dragonfartart · 3 years
deletes every athariel post since the last time i commented SO TELL ME ABOUT ATHARIEL IN DAI'S TIME, HOW'S HE DOING, WHAT'S UP. TELL OF HIS. ADVENTURES the ones that he's having. or break my heart by telling me sad Zevran things,
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THIS. This is what our baby would have looked like if he survived the final battle and made it to DAI 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭
He would have stayed in the Gray Wardens and travel all around Thedas with Zevran. Probably arrived at Kirkwall during the final battle and sided with Hawke and the mages, helped Anders escape (Circle friends!! Circle friends!!!), and also kept him hidden until things got calmer. Heard the fake calling in DAI and just went mmmmMMMMh let’s go check that out. Kicked Livius’ ass. Kicked Corypheus' ass. Left the Inquisition unemployed. The end.
- instead, after the fight with the archdemon is over, we actually have Zevran that just stand there looking at Athariel: his face stained with darkspawn blood and his body slumped on the floor. Alistair is crying and trying to wake him up, but the noises around Zevran don’t feel real. Nothing feels real. He doesn’t cry at Athariel’s funeral. He doesn't cry until he’s back in Antiva and everything finally sinks in. He’d promise him that they’d visit the city together. Athariel, jokingly, told him that it would have been the perfect occasion to get married.
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Hi! I know you don't do sliders for "don't copy my shit" reasons but I want you to know- I've been struggling for AGES trying to make a half-decent male Qunari- on console, with no mods. :'( Your gorgeous lad gave me inspiration and an excellent jumping off point- my Saari isn't half as pretty or expressive as Maraas, but he doesn't make my eyes bleed, lol. Thank you and fantastic job with him! He's stunning.
lol i have no idea if this is shade or a compliment but I’ll just say ‘cheers’ and i hope you have fun with your new qunari lad! and tbh a lot of the reason maraas is as pretty/expressive is thanks to mods, so don’t go worrying about that ;)
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samsimmiesda2mods · 4 years
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Tallis DeQunified by Ladyvoldything
Removes the giant Qun symbol from Tallis' armor. Since she's a spy. In secret.
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samsdaomods · 4 years
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Arishok Kossith Retexture by Ladyvoldything
Retexture of the "Kossith-Add On" armor based on DA2's Arishok.
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rejectfemininity · 7 years
What do you think of lesbians who refuse to date anybody bi? I'm not talking "bicurious" or "lol girls are crazy but so pretty!!!!" bi, I'm talking seriously, romantically, sexually, spiritually into women. Like me- I'm 90% gay. My male attractions are basically "demisexual" or "sapiosexual." The "bi" label is nearly useless for these people, "lesbian" is closer. Bisexuals who are serious and not frivolous, but lesbians still won't give them the time of day. Thoughts?
Hey sorry if this is a late reply I'm mostly on mobile these days. To answer your question I think that any woman regardless of sexual orientation has every right to limit her dating pool as desired, and I feel like there are some legitimate reasons for lesbians to only want to partner with each other. One of those reasons is there is a very big difference between being exclusively same sex attracted and having the ability (no matter how small your percentages, I used to identify this way when I was closeted, instead only "99.999%") to be attracted to the opposite sex. Being a woman living in a world where the experience of womanhood is inherently attached to attraction toward men is extremely isolating for lesbians, and the same for gay men though I cannot argue their perspective cause I am not a gay man. Straight and bisexual identifying people have representation in media everywhere they look, so even if the expectation of heterosexuality is alienating for bi women, they still don't know what it's like to see the world through the lens of a lesbian experience. This does not make bisexual women inferior, or gross, or unworthy or unwanted by any means. It just means that some lesbians prefer to share their lives and experiences with exclusively other lesbians. I would never hold it against anyone of any race to only date within their race if they prefer relating to their partner in those ways, and of course I would never hold it against any bisexual women who prefer to only date other bisexual women for the same/similar reasons. I can't imagine I personally would limit an entire group of women I wouldn't date under any circumstance, (except maybe right wingers) but I'm sure the same goes for other lesbians who do decide to do this. Whatever people are imagining when they think of "bi exclusionary lesbians" isn't the evil hive mind group think decision it's made out to be. I'm pretty sure it's generally more like individual lesbian women trying to distance themselves from heteronormative and male culture, which is more likely to be prominent in women with past relationships with males and sexual interest in males. For me personally, I could probably never be with someone who has a good relationship with her father, cause I literally can't relate to that on any level (and I have ptsd surrounding the subject), and neither has anyone I've ever been really close to (except some straight men and straight women friends).Idk I hope I didn't get too ramble-y. That's kinda how I feel about it hopefully it makes some kind of sense to you. @ladyvoldything
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cleoselene · 11 years
ladyvoldything replied to your photo “LOL so my uncle went on a cruise of the Caribbean and this was the pic...”
i've seen that statue! i posed with it when i was 15 and my mom was kind of uncertain about her parenting choices
LOL that is awesome
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sfveganyogi · 11 years
so how bored were you when you took this URL
Not that bored lol. at first I wasn't even sure if I wanted to blog on it (I was curious on seeing how much hate people would send to a stranger) and than it sort of evolved into a nature themed blog
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dragonfartart · 4 years
more athariel pls he's a good boy and i stan him
How can we say no??? Have some new random Athariel facts! So, he grew up in Kinloch Hold and there wasn’t much alcohol there. He usually doesn't swear, but when he gets drunk he unnecessarily swears a lot while talking about normal stuff.
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- His mabari is the most massive war dog of Thedas. He knows how to sit, roll, jump, attack, and maul. Everybody in the group is incredibly scared of him (even if Alistair is trying his best to become his friend!!)
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It was obviously pretty embarrassing when they met Jowan again. Speaking of Jowan, he went into the fade and saved Connor's life. Athariel was really proud of him for doing so and found it very unfair that they didn’t release him immediately.
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Thankfully Zevran was able to lockpick that and Jowan was briefly adopted by Bodahn before he went on a separate way with the intention of helping more mages. Athariel is also very resistant to the side effect of lyrium and never suffered of mana imbalance. He snorts and drinks A LOT of it to boost his magic in combat. If he takes too much of it he gets kind of high and makes very stupidly clever decisions. He once set a whole field of elfroot on fire and managed to get unlimited healing dispensed in the air. The whole party got completely stoned but they managed to kill a dragon anyway.
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do u know how to make gifs i'm so excited about finding someone else with Naomi feelings and nobody else wants to make gifs of her
Oh, well, sort of, though I’m still trying to figure out how to make them look presentable. If you had a particular request, though, I could certainly give it a shot. :)Also, the “spnnaomi” tag has lots of gifs and photosets and whatnot, if you’re just looking for general stuff. Hope that helps! 
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hollow-stars · 11 years
can you make a million gifsets of Naomi in anna AUs or gabriel AUs (that one would be gr8) or gifsets of young crowley and naomi or naomi working for lucifer or naomi doing things (i love creative AUs and i love your lovely blog and i can't make gifsets hello)
thank you so much!! i will definitely think about all of those things. i actually have a writing partner to help me hash out ideas and dialogue, and we're sort of planning Red Hot to be a big Anna and Charlie thing with a lot of fallen angels and "we're-going-to-pretend-you're-not-dead" characters.
i hadn't even thought of using gabriel and lucifer but that would be a really cool direction for us to go! it may take a while for something like that to come out since i really want to do it well, but i think we could do something awesome with that. thanks for the idea!
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voldcmorts · 11 years
increasingly stylish young women suffering a hereditary genetic mutation called DESTINY spend eight years in San Francisco without meeting a single gay person.
I actually have no idea.... what?? hahahah Destiny is in capital letters it must be important...No wait.. THIS IS CHARMED TOO ISN'T IT? (idk it's the only show I know set in san francisco lol) 
describe a tv show very badly in my ask and i’ll try to guess what it is
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backfromthedeadred · 11 years
yes come back to boston and we can hang and you can revel in the civil rights and decent accents and existence of seasons
*cries* Someday!
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palaceoftheprophets · 11 years
Hi! I'm a new follower of yours, and I just came across an old reblogged post about Frozen. I'm curious, since I'm of the unpopular opinion that it's fine the way it is- why is the race a problem, in your opinion? It's a Danish fairy tale, after all, set well before any kind of non-European migration. Disney has only had 1 white princess since 1991.
I invite you to look at Jhenne-Bean's "we could always use more white princesses" tag, which pretty much chronicles the entire issue and has many articulate posts that dissect the "but pocs didn't exist in [x European country] before [x time]" and "Disney has been very diverse in their princesses lately" tropes.
The long and the short of it in my opinion is that these European-inspired tales are getting pretty old (and I don't just mean Disney), if only because then we POC are then bombarded with "well, it's a Danish/German/Scottish/English story, of course there wouldn't be any people of color in it!" Every. Time. we ask for representation. And while we have Tiana and Pocahontas and Jasmine and Mulan and others, that doesn't mean Disney should just say "well, one each, give or take--that's good enough, let's go back to European-centric stories now." Because that shuts us out, and I don't think that it's greedy of us to want maybe a Latina or South Asian princess, or think that there are some tales from other non-European countries that could be adapted into animated films. 
I think a lot of people seem to think that once you've put in some bit of effort of diversity, that's enough and you've filled your quota, so to speak, and can just go back to doing what you did before.
Also, as much as I love Glen Keane's work, Disney really needs to come up with a new princess design.
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dragonfartart · 4 years
i love one (1) innocent pyromaniac stoner nerd mage he's so perfect (i mean athariel btw, idk who else you have in there...) thank u for the random athariel facts it was great
Innocent pyromaniac stoner nerd mage is the perfect definition for Athariel ahahaha X°D And we love you for loving him <3
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Next post in queue is Athariel again! (the tags will be long and sad tho ;W;)
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asoiafuniversity · 11 years
I saw a reference to discussion about fatphobia/body-shaming, but I couldn't find the actual posts about it. Help? :)
I'm assuming the post where you saw the reference is this one between the anon angry at asoiafuniversity and the followup by onlyalittlelion?
The only other post I know of where there was a reference to body image was this post discussing GRRM, Dorne, and race. The original poster, fatpinkcast, quoted a rude troll comment about body image that GRRM allowed to be published on his LiveJournal comments. I believe the troll comment was quoted by fatpinkcast because it was showing how people's concerns about poc representation in ASOIAF were being dismissed. (You would have to ask fatpinkcast if you would like to discuss that post further. I don't speak for them, and the above is only what I took away from their post.) Either way, fatpinkcast's post was not promoting body-shaming.
At the time, some of my meta colleagues suggested to me that the Angry Anon was seeing things elsewhere in ASOIAF fandom and bringing their grievances here. (asoiafuniversity is not the place for people to air their grievances.)
Personally I think the Angry Anon misread fatpinkcast's post and Anon was also angry that asoiafuniversity is not afraid to be critical of the text. 
I monitor this blog pretty closely. I have a lot of people reblogging posts to asoiafuniversity, but I am aware of every post that is reblogged here. I have never been able to figure out any other post that was discussing body-image, let alone a post promoting body-shaming. 
I try to avoid posts that are meant to offend a certain group of people, posts that promote victim blaming, misogynistic posts, etc.  So if someone does know of a body-shaming post that has been reblogged to asoiafuniversity that I am unaware of, could you please let me know?
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leavingyouforme · 11 years
ladyvoldything reblogged your post: Look at all the people crying out: "Those evil...
Except people are ACTUALLY objecting to Swan Queeners treating their ship like the be-all end-all of LGBT issues, and it burns us actual LGBT people to see our lifestyle fetishized by selfish fans choosing to ignore Adam’s promise for future LGBT representation. Many of the fans don’t care about that. They don’t care about heteronormativity, they just care about their ship.
Some fans may be fetishizing (and that is a problem in all fandoms, not just this one), after all shipping gay and lesbian 'couples' has become 'cool', but let's not make generalizations by saying that all the people that are complaining on the SwanQueen front are hetero people looking for kicks. 
Adma promising a 'future LGBT representation' means almost nothing, putting in a special episode does not equal to representing the issue. And honestly I don't expect much from him, after all look at the show so far - being someone's birth mother apparently trumps actually being someone's mother, Regina (Hispanic) is the evil queen and will continue being evil while Mr. Gold (Caucasian) is the Dark One who pulls everyone's strings and sets up all the events and he gets a redemption arc, a man who got your birth mother pregnant and set her up to go to jail automatically becomes daddy dearest because blood is the most important thing of all and years of care cannot break that.
So excuse me if I don't hold my breath for that promised LGBT representation, gosh knows Adam will make a right mess of it (just like he made a right mess of the birth parent(s) vs adoptive parent(s) dichotomy).
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