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serendipitous-magic · 6 years ago
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And For Once You Let Go, requested by @allscissorsallpaper
“Yes.” Will nods, more affirmatively, and suddenly there’s a new sort of feeling. It’s entirely different. Its...light. It’s relief. It’s thrilling. He wants more of it.
Look, it’s basically canon at this point that Will ends up in New York sometime during/after college. And this is New York in October, no less, with cafes and sketching and Will gets to meet a cute guy and have a healthy relationship. It’s what he deserves. 
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katiehavok · 7 years ago
TSoW fic recs? :)
::Cracks knuckles::
First of all, I’d recommend anything and everything by Tyellas on Ao3. I’m not sure if they have a Tumblr but if they did, I’d point you in it’s direction because I imagine it’s fabulous.
Silent Songs by TheGypsyQueen is great, and a little heartbreaking.
Aqua by Lafaiette is another wonderful post-movie story.
just how much by lentilchip is a good and different bit of fluffy smut, in a fandom full of fluffy smut.
And when your fairytale is through by werepirechick is a great post-movie Giles and Zelda friendship piece.
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ravens-and-writings · 8 years ago
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My Tumblr Crushes for June:
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teacup-occamy · 8 years ago
Pass the happy along:) List 5 things that make you happy and send to 10 nice people! (feel free to ignore)
1. My cats2. Music3. Getting lost in a book or video game4. Disney World5. All you lovely people
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dresupi · 8 years ago
8. what musical artists have you most felt connected to over your lifetime? and 18. what is your patronus?
8.  Probably CCR and the Beatles?  
18.  According to Pottermore, it’s a Dragonfly.  
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farm-witches-fic-recs · 3 years ago
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One whole year of farm witches, friends! We are so happy to be able to contribute to the fandom we love and continue to add pages of fics to your Marked For Later lists (we can only assume yours look a lot like ours do these days).
The coven has decided to make some changes for this second year of reading and reccing. We’re going to to be switching our witch-based recommendations to a monthly list that will be published on the first Friday of the month. This will allow us to focus on giving you more of what you request, as well as occasionally offering other fun (and possibly informative) fandom-related content.
We are very thankful for each one of our followers who engage with us by sending asks, reblogging, liking posts, and commenting. We can’t do what we do without you!
In honor of our own first year, this rec list features fics that also include anniversaries. Grab a glass of your favorite celebratory beverage and leave the creators some love!
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1, 2, 3, 4, tell me that you love me more (sloganeer) This sweet series explores David and Patrick’s anniversaries through traditional gifts. 
Anniversary Cake ( @doublel27) We love the “so married” tag on this delicious fic that says it like it is.
Better Than Anything Else That I’ve Tried (houdini74/@mostlyinthemorning) They’ve been together for one whole month and Patrick wants to celebrate. The trolling is just a bonus.
Bumpkin, framed (@bibliosexual) David and Patrick celebrate a year together after kinda-sorta meeting because of Bumpkin.
Deliver my heart (@5ambreakdown​)  How will David survive Patrick’s absence on their anniversary? With a little help from their friends. 
I love it when you give me things (odofidi) It’s David’s birthday and he just wants a birthday. No anniversary involved. 
I see us in black and white (@blackandwhiteandrose) Patrick leaves an entry in David’s journal for their first anniversary.
It requires a dedication (returntosaturn/@allscissorsallpaper) David plans an anniversary celebration for his in-laws, Stevie’s got a girlfriend, and love is all around.
Lead to where I can’t stop (@yourbuttervoicedbeau) Patrick knows the correct way to acknowledge anything important is with food. 
October 3 (@blackandwhiteandrose) One month into married life, David has a kind of monthiversary moment of his own.
Roommates For Life (@tailor1971) For their 50th wedding anniversary, David and Patrick gather their extended family together and renew their wedding vows. 
Serendipity (@rmd-writes) We love a sweet coincidence almost as much as we love these sentimental boys swapping anniversary gifts.
Some Days are Diamonds (@likerealpeopledo-on-ao3) Mind the tags on this super-duper soft hurt/comfort (heavy on the comfort) fic dealing with chronic pain. David and Patrick navigate this new world together, recreating their honeymoon and finding renewed strength in unlikely places.
Sometimes, Home Is a Person (houdini74/@mostlyinthemorning) It’s been five years since David and Patrick stayed behind. This fic is a celebration of David and Patrick’s life in Schitt’s Creek and it culminates with Patrick giving David the perfect five year anniversary gift. 
Tempting Fate (hudders-and-hiddles/@wild-aloof-rebel) The first three monthiversary gifts.
This creaking in my bones isn't pain, it's applause (fairmanor) On their tenth anniversary, Patrick checks in on his promise to make David happy in Schitt’s Creek.
This Must Be The Place (@likerealpeopledo-on-ao3) Patrick and David celebrate the first year of their partnership in all kinds of ways—culminating in a surprise party that reveals even more of themselves to each other. 
This Will Be Our Year: A Second Epistolary Peek (MeadowHarvest) This epistolary fic is full of laughs and looks into all our faves lives, as well as a Brewer anniversary!
What’s kicking inside of you (@missgeevious)Trolling is our favorite love language and Patrick has a sexy surprise for David on their fourth anniversary. 
You know me so well (@lisamc-21) To celebrate five years of married life, David and Patrick take a trip to Seattle for sightseeing and some sexytimes.
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definitelyoneoftheguys · 8 years ago
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Newtina Pride and Prejudice AU for @allscissorsallpaper
In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.
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njckle · 6 years ago
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@shannsleeve tagged me for the home screen, lock screen, and last song listened to. I’ll tag @annjushkasophia, @laciefuyu, @book-lover-dragon, @allscissorsallpaper, and @nifflersgelt.
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annjushkasophia · 7 years ago
Last sentence tag
I was tagged by @ravens-and-writings and @footprintsinthesandsworld to share the last sentence of my WIP. Since I don’t currently have one (not really), have the very last sentence of the final chapter of Crimson Petals, the story I’m currently posting.
“They fall asleep together, hearts beating as one as they cling to each other, vowing to never let go.”
I’m tagging @kemara24 @katiehavok @deviousdiggy @quillandsaber @book-lover-dragon @epochapocrypha @allscissorsallpaper and everybody else who’d like to share! <3
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mymariahcarey · 4 years ago
Rules: post the last line you wrote (from any WIP) and tag the same number of people as there are words.
I was tagged by @samwhambam! I never get tagged in things because I normally pop on like... every few weeks so this is fun! This little snippet is from a monster of a Stevie/Twyla fic I'm writing based on Folklore and specifically the song Seven.
She feels alive, cherished, wanted and it’s overwhelming. It’s fucking devasting that this has been here all along and she’s never— she’s wasted so much fucking time.
I'm not on here enough to know 27 writer's Tumblrs and idk if people on here really know who I am so I'll tag a few but of you're reading this and wanna do it, consider yourself tagged!
@cheesecurdsgravyandfries @neelyo67 @allscissorsallpaper and that's all the Tumblrs I have memorized that I haven't seen tagged.
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njcklenjart · 7 years ago
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KingsmanAU @allscissorsallpaper was telling me about. 
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ravens-and-writings · 7 years ago
Ten Fandoms, Ten Women
Rules: Write your ten favourite female characters from ten different fandoms and tag ten different people.
I’ve been tagged by @annjushkasophia and @astromechdroid-r2d2
Tina Goldstein (Fantastic Beasts)
Donna Noble (Doctor Who)
Elizabeth Bennett (Pride and Prejudice)
Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
Amy Farrah Fowler (The Big Bang Theory)
Daenerys Targaryen (A Song of Ice and Fire/GoT)
Claire Fraser (Outlander)
Charlotte Ritter (Babylon Berlin)
Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)
Eowyn (LotR)
I tag... @katiehavok, @kemara24, @footprintsinthesandsworld, @quillandsaber, @allscissorsallpaper... and I think that’s it for today.
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teacup-occamy · 8 years ago
Tina, candle? (or candlelight?) :)
Tina had not expected the most difficult part of her first few weeks in MACUSA’s auror department to be making friends with the candlestick on her desk, but then again, the universe enjoys curve-balls.  And she would get the sassy sconce.
After the first week, she’d managed to get it to stop dimming the lights on her.
A few days and several burns later, she was able to change out the candles when they got too low.
By the end of the month the two had come to an agreement of sorts: the candlestick would behave and at night before she left, she’d sprinkle different powders over the flame and let the contraption blow multi-colored sparks.
Now if only she could get it to stop trying to set the paper mice’s tails on fire...
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shannsleeve · 7 years ago
Rules: Post the last sentence you wrote and tag as many people as there are words!
I was tagged by @teacup-occamy and @njckle . 
“So I ask you again, how did you manage to keep Mssr. Scamander's message?"
(from Beauty and the Beasts and Where To Find Them)
14 words. I don't know if I can tag that many peoole but here goes: @carnivorouskiwi, @nifflersgelt, @allscissorsallpaper, @shanna-bonbon, @wasteofbandages, @loufok, @megii-of-mysteri-ousstranger.I think that's all I've got lol.
Happy writing, everyone! đź’›
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farm-witches-fic-recs · 3 years ago
Dear Coven, I think we need some birthday fics in honour of Dan's Happy Day. Could you bestow us with such a gift?
An excellent suggestion! Grab a piece of cake and check out these birthday fics:
31 - Anonymous
All That You Turned Out to Be - PrettyTheWorld
All The Ways He Loves Me - @delilah-mcmuffin
Brewer Birthday (Non)Bombardments for Budd - @grapehyasynth
Feed the Stomach, Feed the Heart - @walnuts-and-berries
Fifty-Mission (Iced) Cap - @kindofspecificstore
golden like daylight - @banesapothecary 
I Feel Like You Deserve To Be Celebrated - YouWereAlwaysGonnaBeTheOne
I Love It When You Give Me Things - odofidi
I'm With Stupid ➡ - @shimmies
If You Asked Me To - @vanillahigh00
Just give me all your mind (I've got a surprise) - @yourbuttervoicedbeau
A Life Extraordinary - coffee_and_glitter (@fictasticvoyage)
Patrick's Birthday - ArticulateFiction (@articulatefictionblog)
Picturing Us Together - @lisamc-21
the quiet and the confusion - beanierose
Red Velvet Surprise - @asoftplacetoland
Surprised? - @goodiecornbread
Sweet, Sweet Fantasy - @legalgal421
Take a cha-cha-cha-chance - @sweatersinthesummer
time to take time - @fishyspots
to david, with love - @petalwritesx
Too Many Candles - returntosaturn (@allscissorsallpaper)
Unhip Hooray - ProseApothecary (@vodka-rocks-and-a-piece-of-toast)
Where the Smiles Have Been - @reginahalliwell
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quillandsaber · 8 years ago
Fanfiction Author Appreciation Day
It’s Fanfiction Author/Writer Appreciation Day, which celebrates those authors who take a great deal of time out of their lives to give us stories for free on something resembling a regular basis.  It’d take far too long to thank every fanfiction author who has made a real impact on my life, so here’s a list of people whose work has truly impacted me in 2017 thus far:
@katiehavok, who deserves appreciation both for writing well and for being there to talk me out of making bad fear-based decisions
bluetoast, who deserves a mention even though I don’t think they have an active tumblr for me to tag; their work is just really good
@perrydowning, who has done an amazing job working to keep a highly-controversial fandom sane and supportive.  The importance of this work cannot be overstated.
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