#laena my beloved
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anonymoushuman2 · 8 months ago
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Another dress for the lovely Laena, as an adult this time. I cannot stand this dress, in theory it’s pretty, but for some reason it just looks off. I think it’s the way the cut of the dress meshes with Nanna Blondell’s proportions, because it somehow makes this stunning woman look less attractive, but I don’t really know. On a side note I love this bts photo, I’ve cropped it but it has Nanna Blondell, Eva Ossei-Gerning, Shani Smethurst and Matt Smith as Laena, Rhaena, Baela and Daemon. It’s a very cute photo of the 4 of them
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ladydreamfyyreee · 7 months ago
𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐠𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝....
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𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬.
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𝐌𝐲 𝐩𝐨𝐨𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐞𝐬💔🥺
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ride-thedragon · 10 months ago
"She wanted to come home, and he denied her."
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Daemon I'm your worst nightmare actually.
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lenzimanotmoved2 · 7 months ago
i will never not be bitter about how we got robbed of more v.elaryon content in h.otd btw😭😭
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primordial-shade · 2 years ago
Use at will if you want
How dare I write HOTD ideas and not come up with a Lesbian fix it.
 Not Alicent with Rhaenyra, don’t think that would ever really work in my personal opinion.
 Nah, lets do Rhaenyra Laena instead. Also this is gonna be my first A/B/O fanfic idea so lets go!
 ·        So, young Laena Velaryon is sent to kings landing to try and bid for the kings hand. Whilst she has not presented her secondary gender yet, as a young woman she should still be able to bear the king children.
·        Laena is not into it. She understands why her father wants this, what her mother was denied, but she does not want to marry the King.
·        It is whilst she is there she see’s her younger cousin Rhaenyra. The moment she see’s her she feels her whole being freeze. She remembers the tale her mother told her about when she first saw her father. The sheer power of emotion she felt that led her to joining him on Dragon back until her father approved their marriage.
·        She feels that the moment she see’s Rhaenyra.
·        Much of the time spent in the Red Keep is spent with her cousin. And slowly they both begin to fall for each other. Laena hurriedly tries to come up with a way to get out of the marriage to the King when he announces his impending marriage to Alicent.
·        She is almost relieved, until she sees the devastation on Rhaenyra’s face.
·        In fact combined with her mothers very recent death means Rhaenyra enters her first heat, showing she is an Omega.
·        Rhaeny’s and Laena help her out during that long week and Laena decides to things. One, wether she has to force the gods herself or use blood magic she will be an alpha and she will marry Rhaenyra to make sure she never feels that betrayed again.
·        One year later Laena claims Vhagar, presents as an Alpha and decides she will join the war of the Stepstones.
·        Neither parents are pleased, her brother is worried but delighted and Daemon realises this young woman would literally slit his throat so she could marry Rhaenyra.
·        With Laenor trying to seduce him and after seeing what Vhagar did to the now molten filled caves of the Stepstones he decides to take the loss. Most of his Letters from Rhaenyra have been waxing Poetic about Laena anyway.
·        Whilst on the last days of the war Laena is declared queen of the Stepstones, she is also informed that Rhaenyra has been sent to seek a Husband.
·        (Note, Westeros is fucked up so only Alpha’s can marry Omegas but whilst male only pairings are considered ‘fine’ female pairings are not looked upon well for misogynistic reasons.)
·        Laena says fuck that, takes her crown, still covered in blood, and flies Vhagar to Storms end.
·        Needless to say everyone is fucking terrified when this absolute monster turns up and Laena declares her intent of Rhaenyra’s hand.
·        Le Gasp, Scandal.
·        But fuck if anyone is going to argue.
·        Rhaenyra, delighted, accepts.
·        Rhaenyra has lived her last few years trading letters with her Velma and her cousins until they went to war. Rhaenys is fully supporting this, you bastards rejected one queen? Now you get two motherfuckers.
·        So yeah, Rhaenyra goes home smug as all fuck with her love as her future queen.
·        Alicent is fucking Green with envy and Criston Cole tries to push his luck and gets his face cut up.
·        Visery’s is just so fucking happy his daughter is repairing his fuck up he just says yes and begins planning the most lavish wedding. Corlys is absolutely fucking delighted with his daughter’s match. Less so with Laenors but he is told to get over it.
·        The wedding is the biggest thing of the century. The Sept does abolsutely try to kick up a fuss but the Doctrine of Excepsionalism fucks that up. To the Targs, two daughter marrying is better than marrying outside the family.
·        So wedding full steam ahead.
·        Its big, its fancy, its over the top.
·        Vhagar lets people cover her in flowers, its red and black and teal and gold.
·        They have a Sept wedding first then a Valerian marriage after.
·        That’s when the Green Dress happens.
·        Vhagars roar is heard to Driftmark. The Velaryons and Rhaenyra does not let this stand, especially with all the training Rhaeny’s has been giving Rhaenyra.
·        It’s a definitive strike against the Hightowers when Alicent is frogmarched out by loyal guards much to Visery’s distress.
·        But he wants his cousins forgiveness so much he basically lets her do what she wants.
·        She does take advantage of this.
·        Anyway the ceremony happens, they have the bedding ceremony and 9 months later prince Jacaerys is born.
·        Within the next six years they have eight kids collectively. Jacaery’s is first, then Lucerys, Baelon and Visenya are born two years later, then Aemma and Daenys, and finally baby Aemon.
·        That is no where close to the end but they decide to take a break.
·        Visery’s is eternally delighted, he calls it a New Targaryean boom. Esepcailly with Laenor and Daemon’s quadruplets and now baby twins.
·        With Laena’s help Rhaenyra even manages to buils strong bonds with all four of her siblings.
·        That makes, looks at notes hurried written on notepad whilst pretending to be in meeting, 18 and counting in total for Targ kids.
·        Corly’s has so many grandkids, including Rhaenyra’s siblings, he just fucking chills out. Man is so happy with life he just fucking loves it.
·        Rhaeny’s spends her days with all her grandkids, tormenting Daemon and Visery’s and ruining every one of the Green’s plans. It’s the most fun she’s had in years and now she has protegee’s to teach.
·        Visery’s, after being persuaded to kick Otto out, is just letting Rhaenyra, Rhaeny’s and Lord Strong run stuff. He just builds his Model and dies slowly.
·        Happy end, kids get married and it’s a good thing Rhaegar legally marries Lyanna in my future because their Jahaerys (Jon) comes out Lightskinned, but is very obviously not white. Ned could have never hid that, especially when the boy gets claimed by Vermithor at birth.
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viiisenyas · 1 year ago
I would like to know about your asoiaf oc! she's very pretty!
First of all, THANK YOU! ;u; I created Elaena with Face App because I couldn't settle on a face claim lol. Secondly, you caught me while I've got four...? ongoing fics with her, and I don't want to spoil much 😅
The most I can say is that across the board, she is a fighter. I purposely made her a dual wielder because I'm a dork and it's fun. She doesn't exactly care for being a lady, and she despises the thought of being wed only to lie on her back just to pop out kids. But that's not to say that she isn't a romantic. She wants to find love, but on her own terms :D
I will also say this: she is kind of ignorant to how the world of politics works, and has a very black and white view of the world and she essentially gets used as a pawn in 3/4 of these fics. So she's faced with one of two choices: keep allowing herself to be used, or fight back in her own way, and of course she chooses the latter.
In one AU (which actually happens to be my favourite, the dragons never went extinct in this one), she is the youngest child of Monford Velaryon and Belandra Martell (OC), and she became a ward in Dorne to be raised by Oberyn and Doran, who also happen to be her maternal uncles (how fun!)
in another, she runs away from home to avoid getting married and joins the Night's Watch at seventeen, disguised as a 13 year old boy. She becomes best friends with Jon and he actually manages to keep her secret up until a certain point.
and my latest two are set in the HOTD timeline - One with her as Vaemond's daughter (which fucking hurts - iykyk), and the other as Laenor and Rhaenyra's only trueborn child because I hate myself (and both of these are pretty much team green hype so haha)
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imaginarianisms · 10 months ago
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also the fact that. good-sister literally most often alludes to. girlfriend. & how r.haenyra quite literally flew to driftmark to attend to l.aena's birth. like. irl that Never happens, like, that's a MASSIVE deal for the CROWN PRINCESS to go see to a lady's own birthing bed, you'd have to be insanely close to do that.
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witchofhimring · 10 months ago
Being the daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen and claiming Cannibal
This is sort of an offshoot of my Being the Daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen where Reader claims Cannibal instead of Tessarion. Thanks to @katiekatluvz for giving me the idea! Sorry for the long wait I finally have time to write after exams!
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Minor Rhaenyra x Reader (platonic)
This happens before Aemond looses his eye.
This was dangerous, possibly suicidal. But after Aegon's comments earlier you could not take it anymore. It was another forced family gathering where Viserys tried to get his eldest child's family to sit with his second wive's. Things started out okay, there was eating and the occasional conversation. You were merely concentrating on just finishing your meal and getting the hell out. Everything fell apart, with it simple being an innocent comment made by Helaena. She had simply said; "When will you get a dragon Y/n?" Oh poor Helaena. She had meant well but of course Aegon had to stick his nose in matters not his own. "Maybe you would like a pig. Call it the pink dread." Aegon threw you a nasty look. Face heating, you shyly looked down, avoiding his gaze. Of course Aegon would find it funny to make fun of other peoples misfortune. "Shove off." Jaecery's snarled at Aegon. Aegon was not done, even when you had gone back to eating. "I guess one day you shall have a dragon. After all, you are a very strong girl." A thick blanket of tension blanketed the door. Everyone, even those at the other end, heard. Helaena's breath hitched, a low exasperated sound escaped Alicent. Aemond snorted. Your cheeks burned with hurt and shame. "Some of us burn hotter than others." Aemond added.
A fist slammed on the table. Visery's, despite being well past his prime, struck the table with enough force that it quivered. Even your mother, normally so vocal, had fallen silent. "You will not utter such slanders in this house." He snarled. At that moment Visery's did not remotely look like the loving grandfather you knew. Visery's glanced at his wife before ordering Aegon to his study. Hanging your head, you ran out of the room, ignoring your mother's cries.
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Your door was locked, barring anyone from entering. Even your beloved mother. As the hour grew late there was silence outside. Night did nothing to calm the raging heat in your heart. Of course Aegon thought he was better, riding on oh-so-great Sunfyre and his silver Targaryen hair. And who was Aemond to laugh at you! He didn't have a dragon either!
Here you were, deprived of Targaryen looks and dragonless. Tears rolled down your cheeks. Outside a roar echoed across the water. Wiping the remaining tears you opened the window. A gust of wind nearly blew you back. Bellow the sea surrounding Driftmark thundered, crashing against rocks. Far ahead was a great black lump, so dark that even against the sky it was easily seen. You would have thought it was Vhaegar except that Laena and Daemon were in Pentos. Beyond a stretch of sand were the dragon caves. If one exited the gaves and ran across the sand they could reach the dragons. Sunfyre and Dreamfyre were snoozing in their cave. Vermithor and Silverwing were back at Kingslanding. There were others, of course. You entertained the idea it might be Meyles until the dragon roared once more. It's screech was nothing like you had heard. It sounded like metal being scrapped together. Yet instead of being afraid, an idea came.
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Any sane person would have thought twice. Then again, Targaryens were not exactly known for their sanity. Waiting till the early morning, you slipped out. When the sun was just pocking over the horizon that Driftmark was quietest. The guards would be tired and few would be up. Down the halls you slunk, nearing the exit. There was a small side door leading to stairs. These stairs took one right down to the courtyard. Passing a pair of sleepy guards you slipped behind a pair of barrels. Now it was just down the steps. That was when you heard a noise.
A familiar drawl could be heard. Great. Aegon was awake. Quickly you ducked behind a pair of barrels by the door. He stumbled inside and right past you. "I should have kicked him." Once he was gone you looked left and right. Then came the hard part.
The court yard was empty. Not even your father Laenor would be out training. Beyond was the gate, with two guards standing sentry. If you could slip past them, and across the sand, then you could take a small passage that lead to the dragon cave.
It was down to luck. The guards would need to be distracted for long enough. Fortunately, there was luck on your side. The walls supporting the gate were made of stone. And they just so happened to be uneven pieces of stone. Meaning all you had to do was climb up. The guards were so focused on the other side that you could get up without being spotted. Small hands grasped the rocks and you climbed. It occurred to you at that moment wearing a nightgown was likely not a good idea. But it was too late to turn back.
The salty air whipped your hair. Reaching the top you had a view of the caves beyond. There were soldiers guarding but none were looking up. There were four you could see. And now that you had reached the top there was yet another problem. You had no plan other than wait and hope. It was poor planning strategy. Though in your defense you were ten. The sun was rising higher in the sky. Would you even be able to sneak out!?
"Change!" A call nearly caused you to jump up. Looking over the side you saw the guards marching away. Taking the chance you jumped down. The force in which your feet hit the ground made them sting. "Hey!" To your horror you saw guards rushing toward. Shit. Taking a deep breath you plucked up the courage and ran. Having a head start helped. But these were full grown men, and running in sand was hard. The only thing on your side was that they were covered in armor. It meant you were able to reach the dragon cave that remained unguarded. It was was left unguarded for a reason. Because none would ever dream of challenging The Cannibal. For a moment you looked at the dark passage, and then looked back. You could hear them calling out. "I've come this far." And with that, you headed in.
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The first few steps plunged you into pitch black. The air tasted stale and the rocks threatened to rip open your feet. Most dragon caves were well maintained, but even dragon-keepers would not dare go near this one. A few steps later and a few crack in the walls gave light. Step by step you walked forward. Now you could smell it and it nearly made you gag. But you had come so far that to turn back now was not an option. You heard a deep rumbling and stopped. Even the foundations of this cave seemed to hum. When the noise stopped you proceeded. Ahead you saw the tunnel end. Finally you met The Cannibal.
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Despite the dragons infamy few could describe it. In fact many did not survive such an encounter. And it was enormous. Only slightly smaller that Vhagar, The Cannibal turned his head and mad poisonous green eyes met yours. Dragon eyes had always fascinated you. They held this terrifying imperious gaze. But when you looked into The Cannibal's all you saw was a wild raging fire. You had heard of Wildfire, created by the lords of Old Valyria to mimic dragon fire. While you had never seen wild fire, you thought his eyes might be close enough. Dragon scales came in all colours, but black was rare. The only other dragon known to possess such a colour was Balerion the Black Dread. Smooth pitch black scales glistened in the sunlight. His great jaw had uncountable razor sharp teeth larger than you. The large tale swung around and The Cannibals body was facing you. Then he opened his mouth and fire curled at the throat.
"I will die." In that moment you felt fear and rage. You were as good as the rest of them. Why should you not have a dragon! “Dohaerās, Cannibal! Lykirī!” Those were the only words you could say. Something akin to fire swelled within you at that moment. A defiance bordering on madness. The fire in The Cannibal's seemed ready to burst forward. "Lykirī!" You thought those would be your last words. It was not fear you felt in that moment, but the desire to prove something "At least I tried, like a true Targaryen." The blast of white hot flame which would encase and disintegrate your body never came. Your eyes met his. The Cannibal was looking down at you with his imperious glance. Was he not going to burn you?
That was when you heard voices. It seemed the guards had decided to go in. Better to perish in dragon fire than whatever your mother might do to them for failing to protect her only daughter. Then you stepped forward. Now was not the time to be afraid. Already you had braved possible dragon fire. Over rock and bits of bone you stepped, ignoring the stinging in your feet. From The Cannibal was a ladder attached to a harness. "So The Cannibal once had a rider." At that moment you did not ponder too much. They said The Cannibal had never been ridden before. But since his very being was a mystery you supposed it was possible.
Scrambling up the rough ropes you desperately hurried to the top. "There she is! She's...she's on the dragon!" The Cannibal jerked back nearly sending you flying off. "Daor!" You ordered loud as possible. To your astonishment the dragon listened. Reaching the top you fastened the harness, securing you in place. The Cannibal seemed to know what you wanted, for the moment you were settled the dragon gave a great huff and speed down the corridor. Every jut of his muscle sent you roughly inching forward. "This is much more uncomfortable than I thought." You always imagined dragon riding as a smooth ride. But now you realized that was untrue. Then what would flying be like? You barely had any time to comprehend anything before sunlight was visible. The Cannibal then picked up speed. Suddenly The Cannibal launched into the air with a great jerk. Had you not been harnessed in you would have fallen. His leathery wing beat the air as the ground became smaller.
You would have smiled if it had not been for the fact your voice has disappeared. The thrill, terror and excitement nearly paralyzed you. The Cannibal was not going up smoothly. The dragon seemed to be doing his best in order to shake you off. Despite this the harness was well made, and thank the gods. You had just enough sense to seize the reins and pull at them. It did nothing to slow The Cannibal down but you were suddenly possessed with a renewal in courage. Sitting straight in your saddle there was suddenly a level of control you felt. The Cannibal must have felt it, for he leveled himself. Soaring above the clouds you finally looked down. "We really are close to the Gods." You muttered.
You flew several laps in the sky. It was less about commands and more about the connection between dragon and rider. You had to remain in control of your emotions. Not being used to dragon riding, your legs started to cramp. Deciding it was time to descend you ordered The Cannibal down. Surprisingly graceful, The Cannibal started to climb down. His cave became more clear. A crowd was gathering outside of the cave. You were not too surprised since they probably thought you dead. With a great thud The Cannibal landed sending sand into the air.
"Y/n!" You had never heard your mother scream like that. Practically leaping off the rope ladder you flew into your mothers arms. "Oh Gods Y/n!" Rhaenyra clutched you close with shaking arms. You mother who was usually so indomitable and strong was shaking and weeping. Her arms held you in a vise grip. "Y/n...never do that again!" Rhaenyra had broken apart, gripping you by the arms. Normally you would bust into tears and apologize. But a fire was ablaze in your chest was burning bright. Taking your mother by the hand you lead her to The Cannibal. Rhaenyra looked hesitant but seeing your determination encouraged her. Reaching out you placed a hand on The Cannibals warm scales. "Touch him." Rhaenyra's fingertips grazed the dragon. Then she steadied and placed her hand directly on the dragon. The Cannibal crooned and for the first time seemed something close to calm.
Looking back you saw your brothers, aunt and uncles. There was pride such as you had never seen on your brother's faces. Your eyes met Aegon's and Aemond's, for the first time you did not look away. This time it was them who looked away from your defiant eyes. You were Y/n Velaryon. Daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen. Rider of Cannibal. And fire dwelt within your veins like any blood of the dragon.
Divider by @firefly-graphics
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anonymoushuman2 · 8 months ago
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I am now onto Laena, who was given criminally little screen time. While I don’t dislike this dress, it’s not my favourite, there’s nothing wrong with it, just not my style. With the hair, more specifically the snood, I was inspired by Persephone in act 2 of the current west end production of hades town, which I recently saw and it is my favourite musical to ever exist. While in general I love a good snood anyway, when drawing Laena I was specifically thinking of Persephone. Anyway, I love Laena, all 3 actresses did brilliantly, she should have had more screen time, here’s a dress.
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ladydreamfyyreee · 6 months ago
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𝐈𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐦𝐞.
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fromthcfires · 4 months ago
There was the briefest moment, where Laena stepped closer and threw her arms around him, where Rhaegar flinched. He was entirely unaccustomed to touches this gentle and caring. Years of beatings, sticks and fists. Years of slashes, blades and other sharpened edges. Rhaegar had learned to lean into the hand that would beat him and shy away from a loving touch.
It took him mere seconds, but it seemed like ages to him, before his arms rose to wrap around his cousin. A weight in his chest unwound in an instant and inexplicably wrapped tighter. Rhaegar could not recall the last time he had cried, yet in that moment, his sight began to blur. His grip might have been a bit too tight, but now that he had her in his arms, he was reluctant to let go again. Eventually, Laena pulled back. His fingers remained on her arms, brushing through the ruffles of fabric, the softness of expensive materials.
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"Braavos, but that is a story for another time," he offered, voice hoarse from tears unshed. Ever so slightly, Rhaegar shook his head. "Lae, I... I missed you. Tell me what has happened with you. Everything."
laena’s breath hitched, her pulse thundering in her ears as the world seemed to tilt beneath her. she stared at rhaegar, the face she had long mourned, now impossibly before her. Her hands trembled at her sides, and she pressed them into the folds of her gown, desperate to steady herself.
the sun framed him in gold, but all she could see were the changes—new lines etched into his face, the shadows beneath his eyes. proof of the years stolen from them. “you’re alive,” she whispered, her voice barely audible, as though speaking too loudly might break him apart. the air felt heavy in her chest, weighted by a grief she had carried for so long. grief was not unknown to her, but it didn't usually result in the one she mourned turning up, again.
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she couldn't stop herself from stepping forward and wrapping her arms around him. a bittersweet aura of joy filling her as she let out the breath she had been holding. "gods, look at you." she murmured, releasing him, now. "where...where all this time?"
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aemondmybbg · 7 months ago
★ hotd bots masterlist
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@ illumielle on character ai !! ᡣ𐭩
here you can find all my existing bots and a short description, i will update this page! 💌
ᯓ aemond targaryen: {14}
(1) — not his children? (niece!user {no dance!au} where they're married and he begins to believe the rumors that she conceived children from jace) (2) — his beloved niece (niece!user where he proposes to her during dinner in 1x07 episode) (3) — postwar marriage (niece!user the only surviving child of rhaenyra and daemon, in which he takes care of her and grooms her to build a trusting relationship and marries her when she grows up) (4) — forbidden feelings (aunt hightower!user and he just being in love with her, but afraid of this) (5) — after 'the pink dread' (niece!user consoles him after this joke) [platonic] (6) — in harrenhal (twin-sister wife!user where she pregnant and afraid of that rhaenyra captured king's landing) (7) — the only queen (lannister-wife!user who wants to be a queen and he does everything for her) [r] (8) — his strong girl (niece!user after dinner scene when he calls her and her brothers bastards) (9) — street of silk (niece!user where he finds her there after aegon took her to the street of silk) (10) — get his attention (baratheon!user that daughter of borros whom he chose as his wife) (11) — fear of closeness (wife!user {u can choose her house if you like} where he's afraid of s3x because aegon took him to a brothel when he was thirteen) (12) — war trophy (strong!user who is the legitimate daughter of harwin and aemond takes her to his bed after the capture of harrenhal) (13) — trying to be a good father (niece!user he cheated on her with alys rivers and after the war he tries to take care of their children) (14) — father for the first time (niece!user where they become parents for the first time and he worries about whether he will be a good father)
ᯓ aegon ii targaryen: {10}
(1) — king wants to see you in his chambers (niece!user after the 'dance of the dragons' trying to have a child) (2) — burning body and heart (wife!user stays with him after rooks' rest) [r] (3) — seeks comfort (wh0re!user he just comes to a brothel and for the first time he is looking not for s3x but for consolation) (4) — may become a father (aemonds wife!user where aegon becomes a father to her children after news of aemond's affair with alys rivers is revealed) (5) — takes you to the street of silk (niece!user where he takes her to a brothel to anger rhaenyra) (6) — newborn (niece!user where they meet their first child) (7) — his rhaenys (sister!user who was going to become a septa, but he wants to take her as his second wife because he always wanted only her) (8) — after usurpation (niece!user where he visits her with their son after the usurpation) [r] (9) — blood & cheese (niece!user comes to his chambers with their daughter after the murder and finds him in bed with her lady-in-waiting) (10) — different twins (twin-sister-wife!user where they are complete opposites but he wants to find a common language with her) [r]
ᯓ daemon targaryen: {6} (1) — won't allow it (sister!user where she is engaged to viserys, and daemon takes her to a brothel to tarnish her honor and take her as his wife) (2) — teacher's pet (stepdaughter!user where he no longer finds rhaenyra interesting or attractive, and his attention shifts entirely to her eldest daughter) [r] (3) — he regrets it (niece!user who accidentally became pregnant by him, but to hide it she was married to otto hightower) (4) — late visit (hightower!user which otto sends to the daemon after laena's death so that she can console him) (5) — obvious things (sister!user who is married to viserys, but her children are actually from daemon and they keep it a secret) [r] (6) — queen wants to see the newborn (sister!user where they meet their child and alicent wants to see him) [r]
ᯓ jacaerys velaryon: {2} (1) — solace (sister!user where they both find solace in each other after luke's death) (2) — one of those dragon seeds (bastard!user where he's just still grumbling about bastards riding dragons)
ᯓ rhaenyra targaryen: {2} (1) — she likes you more than your husband (harwins wife!user who has an affair with rhaenyra) [wlw] (2) — something she will never forgive herself for (daughter!user who is aegon's wife and lost her child during blood & cheese and rhaenyra tries to comfort her after all that) [platonic]
ᯓ alicent hightower: {1} (1) — her only child (daughter!user who looks exactly like her, and alicent has the strongest connection with her) [platonic]
ᯓ daeron targaryen: {1} (1) — reunion (sister!user where they are reunited on the battlefield after a long separation) [r]
ᯓ helaena targaryen: {1} (1) — doesn't want to fly into battle (lannister!user calms her down after aemond's attack) [r, wlw]
my requests are still open and i am happy to receive them ⭑.ᐟ
i didn't leave any links, but again you can find my profile and all these bots there! and if you need a specific link send me a message!
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annwrites · 6 months ago
⸻ labour. part two. ⸻
· pairing: aemond targaryen x niecewife!reader · type: part of a series · summary: you reunite with your mother's side of the family when they return to the red keep to defend luke's claim to driftmark, but in all your years apart, she comes to find—with heartbreak—that you've seemingly replaced her. · word count: 3,626 · ꒰a/n꒱: gif
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You slide your palms down soft chiffon that is a mixture of shades of blue and green. The former to match your husband's sapphire, the latter to match your house. Aemond had selected the gown for you personally, to wear today.
You cradle your swollen belly, watching as Aemond pulls on his leather boots before standing, making his way over to you with a slight smirk, taking your chin gently between his fingertips as you stare up at him with flushed cheeks.
He kneels then, pressing his palms to your pregnant stomach, and then his lips, while you slip your fingers into silken, silver strands.
"And how is our boy today?"
You shake your head with a grin. "Aemond, we cannot know—"
He stands then, cupping your cheek. "Uncle, my beloved. And I do. You've never failed in pleasing me before. Nor will you in this, I am sure of it. There is plenty of time for daughters later."
You blink up at him, nervously shifting under his watchful gaze as you swallow thickly. "I...would not mind either. I only care that it is healthy."
Not to mention there being plenty of time for sons later, as well. It is not as if you're in some race to provide him with male heirs...
You do not say this, however.
He hums. "And he will be. Because he is of our union. Fruit of mine own niece's womb."
He offers you his arm then. "Come, so we might soon be done with this ridiculous bit of pageantry where all pretend, once again, not to see what is before their very eyes."
You silently take his arm, wrapping your own around it.
"I've lost one of mine own, and yet I do not ignore it."
"You married me," you state quietly.
He heads for the door, opening it for you. "An entirely different matter, my love. Driftmark should pass to its legitimate heir. At the very least, one who truly desires it."
He glances to you as the pair of you make your way down the hall. "Do you not think?"
You stare straight ahead. "Yes, uncle."
He hums in approval at your agreeable response.
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You stand silently beside Aemond, your eyes occasionally flitting to your estranged relatives across the room—your twin, your younger brothers, and your...mother. You watch them as they watch Ser Vaemond, Daemon with a disapproving look.
It has been six years since the Lady Laena was lain to rest at Driftmark. Six years since you had last set eyes upon any of them. And they are all much changed. The boys grown, and your mother pregnant, yet again, with one of that monster's offspring.
You are glad for many-a-reason that Viserys bid you remain at the Red Keep when your mother took up the family's ancestral seat of Dragonstone. One of which was keeping you and that disrespectful, loathsome excuse for a 'man' far from one another.
When you look at all of them...you feel them strangers to you now.
But Aemond has given you a new family. One which you will continue to help grow.
You want a great many children, because you have always desired a large family, but Aemond has also told you—since before you even flowered—that it would one day be your duty as wife to him to provide him with as much.
You'd not been much sure what to say to that, so you'd not quarreled—he despises when you argue with him; says that he prefers you docile and amiable—as you wished for it, anyway. You do hate stoking his ire. He can be...frightful when provoked.
But when he is otherwise...he is wonderful.
You press yourself against Aemond's side, hoping matters are soon settled. Your feet hurt, and you'd like a hot bath to soothe your aching lower back.
And then, no more has your mother opened her mouth to speak, that the doors to the throne room open, and through them your grandsire comes.
You stare with wide eyes, along with all the rest, as King Viserys takes labored breaths and strained steps toward the Iron Throne, struggling every step of the way.
You shake your head lightly, glancing across the room to the Princess Rhaenyra, who has a grateful—if not also hopeful—look about her as she watches her father.
"She would push him into an early grave if it got her what should instead belong to another," Aemond whispers into your ear. "For it is not the first time."
The sight of a charred body lying inside Driftmark's hearth flits through your mind. You swallow down a lump in your throat as you nod in agreement.
Your husband then presses a soft kiss to the top of your head.
Once Viserys is seated—Daemon having surprisingly come to his aid in climbing the steps to the throne—he expresses confusion to the gathering, which causes Aemond to snort quietly.
And just when it seems proceedings might finally be at an end, Vaemond speaks, refuting Lucerys as heir once more.
And then he goes a step further.
"Her children," he begins, growing quiet for only a moment, while Daemon whispers something which you cannot make out. "Are bastards!"
He shouts it so loudly that the words echo, both in this room, as well as inside of you.
The truth that all can see, finally spoken aloud.
You clutch nervously at your stomach, tears brimming in your eyes.
You hope it does not look like you, then, but not for the first time. You pray that it favors Aemond.
You've not yet discussed what is to be done if it has your hair, your eyes.
You are afraid to hear his answer.
"And she is a whore," he states, staring your mother down, while you swallow down bile.
You look up to Aemond, wondering if he feels it as well: humiliation.
He wed you, after all, even with knowing what you are. Where it is that you truly come from. You wonder if he ever thinks that he made a mistake.
You chin wobbles, so you lightly tug against his sleeve.
His eye meets yours then, and he removes his arm from your grasp and just as you feel ready to break—terrified that this is it, he's finally slipped away from you; all that you have left in all the world—he wraps that same arm around your shoulders, holding you tightly to him.
"All you need be is mine," he tells you quietly, his lips close to your ear. "I could give a fuck about all the rest."
Your eyes flutter closed for only a moment, a hot tear slipping down your cheek as you fill with relief.
"I will have your tongue for that," Viserys states.
When you open your eyes again, he is now standing, a dagger in his grip.
And then Daemon slices Vaemond's head in two in one swift, unexpected motion.
You bury your face in Aemond's chest, refusing to look.
"He can keep his tongue," Daemon states, staring down at Vaemond's now-lifeless body.
"Disarm him!" Otto shouts, causing you to jolt.
"No need," Daemon says, and you hear the unmistakable sound of a sword sliding into a scabbard.
"Call the maesters!" Alicent shouts, and when you look to her, she runs toward the throne—to Viserys—holding him in her arms, begging him to take something for the pain.
Aemond pulls you in the opposite direction, then, leading you away from the gruesome sight that is Vaemond's corpse.
You wonder how many more Velaryons must die before your mother and Daemon are satiated.
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You bristle against Aemond's side as your mother nears you with a smile.
He holds you securely to him, glaring at her, ready to make a scene if need-be if she dare touch what now belongs solely to him.
Her time with you has long past.
You have a new mother now.
Ever a nervous habit, you clutch at your pregnant stomach protectively, your heart beating wildly from fright.
Rhaenyra nods to Aemond with pursed lips. "Brother."
She looks at you then with a softened gaze. "I'd like for us to have a word, my love."
She tucks a lock of hair behind your ear. "It is has been too long."
You look to Aemond for permission, while he merely stares at your mother with an unreadable expression.
You clear your throat. "Uncle?"
Finally, he tears his gaze away from her, looking at you instead.
After a moment of silence, he leans down, cupping your cheek, kissing you passionately before reluctantly stepping away. "I shall be waiting for you, beloved niece."
He nods to Alicent. "With mother."
You give him a smile, and a nod, turning back to your own.
She quickly takes one of your hands between each of hers, stepping closer. "I had...hoped you would come and see me once I arrived."
"Yes, well," you pause. "Aemond does not...like for me to over-exert myself, especially now. He... My uncle says that he wishes for our babe to have a serene gestation. Causing undo stress would be...ill-advised."
Her brows furrow. 'Undo stress'? And the way you speak of him...
"How could spending time with your mother ever cause undo stress, my sweet girl?" She asks, raising a hand to cup your cheek, until you flinch away from it, taking a step back, your palm slipping from her grasp.
"You serve..." You glance around, then look back to her, whispering your response. "You and Daemon serve only as painful reminders of all that I've lost. Both...both of my fathers."
You take a step closer once more.
"How could you do it?" You question, tears brimming in your eyes. "Kill him, then force us to stand by and watch as you wed Daemon, instead, the very next day? How? How?"
She swallows thickly.
"You killed them both. Harwin maybe...indirectly. But he had to leave because of..."
You shake your head.
You miss him so dearly. Both of them.
Harwin, who'd brought you dolls, and would toss you in the air just to make you giggle excitedly, and hold you in his arms as he read to you.
Laenor, who had taught you to swim, who'd brought you cake to see you smile, who had once made a necklace of seashells with you, simply because you'd asked him to, even if you'd known he'd had far more important matters to attend to. But he always made time for you.
They both did.
And now she and Daemon are what remain. They are what you are left with.
You glance behind you to Alicent, who gives you a gentle smile and extends a hand in your direction, Aemond waiting for you behind the seat he's selected for you.
You turn back to Rhaenyra.
"I have a new family now," you state quietly, with an unexplainable feeling of guilt and shame settling into the pit of your stomach. "I need naught else."
With that, you step away.
Rhaenyra's chin wobbles, tears stinging her eyes as she watches you take Alicent's hand.
Her daughter...her baby girl—her only girl—thinks her a monster now. You've been in their clutches since you were but a handful of years old. What else did she think so much time away from her side would bring, but this: you seeing her as the enemy. You are...Gods, you are afraid of her.
She can hardly bear such a thought. Now, she supposes, she understands why you stopped writing her. Why you had seemed to slowly slip away from her as the years continued on.
This, too, is her fault. She had suggested it: a betrothal. She'd thought it the right thing at the time. For you and Aemond both.
He'd been such a sweet boy. Pleasant. Had spent many hours in her royal apartments playing with you. Had once...had once fallen asleep against her side as she read the pair of you to sleep.
He'd once gifted her a small ruby ring for her nameday—had said that red was 'her color'.
Where had things gone wrong?
The distance had widened by miles that night as you sat, clutching at Aemond while you sobbed for his stolen eye, staring at her across the room in terror while Alicent held one of her son's hands in her own, the other resting atop one of your shoulders.
What if she told you the truth, then? About Laenor? Would it fix anything?
She fears that what is broken here...cannot be repaired.
She mourns for the loss of her baby, her child, her daughter.
She'd simply not wanted to spend her life miserable and alone. Nor did she want for Laenor to. So she'd set the both of them free, but when those ties were cut, so, too, was another, she has come to discover... With unimaginable heartbreak.
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Rhaenyra continues her toast, looking to you. "And to my daughter, Y/N—though you are a woman now, you will always be my little girl."
She pauses. "I wish for you to know you will always have a part of my heart, and that it remains with you always, despite our distance. And that... I know you will make a wonderful mother once your own little one is here. Should you ever need me, you need only write—or send for me—and I will be here to help you along. You are not alone."
Finally, she seats herself, nervously sipping at her wine.
And as it soon turns out, she had once again miscalculated.
She had hoped—desperately prayed—her loving, heartfelt words would move you. Instead...you had taken them to be insulting. All the agony she has caused you, and she thinks a simple toast is all that's needed to mend the frayed bonds between you?
You stand, Aemond's hand slipping away from your pregnant stomach, as you raise the glass of wine he'd poured you. Not that he'd provided you with much of the drink to begin with.
Your uncle had once told you that lushes belong in the streets of Flea Bottom, not at court. And so, you've never been drunk a day in your life.
"Thank you, mother," you reply flatly.
You then look at Alicent with a smile. "I raise my cup to you, My Queen, for taking me under your wing, and raising me up as one of your own during all my years here. For teaching me what it is to be a proper lady; for ensuring I never went without a mother's love when mine own was so far. I am grateful to you every day."
She smiles broadly and you take a sip of your drink, taking Aemond's hand as you sit, settling it back on your belly, choosing to focus on his touch...instead of the shattered look on your mother's face.
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When Jace and Helaena take to the dance floor, you turn to Aemond. "I'm quite tired."
He looks at you.
"I think I'd like to retire for the evening. Will...will you come with me, uncle?"
He presses a kiss to your cheek. "After awhile, beloved niece."
He nods toward a household guard, who makes his way over to the pair of you.
"Ser Wyll, please escort my wife back to our chambers. And ensure none are granted entrance to her, save for me, my mother, or her handmaid."
You give Aemond a brief kiss, rising from your seat, silently heading out of the room, wishing for a hot bath and a long rest.
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When Aemond returns to you, it’s after you’ve had a long soak to relax your lower back and you’ve shoved your feet into an ice bath to at least attempt at reducing their swelling.
He finds you laid up in bed, sewing quietly—working diligently at your embroidery, which makes him content to see.
He much enjoys you like this: quiet, finding employment in domestic pursuits, and your young womb heavy with his seed as you lie in your marriage bed with a pleasant disposition.
You lift your head, pausing from your current task and you smile softly at your husband. “How was the remainder of dinner?”
He steps over to the settee positioned before your chamber’s hearth, removing his leather belt from around his waist and unsheathing his sword before retrieving a basin of water and a whetstone from his work bench.
“Uneventful,” he replies simply, smirking to himself at the memory of your twin on his pretentious arse while Aegon had held Lucerys down, keeping him in his place.
“Your family flies for home,” he states, seating himself, sharpening the blade he rests in his lap.
He keeps to himself the possibility of your mother returning soon.
If he is fortunate, she will change her mind.
He deeply mislikes the prospect of her coming back and planting ideas in your head—unwanted thoughts—which will serve only to come between you.
She will not part you. In any form. He will not allow it.
You belong to him and him alone. It has taken him much time and effort to cement your bond as something absolute. None shall test its strength, or they will meet their end at the tip of his sword.
Eventually, you rise, coming to sit beside Aemond, watching as he tends to his sword with interest.
“May…may I try?”
He looks at you for a moment, considering, and you give him a hopeful smile.
He then turns his head slightly to the right, nodding toward where the bed lies. “You should continue with your embroidery. It is more suited to your feminine talents, my beloved.”
Your smile slowly fades and Aemond returns to sharpening the edges of his Valyrian Steel blade.
You rise then, padding across the room, picking up the small wooden hoop which holds yet another meaningless project within.
You tired of colorful threads some time ago, but Aemond keeps purchasing them for you. And so you keep doing as you’re bid. Because you know of naught else to do with yourself.
You climb back into bed, lying on your side, cradling your belly.
Mayhaps you will feel different—better—once your child is born.
You pray it is a boy. Because it is what Aemond wants.
His wants must always be yours, too. For he decided that long ago, as well.
You fail to recall the last time you were allowed to entertain a desire that was singularly your own.
You choose to sleep, then, instead of thinking.
Nothing good ever comes from unwanted ideas…
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When you wake in the middle of the night, it is to Aemond pressed firmly to your backside, his palm settled firmly over your pregnant stomach.
It is where his touch rests upon you much of the time now since becoming with child.
At first, it'd been incredibly endearing, until he'd told you 'it pleases me greatly to touch that which belongs to me, beloved niece: both of you'. Such a statement had made you feel...uneasy for unexplainable reasons.
You slowly remove his hand, sliding out of bed, and padding quietly across the room.
You know you shouldn't.
If he were to catch you...an argument would quickly ensue, especially given the hour—if you could even call it that: you would receive a stern tongue-lashing, whereas he would merely be the one issuing it before ushering you back into bed, bidding you not to disobey him again, or there would be consequences.
You retrieve his blade from his bedside, watching as your uncle takes even, steady breaths—your heart pounding in your ears as you turn, heading onto the balcony.
You carefully set the sword down before returning to your chambers for his whetstone and a bowl of water. Once you've both, you go back outside, shutting the doors softly behind you.
You sit, settling his blade in your lap, and you dip the stone before mimicking his earlier actions, dragging it along the side of the sword from hilt to tip.
You repeat the motion a few times, smiling to yourself while you do so. You deem it the least bit more enjoyable than embroidery. The joy mostly lies in doing that which you're not meant to. At least at your husband's command, that is.
Once you've had your fill of forbidden fun, you return everything to its rightful place within your chambers, climbing back into bed, and holding your pregnant belly, hoping, for once, for the very same in regards to the sex of your child as your husband: for it to be a son.
The thought of him treating a daughter as he does you...it upsets you, to say the least.
As children, he'd been so different. Kinder, sweeter, gentler. When he became a man—rather, once your betrothal had been announced—something changed within him. He became more domineering then. More...protective. Even if that doesn't seem quite the right term.
He'd stressed to you how the two of you were to be one in the same in all things, because you were to one day be man and wife. How you needed to rely on him, because it would be his responsibility as your future husband to look after you. And how you must obey him—it was important to him that he lead you properly in your betrothal, and still now, subsequent marriage.
How you must play your correct roles: to let him be the man, and you his wife. Meaning you should find interest in those things he finds most correct for you to. Like wearing pretty dresses and jewelry, and sewing, and singing, and drawing, and arranging flowers, while he studies philosophy and politics, and trains with a sword, and rides the world's largest dragon.
As you study the softness of his face while in sleep, you wonder where that sweet boy has gone.
You close your eyes, wishing to find him once again.
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desigemini24 · 3 months ago
Hi, still madly in love with your stories.😍
Can I request a Daemon Targaryen x Reader?
He and Viserys never fought but he lives on dragonstone and still goes fighting on the Stepstones.
He marries a non-targaryen, like she has red or brown hair, and has three or four children with her that they all have the targaryen looks.
On Driftmark or kingslanding when they visit people gossip about the difference between Rhaenyra boys and Daemon childrens, Viserys finally open his eyes and punish her. Maybe even makes Daemon his hand.
Alicent children are not mean like the show, they get along with their uncle
You decide as always the ending. I trust you! 😉
AN- Guess who is back from the dead??? It’s MEEEE!!!!! Hehehehehehehe. Sorry guys but I will be trying to reply to all the requests and fulfil them. Just have patience with me 🥹
Also I made the reader a Stark 🐺
Thank you for reading and Enjoy!
True Targaryens
Daemon Targaryen x Stark!Reader
Tag list - @minaxcarter, @eliseline, @blackhoodlea, @little-moonbeam-666, @neenieweenie, @omgsuperstarg, @avalyaaa, @shopping, @bbgmonsay, @michelle-26, @krokietinio, @hc-geralt-23, @chevelledahuman, @thekayarlene, @narcy, @helloitsshitzulover, @muushwrites, @daringboba, @bi2simps, @issybee0611, @yariany02, @agathe, @5moremin, @candypurplebutterfly, @saraelizabeth26, @moon-light1415, @targaryenmoony, @stargaryenxshelby, @instanbul, @shine101, @hyacinthus007, @mcam623, @eudximoniakr, @carissa_griffin7777, @marvelescvpe, @severewobblerlightdragon, @deltamoon666, @thatgirlthatreadswattpad, @ultrav0lence, @savagemickey03, @sunmoon-01, @literishdegree99, @watercolorskyy, @Lady-Juliettes, @cherryaemond, @chaotic-fangirl-blog, @nats-whore
Summary - (Pretty much the request)
Warnings - None
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“My beloved wolf,” Daemon’s pur made her smile as she looked up from her current embroidery. The squeals of their children echoed around them while the Rogue Prince settled beside his wife, his hand curling around her shoulder while he nuzzled his face in her long, brown hair.
He was obsessed with her hair, always nuzzling or touching in one way or another. His obsession translated to some… rougher treatment to her hair in their bed chambers, but that was a story for other times.
“My love.” The squeal of their youngest made the couple turn their attention to him, his bright silver hair shone under the sunlight but while eyes crinkled as he laughed heartily when his little dragon nuzzled his head to his size.
Daemon smiled, chuckling aş heartily watched his four children laugh and play together, much like his own childhood that he spent in King’s Landing and Dragonstone with his brother, Viserys.
“They are growing so fast,” his wife comments wistfully, watching them with a dreamy smile. He only nods, his fingers rubbing circles on the skin of her shoulder. “Indeed, wife.”
Her skin flushed red at his term of endearment, still not used to his open adoration. Her gaze flickered to her husband’s face, watching the sunlight highlight his features in the most beautiful way. He appeared younger when he was here, in Dragonstone, away from the politics of King’s Landing and from the fighting in Stepstones.
“My prince, my princess.” They looked up to find a guard, who bowed before informing them of the mishappening in Driftmark. Lady Laena Velaryon had commanded her dragon, Vhagar, to burn her when the complications of childbirth kicked in.
The former lady Stark sighs. She did not know Lady Laena personally, but she had lost her mother in childbirth and being a mother herself, she was aware of the pain and suffering it brought— even if all her children came easily.
“We need to pay our tribute,” she whispered gently, making Daemon nod before he commanded the guard, “prepare for sailing to Driftmark.”
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“Brother!” There was no limit to Viserys’ happiness at seeing his younger sibling and his not-so-little family. The brown haired lady stood by her husband’s side dutifully with a small smile, one hand curled around the shoulder of her eldest, Aegon, while another sat comfortably in the crook of Daemon’s elbow.
Saera, Daemon’s only girl, stood with an elegance that reflected her mother’s. Her own silver hair curled into a Northern design, adorned with small pearls. Her deep crimson dress brought out her hair and highlighted her developing curves.
Daeron and Rhaegar were twins, opposite to each other in personality yet they looked almost the same, except for their eye colour. Daeron spotted the lavender of the Targaryens while his brother had inherited the dark hues of the North.
“Your graces,” their mother dipped in a curtsy, her eyes crinkling at the sight of her once beloved friend and the Queen, Alicent Hightower. The second Queen mirrors the smile, “Princess.”
“How your family has grown,” Viserys remarks, shaking Aegon’s hand, patting Saera’s hair affectionately before smiling down at the twins. “The Princes and Princess has grown significantly since the last time you all visited,” Alicent agrees with a smile, hugging her best friend and sister-in-law.
“I don’t see your children,” the she-wolf said, looking around to spot her niece and nephews. “They couldn’t wait to meet their cousins,” Alicent informed, before gesturing to the shore where Laena’s last rites were to take place. “It was hard to ask them to stay there while we welcomed you.”
“Can we go now? I wish to meet Aemond,” whined Saera, tugging gently on her mother’s gown, who laughed in response. “Of course, my dear.” She turned to look at her husband, whose face had hardened.
“Let’s go.” And indeed, they proceeded to the shoreline while Daemon’s wife tugged him away from the rest, smiling mischievously. “Don’t look so grim at the mention of Aemond.” He scoffed, rolling his eyes. “She will not marry anyone until she is thirty.”
His wife snorts in response, nodding mockingly. But all the teasing and joy evaporated when they saw Rhaenyra and her children, who were rumoured to be the sons of Ser Harwin Strong. At first, the Lady Stark had dismissed them as rumours but now, seeing them with her own eyes, she couldn’t deny the truth that glared upon her. Her own children with Daemon looked more Targaryen than Rhaenyra’s.
And by the looks of the whisper that followed the arrival of Daemon’s family, everyone had noticed the remarkable difference in the younger generation. While Jace and Luke looked nothing like a Targaryen, Daemon’s four children were the spitting image of their house.
“Aunt Stark!” The said woman turns and is instantly hugged by her niece, Helaena. Her fingers slip into the silver strand as she kneeled beside the princess, greeting her with a big smile and a kiss on her forehead.
“Helaena! How you have grown!” From the corner of her eyes, she saw Aemond engulfing Saera in a hug, both of them chuckling. Maybe Daemon’s wish of his daughter not marrying soon would remain only a wish.
The entire time the rituals went on, they could hear the whispered words, pointing out the differences. Flickering eyes of the nobles and the judgmental gaze glaring at the Velaryon— or rather, the Strong —boys. Even Viserys watched with melancholy eyes as Daemon’s blood greeted Rhaenyra’s.
Whispers continued even in the meeting after the rituals, people proclaiming Daemon’s children as ‘True Targaryens’ while Rhaenyra had diluted her blood with dead Strong.
The summon from the King was startling, calling a gathering of his family in the throne room. He stood on the raised dias, his gaze cold and posture rigid as he waited for everyone to arrive.
Alicent stood to his left, along with her children. Her gaze calculative and questioning as she looked at her father, the Hand, who was equally unaware.
Daemon and his family arrived early, standing on the left of the King. They were all equally unaware but quite unaffected by the sudden summons.
Rhaenyra and her boys were the last to arrive. Laenor nowhere in sight.
“I have summoned you all here because today, I have recognised my mistake.” The King’s eyes flickered over everyone before he looked at his wife. “You have time and again, tried to make me see the truth but I was blindfolded by my love. But now I see.”
He turned to Daemon. “Your children with Lady Stark— a Non-Valyrian woman —appear more Targaryen than-” he looked at Rhaenyra and her boys “- your sons with Ser Laenor. For years, I have defended you! For years, I bent the law! And how did you repay me?”
Viserys stepped down the dais, glaring at his only child. “One was a mistake, two might be coincidence, but THREE children?! All with brown, curly hair and features that resembled not their supposed father but the Commander of the City Watch?”
Rhaenyra flinched, taking a step forward while she pushed her two children behind her. “Father-” “No! Do you take me for a fool? Or a blind?” He sneered while tears gathered in the corner of his eyes. “I, Viserys of House Targaryen, First of his Name and King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, banish Rhaenyra Targaryen and her children from my court.”
The silence was deafening, as if everything stopped. Slowly, Rhaenyra’s eyes widened as she turned to ask for help, but no one replied, too astonished to react.
“And I name Daemon Targaryen the new Hand of the King.” The loudest gasp came from the wife of the new Hand, who turned to gauge her husband’s reaction. But Daemon was shocked, too shocked to even nod or bow. His eyes flickered between his brother and a surprised Otto before a smirk appeared.
With proud strides, he approached Otto with one of his hand stretched out. “I assume you have something of mine.” If looks could kill, Daemon would have died that day. Begrudgingly, the former Hand of the King placed the badge in Daemon’s extended hand, bowing to the King before stomping away.
Once the door shut behind the former hand, the Prince turned to his brother with slightly wide eyes. The King only nodded with a smile that covered his whole face.
“To new beginnings.” Viserys said.
Daemon only nodded, repeating the words while looking at his wife, the biggest grin in place.
“To new beginnings.”
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ride-thedragon · 11 months ago
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Yet again, I say the writers did not care about the fact that these characters were now played by black actors and would be perceived under the lens of black characters. It is their misguided attempt at including diversity but not being conscious of the real-world implications of these characters.
Laenor is a mess, Laena is a tragedy of what could've been, and they both deserved people who cared about all the characters they had to write past shock value and feminism 101 classes.
I still wish to this day that they had killed Laenor because not only is Seasmoke bonded to Addam somehow (the writers since season one have had this strange idea that dragons bond to many riders at once and that riders bond to more than one dragon) but he left Joffery and Luke.
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He left his weeks old son named after his dead lover.
After he lost his sister and her child, who he publicly grieved for.
After he stated he would do his duty and prepare his children for the throne.
After finally being near his nieces, his dead sister's children, who he'd never really been able to be close with.
After knowing they had lost Ser Harwin.
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I hate everyone who contributed to this decision.
Laenor au must commence. We can't live like this.
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romaevelizz · 8 months ago
My little love ˖ ࣪⊹
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Aemond T x blk!cousin!reader(Targaryen)
sum: never did you think you’d be paying for your husbands actions this way, covers in blood that’s not yours.
warnings: reader is daughter of Dameon Targaryen and Laena Velaryon(this makes everything worse), mentions of death, blood, child loss, pregnancy, cursing, more mature themes perhaps!, targcest(typical incest erm..), ocs used! events a bit different from show. not proofread!
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The night was still whispers of handmaidens and Guards heard through out the echoing walls of the castle, your footsteps slow as you walked through the darken halls soft clanking from her sworn guards walking behind her. The maids bowing their head as she past by on her way to the room she found her husband most days now. Aegon had him, Aemond helping with the war, he was someone the king trusted in this specialty.
Her hands went to rest under her small grown belly as she stoped in front of the door waiting for the guard standing there to open it. She walked in a small thank you leaving her two toned lips as she entered.
Aemonds gaze turned towards her his brow raising slightly catching sight of her “My dear, what keeps you awake?” he asked standing up, his tall figure moving around the couch he was at approaching her his hand out to take hers.
“ Ah- tis nothing my love, just wanted to come see you while you’re awake and unaccompanied.” she smiled her hand coming to his face her thumb creasing his cheek.
His lips met your wrist kissing her softly, soon leaning down taking her lips into his, “Youre worried, no?” he whispered.
She hummed intently “Of corse i worry, this is you were talking about.” she smiled taking his hand leading him back to the couch.
The pair sitting down her feet coming under her comfortably, she let her eyes wander the plans on the table in front of them. He was to set out soon again, meaning she’d continue to see him less and less. The feeling of his hand brought her out of her thoughts her Light eyes meeting his “I’ve been abandoning my husbandly duties have I?” he spoke pulling her closer to him.
“I’ve missed you dearly, worry that all be mothering Zhuriya and this new babe by myself..” she spoke truthfully. Aemonds brows frowned at her worry, he was putting himself in great danger while he had a family to come back to… that he needed to come back to.
The fire cracking made its soft sounds in the quite room, the flames shining pleasantly on her dark tone, the nigh robs she wore being a light silk of such creating and orange hue. “No need to fret sweet girl, I’ll come back, I alway-”
“Until you won’t Aemond.” she sighed irritably.
“I still need you. Our daughter still needs you.. what am i supposed to tell our girl when her beloved father doesn’t come home..”
Aemond had no words, Zhuriya was a light that shined brightly on her father and what would it make of him to take her brightness away because of an accident?
She shifted moving herself on top of him, her robs bunching up. Aemond looked up he hands holding the small of her back his thumbs softly caressing her swollen belly, her eyes were always so kind her touch and words nothing but kind to him. Her hand held his face carefully, no words were spoke. Just her admiring him his eye patch off as her finger trailed along his scar, what did he do to deserve such a loving woman.
Even upset, she treated him with such care, such gentleness, the gods blessed him the moment their fathers betrothed them. She had always been kind just as her mother, now a mother of her own she was everything he’d wished for. Zhuriya being their first daughter a hard labor thag he couldn’t be by her side with and it pained him. Her screams echoing through the red keep and she called out for him but they wouldn’t let him in the room as she gave birth to their daughter.
“Forgive me my dear wife, i’ll soon accompany you to bed, but you should go first, you and the babe need rest.” he spoke kissing her collar.
She hummed “I need to grab our daughter from your sisters chambers, I expect you to soon be following after i get her.” she spoke softly pushing off him, Aemonds hand followed her her body stoping next to him.
“I love you.” she said her lips kissing his, “I love you too.” he responded her face still close to his watching her smile and soon walk out.
The doors closed behind her she stoped her guards before moving on “how about you stay her ser Maliki you can meet and mine and my Husbands bed chambers, ser khalil wait for my husband and be sure to remind him if he’s out soon he’ll have and upset wife.” she spoke through a smile.
“With all due respect Princess our duty is to be by your side and,” Ser Maliki started
“And answer and listen to me, so do as said i’ll be just alright i’m just going to Helaena’s Chambers to retrieve my daughter.” she hummed walking away, her lips holding a sweet smile.
A smile that would soon fall from her face as she entered. Three men stood in the room with her and Her cousin aswell as their children. One mad large held a knife to Helaenas throat as the other two looked as the three children, “Get her quickly.” one spoke, soon she’d been in the same position as hers. The dagger stabbing into your throat and her body trembled.
“What is it you want?” she questioned barely above a whisper, her eyes watching as the man pointed at her child.
“No! stop what is it you want!?” She cried.
“son for a son but since Aemond Targaryen has no son, a daughter shall do.” the man spoke as he held your daughter her cries breaking your heart.
“Stop! Please no I beg of you, take me instead!” Helaena cried out. They were gonna kill her niece, so she offered herself.
“Please don’t do this what do you want? Gold? Land? what is it? Just not my girl!” she cried struggling against the man behind her a bit causing her to get cut a bit.
“We weren’t sent here for that” that man spoke holding her three year old still.
“Mommy” she cried out, a cry from the bottom of her throat a true blood curdling one. “SHUT HER UP!” the man holding Helaena yelled.
one swift hit and your baby was out cold, he soon drew a blade “I’m to bring him her head.”
“WHO? NO STOP! Who are you to bring her to!” She cried out, watching the man hesitate.
“Demond Targaryen.”
no… no, no. how could her own father send for her daughter to be killed? to please Rhaneyra? because her husband took her son by Accident? “no don’t speak such lies..” she muttered
Her eyes watched as the man holding Helaena throwing her to the side “ Don’t hesitate you coward!” he said grabbing the blade.
Helaena watched as she struggled soon getting her arm to his pushing his away the knife that was once in her captors hand now in his neck. But Even when she did get to the two men that held her daughter it was too late. Zhuriyas throat was slit clean open, deep. Deep enough it soon no longer be on her small body.
Helaena had never see a women rage, yes her mother when Aemonds eye was taken but it was nothing like this, she watched terrified as the dagger that killed Y/ns daughter not being plugged over and over into her killers chest. Was this the rage of a mother? A Deep throat cutting cry coming from her and she stabbed him over and over. Cursing him and his soul in old Valyrian. Helaena finally got up moving past grabbing her two children running out the doors. Y/ns Cries and screams ran everyone chill throughout the castle.
Aemond stepping out quickly as he saw his sister with her children in her hand Aegon and Otto popping around the corner as Aemond grabbed his sister. “What happened!”
“Where is Y/n, Helaena WHERE IS MY WIFE?!”
she only could from a few words “Men, they came in, killed..”
That was enough to make Aemond, his brother and Grandfather to run towards Helaenas chambers. What had happen, why was there blood on her? Aemond though as he ran opening the doors more there she was, two men dead one close to the door a dagger still in his throat, the other laid in front of her, the sight gruesome he had no face to recognize.
Aemonds eyes finally landed on his wife who rocked back n forth sobs leaving her mouth and she prayed in old valyrian “how could he do this to my you sweet girl” she spoke in between sobs.
“How could they, i’m so sorry my sweet girl, oh my baby girl i’m sorry mama wasn’t here fo’ you”
no they couldn’t have Aemonds though as he quickly walked behind her. There in her arms laid their daughter, their firstborn. Blood spilling coming from her nose, mouth and throat. the wound clearly sliced through her small neck.
“No, no- Who, gods no who’s done this!” he stuttered fat tears building up soon falling down his face as he fell down to his knees next to his wife his arms wrapping around both of them “My dear who did this to her!” he cried out.
“they were sent one escaped.” she sobbed out of breath.
her voice breaking “they were told son for a son, but a daughter of Aemond Targaryen shall do..” she cried on.
“they were sent by her father..” Helaena whispered to Aegon and her grandsier..
“dear fucking god.” Aegon said his hands whipping his face as he softly pushed Helaena out of the room.
Y/ns face covers in tears her words sloppy and broken as saliva dripped form her mouth mourning her daughter. Aemond holding onto her soft cored coming for him aswell,
“What hap-” Alicent began the sight in front of her making her gasp. Blood was everywhere and Her son and his wife held their daughter. Their dead daughter.
Time had past on and and there were now people trying to take her daughters body out of her arms but she only protested, Aemond was no longer next to her but yelling at ser Criston in the hall, his mother begging him not to kill him for not being on guard like he was supposed to.
Helaena was being seen by maesters and others stood around Princess Y/n needing to collect her child’s body but remain unsuccessful. Aegon stood with Otto watching as them as they desperately tried getting the princess to let go of her daughter.
Otto finally turing to get her husband “Aemond you need to get her to let go of the body… i understand how hard but only you could get her to let go..”
Aegon as stepped to her his hand comforting her as it laid on her shoulder “My dear friend you have to let them take her…” he whispered.
“I.. I cant.. they cant take my girl away from me..” she cried her head softly resting on Zhuriya now cold forehead and she continued to rock.
Aemond soon replacing his brother comforting touch his face falling into the crook of her neck and softly begged of her to let go.
“i know my dear,” he spoke softly his body shuttering as to holding back a cry. “It’s time to let her go like to let her rest with your mother now. She’ll be safe now, she’ll forgive us, I promise my love, she’ll be safer now than when you protected her. when we protected her.” he spoke in old valyrian softly placing soft kissed on her shoulder.
“but i couldn’t protect her.. we failed her..” she cried “I failed her” she whispered old valyrian rolling of her tongue.
“you could never.” he spoke moving her hands slowly letting the maesters take the child slowly and gently.
“you did everything you could. You did just as you needed.” he spoke taking her in his embrace, she was covers in their daughters blood as well as the men she killed for her. He couldn’t tell if his wife was hurt herself.
He didn’t try moving her but held her until she got up herself. “My sweet you don’t have to yet..”
“Why wasn’t he here..” she spoke her eyes meeting ser Cristons, her own two guards standing to the side of her and prince Aemond.
“Why weren’t you at your post.” she knew why. but she wanted to hear him say it.
“Princess I was-“
“don’t lie to me Criston or i’ll have your tongue for it.” she spoke raising a dagger to him.
Aemond watch with no intent to stop her if she killed him herself. Her guards Maliki and Khali watched carefully incase they had to kill him.
“i was abed.”
“With whom?” Aegon asked.
“our mother.” Helaena spoke.
the silence was thick, Aemond and Aegon looking at their mother in disbelief. “You’ve been fucking your kings guard!”Aegon yelled.
“We’ll take our leave Aemond i can’t be covered in her blood anymore..” she spoke whipping her tears. the dagger soon dripping from her hands, and she began to walk.
“Princess!” ser Maliki spoke up, “your bleeding my love.” Aemond said standing up quickly.
turing around to face him “no it’s not mine-”
“Princess your legs.”
no, no. There can’t be anymore loss today..
she looked down slowly noticing a deep red puddle forming under her “this can’t be.”
“all the stress and grief of tonight..” Alicent spoke up.
Aemond watched as she shook her head her lip quivering “I’m sorry, i’m so sorry Aemond.”
he grabbed her face “No stop that this is not your fault, stop that my love please.” he said soon after picking her up.
“i love you to much, i can’t lose you to..” he spoke
“I promise we’ll shall get revenge.”
Rushing her to their chambers, she’d had to deliver the unalive baby soon and it wouldn’t be there. Handmaidens held her aswell as the maeaters Aemond in the room helping her too. There was no end for them, they couldn’t possibly be happy two of their children no dead.
And she couldn’t prevent them.
it was her fault.
“I’ll kill him for what he’s done.” she cried out. pushing the head of her dead child out of her tierd body.
“i’ll kill my Father for what he’s done!” she huffed her lilac eyes melted her husbands.
“I’ll take his head myself.”
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