queruloustea · 1 year
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i am tired tired tired but i will still offer you some mantis-based sketches from my sketchbook and a bonus hegemol i found too
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adrift-in-thyme · 8 months
Febuwhump Day 4: Obedience (Link/Midna)
CW for blood and injury, torture, and mild body horror
Midna is no stranger to the sound of screams.
Her people had cried out when Zant had taken the throne and transformed her beautiful kingdom into something dark and twisted. Their cries of agony and anguish had echoed in her ears as she fled, a hideous imp, humiliated and furious. And they have remained with her all this time, spurring her onward toward salvation and victory.
But the noise that fills the air now is terrible in its own right. It pierces her skull and sets her heart racing erratically in her chest. And it feels as though it has been going on for eternity.
In reality, however, it has probably only been a few minutes. It doesn’t matter though. Midna has never derived joy from seeing Link suffer. This time is no different.
“Midna,” Zant’s leering voice reaches her ears once more, cascading smoothly over the waning sound of the hero’s hoarse screams. “Be an obedient dear and lend me your power. Do so and your precious, little human need not suffer further.”
Midna’s gaze travels down to where Link kneels mere feet away from her. His body is rigid, held in place by invisible bindings. His cap has fallen a short distance from him; his tunic and pants are splotched with mud, sweat, and blood. Tears stream down his ashen cheeks and well in his eyes, turning their gray the color of a stormy sky. But there is fire in them.
“Don’t,” he gasps, voice painfully ragged. “Please, Midna.”
Zant flicks a hand and the hero tenses further, an agonized whine breaking free.
“Quiet, dog,” he growls. “Count yourself lucky that I have allowed you the dignity of this form rather than letting the twilight have its way with you.”
“Lucky?” Midna shrieks, unable and unwilling to restrain herself. The nerve of this man! Calling himself her king, banishing her from her kingdom, demanding her aid…and now, hurting the hero. Her hero. “Being a human in a twilight realm is excruciating and you know that full well!”
“Come now, Midna,” Zant purrs, rounding her once more. His attempts at sweetness are as sour as his breath. “Calm yourself. This…human is pathetic in comparison to us. He has enjoyed the fruits of his people’s cruelty for far too long. It is time he felt some small portion of what we have endured.”
Midna is seething now. If only she were in her true form. If only she had that shadow crystal. She would rip this monster’s limbs off and cast him into the light-filled world he so detests.
“What we’ve endured?” She spits. “What about the things my people have suffered by your hand? You call yourself their king while you turn them into disgusting beasts!”
She kicks out, struggling against her bonds. But they hold fast, as suffocating and restrictive as this world.
“I have made the kingdom what it long should have been,” Zant replies, tone darkening. “You would have had it fall into obscurity and disrepair. You would have had our people forget all that they have endured because of the light dwellers.
“But you evade the question, my fallen princess. Will you help me or not?”
Link’s eyes find hers. He is breathing hard, shuddering beneath the weight of his own form. And yet, he smiles. It is only the slightest upturn of the lips, like a thread of twilight stretching bravely into the world of light. But Midna sees it all the same.
The word when she speaks it, shatters the momentary silence. She doesn’t have to see him to know Zant’s expression has turned murderous.
(Though, if she’s being honest, does it ever not look murderous? The man is vile.)
Her eyes, however, are only for Link. He is looking at her with pride in his gaze, pride and…maybe the beginnings of something else? She can’t be certain.
Whatever it is, she doesn’t deserve it.
“No?” Zant laughs and it seems to echo in the cavernous space. “Well then. You truly have fallen far Midna, to conspire with light dwellers in such a way. It nauseates me!”
Power surges through the air, a projectile of pure darkness slicing its way toward the hero. The energy it emanates is so dark, so sinister the air reverberates with it.
Midna gasps as she realizes what is about to happen. With an enraged screech, she struggles even harder than before. But she is helpless to stop it.
Darkness, fierce and sharp, collides with Link’s chest. It keeps going, shoving aside flesh and muscle and bone to burrow deep into his heart. His eyes go wide, blood bubbling from his lips as he chokes on a cry.
“This light dweller pretends to care for you and your world,” Zant sneers. “Perhaps, then, he will enjoy internalizing the shadows you inhabit.”
A skull-shattering scream pierces the air. Link thrashes, fighting desperately to get loose. Streaks of black crawl across his skin now, craters of molten obsidian amongst bloodless white.
“I wonder how much he can take before he breaks,” Zant muses.
He twists sleeve-hidden fingers and abruptly, Link crumples. Shadows dance in the air around him as he transforms. And then a beast lays twitching on the ground before her.
“No, stop!” The shout breaks free before she can restrain it.
But Zant doesn’t seem to even hear her. He is too enraptured by his own sadistic glee at Link’s agony.
The shadows around him grow thicker now, more potent. The obsidian marks spread like jagged lines of ink and blood oozes in their wake. They mar the hero’s lush gray coat, trickle into his once-bright eyes.
Midna inhales a ragged breath. If she doesn’t stop this, if she doesn’t act Link will die. That cannot happen.
She needs him to help her save her kingdom and her people. She needs him to save that little country town of his, and the kids who gaze at him like he is the sun itself, and the family he adores despite how they so violently despised his wolf form. She needs him to save the land Zelda has sacrificed so much for, the land Link looks upon with wonder.
She needs…she needs him.
So, she takes a deep breath and focuses. There is a crack, she realizes with a spark of hope, in the magic Zant is using to restrain her. She isn’t certain how she didn’t see it before. Perhaps, it wasn’t even there before.
It doesn’t matter. All that’s important is the way she can exploit it.
Midna forces her hands inside it, pulls it wider and wider until it is a gaping hole. Then, she shoves herself through, shattering her bonds as she does so. And when she opens her eyes once more, she is free.
She hits the ground with a dull thud and scrambles up. Zant whirls to face her, a screech of indignation ringing out as he unsheathes his swords. But she is too fast for him.
Fiery locks fly free, scooping the still-shuddering hero into their silken folds. Magic surges through her panicked and quick. And with a burst of sharp shadows, they are gone.
She lands them in Hyrule Field, for lack of a better place. It is far from most villages at least, with their mindless terror and ready torches. Gently, she lowers Link into the blades of green grass.
She can only hope that the teleportation wasn’t too much for him. But what other choice had she had?
Midna reaches out, ghostly fingers brushing his cheek. The word hitches in her throat, traitorous emotion struggling to break free. Fiercely, she shoves it back down.
“Come on, you idiot! Wake up!”
As if in response, his breath stutters. Gray-blue eyes flutter open, flitting about in a panic before they land on her. He shifts, brushing his nose against her immaterial form. A low whine echoes in his throat.
Midna lets out a shaky sigh. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. He didn’t touch me. Worry about yourself like you should.”
Link huffs a breath, seeming indignant. But his efforts are weak. His usual snark is gone with his strength, sapped by the madman who had sought to use him.
Shaking her head, Midna turns to gaze at the castle that bravely rises past the horizon.
“You just hold on, Link,” she murmurs. “I’ll get you the help you need.”
And after that? She’ll find the might necessary to hurl Zant into the sun.
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lonestarflight · 1 year
Film of Space Shuttle Enterprise landing at Runway 17.
"Separation was initiated by the orbiter crew 49 seconds later. Computer 2 stopped executing at separation. The remaining three computers in the redundant set continued operating properly and the crew took the necessary actions to continue the flight as planned. The orbiter was landed on lakebed runway 17 with touchdown at 15:53:51. Touchdown was approximately 1 mile past the predicted landing point. Free-flight time was 5 minutes and 22 seconds. Steering, braking, and coasting tests were performed during rollout which was approximately 11 000 feet. The altitude profile for free flight 1 is shown in figure 4-1."
Date: August 12, 1977
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st-hedge · 2 years
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*underwater garbled barking*
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oktaviaslabyrinth · 1 year
Lakebed Temple // The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (2006)
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zeldamnonanza · 1 year
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Linktober Day 2 - Temple
The entrance to the Lakebed Temple from Twilight Princess
Also posted on my Art Instagram - MyThighIsArt
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cowbrain · 3 months
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my fathoms are AWESOME
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i think a few people wanted me to keep updating on how my singleplayer is going so here's a before and after shot of my recent lake shore terraforming project + bonus layout of my starter base 😂😂 its not anywhere near done, but im really pleased with the shape it's taking so far!!!!
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puppygirlpencil · 2 years
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Get a load of this guy
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pangeen · 2 years
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“ Utah “ // Johnny Kim
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beingatoaster · 11 months
the DM: you are the only one who sees the 11 Plesiosaurs approaching the party. What do you do? me, currently a giant octopus: I ink myself.
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spinus-pinus · 2 months
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Burrowing Owl Athene cunicularia
8/12/2022 Salton Sea, California
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adrift-in-thyme · 10 months
I had the weirdest dream last night
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lonestarflight · 11 months
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Space Shuttle Enterprise glides toward the runway during her 5th and final Free Flight of the Approach Landing Test.
Date: October 26, 1977
NASA ID: EC77-8854, S77-30023, EC77-9036, EC77-9037, S77-30393, EC77-9082, EC77-8852, S77-30393
San Diego Air and Space Museum: 55780791
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sharlmbracta · 7 months
hell yeah
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devondespresso · 1 year
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