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i-ideate · 5 months ago
If you had to choose a least favorite member of Les Amis, who would you pick? I know this is hard lol
I would have to pick Feuilly or Bahorel (probably the latter). I don't know as much about them, and they aren't very prominent in the fics I've read. I don't dislike them at all, other members (Grantaire lmao) just take precedence over them.
For me, Laigles/Bousset... To be fair...I have only finished a heavily abridged version of Les Miz, so my knowledge of him is quite brief, but I didn't like him that much, yk? I have barely gotten to Cosette's part in my other more expansive version, so I might change my mind later on!
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luegootravez · 4 months ago
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Samantha Malfoy by © Remi Kozdra & Kasia Baczulis
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l832 · 1 year ago
Lesgles truly is the character ever because he’s bald and unlucky and that’s pretty much the only thing that anyone really pays attention to but then you start to investigate literally any detail that Hugo ever wrote about him and you begin to unravel like a multiverse of puns and wordplay about French history, religion, and politics and then you start to ask yourself, well, wait a minute, why did Hugo put so much thought into this background character who has a few witticisms and doesn’t really do much and so you start to investigate what exactly his deal is, like, what does baldness mean in a Hugolian context and what’s with his Bad Luck and hey, wait a minute, what do his “persecutions on the part of fate” imply in the broader context of Les Misérables, and so now you’re questioning core tenets of the rules of the narrative and then you look at his role in the book and the way that his misfortune is tied to the fortunes and fates of everyone he interacts with and the impact that he has on the events of the story and then you realize that the Bad Luck bit and the puns are really just a way to distract you from the fact that Laigle de Meaux is in fact some small god of the Les Mis universe.
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mabeuf5 · 8 months ago
can’t quite place my finger on it, but there’s something so heart-rending and tragic about joly and lesgles dying with a blocked nose… something something it’s so humanising??? like they’re in this big epic and dying heroically but at the end of the day they still have a cold bc they’re just regular people? idk i’m rambling
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crazyhappycat · 28 days ago
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I dont knot what Victor Hugo expected when he wrote Les Miserables
But a bunch of emotional teens writing fanfictions about his work in 2025 was probably not what he expected
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orbitingapollo · 4 months ago
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mostlybrunettes · 2 months ago
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whirlwindstars · 2 months ago
A couple of weeks ago I stumbled upon @ueinra 's post about 1964's Italian "Les Misérables". That made me prepare an insight into this scene because, frankly, it's hilarious.
So, citizens, get ready for:
"Blondeau's Funeral Oration, by Bossuet"
With no oration. And Italian.
Chapter 1: Marius MARIO
Yeah, they "italianized" the name. For some reason. I have no idea.
And the story is now narrated from his POV because it comes right after his fight with Gillenormand. I mean, the two-scenes sequence is the same as in the novel. If you don't count those 5 in-between pages about a bunch of guys who really love the alphabet...
Chapter 2: Bossuet THE EAGLE
In the novel, the chapter is seen from Bossuet's POV. Here, he appears as a new character in the scene.
Only, he's never called Bossuet.
Here, let him introduce himself:
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So, in the tv series, the guy literally comes out of nowhere and starts talking with Mario... And he does not tell him why he knows he's THE Mario.
He does it in the book, yes. The handbag. Not here.
He just knows.
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While he's not bald in this adaptation, the fact that he's portrayed by an Italian actor, in an Italian production, makes the man really expressive!
(I might be biased here, but this physical acting makes the amount of static scenes this tv production has much more enjoyable!)
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This is Bossuet doing an impression of Blondeau:
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Marius is now Mario. Bossuet is now The Eagle.
Not Courfeyrac. He stays Courfeyrac.
Clearly the easiest "name" to remember.
Anyways, we've now arrived at the moment that made me do this post.
Yes, Courfeyrac literally comes out of nowhere (probably from the same portal Bossuet used before) and asks Mario if he needs a place to stay!
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The scene thus far has been almost word-to-word to the original chapter. But they added something Hugo's version lacked...
The coachman is a character here!
And he's fed up with Mario living on his coach!
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So both friends just... Jump on the coach with Mario.
If you thought Javert & Valjean's carriage ride was awkward enough,
this is Mario's ride:
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Chapter 5: ADDED PARTS
There are a couple of lines from later chapters in the book, like when they discuss Marius's political beliefs or when Courfeyrac suggests he should work as a translator.
But that's nothing compared to what's coming...
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Mario meets Cosette and Valjean while on the carriage!!
There's a reason for that: the director did not have the time, nor the budget, to shoot many outdoor scenes. If you look closely, the gardens are actually a painted background.
Hey, it's 1960's RAI, not the HBO...
What follows is pretty canon: Courfeyrac thinks Cosette is not good looking, and Mario compliments Valjean's posture.
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"Republic of Dreams, Province of Illusions, Capital City Soap Bubble"
- The Eagle, talking about Mario's brain
Ah, yes, Courfeyrac is "The richest revolutionary in all of free France".
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c0urfeyac · 11 months ago
rip bossuet i think you're the only man who understands me (i walked straight into a wall today)
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hayzeydayzey · 2 years ago
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Happy Barricade Day and Happy Pride Month!! 🏳️‍🌈🫶
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luegootravez · 4 months ago
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Samantha Malfoy by © Remi Kozdra & Kasia Baczulis
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ultimate-polyship-tourney · 4 months ago
Ultimate Polyship Tournament:Round 57|Side A
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Propaganda under the cut:
"Laigle de Meaux, as the reader knows, lived more with Joly than elsewhere. He had a lodging, as a bird has one on a branch. The two friends lived together, ate together, slept together. They had everything in common, even Musichetta, to some extent." This is what canon had to say, and the brick was written in the 19th century. If that is not a policule I don't know what is. This ship is so strong in the fandom that you almost never see any of them shipped with any other characters.
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cliozaur · 2 years ago
I really, really like how consistent Hugo is in depicting Marius! Here, he is as always a bit absent-minded, lost, and embarrassed. He non-stop apologizes, but at the same time, he can recognize humorous exchanges and join in. That's because he finally met someone like himself - another student (whom he has never encountered before, as they both hardly ever go to classes). They are both so amusing in this chapter! Lesgle: "Day before yesterday, I entered the school by chance." And their dialogue about the cab is just hilarious!
The educational institutions embodied in Blondeau are so rigid and outdated (as the French university system still is, especially in terms of hierarchy)!
I am enchanted by what Hugo is doing with Lesgle's name. This magic is only possible because he can write it down in various ways, whereas phonetically they all sound the same. Hugo calls him Laigle, the fellow refers to himself as Lesgle (and that's why I refer to him this way), and Marius imagines that he is called L'Aigle, which is why he adds, "What a fine name!"
The way Lesgle and (especially) Courfeyrac welcome and accept Marius without any questions is so sweet! It's incredibly lucky that Marius met them!
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daily-les-mis-quotes · 2 years ago
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I relate to him on a spiritual level
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elijah-loyal · 1 year ago
Hey pookies! Chapter 1 of the Jurassic Park Amis AU is NOW UP!!!! I'm so so excited for this!!
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postcard-from-the-past · 7 months ago
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Greetings from Le Brusc, Côte d'Azur region of southern France
French vintage postcard, mailed in 1953 to Laigle
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