#lady snealer
cutekittenlady · 2 years
Random headcanon
Lady Sneasler thinks of Ingo within the context of being a weakling. Like "i could snap him half with no effort" type of weakling.
There's still a very healthy respect there for his knowledge and the training he provides, but shes under no illusions about who'd walk out of a one on one scrap between Ingo and another pokemon.
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keiraspades · 8 months
pla hc no.1
I have this HC that Lady Snealer fucking HATES Melli. No I cant prove it, why the fuck would I?
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alildritten · 2 years
… I just had a thought. Did. Did the entirety of the fandom decide collectively that Ingo is the babysitter for Lady Snealer’s kits or was that mentioned somewhere and I just didn’t realize/notice???
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theangrycomet-art · 2 years
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Girls Night
Lady Sneasler and Elesa would get along fabulously and I will die on this hill.
You can blame @dittolicous for this one
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doodleimprovement · 2 years
Can’t stop won’t stop :)
Akari made a deal for Ingo, getting him home with a hefty price
Ingo reneges, and salts the earth while he's at it
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roofcatfanart · 2 years
PLA au were Ingo is Arceus favorite human. I don't know why or if it's like the love of the player but it loves Ingo.
Cue PLA and Arceus is fucking PISSED. Not only is its human GONE but its other half is devastated. So he goes to Akari/Dawn and sends her back with the Express Purpose of finding Ingo and bring him back.
He sends her mom to Emmet because its perfect, they both get support and it can set up found family. It also sends Dawn's friends and the gym leaders to Emmet bc might as well.
Akari is vibing with Ingo and its niece-uncle bonding. Akari is unsure if she wants to punch or thank Arceus for dragging her to meet Ingo.
Arceus is very please at this but is slightly worried about Lady Snealer taking Ingo and not letting him go back home so sets up the timeline so that she could go if she wanted to.
By the time Akari and Ingo get to Arceus, everything is set up and it can send them home. Arceus is very excited and Ingo apparently had a master ball and threw it on instinct.
Ingo caught Arceus
It was a hard thing to figure out who screamed louder, Ingo or Akari.
Ingo released Arceus, apologizing while Arceus was almost vibrating in joy at having its favorite human catch it and being its partner.
Cue Arceus guiding the both of them home to the subway then returning to its ball. Lady snealer comes too.
Anyway reunion between brothers, mother and daughter and discussing custody of Dawn and her and her mom moving.
Next battle, ingo grabs the wrong ball and that poor trainer is facing god.
The other legendaries and mythical are so confused at why Arceus likes this scrunkly guy.
I don't know, I just think the highest god liking a silly muppet man of a subway boss is hilarious.
Something about how the universe loves you and you've played the game well and the players loving a man who loves so much that his body may forget but his heart doesn't that it translates to the god above all loving him is sweet and poetic.
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sunstone-smiles · 2 years
I’ve recently become super brainrotted for the subway bosses, Ingo especially. Playing Arceus recently just got me to LOVE him!! I was wondering if you could do a fluffy fic of Lady Snealer trying to cheer her Warden up? Totally up to you, man! Have a wonderful day!
Yes! I actually had this exact same idea written down that I was going to get to eventually anyway! I hope you enjoy! 
A Way to Get Back on Track
Series: Pokemon Legends Arceus
Characters: Ingo and Sneasler
Words: 1,315
Summary: When Sneasler sees Ingo down, she discovers a playful fact about him that she can use to cheer him up. Enjoy!
A sudden chill sweeps through the Coronet Highlands. Wild pokemon who are out and about try searching for shelter to avoid the cold. The foliage in the area shutters in the strong winds, leaves upon branches shaking in their spot. Below the rocky cliffs, Sneasler heads into her cave for warmth from the change in weather and her warden, Ingo, walks in alongside her.
“Thank you for letting me stay here to ride out the cold, Lady Sneasler,” Ingo says as he moves further into the cave. The pokemon nods. She’s happy to let her warden stay with her, especially since he’s been feeling down lately. 
Ever since Ingo was reminded of another faint memory of a man that looked like him, he’s been racking his brain ever since. He was on the brink of remembering something, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. It was frustrating to no extent. Even now as Ingo dusts himself off from dirt that was kicked up from the wind, Sneasler could tell that the warden’s jumbled thoughts were taking a toll on him.
Sneasler makes her way over to the warden and rests her head on his right shoulder. Ingo reaches a hand up and pets the cat weasel hybrid, appreciating the fact that she’s trying to comfort him.
“Thanks Sneasler,” he says softly as he stares forward at the dimly lit cave. Sneasler purrs and rubs her head on his neck to continue to comfort him, but Ingo slightly flinches away as the pokemon’s fur keeps grazing his neck.
“S-Sneasler–” the warden says as he scrunches up his shoulder to shield his neck from the creature’s fur, “Careful, that tickles.”
Sneasler lifts her head and blinks at her warden with curiosity. She had no idea that he was ticklish. She almost couldn’t believe that the man had a smile on his face after she nuzzled into him. It’s a faint smile, but Sneasler still sees that there’s a hint of joy on the warden’s currently gloomy face. The pokemon can’t stand seeing her warden down, so this new discovery may just be the perfect way to cheer him up.
While Ingo begins to drift off into his own thoughts, Sneasler takes advantage of his dazed state and quickly wraps her arms around him in a big hug to pull him towards her, effectively trapping his arms to his sides in the process.
“Huh?” Startled, but thinking that nothing is amiss, Ingo looks up at the taller pokemon and questions her actions, “Sneasler, what are you-Ah! Hehehey!” but Ingo begins to chuckle as the pokemon starts purposely rubbing her fluffy head into his neck. He tries to scrunch up his shoulders to protect himself from the cat-like creature, but Sneasler is easily able to continue finding open spaces to nuzzle in. Unfortunately for him, the collar of his uniform also offers no protection from Sneasler’s tickly cuddles.
“Cuhuhut it out!” he giggles and tries to wriggle out of her grasp. She playfully nuzzles into the back of his neck, eliciting even more bubbly giggles from the warden as he unsuccessfully tries to shield himself. Due to his increased squirming, Sneasler tightens her hold on him, but she accidentally ends up squeezing his side in the process.
Ingo yelps and slightly bends his body forward in reflex to cover his torso. He hopes that Sneasler will pay it no mind and release him from her ticklish hug, but the pokemon has other plans with this newfound information. She smirks with a smug little grin, now with her sights set on a new tickle spot. Ingo can almost feel the mischievous energy emanating off of the taller pokemon and he looks over his shoulder to try and avoid whatever the pokemon is planning.
“Sneasler, wait!” he exclaims with wide eyes, but the pokemon tightens her hug around him and uses claws to wiggle into his sides. 
“AH! Nohoho! Hahaha!” he immediately bursts into giggles and tries to squirm out of her grasp. Sneasler then releases him to gain better access to his torso and swiftly repositions her claws to scribble into both of his sides. The warden jumps from her new tactic and wraps his arms around himself to try and avoid the tickle attack.
Sneasler lets out a little giggle of her own as she watches her warden laugh, happy that he’s smiling again. She playfully begins exploring her warden’s other ticklish spots and moves her claws upwards to scribble into his underarms. 
“AH! Wahahait!” Ingo laughs and clamps his arms down, “Nohohot there! Hahaha!” He tries to lean forward to escape, but Sneasler yanks him back into a big hug and plops herself onto the ground, pulling the warden down with her. 
Ingo tugs his arms out of her hold and fixes his hat that had fallen in front of his eyes. He looks up at the noble pokemon to scold her, but Sneasler begins wiggling her claws back into his underarms. He yelps again, cutting off what he was going to say, and tries curling himself into a ball as he attempts to twist and turn away from the playful pokemon.
“Sneheheasler!” Ingo exclaims as he tries to squirm sitting on the ground. He tilts onto his side to escape, but Sneasler follows him down to keep on poking and wiggling into his ticklish torso. Ingo then rolls onto his back and tries to sit up to push Sneasler away, but the playful pokemon changes tactics and uses one set of claws to scribble into his tummy; a flood of uncontrollable giggles continuing to pour from Ingo’s mouth as he attempts to defend his middle from being attacked with super effective tickles. 
Sneasler happily purrs again as she watches her warden laugh. It’s a good natured laugh that reverberates off the cave walls, filling the emptiness with joy—a simple spark that became a guiding light in order to bring happiness during these dark times. Ingo needed something like this. He was traveling down a tunnel of gloom and needed someone to snap him out of it, so Sneasler is glad that she could provide some playful help to make him feel better.
Ingo continues to wriggle on the ground and tries to pull Sneasler’s big paw away from his tummy. “Okahay! Okahahay!” he giggles and wheezes, “Sneheasler! Plehease come to a stohohop!”
Sneasler can see that he’s running out of steam and moves her paw away to let him recover. Once she stops, Ingo slowly uncurls from the ball he had rolled himself in and lies flat on back, staring up at the roof of the cave as he catches his breath. A few residual giggles slip out while he regains air into his system, his chest heaving up and down, but he still has a smile plastered on his face. 
Afraid that she may have taken it too far, the pokemon gently helps him sit up and curls herself behind him to be a big fluffy backrest. She carefully moves her head under his arm and rests below his hand so that the warden can pet her. Ingo softly smiles at her, knowing that she was just trying to help.
“It’s alright, Lady Sneasler,” he says, gently scratching the pokemon's head, “I appreciate it. Thank you.”
The pokemon purrs and snuggles closer to his side. The warden lightly chuckles at her actions, then turns his head to stare out towards the mouth of the cave. 
His mind had been derailed from his usual thoughts, but Sneasler’s playful tactic helped him ride through this rough patch. He sometimes strains himself to remember things, and as a result, it closes him off from the other joys found around him. He doesn’t know when or how he’ll get home, but he’s happy to know that he still has those who care about him, even in this unknown world. 
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You got anything for hot silver fox warden Ingo? (Not me drooling over his fine ass-)
Yeah probably brought to by a great deal of help from a beloved friend here on tumblr. Also I've never written for a silver fox so I'm sorry if it isn't what you expected hope you enjoy
CW: Adult hero, gender neutral reader,, age gap, some insecure ingo, reader being lust for the warden, mentions of ingo being a dilf, NSFW mentions of breeding kink and dom ingo
Silver fox Warden Ingo:
They say things get better with age and warden Ingo is a prime example of that.
Though he doesn't have much of his memories the skills and instincts he had developed over the years as a subway boss never wore off.
He would probably be around in his 50s during his time in hitsui.
Underneath his tunic and tattered jacket, he would be reasonable strong and soft from cold nights on the mountain and basically chasing after Lady Snealers kits.
The lines of age that surround his eyes are a dead giveaway to his age.
He is a well put together man, albeit, a bit loud at times.
He is seen as a proper example of warden to the Pearl clan.
....Than there's you.
While you were not rude by any standers to the warden.
however, your teasing often confused the warden about your motives.
He was an older man though he was plenty strong to hitsui's standers.
Surely there was someone else much younger for you to focus your time on?
You only want to spend your free time getting to know the warden
It was his battling skills that had gotten your attention in the first place.
You were impressed with how strong he and his team was considering most people were terrified of Pokemon
You felt much more closer to the warden than anyone in hitsui with him being the only other out of place in this ancient time.
...And plus he has major dilf energy
Ingo isn't quite sure of how to react to your interest in him.
It's flattering no doubt for a man his age to have catch the interest of someone so young.
But in his eyes, he is an old man! There must be someone else you rather be with?
No, absoultly not.
Lets be honest, with this man it is clear he ain't gonna budge easily.
You don't mind though, you love a challenge after all
you spend days even weeks teasing this poor man to break down his resolve.
You brush against him, whisper teasing things in his ear and when no one else is looking, you kabedon him once to see his reaction.
you have never seen a mans face turn so red before.
But despite your teasing you knew better than to take it too far.
You may want to ride this old man for all hes worth but you want him to enjoy it too!
So you back off a little, not wanting to scare him away.
However, with all the teasing you have done has push the well manner warden.
The warden had requested your aid up on the highlands for his lady's kin.
Ingo first needed to retrieve something from his hut and offered for you to come along with.
you figured why not?
Once inside, you are quickly pinned against the door.
you look up at ingo in great surprised and your breath got caught in your throat.
You know how his eyes glowed in the caves when he takes us through them?
Imagine that but with pure unadulterated last behind them making them 100 percent brighter.
"How does it feel my dear passenger?... to finally have my attention?"
He asks in a low tone before he slowly moves his hands to your hips and pulls you closer.
"You just couldn't find anyone your age to be able to satisfy you could you hero? So you went after an old man like me for your urges"
"You have arrived at your destination my dear hero. You finally have my attention."
Your heart pounded hard against your chest as one of his hands slid up your back and he rested his chin on your shoulder and whisper in you ear.
"Now you will take your punishment like a good little pet for all your teasing. You won't be leaving this hut until you are flooded with my cum."
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Had some ideas of what Ingo’s house/living area would look like if he didn’t just have a tent, and one of my friends suggested a train car and I was set on cave living so I just meshed them together.
In this AU (as said in another post I did,) Emmet and Ingo were on the back portion of a train when it got pulled into the distortion world (Volo and Giratina cause a few rifts to form randomly.) The further portions of the train continued as normal (so it was only the twins) but the back ends got shredded and separated. Ingo and Emmet had ran up to the front most cars when they started to come apart but Ingo had missed a jump and got pulled away from the remaining carts and away from Emmet (He fell to Hisui shortly after and one of the destroyed carts followed.)
For how the cart got in there, I’ve been debating between:
> The cart was deposited in there by pure luck (probably not in the same position, that’d require some work)
> If I remember correctly Ingo has a Machoke (Or machamp? I’ll check after) and along with Lady Sneaslers assistance with cutting the thinner portions of metal that’d prove a safety hazard they’d pushed the cart inside if it’d been deposited just outside.
The cave would be split into 3 parts with the train cart proving as a hall/doorway. The main area with most living things is just the front most area, they’d be a slight curve from the entrance so the corner restricts most weather from getting inside. (A makeshift door may be installed if the weather or stray Pokémon got bad.) the area would contain mostly makeshift shelves, counters (out of the stone around or carved into the wall somehow) and a pile of cushions and blankets he’d bought from the Glinko Guild or from the Pearl Clan (Mainly for Pokémon, although Charlie adds to the collection and actively snoozes in the pile) put in a pile in the free area. The front area of the cave has some loose sections and one happened to allow Pokémon to dig a kind of ventilation port/hole from inside to out. This can be used for a fire so smoke doesn’t fill the cave (This gets used more with visitors in bad weather otherwise there’s a fire outside to cook better.)
The subway car has the in-between door (I’m not familiar with the correct vocabulary atm) and one of the boarding doors. The cart is literally in half from damage. On the right would be a makeshift sort of basin/bath for when it’s needed. If you go straight through the cart there’s sleeping quarters in a dead end bit. They’d be a handmade crib kind of thing out of a mix of stone and wood, with handmade blankets. Before Charlie became a frequent visitor the free space was just storage for whatever could fit, instead it was made into a rough sleeping area like the pile in the main area. Charlie either sleeps on the Crib already there or on the pile depending on how they feel (Ingo doesn’t care with either.) There’s a curtain put inbetween the cart and sleeping area for a tad bit of privacy (also keeps the worse of the light out.) Lighting would just be lanterns like everyone else has in Hisui. (I personally like the headcanon(?) that Lady Snealer’s poison is flammable.)
This is all just speculation and fun ideas and nothings final lol, just having fun :D
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archersxartxblog · 2 years
Remember how little Ingo's reputation takes a hit after people find about litwick's abilities? What if Emmet is the one that accidentally meantion it and he feels so bad about it that he offers to switch places with Ingo and disguise as him for the time being. Little Ingo does not resent his twin and refuces to make his little brother suffer for him. This just makes Emmet feel more guilty and cry, big Ingo had to step in and comfort them both. Once the twins cried themselves to sleep, big Ingo decides to have some strong words with some people about how children should be treated. He is trailed by Lady Snealer, his team, and the alphas he befriended. Later on things were a bit better for the twins, they have some suspecious about what happened but Ingo is saying nothing.
That would make sense, as Emmet probably would have been next to his brother when he went down. and to him it's fairly common knowledge about Litwick, so he probably would have much of a problem saying something about it not realizing the people around them are more then a little paranoid. no doubt he probably was trying to convince brother to put Litwick back in their ball when Ingo started showing signs of weakness.
I imagine once he starts hearing whispers about his brother being cursed, and someone whispers there condolences to him; it freaks him out quite a bit, and makes him feel guilty for saying anything.
it's fairly quiet in the Pearl Clan settlement but no one is willing to go near his brother aside from the wardens, some of the braver few try and shoo poor Litwick away, only the other kids are really cruel no doubt parroting what their parents say in private. but outside the settlement things are a little more cruel. and Emmet is witnessed to all of it.
It's upsetting to sit there and watch as his brother is picked on and bullied. He tries to trade places with his brother but (lil) Ingo doesn't want his little brother to go through any of this. Emmet becomes even more distraught by this, wanting to shoulder at least some of the burden. their twins...they share everything; why not share this? Little Ingo just wants to keep his little brother safe, and Emmet wants basically the same thing for his older brother. basically upsetting each other as they argue.
Warden Ingo steps in, comforting the two the best he can and listens to what happened. once the two have finally drifted off to sleep, he looks them over and recalls hearing those whisper himself, not thinking it had gotten this bad. but seeing now that not all safety checks had been complete he planned to correct this matter personally.
He didn't bring Lady Sneasler, or the Three Alphas, they followed and stood behind him as he had this little talk. Sneasler only breaking away to openly play with the twins while their father had this much needed talk.
after a while things do get better, for the twins. it hasn't completely stopped, in fact so people have just tried to be sneaky about it (like children running around at walmart, you tell them to stop and they take as a challenge to do it anyway while your not looking (like I can still freakin see you) ) but it's gotten better. the twins have they're theory, but their dad says nothing.
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leggerefiore · 2 years
Now I'm imagining Lady Sneasler and Cyrus's Weavile duking it out over whose human is best while the two humans are just? Confused? The two Pokemon keep yelling at each other as they fight and they're clearly arguing about something, but why though? Is this a species thing?
why am i ingo posting so much is he becoming my favourite twin again
literal cat fight anon lol
cyrus looks at warden ingo and goes "isn't that the subway guy from unova???" then realises he has absolutely no fucking idea where he is. that's what he gets for trying mess with time and space! hisuian vacation.
ingo is like "hey, you fell through a portal too. do you remember anything?" and he's just like yeah then goes on a full monologue about how useless and stupid emotions are and how he is going to create a new, better world. its at this point volo hops out from behind a tree and claims that was his idea first. cyrus asks why the fuck cynthia is a guy now. meanwhile, lady snealer and weavile have stopped physically brawling and are having a full debate about who's cooler.
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
There’s no way this is actually canon but I present to you the Ingo fell after the protagonist did au. Lady Snealer loved him so much they had to make him warden and a member of their clan on the spot. Why are his clothes all torn? He had a encounter with an alpha right after he fell. Why does he have a goatee? He and Emmet were trying out a new look before he fell. Why is his posture so bad and why does he have eyebags? Because its been a crazy week and he’s exhausted, speedrunning Hisui sucks.
Ingo speedruns Hisui so hard that when Arceus sends him back, he actually arrives three minutes before he actually left.
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r0-boat · 2 years
my noodle has made me soft💖 noodle this is for you.
Being alone is never an easy task for anyone to bare. Even the most timid natured of creatures had their own friends and family to relate too.
All except ingo
It doesn't surpise him really with his odd mannerisms and his ever present frown it's bound for people to stray away from him.
He understands that he somewhat of an alien to them even to his beloved pearl clan he is praise for his battling skills but other than that people stay away from him.
Even if it's understandable it doesn't make it hurt any less.
"It's better this way" he thought to himself as he wonder through the highlands tending to his duties.
Without his memory he couldn't guarantee that he could keep the current ones safe while the past constantly haunts his mind.
Will you forget them as well? Like you have forgotten him? Or will you be forgotten? The lonely warden of the highlands who has die alone.
His heart clenched at the thought of being alone which is why he often stayed closed to lady snealer and her kits. They were quick to a dog pile so much that he's pretty sure he is immune to their poison now.
He knows that he wasn't always alone. There was always someone beside him. Someone close to his heart. While his heart may remember him, his mind is a foggy maze of the life he once had.
He was certain that no one else could share with the type of loneliness.
Until you.
The warden like many within the clans has heard of you and how you quelled the frenzied nobles. As well as making great strives with the galaxy teams pokedex and help humans understand pokemon better.
He was curious if these claims were true though he wouldn't assume irida to lie and exaggerated them.
When the lord of warden meilli became frenzied he did his best to ensure lady snealer and her kits stayed away from the lords seat. He was given a task to aid you to the lords seat with lady snealer.
When he went to retrieve you, when you first open the door he was hit with a great sense of familiarity with you.
He was certain that he has never met you before you reminded him of the home he can't go back to.
You now tend to stay near him during missions in the highlands like him you have found a great sense of peace and similar in mind than those if the galaxy team.
Both if you had no memories of your lives before but the two of you have been able to find some ground on the memories.
Thanks to you he remebers that he was often around trians, he had pokemon that he loved dearly as well as a family that he wishes to return to.
Both if you were able to find one another within this strange and familiar land as you both try to retrieve your forgotten memories.
However if it comes to the point when they might be lost forever
He wouldn't mind making a life time of memories with you
Noodle, I would love to make a lifetime of memories with you
Signed breeding anon
Settling down to have a family with Ingo restarting their lives over again💘
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crowberri · 2 years
I love your submas mermaids! Also, I know you said that Ingo likely wouldn’t be Snealers warden in this au, but like, the highlands to connect to the ocean and the main river leads out to it. It’s not that far a swim from the coastlands! So at the very least he and lady sneasler could still be good friends! Like I could see him rescuing one of her sneaslets when they fall into the harsher part of the river.
OH YEAh—!! I wasn’t looking at the map when i said that ahahahh—
And when Ingo befriends Sneaseler she let’s him take her kits on a tour through the rivers - though only the bigger streams bc he’d get stuck in shallow water pfft- But a cool experience for the babies nonetheless. And when two Nobles trust the weird fish person, I think the clans would be more accepting towards him too (maybe he does become Sneaselers warden mb hh-). Ingo would also definitely swim with kids in the ocean, and he’d sing to them too (certified best uncle),,, OH and imagine Irida learning the songs he always sings and plays it on the flute to him,,, that would probably trigger some of his buried memories…
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staryarn · 2 years
Lady Snealer (idk how to spell it TT^TT) is a small cat with her cannon coloring due to all the psi stuff and she had kittens. The lady comes back with Ingo, and I would imagine has sapience bc of the psi so she does stuff too.
idk we need SOME fluff from the ruins
Lady sneasler sees ingo and goes 'free ugly pokemon anyone want it' and then drags him back to the highlands anyways
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doodleimprovement · 2 years
Ficlet idea:
Sneasler: Snee Sneas Snee Snealer
Akari: She said stop being a worrywort-dad. Hernwords not mine.
((I'm going to assume this is for the Legendary Boon AU lol))
"My Lady, Akari will need to return to Jubilife eventually" Ingo admonished his noble "Just because she is able to understand you perfectly does not mean that I do not understand you just as well without words"
"Snawrrrrr" The noble groaned
"She's calling you a party pooper but in much meaner language" Akari translated. She turned to the Pokemon, her boon lighting up her face with golden lines "Snee! Sneas!" The girl huffed at the pokemon "I told her I can't say those words! Its inappropriate!"
Ingo raised an unimpressed brow at Lady Sneasler
"My lady. Might I remind you that your children are within earshot of your... vulgar language"
".... Snawr" Akari gasped, and immediately began to scold the pokemon in a wide variety of "Snees" and "Snawrs"
Ingo pinched the bridge of his nose to stave off a migraine. It was going to be a long afternoon
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