truskawkowydiabel · 7 months
Yes, he is a criminalist. He does look like heroinist after 5-day streak and probably smells like rabbit's piss, but I luv him.. ;(
He looks so huggable. I would squeeze.
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writerofweird · 3 months
The Turtle in the Lake
This poem contains references to death and violence You’ve heard of the slasherWho emerges from the lake Rusty sickle in his handReady to slice up anyTeenagers whoDare intrude on his land Well, that’s why I’ve crawled all the way to that lakeWhere they’ll mistake my shell for the top of the slasher’s head And my arm for the sickle Maybe thenThe animals in the lakeWill have some peace
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i-found-a-box · 6 years
Case #5 -part 1-
To: █████
From: Search and Rescue Officer Swanson
Subject: I Need Help in the Woods
Dear █████,
I work for the grand old █████████ park. Only a few states away. We can get you here expenses paid. Hear me out.
I've noticed some things going on around here. One including an elderly couple. Husband calls in saying something happened to his wife.
We went down and found the husband. They managed to find the wife a day later, she was under a tree. She couldn't speak, her tounge had been removed. Perfectly cut out. She didn't bite it off I tell you, I've seen those.
Another kid had his head found 90 miles away from the body. No blood. Just there. Blood stayed inside it until an officer picked it up.
None of us here are experts on this and I know the higher ups know about it. I can't find a way to get information out of them without getting fired. So I'm asking you for help. Maybe we could start a private investigation and you can do your thing to help the park or whatever.
Contact me for confirmation.
- Officer Swanson
I met up with officer Swanson, he gave me little leads on what has been going on within the park. Mainly disappearances and multiple cases of people losing body parts perfectly clean. Not a single drop of blood spilt.
It's quite impressive, each of the rescuers are commonly calm and collected throughout these instances.
It is now 8:56, dark outside and there is a consistant rumble of thunder around us. It gives a perspective of how large this forest truly is. I can hear someone outside, but I dare not to investigate. It is a young woman, shes begging and crying for help. I'm starting to think a tent was a bad idea.
The sun has come up, the sounds have stopped. I looked outside, obviously there was not a woman after all. I fear what could have happened if I left my tent. I worry, what if it was a real woman? I'd rather not think about it now.
I'm following Officer Swanson and a few other rescuers out on a call, just in case something happens. Officer Swanson offered to dress me up to look like a new member. I'll just tell them I'm a volunteer. I'm not here to play dress up, I'm here to discover whatever monsters lie deep within the woods.
We have finally arrived to the scene, we left about 8:15 am and made it around noon. This 'accident' is far off the path. I'll need to interview the witness, who's a teen, it makes sense on why they would sneak out here like this.
It's late, I'm back in the tent. Time to document everything I was told. I'm so tired, I think something is watching me.
The scene we walked up upon was an odd one. The witness, a young lady named Misel, said they had left their group to go on a walk on their own. They said they would not go far, but got lost along the way. She turned her back to the young man, Jackson, and said the whole world stopped. In her words: "everything was silent, birds stopped chirping, breeze stopped blowing, it was like someone hit the mute button on the world. When I turned around again Jackson was gone."
The young man was found at the base of a cliff edge. He had not fallen, that I was sure of. The body was unscathed, he was perfectly fine, besides a few bug bites and scratches from thorns on his legs. They moved him to see if any blood had leaked out at all, but none was there. He looked as if someone froze him in time and left him there. He was dead for sure, but something tells me he did not just fall. I'm feeling even worse, maybe I'm ill?
I woke up last night to some sort of strange gurgling at the base of my tent. I looked out through a crack I made with the zipper, and a man stood not to far away. I did not say anything. He was not human, at least not anymore. His legs bowed in on themselves, his spine twisted and contorted backwards, and his head was bent back. I could not see it, he was facing me and his head was behind him, but I could hear him gurgling with every breath. Maybe I should move into a building.
A child has gone missing, she was playing with her brother and vanished. I'm with a search team. Everyone is calling out to her, but I believe it might be too late.
I found the girl, I strayed off their trajectory, but I bring good news at least. She is alive. She put her head in my lap and cried. I sat with her until more rescuers came to us. During that time she told me of what happened.
She was walking and playing around their campsite. She said she saw someone, and decided to follow. She followed them to the rocks where I found her. She said she sat with the 'tall white man' as he told her stories of beasts and monsters that existed in the woods. She said the man was made of a bright white light, like an angel. I tried asking her more questions, but she had already fallen asleep. I'm not a man to care for children, but I wouldn't just leave her. I worry what this 'white man' would have done to her if I had been a moment too late.
I'm not sleeping in the tent tonight, I have requested a room in the main office. It is just a simple cot, but I have slept on a rock for a month before. This is just fine.
///I'll continue these journal entries in parts///
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Day 7
What a guy.  Earl had left the town an inheritance like no other.  Molly and Jake, now an order of magnitude richer, sat sullen.  Earl’s will, like all the other times in his life, showed that he was a gift-giving pro.  Hotwheels cars for Roy and James.  A small plot of land, no more than 13 feet across, which nobody realized he owned, was willed to Katie with the mission that she keep it’s flowers as she saw fit.  Dale got a hunting set and Karen got a backpack picnic set.  All of these were among dozens of plants, pieces of furniture, books, and tools that were gifted to the people of Lakewill.  Molly sat with a scowl on her face and Jake, the apple not having fallen far from the tree, maintained a brooding expression throughout the whole ordeal.
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truskawkowydiabel · 6 months
Khaan's fur is so floofy and soft ^^
(Shh... Don't tell Sabine about this..!)
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i-found-a-box · 7 years
(I tried to put these in chronological order)
/page 1/
I feel off. As if I’m not allowed to be here, allowed to live.
It’s giving me strange vibes honestly. I mean last time I felt this way was when we lived in my old house, which was haunted.
I feel as if someone is outside. I feel strange. Maybe I’m sick?
/page 2/
I saw something out my bathroom window. While i was showering too. It was tall, pale. It laughed at me, pointing. It had 3 sets of arms. But it’s back arms were used as legs in which it stood on.
It’s the creepiest thing I’ve ever seen. I can’t see it anymore, but god did it confuse me.
/page 3/
I saw it again, I was washing dishes. I looked up and I saw it. It had jagged teeth, Like broken glass sticking from its mouth. Some pushed through the gums causing them to bleed. It didn’t have a nose, just the holes where it should be. It’s eyes were human. Too human.
/page 4/
I’ve discovered some man, he looks into these things. He calls himself █████ and he seems to be an expert on this. Maybe he can find out more about what this thing is.
Now I just have to figure out how to find him.
/page 4/
I saw it inside this time. I was cleaning a spill off the floor, when I looked up it was there. I don’t feel safe in my own home now. Where else do I have to go?
/multiple pages ripped out/
/page 5/
I’m trying to find him, still no luck. I’ve called and e-mailed and even went to new locations to find him. I have nothing, not a single lead so far. He could be anywhere. Maybe he doesn’t exist. Maybe that woman lied to me, she seemed a little crazy. Something about a werewolf girlfriend I think?
I need to get hold of her again.
/page 6/
I contacted the woman again, by finding her at the bar. She told me about █████, he’s somewhere here in Lakewill. I don’t know where exactly but he’s somewhere. I have an E-mail, I’ll try it later.
/page 7/
I fell into the water fountain today. I saw it. It’s ran at me so fast. God it scared me. I could feel water trying to get into my lungs.
I couldn’t feel anything but it’s multiple hands grabbing me.
I need to contact him. I have to get checked out. Something.
To: █████
From: Thomas ████████
Subject: There’s Something in the Water
Dear █████,
I know this may sound crazy, but I think something is in the water. Every time I touch water I see it. It has the ugliest face I’ve ever seen. It scares me.
Call me at ███-███-████.
We can discuss it more over the phone.
Sincerely Thomas.
Thomas ████████ has had these images in his head for a while now, it’s unlikely I can rid of them.
I witnessed one of his episodes, he stuck his hand in the water and panicked, to which he grabbed me. I noticed two hands grabbing the side of the sink. I believe this will take further investigation.
/page 8 of notebook/
Mr. █████ arrived today. He’s way more handsome than I thought he would be. I expected an old man or a lying creep.
I showed him what happened to me, and by touching him he saw it too. He instantly began taking notes and analyzing my house, asking questions, hell he’s acting like this is a murder case. Weird.
Thomas shows no signs of improvement. This thing seems to like him. I fear there is nothing I can do.
After more research on this thing, many locals have seen it wander around the college campus in search of water. Taking favor to the pond and the varous fountains. This gives me a small lead, but only by a bit.
After more research and sleepless nights I have concluded that this cryptid is water based, having been only seen in water and no other liquid.
Thomas ████████ has passed, I have yet to find the creature. I believe it had something to do with his horrific end.
Thomas was found with glass smashed into his gums, as if he bit into a lightbulb. He had claw marks all over his body and glass cuts along his arms.
I’m worried what will happen if I touch water.
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i-found-a-box · 7 years
Case #3
(Notes on a case? A bunch of ripped pages from a journal?)
-PAGE 1-
I cannot find myself anymore. They’re just there. I can’t breathe. They’re out there.
Funny, just the other day I was at home, with my husband and kids. I’m lost, I cant feel my toes now. I see them all over.
Someone is out there. I can hear them yelling. They’re so far away. So so far.
-PAGE 2-
I’m still lost. I don’t know how long it’s been. I’m resting by a tree. I don’t know what day it is anymore. It’s always so dark.
I’ll start with how I got here. It started with a car ride home. I live fairly far from work, a nearly two hour drive. It was late, around one in the morning. I was exhausted and decided to grab a cup of coffee or an energy drink to last until I could make it home.
I remember how I saw this little journal, as a giftshop kind of item. Where this gas station is many tourists go by to whatever attracts them in the next town. The cashier stared at his phone, chewing some gum and sighing in exhaustion. I remember grabbing an iced coffee from their freezer and paying, leaving as fast as I could. It was strange because normally my husband would have called me. I assumed he went to bed.
-PAGE 3-
As I kept driving the fog around me grew thicker. I woke up in the forest. Its so thick. I see a light. I see the tunnel. It’s the way out. I believe it. I hear it growling
To: █████
From: Mitchel ██████
Subject: I lost my wife
I need help finding her. The woods around our home are dense but I fear she broke her leg or something. Maybe took a wrong turn? I dont know but I’m worried.
I haven’t seen her in a day or two and I’ve searched all I can. I’ve gone to the woods and called, police have searched every square inch of my house and yard. I asked my sons if they had ever seen her come home, I asked neighbors, I’ve asked her office, and even the gas station she was last seen at.
They found her car, her phone and purse inside. It was down highway ███ near the gas station. She had only made it a few feet before pulling over and vanishing. As if she was never here. I write to you Mr. █████ to help me find my wife.
We live near Lakewood, just a few towns over in ██████, please write me back.
-Mitchel ██████
In recent searches Mrs. ██████ has not turned up. Only a few tattered and yellowing pages of journals remain of her existence.
Mr. ██████ has gone missing as well. The e-mail the last communication he has had. Both children have been fed and cared for in spite of not having parents.
Reports say there has been a white figure walking from their house as people drive up. Something is caring for the children. But why?
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i-found-a-box · 7 years
Case #2
-NEWS ARTICLE CLIPPING- There is Something Wrong With My Town
There are these things, I don’t know what they are but they aren’t people. They’re grinning at me. If anyone knows what these things are could help me please call me at ███-███-███
To: ████ From: Joshua ███████ Subject: Those things
You contacted me about the things outside my house. Just in time too, they’re crawling everywhere.
I’ll begin with the day our town, a small town named Cherry Cove, exploded over a new craze. There was some new fruit exclusive to our town, brand new, and obviously my wife bought some. Something called the “Paotres” It was like an apple, but blue and rounder, the inside was as white as snow.
My wife said it tasted amazing, so she bought a bunch to share with me. She nagged on and on for me to try them, and when I came home from work she told me she ate them all. I wasn’t suprised and thought I’d pick them up from the store and try them then.
The next day when I asked her why the neighbors where just standing in the yard, she smiled at me and said, “Honey there’s nothing wrong with the neighbors. There’s nothing wrong with me. You should try the Paotres!”
Now that’s all she says. She’s locked in the bathroom. They’re just roaming outside, waiting for me to come out.
I don’t know what they want. Can you help me?
-E-MAIL 2-
To: ████
From: Joshua ███████
Subject: They’re closer
My internet is to go down soon.
My wife keeps yelling at me.
They’re back.
Our attempts failed. They’re clawwing at the window, telling me to eat it.
It’s all I have left.
My food is gone.
I’m so sorry I backed down like this. Thank you for trying, ████.
I’ll see you, if you get the fruit too.
Be sure to eat a Paotres, they’re full of vitamins!
Joshua ███████
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i-found-a-box · 7 years
Case #1
To: ████ From: Samantha █████
Subject: My girlfriend may be supernatural?
I need your help with an investigation. My girlfriend, Claire, has been shaving regularly, which I’m not against. The problem is, she shaves every night!
Plumbers and razors are super expensive and I really don’t know why she’s shaving so much!
Another thing I’ve noticed is she is eating way more than usual, and I’ve done a lot of research to find out what could be happening, all signs point to a werewolf?
She gets sick the night of new moons and can’t sleep during fullmoons. Every few weeks she’ll go out to get dinner and the next day an animal in the neighborhood has been found dead or goes missing.
If my girlfriend is a werewolf how do I keep her from hurting people? How can I get her to stop shaving or eating so much meat? That’s expensive you know!
Could we meet up? I’m only a few towns over from Lakewill.
Contact me at ███-███-███.
Thank you, Samantha █████.
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i-found-a-box · 7 years
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I found a box, and it’s full of some kind of emails? All of them are to some place called ‘Lakewill’ and trust me I don’t live there.
I don’t know, I just needed a place to store these files.
I’ve lived here my whole life and never once found this box. I asked my father but he's never seen it.
It was just in the attic one day?
Once I find the first one I’ll get it posted.
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i-found-a-box · 7 years
A Nightmare
Hello everyone, It's N.
I had a nightmare, if you could call it that.
Honestly I can't remember much from it. I remember this large mansion, huge enough for there to be a pond in the entrance. It had an old Japanese/vintage style to it, overall a gorgeous place. Outside there were multiple kinds of flowers and hedges following a path. Even though it was gorgeous, it felt off.
I remember, in the dream, I ended up running to the neighbor's house because someone broke into the house I was staying in. No one ever answered me. Obviously. It was then when I started to get scared, more like an adrenaline rush.
Skip ahead and there's this girl following me, she's everywhere. Her hair was long, to her feet. It was a thick black with grey hairs here and there. She seemed Asian, I never got a great look at her face. She was thin, and rather beautiful from what I could tell.
She only scared me because of her looming walk. She wouldn't run, She never chased me. It was just the feeling if I didn't go fast enough she'd get me. So I found out she wouldn't grab me until she was right up on me. I started running into rooms and just watching her follow me.
The dream didn't go by fast, I could feel the hours ticking by as usual. It was just exhausting.
I woke up around three. I never saw her, only a blurr that I think was her, but it could've just been my mind. Maybe paranoia?
I have no idea, but if anyone has any guesses if to they know who or what she is I'd be glad to hear.
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