#lakshimi bai
doctorchapatinphd · 22 days
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greenwitchcrafts · 1 year
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Artemisia absinthium
Known as: Absinthe, crown for a king, green ginger, madderwort, old woman & wormot
Related plants: A member of th e family Artemisia that also include mugwort, sagewort, tarragon, sagebrush & southernwood
Parts used: Leaves & flowers
Habitat & cultivation: this shrub is native to Europe, Asia & Siberia. It is most likely found present in along dry rocky roads,  in pastures & open waste areas or overgrazed rangeland
Plant type: Perennial
Region: Zones 4-9
Harvest: Best to let grow for at least two years before harvesting large amounts
Growing tips: Wonderful container plant that can be incredibly invasive. It grows readily from seed, root divisions or cutting and preferably recently composted or fertilized. They do not love wet soil & prefer warm, dry, rocky conditions.
Medicinal information: The bitter-tasting plant has been used for centuries for medicinal purposes to reduce pain & swelling. Made into a salve it can help the itch from insect bites-It's also used as a anti-parasitic  to treat intestinal worms, treat digestive problems & skin infections. It was also used to make the infamous drink Absinthe & Vermouth.
Cautions: Wormwood is  toxic & shouldn't be taken internally. It is dangerous to use for longer than a two week period & should be avoided by pregnant & chestfeeding individuals. If burning, use in a ventilated area as the smoke can be irritating to the eyes and throat.
Magickal properties
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: Aida Wedo, Artemis, Diana, Innana, Iris, Isis, Lakshimi & Sif
Magickal uses:
•Burn as an incense with mugwort, bay and/or blue lotus to aid in psychic powers, enhance divination abilities & to attract spirits
• Place under your bed to draw a loved one
• Keep in your vehicle to protect against accidents & dangerous roads
• Use to send harmful magick back to it's sender
• Sprinkle in the path of an enemy to cause strife and misfortune
• Decorate your altar or workspace with wormwood when using your clairvoyant skills
• Give as an offering to spirits
• Carry with you in a satchet to protect against bewitchment
• Use rituals of astral projection and divination
• In Russia, wormwood was commonly used to protect the wearer from Rusalki, water spirits who roamed forests and rivers with sharp claws and an hate for humans
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From my current roster of servants I think that fit this event’s homeroom background, “Holy Grail Phantom Thief: Amakusa Shirou and the Slapstick Museum”
Excuse me while I just place these here along with my thoughts (Part 1)
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Astolfo fits this background better than I thought, and Mozart is Mozart (I didn’t think much for him tbh)
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I thought Hajime might fit this but he doesn’t really at the same time
Lakshimi Bai’s third ascension fits this tho I like her first outfit better for this
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Corday being pleasant before she kills you (in the next pic)
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Gray showing you a square object (Add) and Zhuge Liang looking grumpy as usual (his bond level is almost level 10 lol)
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Two rich ladies going, “Ohohoho!” while they sip tea
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yee-art · 3 years
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I made 2 different prompts in single meme template.
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kurozu501 · 3 years
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this conversation with lakshimi was one of the best scenes in the chapter tbh. i loved how she was so upset and furious to learn the truth of the lostbelts and how she questions us about it. its a small scene but it drives home? reminds you? of the reality of the new bloody path chaldea has been forced to walk in Part 2. Your hands are stained with the blood of worlds and thats not okay but all you can do is keep going to make sure those sacrifices meant something. 
I actually thought this talk was foreshadowing that after Arjuna was gone Lakshimi would side with Pepe to protect the people of this world from us. and tbh im still a little disappointed it didn’t happen. If lakshimi eventually became our enemy it would’ve made this conversation all the more tragic in hindsight. 
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fiannalover · 3 years
Lostbelt 4 Spoilers but I don't give the context
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faoladh24 · 3 years
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Fate/Grand Order birthday wishes - Part 16
Other parts: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15
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asimovforever1 · 3 years
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Back to lostbelt 4 so I can complain about another artistic thing...why is her Final Ascension costume her First Ascension? If you were going to have this be for Final, shouldn't her third sprite be this?
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angellyuna · 4 years
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Lakshimi summer imagin(Nemo edition)
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sassyshin · 2 years
If theyre buffing 1 servant per Lostbelt I wonder who is going to be for 3, 4 and 5 (im assuming there wont be any for 6?)
3 - Imagine if they buff QSH lol. I think its probably either Yu or her Horsebando tho
4 - I dont see Junao ever getting a buff. Ash is also unlikely. Ganesha or Lakshimi bai are more likely. Id bet on the later even though shes great since people think she sucks because fgo players suck at fgo
5 - Romulus
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bimbosupreme · 3 years
Since I got a wad of cash recently I spent like um. 40 + 25? + 12? So that’s like what 70 something stupid dollars on trying to get poster girl ce because I really like the gameplay in fgo and that’s like THE ce to have for certain set ups but I ended up with 2 lakshimi bais and I think that’s just a bad luck sign I think this is just a really bad sign to have because I did not get the ce (again) 😔
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sem-voids · 3 years
i just finished lostbelt 4 and i want to ramble so here goes.
it goes without saying, but fgo: cosmos in the lostbelt, lostbelt 4 spoilers up ahead!
also, this can kind of be pretty long.
let me preface all this by saying that so far, lostbelt 4 is on par with lostbelt 1 for me. followed by lostbelt 3 and lostbelt 2.
i fucking loved lostbelt 4. the story, the theme, the cast, the crypter, i loved it ♡
let's start with lakshimi. i honestly thought the secret she was hiding was that she was one of arjuna alter's lokapala and she defected from him or something and she's leading the rebel army now (i realize how many plotholes would have risen from that because altjuna would have just erased her in the next yuga cycle if that was the case and not ignore her so this theory was far fetched and highly improbable) or something so dire that it would have made the chaldeans or myself, as the player felt betrayed
and then she reveals that she's a goddess of misfortune and i was like "oh okay... that's it?"
and it just hammered in the theme about flaws and defects and lakshimi feeling terrible about herself and it may have been an inane reason from one perspective, but she really felt bad about it so it was touching how the cast made her feel a little different and how she used what would have been called a 'flaw' or an 'evil' in altjuna's terms as a strength that eventually helped overcome the lostbelt.
lakshimi is a good girl. we love her. she's fucking badass.
at first, i was honestly a little irritated, that takeuchi was going at it with the sameface again, but i appreciate how this indian servant wasn't a pale, white girl and unlike most of the dark skinned servants, she actually gets to wear some fucking clothes.
so that's cool. the design honestly didn't detract from lakshimi's awesomeness overall. loved her.
i loved jinako as well. she's honestly one of my favorites in this lostbelt. her relationship with karna was also amazing and i feel like you could get an even bigger appreciation for it once you've seen their relationship as master and servant on other fate works.
imagine how fucking agonizing her situation was. having to stay awake for tens of thousands of years. with no companions since lakshimi was more of less an outer layer and not an actual companion you could have socialized with it
the despair, the fear, and the loneliness would be too much for just about everyone and for it to go so far as for jinako to want to die made my heart ache.
some tears were shed ngl.
especially when karna said those things to her in the end.
jinako is brave and awesome and wonderful i love her.
karna was awesome as well and i thought the dragon ball jokes were just about the transformations and the power levels, but seeing him get a training arc in a place where time does not exist or passes differently was really some dragonball shit lol.
the fight was fun in game too. idk i found it really enjoyable.
karna's dynamic with jinako was also greatly appreciated and he's honestly one of the kindest characters ingame. i wish him all the happiness.
rama. i love rama. he's such a wifeguy we love to see it. the pride, the love for his wife and the comical bits that we get from rama interacting with the other characters was great
his interactions with lakshimi bai were my favorite. and him offering to call her sister-in-law was kind of cute. i feel like they'd be great pals
i was so happy that he was one of the people the mc summoned along with karna. el pluribus unum's my third favorite singularity so getting callbacks from that was good as well. and rama being carried again lol.
i love him.
i really liked pepe as well. but i've always liked pepe even before his lostbelt so there's that. his chapter in from lostbelt by nakutani is one of my favorites
"i've resigned myself to the doomed alignment of the stars" is a beautiful line ngl and seeing it in the lostbelt and pertaining to team a's situation as the losers of history is great and that pepe's going to stay with them because he treasures their bond and camaraderie
have i already mentioned how much i love his loyalty to his friends?
and not just them as well. the way that it extends to mash and how pepe reacts to her growth. how much she's changed from the mash before the singularities to this mash who was her convictions and set of morals.
i loved it ♡
he also was a joy to be around. and him teaming up with chaldea is a nice break from the constant trend of crypter's being generally hostile.
i love pepe. this is a pepe loving zone ♡
director goredolf was great as well. having his own conflicts with himself, his insecurities as someone who was also deemed 'defective' tied in nicely with the lostbelt's theme
also the director can really drive lol. i've honestly developed a soft spot for him
ashwatthama is also one of my favorites for this lostbelt. along with jinako.
his design is so fucking beautiful. thank you pako!
i wish we could have seen more of his interactions with pepe and the other servants, because from the few we've seen they're really interesting.
i'm definitely going to roll for him in his banner.
the other lokapala were good as well, but i find myself not caring for them much.
perhaps the weakest points for me was nezha and the way their character was handled. their demise was done so fast that i honestly didn't care much.
like "oh, that's unfortunate" and i just went on my merry way. was it to add a sense of tension or grief?
or maybe sadness? something to give the protagonist's motivation for the lostbelt?
i wish we could have seen more interactions or maybe some deep dive into the character or maybe have an interaction with the dark nezha in the lostbelt.
but all in all, it was a great lostbelt. i loved asha as well. she's a good kid that really served her purpose to tug at the heartstrings of the players once the lostbelt disappears for good
the backgrounds were also very pretty. i'm a sucker for flowers so.
the art for karna vs arjuna was gorgeous.
thank you pako-sensei 😍
i'm looking forward to atlantis! but before that, i'll throw a couple of tickets to the second banner hahahaha.
i think i'll get ganesha for my free ssr as well.
and before i forget, i have been fed with daybit and douman content so i am a very satisfied player.
best part of the lostbelt was seeing the small daybit smile. 100/10 content right there
daybit appearing because he cares about pepe warms my heart. this is the chapter i've been rereading in youtube before the official ingame translations was out but i'm still touched when it showed up
also douman i now remember why i wanted to send you to jail you clown
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fullbottles · 3 years
(wakes up) (immediately rolls tell and lakshimi bai on tickets) (goes back to sleep until asclepius)
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fiannalover · 3 years
You know, I do appreciate Jeanne's whole "I'm not a saint, I'm but a simple farm girl who committed atrocities (and also I get a crisis everytime someone develops a personal friendship with me)" but I ALSO think Lakshmi SLAPPED when she said "I'm not a saint" somewhere in her introductory chapters and followed up with "I'M THE FUCKING DEMON QUEEN" right at the Lostbelt's climax
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fiannalover · 3 years
Lakshmi: Are you british?
Mash: I'm n-
Mash: Am I?
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sassyshin · 2 years
So lostbelt 4 is next on road to lostbelt 7 huh
Are jp players ready to fight 10m hp Arjuna Alter?
Anyway about buffs I dont think anyone im lb4 actually needs it with only one exception
And that is William Tell. Not because hes bad but because hes similar to Robin except worse most of the time. Theres very little reason to use him over Robin really. The way Tell needs the enemy to use evade to do bonus damage but Robin can just poison them with a command code and do it leaves Tell in such a big disavantage esp bc enemies usually only apply evade when theyre low in health and then doing bonus damage matters very little. Anyway Tell could use some love
I would be okay with Ganesha getting a buff as well but she has soo much survivability already. The point of her is that she can survive for so long that in some boss fights shes almost unkilllable. You can totally stall many boss fights with her with no issue. Maybe upgrade her np to make her deal more damage and shes perfect
Lakshimi Bai is one that I think they will buff because everyone thinks shes bad since she cant 3turn and thats all people care about those days. However shes one of the best last man standing/solo servants in the whole game. If you get your brain off 3 turning you will see how amazing she is. She doesnt need it at all but shes probably going to get it and be even more broken
Karna. Similar to Ganesha I dont think he needs it but Id be okay with a buff. He hasnt been touched for a while so would be nice to remember that he exists. Again I think hes just fine atm but I wouldnt mind if he got a buff
Arjuna. The way people still think he needs more buffs bc hes still not that great annoys me. Hes great as he is right now and doesnt need buffs at all. I wouldnt be opposed to them buffing his mana burst in the distant future. But reallly in the distant future.
Arjuna Alter. Lol Lmao even. Do I even need to say anything here? No I dont think so. Next
Asclepius. Hes amazing. Id say the most useful servant in the entire lostbelt 4 even. You need him in your account more than Junao. No more buffs needed.. like ever probably tbh
Ash. Hes better than some 5 stars Archers tbh. Sad to those 5 stars but true. He deals so much damage already even at neutral that making him even stronger would be... really something. He doesnt need it really
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