ladygabes · 18 days
old drawing!
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Guess everybody prefers a tomboy.
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frogish-person · 2 months
Fic Recs (Updated continuously)
All on ao3
The road to Hell (Is Paved With Good Intentions) by @sunshowersanddandelionwine ! (Ongoing series)
Nothing but my Aching Soul by Apollos_Last_Prophet!
To be a Lighthouse for Wayward Creatures by @eiraeths ! (Ongoing)
Collecting Strays by WhisperedWords12!
Someone, Something Takes Your Hand by @tiddygame (butterschtick)! (Ongoing)
The Aerialist by Aessedia!
Kleptomania by @sgt-tombstone(k_crow)!
Deep in the Fog by Crispyywheat!
Any Time You Need Me by thirteenbullets!
In a Pond Not an Ocean by jhopeinfiresme!
To Love and to Hold by ScarletCloack!
Stories of a Part-Time Wolf by Grangers_apprentice!
All Thats Left Are Your Bones by Grangers_apprentice!
Spectre-Unit by Zosch!
You give me goosebumps by @tiddygame (butterschtick)!
Traditions by Islenthatur!
"Stay Safe" and Other Things to Say in the Dark by rileyriley!
My Sanctuary, You're Holy to Me by uselessmoth!
Event Horizon by lemonyada!
Alls Fair by @lovelyelbowleech ! (Mind the Tags) (Ongoing)
The Stars Align by even_atlas! (Ongoing)
Ozymondias, King of Kings by Think_of_a_Wonderful_Thought! (Mind the Tags) (Ongoing)
the fourth ring by sulkybender! (Mind the Tags)
about to fall (capture me) by Jay (tofupofu)! (Mind the Tags)
Unpathed Waters, Undreamed Shores by Onmyliteraturebullshitagain!
Say Nothing by DerKatzenprinz and ladygabe! ( @thunderwhenhepurrs @katzenprinz )(Ongoing)
Talk to Me by Stromkastenglitch ! ( @caelusproject )(Parallel to Say Nothing, focus on the KingKay situation) (Ongoing)
lights out by dashwood!
Repeat Day by Tatjana_Story!
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ima-ghost-art · 1 year
all flowers for mistojerrie!!!
Rose: I'd say they are pretty tied on whose most romantic, they just show it in different ways, but I think misto would probably do the most subtle romantic things!!
Tulip: Mungojerrie!! Jerrie loves swiping little trinkets for misto when hes off on his adventures, (Mist has them all decorating his den)
Daisy: Suprisingly Misto!! I love the hc that Mistoffelees was the one who came up with Jerrie and Teazers song (from when he used to sing it on stage) and I think he would have come up with it while doing chores (hes good and Jerrie loves it!!)
Lily: They are both considered fun by the kittens and their friends, but Mistos showman flare gives the edge, even if hes shy sometimes
Dahlia: almost never, but when things involve Macavity, they both find it hard to talk about. When Jerrie continued to work along side Mac after their 'big escape', he did keep it from misto for a long while.
Poppy: with their 9 lives, even when they are no longer romantically involved, they are bonded forever and will never stop loving eachother
Bluebell: Mistoffelees, it's easy to tell when hes emotional as his magic doesnt exactly let him hide it very well either (happy = sparkles, sad = rain)
Peony: Mungojerrie 100% no question
Sunflower: both? I think depending on the situation they would both do it for eachother, however they very much could just be going together (or even met there 👀) (shout out too A Matter Of Naming by ladygabe on ao3 for being the reason I fell for this ship)
Water Lily: Misto cares alot about his appearance, probably stemming from how much he looks up to his uncle Bustopher!! He always feels his best when hes able to dress to the 9s (jerrie loves whatever misto wears tho)
Cherry Blossom: Mistoffelees 100%
Orchid: Most of the time Jerrie is big spoon and Misto is little spoon (Jerrie can feel if Mistoffelees disappears and Misto knows Jerries at his back) however they do switch every so often!!
Snowdrop: in "cat years" roughly 2 and a half years
Forget-Me-Not: Teazer and Victoria begged them to do an unofficial Mating ceremony (after they agreed they didnt want to be officially classed as mates) it was beautiful, Demeter and Bomba "officiated" and sang for them, while Jemima was their flower girl and they end up doing a dance similar to this!!
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eliotbaum · 4 years
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Long replies incoming! 1) @elenyeth  aw, thank you! I did an extensive tutorial on it on our Patreon actually :D It may not be helpful, but I can always recommend the obvious things such as - use reference (50% of the time I just reference my own hands) and do studies both from life but also, other artists (multiple artists!). Love anything between baroque-art nouveau for that haha 2) @ladygabes I’d say it’s not necessarily aimed at catholics but rather has religion as one of its main points in the current arc. As for the question regarding church criticism or blasphemy... While one of the protagonists has developed an unhealthy relationship with God/his faith that's a personal matter of the character and doesn't reflect the general dogma of the religious aspects in the story. However, I gotta give out a fair warning that one of our main influences for Heart of Gold is Nietzsche, so I suppose - proceed with caution? We'll never have anything anti-church or anti-clergy in the comic but it does have supernatural elements that are definitely not very christian haha
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sokaiweek · 4 years
It's my first time participating! I'm soooo excited!
Thanks for joining! We’re happy to have you!
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oneskymanydestinies · 4 years
Thank you for reblogging my art!!
Of course no problem!! Thank you for creating your pieces and contributing to this event!! :D
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franzliszt-official · 4 years
Tell us about your exorcist days
No Greetings and no Thanking? Such a concise Demand earns no more than an equally concise Response. I prayed, kneeling in Rome; I longed towards the campagna in Lazio and met extraordinary Servants of God. I have also occasionally forgot to wear my Holy Clothing. As a Friend of mine used to brag... Oggi mi vesto da omo!
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moz-arent · 5 years
when the name of your fav composer wont work for any puns bruh momentum
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blockmind · 6 years
Hello! Love your works! I'm a huge fan of loki too çUç
Hi! Thank you!
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ladygabes · 16 days
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Old drawing from 2020!
This is my humble Monster High OC. <3
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berrydoodleoo · 2 years
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Gladio and Iggy are troubleshooting and Prompto is entertaining the kid. Kid!Noct thinks Prompto is the coolest ever (secretly, grown-up Noct does, too).
Noct and Prom smiling for the camera.
As promised ages ago, here's a few de-aged kidfics that I loved! I feel like there's more but I'm not finding them in my bookmarks ... I guess I'll update this post later if I find them.
Childcare for Dummies, by ladygabe This is sweet! I love how Noct reacts after getting de-aged, and poor Iggy's attempts to remain cool. Lots of fun and cute interactions between the guys with the usual kid-briefly-in-danger hijinks.
A Beta's Crash Course in Pack Management, by avianscribe ABO stuff has a rep for being all about sex, but there's nothing explicit in this one. It's just a cute fluffy take on one of the pack turning into a kid and everyone losing their minds with the usual instincts-making-me-act-a-little-crazy twist that's typical for ABO stuff. Also features the usual 'someone's a kid, gotta call Cor' sideplot that I love.
All These Years and There You Were, by everylemon Okay honestly, this fic is a big part of the reason I made this art in the first place. I love the guys getting to see Noct grow up, in a way. There's also a twist to this one that might break your heart, but the knife-thrust that is canon XV is something we're all familiar with at this point. I love the guys fretting over Noct and his eating habits, plus Gladio being more familiar with tending a baby. And then the last chapter.... ;_;
give your heart and soul to charity, by egelantier This time Noct isn't the baby! Honestly, this fic is more ouch than fluff, but it's such good ouch for when you need that kind of thing, and there's some sweetness towards the end to balance it out. The guys are complex and messy, and young Iggy is so clearly the grown-up Iggy we know but with all his defenses stripped away.
Even The Sun's Happy, by ivorydice Ending with this one, because it's a bunch of fluff and features the Phone Call to Cor, Designated Responsible Adult When Weird Shit Is Happening. I love how the festival stuff is incorporated and how impressed Noct is with all his grown-up friends. This is just so good and so fun and you should definitely read it.
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the-secret-place · 4 years
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💕 Check out this sneak peek of @ladygabes‘s art from the Destined Oath Volume II zine! 💕
Join the Destined Oath Discord server in celebrating Sora, Kairi, and SoKai with this free zine today ⭐
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backwardsintohell · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia Characters: Ignis Scientia, Noctis Lucis Caelum Additional Tags: ignoctgiftexchange, IgNoct Gift Exchange, Soft Porn, Crossdressing, mild public exhibitionism Summary:
“I want to go on a real date." So what if it was impossible? For Noctis, Ignis would move heaven and earth.
This is my (belated) gift for @lattdraws for the @ignoctgiftexchange! I am so sorry it is late. I really hope you like it!
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ao3feed-ignoct · 6 years
Little Patch of Starlight
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2TWJNR9
by ladygabe
“I want to go on a real date." So what if it was impossible? For Noctis, Ignis would move heaven and earth.
Words: 1921, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Ignis Scientia, Noctis Lucis Caelum
Relationships: Noctis Lucis Caelum/Ignis Scientia
Additional Tags: ignoctgiftexchange, IgNoct Gift Exchange, Soft Porn, Crossdressing, mild public exhibitionism
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2TWJNR9
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dreamweaverszine · 6 years
💎 Dream Weavers Artist List 💎
We are proud to announce the 36 amazing artists participating in the zine!
binch-queen / Ember / piplupcola / covve / Meroaw / jaiette / Vergolophus / Dartzu / sugarpixel / Merrimonster / Turquoisephoenix / lucianaella / Lillith5th / shaiger / Jordyndraws / balsya / Bekuno / 16Shards / dingopaws / haemorrhoid / Cyboarnetic / djkinski / wildfire / blushbaker / starscreamuwu / SpiffyChicken / strangeomens / snaileyart / camimipeeps / Ragsy / PlatypusLovesBlue / Anisa / LadyGabes / LindseyWednseday / AlleycatIrony
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I posted 50 times in 2021
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35 posts reblogged (70%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 2.3 posts.
I added 76 tags in 2021
#ladygabes - 13 posts
#fanart - 10 posts
#kingdom hearts - 8 posts
#sokai - 8 posts
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#sokaiweek2021 - 7 posts
#sokaiweek - 7 posts
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Longest Tag: 45 characters
My Top Posts in 2021
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SoKai Week 2021
Day VII - An Oath to Return
28 notes • Posted 2021-07-17 17:32:14 GMT
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SoKai Week 2021
Day I - King & Queen
28 notes • Posted 2021-07-11 17:56:25 GMT
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See the full post
28 notes • Posted 2021-03-02 00:20:54 GMT
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SoKai Week 2021
Day II - Let ME Keep You Safe!
34 notes • Posted 2021-07-13 00:46:57 GMT
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SoKai Week 2021
Day III - Melody
46 notes • Posted 2021-07-13 22:40:41 GMT
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