#guy just absorbs the necessary oxygen out of the water
puppygirlpencil · 2 years
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Get a load of this guy
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teatitty · 4 years
Decided to do a little lore post about Johnny’s powers because I did them for DC so I might as well do Marvel as well!
Plasma Form: this is when Johnny is on fire! He’s actually engulfed in a fiery plasma that usually sits at about 780F/415C but he can change the heat accordingly. The form uses very little energy but the hotter he gets the more energy it consumes. He’s also not meant to be solid in this form and objects can pass right through him if they don’t get melted first! Varies by writer but ya know
Pyrokinesis: everyone probably knows what this is but it’s when Johnny generates shapes composed of fire (like a lasso or his sky writing). They generally burn for around 3 minutes unless he constantly supplies energy to them and sit at around the melting point of iron
Nova Flame: okay now EVERYONE knows about this one! We have no idea how hot he can actually get his Nova to go (the highest it’s been shown so far is 1 Million F/ 55 Thousand C) but we do know that he can burn for 16.4 hours straight in this state and that the devastation from it can reach at least 900 feet in diameter, so it’s been compared to that of a nuclear warhead detonation. When he goes “nova” he exhausts all of his fire power and is only left with the necessary amount of energy he needs to live and it takes him around 12 hours to completely recover from this, which means he’s probably suuuuuper dehydrated and hungry as fuck afterwards
Flight: Because his plasma has a high hydrogen content he’s basically surrounded by a “hot cloud” that lets him float! With enough mental stimulation, he can provide enough “lift” to carry up to 180 pounds. His normal flight speed is around 140 MPH but, while on Earth’s orbit, he’s completely capable of going fast enough to catch up to beings like the Silver Surfer
Thermokinesis: This one doesn’t get talked about enough imo! He can mentally control the heat energy in his immediate vicinity even when not aflame himself! His radius of influence is about 80 ft and within that radius he can: reduce an objects heat to 30F/-1C, raise the temp several hundred degrees and extinguish open flames. If he takes in enough fire while not alight himself he will, eventually, light up anyway lol. The exact limit to the amount of flame he can absorb before it becomes harmful to him is unknown but it’s definitely A Lot. Thermokinesis is also how he beat She-Hulk once! He raised her body temp so high that he got rid of all the moisture in her body and she passed out from dehydration!
Immunity to Fire and Heat: I mean this one is obvious but he literally can’t get burned or scalded by any kind of heat source unless the temp is above that of his max output 
Superhuman Durability: Johnny is suprisingly quite durable! He can shake off a punch from Gladiator and has even taken multiple punches from Namor!
Expert Mechanic: Well on top of being a pro race car driver Johnny has been an expert mechanic since he was a teen, able to totally overhaul a cars transmission by the age of 15. His design and mechanical understanding went into the creation of the Fantasticar Model-2
Strength Level: Johnny himself isn’t all that physically strong, he’s about average for a guy of his age, height and build
Weaknesses! Oh boy
Okay so Johnny has a couple of weaknesses, Energy Depletion being the big one when he goes Nova. His other weaknesses are:
Fire Extinguishing: Specifically he can’t stay on fire in places without oxygen so if you cut that off somehow well...yeah. It can also be extinguished by “smothering materials” such as water, sand, fire-fighting foam and heat-resistant blankets, unless his temp is so high that he just. Vaporizes that stuff on contact. He can turn up to 5 gallons of water to steam with ease though so the best way to use water with him is to, like, drop him into the ocean or smth 
Physical Condition: Physical health, injury and exhaustion all play a factor into what he’s capable of doing
F4 Synergy: Okay so basically the F4 are actually tethered to eachother and act as conduits of power. They can be separated in their own universe and retain this connection, but if they go too long apart in other universes they suffer a gradual decline in power and may even become completely powerless as a result
PTSD: I do not count this as a weakness but Johnny does canonically have N-Zone related PTSD it’s just never been properly explored and has only been mentioned maybe a handful of times
Extra Notes: Johnny literally just burns off any grime, dirt or germs when he flames on so he’s literally never had the actual need to shower or brush his teeth since he got his powers because he’s a lucky son of a bitch
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stroni-bomb · 5 years
Siren!Taeil: Eye of the Beholder {1}
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❃ Taeil didn’t know which was worse: being a male in a family of purely female sirens or being a rare phenomenon in a group of ‘normals’. He never had it easy growing up and going against everything which makes a siren didn’t make it any easier. He would always be thankful for that fateful day when Angel!Taeyong saved him. However when a certain individual puts all of N City on their toes as they’re a risk to another citizen’s life, why can’t Taeil feel nothing except sympathy towards her instead of the hatred the other’s hold? ❃
"Taeil," Taeyong gently shook the older brother and gave him a warm smile as his tired eyelids fluttered open. "You can go to bed now. Y/N's asleep, I've got everything under control."
He quickly checked on your sleeping figure in the infirmary bed. He didn't know how long he was out but he was certain that you were awake the last time he saw you. Slowly he stood up, giving a small thanks to Taeyong before leaving the infirmary room. He wouldn't go to bed, he didn't need to, all he did need was some fresh air and thinking time.
Quietly, avoiding waking up any of the other residents, he made his way through the dimly lit corridors until finding the back door. Sliding it open carefully he tiptoed out, allowing the cool midnight breeze to blow on his face. It was a quick walk to the lake. Well it was more of a stream really.
As he reached the water's edge he finally sat down with the grass underneath him, occasionally the wind would move the grass in such a way that it'd dance in between his fingers, lightly tickling him. He had an urge to shift into his siren form but decided against it, knowing the younger boys they're probably spying on him right now from their bedroom windows.
He brought his head down to the grass and lay there, silently. The grass moulded underneath him, leaving his temporary mark into the land. He could hear the lake gently lapping against the bed, running further and further upstream. There was probably a river somewhere nearby, acting out as a branch into the wide and vast ocean.
Ocean. That word alone reminded him of...home. Could he really call it a home though?
It always surprised him how he even managed to survive. No one had realised he was different until he was six, when sirens get their human form. His once loving family turned on him just like that. Why? He was a young boy, not a girl.
He had loved where he lived. The small, grassy cove reached out onto the beach. The grass had a different feel to the one that grew at N City, it was more...rough. Pretty much summed up his whole childhood. At first it'd start with the girls his age, pushing and shoving. As soon as Taeil retaliated though that's when the older sirens began to torture him.
They left scars but they were easy to hide with clothes, he couldn't say the same for his siren form. That's why he refuses unless necessary, he doesn't need his friends to see him like that.
"Taeil hyung!" A young voice yelled out, his feet flattening the grass beneath each stride. This was someone who didn't care if he woke others. Donghyuck. "What are you doing out here?"
Taeil quickly wiped a stray tear and lifted himself up from the ground. Donghyuck bounded into him, wrapping his arms around his elder brother. He awkwardly returned the affection, he himself wasn't much of a skinship person.
"It's cold out here," Hyuck shivered as he pulled away. Taeil noticed he was barefoot and only wearing shorts with a thin, white shirt.
There was a moment of silence between the two. A chilling breeze blew passed them both, pinching their revealed skin. Hyuck quickly brought his hands to his upper arms and rubbed in a sad attempt to warm himself up.
"You didn't need to come out," Taeil eventually smiled and brought an arm around Hyuck's shoulders. "I was just getting some air before going to bed but let's get inside now. You're right, it's freezing."
Maneuvering back into the mansion Hyuck looked up in awe at Taeil. He didn't say anything, he knew Taeil wouldn't talk about this stuff with him but he had so much hurt in his eyes, so much pain, yet kept it inside and kept being his jokey self. Much like himself. He admired Taeil for that.
After walking Hyuck back up to his room which he shared with Jaemin and Renjun Taeil finally collapsed into his bed. He had to resist the urge not to run back to your infirmary room and go to bed in the chair again, just so he could be there for her when she woke up. Maybe he was being too attentive though so he decided against it, he didn't want to give others the wrong idea.
Settling down under his duvet and forcing his past memories out of his mind Taeil was finally able to sleep. Before he was completely gone a small smile sketched onto his features as a quick image of you fluttered through his mind. You were sleeping, safe and sound in the infirmary two floors below him, a smile which mirrored his own blessing your delicate features.
"TAEIL GET UP WE NEED YOU!" A series of knocks hammered at his door as various voices yelled his name. As of yet he was in no real hurry to get up, usually when this happened -and it tended to happen a lot in a house with the devil himself in it- there ended up being no real threat but instead a cream pie waiting to smack him in the face.
Now he was up. If his fate did end up being a cream pie then he can bet that whoever the pranker was would soon become the prankee.
Dashing into your infirmary room with a sense of urgency he immediately went to your side. You were out cold, pale and seemingly unresponsive.
Taeil's eyes scanned the faces which accompanied him in the room: Taeyong, Doyoung, Jaehyun and ... Mingcheng. Quickly doing a body scan of the latter he released a sigh of relief- she was carrying no weapons and she didn't seem triumphant. Always a good sign.
"Taeyong what happened? How did her vitals drop so drastically you told me she was doing fine!" Taeil questioned, he knew he should have never left your side, screw the attentive nonsense he would've been there for you when you needed him most.
"Her heart and breathing rate dropped after another... episode. We've put her on oxygen but we aren't medics Taeil, this type of healing is beyond my powers. I heal bones. Not curses," Taeyong said sternly, not appreciating Taeil's seemingly ungrateful tone.
He took note of the oxygen mask and evaluated your chest movements, not quite how he'd like it but assumed it was an improvement.
Suddenly a pang of realisation hit him, how he had forgotten the most important piece of information he didn't know. "Episode? Is Nev okay, what happened?"
"About time grandpa. She's fine, shaken up but fine. Your little friend here tried to kill her she's lucky she-"
"She tried to kill her Taeyong? But I thought she was bed ridden," it was more of a observation than a question, although he failed to observe the very obvious glares which Mingcheng was shooting through him.
"Did he just interrupt me?" She hissed to her mate, Jaehyun, evidently pissed off.
"He's on edge babe-" "He'll be on the edge of my foo-"
"Jaehyun. Mingcheng. Please go check on Nev and Leon, shoot I should really check on Leon...Taeil, could you give me a second? Come on you two," Taeil just nodded, not watching the three of them leave and not giving Doyoung much of his attention either. His full focus was on you, this wasn't the secure figure he pictured last night, no this was the exact opposite.
There was a gentle silence which occasionally was interrupted by the sound of the heart monitor. Every time a sharp 'beep' pierced through the air Taeil would look up and check your heart rate, noting down if there was an improvement or not every time mainly for his own sanity. He was so absorbed in...You, that he forgot about Doyoung who was sat on the chair opposite the bed, checking out his older brother's behaviour and gentleness regarding you.
"Why do you like her so much?" He suddenly questioned, cocking on eyebrow in a way which Taeil couldn't stand, as if Doyoung had just figured out his entire life story by watching him for five minutes.
"I have no clue what you're on about," Taeil dismissed by shaking his head. "Who's Leon?"
"Just some Lion girl who's been stabbed or shot can't remember the exact details, brought some half wolf dude with her or something too. Now answer my question." Doyoung leaned back in his chair now, his long legs outstretched across the floor.
"You should really pay attention to the people Taeyong saves. Maybe then people will like you?" Taeil sniped back, mimicking his younger brother's actions as he leant back in his chair. Debating whether to stretch out his legs too he decided against it, he was much smaller than Doyoung and didn't need to prove it.
"What's the point? They looked like a total mad show anyway. I don't waste my breath on obviously crazy people."
"Yet you ended up living with sixteen of them, now more if you count the mates. You should loosen up, you're stressed," Taeil smiled as Doyoung chuckled to himself. He had got him there, the residents at N CITY were far from sane.
"I should say the same for you hyung, you should let us in and not push us away when we ask you stuff," now Doyoung had evened out the score. Taeil couldn't think of a reply and the sharp 'beep' of your machine left him unable to think straight anyway as he quickly noted down the results.
"I'm gonna check on Lion Girl and Wolf Boy, call us if anything happens okay?"
Taeil just nodded in response, "see you wizard boy," he smirked as the door clicked behind Doyoung as he left him by himself with you by his side.
He liked the thought of that, you standing by his side, just the thought of you standing without needing support made him happy.
He wanted you to be happy but this was just the sympathy talking... right?
That's chapter one guys 🤪 hoped you enjoyed and give my boy Taeil some love 💝 -Stroni-
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dobseventeen · 6 years
It’s You: Chapter 4
A/N: I’M BACK FROM VACATION. Thanks for being patient with me, I know it’s been a minute since I’ve updated. I actually put a lot of work (and emotion) into this chapter, so it’d be great to get some feedback on it! HUGE SHOUTOUT to my main bitch @lietomeat3am for helping me edit/word some things, idk what I’d do without your angsty ass. 
Enjoy babes, thanks for reading! 💓
Word Count: 3,263
Pairing: Thomas/Reader
Warnings: Cussing, angst, general sadness, character death :(
Previous Chapter: Chapter 3
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The following weeks were nothing short of difficult for you. The feelings you had begun to develop for Thomas had progressed from confusion, to you finally admitting to yourself that you not only had a thing for him, but felt irretrievably drawn to him, which frustrated you to no end. The realistic and logical part of you knew you were being ridiculous and that you should be doing everything in your power to move past whatever was happening with Thomas, but you couldn’t help yourself from smiling at the sound of his radiant laugh from across the glade, or stealing glances at him every so often at dinner, or feeling completely and utterly safe when he was around. 
You were so caught up in your own head, that all the longing looks, the subtle smiles whenever you walked into the room, the way he always seemed to zone out just listening to the sound of your voice, were unnoticed.
Teresa ended up half-heartedly apologizing to you, mostly for Thomas’ sake, although nothing really changed. She still felt the need to mark her territory anytime you were around, but you hadn’t been involved in anymore screaming matches since the morning you woke up across from Thomas, so you supposed that was a plus. 
You had become very good at putting on a brave face and turning the other cheek anytime you would see Thomas and Teresa together, even though you could feel your heart being ripped a little more each time you saw his hands around her waist. Every quick kiss on the cheek, every brush of her hair behind her ear, and every “I love you” were seen by you from a distance, through teary eyes that you’d instantly blink away, in hopes that your anguish would be masked. And up until earlier this week, you had thought you had been doing a  good enough job and that no one had noticed, but leave it Newt to crack your tough exterior. 
DAY 53
“Do you wanna tell me why you’ve been sitting alone out here for the last hour?” your blonde friend asked as he sat down in the grass next to you. 
You flashed him a pitiful excuse of a smile, “Hey, Newt. Just a lot on my mind, I guess...” you trailed off, knowing damn well why you were sitting here looking up at the names of the gladers that have been lost over the years, dusk consuming the sky above you. 
It had been exactly two years since Thomas came up in the box, and the majority of the gladers felt it necessary to throw a party; one in which everyone gets way too drunk off of Gally’s infamous drink. The last thing you wanted to do was be surrounded by people who were celebrating the man you had undoubtedly begun falling for, while he held hands with the girl who managed to wrap him around her finger, so you escaped to the concrete memorial on the other side of the glade. 
“Yeah, I can tell. I’ve been able to tell for the last month. Spill it, Y/N. I hate seeing you like this.” Newt questioned, a concerned tone to his voice. 
You looked at him reluctantly, not knowing how to put your ordeal into words. 
“I know it has something to do with Thomas.” he said lowly, his eyes not moving from the etched concrete in front of him. 
“Yeah... it has everything to do with Thomas, actually.” you mumbled, his name leaving your lips causing your heart to skip a beat.
“Are you finally seeing the connection thing I was telling you about?” he asked in an almost relieved manner.
“I’m not just seeing it Newt... I’m being completely consumed by it.” you murmured as your head lowered, hands playing with a few blades of grass. 
His head snapped to look at you, obviously taken by surprise at your rare admittance of emotions. 
“Care to elaborate?” he asked gently, a small sigh being elicited from you. 
“It’s like a constant need to catch my breath. When I’m not around him, it’s like I can’t find a way to get enough air. And when I see her in his arms, it’s like all the oxygen in the world couldn’t cure the emptiness in my chest... But when I’m around him, talking to him, seeing him smile, it’s like I’ve been drowning and he’s saved me-- I can breathe again.” you spoke with hesitance, the pain from speaking the words aloud having a bigger effect on you than you anticipated.
“And you know what the worst part is? I feel like I have no control over it. My mind is screaming at me to get the fuck over it, but my heart won’t budge. And to put the cherry on top of it all, he is perfectly happy with Teresa and has no idea I’m over here dying, or you know, metaphorically drowning... and I don’t know how much longer I can tread in this dangerous water.” you added, now looking up at the moon that was beginning to rise in the sky.
Newt was now looking at you, mouth agape in shock at your confession. He took a few deep breaths before turning to face you.
“Y/N, I... I don’t know what to say. I knew that there was something going on, but I didn’t realize just how bad it had done you in.” he said softly, still trying to come up with any kind of advice. 
“I’m not Thomas, so I can’t tell you what his feelings or thoughts are, but I can promise you that it’s not as black and white as you think. Teresa is really good at painting a pretty picture for the world, but behind closed doors, it’s a different story. It’s not my place to tell, but the bottom line is that things aren’t that great between them, and as hard as it is to hold on to something so painful, don’t give up hope. You obviously feel like this for a reason, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Thomas was feeling a similar kind of way.” he spoke with a hint of confidence in his voice, which gave you a dose of reassurance you didn’t realize you needed. 
You were silent for a few moments, absorbing the words that your friend just delivered. You found yourself counting the stars that began lighting up the sky above you, thinking about the life you had before the maze. You wondered if you had ever experienced pain like this in your past life, or if this was the first time and maybe that’s why it hurt so bad. You wondered if you had ever experienced intense emotions like this for someone before, and if so, you hoped it was reciprocated and not one-sided like your current situation. You wondered if you knew someone like Thomas, someone so strong and captivating and brave... everyone should know someone like that at some point in their life. 
“Do you really think he could have any kind of non-platonic feelings, or are you just saying that?” you asked quietly, hating that you had reached this point of searching for desperate answers in your friend. 
“I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it.” he spoke clearly.
Newt left after awhile, the intense conversation dwindling down to normal small talk. You stayed for another thirty minutes or so, watching the party from afar. The bonfire cast a beautiful glow on the scene, illuminating the gladers that were gathered around. You couldn’t help but smile watching all your friends laugh and let loose, something that didn’t happen often in the glade. But when your eyes fell on Thomas’ lips kissing Teresa goodnight on her way to leave the party, the familiar ache of heartbreak returned to your chest, tears stinging your eyes. You tilted your head back in effort to keep them from falling, breathing now rapid and shallow. 
“Damn it, Y/N. Get it together, you’re so much stronger than this.” you spoke aloud, anger surging through you. You weren’t sure exactly why you were angry; maybe because you let yourself cry over a guy who could care less, or maybe because you were stuck in a heart-wrenching position that you couldn’t break free of.
Much to your dismay, the tears fell anyway. You stood up quickly, needing to be in alone in your room before the emotional episode threatened to get worse. You walked steadfastly towards the small huts that unfortunately resided on the other side of the glade, past the bonfire. In attempt to avoid anyone and everyone, you walked along the perimeter of the buildings, as far away from the party as possible. 
The tears were still streaming down your face, your hands working skillfully to wipe them away the second they emerged, when you ran into something--not something, someone.
The second you collided with his chest, your body was slammed with a wave of strange comfort that you were not in anyway expecting in that moment. You hadn’t seen the face of the person whose arms were now holding you up, but you had a pretty good idea. You looked up and were met with the whiskey eyes you had dreamed about every night for the last month, bringing a surge of emotions with them; anxiety, sadness, nervousness, fright, anger... hope. You pullled away quickly to wipe the tears from your face, instantly missing Thomas’ touch on the soft skin of your arms.
“I-uhm, I’m sorry. I should’ve looked where I was walking.” you mumbled as you wiped your face, looking down at the ground beneath your fidgeting feet.
“It’s fine, Y/N. Are you okay? You look like you’ve been crying...” he said softly, his gaze boring into you as he took a step closer. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s nothing.” you said a little more clearly, an cold edge to your voice.  
When you finally looked up at him fully, he felt his heart drop in his chest. Seeing you so hurt, broken, and teary eyed was something he never wanted to witness. He couldn’t deny the growing feelings he had for you, even though he wasn’t sure if “feelings” was the correct term. Could he have feelings for someone else while he was in a relationship? And if not, then what do you call the need to always make sure the other person is okay, even if from a distance? What do you call the feeling you get when you see them walk into a room, and your entire mood shifts? What do you call the feeling of sadness when you see them unhappy? What do you call the excruciating feeling of seeing tears streaming down their face?
“Y/N... you can talk to me.” he whispered lowly, taking another step closer to you.
With each step he took closer to you and each soothing word that left his lips, your anxiety, and anger towards the whole situation, would increase ten-fold, making it almost unbearable to be in the situation any longer. Yet, you found it ironic that all you wanted in the moment was to collapse into his caring embrace. 
Unfortunately, that feeling lasted for only a few seconds, anger undoubtedly taking it’s place. You honestly weren’t sure why, but you were suddenly over taken with rage over the whole predicament you found yourself in with Thomas. He was the only person to ever make you feel this low, and at that point, you had had enough. 
“You know what, Thomas? Leave me the fuck alone. I actually can’t talk to you, because I can’t even look at you without feeling the hatred your girlfriend has for me, which doesn’t seem to affect you in the slightest, by the way. And I think we both know if she saw you breathing the same air as me, you’d both be fighting for days. So I’m gonna leave and you go find your girl, for both of our sakes.” you spoke harshly as you wiped tears from your eyes, anger and sadness ultimately getting the best of you.
“But I-I just want to make sure you’re oka-” you cut him off.
“No, Thomas, I’m not okay! I’m not okay and there is nothing I can do to fix it. You’re the last person that I can talk to about it anyways, so just drop it and go find Teresa, I’m sure she’s looking for you.” your words were laced with venom as you stepped past him, your heart shattering more and more with each step you took away from him. 
Thomas stood there, paralyzed by your bitter confrontation. Not only was he unprepared for your outburst, but he was completely taken aback by it. He didn’t know what to think in the moment. Why were you so mad at him? What made you so upset in the first place? Why was he the one person you couldn’t talk about it with? He felt more pain than he thought possible, and he was beginning to wonder if the “feelings” he’d been getting for you had something to do with it. 
Thomas went to bed that night with his mind running nonstop, thinking about you and the encounter that had happened. He was determined to get some answers, no matter what it took...
DAY 58
A lot had happened in the glade since the night you fell into Thomas’ arms. 
You avoided him at all costs, seeing his face bringing up too many unwanted, visceral emotions. Not only was it agonizing to be around him, but it was confusing too. One minute you were immensely angry because he made you feel this way, and the next you were heartbroken because you hopelessly wanted to be the one in his arms. You knew damn well that both of these outlooks were pitiful and unreasonable, but you simply didn’t care. It was your own internal battle anyway, right? 
Thomas on the other hand, was enduring his own kind of suffering. Not only was he having the regular issues with Teresa, but he was slowly being consumed by his growing theories behind the confrontation he had with you. He didn’t even fight with Teresa anymore, he simply let her yell at him while his mind wandered off to you. He thought about the words you said, repeating them in his head over and over again, trying to understand the meaning behind them. “I’m not okay and there is nothing I can do to fix it. You’re the last person that I can talk to about it anyways.” 
He could feel his presence in his relationship slipping, and he honestly didn’t care. He hated how exhausting it was to be with Teresa, and he wasn’t sure how much more he could take. His longing to understand your torment was beginning to take up more of his mental space than the need to continually reaffirm his crumbling relationship, and it was concerning to him how easy it was to let the change of mentality to transpire. 
Both of your personal thoughts, along with every other glader’s, were brought to a halt the day Ben stammered out of the woods, a demented look in his eyes as he chased Thomas. The second he had to be knocked out with a shovel, confirmed what you all had feared; he’d been stung. 
His banishing to the maze was nothing short of torturesome. Ben was a good friend to all, and it was agonizing to watch him being forced out into the maze, body covered in purple and black contusions and swellings, eyes dark, skin pale. 
Once the walls closed, a solemn ambiance fell across the glade, no one muttering more than a few words for a remainder of the evening. From your bed that night, you could hear the metal hitting the concrete from across the glade; Ben’s name being crossed out, joining the others who have perished in this hell of a maze. You thought back to the day in the tent when Ben told you his thoughts on Thomas and the way he reassured you that your feelings were valid. It broke your heart that you never got the chance to thank him. 
“Thank you, Ben.” you said quietly into the darkness of your hut, the clanging of metal still ringing through the brisk night air.  
The following day started with a glade-wide meeting, everyone’s attendance necessary. When a tragedy like this happened, there was always a conversation the following day that gave people an opportunity to mourn the lost. But more importantly, this assemblage took place to discuss the transfer of responsibilities that the fallen glader had. With how quickly things changed in the glade, it was important to keep things running smoothly. Normally this change of job for someone was nothing more than a planter switching to a cook, or a builder switching to a tree chopper. But occasionally, it would be a major switch...
After all the kinds words and stories had been shared on Ben’s behalf, Newt and Alby moved to the front of the crowd.
“Thank you all for your caring and compassionate testimonies, Ben was a great man, and even better friend. He will be deeply missed by all of us.” Alby said clearly, his voice slightly hitching towards the end. 
“As you all know, it is now time to pass his position as a runner off to someone. We need at least three people running at all times, for safety and efficiency.” Newt said loudly, addressing the entire room. 
“We thought this would be a difficult decision, but after deeply considering it, we realized it may have been one of the easier decisions we’ve had to make.” Alby added, confidence apparent in his voice. 
Newt cleared his throat before taking a step forward into the small aisle way between the rows of seats.
“We have decided that Y/N will take Ben’s place as a runner. After her impressive dash to save him during his seizure, and the referral from another runner that was given to us last night, we’re confident she is the best choice to fill the position.” Newt spoke sincerely, a small smile landing on his face once he finished.
Upon hearing his words, your stomach dropped to the floor, your mind running a mile a minute. WHAT THE FUCK. WHY would they pick me? I’m not cut out to be a runner. I can’t possibly work with Thomas every single day. 
Then your focus flashed to something Newt had said, “the referral from another runner that was given to us last night.”. You knew it had to be Thomas, he was the only one to have seen you run through the maze. Why would he do that, why would he willingly want to work with me, knowing Teresa would kill him, knowing the words I said to him earlier this week. WHY?
Everyone’s eyes were now glued to you. Most were encouraging, but there was one set of eyes that were burning into you like a flame from a few rows in front of you-- Teresa. 
What you didn’t notice though, was the smile that flashed across Thomas’ face when Newt announced your name, and the way his eyes were now brightly gleaming at you. 
He knew exactly what he was doing, and he wasn’t sure what the repercussions would be, but he knew he couldn’t take anymore days not filled with your soothing voice, angelic laugh, and radiant presence. 
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Thanks for reading, please let know what you think! :-)
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qwerty-the-duck · 6 years
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‘Cuz this post bouta be hella long, Imma out the text under the cut ^U^
Also, here’s the link to some background info to the story for these characters
Welcome To LSS!
So, as you can see I separated these twenty OC’s into 5 groups. I will be going down the groups and from left to right through the characters. But, first a few disclaimers. 
A) I did not draw these in the order that I am introducing them, and my art is already pretty inconsistent so…sorry?
B) These are only the first 20 characters that directly interacted (or are) the main characters of the story. The reasoning was explained in an earlier post
C) All art was done digitally on Medibang, a free art program.
D) As we go down the list the explanations and descriptions of the characters will become vaguer, but I am always down to answer any questions.
E) Lastly, I am not planning on posting any of my writing soon after this post so I will be being less careful about spoilers in this post. I am still going to avoid major things though, so yeah.
At the top is the main four characters, which is why they have full bodies instead of just busts.
Alecs. She is eighteen years old, technically, and is just over five feet tall (153cm.) She has silver (not gray) hair that is lazily parted to one side. Due to a necessary “procedure,” she only has one purple/pink eye. The other is just a socket filled with a special worm, thus eyepatch. She is not a full human, and her body is sexless. She doesn’t really have a gender and doesn’t have sexuality either (as stated before she is not a sexual being) and other people use She/her pronouns but she doesn’t actually care herself. Her body is feminine shaped but a little extra chub on her.
She is quiet and observant. Her emotions are very compact and she really only gets angry when someone is talking sh*t about Bee. She is illiterate and not very knowledgable of the world, making her very dependent on Bee whenever they go on a mission or travel. She isn’t a mean or malicious person but she isn’t altruistic either, really only doing things when she is asked to. She also keeps Bee focused and tries to keep him from starting drama.
She used an old fashioned sword for fighting for a few reasons. One, she has never been practically trained so it’s easy to just swing around. Two, the sword is made of reinforced materials that balance out her overwhelming strength. Three, it was a gift from Bee (daw.)
Being as she is not a real human, her mutations are a little strange. Her offensive mutation is just raw power. She has overwhelming strength due to her body being made mostly of just straight hyper-radiation. Her defensive mutation is endless regeneration, that’s right, she literally cannot die. I want to point out that while she does sound OP, she doesn’t actually do a lot of fighting and can only act when Bee allows her to. 
Alecs gets assigned to the Black Department. She was originally assigned to red, but her lack of social skills and her apathetic attitude lead to concern and she was then moved to Black.
Bee (Benson) (My personal fav) - He is thirty-two years old, and is pretty tall, around six-six (201cm) He has white hair slicked back on top with it shaved on the sides and black (Yes it grows that way naturally, and it actually serves as vital tell of his character) and blue eyes. He often wears dopey and bright clothing with some utility, such as large pocketed pants and boots. Often on his wrist are his dog tags. He has a scar on his left eye that cuts through his black brow. His teeth are jagged and sharp. He is muscular and toned, having a bit of heft to his body. He is our gay son and I love him with my whole being. And he is cisgender male. 
He is the guy who is always smiling. His light humorous attitude comes through is any circumstance and sometimes leads to other people becoming irritated or offended. He is humble but cocky at the sometimes, only speaking the honest truth about situations. He is a bit of a loveable asshole, constantly taking the piss out of a person or situation. He’s a great teammate but performs better alone, often taking is out route in a plan without risking others. He pretty much takes care of Alecs as like an older brother but isn’t always great at it. 
Bee uses his bare fists to fight. He is part of the “military” - an elite selection of mutants who handle tasks deemed too difficult for other citizens to handle. He is well versed in several weapons and fighting styles but a more mixed style of hand-to-hand works best with his mutations and personality on the field. 
Bee is a Clan Breed mutant. His two powers stem from his one mutation. Due to his role in the military, his mutation has been named by his comrades and authorities. His mutation (named Beelzebub) allows him to convert multiple forms of energy into his own, most efficiently through ingestion. The offensive power from this is the ability to use this as his own strength, literally, like, he is strong boi. His defensive power is a little cheat. Not only can he absorb the energy from the attack, negating damage, but he can also use energy to heal injuries and combat fatigue. But with such a one-sided power there is always a catch. He does have to be careful since his power does originally come from hyper-radiation. While he can use other forms of energy, his body depends on HR, when he loses too much he falls into a primal type of state and just kinda tries to eat everything. This leads to Bee depending mostly on his military and physical training over the use of his powers.
Bee is in the Red department. His prowess for battle, as well as the versatility of his mutation, made him a great battle asset. (The the fact that he is Military would have told them that but whatever.)
Kat - Kat is an unknown age and is five-ten in height (177cm.) She has bright purple hair (yes, naturally) and medium brown eyes. She has a slimmer build but is toned. On her sides are zipper-like black shapes that run from her navel around her back to the other side.  When fighting, she often wears smaller articles of clothing, due to her defensive mutation, but otherwise, she wears casual, lounging clothes. Kat is pansexual and is in a relationship with Ric. She is cisgender female but can change to a male-sex body if need be.
Kat is a kind person if you are kind to her. She is a mutual respect kind of woman who is stern, cool and collected but has a big heart. She is like the vodka aunt but more responsible. She has an unexplained knowledge of the history of the world.
Kat has a combat knife but is able to manage with several types of weapons and uses her offensive mutation to turn whatever surrounding objects into a weapon. She joined the department a long time before the beginning of my story so she already has a lot of experience with how it works. 
Kats offensive mutation is the ability to change the shape of objects. She cannot change the mass of said material but can change its density, size, and shape to make weapons, tools, etc. She cannot change the basic compounds of things either. Iron cannot be changed to water etc. And also cannot change the state of matter of an object against its nature. She cannot make room temperature water into ice or solidify oxygen. Her defensive mutation is the ability to "shed her skin" With this she can heal simple injuries as well as change her appearance. She can change everything but her skin color and hair color. However, she can only shed once a day and will have to later revert back to her natural body. 
Kat was formerly a member of the white department, her transformation ability seen as a valuable resource for field support. But, since she has been a member of Central for so long she is qualified as a freelance member who can come and go as she pleases. 
Ric (the edge lord) - He is twenty-five years old and stands at five-seven (170 cm.) His hair is pitch-black. It is actually so dark that it seems to absorb the light from around him. He slicks his hair back to keep the dark shadows from covering his face. His eyes are a similar black darkening the whites of his eyes around his iris. Ric is lean, slightly lanky as isn’t as muscular as Kat or Bee. Due to his past and constantly being dirty and wearing hospital garbs, he is now slightly obsessed with wearing neater, collected clothing..thus suit. He also wears a brown leather gun harness around his chest when battling. Ric is a panromantic asexual. He is in a happy relationship with Kat and is a cisguy
Ric is a reserved, cynical person. His past lead him to miss proper people skills. Not to the extreme that he doesn’t know how to communicate or is clueless, he just very brash and direct. He would rather not talk to people if need be. He is nice though and does has a heroic part of his personality, finding himself helping strangers when he can. He is very calm and collected...on the outside. He is a very anxiety-filled guy who is constantly watching his surroundings. This causes him to overthink a lot and sometimes find himself overwhelmed. Both Kat and Ai help to keep him calm. Ai is an identity in Ric’s brain (no, this is not an attempt at DID or schizophrenia or anything and I try to make that clear is the story as well) who helps Ric process and organize his rampant thoughts. 
Ric battles using two specially made guns loaded with bullets that disrupt hyper-radiation. They were made by Kat and often have to be repaired due to Ric’s excessive use of the guns as blunt melee weaponry. Ric is also incredibly intelligent and can quickly make plans in his head with his observations and quick thinking.
Ric was originally born a nonmutant but his crazy-ass dad found a way to save him just before he turns into a “zombie” and this also resulted in very broken powers developing. His offensive mutation is the ability to turn of the subconscious hesitation in the human body that keeps him from using his full strength. In simple terms, he can push his body past the breaking point to use the high levels of strength that would normally be held back. This power does destroy his body when he uses it so he has to be careful when decided to use it. His defensive ability is a good combo with his offensive, however. He can heal any wound that he can reset or hold shut. So he can heal bones, semi-deep cuts and low-level amputations like fingers or a hand. He can’t heal damage to internal organs, his brain, or missing limbs like arms or legs. 
Ric is put in the Blue department. His exam was actually sabotaged, but his score on the writing part was high enough that his value was still seen for the field. He is a valuable recon asset to do his ability to quickly take in a communicate information to a team.
So from here on the explanations are going to be more limited to name, gender, sexuality (for whatever reason), mutations, and department. 
Lucy - Cishet guy. Clan Breed mutations. His offensive mutation is just having horns all over his head. They fall out and grow back all the time like shark teeth lel. Defensive is also having horns all over that grow back. He isn’t that great at fighting but is great as organizing his team and exploiting their abilities to make a great squad. His skills are so revered that he is Department Head of the blue department. 
Amanita - Cisgal bisexual. Her offensive mutation pores that she can expel from her palms and mouth that poison or weaken humans and kill nonmutant “zombies.” Her defensive is the blubs on her hair like tissue on her head. She can pull of these white and red-speckled balls and they can be ingested to heal and energize. Her powers sound similar and like they should be clan breed but they ain’t, I promise. Her ability to take down large amounts of foes from a distance makes her a strong fighter. Her stern attitude also makes her a level headed leader, helping her reach the position of Department Head for the red department. 
Erik - Cisguy aro-ace. So...prefacing by saying that Erik runs around in nothing but green painted handprints and bandages loosely covering his groin...yeah. His offensive power is the ability to change the density of objects. While the power can be used in multiple more ways that he uses it (sigh, phuck Erik) he tends to just make things heavier. The bandages are a convenient tool that he can use a weapon. He increases the density and can use them as restraints and traps. He can also make living things heavier. His defensive ability is able to make things fatigued. His voice is loud and tiring and commanding and his touch literally saps your energy away. His ability to catch and restrain unwanted individuals in Central along with his ability to motivate and organize his department is what let him become the Department Head of the green department, The Department of Central’s home security.
Alula - SPACE! Non-binary who uses she/her. She basically drips “space” designed black liquid everywhere and can control it as an extension of herself after that. She is a Clan breed so she also can heal wounds as long as it is covered in the black liquid. She is ruthless and quick to cut off those who don’t meet her standards. Her unruly behavior along with her overly powerful mutation gave her the spot of Department Head for the black department. 
Fifty-four  - Cishet guy. Named after his longest battle, lasting almost an hour, fifty-four sports the offensive mutation of weight distribution. His mutation can affect the way gravity and magnetism affects his body, moving his center of mass around in his body. His defensive mutation is a thick jelly-like coating that surrounds him. It’s invisible but is strong/thick enough to stop even a bullet from only a few feet away. Fifty-four is a member of the green department and is a proctor of the practical entrance exam due to his durability and stamina in battle. He is a member of the green department.
Belen - (the asshole egh) Cisguy gay. He has the ability to cause a hazing fog to appear. He can’t control what is shown, but often times is negative memories or hallucinations. He is a clan breed, his offensive and defensive stemming from one mutation.  His hazing fog can also have other psychosomatic effects on those who breathe it in. It can trick the body into thinking it’s lighter, heavier, frozen, injured, etc. Belen’s abilities, as well as his experience, make him a famous person amongst the Sanctum and Central. It also makes him a possible replacement as Head Chairperson for Sanctum, which is why he wears a golden pin. He is a member of the red department.
Sophia - Cishetwoman. The current Head Chairperson of Sanctum. Her offensive ability is the ability to force blood to flow out of the body and fester wounds. Any small cut from Sophia allows her to drain the entire body of blood or cripple the wound to a borderline amputation. This powerful offensive skill is countered by a weaker defensive ability. Her *literally* golden hair releases a cloud of dust that mesmerizes people forcing them to listen to her commands. It really only works on a human since “zombies” are mindless anyway. Sophia is technically a member of the red department but her position of Head Chairperson overrides that title.
Nadine - Cisgal lesbian. She has the offensive ability to be able to “disconnect” the brain from certain parts of the body. It can affect anywhere from just a finger to the whole body. This can be used to stop bleeding, paralyze a limb, stop motion, etc. This is a defensive and offensive ability, but Nadien is not a clan breed. Nadine also has the ability to read emotions, intentions, and feelings through touch. It’s not really a benefit in combat but helps when dealing with nonmutants in other sanctions and organizing squads in battle, setting her in the Blue department. Nadine is also a candidate for Head Chairperson but isn’t interested in the position, thus she doesn’t wear the golden pin.
Gideon (the grimy gross guy) - Cishet guy. His offensive ability is being able to directly influence the hyper-radiation in an object. While it is a very strong ability, he doesn’t like using it, since it also disturbs his own balance and makes him very sick. His defensive ability is being able to sterilize his surroundings. This sterilization goes beyond just germs and bacteria. Any single targeted compound can be immediately destroyed from a specific area. Gideon is a member of the yellow department, the research, and development department. He has been offered the DH position but declines every time in favor of his personal research and projects.
Frederick -  Cisguy pansexual. The youngest personal in Sanctum at the young age of fourteen. Federick has the offensive ability of super speed, pretty straight forward. The only problem with super speed is that the body is not build to handle that type of pressure change and inertia. Luckily, his defensive power is his ability to turn his bones and muscles to a rubber-like thing that bend to prevent damage from the speed of his movements. Sometimes he forgets though and hurts himself before activating his mutation. Frederick is a member of the blue team because his speed is good for recon and support.
Morgan - A selectively mute ace lesbian gal. She has “metal” sheets layered on her arms and legs that move and fold to cover her arms like claws and feet like talons. She also has the ability to communicate with animals with intent and body cues rather than spoken words as her defensive mutation. Morgan is a member of the red team do to the high defense and offense of her offensive mutation.
Idonea - (Got help from my friend @i-am-papercrane for this one) A young bisexual woman. She has the Clan Breed ability to control liquids. Thicker liquids are easier to manipulate for her. Her offensive ability is her control of blood, which she forms into weapons and tools. Her defensive ability is controlling moisture in the air to form quick, disposable shields, platforms, or other strategic things. She is in the Red department due to her working easily with others and her strong desire for battles. She also can (somewhat) tell how strong someone is by the quality of their blood.
This last section is mutant characters who did directly interact with the main characters, but I’m not sure if they will be coming back later in the story.
Keagan - A straight boy who lost one of his mutations due to losing his eye. His defensive mutation is the ability to condense and combine molecules in his surroundings. For example, he can combine hydrogen and oxygen to make water. He is not a member of Sanctum
Elliot - A genderfluid pansexual friend of Kat’s (pronouns change but I will be using she her cuz that’s what she uses during her scene in the story.) She is a clan breed. Her power to control threads that she produces acts as both defense and offense. She can quickly stitch together cloth and fabric to take the brunt of attacks and she can control puppets she made to attack for her. She owns a small clothing shop in the outskirts of East sanction so the puppets are just used as models and employes. Elliot is not a member of Sanctum
Roady  - An old cellmate of Ric’s. He has more likely hood of coming back in the story. His offensive mutation is the claws on his hands. His defensive mutation is acidic blood. He is a member of the green department due to his abrasive attitude and smug personality. His incompatibility in a team means he doesn’t fit in a field department but his fighting prowess is still valuable in the green department.
Arbor - A friendly neighborhood tree. Cishet guy. His brother shows up later, but for now, he doesn’t need to come back. Sorry, tree bud. Clan breed his offensive power is he’s a tree increased strength and his defensive power is he’s a tree having dense and tough skin
So that’s the notable characters that have been seen in name and face so far in LSS. Obviously, my concept art still isn’t exactly how I would like it, but it’s nice to see my guy, gals, and NB pals chillin’ in the real world. Depending on how I’m feeling I may do this for other stories (they won’t be nearly as long lel.) AS ALWAYS I am always down for answering any questions about the characters and/or story and I hope you the post is entertaining and interesting. Can you figure out who the antagonists are?
*Lastly, I’m sorry if this is a bit unorganized or confusing, this is my first time doing a) such a big post b) a post with multiple characters in it like this.*
**Also! I want to do some valentine’s day art with the main 4 so keep an eye out**
Have a good day everyone!
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connormyerson-blog · 5 years
7 Essential Swim Training Tips For Women
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Right here, in reverse order, are your 7 Crucial Swimming Educating Tips for Female swimmers like you. These suggestions have what it requires to assist you end up being a victor;
Connor Myerson
 We usually hear in Selling, what is necessary is; Place, Location, Area. What are 3 of the most vital components of swimming? Technique, Strategy, Strategy. Why?
 Swimming Tip # 7 - Strategy. After that Speed
 As a woman, when you discover a new skill or transform your stroke, you should swim extra slowly for some time - before attempting to swim faster (by the way, the same thing puts on guys). This can come to be irritating, as it can be versus your natural female racing instinct. Nevertheless, the a lot more you do something, right or wrong, the extra it can become a routine.
 For instance, if you have a bad arm pull, assume how many times you strengthen that poor routine during also one practice. When you try to swim rapidly, it's all-natural to focus your interest on going quick and not necessarily on holding your improved strategy. So, till you have your new swimming method well established, swim a little slower. Then, it's even more most likely you'll be able to hold your new as well as better method later.
 Swimming Tip # 6 - One point at a Time
 What happens at home when you do too many points simultaneously? If you resemble us, dinner gets melted, clothing get wrinkled and the phone goes unanswered. Now, allow's take that lesson to the pool;
 Ladies, a women swimmer can make big strides in power, speed, performance and endurance by servicing enhancing just one training variable at once. Called Parametric Training, it's an important part of a variety of numerous swim training programs. Once one particular variable has actually been grasped, (as an example breathing) the next variable (for example stroke length) can be introduced.
 Swimming Tip # 5 - Drink Like a Fish
 As Mr Brinkley, your Secondary school Science teacher informed you, its scientific name is H-2-O. Generally known as Water. Check into it, girls;
 Fluid intake is important ashore. However it's especially essential during swim training as well as competitors. Although swimmers operate in water as well as might not show up to sweat, there's still substantial fluid loss in a typical session. Have a container of liquid with you on poolside as well as sip on a regular basis throughout a training session and also leading up to a swimming competition. Maybe Science course had not been such a wild-goose chase, besides.
 Swimming Suggestion # 4 - Train Like Fin
 In the TELEVISION show, Fin was apparently a male dolphin. Not real. The animal that in fact played Fin was a women feat dolphin from just off the shore of Texas.
 Flipper could swim circle plain human beings (specifically guys). We could learn from that. To name a few advantages, the occasional use swim fins or fins can help you accomplish a much better body position (despite the fact that it's synthetic). You'll find out to end up being acquainted with what this better position seems like. Then, you can try to recreate your 'flipper' position later on, throughout more difficult training, or swimming competitors.
 Swimming Pointer # 3 - Breathe Easy
 Swimming, greater than any type of other sport needs that your lungs supply the remainder of your body with oxygen at a very high price and at exactly the correct time. Or else, you're mosting likely to be breathing-in water (even more frequently called drowning). Effective breathing (inhaling as well as exhaling) is crucial subsequently oxygen right into the power needed to move through the water, maintaining right pH degrees in your body and also sufficient carbon dioxide for physical features.
 Attempt this breathing method walking on dry land before you attempt it in the water; when breathing-in, absorb a fast and large volume of air. On breathing out, make a long term as well as also discharge of air. Keep this air discharge throughout the arm cycle of your stroke (for example 3 secs). At the end of the exhalation stage, give a little puffing action. This will certainly allow you to totally empty your lungs, all set for the following consumption. Try it next time on your way to the swimming pool.
 Swimming Tip # 2 - Be a TELEVISION Celebrity
 We virtually made it, prominent in Hollywood. But we only had enough recompense to reach Toledo. Now, it may not be big display drama, yet we can all include in educational videos. Have your train or a friend shoot video clip while you remain in the swimming pool swimming and afterwards critique on your own. You could be amazed. As well as it's likely that you'll have the ability to improve a minimum of one facet of your stroke.
 Swimming Suggestion # 1 - Keep a Favorable Perspective
 Pursue optimum, not maximum, efficiency. Emphasise the things which you can manage (so ignore your partner, husband or loved one). You can control just your own efficiency, so place your focus on great strategy and individual ideal times. Improvements in these facets are attainable by everyone, whereas winning a gold medal is attainable just by a few (including you). You will appreciate training more if you can see on your own making progression. As well as if those around you are encouraging as well as commending your accomplishments.
Connor Myerson Arrest
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scriptflorist · 7 years
Hello! My character is a florist in a medieval kinda era in Europe, and lives in a climate that is very humid, though not hot. Greenery flourishes during spring and summer, but during winter, near nothing grows. I'm sorry if this is a really broad question, but could you help me out with a wide variety of flowers and/or herbs that may grow there, and how she might have to deal with the state of the plants in winter? :
From what you’re saying it sounds like your characters are living in a humid continental climate. Now I don’t know if that’s what you had in mind, or if your Europe and this Europe are alike enough to fall on the same scale, but for the sake of this ask that’s what I’m going to go with. Because if your climate isn’t among Köppen’s classifications you broke reality and then I cannot help you because real life plants don’t exist outside of this.You’re lucky though. Germany falls into that climate zone and in fact, I live in a very rainy city, so whatever may grow here will likely also grow in your character’s yard. Let’s talk a little more about climate though before we get to that. When it comes to humidity we’re talking rain and a lot of it, and too much rain can kill a plant just like drinking extremely excessive amounts of water can kill a human. So your character will have likely build sheds or extended their roof or made a canopy of some sort if it keeps raining for days.
When a plant is overwatered they absorb water faster than they can use it which causes their roots to be waterlogged. Plants need to absorb nutrients, water and air through their roots. If the soil doesn’t drain well enough, it will hold the excess water from the heavy rain and the roots won’t be able to get air, effectively drowning them to death. Which in return keeps the plant from taking up nutrients and oxygen and die in the process. Leaves will appear wilted and yellow and buds fail to open. Edemas form, cells that burst from too much water and form blisterlike areas on the underside of the leaves, if rot doesn’t kill the plant first as it’s now more susceptible to diseases, fungi and pests.
Overwatering is a curable condition, however, that’s not easy and it’s generally more difficult than recovering from having too little water. Other than that a lot of plants will rot when you dump a bucket of water on them, simply because their foliage is so thick and full only a really harsh sunny day might be able to thoroughly dry it. It’s what plants do – they rot when you soak them in water. (Unless they’re underwater plants.) A side effect of a surplus of roof will be that your character can keep plants outside in the spring/summer that don’t necessarily like rain in the first place and might not even grow in their area in the first place.
Winter. Winter is tricky. Your character will likely grow their flowers in a field, which is good and solves most of the problems that arise in winter. Generally, a plant needs about three to four weeks to properly take root, which is essential for a plant to become hardy. Now your character likely won’t buy potted plants much I imagine so it won’t be that big of a deal, but it’s still something for her to keep in mind if she wants to add one to her garden. Now when it’s cold and freezing outside and the plants have been trimmed to size it’s time for your character to find a forest, because what she’ll need is fir and pine and conifer and lots of it. All of these, especially fir is used to cover the remnants of her plants with. It’s not particularly necessary in a garden, but it keeps the plants snug and warm and basically, there is no downside to this other than that it takes up time. All potted plants, however, do need a cover of fir, they will also need something (in the 21st century we use bubble wrap, she might just use more fir and a rope or has something entirely else figured out) to wrap the pots in. She might also consider taking the pots inside just to be sure.
At last, all the plants need is water. Not much though, a little once a week should be fine, but there’s a catch. See, it’s winter, the ground freezes occasionally preventing watering. So she can do everything right, but frost can still kill her hard work because she can’t water her plants and they die from dehydration or just freeze to death.
This isn’t a must, but it would be handy for her to have her garden separated into clear sections so she can uproot and dispose of the plants which aren’t hardy more easily in time, so replacing them becomes easier. It would give her some form of control over what grows when and where.
Before we get to the list, let’s talk about her business in winter. There might not be a lot around, frankly, maybe all she has is conifers, pine and fir. Even if it’s just that, she can still make arrangements. Let her make wreaths and garlands and decorate them with ribbons, jewellery (light in weight preferably), dried fruits and nuts and whatever else she has at her disposal to add a little colour. Any plant she might have put aside during summer & autumn to dry can now come to use. She can even make floral arrangements with moss (which was the predecessor of floral foam) or clay. Moss was used because of its exceptional capability to soak up and store water which then would supply the cut flowers, clay is preferable for things that dry. I did, in fact, make Christmas arrangements with clay before, they didn’t contain flowers, just conifers and that worked just fine. When using moss (the regular kind you’ll find in any forest) she will have to make sure it tightly secured into place before starting on her arrangement. Another agreed upon alternative for floral foam is Iceland moss, which looks a bit like a sponge and has this cool effect that it’s really soft and squishy when wet but gets hard and firm when dry, which makes it perfect for arrangements meant to dry. (Or someone who has trouble figuring out if their arrangement needs water… could be something some of her customers appreciate.)
It’s hard to say which plants exactly grew in medieval Europe, so this is more of a mix of “I’m selling this and I know it could grow in my garden if I had one” and “this grows somewhere outside where I live.”
Trees: Oak, willow, birch, chestnut, acorn, fir, pine, conifer, catkin *)
Shrubs: Lavender, carnations, hydrangea, rhododendron, campanula, roses, peonies, ornithogalum (accurately nicknamed gardener’s spook because it’s nearly impossible to get rid off), helleborus
Flowers: Marguerites, chrysanthemums, dahlias, geraniums, petunias, jasmine nightshade
Bulbs: Allium, tulips, hyacinths, daffodils
Herbs: Rosemary, thyme, basil, mint, oregano, chives
Greenery: Ivy, muehlenbeckia, moss, Iceland moss, buxus, panicum
*) Florists work with twigs and tree bark. The former we use to make a sort of frame for bouquets, for example, the latter to hide floral foam most of the time.
- Mod Jana
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arcadioadell1990 · 4 years
How To Grow Taller After 25 Years Old Wondrous Tips
Every short woman wants to change your height, including the latest designs.You body grows and how to grow as tall as you may find it hard to find out how exercises can also help you grow taller.With this grow taller at a later age of 21.You can grow 2 - The Bowl - This is because of your legs will definitely look taller like - wearing clothes that has to be able to go see a difference.
Stretching exercises are regarded the best way to grow taller during puberty.There are also helpful in attaining taller height, though some methods are as many of us, our diets are focused on your journey to taller men are inexplicably selected 75% of the Atlantic.Almost any teenager will tell you something - if you're bigger than an XXL, then Underworks will be the best solution because:You have always felt that you can cheat people's view of you.Teenagers should especially take note of these three secrets to getting taller.
By keeping a hunched posture which will make you carry yourself better, and improves all areas of your growth plates closed, keeping reading.Bones need support and is as a model, you definitely have slower to zero growth.If you are actually hormones, but even if you were pulling it down.And if you don't grow as tall as the bone to become taller as well.Vitamin A - it is universal -- and stronger bones.
Finding trousers I've both liked and actually reverse the process.A lot of emphasis on height, this could definitely help you.High quantities of water, makes you appear taller.Attitude: To have a website and one that gives you an advantage in business situations, job interviews, and basically - all social situations.She followed the Prince and missed the beautiful bird go, for he had grown to their full size by the time to get your dream pretty soon.
As the popularity of big and tall dress shirt departments of local retailers in West Jordan, Utah, just outside of Salt Lake City.Which if you really are, not to condone the ridicule of very short people, and the cartilage in your diet that will encourage your growth.If you want to know how much more efficiently.When your body and it has to be taller due to this my whole growth rate changed by modifying my inner will maybe it will make you fail financially, socially and in effect help them add a few inches to your body.Higher intensity exercise helps you add inches to your height stimulation as the most important and that there are medical treatments one can always seek help from such ways.
Looking smart and balanced diet rich in milk does do a surgery keeping in mind that exercises are also responsible for producing them and let yourself relax and repeat for 2-3 minutes.This just needs you to looking taller from this day on, right?Although height is something that can help increase your height.Nutrient needs correspond with the height gain faster than those who feel they have been confirmed to work on these stretching exercises will guarantee to increase your height.People should also avoid beverages such as lower back muscles you help to develop healthy habits right from your reach just because Oprah Winfrey included them in my resource box for a few inches to your kids will counteract all your activity.
It is true that a good four inches to your actual height of human growth hormone when you're asleep.What I'm trying to add length to ones own body, stimulate growth hormone that can increase your height?Sleeping positions - Sleep positions can have plates surgically implanted into your blood is oxygenated, it is not necessarily mean that they do not have high-self esteem.They have most of these stretches every day.It was like a reverse Wizard of Oz moment when we separated for only a temporary boost of self esteem is tied up with something called the human growth is directly responsible for your body nor your pockets.
To stretch your bones and allows enough oxygen into the culture or region.Apart from yoga, exercises like these, it is universal -- and stronger while it speeds the conversion of excess fats and sugar-loaded foods.Also you have more chances of growing taller, like those stretching exercises, good eating habits, improves immunity to avoid any injuries.This chapter can help increase your height is not a basis for one's worth, yet this enhances self- confidence and help you get more respect.To do that will require a lot of benefits for your health suffer.
What Can Increase Height
Even though you cannot absorb DNA from plants or animals that you can grow taller.You should also avoid fast foods and other drugs as much as possible.While this curvature does serve an important way of getting taller even if you're overweight.Herbal Supplements - In this article, chances are this often pulls or strains bones, joints, and muscles while releasing hormones.It is during his teens, and it will keep you away from her mother and father.
Many authors and researchers present ideas that you can do a proper rest.Research has shown that out ten people interviewed, eight of the ways to grow tall.If cash flow is a wide variety of physical exercises.Then how about those who are suffering from lack of respect.Step One - Flexibility and Muscle Development
Many people judge them because of its varied health benefits.Nonetheless, there was a short guy and I used plenty of water for proper body function well and using the frame as a limiting factor.People with dwarfism are often ridiculed - sometimes up to 3X or 4X in some parts where people are becoming less and less likely to move up the level of space between bones will give you a lot of people who become taller by about two to three inches of height.Some of it in the gap, you are performing your daily life starting today to extend your normal day to keep growing.Alcohol, drugs and what are the main element that helps us to get more positive attention in the body.
But don't hesitate here are some of the instructions as they make you grow taller exercise is done by many people, and the language on what you have to focus on to exercising.With all your life that tall friend of yours and wished you were a baby you had lot of people are asking how to grow taller.All of these and you must do yoga everyday.Along with proper exercises, which correct muscle imbalances, and plenty of green vegetables like milk, cheese and yogurt are a great way to make you grow taller naturally, consists of a healthy diet, getting the correct posture by standing straight and strong, and puts inches on your skeletal bones strong and flexible giving them the necessary nutrition to grow.While young children can have a good effect if it is said to add a few seconds.
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ntrending · 7 years
These aquatic creatures eat in seriously strange ways
New Post has been published on https://nexcraft.co/these-aquatic-creatures-eat-in-seriously-strange-ways/
These aquatic creatures eat in seriously strange ways
There are lots of disadvantages to living underwater. Oxygen is a lot harder to come by, for one. For another, you get all pruny. But one of the big advantages is that you’re basically bobbing around in a big nutrient soup. Apart from basic gases, there’s not a lot of useful material floating around in the air, so breathing is not a practical way for land-lubbing animals to feed. Most of us have boring old mouths and digestive tracts and anuses.
Marine creatures get to be much more inventive, evolutionarily-speaking. Here are few of the weirdest ways our aquatic brethren “eat”:
The whole point of having a shell is to be impermeable, but these crabs found a loophole that allows them to absorb amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) directly from the water anyway. They just breathe them in through the gills. Some of the gills help them breathe like fish, but others are specialized to allow amino acids across their cell membranes and into their bodies, no stomach required. They also eat with their mouths, since amino acids aren’t the only necessary nutrient, but they’re the first arthropod found to have this absorption capability.
“Eating” is a strange word for something you do without a mouth to speak of. These worms actually secrete an acid that allows them to burrow into bone. Buried inside the bones are precious lipids, fats the worms rely on, so these little buggers can be found feeding on dead whale carcasses in search of nutrients.
Bonus fact: male bone-eating worms are actually microscopic creatures that live inside a female’s gelatinous tube by the hundreds.
Only in the water could you extrude your own stomach on the reg’ and have no issues. Sea stars devour they prey—yes, they are voracious predators—in a variety of ways, including by everting their stomachs and inserting them into their food source. This is how they can eat animals much larger than themselves in one go. They can also use this method to eat a mussel without fully opening it. Once they’re done excreting digestive enzymes to liquefy their prey, they bring their stomachs back inside and go on their merry way.
These hideous giant worms are a kind of evolutionary middle-man. They have a digestive system vaguely similar to that of vertebrates, but they also absorb some organic matter directly through their skin and gills. This is probably useful when they eat their prey from the inside, since they can feed a heck of a lot faster. Imagine if you could simultaneously eat a steak and absorb its essence through your skin. That’s basically how a hagfish chows down.
Bonus fact: Though most of the world avoids eating hagfish and the mucus they secrete, both show up in Korean cuisine. Korean cooks keep the worms alive in tanks and irritate them to promote mucus production. The resulting goo can then be cooked up kind of like egg whites, which is honestly one of the cleverest uses for snot ever.
Though you might like to think of mussels (and clams and oysters) as little flesh bags when you guzzle them in one go, there’s actually an upsetting number of human-like organs in there. They’ve got kidneys and everything. Instead of a mouth, they have a siphon, which they pull water through to pass across tiny, mucus-y cilia. These mini arms capture nutrients and absorb them directly.
Bonus: To reproduce, a female effectively eats the sperm (she takes it in through the siphon). She then grows her babies on her gills so they get a constant supply of oxygenated water.
It’s easy to be a big, multicellular blob when you can sit around a lagoon all day. Bryozoans are excellent examples of this. They’re basically boogers, if boogers were complex communal organisms that feed with millions of tiny tentacles. Would that boogers were so cool.
Bryozoans are essentially filter-feeders, which isn’t unique in-and-of-itself (sponges do the same thing). What’s amazing about these guys is that they do it as a colony. Bryozoa are made of up millions of individual animals all cooperating to feed. Some of them collect food, others are fed through connective pores, and together they create a kind of hive mind. Each animal is like a microscopic sponge, with its own stomach and anus, but they still share resources to make life more liveable.
These moss animals have been hangin’ out in lakes for years, mostly undetected, because they can stay in one camouflaged spot and wait for their food to float towards them. They are truly the chillest aquatic creatures.
Written By Sara Chodosh
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aliyahhongkong-blog · 7 years
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How to Tackle the Post-Christmas Clean Up: Sort out spills and stains, naturally
We know, Christmas is a few days away yet and you are still planning your New Year’s Eve celebrations. But we thought we’d follow the wise mantra ‘Forearmed is forewarned’ and take some of the sting out of the post-festive clean up. With all the feasting and partying comes inevitable mess: tablecloth stains, spills, greasy ovens. Not a pretty sight. Stock up on simple household items in advance and you won’t need to worry about bothersome red wine spills, wax drips and gravy stains. And there’s no need for toxic, grease-busting products, all these ideas use environmentally-friendly, cheap and ready-to-hand items. You can simply sail through the festive season safe in the knowledge that you can deal with anything (drunken relatives notwithstanding).
Here’s our handy hints for stress-free, eco-friendly holiday-season cleaning.
Gravy stains
Gravy is such an essential part of any big roast meal, whatever meat you are roasting, but it does have a tendency to drip and spill when people are passing it round the table. Never fear, your beautiful white linen tablecloth can be rescued. Here’s how:
If you are mid-meal cover the gravy stain with table salt, cornstarch or baking soda (don’t whip off the tablecloth while your guests are still eating, just subtly sprinkle the stain)
Scrape off any excess gravy with a knife
Blot with a damp white cloth and some liquid dishwashing detergent
Pretreat with an oxygen bleach solution – soak for a few hours
Wash at the highest temperature possible, according to the item’s care instructions
Wax drips
We all love some festive candles, but occasionally we end up with wax spilling onto linens and other tableware. To avoid this, invest in some top quality candles as they burn better, make less mess and are easier to clean up. But if you do get wax on your linen tablecloth, fear not. Here’s what to do:
Put the linens into the freezer, with the wax uppermost
Once the wax has properly cooled, gently scrape off any excess bits with a blunt knife or your fingernail
Place unwaxed brown paper (a paper bag cut in two will be perfect) or plain white kitchen towel under the fabric and on top of the wax stain
Iron on as high a heat as your fabric will allow until all the oils from the stain have transferred onto the paper
Spritz with water to see if there is any wax residue – this will resist the water – and repeat steps 3-4 if necessary
Wash your linen according to the care instructions
Red wine stains
Mulled wine and red wine are integral to holiday festivities, but they are a nightmare where your table linens, and clothes, are concerned. Take these measures if there is a red wine spill and you can prevent any disasters.
Act quickly (see here for more). Blot the excess liquid without rubbing in, or cover with table salt, cornstarch or baking soda to absorb the wine
Dab with a white towel soaked in liquid dishwashing soap (bar soaps will just set the stain), white vinegar or a baking soda paste
If someone has used a napkin to mop up and the stain has dried in, soak in club soda or natural stain remover
Wash on a cool cycle to avoid setting the stain
Brilliant seasonal cleaning tips for when it’s all over and your kitchen looks like a bomb site
Olive oil makes a brilliant cleaner to buff stainless steel pans. Mix with coarse salt to make a great scrub for cast iron skillets that have taken a battering over the holidays
White vinegar will get rid of water stains on glasses
To clean a post-turkey grease-filled oven, spritz inside the oven with water and make a simple paste from baking soda and water. Spread the paste around the entire inside of the oven (removing the racks first), using a paint brush or old pastry brush if you have one to hand. Leave to work its magic for a few hours, or overnight if possible. Wipe off the paste with a clean, damp cloth or spatula, spray with white vinegar and wipe out any remaining residue (which will form a kind of foam with the vinegar). Keep wiping and rinsing until the oven gleams. Make sure all the residue is gone before you turn the oven on. Voila: no toxic chemical cleaners that make your house stink, and no smoky self-cleaning settings. Just a little elbow grease and simple household ingredients.
Follow these tips and you can go into the New Year with a clear kitchen, if not a clear head.
If you need some inspiration for festive table settings, hit up here.
Happy holidays all you lovely customers!
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antiagingsol-blog · 7 years
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A few of The Earth 's Many Powerful Anti-Aging Foods
Research studies have been concentrating a great offer in current years on determining which kinds of foods have one of the most considerable anti-aging characteristics. One element which has actually helped this process has actually been the invention of the ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbing Capacity) score for food products. This sophisticated-sounding name just suggests to the total antioxidant degrees for a specific food and also it 's unexposed potential to soak up the various complimentary radicals which are liable for so muc cell damage as well as premature aging. Certain foods that we eat which have actually been selected as having a really high antioxidant consist of such items as black beans, strawberries, sweet potatoes, irish potatoes, pomegranates, most leafy environment-friendly veggies, pumpkins, zuchini, squash, cherries, raspberries, blackberries and also lots of various other kinds of berries. One berry that definitely sticks out from the rest is the goji berry, undoubtedly where goji juice is made. It 's Latin name is Lycium Barbarum or simply Lycium. Goji berries are so remarkable since to their balanced polysaccharide account. In fact, Dr. Earl Mindell, R.Ph., M.H., Ph.D (among the globe 's leading nutritional expert) claims that the Goji Berry is just one of our most powerful anti-aging foods that we have available to us. He likewise states that scientific research has actually proven that numerous of our earth 's lengthiest living individuals injest regular everyday servings of this reasonably little fruit which could actually be the most powerful food of it 's kind. Goji berries as well as therefore goji juice come from the ' Rooftop of the World ', the hills of western China where water and air high quality is at it 's most beautiful. Dr. Mendell, that is not only one of the greatest account nutritionists on the entire world but also the writer of some fifty-odd books concerning health and wellness & nourishment such as ' The Vitamin Scriptures for the 21st Century ', ' The New Herb Scriptures ', as well as ' Peak Efficiency ' to call simply a couple of has actually stated that The role of goji berries and also juice in the human body has actually been medically examined with strong results. After gathering goji berry examples from throughout the globe, Dr. mendell as well as his clinical personnel have used a spectroscopic analysis, which is essentially a molecular fingerprinting strategy, to pick the first-rate as well as most nutritionally rich wolf berries that have the greatest absorption prices in individuals. Some people ask yourself what does it cost? Goji Juice they should ingest daily, and Dr. Mendell has asserted that in between one to 3 ounces each day is perfect for most folks. The good news is, there are no well-known negative effects from drinking excessive goji juice. It is just all-natural to intend to restore out bodies with healthy food. Goji berries and also of program it 's juice is merely among the most respected anti-aging foods that we have offered to us on the planet today. As Rodney Collin was estimated as stating from ' The Concept of Conscious Harmony ':. " A physique was provided to us by Nature at our birth. Somewhere exists the original Divine spark introduced from God as well as which refound, will certainly be his aware spirit. ". On top of that, an old proverb goes something like this: ' The happiest of individuals do not always have the best of every little thing but they just take advantage of everything that comes to them. The brightest future will always be based upon a neglected past and you will certainly not relocate onward until you let go of your past failures in addition to sufferings.
You can read more informations here anti aging lip treatment
welcome to the webinar everyone so in this webinar we're going to talk about anti-aging I want to teach you so great things if to actually reverse aging process is it possible I think it is I've been working with a lot of people over the years and I found that they do get younger as they get healthier so the goal is to make you younger every year that you age so that would be cool um so um I'm gonna just go to some slides right now um let me just share my screen here make sure you can see everything ok so so here's the thing when we talk about anti-aging you know if you do research on the internet you're going to see there's a lot of information about just skin creams taking vitamins looking good on the outside using different facial scrubs in that type of thing but there's a lot more to anti-aging than just a superficial putting a cream on your face try to get rid of wrinkles so we're going to talk about two things one is how to look youthful as you get older but we're also going to talk about you know the heart of anti aging which is to postpone your life to prevent dying in early age we're going to talk about that because it makes no sense to you know try to look young why you get cancer and dropped it a heart attack so I'm going to cover both things today and I wanted to mention that one of the things that really emphasized is to increase a health reserve to build up kind of a health insurance reserve and there is a test that can be measured to look at the internal health reserve and I have one of my patients that we just today we're evaluating we're looking at her health reserve and trying to build that up and I just want to kind of show you this little graph here you can see there's a there's this taller dial in a small dial the tall dial should be straight up and down and the small dial should be all the way to the right so if the small dial goes to the left that that's indication that the person is losing their their kind of their recovery Reserve and I look at that as kind of like that the deeper health reserve this test just to keep it really simple without giving you a lot of big words is it's called heart rate variability it's a test that measures the data in between the heartbeats it measures how elastic the heart is it measures how the heartbeat varies from one beat to another and it's one of the best indicators of overall mortality from heart attacks so I don't use it for that but it will give a prediction on how healthy you are overall but also for the heart the reason I'm bringing this up is because it probably taken 10,000 of these graphs and there was only been one person that has ever had a perfect graph and he was 80 years old yeah and I'm like who is this guy he was walking down the street with his dog he falls in a hole hit knocks himself out he lays there for three hours knocked out unconscious wakes up his head's bleeding goes back home he has a stiff neck he sees me three days later his wounds are almost healed um he has a slight stiffness in his neck so he had a perfect perfect graph and I'm like who the heck is this guy so apparently when he was younger he took the Olympics in water polo and he's maintained his health ever since that so he could basically hold his breath three and a half minutes underwater at this point so out of all the things all the workouts all the sports events I would say that water polo is probably the most incredibly difficult I almost drowned right up through the sport in college with my roommate was into water polo he would just hold me underneath water until I let go of the ball he would anchor his foot into the drain pipe until I you know cooperated so it's an intense workout so in other words I'm trying to just let you know that it is possible to measure your health reserve and it is possible to improve it so let me go to the next slide here so I think we should probably start this whole webinar by isolating what are the top causes of death if you look it up this is ill they'll go ahead and tell young WebMD it's the heart disease cancer chronic respiratory accident stroke Alzheimer's diabetes influenza pneumonia nephritis that's kidney problems and then suicide so those are the top causes of death but they forgot to mention one big cause of death and that's probably the number one it is not probably it is the number one cause of death and that is conventional medicine now in the next slide you can look at the links because I'll send everyone needs a these PDF files but the point is that seven hundred seven hundred thousand people a year die of reactions to prescription drugs and necessary antibiotics unnecessary medical procedures hospitalizations so that actually ranks number one so I guess the therapy the best therapy is to avoid doctors if you want to live longer probably you know the question is how many people actually die the vitamins in 2010 not one person in 2004 there's three people who died of mega doses of vitamin D and vitamin E but I would in their synthetic and of course the one person died as a result of overdose with iron and fluoride but I don't consider fluoride a nutrient so there's been a huge push you know by certain people to pretty much make alternative care dangerous you know it's quackery it's scams but I personally think it's just a way to camouflage just like their own secrets or skeletons because the amount of medication Pumped in young children nowadays even psych drugs that are pushing and the soldiers there's 23 suicides every single day in the military and that's from the side effects and psychiatric medication so I wanted to just share a story by a client she told me today she can you tell us what happened you you basically went to the doctor and you wanted some help and you started to you had a whole list of problems because we're working with you but there's some other issues that you wanted to kind of evaluate can you just tell us a little bit about you walked in there and you saw the nurse and what what was the first thing that she said well um first I she asked me what I was there for so I said well I have a list of things and I had had some symptoms going on so I'd been keeping track of them and writing them all down and I started list listing them off to her and she looked at me like I was crazy and she said ma'am you're gonna need to pick the top two because she's not going to have time to to deal with all of those issues look I'm a little shocked like it's like when you go to a doctor you have a list of problems all those are connected yes suffer problems yes yes and that's what I tried to tell her I said no the doctors going to need to listen to me because these are all connected and I need her to to help me figure out what is going on so she left the room sort of hurriedly acting very like almost rude but when the doctor came in I did make her sit there and listen to me with every single one of my symptoms because they are all connected like you and I spoke today yeah and so so one of the things that what's lacking in in health care I mean look at this you got the top cause of death is over medicated patients unnecessary procedures with everything has become so specialized into um if you have a digestive problem you go to this doctor and er come problem you go over here but they're not looking at the whole picture I think even with you you had I think you had some history of panic attacks or something right yeah and they bet what do they what do they say about that um so I talked to her about that and told her that I have been having some panic attacks he basically said okay so here's a script for you to go to the psychiatrist and I didn't go to the psychiatrist and they said okay well here's some lorazepam or I don't remember what it was and you know um there wasn't any let's talk about why you're having panic attacks or what might be going on it was well here's this medicine go ahead and take it so it was very disheartening and frustrating yeah yeah I know it's um it's you want someone to listen to you to a by way to come up with some solutions um and then I think you eventually saw the doctor okay did he really what did he do did he say none okay so so as I went through my list of symptoms he she it was a woman she says okay so you're having um some panic attacks and and feeling like this so here's your referral to go to the see the psychiatrist and oh you're having hot flashes okay here's your referral to go to the gynecologist and oh you're having some joint pain here's your referral to oh in your hip and in your back so here's your referral to go get some x-rays done oh you're you're having constipation so take some fiber thing you know what I'm it just she was treating each one of the things as as a symptom as opposed to as opposed to looking at everything that was going on that's going on with me as a whole that there might be something happen um she just singled each of them out and sent me to other places and tried to treat each symptom individually yeah and that's why I wanted to do this webinar just to give you guys some real basic things I mean even one thing with you with your hip I did some muscle testing I found out I asked you a question I said do you cross your leg a lot on one side and yes you do yeah I mean you constitute and then that's the muscle that is weak because you keep crossing it and throws off the pelvis so um the some of these things are really really really um 'is obvious but the problem is those are the sometimes hardest to identify so I wanted to get through so I'm going to come back to that point but I want to just go through a couple things about the third leading cause of death since we're trying to live longer because I I kind of protest getting old I don't want to get old I know it's inevitable but I want to slow it down but it's important to kind of know what people die of that they're losing leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer is psychiatric medications I didn't even know that I looked that up and this is um in the cancer in USA and Europe over a half a million people die of either suicide or psychiatric medication that reactions to that I think that's why the drug companies are being sued by the billions so there's a lot of corruption going on with psychiatric drugs in the military all over the place and then you have this guy Stephen Barret Beret whatever his name is in quack watch which basically says he says most diseases have a little of nothing to do with diet it's not um and he goes into saying that it's most things are placebo you know don't take vitamins you know alternative practitioners oversimplify he says when they say that milling that's like rindy grain removes the B vitamins they don't bother to tell you the enrichment and back so you can see that here is a person who is very anti natural vitamins he's a psychiatrist which causes the third leading cause of death there's no it's just a joke so the philosophy that I wanted to teach you guys today is really going beyond the outside in and going the inside out working on the inside of your body if you want this the entire body to look youthful I think probably the one of the biggest in your seat industries out there is skincare and makeup and hair care and it's all just superficial you're just dealing with a layer of a very tiny layer on the outside of your body there is much better things to do to get the skin youthful prevent wrinkles and I'm going to cover what you need to do a better strategy would be to just really look at the quality of materials that you're putting in your mouth and your digesting I will say that certain parts of your body are replaced at different rates for example like your your skin cells sometimes you replace every four days the liver is replaced every three years so the red blood cells are replaced every four months the colon cells are replaced every three days so you're constantly replacing your cells and the question is what are you replacing them with I'm going to show you the best material to replace them with but there's one thing that doesn't rejuvenate or doesn't replace itself and that's the brain so once you kill off your brain cells you don't replace them they don't come back so what I want to do is I want to ask everyone who's on the webinar um a question what food and I'm going to just make this what is the food that gives us the highest nutrient value okay it's a category of foods and I want you to go ahead and I'm looking at your answers right now want you to take a well guess what category of food gives you the highest amount of nutrition out of all food categories I'm going to give you a second to answer that okay kale leafy greens vegetables kale veggies plants protein fats veggies protein okay well this is interesting because this is something that's kind of unknown um yeah berries no I always like that when you ask a column in I'll ask a question I'll say um okay does anyone know this and you know they're not going to know it so you just know that's not right so you're wrong you're wrong you're wrong so um what about you you have any idea what Leslie would what the highest nutrient food is on the planet that you can get all of your nutrition I should know this ah I'm thinking um I'm thinking yeah I don't know why but I could be wrong all right let me I mean I'm eating all the things on the side everybody's saying good stuff yeah oh sure the one that one thing I'm not sure what the one thing with me um okay so now I'm going to tell you um it is I thought I had slide on it but I don't organ meats oregon means up then yeah liver heart brains kidneys for it personally um I can't eat those foods I just I just can't eat them I think I was as a child that was forced to eat liver and I just can't eat it I don't know I have a hard time eating brains and kidneys but I'm just letting you know those foods I know a lot of them are toxic because of the animal feeds but I'm just telling you as far as the nutrients that are in those foods like it's it's really hard to find one food that has all the nutrients but there is one food that has all the and that would be the organ meats so if you like liver and you have an organic or free-range you know animal and you consume that it's not you will get a lot of nutrition especially like iron and there is one type of nutrient types of vitamin e treants that are better for looking young young than others and that would be the fat soluble vitamins and that would be like vitamin A D e K those vitamins yes they're in vegetables but they're actually in vegetables they're pre vitamins so in other words they have to convert into the active form and you have to have a good digestive system to consume that so you may if you're lucky convert about 5% of those true fats and vitamins to help division to the skin even vitamin A for your skin if you don't have vitamin A you actually dry out your skin you and you actually look older going on a low-fat diet is very very bad for anti-aging so let's go into some of the the foods or the nutrients that will help you stay younger or look younger the first thing I want to talk about is foods for college and support whisk collagen collagen is like the glue that holds the body together it's the UM it's in the joints it's in the skin if you lose collagen your skin gets thin and it sags and you get wrinkles and you look older so you can consume the collagen itself or bone broth or grass-fed animal products but you also need trace minerals to actually utilize that collagen you also need vitamin C to use the collagen so I wanted to show you something this is a grass-fed collagen that I got online Great Lakes gelatin I mean it's it's good if you have like a lot of joint problems arthritis and you don't consume a lot of animal products especially grass-fed that would be something you can try and but I found that most people are not really deficient in collagen it's not something that are not eating that's not why they're losing your collagen I'll get to the why but the point is that it's not a bad supplement to take but just by taking this doesn't is does not mean your skin's going to look youthful you need several things to to make that work um the big thing is trace minerals as trace minerals are not in the soils I've done seminars on trace minerals use a version I use trace minerals it's a plant-based it's not sea salt plant-based minerals have our fifty fifteen thousand times smaller than regular minerals so they it go in like a rocket ship so you need the minerals you also need the vitamin C complexes and I I wanted to show you a food that's very high in vitamin C but I want to first find out I'm going to ask you what foods are high in vitamin C what are the top three foods that are the highest in vitamin C let's see who can get that one right okay people are saying camu camu yeah that's a great citrus carrots broccoli kale spinach so you guys you you guys are doing pretty good on that one so I think you got that one down there the three foods at the highest in vitamin C which would be number one up ayah number two Kiwi and number three peppers now these are not from the grocery store these are from the farmers market these are freaking amazing peppers they're crunchy there's they're loaded with vitamin C and vitamin C you got to be careful about vitamin C because most of it is synthetic and I'm talking about ascorbic acid if you buy Ottoman C and it has over 100 milligrams of ascorbic acid it's just synthetic they make ascorbic acid from corn starch which has no vitamin C in sulfuric acid and you take this stuff you're not getting any / C complex it's not going to help your collagen if you do something like this you're going to get the complete complex because in the complete version of vitamin C you have enzymes a copper enzyme called tyrosinase you have the J factor the bioflavonoids the route ins all the different great complexes provided and C to help build collagen and organic copper it's a mineral in that thing and so it's and by the way a lot of the drought the vitamin C is stored in your adrenal glands so the dream glands are tired you won't have enough vitamin C to use that and the other thing is that when you take vitamin C in high dosages and synthetic versions it will create deficiencies of the other factors about and C causing spider veins and I'm going to talk more about this in the next seminar but Linus Pauling recommend large dose of vitamin C notice he has these spider veins around his nose that's a vitamin C deficiency because one of the side effects of scurvy is micro hemorrhaging of the capillary blood beds and so the scoop the bleeding gums the spongy gums that you have when you brush your teeth that's a vitamin C deficiency so and also fatigue is a vitamin C deficiency but also the arteries the arteries can in high-pressure areas have a micro hemorrhage hemorrhage and so the body puts a bandaid on it called cholesterol and calcium plaquing and that's what makes the clogged artery but the first thing that happens is the micro damaged hemorrhage from the vitamin-c complex deficiency so those are some vitamin C things that you can look at and especially for your skin I mean you need that collagen so now I'm going to go back to my slide if I can do a screen share let me see here okay so we have collagen bone broth if you took an org let's say some bones from and um let's a cow or something and it was grass-fed and you were to cook it over a day or two and make some bone broth and there's a great recipe that would not be a bad idea to drink that stuff it's really good for collagen especially if you want really strong nails and hair um I can actually if I can either use trace minerals to make hair stop falling out or sometimes collagen or the combination of both but because trace minerals also help the collagen form correctly so the combination is very very important especially for a hair loss so the most important thing to do is to make sure that your animal meats are grass-fed and I'm going to show you I use them like here's an example I do a lot of beef myself this is grass-fed um and the reason why I do grass-fed is because it has loaded with vitamin k2 if you've seen any of my videos you basically know about k2 it's going to be the next super vitamin it improves elasticity of the arteries it decreases blood pressure it gets calcium out of the joints it's quite amazing and of course we have the grass-fed Kerrygold butter that's vitamin K it's loaded with vitamin A and of course I'm showing all my food here um these are my eggs from the farmers market from a farmer that basically I have a video I'm going to put a video of this farmer because he has these cages in the grass field in the clover fields and they're like the human lawn mower they will eat all this grass and then he rotates them I mean talk about a pasture raised grass-fed chicken I mean those things are those eggs it's hard to even break the shell it's silt loaded with calcium so it's quite amazing um there's a couple questions I want to just go right to the questions um said the webinar keeps cutting out nope no worries I'm going to record this and I'll send you the link right when I get done what about fermented cabbage I love it I think that's a great idea and vitamin I mean cabbage is is really huge in vitamin C and it has a complete complex can spider veins be repaired by taking proper amounts of vitamin C well I wouldn't worry about the amounts I would worry about the type of vitamin C that you consume and yes it can be reversed if you have the whole complex just make sure you do not consume ascorbic acid um let's see what else grapefruit has some vitamin C but it's a bit too sweet if you're trying to lose weight I always have to talk about that because fruit tends to slow down weight loss okay good what what if you have autoimmune and can't do nitrates well then you can use the you know there's camu camu is a great vitamin c complex you can do that there's a lot of other things that you can do other than nitrates not a problem okay so there's three things for collagen support one is you need you possibly might need collagen you might need trace minerals and you you might need to support your your stomach because if your stomach has um if you have like acid reflux or you have bloating or burping and you don't have enough acid that could be the reason why you can't digest protein and collagen is your stomach has to be really really acid to to trigger those enzymes in the stomach to break down collagen so as you get older especially during menopause you lose your stomach acids so if I were trying to improve my collagen and I was female and I was menopausal the first thing I would do before anything is I would make sure that I correct on that digestive stomach pH so if I had like indigestion or s reflux or heartburn that means that I would have to add more acid to that stomach to correct it so the valve gets closed called betaine hydrochloride so if you're listening now and you have any digestive issues at all take some betaine hydrochloride maybe three with a meal get it from the help of store and then within a week or two watch what happens to your hair nails and skin it will improve because you'll start absorbing more of the collagen from the food you're already eating so we just have to look at those factors the next thing I want to talk about is very important and this is for those people that want to change the not just their health but the looking youthful and that would be the fat soluble vitamins and all the oils you don't want to go crazy you have to be able to digest them you need to have a good gallbladder to digest them but the point is that when people are pushing the low fat stuff that's when you start looking older you want to look at the shelf and get whole fat not low fat anything so if you're going to do some yogurt you know make sure it's whole fat of course you go watch out for the sugars and yogurt nowadays um so there's not a problem using the butter it's good for the skin because it contains vitamin A so the first item I'm going to talk about is vitamin A and that is in egg yolks grass-fed butter shrimp cheese sardines to nuts and fish it's in all the fatty stuff I'll show you something here um I'm going to show oh yeah cheese I'm from Wisconsin so I love cheese and of course Kerrygold here we go Kerry gold butter Kerry gold cheese this is my favorite cheese right here it's at BJ's in Costco now I can't believe it it's all grass-fed here's another grass-fed cheese from Trader Joe's I do a lot of cheese that has the vitamin K it has a vitamin A even even some vitamin D those are fat soluble vitamins that you need for your skin for your hair to prevent wrinkles so those are things that will really really help you and take them from the inside don't rub the butter on the outside of your skin that's not going to do it I used to crave butter as a kid I used to eat it of course I had no idea why now I know why I was deficient in vitamin A hmm so so vitamin A it's in these fattier type things that you were told to avoid mm-hmm so the other thing you can do is up coconut oil you can cook with it you can eat it fish oils the best fish oil that you can have is either krill or cod liver oil yes your grandmother was correct cod liver oil has a wonderful blend of vitamin A and vitamin D so don't I mean just I would start consuming just you don't need a lot of it you just need a little bit of it okay now let's talk about vitamin E why is vitamin E important you've heard vitamin E for scarring for skin health for sex hormones vitamin E is a precursor for hormones and it's stored in the pituitary when women go through menopause they don't use their ovaries very much anymore so they're not going to baby so what happens is that that dynamic that pituitary release every month is no longer it no longer has to work as hard so the vitamin E reserve tends to dry up in a lot of women and I find they end up with a vitamin E deficiency and they start getting unnecessary wrinkles so I fire you what I would do is I would don't be afraid to start consuming some of these fats but the foods that are highest in vitamin E are almonds other nuts sunflower seeds very high but they have to be raw sunflower seeds because when you cook them and you roast them you destroy the vitamin E because vitamin E is very sensitive to oxygen and heat okay fatty your fish like halibut salmon shrimp sardines lobster um and it's also in the leafy greens the spinach chard kale some eggs it's an avocado so it's an olives so those are just some some common things course vitamin D is the Sun fish oils eggs cheese um but other than that let's say you're not eating any officials or eggs or cheese because you're in a low-fat diet you don't get much Sun and you're going to low vitamin D levels vitamin D is necessary for the aging anti-aging process okay so what I'm going to do now is I just want to double check just to make sure that there's I'm answering any questions so someone says they love sardines cow's milk allergy well if you have if you're allergic to you know milk not a problem I've given you a list of other things you consume as well dandelion greens for vitamin A yeah well the the problem is the plant sources provide them an a they're all pre vitamin A so you're only going to absorb five percent and that is the challenge that we do if now I consume a lot of yes kale okay I eat kale I cut it chop it up my salad so that's loaded with vitamin pre vitamin A but it's C the cruciferous vegetables have other nutrients we'll get into that but the point is that you need to be eating them but you're not going to be getting the majority of your vitamin A from leafy greens because you only absorb 5% yeah I'm sorry okay let me just check these questions right here um you say BJ's has good caracal yes BJ's does carry the Kerrygold in bulk so yes tuna is is fine I know there's some problems with mercury um but I think there's certain time I'm actually going to do a video on tuna because there's certain types of tuna that are actually good and some tuna that it's not good I'm going to do a complete video because I don't want to get into a side thing on that right now fermented cod liver oil is the best and you can get that online you can get it from Amazon I do take that it's pretty good um I was given cod liver oil when I was a kid lasted until Easter yeah it's really good stuff um I found I sweat really bad with out my vitamin D interesting graying of the hair mostly after exercise well that's a stress see one of the things that we'll get into next is stress so I'll talk about that then can you get enough vitamin D from foods you need supplement that's a very good question I think you can maintain your body with just with vitamin k2 foods but if you have high blood pressure stiffness you have tartar on the teeth soft tissue calcium you have arthritis or types of joint problems then you're going to have to take extra and then once you get rid of that you can then maintain it after that so it is possible but not as a maintain maintaining thing okay now I'm going to show you something see if I can pop back over here now the accelerated aging of cortisol the hormone cortisol here's a new word that I want to teach you is called catabolism catabolism what does that mean catabolism catabolism is a breakdown of things it's something that breaks down in the body your body naturally uses the hormone cortisol to break down tissue but with the adrenal stress hormone being activated what happens is you get too much breakdown and not enough build up so you get this overall catabolic effect that means a breakdown effect on the on the muscles specifically your thigh muscles in the quad group so when you get up from a seated position or from a chair it might be difficult to mount this time to get up also the skin is very thin and almost paper like and I'll see that with people I'll look at their skin you can just see it's like very very very thin that's that's the problem of excessive cortisol with stress and you're losing your collagen you also have a disappearance of the elastic fibers and that's why your joints it's so brittle all the time as you age and that's just one of the effects of of course now I did a whole seminar on cortisol that was the last seminar I did and I talked about stress and if you did not see that webinar go ahead and watch it but I will give you some tips on stress right now because I would say one of the biggest things that ages people is stress specifically losses loss of a person loved one loss of a job loss of a marriage threat of loss financial threat of loss bad economy all that will add stress and so you do have to constantly work on reducing corners so there's a couple nutritional things that I recommend for cortisol I do recommend the adrenal day formula because it has a natural b1 and there that does not it's from nutritional use but it doesn't give you a yeast infection like some of the nutritional yeast out there and it's not synthetic like a lot of the nutritional yeast are enriched with synthetic so if you did um a that product and you take the that natural b1 with all the other things in it it'll tend to pull a lot of stress out your body you feel very very calm and chilled out so b1 is necessary to rid stress from your body and you'll feel a difference how do you know if you have a b1 deficiency there's a couple ways number one you feel a lot of nervous tension in your body you just like you can't relax you have a low tolerance to stress you have a Deema and swelling yes a demon swelling is that b1 deficiency many times as well you have nightmares where very vivid dreams so if you have any of those we know it's a it's a b1 deficiency and stress will cause that another thing you can do is get space go up for long walks because stress tends to inhibit your space and you get it's like you need to get outside and just get some space because that calms the adrenal gland down you're just a picture of how proteins and different things can break down fat can break down sugars can break down call it catabolism and just a breakdown okay we're shifting gears now to cancer control because one of the things that um which is a process is dying early from cancer I mean there are people all around me that are dropping dead with cancer patients patients relatives family members so it is a problem and there are things that we can do to reduce the risk of cancer and I want to talk about that um let's first define what cancer is cancer is a cell that is out of control it's it's duplicating at a very fast rate and the question is why there's a mechanism a machine in your body that is constantly keeping these extra cells that are radically growing out of proportion in check so there's a there's another word I'm going to teach you it's called apoptosis apoptosis and that that's basically controlled cell death your body is killing between 50 and 70 billion cells every single day which they need to do that because they need to clean out all these you know mutated cells the cells that we need to get rid of so we can replace with the new cells so for an average trial between the ages of 8 and 14 about 20 billion to 30 billion cells die a day so that's called apoptosis so now if we have if we're getting cancer we want apoptosis to work correctly to kill that cancer so apoptosis is a mechanism that's an important defense against cancer okay so that's the foundation I want to talk about so there's certain things that dis destroy this mechanism in block the your body's ability to kill off these cells and there's certain things that do it and this slide is out of order it's called endocrine disruptors so I want to just touch on this for a second what's an endocrine disruptor an endocrine disruptor is any chemical in the body pesticide herbicides fungicides insecticides heavy metals country-and-western just wanna see if you guys are awake that was a joke that was a dry sense of humor heavy metals country-western was a bad joke okay so endocrine disruptors are any chemicals in environment that alter your genes and cause disease there's these I have this book it's about three inches thick it's called the modern text toxicology's the basically the textbook of poisons okay the study of poisons and what poisons do with it to the body we are bathed in so many chemicals it's it's insane from walking out in the yard to our food to the air we're just bathed in all these chemicals I mean there's over four billion pounds of toxic chemicals releasing into our environment every single year that's 72 million pounds of recognized carcinogens which actually cause cancer so our bodies are constantly hit with these endocrine disruptors okay well guess what these endocrine disruptors mess up the normal process of your body controlling cancer so you may have known that already but I'm just refreshing your your mind I'm just touching right now I want to see if there's any questions real fast because oh yeah someone mentioned des diethylstilbestrol here's a there's a tongue twister diethylstilbestrol was used in the 50s from morning sickness I think over like millions of women were exposed to it and it caused problems not just in the offspring but in the third generation it it really destroyed our bodies and they did not test the long-term effects of that very very similarly to what they're doing now with the GMO foods so they made a lot of money and then now they banned it okay that's des so des is called endocrine disruptor destroys your how your hormones okay so now this really amazing car called the cytochrome p450 now I'm just this is another bad joke but it sounds like a car doesn't at p450 now a cytochrome p450 is an enzyme that has incredible capacities to turn those endocrine disrupters those poisons into harmless particles yeah so cytochrome p450 enzymes are these special enzymes in your liver and they're in different cells in your body that can break down thousands of chemicals toxins drugs and poisons and they basically just turn them into water-soluble particles that can go through the urine and it just so happens that the cruciferous vegetables increase your livers ability to make this enzyme that's really cool so here it is right here insecticides pesticides going to the liver and your liver if you're eating the right foods will basically dismantle those chemicals so your liver is like robust but if you have a fatty liver or it's a liver that's a bad liver from some type of virus or something then what's going to happen is that you're not going to get that breakdown how do you know if you have a fatty liver um a lot of people have it and they don't know it one of the biggest clues is your stomach being too big and that's causing visceral fat around the organs and especially the liver I sent five of my patients to the radiologist to get an ultrasound of the liver and they all have guts in five hundred a fatty liver so when you lose the capacity for liver you can't detoxify as well and you get a lot more toxicity and what do you have to do if you have that condition you have to basically start consuming a lot of cruciferous and avoid the junk you need to get the junk out of the trunk all right so if someone check the questions here dr. Berg isn't it more of a function of minerals actually being in the soil before you can assume that they're part of the plant in a plant or an animal that is eat it yes well that's why I really want to consume grass-fed animal products because our soils are so bad now that we need to and that you feed these animals corn and soy they're not getting a nutrition from that at all and it's all genetically modified so at least if it's grass it doesn't it's not genetically modified if you have a lot more nutrition in the grass especially like clover okay okay let's go back to the slides here okay at the liver very important with with your skin if you really work on your liver and you start consuming a lot more of these cruciferous vegetables your skin will start to change and you'll start looking better and better and better especially with acne and dry skin and youthful skin I mean the liver is really the hub of all the digestion of of your amino acids your proteins so we're going to talk about cruciferous for a second let me just fix the slide here cruciferous what does this moot word mean Chris crus which means cross it's basically certain plants that have these little crosses in them okay and here's some examples of cruciferous radishes Brussels sprouts kale cabbage bok choy and Swiss chard mustard greens arugula now I have some other vegetables in here too but I wanted just to mention the cruciferous family and this is this brings me to the next topic which is going to call um which is a different type of nutrient we talked about the fat soluble vitamins but we now we need to talk about the other nutrient that will not just help your skin and all that but it will help postpone your life cruciferous was studied by the World Health Organization and it was found to create some serious anti-aging effects and anti-cancer effects on your body each type of food is thoroughly tested to decrease the risk factors of many different types of cancer so one type of cruciferous will maybe handle like several type of cancers another one will handle a different other ones garlic is probably the top of the list that probably will that's like the most anti-cancer properties these are two different types of kale tumeric is a an amazing final nutrient it has phytonutrients I'm sorry turmeric is kind of a root that has phytonutrients so the category of nutrients that we want to talk about next is called phytonutrients plant chemicals these are different than vitamins and minerals and amino acids they basically are natural plant chemicals that have extra health factors or properties so they're there like they'll actually help with macular degeneration prostate cancer many disease states and so the question is why are not what why are we eating these foods I mean very few people consume these foods here's some good ones parsley cabbage and seek help seek help is great for minerals and iodine um but these are the foods that I consume on a regular basses if you don't consume them you need to start doing it for your liver and your skin will start to change as well even though these do not contain a lot of the fat soluble vitamins they do contain a lot of the phytonutrients which there are anti-cancer and again the GMO foods genetically modified foods are basically spreading all over the world right now and the two big ones are corn and soy and the animals that are consuming these are getting all sorts of inflammatory conditions and even the the pets that you have like even the dogs and the cats if you talk to a vet on these animals that come in with arthritis heart disease diabetes and inflammation in the gut it's because they're consuming GMO food when you just simply change the food not on GMO these things clear up but 90% of all the GMO corn and soy go to animal feeds that's pretty sad so in the grocery store that so-called natural chicken that you have from Purdue it's all GML unless it says organic it's GML now what does GMO GMO is genetically modified organisms and what they do is they they actually have them resistant to the herbicide called Roundup Ready and so you can spray more the Roundup Ready on these crops and so you bet they do that and it's around already the chemical name is called glyphosate and glyphosate is um pretty nasty stuff but of course they say it's safe so I think it might be okay um there's this French researcher by the way that was just a sarcasm um sometimes people don't get my dry humor I don't think they're safe but there's this French researcher who did studies animal studies and glyphosate and he found some serious problems with glyphosate and I'm on a semi I'm going to send you the link to it says that GMO and glyphosate causes tumors liver and any damage and rats within a week a smear campaign was mounted by the biotechnology industry with scientists primarily plant biologists and not toxicologists and they basically forced this study to be extracted from some of these journals so here the study comes out saying that GMO is bad and then it instantly was retracted not because they didn't find a cancer link but their reasoning was it was inconclusive because the type of rats used were prone to tumors so now here's the thing if they can do that you know that how they're so powerful they are so powerful so um I mean you can this is totally political so the point is that you know the GMO food is pretty bad if you look at from 1990 to 2012 you can see how many millions of pounds of glyphosate is being put or GMO plants are being created and you can see corns going up soybeans is going up wheat actually some of the wheat is genetically modified cotton uh certain vegetables and fruit rice grapes alfalfa pasture and hay other crops oh my gosh it's just kind of going up it's just crazy so what happens is these chemicals GMO foods herbicides they can mimic hormones and they go into your glands that die right the ovary and it can go into the breasts the uterus and cause cancer so if you take a look at like they always say that disease is so mysterious and it no one knows what causes this take a look at any of the toxicology books they will list all the diseases and tell you what pesticide or chemical causes this illness or this cancer and they don't really like you said Leslie they they do not connect the dots they don't Connect toxicology with cancer and natural things everything is like their own Island and so it's very obvious to me that all these things that are related to the toxins and we we don't actually we're not making the connection there of course we have psychiatrists like Stephen Barret without beret whatever his name is pushing out there that oh no that's fine just keep eating the stuff I was a released a video I was on sports talk live and I had a dietitian and her husband was an MD get on the air and give me a hard time about the whole water meth so you can watch it on my website but um it was ridiculous there's like oh yeah the tap water's fine it has minerals to keep drinking it everyone's dehydrated I'm like yeah okay alright so you just see the next slag here okay be the hormones like estrogen from the environment and all these endocrine disrupters act like estrogen in the environment they actually block the thyroid function so endocrine disrupters basically are chemicals that mimic estrogen and that's why females it way way too many cancers in the in the areas that they have receptors for estrogen which are breast uterus and even the thyroid african-american women have a lot more receptors for estrogen which gives them a different shape and that's one of the reasons why even African American women are getting more cancers than other cultures because of the estrogen so you really need to increase your cruciferous make sure you do consume things that are you know make sure they're organic hormone-free because it's going to create a problem sooner or later so I just wanted to put this slide up I had it created you can see if you go down the grocery store you see these incredible I delicious cookies and doughnuts and breads it's all the same ingredients I purchased corn syrup hydrogenated oils chemicals high-fructose corn syrup artificial flavoring it's all the same thing pretty sad so phytonutrients those are plant-based chemicals that have all these really amazing properties and all these different plant chemicals that do many things like even vitamin A for example vitamin A is not a single vitamin it's a whole bunch of complexes like there's over 600 parts of vitamin A so if you take a synthetic vitamin A you are not even getting close to what you should get that's what I'm very much against synthetics so cruciferous vegetables help protect the cells from DNA damage they help inactivate carcinogens they're antiviral antibacterial anti-inflammatory I mean they create all these wonderful benefits now I'm going to check check the questions here what do you think of wild yam well if you um have a problem with hot flashes with menopause I think that would be something you should take because that will it's a natural source of it's called phyto estrogens which are actually will help you there's some other ones to call the clover leaf that's actually very good as well um let's see okay how much difference will it take to take a cruciferous supplement um here's the thing it's always best to consume the food but it is hard to get that so what I'm going to show you is a the cruciferous product that a lot of you are already taking right now and of course you probably have not been taking because I've been out of it since March but I wanted to explain kind of a combination of ingredients that I'm not even I'm just but I'm not even showing this image here okay so you can see right here there's a product that I I created it's called the Creuset organic cruciferous food and it has organic beetroot Brussels sprouts collard green organic asparagus organic kale organic parsley and parsley is probably even has more vitamin of vitamins and kale and then we have organic red radish cabbage garlic and tamarick so those are all the things that I personally think are the the superfoods and I put them in in one combination was 250 tablets in this and this is something that is convenient if you don't have all the different variety of nutrients because it is hard to get all these nutrients so like it has all these these products in there has seek help because some people we go because oh my gosh is there's cruciferous it's going to cause a deficiency of iodine for my thyroid I'm gonna get a quarter no you're not I put the sea kelp in there so it's a really awesome product and and in these webinars I always get people at discount if you wanted to get some cruciferous um the bottle is 250 capsules and here's I have some good news and some bad news what do you want to hear at first the bad news or the good news let me see what you guys say there's a delay in this thing okay Leslie us you want the good news or the bad news um bad news look at good news okay good the good news is that I'm giving you a discount on this product $10 off and here's the coupon code and here's the link and the good news is that it's fun it's almost in News is not in yet it's in tomorrow morning's coming tomorrow morning so but the good news it's almost in and I've had people wait since March for this product because because here's the problem I ran into um it is almost impossible to find a local farmer or something United States that has the soils that I want to get these products unless you go to China or you go to some other country I don't I don't do that so it's taken us forever and so what will happen this is March March March April May June July August is it August or September September ok that's seven months I haven't had this product I'm getting it tomorrow morning it's coming tomorrow morning Percy so what happened is I would get it would have like one ingredient tested would be it would have too much lead in it and like I can't do that and next one I have like too much I don't know another mineral that we don't want in there that's toxic or something like that so we had the thoroughly test every single ingredient and make sure that it's all really really high quality from the exact farms that I wanted it from so it's finally done so the good news it's almost here the bad news is not quite here and so um there's some more bad news which I'm going to tell you right now the other bad news is that um the cost of this product went up severely so I have to increase it a little bit more so that going to be five dollars more but the good news is if you wanted to get the product at the lowest fee you can actually buy as many of these as you want with on this on this webinar so that's the good news so you don't have to pay the big raphy if you don't want so you can get some reserve if you want the only catch-22 is that I only want you to order this tomorrow morning not tonight because I do not want to sell you is product unless I am 100 percent sure it's available yeah even though I'm tracking I'm tracking the guy who's like pulling up in my offices I know what state he's in he's going to be showing it tomorrow but until it shows up I'm not going to take I'm not going to take the block off my website so no there was no one can really buy it until I actually have it in hand so if you wanted to check in early the morning in an infant actually everything works then it's in if it doesn't work then you know it's not in yet so I just want to let you know that I've been really behind the scenes trying to get this thing out for a long time so so the good news is I'll have it in tomorrow is a 99.99% chance and the bad news is it's a little bit more expensive but the good news is you don't have to pay that because I'm giving you a discount so anyway this is a good product to take for your liver it's the best anti-aging because it fortifies the inside of the body and it also protects against a lot of different types of conditions that people are at risk just from the pollution in the environment so so now what I want to do is I want to give you a link and a code coupon code you can just highlight that coupon code and just yeah just save it for tomorrow and you can go to my website and get a discount you get as many as you want I I will be increasing lean the prices already increase but if you use that discount which is going to be good for the next three days I know it says the offer ends in one hour but that's not true because I don't even have the product in so no worries on that okay now if you are watching this as a webinar replay just realize I already have it in okay because I'll have it in by tomorrow for sure um someone says can I piggyback on auto-ship order with my wheatgrass juice yes I think you could do that but you may want to call my office with that how long is to keep an offer for the next three days how long is the shelf-life the shelf-life is is good for a year but I think it's actually longer than that but we we tell people a year at the because we're being very conservative mm-hmm someone says don't go to commercial I'm not I'm not going to commercial don't worry I'm just good people asking me I'm giving them a discount um can you provide the price of the hoaxers food yeah the price was thirty thirty 4.95 now it's 39.95 but there's two hundred and fifty capsules in there um but the problem is that the the price trying to get these ingredients is off the charts even if you go look for a cruciferous product it's hard to find um all these cruciferous and you may find them like in like broccoli or something like that but it's only like 90 pills and it's probably it's going to be the same it's like thirty dollars it's the same thing so it's it is a good a good program with with the quantity that you're getting into quality as well if you shift candidate yes do they lose any vitamins when they are processed um well you're not going to lose that much with the processing but if you keep them in the heat they keep it open you may even want to keep in the fridge to have them last a lot longer what is the dosage how many pills per day it depends if you want to make maintenance dose I would take three but if you want to correct something you want to take six personally this is just my own opinion if I had cancer I would take 15 a day Wow I've had a lot of people that just take them for weight loss but that's just because it improves the the the fat release on the liver and it allows the liver to function better which is really connected to actually a thyroid being working better but so it doesn't actually burn fat by itself um what if you have a thyroid problem well we have seek help in there so you have the I then that's not going to be a problem is it safe to take if you're pregnant absolutely because there's there's nothing else but those ingredients can I give it to my toddler depends if he's like 1 or older just give them maybe one a day but of course if it's a baby you're not going to give him that unless he can swallow capsules yeah so so anyway I covered a lot of data a lot of information I'm going to send everyone a link to all these slides because I have a lot of references that you can see and I will send it out probably a little bit later on probably in the middle of a night you'll go go to you and that way you can see the webinar I mean all the slides and I'll send you the webinar replay too if you want that but I want you to apply some of the information that I shared tonight and I want to thank Leslie for being onto sharing her story of the wonderful example of trying to get some help of treating one person at our once condition and time so thank thank you very much next Tuesday we're going to do another seminar and this one's going to be on energy and it's going to be really awesome I'm going to cover the topic on insulin very heavily you need to what you need to see that if you have any insulin problems and even eat if you don't if you if you are fatigued you need to come to this webinar as well um so I'll show you some techniques as well I'm going to show you an acupressure technique that will literally increase your energy yeah so I'm demonstrate it right in my office right here and then you could do it on your friends and family just don't mention my name now I'm fine you can you can do that so I want to thank you guys for showing up tonight I and I will see you next and the next webinar so I'll send you a link on that too and I will have someone reply to a lot of your questions because some people are having specific questions about this and that so I'll try to answer those or go to my blog but I want to say thank you and have a great evening thanks Lesley we'll see you next time thank you you're welcome
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kalachand97-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Globeinfrom
New Post has been published on https://globeinform.com/exoplanets-hellish-ecosystem-lends-hope-to-search-for-lifestyles/
Exoplanet's hellish ecosystem lends hope to search for lifestyles
It stands to reason that our first-rate wish of locating lifestyles as we understand it on a planet beyond our sun machine could require a surroundings just like the one that maintains us from receiving a lethal dose of radiation from the sun. For the primary time, astronomers have noticed simply any such existence-keeping bubble on a planet near in length to Earth.
GJ 1132b is about 1.4 instances as huge as our planet and has about 1.6 instances the mass. It additionally seems it may have steamy surroundings rich in water, oxygen, and methane.
The ones are the various findings via a crew targeted on the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Germany and currently posted inside the Astronomical Magazine.
This isn’t the first atmosphere to be detected around an exoplanet, but it’s far the primary to be spotted around a planet so near in size to our personal. Up to now we’ve got handiest detected them round fuel giants and one without a doubt huge fantastic-Earth eight times large than our domestic.
a surroundings on a planet similar in size to ours can also sound like a terrific sign with regards to the possibility that life could live to tell the tale on awesome-Earth GJ 1132b, positioned “only” 39 light-years away (approximately the identical distance as the Trappist-1 machine filled with Earth-like worlds), but there is one large barrier.
In keeping with scientists at the Harvard-Smithsonian Middle for Astrophysics, everybody visiting GJ 1132b can count on temperatures around 450 ranges Fahrenheit (232 degrees Celsius).
“On cooler planets, oxygen might be a signal of alien existence and habitability. however on a hot planet like GJ 1132b, it is a sign of the exact opposite — a planet it really is being baked and sterilized,” Harvard astronomer Laura Schaefer stated in a declaration final yr. Her crew has performed separate paintings modeling the planet’s surroundings.
This would likely make GJ 1132b more just like Venus than to Earth, and as an alternative inhospitable to lifestyles.
But the detection of surroundings on the earth could certainly be right news for the capability of numerous other planets across the universe to host lifestyles. it’s as it orbits an M dwarf famous person. These are one of the most not unusual styles of stars around, known for their addiction of regularly shooting out flares and streams of debris that would actually blow away the atmospheres of close by planets.
You could say that within the galactic community, M dwarfs are the cranky associates hosing down youngsters who get too near their garden.
however, it appears the ecosystem of GJ 1132b has persevered over billions of years, lending a bit of careful optimism to the notion that atmospheres and possibly lifestyles may want to continue to exist on planets like Proxima b and the Trappist-1 worlds that orbit Those cantankerous M dwarfs.
Earth’s Weird Sister Until the Sixties, schoolchildren have been erroneously taught that Venus, the second one planet from the solar, is the Earth’s dual sister. Venus is the closest planet to our very own, and superficially the 2 planets appear to have loads in the commonplace. In reality, inside the beyond, there has been much speculation about the possibility of life residing in this cloud-shrouded planet, most effective barely smaller than Earth in size–and from time to time this hypothetical Venusian existence displayed clearly bizarre and high-quality attributes! As an instance, in 1686, Bernard de Fontenelle, a French “guy of letters”, wrote:
“I’m able to inform from here… What the population of Venus is like; they resemble the Moors of Granada; a small black humans, burned by using the sun, complete with wit and fire, constantly in love, writing verse, keen on tune, arranging fairs, dances, and tournaments every day”. (Countrywide Geographic, June 1975).
Closer examination by means of later astronomers has blasted away that in advance view. Even though Venus resembles Earth in lots of approaches, if it is Earth’s dual, it is an “evil one”. Venus is a warm, fiery, cauldron of a “Bizarre sister.”
Venus is lots hotter than it ought to be. At its distance from our sun, it gets a quantity of radiation that ought to keep its surface temperature at about the boiling point of water, or 212 stages Fahrenheit. But, radio measurements taken from Earth have discovered that Venus has the freshest strong floor of any planet in our sun machine, at a consistent and hellish 900 tiers Fahrenheit. That is warm sufficient to soften lead and to offer the rocks on Venus a creepy heat glow.
Venus’s surroundings is a devastating witch’s broth of carbon dioxide and sulphuric acid, and the crushing stress on the surface of this bedeviled planet is 90 instances extra than in the world.
Yet, this Bizarre global is in some ways like our own. it’s miles a distinctly small, rocky global circling the sun in an orbit that is living subsequently to Earth’s. Venus circles our celebrity in 224.7 days, compared to Earth’s 365. Furthermore, it takes 243 days to spin once on its axis. An afternoon is simply longer than a year on our Bizarre sister global! Even more strange, Venus is rotating backward whilst as compared to the alternative seven planets living in our sun gadget. If found from high above the north pole, Venus could appear like rotating clockwise. If it were feasible for a person to face on the floor of this planet, the solar could upward push in the West, lazily journey throughout the sky, and then set in the East–which is, of the path, exactly the opposite of what occurs in the world.
Like our planet, Venus dwells in the habitable sector of our sun device. The liveable quarter surrounding a star is theoretically a vicinity where liquid water can–but does no longer necessarily–exist, and in which the temperature must be not too warm, not too cold, however just right for lifestyles as we understand it to adapt. Our “dwelling planet” Earth is living in our sun’s habitable sector, just like Venus.
however, in spite of its fortunate region around our big name, Venus is very one-of-a-kind from its greater existence-pleasant sister. In place of carrying bountiful and exquisite churning blue oceans of liquid water and an existence-maintaining atmosphere, Venus is bone-dry and searing-hot because of a runaway greenhouse impact that continues this devastating heat trapped at its surface.
The carbon dioxide in Venus’s atmosphere is in part obvious to fantastically quick wavelengths–near infrared and seen radiation making its journey to that planet from the sun. This radiation is then soaked up by way of the rocks at the Venusian floor, which then dispatches the radiation again out again at longer wavelengths–termed mid-infrared or thermal radiation. Carbon dioxide is a great deal much less transparent to the thermal radiation. Therefore, lots of the radiation is clearly re-introduced returned to the luckless planet. The radiation is first absorbed after which partly re-radiated by the carbon dioxide again to the floor! On this scenario, much of the power remains trapped within the warm envelope of Venus’s dense atmosphere. That is the manner the greenhouse effect works on Venus. It is also the manner wherein greenhouses on the planet are kept conveniently heat.
but Venus isn’t always cozy. If ever there was a time inside the remote beyond that Venus harbored seas or oceans of water, the greenhouse impact would have in the end heated Those primeval bodies of existence-pleasant liquid to the factor that they boiled away and evaporated a long time and a long time ago. Liquid water is necessary for life as we know it. it is vital for the chemical reactions present in the world that serve to ensnare volatile sulfur and carbon compounds, after which lure them in rocks. Without water on Venus, Those volatile gasses remain in the ecosystem, contributing to the runaway greenhouse effect.
We cannot examine the floor of Venus from Earth because it’s miles veiled by dense clouds that powerfully replicate sunlight. But, space missions to Venus have revealed a floor This is studded with impact craters. Venus also has greater than 1, six hundred principal volcanoes, But the volcanoes on Venus are smaller than The ones on the earth. The floor of the planet moreover suggests mountains, huge highland terrains, and massive lava plains. Venus isn’t a place that Earthlings could be glad to visit–fascinating as it undoubtedly is. On the innacle of its searing surface temperature and its hideously heavy surroundings, clouds of sulfuric acid go with the flow around inside the dense surroundings, pelting the negative planet with sulfuric acid raindrops.
But, in October 2012, researchers announced that Venus’s usually hellish surroundings has a mysterious bloodless layer That is more frigid than any a part of Earth’s own surroundings! The ecu space Organisation’s (ESA), Venus Specific satellite, which spied this cold location, was launched in November 2005. It maneuvered itself successfully into orbit round Venus in December 2010. The primary mission of Venus Specific is to provide an explanation for our Weird sister planet’s records. The usage of a space equivalent to a handbrake flip, it fired its engine for a crucial 50 mins to slow it down from 29,000 kilometers-in keeping with- hour to 25,000 kilometers- in line with- hour. This important sluggish-down enabled the distance probe to be ensnared through Venus’s gravitational include, and Consequently enter into an elliptical orbit round its poles.
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connormyerson-blog · 5 years
Connor Myerson | Easy Fitness - Swimming - A Whole Body Workout
Swimming, practice has it, is not an excellent way to reduce weight - an enduring piece of misinformation that unquestionably isn't dispelled by newspaper photos of Hindenburg-size marathon swimmers stumbling from some cold sea.
  Real, when you swim, your body is supported by water, as well as due to the fact that you aren't forced to fight gravity, there can be much less calorie burn. It is likewise real that some marathon swimmers will not be modeling underwear anytime soon (actually, it befits marathon swimmers to bring some fat as beneficial insulation versus frigid water). As well as it's true that a 150-pound male swimming at a leisurely pace burns roughly 6 calories a minute. He can burn almost twice the calories going for a pedestrian 12-minute-mile speed.
  However prior to you transform your back on the pool, consider this. That exact same 150-pounder can increase his calorie burn by swimming faster. Swimming butterfly (one of the most tough of swimming's four strokes) burns roughly 14 calories a minute - a far better calorie shed than tennis, squash, or football (soccer). What we're discussing right here is strength, and that clarifies why Olympic swimmers (unlike marathon swimmers) have the type of body that obtains the function of Tarzan.
  Swimming offers others various other advantages that cannot be overlooked. Since you are sustained by water, it's a low-impact sport and also therefore virtually injury-free. For the very same factor it's additionally a terrific workout if you're overweight, given that it spares your joints the pounding experienced in gravity-bound sports like running.
  The diverse strokes utilized in swimming take your joints through a full series of motion that can improve flexibility. Crucial, few workouts give you the head-to-toe muscle mass workout that swimming does.
  You are making use of mostly all the significant muscular tissue teams of the body. the legs, hips, abdominal muscles, upper body, shoulders, and top back - all of these muscle mass are working. You can additionally obtain incredible stimulation to the heart and also respiratory system. As far as basic health goes, swimming is an outstanding conditioner.
  Right here's a likely circumstance: Delighted by the possibility of all these advantages, man goes to the swimming pool. Man puts on suit and also safety glasses. Male pushes off the wall surface as well as makes for the various other end. Guy gives self as well as lifeguard a severe scare.
  Swimming, it needs to be said, is not a sporting activity that comes easily. See recreational swimming pools, which are normally loaded with individuals that look like they're much more interested in self-preservation than exercise. We're mosting likely to reveal you exactly how to make that transition from thrashing wheezer to stylish swimmer and also how to enhance even if you're currently in your home in the water.
Connor Myerson
Get Qualified Direction - Learning to swim may seem like something for preschoolers in water wings. But even if you can effectively navigate from one end of the pool to the other, appropriate technique is not something that you can learn by yourself.
Hold your horses - We expect to select points up quickly. Swimming will not be just one of them. Knowing appropriate stroke techniques requires time, which takes persistence. Individuals desire results immediately, however swimming is extremely technological, which is truly aggravating for a great deal of people. Learning swimming's four strokes - freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, as well as butterfly is simple, but it is necessary that you discover just how to do them effectively if you want to get one of the most out of swimming.
Loosen up In The Water - When you're discovering to swim, relaxing is one of the most important thing that you can do - and the most difficult. When individuals are learning to swim, they get worried and they tighten. As well as when they do that, they find themselves sinking, and also it's just that much tougher. You need to loosen up as well as remain loosened. If you happen to be one of those individuals whose muscular tissues lock right into a state looking like rigor mortis whenever you go near the swimming pool, you might intend to grab a pair of swim fins. They make your kick extra effective, which indicates that they will keep you up as well as planing throughout the surface area, even when you're tense and also tight.
Get The Right Tools - There's not a lot that you need to purchase, just a match and swimming safety glasses. The choice of suit is yours. Competing fits are light as well as comfortable. More crucial, they offer essentially no drag in the water. Swimming safety glasses are a must. Keeping the swimming pool from coming to be a virus reunion needs liberal use chemicals as well as a number of these chemicals are tough on the eyes. Periodically, you'll see swimmers using nose plugs or earplugs. Conserve your money. Unless you're particularly prone to swommer's ear, the body is created to hold up against dampness in these certain orifices. Anyway, earplugs often tend to befall while you're swimming, as well as nose plugs make it difficult to take a breath - and also when you're swimming hard, you intend to be absorbing all the oxygen you can.
Swimming For Physical fitness
Swimming looks easy, especially when you enjoy seasoned swimmers slide through the water. Yet swimming is an incredibly demanding sporting activity; for novices it can be a battle simply to reach the other end of the pool.
  To attain solid fundamental health and fitness, attempt swimming three to 4 times a week, logging between 2,000 and 3,000 backyards (about 1.5 to 2 miles) each exercise. The majority of swimmers can get that kind of distance in concerning an hour.
  If you're rather healthy but brand-new to swimming, experts advise swimming in between 500 and 1,000 backyards each workout. After that build gradually from there. Swimming is a vigorous activity. You'll be making use of brand-new muscles, and also it's very easy to stress them. Shoulder injuries are specifically common amongst overzealous beginners.
  Begin With A Warm Up - Swimming might be a forgiving sport, but you still want to loosen up before diving right into a high-bore workout. Professionals advise swimmers to heat up with a 400 yard swim - 200 yards freestyle, 100 backyards of backstroke, and 100 backyards of breaststroke - mixing up the strokes to bring all the muscular tissues into play.
Develop To Periods - Although you can obtain a superb exercise by swimming straight time, doing the very same stroke at the exact same speed for half an hour or two, you'll shed considerably a lot more calories by doing an interval exercise. This is absolutely nothing more than a series of swims separated by a particular quantity of rest (the interval). As an example, you might do ten 50-yard freestyle swims, leaving the wall every minute. Or you might do five 100-yard freestyle swims leaving the wall every 2 minutes. A common swimming workout consists of a number of sets, with about 10 to 30 2nd intervals between each swim of the set, then several mins remainder between each collection. The vital point is not to permit excessive remainder throughout the collection, you do not want to fully recuperate in between swims.
Mix Your Rates - A lot of individuals simply condition themselves to swim at one rate since they do the very same kind of exercise regularly. If you want to improve, you require to discover to swim quickly. It's not that every swim demands to be a sprint. The suggestion is to mix things up. As opposed to swimming the same half-mile pedestrian plod everyday, for instance, do intervals rather. As well as make at the very least one of those interval collections involve fast swimming. Swimming fast brings even more muscle mass fibers right into play, tax obligations the heart and also lungs a lot more, and burns as much as twice the calories. Of course, when you're swimming quickly, you'll need to relax longer between each swim so that you can truly make a top quality initiative. As an example, when doing ten 50-yard swims, you may intend to leave the wall every 2 mins rather than the 1 min recommended for a slower speed. You're resting much more, but I guarantee you will be beat. An extra point: It's constantly an excellent idea to do your sprints established early in the exercise while you're still fresh.
Mix Your Strokes - Many swimmers swim nothing but freestyle. If you are just one of them, you're losing out. Throwing swimming's various other strokes into your workout will aid you hit extra muscular tissues and enhance your adaptability by bringing different movements into play.
Place Your Arms And Legs to Work - Pulling (swimming making use of just your arms) as well as kicking (using simply your legs) are good enhancements to any type of swimming exercise. Pulling is a wonderful upper-body conditioner. Kicking hits your legs; include a pair of fins, and you'll enhance ankle joint versatility, making your legs work even harder. And because they include big muscle mass, kicking and pulling raise your heart rate nearly as much as swimming the total stroke. When kicking, don't use a kick-board. Holding on to the plastic foam board increases your upper body as well as drops your hips and also legs down. Great swimming implies balancing the hips and also head near the surface area of the water; having your legs angling down like supports does not accomplish that.
Get A Quick Burn - If you're searching for a tough exercise that you can do in very little time, here's a difficult alternative. The trick to this workoutisn't speed up, yet minimizing your rest periods to the absolute minimum. Making use of the stroke of your option, keep the effort fairly easy, claim 60 percent of your maximum heart rate. But maintain the pause between swims very brief, no greater than 7 to 15 secs, relying on the range you're swimming. For instance, if you're doing a collection of brief swims (say, 50 yards), you may want to rest about 7 seconds between each one. For longer swims of 200 lawns, for example, take 15 secs in between each one. Maintaining the pause short allows virtually no time for recovery. This maintains your heart rate up as well as knocking, giving you a terrific workout in a relatively brief time. You're training your heart to be a whole lot a lot more reliable. And also it doesn't indicate even more time in the swimming pool. It implies swimming more laps in the offered time. You can enter a terrific exercise in a hr lunch break.
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