rejectfemininity · 5 years
If y’all want a look at how depraved US soldiers are, I suggest watching The Kill Team. It’s about some fuckheads who were found guilty of killing random Afghan civilians for the thrill of it and planting weapons on them to make it seem like they were insurgents. At one point in the documentary one of these monsters is like “lots of other people do this, we didn’t think we’d get caught.” So keep in mind that the atrocities that we see in the US media are only a small fraction of the murders unjustifiable even by US military standards that soldiers regularly inflict, and most people who do anything will get to go on with their lives as usual.
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rejectfemininity · 5 years
Habit shift #1 - Stop shaving
- practical actions that can be taken to fight internalized misogyny
Why : Shaving is a harmful practice pushed on women by men and patriarchal societies in order to control and sexualize women’s bodies. Shaving can be directly harmful to a woman’s body : it can cause cuts, ingrown hairs and skin irritation. Moreover, it promotes self-hatred, it distances women from their natural body state, it create a culture of self-policing among women, who might even turn against each other in order to appease the established patriarchy. It also reinforce the idea that all women should stay young by turning women into hairless beings, which are reminiscent of prepubescent girls. Women are thus pushed into a version of womanhood that should be hairless, odorless, take up no space, be voiceless dolls.
How : Take the bold step to stop shaving. Going cold turkey will mean some itchiness down the road. Consider paying for a last wax by a professional or using an electric depilator on the concerned area. This might alleviate some of the itchiness and reduce ingrown hairs, as wax and electric depilators often get rid of the whole hair. When a new hair grows, it’s a soft “baby” hair, instead of the cut harsh tip of a shaved hair. Your leg skin might get dry; vegetable oil or hand cream help. Quit deodorant for a few days to spare your armpits. Avoid scratching the places that itch. After a few days to weeks, tackle the ingrown hairs. They’ll get sparser with time.
New habits to grow : Bask in the glory of your hairy pits, pubes, arms and legs. Enjoy the wind tickling your legs. Marvel at the fact that tiny insect struggle to reach you skin, deterred by your hairs. Realize that having hairs is natural. Inspire women around you. Question the patriarchy. Just be.
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rejectfemininity · 5 years
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rejectfemininity · 5 years
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rejectfemininity · 5 years
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rejectfemininity · 5 years
saw a post saying “dont beg men to love you” and thats absolutely true but i have an addition i dont want to add to the post and Derail. but dont beg ANYONE to love you. im serious. not just romantically. not parents, friends, family, and especially not significant others. if you find yourself having to beg for scraps of love its time to pack it up and move on. 
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rejectfemininity · 5 years
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rejectfemininity · 5 years
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rejectfemininity · 5 years
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Soraya Chemaly: The power of women’s anger
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rejectfemininity · 5 years
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Daphne Odjig (1919-2016) was a First Nations artist from Canada. Her efforts were crucial in bringing native Canadian art to the forefront of the country’s culture.
She started drawing when she was a child, but first gained recognition for her work in the 1960s, particularly for her illustrations of traditional Cree communities and people. She opened the first gallery in Canada to exclusively feature the art of Native Canadians, and co-founded the Professional Native Indian Artists Incorporation in 1973.
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rejectfemininity · 5 years
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rejectfemininity · 5 years
Holy fucking hell. 
This explains so much about me.  And I never knew.
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rejectfemininity · 5 years
So I was browsing r/menwritingwomen and I just had to share
cw: sexual objectification of women and girls, paedophilia
By Charles Bukowski. (source) No, I would not have suggested writing as a career for him.
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By John Green. (source) 
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By Steven Erikson. (source) 
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By J.R. Rain. (source)
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By Michael Faber. (source, source) Is there a single man in the world who understands how breasts work?
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By Garth Stein. (source) According to some of the reddit commenters who have apparently read the book, this is told from the point of view of a dog. 
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This is from a short story by none other than David Benioff, destroyer of Game of Thrones and one of the worst writers in the world. (source) 
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Writer not identified. (source)  
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Writer not identified. (source) Male character is such a “decent soul” that he likes when other men objectify his wife.
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By Dave Duncan. (source) Male character can immediately tell just by looking that the attractive female character is a moron, I guess.
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By Milan Kundera. (source) Male character recognises this woman from her arrow-shaped butt and then ponders how beautiful it is when women feel violated by voyeuristic men.
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By Chinua Achebe. (source)
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By Stephen King. (source) 
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By Haruki Murakami. (source) “A 13 year old girl talking to a 37 year old man”
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By John Derbyshire. (source) Male character changes his infant daughter’s diaper while imagining how she will be fucked by a man someday.  
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rejectfemininity · 5 years
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Lundy Bancroft: Why Does He Do That? Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men
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rejectfemininity · 5 years
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rejectfemininity · 5 years
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Go OFF, mr mouth.
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rejectfemininity · 5 years
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