#lafaiette's fic
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Based on this post by @wendynerdwrites: Solas treating everyone at the Lighthouse except Varric like complete morons, but becoming a puppy as soon as Lavellan shows up.
Spoilers for Veilguard!
Davrin was used to facing dangerous situations - the life of a Warden was not an easy one -, but no fight against darkspawn, no exploration of dark, damp roads could compare to the horror of sharing a place with the worst enemy of his people's lore.
Solas, the Dread Wolf, was... a cold man. No unnecessarily cruel like old Dalish legends described him, but certainly ruthless, ready to make sacrifices if it could help finally defeat the Evanuris.
There was a certain distance in his eyes and tone whenever he spoke with the new guests of his old base - that, and badly hidden rage, boiling just below the surface. He was haunted by the failed ritual, by Rook's intervention, by Varric's wound, by years of regrets.
Davrin's superiors had always insisted on a particular point: don't fight battles you can't win. Giant ogre making its way through a narrow tunnel? Run, or you will die under the rubble. Too many darkspawn surrounding you and your fellow Grey Wardens? Retreat, and plan a better strategy.
The Dread Wolf haunts your dreams, turning them into nightmares? Be respectful, da'len, do not enrage him further, and avoid him.
So Davrin did just that. He greeted Solas, but didn't dare ask him questions. He wasn't scared of speaking up in his presence, but he did so with an even tone, not really wanting to attract his attention.
Unfortunately, his being a Grey Warden was something Solas simply couldn't understand - or forgive? -, for the Dread Wolf once found him in the courtyard, taking care of Assan's feathers, and spoke to him without hesitation, without mercy.
"That is a beautiful creature."
Assan chirped happily - he was one of the few ones in the Lighthouse, Varric and Manfred included, who wasn't scared of Fen'Harel.
"Ah, thank you." Davrin nodded at him, then went back to brushing the griffon's feathers. "He's growing up so fast."
A moment of silence, then Solas spoke again, a thin veil of ice in his voice:
"I could not help but notice he fights with you."
"Well... Yes?" Davrin didn't turn back, increasing his focus on the least oily feathers, the ones that needed more care. "Grey Wardens and griffons fight together. We're supposed to build a bond."
"Why would you bring your beloved companion into battle?" Solas sounded furious, now. "Among the Blight and the darkspawn?"
"Because that's what Grey Wardens must do." Davrin did turn around this time, hoping his glare directed at Solas wouldn't condemn him to a week of nightmares. "It's not like Assan fights at my side for the whole time. He flies above the battlefield, and attacks only when I call him."
"Because he is still young. But he will join you once he is older, and ready, and your bond strong." Solas shook his head, distaste clear on his face. "And then he will risk getting blighted, poison in his veins."
"It's terrible, I know," Davrin agreed, for the thought of losing his friend in battle had kept him awake many nights in a row, "but it's a risk we must run if we want to fight the darkspawn."
"Did you ask Assan if he wants to run this risk?" Solas arched an eyebrow. "Or did you decide for him?"
Solas walked away, uttering a "tsk", and Davrin was left there, open-mouthed, shock and pain making his head buzz.
Assan let out a sad squeak, bumping his beak against his cheek.
"You are doing it wrong."
Bellara turned around, the elven device she was tinkering with falling on the ground. Solas, standing under the doorframe, looked at it, then at her, and she shrinked under his cold, almost disappointed gaze.
"What... What I was doing wrong?"
Oh, she hated how thin her voice sounded, but she couldn't help it! He was one of her gods! The deity of lies, trickery, and rebellion, the creator of the Veil, the reason why a breach in the Fade had appeared in the sky ten years prior! He scared her!
"Everything." Solas narrowed his eyes, then walked away, heading to his original destination, leaving her there, fuming and confused, angry at him and herself, angry at the device and its secrets, angry at her mind for not being able to understand them.
She picked it up from the floor, but didn't tinker with it again, leaving it on the table, like a forgotten relic.
Harding gently closed the door of Varric's room, so that he wouldn't wake. The wound was getting better, but he was still weak, frail. His fever had broken just the day before.
She almost jumped out of her skin when Solas walked out from the shadows just around the corner - seriously, wasn't a lighthouse supposed to be well-lit?
"How is he?" he asked, almost whispering, dark sorrow on his face.
Harding glared at him, torn between telling him to shove it and answering in a civil way.
In the end, her polite side won, prompted by the memories of their days in the Inquisition, when Solas would accompany the Inquisitor in all her trips and explorations.
He would often narrate beautiful stories at dinner, when the Inquisitor decided to stop at the main campsites where Harding was stationed. He was always kind with the Inquisition soldiers, and once he had complimented Harding's study of a map.
But he had hurt the Inquisitor, and now Varric, and she found forgiveness hard to find in her frightened, enraged heart.
"He's alive." She shook her head. "He's sleeping now, so come visit him later."
"And the wound?"
"It's healing, but I don't like the look of the skin around it. It's getting inflamed, I think." She sighed, making a mental list of all the plants in her room. "I might have something to help him, but I'll need to check and-"
"My magic may help."
Her rude side won over the polite one. Oh, how her mother would scold her if she knew.
"Your magic? I'm sorry, but your magic is what caused all this in the first place!"
She approached him, teeth gritted, fists clenched, and he didn't move, staring down at her with that cold pain that morphed his face into a pale, ancient expanse of regret.
"Your magic almost destroyed the world ten years ago! Your magic almost destroyed it now! Your magic maimed the Inquisitor-"
Something passed over his face - more pain and sorrow -, and she realized she had gone too far, for his next words were too controlled, too calm. He was about to explode just like she had.
"Enough, child of the Stone."
"How dare you!"
All the pain, fear, and shock Harding had packed away in her heart - like many jagged rocks she wanted pick and examine in peace in the quiet of the room - erupted from her. Her eyes burned.
"How dare you call me like that, after what my people lost!"
"Your people are not the only ones who lost everything."
"Well, at least we're not the ones trying to destroy this world to bring it all back!"
She stormed away, hoping her outburst hadn't caused Varric to awaken.
"He's here!"
Lucanis looked up from the pot of soup he was preparing for lunch, and lo and behold, the Dread Wolf was indeed there.
Spite respected him and feared him in equal measure. He was the only one who could speak with the demon in a real, coherent way, and make it listen.
Sometimes Lucanis envied him.
"May I help you?" he said, stirring the pot after adding more salt. "It won't be ready for one more hour, I think."
"Spirit, how are you feeling?"
"It's not a spirit." Lucanis spat out before Spite could answer. It was standing next to him, not slouching as usual, but standing tall, almost proud. "It's a demon."
"That's a matter of debate."
"A matter of- it's possessing me!"
"It does not wish to be with you just as much as you do not want it with you." Solas glared at him, before setting his eyes on Spite again. His expression changed, turning kinder, more patient.
"How are you feeling?"
"... Constricted."
Lucanis gawked at it.
"Oh, for... Constricted by what? I bring you everywhere!"
Solas ignored him. "Have you tried shaping the world around you? We are in the Fade here, after all."
"I have, but it doesn't listen! Not as long as I am..."
Spite growled and glared at Lucanis, who glared back, stirring his minestrone with more rage the recipe requested.
"I see. I promise I will try to find a way to help you. It might be difficult, due to your particular circumstances, but..."
"You want to help it?" Lucanis dropped the spoon into the pot, staring at the tall elf with disbelief. "Do you know what this fiend did to me while we were locked away in Renata's prison? What about helping me get rid of it?"
"It tortured you because it was tortured. It still is."
Solas' eyes looked cold even under the light coming from the fireplace. Lucanis realized he would probably never convince him, nor understand him.
"Bah!" He went back to his dish. "No wonder nobody here likes you, lupo."
Solas went away, quiet, his steps the lightest Lucanis had ever heard.
"You remind me of an old friend."
Taash looked up from the axe they were polishing, hoping they had heard it wrong.
Solas was checking some supplies. They hadn't exchanged a single word when he had entered, and Taash was glad of it, because they really didn't know how to act around that guy. Plus, their mood wasn't exactly the best these days, after a hard defeat against a particularly stubborn dragon that had badly burned their leg.
But now, this.
"How old, exactly? Millennia old? Decade old?"
"Decade. Do you know the Bull's Chargers?"
"I heard of 'em. Mercenary group led by the Tal-Vashoth who joined the Inquisition, yeah?"
Solas nodded, still checking the contents of an armory chest.
"So... I remind you of that guy?"
"Sometimes, yes."
Taash blinked. And waited.
"Why? Just because we're both Tal-Vashoth?"
"No." Solas barely looked at them as he closed the chest. "He also deeply admired dragons."
"Oh. Sounds like a cool guy, then." Taash grinned, dipping the cloth into a pot of oil and starting to polish a new area of their axe. "I bet he'd have enjoyed fighting that dragon from the other day."
"Oh, yes. But unlike you, he would have definitely prevailed."
"Why, you little piece of shit!"
They rose, furious and embarrassed, cheeks on fire and axe ready to be used, but he had already left.
"What is that supposed to be?"
Neve almost dropped her pencil.
"A map?" She narrowed her eyes at him. She had tracked him down in Minrathous, yes, but he had still escaped her, in a certain way. She hated that.
"Of course it is a map." Solas' tone was as icy as hers. He knew it was her fault Varric and Rook had found him. "But what are you drawing on it?"
"Possible places where the Evanuris may be hiding."
"Hiding?" He snarled, letting out a disgusted noise. "They are not hiding. They are preparing, setting the stage, gathering power-"
"One more reason to find them as soon as possible, then."
"-And those are not the places they would choose for such a purpose."
Neve felt her right eye twitch.
"Well, since you know them so well," Solas' face turned into a mask of pure outrage at that, "perhaps you could kindly share your opinion so that we may find them sooner."
"How am I supposed to know? Don't you think I would have already done something, had I known where they are?"
He scoffed at her meticulous drawings and walked away. She gritted her teeth, frustrated, then looked back at the map, feeling almost embarrassed.
She refused to erase her marks, though.
Emmrich believed himself to be a patient man, but oh, every time the Dread Wolf was involved he could just feel his patience run thin.
"Manfred, could you please hand me that book? Thank you."
A groan, rattling of bones, and Emmrich smiled.
"Indeed, it is quite interesting. I will give it back to you as soon as I'm done with these notes."
He heard footsteps coming from the staircase, but he ignored them, too engrossed in his research. He heard Manfred prepare more tea, sure it was one of their friends come to visit, but then...
"This is wrong."
Startled, Emmric raised his eyes. Solas was looking at Manfred, watching him choose the right leaves.
"I assure you, Manfred's tea knows no equal. Everyone in the Mourn Watch loves it!"
Solas glared at him, jaw tight, and the very air around him seemed to quiver. Emmrich realized he had said the wrong thing, and slightly bowed his head.
"I apologize if my words offended you, Solas. Is there something I can help you with?"
"You are torturing this poor spirit."
Manfred groaned, shaking his head, and Solas scoffed, shocked by his words.
"This is not your place! You are not supposed to be bound to a corpse!"
"I would let Manfred make that decision."
"How could he do that? You already did it for him."
A pang of pain, like the sting of a thorn in his heart, then Emmrich took a deep breath.
"You are mistaken. This is what Manfred wants."
Solas couldn't hide his disgust, his contempt, as he stared at him. Then he turned to Manfred, sorrow and grief replacing his ire, and he shook his head.
"This is wrong," he repeated, and Emmrich wondered whether he was still talking about Manfred or everything else, the Lighthouse filled with strangers, the Evanuris running free, the world on the brink of destruction.
"I am sorry." Emmrich said, but Solas ignored him and left the room, his steps heavy like those of the corpses that roamed the Necropolis.
"Tell him to stop!"
"Tell him to leave."
"I can't do this anymore, Rook, I really can't!"
"He criticizes everything. He's always there, judging us, and nothing is ever right!"
"Doesn't he have another base he can use? Or maybe we should move."
"Varric, perhaps you may talk with him?"
"Don't worry." Varric smiled from his bed, tapping his fingers on the heavy blanket Harding had found for him. "I sent words to a certain someone just a few days ago. She will join us tomorrow."
Rook looked at him, confused.
"Who are you talking about?"
Harding gasped, not sure whether to grin like a madwoman or scold Varric for his insane idea.
"You did not!"
"I did." Varric looked extremely satisfied, his smug smile almost hiding the gauntness of his cheeks. "Wear your best outfits, guys - the Inquisitor is coming to visit us."
She stepped out of the main eluvian, and the first thing she did was smile at everyone. And everyone thought she looked young, very pretty, but also sad, and a bit tired.
"It's an honor, Inquisitor Lavellan."
"My lady, thank you for coming."
They bowed to her, except for Harding who got a hug, and she told them all those formalities were not necessary.
"I'm not Inquisitor anymore." Her smile was small, but sincere and warm. "Please just call me Scarlet."
Bellara admired her prosthetic arm, and promised her to show her the special gauntlet she used in battle. Davrin tried not to stare at her bare face, but everyone had heard the rumors - how the Inquisitor had come back to Skyhold after a trip with her beloved Solas, face free from vallaslin, her eyes filled with tears for weeks, her lover staring at her from a distance with grief in his eyes.
"How is Varric?" Worry and sorrow made her look older. "May I see him?"
"Of course. This way."
She didn't try to hide her awe and curiosity as they led her through the Lighthouse to Varric's room. She devoured everything, eyes setting on every minute detail.
She gasped when she saw the murals in the library, and it was clear she was looking for traces of Solas, too. She searched for him with her eyes, hoping to see him appear from behind a door or around the corner.
The more they walked, heading to Varric's room, the more she grew disappointed. Rook hurried to reassure her he wasn't hiding, not this time.
"Solas went to one of his old hideouts to retrieve some useful parchments. He believes they could be useful to track down the Evanuris."
"Oh." She blushed, pleased.
"He should be here soon."
"I see."
She was shaking due to excitement and anxiety. Ten years had passed since their last meeting, after all. Rook and their companions led her gently through her lover's Lighthouse, hoping she could be the change they desperately needed.
She gasped when they brought her outside, in the courtyard, and she stared at the giant wolf statue that stood at its center, right above the Caretaker's workshop, for a long time.
The spirit observed her in silence. She saw it and smiled, greeting it with a bow of her head.
"You are finally here, after all this time," it said, and her smile widened, looking almost impish.
"I never give up."
She hugged Varric with all the delicateness, love, and care of a daughter. He held her true hand as she sat next to his bed, patting it between his calloused ones, and tried to reassure her that he was fine, that he was recovering nicely.
Guilt and pain never left her face as they spoke.
"Shy, it's not your fault." Varric smiled at her, while Davrin and Rook prepared the poultice he needed to apply on his wound twice a day. Emmrich checked his temperature and pulse, and used a spell to soothe his fatigue.
The others stood around, ready to help, wanting to spend more time with that famous figure, with the woman who had stolen the Dread Wolf's heart.
"I never should have sent you and Harding on that mission."
"I would have gone regardless."
"Me too!"
Scarlet sighed, shaking her head.
"Well, then." She tried to smile again. "Tell me everything."
Neve was just about to share her theories about the Evanuris' possible locations, when the door opened.
"Why are you all here? Is Varric alright-"
Solas froze, staring at the Inquisitor, mouth slightly open. He looked on the verge of a panic attack, thought Harding and Bellara; or a heart attack, thought Davrin and Taash; or perhaps even a stroke, thought Lucanis and Neve.
Emmrich thought he looked ready to crumple on the floor and cry.
Scarlet stared back, cheeks red, then she slowly relaxed and gently said:
"Hello, Solas."
He let out an odd sound, something between a sob and a croak. Then he ran away, and they all shared looks with each other, bewildered.
They had never seen him like that. So... vulnerable. Soft. Inoffensive.
"You really tamed him, Inquisitor." Lucanis snorted, earning himself a smack on the arm from Bellara.
"Don't worry, Shy, you will catch him soon enough." Varric said, smiling at the empty space where Solas had stood. "He can't run from you anymore."
Rook gave the Inquisitor one of the best rooms of the Lighthouse. She retired there for an hour or so to recover from her long journey, and in the meantime the other guests went to the dining room to prepare dinner.
"Do you think he's visiting her right now?" Bellara asked, smiling brightly, for she found the whole situation pretty romantic. Harding sighed, shrugging.
"Who knows. Maybe? I don't think so, to be honest. He needs to recover from the shock."
"He's probably hiding in a broom closet." Lucanis snickered while cutting the vegetables for their salad. "Or rehearsing their next conversation."
"Assuming he'll be able to speak this time." Taash mumbled, making Neve chuckle.
The door opened, and Solas entered, looking almost haggard. His eyes scanned the room, and he didn't hide his disappointment when he didn't see the Inquisitor.
It was rare for him to join them at dinner. He would usually eat his food alone, either in his room or in the library.
And it was definitely rarer for him to help them set the table, but he did so this time, making sure to choose the best plates, and placing a bowl of berries and fruits at the centre.
"Don't we have any cake?" he asked, heading to the pantry and glaring at the shelves filled with cheese, bread, and ham. "Not even sweet tarts?"
"I don't think so." Lucanis said. He raised an eyebrow when Solas went back into the dining room, a storm brewing on his face. "Is it for the Inquisitor? I could bake something special next time."
"No." Solas narrowed his eyes. "I will take care of it."
Lucanis swore in Antivan under his breath, ignoring Spite's protests to shut up and let the Dread Wolf be.
The door opened again, and this time the Inquisitor entered. Solas' demeanor changed in an instant - one moment he was a surly, grumpy old elf, the next an excited, timid puppy, looking at her with big eyes, drinking every detail of her.
"Good evening." Scarlet greeted everyone with her warm smile. She blushed when she saw Solas, and repeated, softly: "Good evening."
"Good evening, vhen- Inquisitor."
Her blush deepened, and they stood there, awkward and shy, until Emmrich took pity on them and cleared his throat.
"Lady Scarlet, dinner is almost ready. Where would you like to sit?"
"Oh, I have no preference."
She walked around the table so her back would be to the fireplace and approached the first chair on her right, but Solas anticipated her: he pulled out the chair for her and gently pushed it back until she was comfortable enough.
"Thank you," she said, smiling up at him, and his face turned pink, his eyes the biggest puppy eyes the group had ever seen.
He stood next to her, probably not sure whether she wanted him to sit at her side or not, until she noticed his weird behaviour.
"Solas, are you eating with us?"
"I... Yes."
"Then you should sit." She nodded at the chair next to her, and her smile was gentle, but also a bit amused, and he hurried to do as she said.
"Of course."
He sat down, clearly happy she had given him permission to be at her side, and they were so busy dealing with each other's close proximity, that they didn't see the look Davrin and Neve shared, nor heard Taash's snort and Lucanis' "Maker, aiutaci".
"How was your journey?" Solas asked, fidgeting with the napkin and the cutlery, his tone apparently neutral, but not really.
"Long." Scarlet sighed. "I'm not used to traversing such distances anymore. And I'm not a twenty years old Inquisitor anymore."
"You are beautiful." Solas murmured, and everyone around them froze, studying Scarlet's reaction.
Her blush reached her ears, and she breathed out a soft, flattered laugh.
"Thank you."
"Oh my." Emmrich whispered to Harding as they poured the stew - her mother's original recipe - into each dish. "He is truly smitten."
"If anyone can stop him from being an absolute ass, it's her."
"Aren't you a cutie?"
Scarlet laughed and giggled as Assan chirped and rubbed his body against her legs, looking for pets. She gave them to him, stroking his feathers, his head, and Davrin smiled proudly at the scene.
"I have never seen a griffon before. Are they all as beautiful as you, Assan?"
A negative chirp, the little rascal puffing out his chest, and Scarlet laughed again.
Solas was standing a few paces away, also watching them, awkward and quiet, yearning for her touch. Davrin glanced at him, and his previous fears suddenly evaporated.
"Pity Solas said he might die soon."
The Dread Wolf went to them, his strides long and hurried, panic on his paling face.
"I never said such a thing!"
"You said I am risking his life by taking him into battle, where the Blight is." Davrin gave him a flat, cold look. "And I know you're right. I know I'm being selfish, following centuries-old traditions that make little sense to anyone who isn't a Grey Warden. But this is part of our sacrifice, of the grief we must carry."
Solas took a deep breath, visibly torn between arguing with him and not wanting to do so in front of Scarlet. But she intervened, her voice calm and solemn, and Davrin realized she must have spoken like that during her time as Inquisitor, too.
"Once the Evanuris are finally dead and the Blight is no more, you won't have to sacrifice yourselves and your companions anymore."
She stroked Assan's head, cupping his muzzle and looking into his big eyes.
"There will be finally peace, and griffons will be able to fly alongside people without fearing any corruption. Isn't that right, Assan?"
He squeaked happily, and Davrin felt a rush of gratefulness and hope invade his heart. But what most shocked him was Solas' reaction: he stared at Lady Lavellan with big, awed eyes, his expression the most stricken and softest Davrin had ever seen.
"You are right," he said to her, and the Grey Warden blinked, not believing his ears.
"I know!" She grinned at her lover, then went back to petting the griffon, while the Dread Wolf watched her as an once blind man would watch the first sunrise of his life.
"I'm sorry, lethallan, I fear I don't understand how this works yet." Bellara fidgeted with her many pouches. "But...! Let me know if you have any ideas! Two minds are better than one, after all!"
"I'm not an expert by any means." Scarlet shrugged, turning the little elven device in her hands over and over again. "I could ask Solas, if that's alright."
"Oh." Bellara's face fell. She couldn't help it. "That would be... I don't think he would agree."
"What? Why?" Scarlet looked genuinely surprised. "Nonsense, he loves sharing knowledge and helping people learn!"
Bellara felt her face shift into a grimace, the one she would make whenever she ate something sour or her research didn't proceed as smoothly as she liked.
"I'll go look for him- oh, Solas, you're here!"
Scarlet rose from her seat as he appeared from behind the open door - had he been nearby for the whole time, watching them, waiting for her to call him!?
"Could you please help us unlock this? I fear neither me or Bellara know how it works."
"Of course."
There was a warm, pleased smile on his face. Bellara shuddered, not used to such a sight. Scarlet shared some of their theories with him, and he listened, proud and patient, soft and sweet, before gently taking the device from her hands (their fingers brushed, and they both blushed) and showing her how to activate it.
"Just like that!?" Bellara spluttered, shocked by how simple it had been. "You just needed to press it like that!?"
Scarlet gasped, curious and in awe.
"Oh, it's beautiful, it opened like a flower! What does it do?"
"It's a catalogue." Solas used a bit of magic to further activate it. "A small portable archive."
Bellara bit her lips, trying to contain herself, then she acted, unable to stop herself: she snatched the archive out of his hands and stared at every minuscule detail, overjoyed and excited.
"This is incredible! I can't wait to read everything it contains!"
She beamed at the Inquisitor, admiring her even more than before.
"Thank you, lethallan! I was going crazy over this!" She turned to Solas, giving him a flat look, which he returned.
"If only someone had deigned to explain how it worked sooner."
Bellara left, but not before turning around to see Lady Scarlet fold her arms and scold Solas with a simple, but very effective look. Bellara could almost see his ears drop and his shoulders slump.
Lucanis sighed, rolling his eyes.
"My lady, Spite wants you to know you're very beautiful."
Scarlet smiled. He had explained his delicate situation to her, and even though she couldn't see the demon, she acted as if she could.
"Thank you, Spite."
Lucanis frowned, then growled.
"No, you little piece of garbage, I'm not telling her that!"
He grunted when Spite hit him, making his nose bleed again. Scarlet gasped, babbling something.
"Are you alright!? What happened?" Then she turned towards the door and called out: "Solas, come quickly!"
Before he could understand what was happening, Lucanis felt the Dread Wolf's hand on his head. The pressure caused by Spite's outburst vanished, and he could finally think clearly again.
"Oh. That was..." Lucanis stretched his neck. Spite was still with him, of course, but it felt as if he were sleeping, taking a much needed nap.
Scarlet beamed at Solas.
"Thank you."
Solas blushed and returned the smile. Lucanis glared at him, and the lupo had the gall to ignore him, completely enraptured by Scarlet's smile.
"Stronzo figlio di puttana, grandissimo figlio di buona donna..." the Crow muttered for the whole evening while reading on his cot in the pantry.
"Bull would have liked you."
Taash's mouth was set in a thin line.
"Because he liked dragons, too, right?"
"Not just that. He would have loved fighting with you against one. It's clear you deeply respect them, too."
Taash glared at Solas, who was pretending to check the weapons and armors, but was actually accompanying Lady Scarlet wherever she went.
"I couldn't defeat one the other day."
"Oh, that's totally normal!" Scarlet laughed. "We couldn't defeat one in Emprise du Lion the first time we tried either! It almost burned us to a crisp, and Bull and Cole had to carry me and Solas all the way back to camp."
She giggled remembering the scene.
"Do you remember that, Solas?"
He cleared his throat.
"I do."
She laughed again, the old memories of better days making her face glow, and Solas' face as he looked at her was so sickeningly sweet, Taash felt a shiver run down their spine. They had never seen the Dread Wolf act like that.
"Is that right?" they drawled, judging him hard after their last conversation - but he had eyes for Lavellan only.
"Thank you, Manfred. Your tea was delicious."
Manfred rattled happily, and had he been able to blush, he would have done so. Emmrich smiled at the scene.
"He thanks you in return, my lady."
"You can understand him, then?"
"Oh, yes! We hold many interesting conversations. Manfred is an excellent herbalist and alchemist."
"That's wonderful." Scarlet smiled at the skeleton, but then her expression slowly turned into something more pensive, kind of melancholy.
"Are you... happy like this, Manfred?"
He nodded, the green gems of his eyes shining brightly under the lights of Emmrich's study. Scarlet studied him for a second, then her smile returned, filled with trust.
"That's wonderful. I wish you all the best - should you need anything, just let me know, alright? Maybe I could find a way to understand you, too."
Ah, Emmrich could see why Solas loved her so much.
Manfred gurgled a "thank you, my lady", and when Emmrich raised his head to the spiral staircase, he saw Solas watching them, pining and yearning, the rage from their old conversation completely gone, replaced by wonder.
"What about the High Reaches you marked here? I feel like they might be a good hiding place, too."
Neve scoffed despite herself. She wasn't angry at the Inquisitor, of course, but at her lover and his dreadful lack of tact and good manners.
"Solas said the Evanuris aren't hiding, but gathering more power. And that they wouldn't do that in places like this."
She raised an eyebrow when she spotted him on the railing above the library. Maker, he really followed Lady Scarlet everywhere, like a lost puppy.
"Oh." The Inquisitor looked back at the map, worried and deflated. "He's probably right. He knows how they think better than we do."
Solas walked down the stairs - no, almost ran, cheeks red with embarrassment.
"Let me check, vhen- Inquisitor. Perhaps I was mistaken."
Neve's eyebrows reached her hairline.
"You mean here?" he asked, pointing at the range of mountains near Minrathous. His hand slightly hovered over Lady Scarlet's back, almost touching it.
"Yes. It's near Tevinter's capital, so I thought..."
"That is an excellent idea. Yes, they might be commanding their minions from there, close to their main objectives."
Neve snorted, not really angry and annoyed anymore. In fact, she was amused, and she realized she had found one more piece of evidence that proved how smitten, how sappy the Dread Wolf was when it came to Lady Scarlet.
"How can you..." Harding sighed, took a deep breath, and tried again. "How can you look at him, talk with him, without feeling the urge to... to..."
She groaned, tossing a pebble into the pond in her room.
"I love him." Scarlet said, simply, softly. "I know you're very angry, Harding. I am, too. But despite all the rage, all the pain, I love him."
"I know."
Harding looked at their reflections in the shallow water. She looked grumpy, tired, a smudge of soil on her cheek. Lady Scarlet still looked a bit too pale and tired, but it was clear Solas' presence had rejuvenated her.
"If we survive all this..." Harding vaguely gestured at the air to indicate that whole mess. "What are you going to do, Inquisitor?"
"You mean...?"
"With Solas, yes."
"Oh, it's easy!" She grinned, suddenly very cheerful. "Once I save him from himself, the marriage is back on!"
She said that with so much sincerity, with so much candor and innocence, Harding couldn't help but cackle, falling backwards on the floor.
The Inquisitor laughed, too, but Harding knew she was serious, that that was indeed what she was planning to do. Always so bright and hopeful, looking for the best in every situation - one of the many reasons why people had loved her as Inquisitor.
They heard a sound just outside the door, and Scarlet sighed fondly, shaking her head.
"Eavesdropping on us? Really?" Harding said, but she was not really angry, just resigned and even amused. That stupid man couldn't stay away from Lady Lavellan for more than ten minutes, now that they were finally together again, with no more secrets between them.
"I think I'll go to sleep. Goodnight, Harding."
"Goodnight, Inquisitor." Harding gave her a lopsided, impish smile. "Sweet dreams."
Someone knocked at her door, and she already knew who it was.
Scarlet smiled at him. Part of her wanted to drag him into the room and finally, finally hug him and kiss him after all those years, but she didn't wish to scare him. She could see and feel he still loved her, just as she still loved him, but she wasn't sure he was finally ready to let himself go.
"Vhenan." His voice was soft, a whisper carrying all his love and guilt and pain and adoration. "I missed you."
She swallowed her tears, but they spilled from her eyes all the same.
"Oh, Solas." Her real hand trembled as she reached out to cup his cheek. He leaned into her touch, sighing happily, never breaking eye contact. "I missed you, too."
"I want..." He took a deep breath. "There are memories scattered around the Lighthouse and the Crossroads. Scenes from my past. I want you to see them, all of them."
Eyes wide, she could just stare at him, at a loss for words. He rested his hand upon hers, clearly determined, fully resolved to finally share everything with her, the good and the bad, Fen'Harel included.
"I do not deserve your forgiveness nor your love." His hand on hers trembled, and a tear ran down his cheek. "But I love you, vhenan. I always will. If the world truly is going to end, if we won't survive this, I wish to die by your side."
He smiled, that sweet smile he had for her only.
"But should we survive this second catastrophe, too, I wish to walk with you wheresoever you desire, to share everything with you, to live with you. Not as Fen'Harel, not as a god of rebellion, but as Solas." His lips quivered. "Your Solas."
She sobbed, a luminous smile on her face. She nodded and a "yes" had barely left her mouth, when he stepped forward and crashed his lips against hers, holding her tightly. He peppered her face with kisses, smiling as well, their laughter and giggles filling the corridor, before scooping her up into his arms and entering the bedroom, their hearts the lightest they had ever been, soaring with hope and love.
#dragon age#da:tv#solas#solavellan#scarlet lavellan#lafaiette's fic#da:tv spoilers#dragon age the veilguard spoilers#THIS IS ANGSTY AT THE BEGINNING#AND FLUFFY AT THE END#really i wanted to write something with a lot of humor but#then i realized solas probably wouldn't - couldn't - have a good relationship with these people#because he's not simply solas the elven scholar and apostate with them#they know him as fen'harel the dread wolf#there can't be the same camaraderie he had with the inquisition's companions#BUT THERE IS HUMOR#sprinkled here and there#thank you wendynerdwrites for the wonderful idea#we need a scene like this in the game jdfkfgfllgh
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@emmg I have something a bit sad for you 🫠
“You’re pitiful,” the statue continued, his voice filled with more anger and contempt. “I should have never followed you. I should have seen you for what you really were and left you to rot! You…”
“I’m sorry for your death, lethallin,” Scarlet interrupted it, raising her voice a little to drown out the regret’s grating one. “And Solas is sorry, too.”
“Being sorry won’t absolve him.”
“What is he supposed to do, then? Do you want him to wallow in misery and sorrow for all eternity? Would that be a fitting punishment?”
She glared at the statue, at what it represented. It was a trap, perfectly conceived by the regret prison, Solas’ magicks turning the Fade into the most efficient of weapons.
“Or would you perhaps want to see him dead by his own hand, killing himself to pay for everything?”
“That’s the easy way out,” the statue spat, glaring at her in return. Unlike Varric’s, Felassan’s regret had no problems addressing her directly. It spoke to her, reacted to her, almost as if she were Solas, or as if she shared his same faults and crimes.
Was the prison changing tactics to make things even harder for Solas? Was that even possible? She would need to ask him later.
Give my yalls WIPs
@heylittleriotact @adinfernumadinfinitum @jainydoe @lafaiette @thessaralka
Also literally everyone else and pls tag me, I’m in a rut and need inspiration lmfao
#emmg#lafaiette's space#dealing with solas' regrets one chapter at a time#so this fic is probably gonna be 1000 chapters long#felassan is a bit hard to write we just have some lines from one book and one game asdfkglh#especially an angry felassan#BUT DON'T WORRY#things are gonna get happier once solas and scarlet finally leave that prison#and then#SMUT
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For all of you who are quarantined, here are some spideypool fics! Be safe, protect your loved ones and yourself!
I'm Not That Good at Breathing In by Celebrate_the_irony
Deluge by Macx
One Reason Why by NotEvenCloseToStraight
All About Chemistry by TwiceBakedPotato
Peter Parker's Home for the Wayward Villain by BeanieBaby
Damage by dontcareajot
My private life is a secret by Grinedel
fall out, boy, so i can fall in(to you) by TheMadKatter13
Oblivious In Love by Atsvie
Petey and Wade and other being punched in the face things by isaDanCurtisproduction
shake it out by sleeponrooftops
Hands by schierlingsbecher
Peter Swap by Grinedel
Another Trip Around the Sun by isaDanCurtisproduction
The Body Remembers When the Mind Forgets by TheMadKatter13
Untethered by Vixen13
Patron Saint by isaDanCurtisproduction
Kingdoms by TheStrange_One
Tale As Old As Time, Song As Old As Rhyme by Ajayd
Lord of Thorns (Beauty and the Beast AU) by NotEvenCloseToStraight
Dermis by GeminiDerp
Well by Lafaiette
act your age (not your shoe size) by cherryvanilla
Everyone Has A... Plush In Their Closet by Lafaiette
Room 418 by Sintero, Staubengel
Enraged by Vixen13
Spider Spidey by riventhorn
Mutation Squared by MysticMoonhigh
Weak Spots by ImpassionedWriter
Rare by LunaRaven09040
It Happened In The Multiverse by TwiceBakedPotato
Tacos, Spider-suits and Sex by Castello (orphan_account)
Villain by Lafaiette
Tent City Hero by Wonky_Writer
Use Me by xxjinchuurikixx
Two Teachers, One Classroom by MysticMoonhigh
Could You Stop? by Vixen13
The Layered Sadness and the Madness it Revolved by sirkusdyret
i wanna ruin our friendship by nni
Spideypool Goes North by Four_Nostril
A Match of My Own by beetle
Saudade by xypeilo
Say My Name by DropTheBeet
Stop Watch by Shadow_Assassin
Spidey-cat by Vixen13
Taco Meat and Repercussions by TheGayestpepe
It Wasn't Just Sex by icarusforgotten
The Only One Who Knows by Vixen13
Pomegranates by NotEvenCloseToStraight
I need a hero by Kazhiru
We Don't Do Normal by Vixen13
Take your daughter to work day by TheLadySyk0
Surprises and Starts by Birdie (Nikolai_Knight)
Yours, Mine, Ours by LaLunaWritesStuff
Love Motel by vvxxxu (vai_xu)
Self-Fulfilling Prophesy by rubberbutton
Crazy Plus One by icexandxcool (fandomvision), lilchicmama
Birthday Boy by Spideypoolhell
#spideypool#deadpool#wade wilson#peter parker#spider-man#spidey#fic rec#mod marie#i am quarantined#i am working from home#but i thought many people could use this
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Is there a chance you could rec some memory loss spideypool fics? 👉👈
sure thing! i’ve actually only read the first one on this list so far, but i’m reccing the others on the basis that they sound interesting and i’m planning to read them myself soon. hope you enjoy!
down memory lane - 18k - orphan account - In a plot so cliché it'll fit right in with the rest of Marvel canon, Wade gets amnesia and forgets the last three years of his life... including his relationship with Peter.
in your dearest memories - 5k - Lafaiette -Peter loses part of his memory after some trouble with a villain and forgets about his relationship with Wade.
the body remembers what the mind forgets - 30k - TheMadKatter13 - When people need a mate in their life, it isn't usually because they've forgotten they already have one.
strays - 43k - Wade finds Spider-Man unconscious on a roof top. Score! Or: Spider-Man has lost his memories, some of his vocabulary, and all of his social conditioning. Wade is losing his mind.
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Doodle for @lafaiette inspired by their BEAUTIFUL Hubert x Byleth fic "To Be A Good Husband". If you love the idea of flustered, awkward, stupidly cute husband!Hubert trying his best for Byleth; please check it out!
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So, I’m playing the AO3 BINGO to celebrate 5 million fanworks on ao3 :D You totally should play too!
A fanworks challenge: @spideypoolbingo which I’m totally participating it, but haven’t posted anything for yet because a) I can’t finish anything and b) if I do finish something, I can’t stand to edit it, which means no posting yet. Oops? I swear I’m working on three different prompts right now. Check out Spideypool Bingo 2019 on ao3 HERE
A podfic under 30 minutes: Spideypool fic Quackery by @capsing read by @rhea314. Listen HERE
A comment you left on a fanwork: “Nnngh fuck, I didn’t know I needed this in my life until I got it here. I kind of hope Peter won’t have to turn into a werewolf in order to make this work, especially considering Eddie seems to be against it (and also because I just love Peter as he is aaa). Ned is such a great friend, just immediately on board with all the supernatural stuff haha. I love this, thank you for writing and sharing with us! 🌸😊” left on spideyvenom fic Peter and the Wolf written by barbaricyawp
A fanart based on another fanwork: @fluffyboots has made art based on their ereri fic Forest of Twilight. Both the fic and the art can be viewed HERE
A fanfic over 50 000 words long: Off The Record by @crookedswingset (a 138 368 words long, completed spideypool fic)
A meta work: Alphas, Betas, Omegas: A Primer by norabombay. I’ve made some a/b/o research, hah
A fanwork with one of your fav tropes: Man I have so many fave tropes and fave fics! But I’ll name i begin to understand why god died by @viscrael because it has fantasy, angels/demons, amnesia, angst (with a happy ending), fluff, hurt/comfort. A beautiful nezushi fic!
A creator with only one posted work: @songbird462 has only posted their ereri fic What’s left of me (which is a whooping 336 620 words long atm and still going strong!!)
A fanwork from a small fandom: spider silk by @spectacular-nostalgia. Spideyvenom is a ship with a pretty small fandom - the Eddie Brock/Peter Parker tag has 107 works on ao3
A canon-divergent fanwork: For instance the ereri fic Words Cannot Describe by @zhedang
A photo manip: Thief by @kanarek13 (check their ao3 profile for more manips! There’s so many to choose from I just slapped one of Neal from White Collar here)
A character study fanwork: I Like Birds by chinashopbull is a great character study of autistic!Peter (with spideypool)
Favorite fanfic: I’ve got many! But I’ll name the ereri fic Searching for Levi by blessende as one of them
A crossover fanwork: For instance Language by @lafaiette is a Spider-Man/Deadpool crossover fanfic
A fanwork with a color in the title: Spideypool fic Black Jelly Beans, Actually by hoosierbitch
A podfic over 1 hour: Spideypool fic Peter Parker's Home for the Wayward Villain by BeanieBaby is also available as a podfic read by @mistbornhero. You can listen to it HERE
A fanwork in progress: Blood Isn’t Everything, but It Pays the Bills by ChickenGoesMoo (18/? chapters of a slow build fic, tagged spideypool)
A fanwork for when you’re sad: One I’ve re-read a few times is platonic ereri fic Time Flows Unnaturally by orphan_account
A favorite additional tag: “Levi’s mysterious mer-dick” that Corporal_Levi_cleans_my_house used for their ereri fic Dark Waters
A fanart comic: We take us Home [COMIC] is a cute symbrock comic by @massivespacewren
A fanwork for when you’re happy: One is ereri fic Steered Straight by @jesse-m-c-c-r-e-e
A 100 word drabble: The symbrock short Made to Love by Goddess_in_Aubergine
A “classic” fanwork: ugh, would you believe me if I said I actually haven’t read all that many fics that a lot of people consider “top classics” (fics with the most kudos in a fandom)? Off the top of my head I’d name ereri fic Street Brat by @monswoon
Unfortunately I can’t find any of the fanmixes/fanvids I’ve listened to or watched on ao3 so I don’t get the golden ao3bingo badge :/ silver will have to do for now!
#ao3bingo#ao3#spideypool#ereri#spideyvenom#symbrock#nezushi#fic rec#fanfiction#fanart#podfic#white collar#no.6#snk#spider-man#deadpool#venom#rivaere#veddie#riren#omegaverse meta#marvel
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Writer Tag
I was tagged by the wonderful @the-sloth-woman
Author Name: fromthedeskofelizabeththird on here, crackleviolet on AO3 and Lunaescence, sugarkid (I think??) on FFNET. Whatever your poison, just call me Elly!
Fandoms you write for: Well, I’ve written for a lot, but this blog at the moment is mostly Mysme, SLBP, KBTBB, The Arcana and FE3H. To be honest, though, I write a lot more (like. a LOT more) and keep them for myself as opposed to publishing them because they are both very niche and dear to my heart (like many of my OCs). I am hoping to share some of these in the future, though.
Where you post: Mostly tumblr, though also AO3.
Most popular one-shot: I just looked this up (because I have so many) and fucking...it’s Ripping the Shit. the FUCK yall
Most popular multi-chap: The entire VAB-verse masterlist is very high, but if we’re talking individual fics, it’s Shelter (which tbh is a pretty big surprise because it’s imo one of the weakest of the VAB fics!)
Story you were most nervous to post: A long time ago, when I was a baby writer who had a decent following on quizilla but didn’t like the changes to the story format, I posted on FFNET and got flamed to hell and back because my writing was. Bad. Like I’ll be the FIRST to say it, I sucked. Anyway, I cleared out my account and was extremely nervous to post fics in general for a good five years after that. I’m really sad about it, actually, since I wrote So Many Fics that never saw the light of day and now never will, since they were on old computers and floppy discs that I don’t have anymore. I’m so grateful that I still have copies of the ones I wrote by hand instead of studying ;w;
How you pick your titles: Generally speaking, I pick a line from the fic itself that’s pretty significant. Sometimes (like with 2:15 and Fracture) I go in with names in mind. Rarely, like with Spring Day and My Favourite Game, I name them after songs. If I get REALLY stuck (like I did with thērepōdos, I pick a random latin/greek/?? word)
Do you outline? Only really, really long fics where continuity is important. (I outlined ALL of Vabverse in a timeline with months and everything once I started writing more fics for it). Generally speaking, I go in with a general sense of the beginning and end (because I like them to echo each other) and let the middle take me on an adventure. All of my professors at university hailed outlining (and for good reason), but I find it very restrictive the majority of the time. The story you initially start with is very rarely the one you end up with at the end.
Complete stories: A Lot.
In progress: Chapter 2 of thērepōdos
Coming soon: Kojuro smut
Prompts: I used to be really into them, but I don’t use them much anymore unless they really grab me. (Same with requests at the moment).
Upcoming story you are most excited for: I don’t know if I’ll post it, but it’s a story about my OC Mina in the style of a fic I read years ago and fell in love with called All That Glitters. It’s one of the best OC insert fics I’ve ever seen and I’m well aware I’m probably looking at it through rose tinted specs but I honestly don’t care. Cruz Vaughn was the first OC insert I genuinely loved and wanted to know more about.
Five authors: @flatsuke @lafaiette @saizoswifey @spacechip707 @reifromrfa
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Spideypool Fic Rec | [ 1 / ∞ ]
🕷 All About Chemistry by TwiceBakedPotato | 74,177 words | Complete
Chapters: 19/19 | Rating: Mature | Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Summary: After serving his 20 years in the Marine Corps, Wade Wilson is cashing in his GI Bill and going back to college. He feels like the old man on campus, but that doesn't matter. He likes his classes. He likes learning. And he especially likes his Chemistry professor with the messy brown hair.
💀 Mistakes by WebbedUpKatanas | 16,182 words | Complete
Chapters: 1/1 | Rating: Not Rated | Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Summary: Peter has made a lot of mistakes in the past, and he knows having sex with Deadpool has to be one of the bigger ones on his list. So why can't he stop doing it?
🕷 Well by Lafaiette | 84,675 words | Complete
Chapters: 15/15 | Rating: Explicit | Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Summary: “I wasn’t like… like this before, you know? I was normal. My life was shitty, but not like this, never like this, and I could think without sounds and voices in my head, I had respect for myself! God, I don’t even remember how that feels like!” Deadpool knows he is not a hero and that something is definitely wrong with him. Spider-Man wants to help.
💀 Room 418 by Sintero, Staubengel | 143,420 words | Complete
Chapters: 18/18 | Rating: Explicit | Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Summary: On the run, Peter has managed to carve out a living as an escort. It was lucrative work, self-managed, and provided him with the anonymity and security that he so desperately needed.
🕷 Untethered by Vixen13 | 140,299 words | Complete
Chapters: 28/28 | Rating: Explicit | Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Summary: Lord Peter Parker is the last of his family's line. He lost everything to the war when he was only a child and has been raised in the care of the palace ever since, leaving the other nobles to look at him as nothing more than a burden on the king's charity. When the leader of the reclusive nation of dragons, Chief Wade Wilson, came before the king to demand payment in the form of a wife, the nobles saw a perfect opportunity to solve two problems at once. Peter had his money, land, family, and now his nation taken from him. Moving forward, all he can do is hope that he will survive in a world so drastically different from, and far more dangerous than, the one he's always known.
#spideypool#peter parker x wade wilson#wade wilson x peter parker#spiderman x deadpool#deadpool x spiderman#peter parker#wade wilson#sp ficrec#ficrec#mine*#long post
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Fanfiction Writers Appreciation Day: Dragon Age Edition
So yesterday was Fanfiction Writers Appreciation Day, a day where we as consumers of fan-made content show our appreciation for those that take the time to write stories that extend universes, fill in gaps, and leave us wanting more. And since I am always a slut for good fanfics and making lists, I have put together a collection of my all-time favorite works of fanfiction. I decided to split up the fandoms, because having them all together in one post made Tumblr mad. I also tried to get them all done by the 21st, but the universe conspired against me. So I’ll be posting different lists for different fandoms throughout the week.
Ah, Dragon Age.... Will I ever be able to climb out of the dumpster that is your fandom? Probably not. Quick disclaimer: most of the descriptions for these fics come from an older post of mine on my old blog. I’m just too damn lazy to rewrite everything from scratch.
Now, onto the fics!!!
A Child Unexpected by @skybound2
A much-needed vacation to Seheron leads to several lifestyle changes. Then Zevran shows up… quickly followed by the Grey Wardens. One of the first Dragon Age fics I can remember reading and an excellent read at that.
Eye of the Storm by @msbarrows
A recently unpossessed Anders throws himself at the mercy of the Prince of Starkhaven in hopes of a quick death. Sebastian has other plans in mind. Sebanders (Anderastion?) is a pairing I would have never even thought of until this incredible fic.
Fen’harel Enansal by SkilledWarriorKiwi
Lavellan’s daughter often gets into trouble but her wolf protector is always there to save her. One of the first Solavellan fics I read. The ending is bittersweet and gives me all the feels.
Gentrification, or How Not To Be A Sow's Ear by StrangeGibbon
Hawke is invited to a fancy shindig and asks Fenris to help her with the finer points of high society. Which would work out, if only they didn’t want to kill each other.
Guide Me Home by Waiting4Morning
When Justice ups and leaves Anders, it leaves the mage with no memories of the past ten years. Now out of options, Hawke must drag the amnesiac mage back to the Wardens before the Templars catch him. This fic is beautiful you guys. If you love Hawke / Anders as much as I do, then this fic is for you!
Here, Here I Quake by @bluekrishna101
Former rock god turned sweater-vest wearing recluse Solas is drawn out of his shell by Ellana Lavellan and her band, the Inquisition. One of my favorite AUs. Like holy crapola it’s amazing.
Homecoming by @lavellanpls
Lilith honestly thought that over for a moment—maybe if she moved somewhere too far for them to travel? Kept a pet dragon? Rescheduled for after she died?—but caved in the end with a groan of defeat. “No, let them come. Better to get it over with now.”
Clan Lavellan visits Skyhold. Mayhem ensues. This fic is the greatest. Please read it guys.
Joy and Humility by @lafaiette
You know meeting the future in-laws isn’t going to end well when your name is Pride and your future father-in-law's name is freakin’ Humility.
Lafaiette is amazing and so is this fic. Go read it, you guys!
Ma Uthlath by @geeky-jez
It’s Future!Thedas and Solas sees a woman who looks an awful lot like his vhenan. I cried. It’s good.
Mistakes by Cadsuane
Maric attempts to rectify his worst-father-of-the-year status by recognizing Alistair as his son and actually raising him. Explores Alistair’s life from an unloved bastard to a royal one.
No Labor Like Love by @loquaciousquark
Fenris gets Hawke preggers. Hawke and Co. cope as best as they can. Fenris stresses. Hilarity ensues.
Savior of the Dammed by @littleblue-eyedbird
Set sometime after Trespasser, a non-Inquisitor Lavellan finds a near dead Solas in the woods. Against her better judgment, she takes him back to her clan to care for him. This fic is on-going and is one of my current fave Solavellan fics.
Tell Me What the Wolf Knows by Madame_Snarf
A stifled sob escaped his lips, as he covered his eyes with his palm trying to not to weep. How could this be? What kind of cruel, sick joke was this? She unknowingly called out to him, unwittingly was drawn to him by reason of his being an outcast and then sought comfort in his image, even as a betrayer and trickster.
After the events of Inquisition, Solas finds a nice spot to take a nap. He is surprised to find that the memories the place holds contain a very familiar face.
The Final Conversation by David Gaider
David Gaider, the former lead writer for Bioware and the writer for Dorian Pavus, recently posted this fanfic (which is pretty much canon fight me) about Dorian having a heart to heart with his estranged and recently deceased father. It’s very moving and because it’s David Freaking Gaider it’s also beautifully written.
The Haven Wildlife Rehabilitation Center by @feynites
Ehem. “The one where Lavellan runs a wildlife rehabilitation place and Solas is a secret magical shape-shifter who gets injured and brought in and falls in love with his rescuer.”
Sera runs Solas over with her car. Twice.
Unwanted by @randomcheeses
Lavellan is a sacrifice to the Dread Wolf who in turn takes responsibility for her. Mentions of past rape just a heads up. It sounds really gloomy but it’s actually not. Just read it.
#IF ANYONE ON THIS LIST HAD A TUMBLR AND WASN’T TAGGED PLEASE LET ME KNOW#Fanfiction Writers Appreciation Day#Dragon Age#fanfiction#The Prairie Nerd Posts#long post
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@lafaiette replied to your post:Hi! Sorry to bother you, but I've seen your posts...
I still believe that she gets better in the ship, I MEAN THERE MUST BE AN INFIRMARY UP THERE, RIGHT? AND IT’S A WORLD FULL OF MAGIC AND SHIT, BLOODLOSS MEANS NOTHING. And in the Japanese version it’s never outrightly said that she’s dead AND the music track that plays when the ship flies is called “A Bit(e) of Hope” SO I’LL KEEP HOPING WITH ALL MY HEART AND KEEP WRITING MY FIC WITH THEM CUDDLING IN SPACE ;_;
#lafaiette#txt.#i need her to be alive so that she and meier could live their best life together in that giant ass ship#vampire hunter d: bloodlust
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Inspired by some posts going around, saying Rook should be able to flirt with Lavellan to make Solas super jealous 😂 (but also to help him stop being stupid and finally go back to her!)
There are nuanced spoilers from Veilguard, and my own idea regarding Rook and Solas' connection, since we still don't know how it works exactly.
"I have an idea."
Neve raised her eyes from the notes scattered on her desk, giving Rook a flat, unimpressed look. She knew, by know, that their ideas weren't always the best.
Sometimes, she feared the things their brain came up with.
"What kind of idea?" she asked, hoping it would be different this time, that they would surprise her, that this wouldn't be like that time they had sneaked upon Lucanis and almost got stabbed.
"I'm going to flirt with Lady Lavellan."
"Oh, goodness." Neve took a deep breath. So much for her hopes. "Well, you're going to die, I guess."
"Not for real!" Rook had the audacity to grin at her. "As a joke! Just to unnerve our Dread Wolf a little bit."
"Why would you do that?" Neve shook her head in disbelief. "Do you even hear yourself? If what Lace said is right, he could kill you in your sleep."
"Nah, he won't. We're almost friends at this point - and besides, he wouldn't risk ruining our mission."
"He would for Lady Lavellan."
"Come on!" Rook's grin came back, happy and excited. "I'm curious to see how he'd react! He's always so serious and grim, you know? But Varric said he was a completely different person when he was with the Inquisitor, and the rumours I heard..."
"He's in contact with you, is he not?" She tilted her head, studying their face. "Isn't he listening to this conversation right now?"
"Our connection is severed most of the time. There are moments when I can feel him being present, but they don't last long, and I always have to update him on our plans." Rook scratched their neck. "I have no idea how much he's able to glimpse from that prison he's stuck in, to be honest. It doesn't look like a great place to be in."
"It was a prison made specially for mad elven mages." Neve sighed, going back to the more pressing topic. "Seriously, Rook, this is a terrible idea."
"Hey, he deserves it! Haven't you seen how kind and gracious Lady Lavellan is? If anything, I'm going to help them get back together! Trust me, this will help them. I'm basically doing them a favour!"
"You're going to scare that poor woman." Neve glared at them, almost disappointed. "I won't let you be a creep."
"Oh, Neve, who do you take me for?" Rook was at the door, ready to leave, ready to start their diabolical plan. "I will be the perfect gentleman, just like Emmrich."
"He is a gentleman, while you're acting like a mischievous nug!"
Rook left with a booming laugh; Neve stared at the door, trying to squash her morbid curiosity under a sense of professionalism and dignity.
But a part of her was looking forward to the consequences of Rook's insane prank.
"Lady Lavellan." Rook smiled at the elven woman, Solas' presence like a burning itch in their brain, right behind their eyes. "You look stunning this morning."
They even bowed to her.
Davrin and Harding stared at them as if they had gone mad. Lady Lavellan blinked, eyes wide, then replied, as prim as ever:
"Thank you?"
"Should you need anything, please don't hesitate to call upon me. It shall be my honour to serve a wonderful, beautiful person such as yourself."
Davrin made a weird sound, a noise between a snort and a choking gasp. Harding covered her mouth with a hand.
Lady Lavellan's shock only grew - but her background as an important political figure was indeed evident, for she didn't let it colour her next words nor her reaction.
"Thank you, Rook. You're very kind."
She even smiled a little, even though she still looked a bit perplexed.
Rook grinned at her, then left. The burning, the presence inside their head, felt like a roaring inferno now.
"Here, my lady - I heard you like these particular berries. I made sure to buy some from you while I was in Treviso."
Rook filled her plate with sweet, red berries, and Lady Lavellan's face did light up, her eyes filled with wonder and joy.
"Oh, thank you! It's been so long since I ate these!"
"Only the best for you." Rook bowed their head at her, then turned to pass a jug of water to Lucanis, who was sitting next to them and had heard their exhange with the Inquisitor.
The Antivan Crow was looking at them, studying them, his lips slightly curled upward.
"Yes?" Rook grinned at him.
"Spite says you're going to die soon, my friend."
"Oh, Neve said the same thing!"
"Oh, Rook, here you are! Lady Lavellan and I were discussing some matters related to the Mourn Watch. Would you like to join us?"
"Of course, Emmrich." Rook accepted the cup of tea Manfred was diligently handing them, thanking him with a nod of their head. "I'd love to spend more time with you and our beautiful guest."
Emmrich almost choked on his tea. Lady Lavellan kindly offered him her handkerchief.
"Has someone ever painted you, my Lady?" Rook sipped the hot beverage without a care in the world, even raising their little finger. "I can't believe no one has. Such a gorgeous, dazzling smile should be preserved for eternity."
"Well, uh... Solas painted the frescoes in the rotunda at Skyhold. And..." She looked down, into her cup, suddenly quiet and timid. "He made some charcoal portraits of me."
Rook felt bad, guilt squeezing their heart. They hurried to improve the mood.
"Charcoal portraits are well and good, but your beauty and kindness should be painted on gilded vaults. Or perhaps sculpted, to fill the world with your grace!"
She snorted, the prelude to a giggle. When she left to check on Varric, Emmrich sighed and stared and stared, until Rook had to speak up.
"My friend, why didn't you tell me?"
"Tell you what?"
"That you have a death wish. We could have talked about this sooner."
"I don't have a death wish!"
"I know these are hard, frightening times, but you must let death come to you, not the other way around. You have your whole life ahead of you!"
"Emmrich, really..."
"Why don't we start some therapy sessions? We do it all the time in the Mourn Watch - it's a very taxing job on the soul, after all."
"Therapy sess-"
"Manfred, my boy, be a dear and fetch me some ink and paper. Now, Rook, lie down and tell me when your suicidal intentions have first started..."
"Taash. Bellara."
"Oh, Rook." Bellara sniffed, pushing back tears. "It's been an honour."
"Wait, what? Are you two leaving?"
"No?" Taash frowned. "You are."
"And quite soon, I fear. The Dread Wolf isn't the merciful type." Bellara nodded sagely.
"Hey, hey, I'm not leaving! Solas and I are getting along swimmingly!"
"The only swimming you'll do will be in a neverending nightmare, my friend." Taash said, patting their shoulder. "Well. It's been fun."
"Goodnight, my Lady."
Rook kissed Lady Lavellan's right hand - no, not really. They didn't even touch it with their lips, not wanting to creep her out, and they knew the Dread Wolf would really smite them if they even dared think about touching her.
"Oh, uh... goodnight."
"Your beauty and brilliance eclipse the stars." Rook continued. "I can see now why both Ferelden and Orlais adored you so."
She watched them for a second, confused and embarrassed, then realization shone on her face, and a bright smile appeared on it.
In that moment, Rook knew she knew the real reasons behind their silly behaviour. She even looked happy, as if Rook had done something good.
"Goodnight, Rook." Her smile was amused, now. "Say hi to Solas for me, please."
Rook fell asleep, excitement and apprehension creating a churning cocktail in their stomach. Perhaps Emmrich was right; perhaps they really had a death wish. No sane person would ever tease the ancient elven god of rebellion by flirting with his beloved vhenan.
The prison was darker than usual. They could barely see their feet, and the ground felt shakier, almost crumbly, as if they were standing on sand.
Beneath them, endless darkness, a pit of shadows and oblivion.
Then they felt an overwhelming pressure, their head splitting in half, ash in their mouth. Rook groaned, gritting their teeth, and squeezing their eyes shut.
"Oi, cut it out!"
"Your beauty and brilliance eclipse the stars." Solas' cold voice echoed, reaching Rook from all directions; but they couldn't see him, couldn't find him, and the pressure on their head only increased.
"You should be sculpted, to fill the world with your grace."
"It's true! She's quite graceful!"
A growl, then suddenly the pillar of earth and sand on which Rook was standing trembled, and for a moment they truly feared Solas was about to cast them down.
They saw him, then: standing just a few paces away, fire in his eyes, his teeth gritted into a snarl, fists clenched. Poor fellow.
"You disgusting little...!"
He took a deep breath, but Rook could see the vein throbbing on his forehead. When next he spoke, Solas sounded only slightly calmer.
"Leave Lady Lavellan alone. She has no time for your inane words. You are embarrassing her."
"Are you sure? Because I think I saw the prettiest of blushes when I..."
The pillar trembled again, and Rook had to hold onto it to avoid falling down. When they raised their eyes, Solas was gone, and they heard his voice coming from behind.
Very close. Extremely close, so much they thought he was finally standing on their same level.
But they also felt something else, a huge presence, as tall as a mountain, where there should have been only a bald elf. They didn't turn, their instinct telling them they would see too many eyes, and fangs, too.
"Leave her alone." Solas' voice said, sounding the same as before, but also not, an undercurrent of fury and pain hidden beneath every word. "This will be my last warning."
"Fine, fine! I was just joking, and she knows that!"
A moment of silence, then: "... What?"
Rook laughed, the pressure behind their eyelids finally subduing.
"You're still deep in it, huh? Don't worry, she feels the same. Every time we talk about you, she gets this soft look on her face. Oh, and she says hi, by the way."
The huge presence also vanished, and when next Rook blinked, Solas was standing before them again. He looked surprised, but also curious, eager to hear more, hope and sorrow written all over his pale face.
"What, you really thought I was trying to hit on her? She's a great person, but she's not really my type. And I know she has eyes for you only... even though I can't understand why. No offense."
Solas looked away, sorrow winning over hope.
"I often wonder the same."
"Try not to be an ass once you're finally out of here, yes?" Rook grinned at him, feeling their consciousness return in the waking world. "She's been waiting for you."
This time, only hope shone on Solas' face, chasing away the shadows of pain.
Time later, at the apex of their fight against the Evanuris, Solas found himself finally free, walking the corridors and rooms of the Lighthouse as he had done millennia ago, ready to stand against his mortal enemies one more time.
Things were a bit strained between him and Rook's companions. There wasn't - there couldn't be - the same sort of camaraderie he had had with his companions of the Inquisition.
He apologized to Varric, of course. He could barely look him in the eye, so vast was his shame - but the kind dwarf waved off his apologies, an easy smile on his face. And Solas knew he had been forgiven, even though he could scarcely believe it.
And then there was Lavellan, his vhenan. She smiled at him whenever they met in the Lighthouse, or at dinner, eating at the same long table with everyone else.
At first, he tried to be distant, not wanting to hurt her, not sure she actually wanted to have anything to do with him, despite Rook's reassurances.
But then he couldn't stay away from her any longer. He kept looking at her, saw her stealing glances, too, and he finally decided to listen to his heart.
"Good morning." He greeted her one day, when he bumped into her while heading to a quick breakfast.
"Good morning." she replied in kind, her smile soft and luminous like a wisp of the Fade.
"I..." Solas cleared his throat, moving closer to her. He looked at everything but her - her prosthetic arm, the ground, the view from the windows - then he finally found the courage to lock eyes with her.
"You look beautiful, vhenan."
Her smile widened, and an adorable blush coloured her cheeks. Behind her, Scout Harding and Davrin let out a soft "aww".
"Thank you."
"There... There is a balcony overlooking the Fade behind those doors. Would you..." He cleared his throat again, feeling his own cheeks burn. "Would you like to have breakfast there? Together?"
"I'd love to."
Solas returned the smile, a great weight lifted from his shoulders. He offered her his arm, and she took it, letting him guide her.
They were so busy smiling, lost in each other, they didn't see Rook watching them from the railing just above their heads.
"Hah!" Rook shook their head, a fond grin on their face. "Knew it would work."
#solavellan#dragon age: the veilguard spoilers#da:tv spoilers#lafaiette's fic#trying to keep lavellan and rook as vague as possible but#i really imagined my scarlet and my rook while writing this LOL#because it's something my rook would totally do to make these two dorks get back together#rook biggest solavellan shipper#also i tried to keep the new companions as in character as possible#but we still don't know much about them so they might feel off once the game is released
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ao3 tag game
literally posting the blank template here because i want you all to do it because i want to glimpse inside your brainsssss lmfao
shamelessly tagging @lafaiette @adinfernumadinfinitum @heylittleriotact @thessaralka @lavenderprose @caffeinatedmunchkin @jainydoe @aldisobey @teamdilf
here's the template, moots, do itttt
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Top five fics by kudos:
Do you respond to comments?
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Do you get hate on fics?
Do you write smut?
Craziest crossover?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic?
All time favorite ships?
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
What are your writing strengths?
What are your writing weaknesses?
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
First fandm you ever wrote in?
Favorite fic(s) you wrote?
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7/7/7/7 Challenge
The rules are as follows. Go to page 7 (paragraph 7, if not that long) of your WIP then go to the 7th line, share 7 lines and tag 7 more writers to continue the challenge.
I was tagged by @ariakitty
I’m tagging @indigo-fyre @the-tevinter-biscuit @meliciousintent @buttsonthebeach @lafaiette @dreadwolf-iscoming and whoever else that writes and follows me is welcome to join in :D
This is from the first chapter of my MGIT (Modren Girl In Thedas) fic:
Shameless With a Side of Egg and Noodles (working title lol)
Usually, I felt uncomfortable even when playing through this moment. I would make a beeline to the Chantry instead of listening in on what they said. Now it was unbearable as my escorts tugged and prodded me along. In a daze, I kept pausing to numbly take in the shabby wooden cabins, the people’s haunted faces and most of all the Breach swirling in the gray winter sky. I remained in shock until the great doors of the Chantry closed behind us. Released at last I stared at the now dormant mark in dismay.
“So this-all of this-is really happening?”
Cassandra paused, nodded to my hand and asked, “Does it trouble you?”
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this may be arbitrary or general , but any fics with Actually Kinda Scary Wade ? i remember a fic from years ago where spidey met dp on a rooftop after hearing bad things abt him at SHIELD and wade was funny but obviously scary n kinda crazy. been looking for fics like that since (bonus points if spidey is obviously super badass too :D) thanks sm! stay safe n take care of yourselves mods
Thank you anon! stay safe
must make good choices for a living by o1nm?
Deluge by Macx
Where. Is. Peter Parker. by nicole135
Well by Lafaiette
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TSoW fic recs? :)
::Cracks knuckles::
First of all, I’d recommend anything and everything by Tyellas on Ao3. I’m not sure if they have a Tumblr but if they did, I’d point you in it’s direction because I imagine it’s fabulous.
Silent Songs by TheGypsyQueen is great, and a little heartbreaking.
Aqua by Lafaiette is another wonderful post-movie story.
just how much by lentilchip is a good and different bit of fluffy smut, in a fandom full of fluffy smut.
And when your fairytale is through by werepirechick is a great post-movie Giles and Zelda friendship piece.
#the shape of water#tsow#fanfic#fic recs#fanfiction#elisa esposito#the asset#eliza x the asset#for the most part#allscissorsallpaper
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hiiii! sooooo i dont have any # questions i was just wondering what your favorite fics are from your favorite fandoms? i love your writing! btw
O man!!! Thank you so much, kind anon Okay, I’m gonna make some fic recs here of my absolute favorites, but here are also my bookmarks, if you wanna look through them o:Sooo, the main fandoms I’m reading are probably Metal Gear, Fantastic Beasts, Spideypool, Overwatch, Supernatural and Sherlock. I’m gonna split them the way they appear in my bookmarks.Supernatural
“Your Name Is Castiel” by unholyseraphs (oncharredwings) (@kvincsky)
I actually just read this today, but it’s really good and kinda heartbreaking, too!
“With Understanding” by apokteino
A loooong ride, but (as far as I’ve read) totally worth it! Very dark and psychological and definitely not for everyone, but o boy, so good. I haven’t actually finished it yet (I’m about 250k words in), but I’m definitely gonna!
“Pain Equals Pleasure” by ChocolateKid
Another dark fic dealing with Stockholm Syndrome, but o so good. Totally my jam!
“Can’t Get Enough” by unholyseraphs (oncharredwings) (@kvincsky)
One of the first sugar daddy fics I read and also the first time I ever saw Cain and Dean as a ship, and now I’m sinking with this rarepair ship!!
“Poetry & Texting” by Mssmithlove (@mssmithlove1)
Really cute High School AU and absolutely my jam! Fluff and drama and a few shed tears!
“Are you being careful with your heart?” by Mssmithlove (@mssmithlove1)
Another High School AU, but this time with smut elements and a lot of misunderstandings.
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
“Overtime” by theescapist99 (@carryonmyobscurialson)
A really cute idea with a great execution!! Kinda fluffy, kinda smutty!
“The Five Times Credence Apparated + The One Time it Backfired” by becameapasttime (mitslits)
Super cute, fluffy 5+1 fic with Credence learning magic from Percival, with a really funny ending.
“Faliebesch” by fayfayfay
The very first Gradence fic I ever read. Super funny idea with a love potion involved!
“Flowers Like Ashes” by NoirSongbird (@noirsongbird)
Amazing AU, where Hanzo has Hanahaki desease and is coughing up flower petals because of his unrequited love! Also, a really interesting McHanzo dynamic in this that you don’t see too often!
“Like Fire” by vickjawn (awshitzombies)
Amazing AU with Rent Boy McCree that has a really good story arc!
“Souls Interwined” by megsblackfire
Basically just a really cool, kinda heartbreaking Soulmate AU! With Hanzo being as stubborn as he can be.
“Language” by Lafaiette
Space AU with a language barrier! Really well written and super cute and kinda heartbreaking in between, but with a happy ending!
“Villain” by Lafaiette
This straight up made me cry when I read this. It was sweet and heartbreaking and everything in between ;A;
“The Perks Of Working Third Shift” by Vixen13 (@thatvixenchick)
Super interesting modern AU with a lot of angst, fluff and smut!
“Birthday Boy” by Spideypoolhell
Reverse Spideypool, where Spider-Man is the one fanboying over Deadpool and DP is annoyed as hell.
“A Vicious Cycle” by DecimalDrones (@yourpilotisspeaking)
Kind of a dark fic with a surprising twist in the midle!
“Pictures Of You” by Doodsxd
Just really well written and cute!
Metal Gear (there’s too many to all mention them here, honestly, so just a few)
“Ouroboros” by IShottheSheriff (@ialsoshotthedeputy)
Such a good SoliLiquid AU, like ??? Everyone’s a bit fucked up and I actually haven’t come around to read through to the end, but it’s so good!
“One Last Good Day” by Buckie (@cashasthephonebox)
This fic made me cry like a baby, honestly! Read at your own risk, it’s really heart-breaking, but so well written!!
“A Star In My Universe” by @kawaiibooker
Honestly, the most adroable VKaz I ever read. Such a good soulmate AU with an interesting premise!
“Roles To Play” by DrunkFujoshi
One of my all time favorite Metal Gear fics. Ocelot-centric, dealing with his life and his relationship with BB. Makes me cry every time!
“The Pleiades At Dawn” by @statisticsfag
AU done right! Kaz is a prostitute in Japan in the 1890s and then of course BB comes by and so good, just read it!!
“Promise” by panpinecone (@panpinecone)
Ocelhira Modern Texting AU. Kept me up at night when I first read it. It’s so good, although the kinda open ending totally messed with me!
“Pathetic” by HeyMurphy
One of my favorite supposedly “plotless” fics. Just really funny and cute?
Okay, wooooow, this has gotten way longer than I expected it to :’D I hope you don’t mind, dear anon! But honestly, there’s just so many great fics on AO3, this is just a little best of the best!
(Also, if anyone knows the authors’ tumblr names, please let me know!)Tried tagging some people, please tell me if I’m wrong!
#supernatural#overwatch#sherlock#fantastic beasts and where to find them#spideypool#metal gear#asks#long post#fbwtft#fic recs#this has gotten so long man#sorry!!
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