glo-up-baby ¡ 4 years
Things I live by
Hygiene 🌿Brush teeth 2x day  🌿Deodorant every day - you don’t wanna smell nasty during the day 🌿Shower every other day - you can shower every day but for me showering is a struggle due to my mental illness so I only do every other day (if I can) 🌿Sundays are self care days - face masks, nail care, chill music, watching movies and stuff to relax before the new week comes 🌿Shave every other week - esp. now that summer is coming
Exercise 🌿Monday - leg day 🌿Wednesday - back, stomach and chest day 🌿Friday - biceps and triceps 🌿Cardio - 15-20 min 3x a week 🌿Small 10 min weekend workout
Face 🌿Evening skincare - cleanser, micellar water and night cream 🌿Morning skincare - micellar water and day cream 🌿Eyebrow tweeze every other week 🌿Exfoliate once a week - during sunday pamper 🌿Lipbalm - every day as much as needed
Academia 🌿Homework - actually do it, lol. do it as soon as you get home so you free up your evening 🌿Start assignments early - diamonds are made under pressure, but good grades aren’t 🌿Participate in class - the teacher won’t know how smart you are unless you say something 🌿Take notes - you ain’t gonna remember shit, girl, just take the damn notes 🌿Keep up with your languages pls - if you have learnt/are learning another language(s) please review them or you’re gonna forget
Inner beauty 🌿Be kind - i’m not saying change your whole demeanour to become the kindest person ever, but be kind where you can, life is tough for all of us 🌿Help - if you can, then help. if not, refer to someone who can 🌿Walk with your head high - this is gonna boost your confidence 🌿Eye contact - it makes you look more sincere and into the conversation 🌿Smile - to strangers, to friends, to the cashier, to the dog, just smile 🌿Be true to yourself - speak your honest opinions, don’t be fake and don’t lie, just be you 🌿Love yourself - this will be hard, but when you love yourself, life will automatically become 100x better 🌿Trust in God 🌿Be humble - but still rejoice in your victories 🌿Don’t care about other people - don’t let them stop you from doing things you want to do, it’s your life, not theirs 🌿Face your problems - have courage, ignoring it till it goes away does not always work 🌿Redefine success - success doesn’t have to be “got all A’s on my exam”, it can also be things like “got outside today”, “didn’t skip school even though my anxiety wanted me to” or something else 🌿Don’t apologize too much - it’s a nasty habit to say sorry for everything, things that aren’t even your fault. also don’t apologize for saying no, your priorities, loving someone and telling the truth.
Sleeping pattern 🌿Sleep at same time every night - for me this is 23.00, this is the time i need to fall asleep so i’ll actually be in bed by 22.30 🌿Wake at the same time every morning - 6.00 for me 🌿No electronics 30 min before bed - use this time for skin care and getting things ready for the next day 🌿Change your alarm tones once a month - it’s so easy to sleep through them when you get used to their sound 🌿Don’t snooze! - if this is a real struggle for you, like it is for me, try an app where there is no snooze function 🌿Listen to subliminals - i listen to subliminals but you don’t need to obvs. 🌿Make your bed 
Misc 🌿Take care of how you dress - a bomb/comfortable outfit that you love can make or break your day 🌿Clean your room - it’ll make the rest of your day much better, trust me 🌿Change your bedsheets regularly - even if you can only muster up the energy to do it once every three months 🌿Work towards your goals - whether it be getting A on that exam, or getting that dream job. break it down into smaller parts and work towards it. 🌿It’s okay to fall apart sometimes - life is a bitch, and sometimes it overwhelms us so much we want to fall apart. that’s okay. take a small break from life, breathe and then reboot. you can do this. 🌿Mental illness is a bitch - and recovery and getting help is scary. but, even if you don’t get professional help, because not everyone is ready for that, at least have someone you can talk to when things gets so rough. please.  🌿That special occasion is now - don’t save things for special occasions, because a special thing can make any occasion special (quote tumblr) 🌿Not everything needs an explanation - you want that tattoo? get it, it doesn’t need a significant meaning. you want to shave your head? do it, who cares if there’s a why. 🌿Spontaneity is great! - do things just because you can 🌿Don’t wait for summer to have that great life - summer is great, and many times we glamorize it “summer is going to be the best this year, i can’t wait”. make your daily life the best, and every week will feel like summer. 🌿Winter is a bummer - seasonal affective disorder is a legit thing. winter can be so depressing in the dark and the cold. try to find the beauty in it anyways.  🌿Don’t judge someone because they sin differently than you
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glo-up-baby ¡ 4 years
we hit 10k !!!!!!
i cant believe it- such a huge number is so difficult to even fathom but i do know that i am so grateful for all of you so thank you and im so so happy for ever being able to bring a little light to your days 🤍
not to make this soppy or too long, but truly, thank you again- and it’s so exciting and fulfilling to feel like our family is growing!
take care lovelies and feel free to message me or leave asks if you’re having a rough day or just want to talk 🕊🍃
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glo-up-baby ¡ 4 years
couldn’t phrase it better myself
take care
my dms are always open <3
doing things for yourself is not selfish, especially when you’ve spent more time putting others before you only to be drained and unfulfilled. giving is good, but some people are only out there to take and refuse to give back. don’t let them take everything from you, and if they never return your kindness, consider lessening it. their true colors might be revealed once you treat them the way they treat you.
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glo-up-baby ¡ 4 years
🕊Sweet Angel Tips🕊
🌸Breathe. Just breathe.
🌸Wash your hair with conditioner often. It will leave your hair very soft.
🌸Let your skin breath and use B.B. cream instead of foundation.
🌸Leave your window open and listen to nature.
🌸Write. Everyone needs a release.
🌸Cry. It’s okay to have bad days. You can always start again tomorrow.
🌸Buff Vaseline into your nails. It will give them a shiny and healthy glow.
🌸Dress loosely. You’ll feel more free and less confined.
💖Please stay safe and remember to smile. I love you all!💖
💖FOLLOW MY IG@beautyleromantique💖
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glo-up-baby ¡ 4 years
i know a few of these are impossible due to lockdown restrictions, but remember time spent with yourself is so precious <3
things to do alone
read that novel you’ve always wanted to start reading
watch a movie, and i don’t mean watch a movie on netflix, actually go to the cinema on your own. thank me later
start a blog
take a walk
browse bookstores, even if you’re not going to buy anything (if you’ll be able to resist the temptation of buying a book). just surround yourself with literature
brew yourself some tea or coffee, whichever you prefer
listen to classical music and absorb it, don’t do anything else, just sit there and listen to it
pick up a magazine, ditch online magazines for a while, go for the print
go to a museum
explore cooking or baking
watch the sunset
take a long, warm bath
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glo-up-baby ¡ 4 years
How to Get (and Keep) Your Life Together 101
Here’s a quick masterlist of all the tips, hacks and advice that stuck with me from reading so many articles, videos and research. Feel free to ask me any questions, or add tips of your own. 💜
Hydration: Make sure every day you stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, green tea, black tea. You see this everywhere but it’s true. Just drinking water wil do wonders for your skin and your overall body health.
Nutrition: Maintain a healthy diet by letting go of toxic “restrictive” diet culture and realizing that food is sacred fuel for your sacred body, so offer your body the best! Eat lots of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds; lots of wholefoods. Incorporate smoothies into your mornings for extra dose of vitamins. Practice mindful, conscious eating, be there in the moment when you are eating, taste the food, enjoy the experience of it. Meditate over your relationship with food and try to work through any unhealthy beliefs.
Exercise: Pick one or multiple forms of exercise that suits your schedule, lifestyle and personality; whether it’s jogging twice a week, going to the gym daily or even just a fresh walk every evening. Pick what is suitable for YOU and keep it part of your life. DYI your own gym routine or hire a trainer; train at home or in the gym; whatever works best for you.
Growth Mindset: Maintain a positive mindset that is always open and curious to learning new things, trying new skills and ever willing to improve itself. Redirect your attention from drama, gossip and toxic comparison beliefs to healthy ones; unfollow accounts online or delete all your social media if that’s what you need. Recreate yourself if that’s what you want. Focus on YOUR growth! Make a habit of reading new books, watching TedTalks, documentaries, etc. Look at educating yourself as a way to invest in yourself, a way to honor yourself. Maintain curiosity in your heart for the ways of the universe. Stay humble and graceful in the face of adversity, but never give up on your dreams, failed attempts are only lessons for improvement and the only true failure is giving up. As long as you keep going you’re still winning. Bonus tip: comparison is self harm, and a denial of your own power; so remember that nobody can be you and that’s a good thing. You can only be you, so make it count and honor yourself!
Relationships: Don’t cling to relationships and don’t be afraid to lose people. Be your authentic self at all times, and do not be afraid to intimidate people or be too much! Those that matter don’t mind, and those that mind don’t matter. Know that the friends/partners that are meant for you, will stay or will find their way back to you. Be mindful of the dynamic in a relationship, and be self-loving enough to walk away from what is toxic, unhealthy, restrictive, disrespectful, etc. Forgive those that wronged you, but tolerate no mistreatment; you can forgive them from afar, but make sure they’re no longer a part of your life.
Focus & Goals: Keep a journal and as frequently as you can, write down bullet lists of to do lists, goals, dreams, daily reflections, aspects of yourself to improve upon, positive affirmations, wishlist etc. - in other words, brainstorm all the things whirling around in your head regarding your own life. Remember all those things you’ve wanted to do? Bucketlists, reminders, curiosities, etc? Keeping a journal, staying focused on your goals, checking progress and practicing positive affirmations will transform your life.
Fashion: Elevate your wardrobe to a whole other level by sitting down and figuring out what your style actually is. Play around in your journal by creating a collage of your favorite colors, textures, patterns, styles, outfit combos and accessories. Mix and match, figure out what your aesthetic is. Refine, polish, remove what doesn’t click. (You can find a bunch of videos on YT for organizing clothes and being effortlessly fashionable/put together.) When you reorganize your wardrobe according to the above, you can easily mix and match anything because your wardrobe makes sense and it’s already planned out. Bonus tip: do your laundry the same day every week (ie. Saturday) and do a wardrobe prep on Sundays for the upcoming week; so that at any moment you can be ready in five minutes looking perfectly polished, and avoid the whole ordeal of being stressed/rushed and not knowing what to wear.
Skincare and haircare: Golden advice - invest in natural products/oils/ingredients instead of investing in brands. Why? Because otherwise you’re paying for a concept instead of actual health benefits for your body. Try natural soaps, oils (shea butter, coconut oil, argan, avocado, jojoba, rosehip, etc), and water extracts (rosewater, hazelwater) for toner. Coconut oil and argan oil is particularly famed for hairgrowth and shine. Castor oil as well helps hairgrowth, including for brows or lashes. Rosehip and shea heal discolorations, scars and marks. Do your research and try out what fits you, your skin will thank you later. I’ve been using natural products & oils for 9+ years and people always compliment how clear, smooth & glowy my skin is. Bonus tip: if you don’t use sunscreen already, try to incorporate it into your routine; just make sure it has gentle, non-harmful ingredients (for both yourself and the environment.
Etiquette, manners, poise, posture: Watch videos, read books or listen to audiobooks about confidence, proper etiquette, leadership skills, how to make people listen when you speak, etc. There are things which are so intuitive, obvious and logical, and yet simply becoming aware of them and having the science of it explained will transform your perspective (and the way you carry yourself).
Finances: Perform a monthly financial review to make sure you know where you are, what your budget is. Make a plan for backup funds, or savings for travels, or new tattoos, or a house, or whatever you want. It doesn’t have to be complicated, you can keep things simple by listing your expenses in five categories (Necessities, groceries, luxury, savings, free/remaining funds). Keep track of your expenses or habits, there are even apps that show statistics or analysis for easy use. The point here is to stay on top of your own finances: know how much are the monthly necessities (rent/mortgage/etc), know what has been payed and keeping receipts, knowing when things need to be paid, etc.
Integrity: This means knowing yourself, having standards, knowing what your boundaries are, what you are willing and not willing to do. When you know yourself and know your worth, you won’t ever tolerate or accept anything less. Know what your principles, values, beliefs are and hold them firmly because it is what you stand for. At the same time, it is important to keep an open mind to growth and improvement, but not so much that any persuasive argument will change your mind. Hold your own, but be gracious to other perspectives. And through it all remember - only you know what’s right for you, what’s best for you. Literally nobody else but you can know what’s in your best interest!
Efficiency & Improvement: This ties in with growth mindset but in a more practical way; make sure that you’re always leaving open space for improvement in your life, don’t ever just settle down/get stuck/let yourself sink into complacency. Know that you can always change anything! Make a habit of frequently reviewing aspects of your life (ex. via journaling) to see whether there’s anything you can make more easy, more efficient. Instead of spending hours grocery shopping, check out shops online where your favorite products can be home delivered in a snap. Instead of driving to a vet for your pet, have a call in. Setting up recurring payments for finances also counts. Literally any process or activity whereby you can automatize a service, delivery, payment, etc. will help you in the long run, so you can focus more on enjoying life, instead of wasting time with Trivial Adult Things.
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glo-up-baby ¡ 4 years
Glow up tips/ideas
Here’s my little guide how to glow up in your life:
First, get your life together:
Organise and clean your home -Having clean home will make you feel better and lighter and therefore you will be more positive.
Have a life admin day -Write down all the stuff that needs to be done, all the appointments you need to get and everything that needs to be fixed. Then schedule in a day every month or every two weeks when you tick off these thing off your list.
Do your damn laundry
Create routines -They can be long and strict or short and very opened
Fight procrastination in all the ways you can
Take your mediaction and have regular health check ups
Now it’s time for mental health:
Make sure you eat and drink water regularly
Get a therapist if you feel like you need/want one
Practise your hobbies or find new ones
Listen to your favourite music
Create a happy atmosphere for yourself -Buy plants and flowers, let your favourite music play in the background, let in as much ligh as you can.
Warm beverages
Be as positive as you can
Try to complain less
Don’t talk shit about people, especially not behind their back -You spread negative energy and hurt yourself in the process.
Say nice things to people, compliment them as much as you can -Being nice to poeple will affect your own mood for the better.
Talk about what you love, not what you hate
Get enough fresh air.
Glow up your mind!:
Read more books -Does not matter the genre
Watch movies and series
Learn new language -Even if it’s just a few words
Watch documents
Talk to people smarter than you
Try learning random fact every day
Find a new hobby
Think of ways to make your life better and help your surrounding -Minimalism? Zero waste? Vegetarian? It depends on you.
Find a new friend
Help people
And lastly the physical glow up:
Find out how much sleep you need and stick to it -Usually 8 hours are the norm
Play around with make up -You will fail and it might look wonky from the beginning. And maybe you won’t even like it. I want you to experiment.
Make sure to go make-up-less sometimes if you wear it often
Drink water -It won’t magically clear your skin completely but it will get better.
Wash your face in the morning and in the evening, but no soap if possible
Use as little skin products as you can -Sometimes less is more.
Lip balm
Eat vegetables every day -Every. single. day. It’s the best thing I have ever done for myself.
Eat oatmeal -It did wonders for my hair.
Stretch regularly
Exercise -Find something you have fun doing and do it as often as possible.
Avoid food with too much grease and sugar -You can have it but try to reduce it.
Prepare your outfit the night before -It gives you time to think about what you’ll wear and it’s nice to have it ready in the morning.
Get clothes you feel good and confident in
Get your dream hair colour! -Get crazy if you want
Learn to be comfortable with your body
Don’t shower every day -I know, I know… but listen… It’s actually much healthier for your skin to shower every other day and wash your hair even less. Plus it saves a lot of water.
Get a perfume -Have a scent
Get enough sun -You don’t have to be tan but getting sun on your skin is very healthy and it’s visible in other ways than tan.
Smile and spread joy
If you’re happy, show it -It’s contagious
Remember that beauty comes from within. That is why I put these tips in that order.
I hope I helped and have a great year!
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glo-up-baby ¡ 4 years
Tumblr media
thank you so much for 9000 💜 my heart is full, i am so grateful!
take care !
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glo-up-baby ¡ 5 years
Self love and Care
•Take a warm shower, moisturize your whole body, put on clean pajamas, get into bed or your comfiest nook, and read a book of affirmations or health or something you purely enjoy. Reading takes you into another world and is amazing for your soul, utilize it.
•Make yourself a hot cup of tea, coffee, hot chocolate, or cider, take it outside, drink while appreciating your environment and surroundings. Happiness is derived from gratitude and peace.
•Put on your favorite music, whether you blast it through a speaker or headphones doesn’t matter, and dance around. You’ll get your spirits up and even get a little bit of exercise out of it. 
•Speaking of exercise, go treat yourself to some new workout clothes and hit the gym. Nothing gets me more motivated to go the gym like a new sports bra does. Plus, you’ll feel amazing afterwards. No one ever regrets going to the gym.
•If you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed with school work, put it aside for a minute and take a good break. Your mental health IS more important, trust me.
•Call someone you love. Ask them about their day, how they are doing, tell them you love them and miss them and want to get together soon. People are an important part of life and it’s important to actively show your loved ones that you care about them and you are there for them. Be the kind of friend you would want as a friend. 
•Eat some fruits and vegetables, that is all.
•Draw, take pictures, write, doodle, film. Creativity and art makes life beautiful and you will feel amazing having created something.
•Clean your closet, clean your desk, clean your entire room basically. Having a clean and organized space is a reflection of your mind. When everything is organized, your headspace is too. I love spending a good day scrubbing everything and throwing away things I no longer need, its refreshing. 
•Print out your favorite pictures and put them in a scrapbook, having all your best captured memories in a book feels right.
•Yoga is amazing for lifting spirits and getting you in touch with yourself. It teaches you to love your body and pushes your limits, you’ll be surprised at what you can do.
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glo-up-baby ¡ 5 years
1. How to be a bad b!tch
2. Skincare/beauty tips from twitter user @ambitionVEVO
3. Hoe products to try out 
4. Random hoe tips pt.1
5. Random hoe tips pt.2
6, How to look expensive on a budget
7. Even more ways to look expensive for cheap courtesy of the queen Amber Scholl 
8. A hoe’s guide to flirting
9. How to make your skin glow 
10. Real life hoe tips
11. Hoe wisdom - MANIPULATION
12. How to hoe when you’re not a hoe
14. How to have the softest skin + hoe bath & body care routine
15. Tips for treating yourself
16. Self-improvement masterpost
17. Treating body acne
18. Super silky summer legs!
19. 25 common makeup mistakes courtesy of @ImTheBombDotCom on twitter
20. The Bad B!tch Mentality
21. The Bad B!tch Mentality pt.2
22. How to get rid of dark spots : underarms, neck, inner thighs (read description)
23.  Hygiene/beauty masterpost
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glo-up-baby ¡ 5 years
⭐️social life glo ups⭐️
Okay so here are my tips for an amazing social life, things that I learned over the years. Below all of these is a lil backstory on how I figured all this out. Thanks for 500 followers, and thanks for believing in me.
Without further ado, here are my SOCIAL LIFE GLO UP TIPS.
1. START FRESH: for me this was moving to a new school. If you don’t want this kind of crazy extreme catalyst, this simply means start over. Forget all of those embarrassing things of the past haunting you, they’re just dragging you down. Close your eyes and remember that now, these things are irrelevant.
2. DON’T BE AFRAID TO REACH OUT: to the person a year older to you, the opposite gender, the opposite friend group. Your best friend can come in the most unexpected place, they can sit next to you in geometry, they can be the football player in your art class that is only there for the credit. This is especially true for me, I used to hang out with the quirky art kids, and it turns out that those people and I didn’t mesh well, so I’ve moved on to people who appreciate memes even more than I do lol
3. APPEARANCES *DO* MATTER: it sucks, but it’s the truth. You don’t need to look like a model but you NEED to take hygiene and clothing into consideration. For all of middle school I was cringey, I wore flannels and sweatpants and no bra even though I had big boobs. I didn’t do my brows or wear deodorant or wash my hair, hunty I was gross. Now, I do all of those things and more. I work so so hard to present a good image of myself and even though it’s exhausting, it’s worth it.
4. FRIENDS: Shitty friends deserve each other, if you aren’t shitty, you’re better than them. The instant a friend betrays your trust or hurts you, you need to let them go. It doesn’t matter if you knew them for six months or six years, LET THEM GO. I haven’t spoken to my old town friends in ages, and good riddance to them. Don’t be mean, just cut off all contact with them because they aren’t worth it. It’ll be hard. I still feel this deep resentment toward these people and I want to block their numbers and tell them to go and die and whatever but this ties into step one. LET THEM GO. they aren’t worth it.
That’s basically it. I’m happy. But here’s the backstory if you’re feelin up to it.
For all of middle school, I had no social life. All of these people around me had their 1,000 followers on Instagram, their meaningless middle school relationships, and their tight-knit friend group. Meanwhile, I was only in destructive friendships with people who would go out of their way to exclude me from plans, screw me over, and treat me like I was competition.
I grew up in a small town, only 100 kids per grade, and everyone knew each other because their parents meddled in their social lives. Grades were dependent on how active mothers were in the PTSA, your future dependent on how much money your father made per year. Sounds horrible, sounds antifeminist and wrong (which it is), but it was how the town was when I moved there in kindergarten, it’s the same thing now.
Surrounding me were skinny, blonde, white girls with big boobs and Invisalign, and I was a curvy, Puerto Rican girl with uncontrollable curly hair, bad acne, and no real friendships. I don’t think that, in the ten years I lived there, I had a single true friend. Instead, I had people who constantly put me down, treated me horribly, and lied to me. These people were also misfits, they were the artsy crew, the writers-as was I. Not to brag or anything, but for years I was an excellent writer, and countless times my friend would take my ideas and post them on her Tumblr for reblogs, and would take full credit. She never asked me first. People would copy my homework because I was smart, people would borrow my clothes because my mom would find them in old nifty places and they would never give them back. That was my life.
In the sixth grade I developed an eating disorder and started self harming and I was exactly like those rawr xd memes you see and for the rest of middle school I really did struggle with crippling depression. Not a single friend came to my aid in this horrible time, even though they were happy with each other and could feel something other than sadness they didn’t know that I was about to jump in front of traffic on my way home.
Recently, my family reached a point where we needed a bigger house and a better work commute so we packed our bags and moved more upstate. I was terrified, I thought my life was over and I would be this misanthrope thrown into a new school. I was wrong. This move was the best thing that ever happened to me, and now I have a lot of friends, genuine happiness, and a life I’d never take away from myself.
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glo-up-baby ¡ 5 years
My Mother taught me from a young age to never be embarrassed. If you’re afraid of bumping into someone, looking badly, or awkward moments— she insisted it’s much more embarrassing for the other person. See your ugly ex at the grocery store? It’s awkward for them, not you. You made a scene at the nail salon because your nails are nothing like the pic you brought? Humiliating for them bc they need to do better. Learning a technical skill in a group of people? That group of people are shitting their pants! This advice boosted my confidence and trained me to be unapologetic in who I am. Eliminate all fear from your being. The more accepting you are, the more the world opens up to you and opportunities come your way!
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glo-up-baby ¡ 5 years
A year from now, you’ll be happy you started today
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glo-up-baby ¡ 5 years
I have so much potential… i can’t give up on myself.
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glo-up-baby ¡ 5 years
Get your life together
Start by organizing your wardrobe. Throw away or donate anything you don't need and wash what's dirty.
Clean your shoes.
Organize those random drawers that seem to have everything useless.
Clean your space very thoroughly.
Polish mirrors and glass.
Clean out bathroom really well.
Go for a walk.
Wash your sheets
Wear clean pyjamas that you love
Light a candle or incense if you like.
Take a notebook or a paper and write down the goals you want to achieve in the next month, in 3 months and in 6 months.make sure it's organized and pretty so you don't get bored of it.
Write down the traits of the person you want to become.the best version of yourself possible.
Make a vision board of your future self or your future life on Pinterest.
Write a to do list for the next day. Do this everyday. Even when you don't have chores and you just want to have a relaxing day and watch a movie, treat these activities as something that you should do and put a cross it when you're done, it'll make you feel productive.
If you don't know what you want to do with your life yet, surround yourself with people you love and do things that make you happy perhaps that will help you have an epiphany.
Start challenging yourself with things you know you would like. Goals should not always be things that are difficult and you don't like like reading a boring book just because it's gonna make you more sophisticated or losing weight. Set goals that make you happy and more importantly that working towards them is a happy, fun process as well. The things that make us happy should not feel insignificant just because the path to them is somewhat easy.
Vow to yourself that you will do something you've never done before everyday. It can be a small thing, like trying the coffee from a new coffee shop or talking to a stranger or taking a different way home. Anything that makes you feel like you are not imprisoned by your own routine.
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glo-up-baby ¡ 5 years
Glow Up tips
this summer is a great opportunity to glow up on the asses of those who have slept on you. Hope everyone has an amazing come back and that you all get that “ they got hot this summer”
1. drink plenty of water: i know that this is any every “tips post” but it’ll help you maintain a beautiful complexion, fresh breath, help with weight loss, and so so so much more 
2. coconut oil: this is the shit! use it for your hair, your face, your legs ….everything. 
3.exercise: do your squats, eat healthy food. best form of revenge is a super hot body.
4. post so many selfies on social media …. make sure the photos are super dope and look very luxurious and mysterious and fancy and work on getting more followers. i suggest you look through Russian Instagram to find poses and study selfie angles.
5. have a stunning wardrobe: you don’t need lots of money to dress like you’re rich. it’s all about how you combine your clothes together. chose neat, fshionable clothes. velvet is really in this year and so are lace up dresses and t-shirts. Asos has a very wide range of trendy clothes and it’s not too expensive. You also get 10% off if you’re a student. /p>
6.read and watch lots of movies: get educated and informed over the summer. feed your soul with sophistication. read philosophical books or whatever kind you like . watch old movies. 
7. step OUT of your comfort zone: don’t go to bed unless you’ve done something each day that you have never done before. it’ll be a great t boost for your self confidence. i promise!
8.go out, have fun, takes lots of pictures and post them. it doesn’t have to cost much, a simple trip to the beach will do .. just flash that hot hot summer body.
9. be humble, but still, let those bitches know. 
10. meet new people and post selfies with them.
11. get a haircut or change your haircut or whatever as long as you change something, have a makeover.
12. do weekly DIY spa days: you can make your own pedi, amni, body scrub, facial masks with ingredients from your kitchen. 
13.take good good care of yourself and make sure you’re stress free and happy.
14.stay away from people who make you feel like shit.
15. avoid seeing your fake friends and stick to the passive agressive braging snapchat/IG routine.
16.gloooooow from the inside out. 
 17. if you have super dry hair and split ends like me, for the love of whatever you believe in just ditch the hair Iron and hair curler and blow dryer…these are the enemy..I know it’s super hard to do especially if you always style your hair with heat but try to find an alternative and only use heat once a week if you must.
 18. You should probably consult with your doctor(don’t do this if you’re pregnant/breastfeeding/allergic) …I take biotin once a day and honestly my fingernails grow like crazy and they are super strong and long so I don’t put on acrylics…it’s also good for your hair and metabolism.
 19. dry hair ? almond oil and jojoba oil itchy scalp/dandruff ? add a few drops of tea tree oil to your shampoo dull hair ? Mayo . and anything can be solved with coco oil.
 20. tea tree oil is a must for clearing ur acne.
 21. soak your feet in baking soda and water and then use a pumic stone to remove dead skin cells. 
 22. for a deep cleansing mask I mix 1 tablespoon of clay with a few drops of tea tree oil and a tablespoon of cold water. If you have dry skin don’t use tea tree oil and add jojoba oil instead of water.
 23.moisturize your face twice a day after cleaning with grapeseed oil.
 24. for #teamnosleep.. if you have dark circles apply a mask from coffee grinds and almond oil twice a day then rinse witb cold water and moisturize with a good (preferably natural) eye cream.
 25. strech marks ? I’ve got the holy grail. if you have a coffee machine you can reuse the capsules/grinded coffee by emptying it to a container, adding brown sugar and a bit of sesame oil/coconut oil and mix …voila …you have your DIY coffee scrub. leave on for 10 minutes in the shower and use everyday and you will notice your skin begining to repair itself.
26. Your fake friends are treating you like crap and are forgetting your worth?
you are a goddess, you do not deserve to be slept on or even minorly disrespected. Don’t you ever forget that. You should not feel like shit when you are champagne in a crystal glass and they are lukewarm piss in a plastic cup.
do not send them messages wondering why they have changed or start a fight or even send them an angry text, they’ll think they have a worth and actually mean something to you. instead, you ignore them so hard they will even begin doubting their own existence and yet keep posting pics of yourself having fun ( or pretending to have fun) abd be all bougie and uninterested.
 send me your glow up pics dolls and send me more tips🖤🖤
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