagine @deanstead
Authors Summary: Imagine: Matt looking for his captain jacket and finding it on you
Any Fandom
Unamed Male (Choose your own)
Midnight @kittenofdoomage
Authors Summary: New Year’s Eve brings a surprise at the end of a crappy year.
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sisaloofafump · 1 year
There are a few very important things to remember when discussing whether Batman, or any other character, should appear in My Adventures with Superman:
1. We don't know how many seasons we're going to get. Placing all your money on something happening in season 5 is not the strongest gamble without recognizing that we might not even get a season 2
2. Cameos and team-ups can take a bunch of different sizes. However, it can be difficult to do a cameo of an important character without it seeming like foreshadowing for a larger plot
3. Cameos are a lot of fun and don't have to include the character themselves (consider the Vicky Vale clipping or the Amazo Tech billboard)
4. There are a lot of Golden/Silver/Bronze age characters in the Superman family that might get priority
These are my personal thoughts on them:
I really think My Adventures with Superman should focus solely on the Daily Planet team (Clark, Lois, Jimmy, and Perry). However, in later seasons especially, I'd love to see some Lana Lang and her uncle Professor Potter! They're such a major part of the Silver Age comics that MAWS draws clear inspirations from. However, I'd really hate to see that become a love triangle situation in any real way.
MAWS is also inspired by the 1940 radio show The Adventures of Superman which is so evident. I keep having to remind myself that in this version, Jimmy isn't a 14 year old paper boy. I am really excited to see if Flip Johnson and this new incarnation of the Newskid Newspaper takes on either a parallel role to their Newsboy Legion versions in the 70s or to Jimmy's role in the radio show.
As for Bruce/Batman, I know there's a lot of discussion on whether he should show up because he dominates all DC media and fandom spaces right now. Although I don't want him to become central to any plot whatsoever, I would absolutely love a Bruce Wayne cameo or easter egg.
If we do get a Batman & Superman team up down the line, it 100% needs to include Robin. Not immediately, but in a later season or two.
I don't want Supergirl to show up - not for a long time at least. She is very important to the Superman Family, however she has such separate origins and identities and relationships that it'd be very difficult to properly flesh her out while keeping her as a secondary character. (In comparison, other heroes from their own franchises such as Wonder Woman, Batman, etc, don't need to be fleshed out in MAWS. They could just appear as occasional support. Because Supergirl is of the Superman franchise, she would need to take up lots of space to get cemented as a character. There is a lot less allowance for her to have off-screen activities).
Honestly, all of the superpets could be super fun, but if I could only have one it'd be Krypto. Without Kara there, I don't think it makes sense to have Streaky/Supercat or Comet/Super-Horse either (also Comet's backstory is just really weird). Beppo/Supermonkey and Krypto/Superdog were primarily part of Clark's childhood adventures as Superboy. However, Krypto is a much bigger part of Superman's legacy and I 100% want to see him interacting with the MAWS team!
Lucy Lane, Lois' sister and Jimmy's love interest could easily show up. That said, I don't think they ever knew what to do with her despite being such a reoccurring character. So it'd be really interesting to see how they'd portray her!
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madametamma · 1 month
for season 3 of Maws we know we're going to get both Superboy and cyborg Superman but I've noticed this from other people how they want to see more than one of the characters from the Superman series basically: how people want to see Lana Lang, bibbo bizowski, ect. But who else could there possibly be to see in maws from the Superman series outside of the super family of course.
Well if you're going to go with Lana Lang, you might as well add Pete Ross, or Clark's old bully, Kenny Braverman in there, just a whole high school reunion for Clark. Lori Lemaris could be fun too but I doubt they'd just add a mermaid, when they want to be more sci fi focused.
If Mxxy returns this season, I'd want to see his hot "Jessica Rabbit-esk girlfriend, Gsptlsnz. It was always funny watching Mxxy interact with her in STAS
For villians, I wouldn't mind it if Bizzaro or Toyman showed up but to be honest if season 3 is 10 episodes, I don't know how much time we'd have for all of these characters.
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mamawasatesttube · 13 days
🏳️‍🌈: Which character who is commonly headcanoned as queer doesn't seem queer to you?
MAN THIS ONE IS SO HARD!!! i love to make everyone queer but man. okay. lets see. theres gotta be someone. ummmm... god and i can't even say lol sam lane because who the fuck thinks sam lane is queer. skdjfhjkds
(i need you to know ive been sitting here for at least two full minutes going down a list in my mind like. max mercury? no he definitely wanted to fuck that doctor he just maybe didn't notice. can't even try to bring up lex luthor because he was literally spying on superman getting beaten up instead of ogling his scantily clad wife on their honeymoon. linda danvers? well she definitely could have kissed girls but who's even headcanoning her queer in the first place?? uhhh mae kent? well no shes def genderqueer in some way even if she is straight. ummmm. etc. etc. etc.)
i guess... uh... lana lang? i don't know. she never really had any meaningful interactions with women either way in postcrisis (like, other than kara, but that was def not in a romantic way anyways) and i don't feel particularly strongly about her and. I GUESS?????
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neoswift · 2 years
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— mapapasabi ka na lang talaga ng “uh oh, i’m falling in love”.
PAIRING. haechan x fem!oc
CATEGORY. filo social media au, crack, fluff, slight angst, college au, friends to lovers, mutual pining, dentistry student!haechan, dentistry student!oc
WARNINGS. language
SUMMARY. hyuck and via have been in the same friend group for years, pero dahil sa dalang nila mag-interact, everyone thinks they don’t like each other. siguro ‘di lang talaga sila close… right?
NOTE. yes ik mabagal na ko mag update at may on going pa ko pero shet i really needed to write this HAHSHAHA ignore timestamps unless stated otherwise! lmk if you want to be added to the taglist by sending an ask or a dm! baka mabagal din updates nito pasensya na agad 😭😭✋🏼
STATUS. on going
PLAYLIST. i. labyrinth - taylor swift, ii. snow on the beach - taylor swift ft. lana del ray, iii. sweet nothing - taylor swift, iv. paris - taylor swift, v. paper rings - taylor swift.
— extended playlist!
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accounts. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 20.5. 21. 22.
23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
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background + additional info!
hyuck and via are dentistry students
third year college silang lahat sa friend group and they’re all studying in neo university
they have all been friends since high school, pero si via at hyuck lang ang hindi close (or at least that’s what their friends think)
established renmin and ryeji!
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TAGLIST. open!
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animefan299110 · 1 year
So I started watching My Adventures With Superman on MAX and I gotta say...it's amazing!! The story, the action, the character designs, and of course the interactions between Clark and Lois.
Now I'm hoping for an episode where Clark, Lois, and Jimmy's new assignment takes them by Smallville. There, Lois and Jimmy meet John and Martha Kent and beg them for embarrassing stories about Clark. Later that night, with John, Lois, and Jimmy fast asleep, Martha has a heart to heart with Clark about his life in Metropolis and his "other life". She asks if Lois or Jimmy know who he is and assures him that he shouldn't be afraid to put the trust of his identity in the hands of people like them. She then asks him if he and Lois are dating, leading to some cute embarrassed Clark moments.
The next day, the trio meet the beautiful Lana Lang (Clark's childhood friend and ex-girlfriend) to which Lois expresses some form of jealousy and curiosity from Lois. Later, Lana asks Lois about her feelings toward Clark, to which she comedically tries to deny but fails. Lana assures her that she couldn't have picked a better guy to fall for and explains that the reason they broke up wasn't just because of his job at the Daily Planet, but because it felt like he was hiding this big secret from her and even though she assured him that he could tell her, he wouldn't. However Lana assures Lois that that shouldn't dissuade her from seeking a relationship with Clark.
What do you guys think?
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nikrei · 18 days
August Comic Round-Up
Look the thing about the 60s and silver age comics is that a whole lot of stuff happens, but not a lot of things.... accumulate. Knowing what's actually going to be carried forward into the continuity is a total crapshoot. This is why its not my favorite. Some day I will be free of the sixties. I have done this to myself.
Action Comics (286-335) (1962-1966)
We're really getting into the superhorse content now.... Leo Dorfman why must u ship this so bad. Also, Kara's parents are still alive?? That's truly a ballsy move to make Leo Dorfman. With all the interstellar and time travel they're really conscious of the fact that folks from other planets and other time periods wouldn't speak the same language, but they like to side step it in increasingly ridiculous ways. Lois and Clark and Lana all know ancient Welsh. Lois and Jimmy are fluent in Latin. Most aliens they interact with apparently watch earth like it's their favorite soap and have therefore all learned English.
Superman (143-182) (1962-1966)
This set of comics tend to do this thing where there are post scarcity worlds that "have virtually no crime because everything is provided" and the few people who are committing crimes at doing it for the thrill of it..... so like.... tell me ur aware that like 95% of crime comes from resource scarcity and then turn around and slap me with the "all criminals are evil and its a state of mind the only reason crimes are committed is because how evil these people are." Also... anti-evil mindcontrol I hate it.
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen (59-90) (1962-1966)
Convinced that no comic writer working on a superman title knows how to write romance or chemistry there's nothing there bro! Jimmy and Lucy are just going through the motions, she's dating other people semi seriously he's doing one off dates to make her jealous i cannot be convinced that these people care about each other. She asked him to take care of her dog for the weekend and he literally went over to her place and DID NOT TAKE CARE OF THE DOG!! Tbh they only convince me they car about each other when they are sandra and magi.
Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane (29-62)(1961-1966)
Siiigh, it's about 80/20 haha that uppity lois lane got her comeuppance/competent and compassionate lois. And 95% of it is her being desperate to marry superman. Honestly it's sorta the most difficult to get thru at this point.
World's Finest Comics (124-155)(1962-1966)
Batman and Superman are getting more time to actually interact which is fun. These two are sorta deranged in the exact same way. Seeing the "presents" they get for each other for anniversaries and birthdays, Tim's 16th birthday makes perfect sense and also it's possible that Bruce thought it would be well recieved. As far as backups go, I didn't read Congorilla at all, the Green Arrow backups are getting longer so there's some actual personality shining thru, and hey mom, how come aquaman gets two comics?? (at least for a few issues)
Superboy (89-126) (1961-1966)
Started this run where Mon-el showed up! But uuuhg I'm so bored with the Lana Lang plots!! Ooooh she's scheming up ways to find out his secret identity! Cause that's what women do, they scheme! Schemey schemers gotta teach them a lesson am I right?? I'm so over it.
Adventure Comics (281-341) (1961-1966)
Thank god in issue 300 the back up started being LoSH i honestly hate the bizarro back-ups so much, it's so awful and ableist in a very 60s way ahhhhhhhggg! Anyway now that it's LoSH I'm enjoying it. And oh-ho, at 309 LoSH goes from back up to main feature, nice! All these children are my precious babies now, btw.
Aquaman (1-25) (1961-1966) + Showcase (30-33) (1961)
Omg Mera showed up, hi Mera!! Garth continues to be the most precious fry in the sea. Also they keep getting halfway there about caring about the environment. Like.... the enemy has made a desalinator to prevent aquaman's saltwater fish from attacking him. But. The fact that he has apparently desalinated the whole gulf of Mexico is treated as a tremendous feat of human ingenuity?? That time they cause a gas leak to defend against interdimensional wizards. Its fine things leak into the ocean all the time don't worry about it. The army warns aquaman about nuclear testing sites so he can stay clear of them because they know that the bomb and fallout are dangerous.... but any further reaching consequences are not considered. It's still better than all the runs which really don't care or consider at all, don't get me wrong. One more thing: it was more fun when aquaman was this homeless hick nobody who had never even been to Atlantis and was just calling himself the king of the sea. Now that he's been to Atlantis and was actually elected king it is not as much fun. Tho Aquaman and Mera's blissful matrimony is v fun. Aquababy had also arrived on the scene! I know ur days are numbered, baby.
Green Lantern (11-42) (1962-1966)
Look, this comic is the only one to be normal about non-human shaped aliens and I love it for that. Not even LoSH manages that most of the time, and the super titles super don't. Also Black Hand routinely breaks the 4th wall and directly addresses the readers all the time and it's never remarked on. He's the only one who does this, it's fascinating to me.
Justice League of America (9-33) (1962-1965)
Traditional JLA stuff, wacky and wild but pretty usual. Snapper is the most likeable he's ever been.
The Brave and the Bold (50-57) (1963-1965)
This is where B&B starts being about actual team-ups rather than a random anthology mostly about robinhood/knights/vikings it seems. Got to read Rex's first appearance, which was v fun! Rex <3 Sapphire 5ever!
My Greatest Adventure/Doom Patrol (80-93) (1963-1965)
MGA 80 is the first instance of Doom Patrol, before the magazine is renamed Doom Patrol at 86. Before that it was just an unrelated anthology. Anyway i really like the og team! Rita is my fave but of course Cliff is a close second. Steve can go jump off a cliff.
Hawkman (1-11) (1964-1966)/Brave and the Bold (34-36 & 42-44) (1961 & 1962)
I actually really like the relationship between Katar and Shayera, like, it's 60's flavored but you can actually tell that they like each other as well as love each other. There's a lot of little story beats with them connecting with each other that are very sweet.
House of Mystery (143-155) (1964-1965)
What i expected from the Martian Manhunter stories in a magazine called house of mystery: J'onn J'onzz, police detective, solving mysteries in the city, as a police detective. What I got: J'onn J'onzz living in a cave with a small alien side kick named Zook dealing with magic in rural America. Didn't read the other stories in the anthologies.
I've been trying to read about a year a week, so if I manage to keep that up then I should be able to get back to the 90s in..... 5-6 months?
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notmoreflippingelves · 4 months
"Would you ever write": 1) a narumitsu story (doesn't need to end well *smirk* Sorry I am mean XD ) 2) an Ace Attorney/Elena of Avalor crossover 3) a Krisnix fix-it ?
Yes and No
What I mean by that is that. No, I would never write a story where narumitsu is the exclusive and only focus. I'm not even sure that I could write a Phoenix & Edgeworth gen platonic story. I'm just not invested in their dynamic enough to want to center a fanwork about it.
However, I would be open to writing a story that incorporates narumitsu provided that it isn't the main/only focus. For instance, I might write a krisnix that has past narumitsu, unrequited narumitsu, or future narumitsu, but in those cases, krisnix would still be the "main" ship and the narumitsu would stay in the background. Even if the narumitsu is "endgame," I would absolutely imply that Phoenix will always be more than a little in love with Kristoph.
I would also be open to writing Phoenix and Edgeworth as part of a poly ship with someone else. I made a post a few days ago about how the introduction of nearly any third party into the Nick & Miles dynamic is somehow able to make me care about narumitsu. I think the most likely candidates for the 3rd member of the triad would naturally be Kristoph, followed closely by Lang. But I admit to also being curious about Lana or Blackquill. So who knows where it might go.
2. Maybe
I already have way too many works-in-progress/plot bunnies for both fandoms (plus a few other fandoms) to think seriously of adding to them. So I don't think it's particularly likely that I would write an AA + EoA crossover. However, I have actually put some considerable thought into how exactly a hypothetical crossover might work. (If I ever find a way to make my blorbos from each fandom interact in a way that makes sense, this could definitely change).
In the series finale of EoA's sister show Sofia the First, we are teased with the idea of multiple-dimensions/alternate universes existing within canon. The Ever Realm (where EoA and StF take place) is specifically identified as being in a distinct universe from NeverLand and the existence of NeverLand implies the existence of London. And given that London is the setting of the both the Ace Attorney/Layton crossover and the Ace Attorney prequel, we can assume that this universe would be compatible with the wider Ace Attorney franchise.
So due to ambiguous magical shenanigans (maybe involving Esteban's teleportation staff?) , the cast of Elena of Avalor could hypothetically dimension-hop into the same universe as the Ace Attorney characters. I think a crossover might work best if it was set primarily in Kingdom of Khur'ain from Spirit of Justice. It would still be quite an adjustment but definitely less of a culture shock than having the EoA crew land in modern-day Japanifornia.
I have thought a bit as well about some of the character interactions that I would love to see.
Esteban would not get along with Minister Inga, as he would remind Esteban of the worst aspects of himself (pompous, arrogant, ambitious). Nahyuta would also remind Esteban a lot of himself, in the sense of being , once-idealistic-but-grown-more-jaded as a result of being trapped from a young age under the thumb of a very powerful, cruel, and dangerous tyrant , being forced to do terrible things as a result but nevertheless clinging to their humanity through it all and trying to use what little influence they have to protect their family and country. I really think that they could really help each other heal. I also feel like Esteban might develop a crush on Dhurke Sahdmadhi, but he absolutely would not recognize it as a crush. He would just be all "he's so tall and mysterious and manly. like a hero from a storybook. I want him to think I am cool and smart and interesting too." (This is also how I head canon that Esteban hypothetically views Antonio Agama in universe--an actual crush that he mistakes for a very long time as being a man crush/hero-worship due to him being a very closeted, very repressed and even more oblivious distinguished disaster bi.)
Athena has the potential to develop some really powerful bonds with both Esteban and Elena. Elena's emotion dress magic and Athena's emotional-hearing + Widget provide an interesting point of commonality on discussing how they feel and process emotions in themselves and others--as well as how to cope when the strength and intensity of their feelings overwhelms them. Esteban, meanwhile, would not easily be able to hide his loneliness, guilt, and insecurity from Athena's super-hearing, nor from her compassion. Hear heart would go out to him and she would work on helping him see the good in himself/build himself back up as well as reminding the other characters to show him the affection, attention, and validation that he's always needed.
I feel like Mateo and Apollo would not get along. This is probably a combination of me projecting my Mateo apathy onto Apollo and the fact that Apollo is in general fairly prickly, hot-tempered, and judgy. They would squabble and I would live for it.
Klavier would absolutely flirt shamelessly with everyone. Gabe and Esteban just roll their eyes and Mateo and Elena would be oblivious. But Naomi...he would absolutely rub Naomi up the wrong way and she would bond with Ema over it. She eventually comes around to him, especially when he turns down the playboy persona and is a bit more genuine. I also feel pretty sure that Klavier and Prince Alonzo would start out as bitter rivals, abruptly become besties, and then maybe something more?
Ema and Isabel would absolutely talk each other's ears off about science, and thanks to Ema, Isa would probably enter her "forensics" era for awhile and spend a lot of time using science to play detective.
I feel like Trucy might exchange sleight-of-hand tricks with the Delgados. She would also be fascinated by Elena's scepter and Esteban's staff and would spend a lot of time trying to figure out how the "trick" worked.
Haven't really thought much about Phoenix, the Feys, Edgeworth, Larry, Blackquill, Ziska, Gumshoe, or any of the others. But I think there's potential there. Maybe particularly in having Maya or Pearl channel Alacazar as well as Elena's and/or Esteban's parents.
3. Yes. Yes. Yes.
I actually have a few plot bunnies/works-in-progress (albeit very much on the backburner) that have elements of "krisnix fix-it-fic."
One of them is a post-canon, angsty mess but that ultimately will have elements of getting back together and Kristoph receiving mental health care.
Another is a Crazy Ex-Girlfriend AU in which madcap screwball romantic dark comedy shenanigans ensure that Kristoph never actually kills anyone, undoes a lot of the damage he's already done/takes accountability for his actions, and ends up with a relatively happy ending (even if I'm not entirely sure whether he'd end up with Phoenix ,alone or with one of the alternate love interests.)
The third is a time-travel AU scenario. The DLC case of SOJ supposedly includes elements of time-travel but are later revealed to be faked/misinterpretations. This fic would presuppose that in the process of investigating the case, Phoenix discovered that time travel really does exist. In exchange for successfully convincing everyone else that it doesn't, the Time Travel Bureau will allow Phoenix to make a few changes to the past, provided that they don't disrupt the wider timeline too much. After his first choices of saving Mia and Gregory Edgeworth are rejected (as their deaths have too great an impact on events), Phoenix is permitted to "save" Kristoph by preventing him from committing the murders (as it's gauged that Zak and Drew Misham would've died of natural causes soon afterwards anyway). Phoenix has to be *very* careful in terms of not letting anyone know what he is doing and only making the slightest changes. He will still lose his badge and spend 7 years without it, Zak will still abandon Trucy, Kristoph's forgery will still be revealed and he'll be disbarred and sent to prison for it--though fortunately he doesn't have murder on his conscience/sentence. But Kristoph will eventually get out on parole, live a much happier life (I'm thinking he ends up working in the marketing department for Ariadoney), and possibly get back together with Phoenix.
Send me an ask that says “Would you ever write…” and continue the sentence. I’ll respond with yes or no and give an explanation as to why if I want to.
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godstaff · 2 months
Happyhoganon AU Questions: What would Supes interactions with the older heroes be like? Would he get-a-long well with the adult heroes? What happens if he encounters an adult Lois Lane who's THE best reporter around in Metropolis w/o any competition? And what happens if the Boy of Steel met her while she was foiling Lex's plans (after her interview with the devious man)?
I think the first interaction with other heroes would be an exchange of intel on a criminal subject they are trying to catch individually, then discovering they can make their goals coincide.
Usually the approach of the many movies on the subject seems to be the correct one: there's a global emergency forcing people of different paths of life to band together to solve a situation. It's kind of extreme but plausible. Every hero has something to contribute to it. That's when they take notice of the powerful youngster and call him to help. At first, young Clark acts humble and somewhat lost. They all welcomed him until he told them he knew who they are. Bruce was the one who particularry hate him for that, given his efforts to conceal his public persona. But Clark showed them his wilingness to the cause. He's eager to learn. He's eager to help. Adult heroes look at him in amaze of all the things he's able to do. He looks at them astounded of their organizational skills and knowledge. He developes a strong respect for all of them.
All except Batso. Batso is there because he must be by sovereing decree and his only task is to bark orders and annoy everyone. And, of couse, look cool in his car and plane. Okay, he may have some valuable intel as well. Nothing much. Young Clark tends to stay away from him. J'onn J'ontz told him Bruce could be of some use as a liaison with humans. So they need to tolerate him.
Since he moved to Metropolis, he met two persons like Batso: Lex Luthor and Lois Lane. Also humans. Their main talent is also barking orders and annoy everybody. They, like the bat, think they are always the most intelligent persons in the room. Clark wanted to do the following experiment: putting the three of them in a room with nobody else. He's sure one or two of them would end up dead. They seem pretty smart, but if you buy them for their real worth and sell them for what they think of themselves, you are doing good business.
Clark was, at first, taken by and enchanted by Lois Lane's flashy image, until he met Wonder Woman. Diana of Themyscira reminded him a lot to Lana Lang, trustworthy, loyal and strong women, whose sole presence is noteworthy, they don't need to bark their credentials all the time to make people notice them. That's the main difference: He learnt what's compelling and what was magnificent. Diana was magnificent. Lois forces people to notice her by being loud and commanding attention, Diana and Lana can't help but being noticed by their mere presence and silent actions. Lois was certainly beautiful, but, more often than not, she weaponized her physical attributes to get a scoop or enter a restricied area. Well...to each its own, thought Clark. He particularly disliked when Lois snatched an assignment she was interested on from other coleagues and published it before them, without mention of the other. It was rude and disrespectful. Clark loved fair play and noticed humans, specially successful humans, often take unethical short cuts to get what they want. He sensed Diana also stayed away from Lois Lane and her tactics. His respect for the Amazon grew as consequence. So did his love for Lana.
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implausiblyjosh · 1 year
Been watching Superman & Lois recently, and with the 3rd season wrapping up, I wanted to talk about what I saw as "Drama Busywork" in this season.
One of the b-plots in this season is that Jordan, one of Clark & Lois's sons, is dealing with Teenage Issues. In episode S3 E12, he sees people make fun of his superhero alter ego right in front of him & he responds like most kid superheroes do in these types of shows, basically saying "so what if this new superhero is a kid and wears goggles? seems like this new superhero is kinda badass and saved some kids!"
That exchange makes his ex, Sarah, think that Jordan doesn't care about his secret and having a secret identity… despite the fact that she saw the entire conversation start to finish and saw him keep the secret, all he did was kinda go "whoa hold on peers, what if the kid hero is cool and awesome instead???" Sarah, going off of this wild interpretation of events laid out in front of her, tells her mom, Lana Lang.
But this game of telephone telephones-back? It starts as "heyyy what if the new kid superhero is cool haha", then Sarah sees this as "Jordan doesn't care about his secret, so I shouldn't have to care about keeping his powers a secret", which Lana Lang takes to Clark and Lois as "he cares too much about his alter ego", and finally Clark & Lois go to Jordan with "you don't think people knowing about your alter ego is bad". And this last point isn't in a "People should know Superman and Clark Kent are the same person" way, it's in a "People should know Superman exists" way.
So Jordan doesn't actually get to address the core problems here, which are:
1) he is a bit of a Teen Weirdo dealing with Teenage Adolescence on top of being a Teen Hero
2) His relationship with his ex, Sarah, is Bad
Watching the season finale right now, and we haven't gotten any meaningful closure on this Jordan arc. So, like, what's the point?
It really feels like meaningless drama that isn't really adding much to the story or the characters, it's just giving them something to do. Just a lot of characters handling things horribly, AND characters who aren't handling things poorly have the memories of goldfish.
One of the other characters, DOD Grandpa (cannot remember his character's name, but he's Lois Lane's dad) is the one who got Jordan on this whole alter ego track! But when everything comes to blows about Jordan wanting recognition as his alter ego, he gets to just kinda peace out of that whole conflict.
Another example from this same episode is a Clark and Kyle interaction, part of the C-Plot of Jonathan (Lois & Clark's other son) feeling kinda left out of the whole family because he doesn't have powers like his brother and he's not someone of worldwide importance like his mom.
Jonathan has been working as a firefighter in-training with Kyle, Lana Lang's ex. Recent developments have made it so Kyle knows Clark is Superman. This has had an impact on how Kyle treats Jonathan, since Kyle knows that not only is this Superman's son, but also Kyle used to be Clark's biggest bully. Clark goes to Kyle and asks to not treat Jonathan any different because Clark is Superman, and clearly and concisely states that this is about Jonathan not wanting special treatment and Jonathan wants to make it on his own merits.
Kyle would literally not be receptive to that idea from anyone other than Superman, he's still in "this man could kill me and coulda killed me in high school when I was his biggest bully" mode of thinking. So, how does Kyle take this new info to Jonathan? like Jonathan went and ratted to his dad! Even though Jonathan clearly states that's not what happened, Clark just overheard him talking about work! Jonathan's obviously comfortable talking to Kyle about these issues, or else he wouldn't expand on them and defend himself by basically saying "what, you expect me to never talk about work outside of work?"
This is the drama equivalent of worksheets. This is busywork. I don't feel like anything productive is happening here in these interactions, either as character work or as narrative. This doesn't get into the fact that a lot of underlying issues here are just… not really brought up again!
If we focus back on my two points with Jordan, there's one that's just normal High School Drama Stuff. The second is his relationship with Sarah, his ex. Despite this second point being a huge driving force in a lot of Jordan's B-Plot (I'd argue the reason he wants to be recognized as his alter ego is directly caused by this awful relationship) there isn't much movement on dealing with the relationship.
This angle is completely unresolved. The Sarah & Jordan angle starts going sour because Sarah cheats on Jordan over summer camp. They talk it out, and are still together despite it, until Sarah decides because of her own cheating she just wants to be friends. Jordan is (understandably!) heartbroken about this, and tries to continue to be friends with her and it bleeds into that first point. Now he's gotta deal with this heartbreak, on top of the usual High School Drama Stuff. It is the catalyst for all these other things in his life, and all his actions, but like… nothing satisfying is happening there!
(Additionally, this plot point hits really close to home for me! I've been on the cheated-on end of a situation, and watching all this knowing it comes from this unresolved issue that hits close to home makes watching Jordan's B-plot hard! However, that's a Josh-Issue not a Writing-Issue, but I felt it needed to be said so you can take that together with my criticisms)
Again, this all feels like busywork. I don't think any character development is happening, and I don't think the character work being done is good in these scenes. It's just… nothing. I know "Filler" gets thrown around a lot, but this feels like that! This feels like padding. It feels like taking up time to hit a word count.
Next season a lot of these characters are leaving the show. On the one hand, it sucks cause I think they're good on-screen! I don't necessarily dislike these characters! On the other, I think having a smaller cast with less of this writing baggage will likely be for the best, or at the very least we get a different type of bad writing.
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matrixkent · 1 year
Gotta ask: what are your thoughts/opinions on Lana Lang, both Pre-Flashpoint and in Rebirth as Superwoman? Idk if you’ve been asked that before, but I’m genuinely curious about your take on the matter.
i haven't read superwoman (yet) but i really like lana in the supporting roles ive seen her in, specifically in relation to supergirls. she works great as a supporting character, like when mae went to her in supergirl 94
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or when she was kara's aunt in supergirl 05
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i think having a civilian from smallville who's not related to the kents is so fun, especially when she's not really involved in all the hero stuff. heroes dont normally have friends that are in on the secret but don't do hero stuff/assistance. (batman has lucius fox, wonder woman has etta candy) these characters r usually sidekicks/support members of the 'team' so to speak. so to see lana lang who knows clark is superman, and is there for kara and mae and everyone without getting too wrapped up in it all is v interesting to me. also i think her and john henry r cute from what i've seen (again havent read superwoman, saw them in steelworks). but yeah i love lana as a confidant to the superfam (esp mae). also i saw her in that arc w cir-el traci and natasha. that's 3/4 supergirl interactions :)
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so recently I was giving the ol' Superman 2000 pitch a good reread and I started thinking about something I hadn't really thought about before. In it, they make mention that one of the mindsets they were going to try and apply was that of removing the ensembles and soap opera group dynamics and instead having the stories mainly just being centered around Supes and his immediate supporting cast with connections to the JLA and the rest of the DCU being very minimal. They mention that it was their attempt to reclaim that “old feeling of Superman being the only superhero.”Reading that I was reminded of stories like All-Star and Superman and Lois and even classic Golden/Fleischer Age Superman where the philosophy behind those versions was kinda that Superman was the main/only hero and the focus was on his specific mythology instead of his position in relation to the grander DCU. Now I personally enjoy his interactions with characters like Bruce and Diana and wouldn’t really wanna see Superman removed to be on his own earth (i.e. Captain Marvel with Earth 5) but do you think there’s something of note to that sort of philosophy, where his stories would actually benefit from being kinda standalone and that his interactions with the rest of the world (outside of with the Trinity and Big Event crossovers) should be kept to a low amount as to keep the focus on him and his adventures?
Of the last five writers, only Williamson and (I believe) Jurgens did not start off their Superman runs with Batman showing up. Since the New 52, Batman has more consistently appeared in Superman books than John Henry Irons or Lana Lang, or Jimmy Olsen have. I don't like that. Smacks of writers using Superman's books to audition for the Batman books, like they can taste how close they are to what they really want, and just can't help themselves. You have World's Finest or Trinity or Justice League for Superman/Batman interactions, as a writer you need to be focusing on the Superman cast. Bring in the wider DCU after the first arc, I'm fine with that, but for at least the first six issues of a new writer's run, the rest of the DCU should be walled off.
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