#lactation consultant in arizona
agavepediatrics · 12 days
How to Establish and Maintain a Healthy Milk Supply: Step by Step Guide
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Breastfeeding is a natural process, but many mothers worry about whether they are producing enough milk for their baby. Establishing and maintaining a healthy milk supply requires understanding your body’s signals, feeding cues from your baby, and adopting the right habits to support lactation. This step-by-step guide will help you ensure an adequate milk supply and navigate common challenges.
Step 1: Nurse Early and Often
One of the most important factors in establishing a good milk supply is frequent nursing. The more your baby feeds, the more milk your body will produce in response to demand. It’s recommended to start breastfeeding within the first hour after birth. Try to nurse your baby every 2–3 hours, ensuring at least 8–12 feedings in a 24-hour period.
Step 2: Ensure Proper Latch and Positioning
A poor latch can lead to ineffective feeding, which may result in a reduced milk supply. Make sure your baby latches deeply onto your breast, not just on the nipple. A good latch helps your baby get enough milk and stimulates your body to produce more. If you’re unsure about the latch, seeking guidance from a lactation consultant in Arizona can be incredibly helpful.
Step 3: Stay Hydrated
Hydration plays a critical role in maintaining your milk supply. Your body needs extra fluids to produce breast milk, so be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Keep a bottle of water with you while you’re breastfeeding to remind yourself to drink.
Step 4: Eat a Balanced Diet
Proper nutrition is essential for both you and your baby. Focus on a well-balanced diet rich in protein, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Nutrients like calcium, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids are particularly important for breastfeeding mothers. Avoid skipping meals, as your body requires consistent nourishment to maintain your milk supply.
Step 5: Get Enough Rest
Though it can be challenging with a newborn, try to rest as much as possible. Stress and fatigue can negatively affect your milk supply. Nap when your baby naps, and don’t hesitate to ask for help from family and friends to manage household tasks. If stress becomes overwhelming, it’s essential to address it with support from your pediatrician or a healthcare provider.
Step 6: Consider Pumping
Pumping can be useful in maintaining your supply, especially if you need to be away from your baby for extended periods. Using a breast pump can stimulate milk production and ensure your supply remains strong. Pumping between feedings or after your baby nurses can also help increase supply.
Step 7: Breastfeed on Demand, Not by the Clock
It’s essential to follow your baby’s hunger cues rather than sticking to a strict schedule. Babies often go through growth spurts where they may need to nurse more frequently, which will temporarily increase milk demand. Breastfeeding on demand ensures that your body keeps up with your baby’s needs.
Step 8: Avoid Formula and Pacifiers Early On
If you’re exclusively breastfeeding, avoid giving your baby formula or using pacifiers in the first few weeks. Introducing formula can reduce the demand for breast milk, and pacifiers might interfere with your baby’s ability to nurse effectively. Exclusively breastfeeding in the early weeks can help you establish a strong milk supply.
Step 9: Watch for Signs of Adequate Milk Supply
You can monitor your milk supply by observing your baby’s behavior and weight gain. Babies who are getting enough milk will have regular wet diapers (about six per day) and will appear content after feedings. If you’re unsure about your baby’s milk intake, contact your pediatric phoenix practice for advice and support.
Step 10: Seek Professional Help When Needed
If you’re struggling with breastfeeding, don’t hesitate to ask for professional support. Whether you’re dealing with issues like low milk supply, latching problems, or sore nipples, a lactation consultant in Phoenix can offer personalized solutions to help you succeed in breastfeeding.
Nurturing Your Breastfeeding Journey with Agave Pediatrics
At Agave Pediatrics, we understand the challenges that breastfeeding mothers face, and we’re here to help you every step of the way. With our expert lactation consultant Phoenix team and caring pediatricians, we provide individualized support to ensure you and your baby thrive during this important time. Whether you need guidance on maintaining your milk supply, help with breastfeeding techniques, or support for any other newborn care issues, our pediatric Phoenix professionals are here for you.
Call Agave Pediatrics today and let us help you on your breastfeeding journey!
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wendyjimenezus · 6 years
Report Reveals Facebook Content Moderators Experience PTSD Symptoms and Drug Use
Moderators produced by Facebook are placed to oversee the content in the U.S. and have taken extreme measures to keep up with the stress of viewing graphics and offensive material on repeat.
The exploration of conditions at Facebook’s content moderation facility in Arizona, which is owned by a vendor called Cognizant, reports describe the office as a place where employees cope with intense stress by using drugs and having sex at work. One employee claimed that he had brought a gun to work because of a situation where he feared retaliation from former employees.
The moderators are only paid $15 hours to sift through millions of post that could be anything from potential threats to offensive jokes to videos revealing murders.
A spokesperson from Facebook announced in a statement, “We value the hard work of content reviewers and have certain standards around their well-being and support. We work with only highly reputable global partners that have standards for their workforce, and we jointly enforce these standards with regular touch points to ensure the work environment is safe and supportive, and that the most appropriate resources are in place.”
In addition to the previous statement, a spokesperson from Cognizant said the agency has thoroughly investigated the issues raised by the media and emphasizes that “previously taken action where necessary and have steps in place to continue to address these concerns and any others raised by our employees. In addition to offering a comprehensive wellness program at Cognizant, including safe and supportive work culture, 24×7 phone support and onsite counselor support to employees, Cognizant has partnered with leading HR and Wellness consultants to develop the next generation of wellness practices.”
Employees are allowed two 15- minute breaks, one 30-minute lunch and an added nine minutes of “wellness time” per day. However, the Verge reported that most of the workers said that much of the time spent is waiting in long lines for the bathroom where three stalls per restroom serve hundreds of people. People have reported employees using these stalls to have sex at work to cope with the stress of the job. Other have chosen to lactation rooms, which was such an issue last year that management removed all the deadbolts from the doors.
Some employees have admitted to using drugs at work to numb the pain, many using marijuana daily on the job. While others joked about “drinking to forget.”
According to the Verge, one former worker claimed that he started to carry a gun regularly and continues to sleep with one even though he has left the company. He said he fears that the threats made by fired employees would become a reality. In addition to those fears, he also explained how he began to envelope himself in some of the conspiracy theories that he was exposed to at work, finding that he believed in things he once never thought to be true.
He has since then been diagnosed with PTSD and generalized anxiety disorder. When the counselor at Cognizant was asked about the risk of developing specific mental issues, he instead explained that some people will experience “post-traumatic growth,” where trauma victims become stronger, although the onset of possible problems is always possible.
from Daily News http://www.ivdaily.com/report-reveals-facebook-content-moderators-experience-ptsd-symptoms-and-drug-use source https://ivdaily.tumblr.com/post/183076738432
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wandagreeneus · 6 years
Report Reveals Facebook Content Moderators Experience PTSD Symptoms and Drug Use
Moderators produced by Facebook are placed to oversee the content in the U.S. and have taken extreme measures to keep up with the stress of viewing graphics and offensive material on repeat.
The exploration of conditions at Facebook’s content moderation facility in Arizona, which is owned by a vendor called Cognizant, reports describe the office as a place where employees cope with intense stress by using drugs and having sex at work. One employee claimed that he had brought a gun to work because of a situation where he feared retaliation from former employees.
The moderators are only paid $15 hours to sift through millions of post that could be anything from potential threats to offensive jokes to videos revealing murders.
A spokesperson from Facebook announced in a statement, “We value the hard work of content reviewers and have certain standards around their well-being and support. We work with only highly reputable global partners that have standards for their workforce, and we jointly enforce these standards with regular touch points to ensure the work environment is safe and supportive, and that the most appropriate resources are in place.”
In addition to the previous statement, a spokesperson from Cognizant said the agency has thoroughly investigated the issues raised by the media and emphasizes that “previously taken action where necessary and have steps in place to continue to address these concerns and any others raised by our employees. In addition to offering a comprehensive wellness program at Cognizant, including safe and supportive work culture, 24×7 phone support and onsite counselor support to employees, Cognizant has partnered with leading HR and Wellness consultants to develop the next generation of wellness practices.”
Employees are allowed two 15- minute breaks, one 30-minute lunch and an added nine minutes of “wellness time” per day. However, the Verge reported that most of the workers said that much of the time spent is waiting in long lines for the bathroom where three stalls per restroom serve hundreds of people. People have reported employees using these stalls to have sex at work to cope with the stress of the job. Other have chosen to lactation rooms, which was such an issue last year that management removed all the deadbolts from the doors.
Some employees have admitted to using drugs at work to numb the pain, many using marijuana daily on the job. While others joked about “drinking to forget.”
According to the Verge, one former worker claimed that he started to carry a gun regularly and continues to sleep with one even though he has left the company. He said he fears that the threats made by fired employees would become a reality. In addition to those fears, he also explained how he began to envelope himself in some of the conspiracy theories that he was exposed to at work, finding that he believed in things he once never thought to be true.
He has since then been diagnosed with PTSD and generalized anxiety disorder. When the counselor at Cognizant was asked about the risk of developing specific mental issues, he instead explained that some people will experience “post-traumatic growth,” where trauma victims become stronger, although the onset of possible problems is always possible.
from http://www.ivdaily.com/report-reveals-facebook-content-moderators-experience-ptsd-symptoms-and-drug-use
source http://ivdaily.weebly.com/blog/report-reveals-facebook-content-moderators-experience-ptsd-symptoms-and-drug-use
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donaldehillfl · 6 years
Report Reveals Facebook Content Moderators Experience PTSD Symptoms and Drug Use
Moderators produced by Facebook are placed to oversee the content in the U.S. and have taken extreme measures to keep up with the stress of viewing graphics and offensive material on repeat.
The exploration of conditions at Facebook’s content moderation facility in Arizona, which is owned by a vendor called Cognizant, reports describe the office as a place where employees cope with intense stress by using drugs and having sex at work. One employee claimed that he had brought a gun to work because of a situation where he feared retaliation from former employees.
The moderators are only paid $15 hours to sift through millions of post that could be anything from potential threats to offensive jokes to videos revealing murders.
A spokesperson from Facebook announced in a statement, “We value the hard work of content reviewers and have certain standards around their well-being and support. We work with only highly reputable global partners that have standards for their workforce, and we jointly enforce these standards with regular touch points to ensure the work environment is safe and supportive, and that the most appropriate resources are in place.”
In addition to the previous statement, a spokesperson from Cognizant said the agency has thoroughly investigated the issues raised by the media and emphasizes that “previously taken action where necessary and have steps in place to continue to address these concerns and any others raised by our employees. In addition to offering a comprehensive wellness program at Cognizant, including safe and supportive work culture, 24×7 phone support and onsite counselor support to employees, Cognizant has partnered with leading HR and Wellness consultants to develop the next generation of wellness practices.”
Employees are allowed two 15- minute breaks, one 30-minute lunch and an added nine minutes of “wellness time” per day. However, the Verge reported that most of the workers said that much of the time spent is waiting in long lines for the bathroom where three stalls per restroom serve hundreds of people. People have reported employees using these stalls to have sex at work to cope with the stress of the job. Other have chosen to lactation rooms, which was such an issue last year that management removed all the deadbolts from the doors.
Some employees have admitted to using drugs at work to numb the pain, many using marijuana daily on the job. While others joked about “drinking to forget.”
According to the Verge, one former worker claimed that he started to carry a gun regularly and continues to sleep with one even though he has left the company. He said he fears that the threats made by fired employees would become a reality. In addition to those fears, he also explained how he began to envelope himself in some of the conspiracy theories that he was exposed to at work, finding that he believed in things he once never thought to be true.
He has since then been diagnosed with PTSD and generalized anxiety disorder. When the counselor at Cognizant was asked about the risk of developing specific mental issues, he instead explained that some people will experience “post-traumatic growth,” where trauma victims become stronger, although the onset of possible problems is always possible.
source http://www.ivdaily.com/report-reveals-facebook-content-moderators-experience-ptsd-symptoms-and-drug-use from Ivdaily https://ivdaily.blogspot.com/2019/02/report-reveals-facebook-content.html
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niccoloharter-blog · 6 years
PlushCare vs. Heal: The Battle of On-Demand Online Doctors
Science, medicine and technology are progressing at breakneck speeds, but our models for providing healthcare seem stuck in the year 1969. Because the traditional primary care plus specialty doctors leaves so many people without the care they need, I'm always excited when I see companies working to give new models of providing healthcare.
Two companies that are driving innovation in healthcare today are Heal and PlushCare. Both offer unique models that bring “on-demand” to healthcare services. They also both have transparent pricing models. But they both offer a unique perspective on how to best deliver healthcare to consumers.
Should you choose Heal or PlushCare? The answer depends on what you want (and where you live). Here's what you need to know about these online doctors.
Quick Navigation
What Heal Offers
What PlushCare Offers
Both Offer Easy Pricing
When to Consider One of These Options
What Heal Offers
Heal offers customers an in-home doctor visit. Patients can book appointments from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., 365 days a year. Doctors visit the patient in their home, and can do a variety of important tasks including pediatric care (including lactation consultations and well-child exams), urgent care (for acute illnesses, muscle pains and aches, rashes, etc.), and standard primary and preventive care (such as basic immunizations).
Doctors from Heal can administer basic care, refer you to a specialist, or prescribe medicine based on your needs.
Right now, Heal is available in Washington D.C. (and the surrounding area), San Francisco, Los Angeles, Orange County, and San Diego.
Since Heal requires in-person visits, it is expanding city by city.
What PlushCare Offers
PlushCare gives patients access to doctors via a Skype-like application. Patients can book appointments 24/7/365. Doctors with PlushCare can diagnose and prescribe medications for non-emergency medical needs such as flu, viruses, UTIs, and ear problems.
PlushCare doctors can also prescribe PrEP for HIV patients. The company has also partnered with local STD- and allergy-testing clinics, so the doctors can give advice on treatment for those conditions.
PlushCare is only available in certain states including: Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Washington State, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. They may expand to your state soon.
Both Offer Easy Pricing
Both Heal and PlushCare offer simple pricing.
If their services aren't covered by your insurance company, you pay $99 per appointment. If these companies accept your health insurance, you just pay the required office co-pay.
When to Consider One of These Options
Personally, I've used telemedicine (like PlushCare) to get a prescription for an infection. Since it wasn't covered by insurance, I paid the full cost, but I saved money relative to going to a MinuteClinic. The experience was fast and convenient, especially because I was sick.
The 24/7/365 convenience of PlushCare makes it a great option if you or your child gets sick in the middle of the night.
If I lived in an area covered by Heal, I would be tempted to use it all the time. The fact that the doctors can administer well-child visits in our home would add a ton of convenience and comfort to an otherwise Herculean task. I also like that they can take basic vital signs such as heart rate and blood pressure during the appointment.
Because doctors rely on all their senses to diagnose and recommend treatment, I would assume that doctors from Heal have an advantage over those from PlushCare. That said, I wouldn't hesitate to use either of these companies, especially if they are covered by your insurance company.
Just remember, neither company wants to replace your relationship with a primary care physician. Healthcare may be changing, but you still need an old-fashioned relationship with a physician.
The post PlushCare vs. Heal: The Battle of On-Demand Online Doctors appeared first on The College Investor.
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1. Ten Points to learn About Breastfeeding
ten Issues to learn About Breastfeeding Breastfeeding is well worth attempting. Which means you never freak out whenever you fill up, we'll stroll you as a result of it.
Breast milk is oh so healthier. We will not prefer to strain absolutely everyone to nurse. We just want you to get mindful from the gains. Breast milk consists of antibodies that cannot be engineered. "Breastfed infants get fewer colds and sinus and ear infections," says Jim Sears, MD, coauthor of your Infant Guide. In addition they have significantly less diarrhea and constipation plus a decreased possibility of getting allergy symptoms.
Mom, you could possibly wind up more healthy also. More than the extended phrase, breastfeeding aids ward off breast and ovarian cancers. While in the brief phrase, the bodily make contact with aids you bond along with your infant. It forces you to sit nonetheless and emphasis on nurturing. As Rachael Don, a mom of 3 in Scottsdale, Arizona, puts it, "Nursing will be the a single time that your child is absolutely information and there is practically nothing else you ought to be performing." Dr. Sears says that breastfeeding releases "mothering hormones" like prolactin, which aids preserve the little one blues at bay, and oxytocin, which assists the uterus contract. Oh, and it burns calories to boot! Uncover should you be Getting a Boy or Woman! 3of eleven
iStock Nursing is difficult at first. "Consider a breastfeeding class though you happen to be pregnant," says Melissa Kotlen Nagin, a lactation advisor in Larchmont, Ny. But in addition be ready to seek out assistance after child arrives. "Getting child to latch on might not come to feel all-natural," Nagin says. "Ask for assist while in the hospital." 
We're not planning to lie. Individuals to start with days, you could really feel what gurus phone excessive tenderness -- and what we phone discomfort. But after your infant is correctly latched, discomfort must diminish while in every nursing session and go away absolutely with time. Will not disregard shooting ache; a knot while in the breast accompanied by soreness and redness can be a plugged milk duct, which could bring about mastitis, a nasty infection that demands antibiotics. Ninety % of moms who get in touch with La Leche League are concerned about both latch or provide. Luckily, lactation consultants make household calls, hospitals host clinics, and also the Internet presents countless assets. My daughter's pediatrician just showed me the way to change my child's chin to enhance her lazy suck. Breastfeeding saves $$$. In case you mainly nurse and use formula only inside a pinch, you need to be in a position to pocket at the least an additional $400 in the baby's initially 12 months. That is even though you purchase a breast pump! You are the meals provide, so mom on your own. Preserve taking prenatal nutritional vitamins, get ample calcium, and drink at the very least 64 ounces of water per day whereas nursing. "A new mom must keep effectively hydrated and properly fed," says Jane Crouse, a La Leche League leader and mom of 3. You may will need an additional 300 to 500 calories each day. You may also should master to take it easy, having said that you may -- strain might possibly have an effect on letdown (the commence of the milk movement). Consider a warm shower, sink right into a chair, and don't forget to breathe while you guide your squirmy child latch on. 
In the event you need to have medicine (for anything at all from a cold to a persistent problem), verify along with your health care provider. Most meds -- but not all -- are fine in breast milk. Likewise, a single drink each and every after inside a whilst is risk-free. Have it a minimum of two hrs in advance of a feeding so the alcohol can depart your method.
Breastfeeding is usually blissfully handy. No frantic runs to your keep. No futzing about at an ungodly hour to whip up a bottle. No cleanup. Countless moms just roll above (particularly if their child is within a co-sleeper) and nurse inside a soporific state. Breast milk is instantaneously obtainable and delivered warm. Plus, feeding supplies are 1 much less issue to shove into that bursting diaper bag. 
Travel will be less difficult also. Caught in the plane for hrs? Your infant will certainly not run from meals. And when the 2 of you locate a groove, nursing inside a carrier is often especially helpful, as I have located, although you chase a large sibling all around the playground.
The sole catch: every one of the accountability is on you. Should you require a quick break, see the subsequent slide. Breast milk + formula is surely an alternative. "For me it had been essentially the most pragmatic option," says Ann Sargent, of Washington, DC. She needed to perform tough at do the job, then get household early to nurse, so her little one drank formula throughout the day. Just are aware that while you combo-feed, your milk manufacturing will dip.
A lot of gals pump milk, and for all types of good reasons. To start with, some girls pump both to motivate their milk provide or to alleviate engorgement. If little one features a superior night's rest and you also wake up packed with milk, it's possible you'll too bottle it for long term use! 
2nd, there are actually the occasional pumpers. Fill a bottle, and Dad can do that midnight feed, otherwise you can possess a baby-free date. For this, you could possibly desire only just one guide pump.
Lastly, you can find doing work moms who consider two or 3 brief breaks throughout the workday to pump breast milk, which they deliver property and place from the fridge or freezer. If you'd wish to do that, examine your intentions together with your boss or talk to one more mom in the corporation that has executed it, for making positive you may have room and privacy. A particular hands-free bra can permit you to multitask -- answering e-mail or studying even though you pump. Invest within a double electrical pump to velocity points along.
Sooner or later, it truly is more than. From time to time a little one loses curiosity; other instances Mom burns out very first. Get somebody else associated with feeding to ease the transition to bottle or cup. "If weaningresults inside a completely happy mom, which is greatest for infant," Dr. Sears says.
O que fazer para não ferir o peito quando amamenta
0 notes
1. Ten Items to understand About Breastfeeding
ten Issues to learn About Breastfeeding Breastfeeding is really worth striving. So that you will not freak out while you fill up, we'll stroll you by way of it.
Breast milk is oh so healthful. We never wish to stress every person to nurse. We just want you for being conscious within the gains. Breast milk is made up of antibodies that cannot be engineered. "Breastfed infants get fewer colds and sinus and ear infections," says Jim Sears, MD, coauthor with the Infant Guide. In addition they have significantly less diarrhea and constipation along with a decreased possibility of obtaining allergy symptoms.
Mom, you could possibly find yourself more healthy also. More than the extended phrase, breastfeeding assists ward off breast and ovarian cancers. While in the brief phrase, the bodily make contact with aids you bond together with your infant. It forces you to sit nonetheless and target on nurturing. As Rachael Don, a mom of 3 in Scottsdale, Arizona, puts it, "Nursing could be the one particular time that your little one is fully articles and there is practically nothing else you ought to be engaging in." Dr. Sears says that breastfeeding releases "mothering hormones" like prolactin, which aids retain the infant blues at bay, and oxytocin, which assists the uterus contract. Oh, and it burns calories to boot! Determine if you are Obtaining a Boy or Lady! 3of eleven
iStock Nursing is challenging at first. "Consider a breastfeeding class whereas you happen to be pregnant," says Melissa Kotlen Nagin, a lactation advisor in Larchmont, Ny. But in addition be ready to look for aid as soon as little one arrives. "Getting child to latch on might not come to feel pure," Nagin says. "Ask for assistance while in the hospital." 
We're not planning to lie. These to start with days, you could come to feel what industry experts contact excessive tenderness -- and what we get in touch with soreness. But the moment your little one is adequately latched, discomfort must diminish all through each and every nursing session and go away entirely with time. Never disregard shooting discomfort; a knot from the breast accompanied by soreness and redness could possibly be a plugged milk duct, which could cause mastitis, a nasty infection that involves antibiotics. Ninety % of moms who get hold of La Leche League are anxious about both latch or provide. The good news is, lactation consultants make property calls, hospitals host clinics, as well as Net features numerous assets. My daughter's pediatrician just showed me the best way to alter my child's chin to enhance her lazy suck. Breastfeeding saves $$$. If you ever largely nurse and use formula only in the pinch, you ought to be in a position to pocket no less than an additional $400 as part of your baby's very first 12 months. That is whether or not you purchase a breast pump! You happen to be the foods provide, so mom your self. Retain taking prenatal nutritional vitamins, get ample calcium, and drink at the least 64 ounces of water per day when nursing. "A new mom has to remain nicely hydrated and effectively fed," says Jane Crouse, a La Leche League leader and mom of 3. You are going to have to have an additional 300 to 500 calories day by day. You are going to also will need to study to loosen up, having said that you may -- strain could influence letdown (the get started of one's milk movement). Consider a warm shower, sink right into a chair, and don't forget to breathe while you enable your squirmy infant latch on. 
For those who require medicine (for something from a cold to a persistent issue), examine along with your medical doctor. Most meds -- but not all -- are fine in breast milk. Likewise, one particular drink each the moment in the even though is risk-free. Have it not less than two hrs just before a feeding so the alcohol can depart your process.
Breastfeeding is often blissfully easy. No frantic runs for the retail outlet. No futzing about at an ungodly hour to whip up a bottle. No cleanup. Countless moms just roll in excess of (mainly if their infant is inside a co-sleeper) and nurse inside a soporific state. Breast milk is immediately obtainable and delivered warm. Plus, feeding supplies are 1 significantly less point to shove into that bursting diaper bag. 
Travel might be much easier as well. Caught within a plane for hrs? Your little one will hardly ever run from meals. And after the 2 of you locate a groove, nursing inside a carrier is often specifically helpful, as I have observed, whereas you chase a large sibling all around the playground.
The sole catch: all of the duty is on you. In case you require a quick break, see the subsequent slide. Breast milk + formula is surely an selection. "For me it had been essentially the most pragmatic decision," says Ann Sargent, of Washington, DC. She needed to operate really hard at get the job done, then get house early to nurse, so her infant drank formula throughout the day. Just realize that if you combo-feed, your milk manufacturing will dip.
Loads of females pump milk, and for all types of causes. Initially, some gals pump both to motivate their milk provide or to alleviate engorgement. If little one includes a superior night's rest and you also wake up stuffed with milk, chances are you'll at the same time bottle it for potential use! 
2nd, you can find the occasional pumpers. Fill a bottle, and Dad can do that midnight feed, otherwise you can possess a baby-free date. For this, you could possibly want only just one guide pump.
Ultimately, you can find functioning moms who get two or 3 brief breaks throughout the workday to pump breast milk, which they deliver house and place during the fridge or freezer. If you'd want to do that, examine your intentions along with your boss or seek advice from one more mom on the business that has executed it, to produce absolutely sure you are going to have area and privacy. A specific hands-free bra can permit you to multitask -- answering e-mail or studying even though you pump. Invest in the double electrical pump to velocity factors along.
Inevitably, it truly is in excess of. At times a child loses curiosity; other instances Mom burns out 1st. Get another person involved with feeding to ease the transition to bottle or cup. "If weaningresults in the content mom, which is perfect for child," Dr. Sears says.
O que fazer para não ferir o peito quando amamenta
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rachelbelitardoblog · 7 years
ten Issues to understand About Breastfeeding
Breast milk is oh so healthier. We never prefer to strain everybody to nurse. We just want you to become conscious from the advantages. Breast milk is made up of antibodies that cannot be engineered. "Breastfed infants get fewer colds and sinus and ear infections," says Jim Sears, MD, coauthor on the Child Guide. In addition they have significantly less diarrhea and constipation as well as a decreased possibility of owning allergic reactions.
Mom, you may find yourself more healthy also. More than the lengthy phrase, breastfeeding assists ward off breast and ovarian cancers. From the brief phrase, the bodily get hold of aids you bond together with your child. It forces you to sit nonetheless and emphasis on nurturing. As Rachael Don, a mom of 3 in Scottsdale, Arizona, puts it, "Nursing is definitely the one particular time that your child is completely written content and there is absolutely nothing else you need to be carrying out." Dr. Sears says that breastfeeding releases "mothering hormones" like prolactin, which assists preserve the little one blues at bay, and oxytocin, which assists the uterus contract. Oh, and it burns calories to boot! Determine in case you are Acquiring a Boy or Lady! 3of eleven
iStock Nursing is challenging at first. "Consider a breastfeeding class though you are pregnant," says Melissa Kotlen Nagin, a lactation advisor in Larchmont, Ny. But additionally be ready to seek out assist as soon as child arrives. "Getting infant to latch on might not truly feel normal," Nagin says. "Ask for guide within the hospital." 
We're not gonna lie. Individuals to start with days, you could possibly really feel what industry experts phone severe tenderness -- and what we get in touch with discomfort. But as soon as your infant is adequately latched, discomfort ought to diminish all through each and every nursing session and go away wholly with time. Do not disregard shooting soreness; a knot during the breast accompanied by soreness and redness may be a plugged milk duct, which may bring about mastitis, a nasty infection that calls for antibiotics. Ninety % of moms who speak to La Leche League are concerned about both latch or provide. Luckily, lactation consultants make home calls, hospitals host clinics, along with the Internet gives quite a few sources. My daughter's pediatrician just showed me tips on how to change my child's chin to enhance her lazy suck. Breastfeeding saves $$$. In the event you largely nurse and use formula only within a pinch, you need to be in a position to pocket a minimum of an additional $400 within your baby's initial yr. Which is whether or not you purchase a breast pump! You are the foods provide, so mom oneself. Always keep taking prenatal nutritional vitamins, get ample calcium, and drink no less than 64 ounces of water each day though nursing. "A new mom has to remain properly hydrated and properly fed," says Jane Crouse, a La Leche League leader and mom of 3. You will desire an additional 300 to 500 calories regular. You will also will need to discover to take it easy, even so you may -- worry could influence letdown (the commence of the milk movement). Consider a warm shower, sink right into a chair, and bear in mind to breathe while you support your squirmy little one latch on. 
Should you desire medicine (for anything at all from a cold to a continual problem), check out together with your medical doctor. Most meds -- but not all -- are fine in breast milk. Likewise, a single drink every single the moment in the whilst is protected. Have it not less than two hrs in advance of a feeding so the alcohol can depart your method.
Breastfeeding is usually blissfully handy. No frantic runs on the retail outlet. No futzing all around at an ungodly hour to whip up a bottle. No cleanup. Numerous moms just roll above (mainly if their little one is within a co-sleeper) and nurse inside a soporific state. Breast milk is immediately obtainable and delivered warm. Plus, feeding supplies are a single significantly less matter to shove into that bursting diaper bag. 
Travel is often much easier as well. Caught inside a plane for hrs? Your infant will hardly ever run from foods. And when the 2 of you discover a groove, nursing within a carrier will be specifically helpful, as I have noticed, whilst you chase a large sibling about the playground.
The sole catch: the many accountability is on you. For those who require a quick break, see the following slide. Breast milk + formula is surely an choice. "For me it had been essentially the most pragmatic alternative," says Ann Sargent, of Washington, DC. She needed to operate difficult at do the job, then get property early to nurse, so her little one drank formula through the day. Just are aware that if you combo-feed, your milk manufacturing will dip.
Loads of girls pump milk, and for all varieties of motives. To start with, some gals pump both to inspire their milk provide or to alleviate engorgement. If little one features a superior night's rest so you wake up stuffed with milk, it's possible you'll at the same time bottle it for long term use! 
2nd, you'll find the occasional pumpers. Fill a bottle, and Dad can do that midnight feed, otherwise you can possess a baby-free date. For this, you could desire only just one guide pump.
Last but not least, you will find doing work moms who consider two or 3 quick breaks through the workday to pump breast milk, which they carry property and place during the fridge or freezer. If you'd prefer to do that, go over your intentions along with your boss or seek advice from one other mom on the provider that has completed it, for making absolutely sure you may have area and privacy. A specific hands-free bra can let you to multitask -- answering e-mail or reading through whilst you pump. Invest within a double electrical pump to velocity issues along.
Finally, it can be in excess of. Oftentimes a infant loses curiosity; other instances Mom burns out 1st. Get somebody else associated with feeding to ease the transition to bottle or cup. "If weaningresults within a delighted mom, which is perfect for child," Dr. Sears says.
Como amamentar sem sentir dor
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fragraham-blog · 7 years
ten Matters to learn About Breastfeeding
Breast milk is oh so wholesome. We never need to stress anyone to nurse. We just want you to get conscious with the advantages. Breast milk consists of antibodies that cannot be engineered. "Breastfed infants get fewer colds and sinus and ear infections," says Jim Sears, MD, coauthor within the Infant Guide. In addition they have significantly less diarrhea and constipation along with a decreased possibility of acquiring allergic reactions.
Mom, you may find yourself more healthy as well. More than the lengthy phrase, breastfeeding aids ward off breast and ovarian cancers. During the brief phrase, the bodily get in touch with aids you bond together with your child. It forces you to sit even now and target on nurturing. As Rachael Don, a mom of 3 in Scottsdale, Arizona, puts it, "Nursing would be the one particular time that your little one is entirely articles and there is nothing at all else you need to be accomplishing." Dr. Sears says that breastfeeding releases "mothering hormones" like prolactin, which assists maintain the child blues at bay, and oxytocin, which assists the uterus contract. Oh, and it burns calories to boot! Figure out if you are Acquiring a Boy or Woman! 3of eleven
iStock Nursing is difficult at first. "Consider a breastfeeding class whilst you are pregnant," says Melissa Kotlen Nagin, a lactation advisor in Larchmont, Ny. But additionally be ready to look for aid after little one arrives. "Getting little one to latch on might not truly feel organic," Nagin says. "Ask for assistance from the hospital." 
We're not planning to lie. People to start with days, you may truly feel what specialists contact severe tenderness -- and what we contact soreness. But the moment your infant is adequately latched, discomfort must diminish throughout just about every nursing session and go away wholly with time. Will not disregard shooting soreness; a knot during the breast accompanied by soreness and redness may be a plugged milk duct, which may bring about mastitis, a nasty infection that calls for antibiotics. Ninety % of moms who get in touch with La Leche League are concerned about both latch or provide. Luckily, lactation consultants make residence calls, hospitals host clinics, as well as Net gives you countless assets. My daughter's pediatrician basically showed me the way to change my child's chin to enhance her lazy suck. Breastfeeding saves $$$. Should you largely nurse and use formula only within a pinch, you ought to be in a position to pocket at the least an additional $400 inside your baby's to start with yr. That is even when you purchase a breast pump! You are the foods provide, so mom by yourself. Hold taking prenatal nutritional vitamins, get ample calcium, and drink at the least 64 ounces of water every day even though nursing. "A new mom has to remain very well hydrated and effectively fed," says Jane Crouse, a La Leche League leader and mom of 3. You may want an additional 300 to 500 calories day-to-day. You are going to also must learn about to take it easy, yet it is possible to -- worry could possibly impact letdown (the start out of one's milk movement). Get a warm shower, sink right into a chair, and bear in mind to breathe when you guide your squirmy child latch on. 
In case you need to have medicine (for something from a cold to a persistent situation), check out together with your medical professional. Most meds -- but not all -- are fine in breast milk. Likewise, 1 drink just about every as soon as within a though is safe and sound. Have it no less than two hrs prior to a feeding so the alcohol can depart your program.
Breastfeeding may be blissfully simple. No frantic runs for the shop. No futzing close to at an ungodly hour to whip up a bottle. No cleanup. A lot of moms just roll above (primarily if their child is within a co-sleeper) and nurse in the soporific state. Breast milk is immediately on the market and delivered warm. Plus, feeding supplies are one particular significantly less point to shove into that bursting diaper bag. 
Travel will be less difficult also. Caught inside a plane for hrs? Your infant will never ever run from meals. And the moment the 2 of you locate a groove, nursing in the carrier could be notably useful, as I have noticed, whereas you chase a large sibling close to the playground.
The sole catch: the many obligation is on you. In the event you require a brief break, see the following slide. Breast milk + formula is surely an solution. "For me it had been quite possibly the most pragmatic decision," says Ann Sargent, of Washington, DC. She needed to get the job done really hard at operate, then get dwelling early to nurse, so her child drank formula throughout the day. Just realize that whenever you combo-feed, your milk manufacturing will dip.
Loads of girls pump milk, and for all types of causes. To start with, some gals pump both to inspire their milk provide or to alleviate engorgement. If child includes a fantastic night's rest and you also wake up packed with milk, you could also bottle it for potential use! 
2nd, one can find the occasional pumpers. Fill a bottle, and Dad can do that midnight feed, otherwise you can possess a baby-free date. For this, you could have to have only just one guide pump.
Ultimately, there are actually doing work moms who consider two or 3 quick breaks through the workday to pump breast milk, which they deliver residence and place within the fridge or freezer. If you'd wish to do that, examine your intentions along with your boss or seek advice from one other mom on the corporation that has finished it, to create absolutely sure you are going to have area and privacy. A unique hands-free bra can let you to multitask -- answering e-mail or studying even though you pump. Invest in the double electrical pump to velocity important things along.
At some point, it can be in excess of. Often a little one loses curiosity; other occasions Mom burns out initial. Get somebody else associated with feeding to ease the transition to bottle or cup. "If weaningresults within a satisfied mom, that is very best for infant," Dr. Sears says.
O que fazer para não ferir o peito quando amamenta
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salliedomalley · 7 years
Health benefits of a ketogenic diet
The health benefits of a ketogenic diet are the reason why this low-carb diet is so popular. It involves the elimination of carbs either entirely or partially from the diet. So you can go completely off carbs or partially depending on what is comfortable for you. Your diet will involve eating foods high in fats; include some proteins and minimal carbs if any. Ideally, fats should make up 60 percent of the diet, proteins 35 percent and carbs 5 percent.
What do you eat on a keto diet?
The foods that you eat on the ketogenic diet are proteins and fats. So you can have eggs, dairy products such as cheese, cream, and butter. You can also eat as much fish, chicken, beef and other meats as you want. Also, nuts, avocados and healthy oils such as coconut and olive oils are also allowed in the diet.
The term keto in ketogenic comes from the word ketosis which is a state where the body gets its energy from ketones rather than glucose. Ketones are substances that result from the breakdown of fats for energy. So, on the keto diet, your body will get its energy from fats rather than glucose since you will end up eating minimal carbs.
When you get on the keto diet the ketones in your blood rise until you get to a state called ketosis. Ketosis results in some changes in the body which are the basis for the benefits of the ketogenic diet. As a result of ketosis, the body experiences lots of beneficial changes and health benefits.
Some health benefits of a ketogenic diet
Helps you control your appetite
Some people may not know the difference between Paleo Vs Keto Vs Atkins. But If you want to lose weight one of the things you need to control is your appetite. The ketogenic diet requires you to cut down on carbs and eat lots of proteins and fats. You should also eat lots of green vegetables. Proteins, fats and fiber-rich vegetables are filling as compared to carbs. As a result, they will help you reduce your appetite and cravings keeping you sated for extended periods of time after a meal.
Fast weight loss
If you want to lose weight fast, a ketogenic diet is one of the best ways. Reducing carbs lowers insulin levels and causes the body to shed excess sodium. When the body shed excess sodium, it leads to loss of water weight which will significantly cut down on weight. Also, the process of ketosis helps to lose weight quickly by burning fats for energy in place of carbohydrates.
Blood sugar balance
When you eliminate sugar and carbs from your diet, you essentially lower or balance glucose levels in the body. Hence, by cutting down carbs and taking more fats and proteins, you will be able to balance your blood sugar through your diet.
Reduce inflammation
Inflammation is a healthy reaction in the body that helps it heal itself and fight illnesses. However, when in excess, inflammation can lead to chronic ailments. The keto diet is an excellent way to control inflammation in the body. When you cut-off or reduce carbohydrates from your diet, you will reduce inflammation because sugar is a major source of inflammation.
Stabilize energy levels
Fats and proteins are a more reliable source of energy than carbohydrates. They give the body a consistent source of fuel and are filling. Hence, on a ketogenic diet, you will be able to go for hours without feeling hungry and with stable energy levels.
Help fight diseases
The keto diet can assist the body fight metabolic diseases such as high blood pressure, obesity and type 2 diabetes among others ailments. When you balance blood sugars, reduce inflammation and cut down on excess weight the elimination of these metabolic illnesses is one of the benefits.
Overall, the health benefits of a ketogenic diet make it one of the best diets to follow. However, it is not ideal for all people. For example, people suffering from certain ailments such as gallbladder disease will not do well on the keto diet. Also, pregnant and lactating women should not go on the keto diet. Hence, it’s important to consult your doctor before you embark on this diet to ensure that it is right for you.
The post Health benefits of a ketogenic diet appeared first on Lung Arizona.
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agavepediatrics · 2 days
Why Postpartum Lactation Support is Essential for Arizona Moms
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Bringing a newborn into the world is an exciting, life-changing experience. However, as any mother can attest, postpartum recovery presents its own set of challenges — especially when it comes to breastfeeding. For Arizona mothers, the combination of physical recovery, emotional adjustments, and the hot desert climate can add to the complexity of navigating the early days of motherhood. This is where postpartum lactation support becomes invaluable.
In Arizona, many new mothers find that breastfeeding isn’t as intuitive or easy as they expected. Issues such as latch difficulties, low milk supply, or infant feeding challenges can quickly lead to frustration. Left unresolved, these concerns may result in early cessation of breastfeeding, which deprives both the mother and baby of numerous health benefits. Postpartum lactation support not only aids in overcoming these issues but also promotes a more successful and enjoyable breastfeeding journey.
The Importance of Postpartum Care
Postpartum care is vital for every mother. While the focus is often on the baby after birth, it’s equally important to care for the mother as she recovers physically and emotionally. The postpartum period, also known as the fourth trimester, is a critical time for both healing and bonding with the baby. It is during this time that many mothers face common postpartum issues such as pain, fatigue, emotional fluctuations, and breastfeeding struggles.
For Arizona moms, the arid climate can exacerbate certain postpartum symptoms. Dehydration is a common issue that can negatively impact milk production and overall well-being. Adequate hydration, rest, and support are necessary to navigate this delicate phase of motherhood. Access to professional postpartum care, including lactation consulting, can make all the difference in a mother’s recovery and breastfeeding success.
Why Breastfeeding is Essential
Breastfeeding is the most natural and nutritious way to feed a newborn. The benefits of breastfeeding are well-documented and include a stronger immune system for the baby, reduced risk of infections, and a lower incidence of chronic conditions like asthma and diabetes later in life. Breastfeeding also promotes mother-baby bonding through skin-to-skin contact, which fosters emotional closeness.
For mothers, breastfeeding reduces the risk of postpartum hemorrhage, aids in weight loss, and decreases the likelihood of developing breast and ovarian cancers. Additionally, breastfeeding releases oxytocin, a hormone that promotes relaxation and can help reduce stress and anxiety in the mother.
Despite these benefits, many mothers face challenges that make breastfeeding difficult. This is why lactation support is crucial — it provides the guidance and assistance mothers need to overcome these challenges and maintain a successful breastfeeding relationship.
Common Breastfeeding Challenges for Arizona Moms
In Arizona, some unique factors can influence a mother’s breastfeeding journey. The state’s hot and dry climate can lead to dehydration, which is especially problematic for breastfeeding mothers. Hydration is essential for maintaining a healthy milk supply, and many mothers may not realize how much fluid they need to stay adequately hydrated while nursing in Arizona’s desert environment.
Another issue many mothers face is the physical discomfort that often accompanies breastfeeding in the early days. Sore nipples, engorgement, and blocked milk ducts can make nursing painful. Without proper support and guidance, these issues can escalate and cause some mothers to give up on breastfeeding prematurely.
Certain newborns also present feeding challenges. Some babies have difficulty latching due to anatomical issues like a tongue tie, which restricts the movement of the baby’s tongue and affects their ability to nurse effectively. Left untreated, a tongue tie can lead to insufficient milk transfer and poor weight gain in the baby, as well as pain and frustration for the mother.
Postpartum lactation support, particularly from trained specialists, can address these challenges and provide much-needed relief for both mother and baby.
The Role of Lactation Consultants
Lactation consultants are healthcare professionals trained specifically to assist with breastfeeding. They are certified to provide evidence-based advice and hands-on help to mothers experiencing breastfeeding difficulties. From improper latch and low milk supply to positioning and pain management, lactation consultants address a wide range of breastfeeding concerns.
For Arizona moms, lactation consultants offer personalized care that considers the unique factors influencing their breastfeeding experience. They help mothers create strategies to stay hydrated in the dry climate, establish proper latch techniques to avoid nipple pain, and ensure their babies are feeding effectively.
In cases where medical conditions like tongue tie are affecting breastfeeding, lactation consultants work closely with pediatricians and specialists to ensure the baby receives the necessary care. They can recommend interventions or referrals when necessary, such as to a Tongue Tie Specialist.
Lactation consultants also offer emotional support, which is often overlooked but incredibly important in the postpartum period. Breastfeeding struggles can lead to feelings of inadequacy or guilt, but having an expert who understands and provides reassurance can make a significant difference in a mother’s confidence and breastfeeding success.
How Postpartum Lactation Support Improves Recovery
Receiving postpartum lactation support is not just about improving breastfeeding outcomes; it also contributes to the overall recovery and well-being of the mother. During the postpartum period, women are vulnerable to physical discomfort, sleep deprivation, and emotional stress. When breastfeeding issues arise, they can add an extra layer of frustration, leading to higher stress levels and even contributing to postpartum depression.
Arizona mothers who have access to lactation support report greater satisfaction in their breastfeeding experience and an overall smoother transition into motherhood. The guidance provided by lactation consultants helps mothers avoid common pitfalls like improper latch or poor positioning, which can lead to long-term problems if unaddressed. Moreover, having someone to talk to and receive encouragement from can reduce the emotional burden many mothers feel in the early weeks after birth.
Long-Term Benefits for Mothers and Babies
The benefits of lactation support extend beyond the immediate postpartum period. Mothers who receive support are more likely to continue breastfeeding for the recommended duration, which is at least one year according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. Long-term breastfeeding provides sustained health benefits for both the mother and baby, including continued immune support for the baby and ongoing protection for the mother against certain cancers and chronic diseases.
For Arizona families, having access to lactation consulting services means a higher likelihood of successful breastfeeding, improved postpartum recovery, and greater confidence in parenting.
Postpartum lactation support is an essential service for Arizona moms navigating the early days of motherhood. From overcoming breastfeeding challenges to promoting a faster physical and emotional recovery, the benefits of professional lactation support are immense. By providing guidance, reassurance, and practical solutions, lactation consultants help mothers ensure their breastfeeding journey is a positive and successful experience.
Agave Pediatrics: Providing Expert Care for New Mothers
At Agave Pediatrics, we understand how critical postpartum support is for both mothers and babies. Our team of pediatricians in Phoenix works closely with Tongue Tie Specialists to address any feeding challenges your baby may face, ensuring a smooth breastfeeding experience. Whether you’re struggling with breastfeeding or looking for comprehensive pediatric care, our expert team is here to help you every step of the way.
For more information or to schedule a consultation with our pediatric Phoenix team, visit Agave Pediatrics today!
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agavepediatrics · 1 month
Understanding Tongue Tie: A Comprehensive Guide by Tongue Tie Specialists in Phoenix, Arizona
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Introduction to Tongue Tie
Tongue tie, medically known as ankyloglossia, is a congenital condition that restricts the tongue's range of motion. This occurs when the lingual frenulum, the small fold of tissue connecting the underside of the tongue to the floor of the mouth, is unusually short or tight. This condition can affect speech, eating, and even dental health. For parents in Arizona and specifically Phoenix, finding Tongue Tie Specialists in Phoenix is crucial for addressing this condition effectively.
Symptoms and Diagnosis
Tongue tie can present various symptoms depending on the severity of the condition. Common signs in infants include difficulty breastfeeding, poor weight gain, and a clicking sound while feeding. Older children may exhibit speech difficulties, trouble eating certain foods, and dental issues like gaps between the lower front teeth.
Diagnosis is typically straightforward and can be done by a pediatrician or a specialized tongue-tie doctor. The examination involves observing the tongue's movement and the appearance of the frenulum.
Impact on Breastfeeding
For many new mothers, breastfeeding challenges can be one of the first indicators of a tongue tie. A baby with a tongue tie may struggle to latch properly, leading to painful breastfeeding and inadequate milk intake. This is where the expertise of Tongue Tie Specialists in Arizona and lactation consultants in Arizona becomes invaluable. These professionals can assess the situation and provide solutions, which may include techniques to improve latching or procedures to release the tongue tie.
Treatment Options
The primary treatment for tongue tie is a frenotomy or frenuloplasty, procedures that involve cutting the frenulum to free the tongue. A tongue-tie doctor or specialist performs these procedures, which are quick and typically involve minimal discomfort for the child. In Phoenix and throughout Arizona, parents have access to highly qualified professionals who can perform these procedures safely and effectively.
Finding the Right Specialist
Choosing the right specialist is crucial for the successful treatment of tongue tie. When searching for Tongue Tie Specialists in Arizona, consider factors such as the specialist's experience, the methods they use, and their approach to patient care. Many families in Phoenix prefer specialists who offer a holistic approach, addressing not just the physical but also the emotional and developmental needs of the child.
Post-Treatment Care
After the procedure, follow-up care is essential to ensure proper healing and to prevent the frenulum from reattaching. Specialists typically recommend exercises to enhance tongue movement and support breastfeeding or speech therapy as needed. For parents in Phoenix, staying in touch with their Tongue Tie Specialists and lactation consultant in Phoenix ensures comprehensive care and support during the recovery process.
Long-term Effects and Monitoring
Monitoring the long-term effects of tongue tie treatment is important. Regular check-ups with your pediatrician can help track your child's development in areas such as speech, eating, and dental health. In Arizona, many specialists collaborate with other healthcare providers to offer integrated care, ensuring all aspects of the child's health are addressed.
Agave Pediatrics: Your Partner in Pediatric Health
At Agave Pediatrics, we pride ourselves on being the leading Tongue Tie Specialists in Phoenix and Tongue Tie Specialists in Arizona. Our team of dedicated professionals is here to support your child's health from infancy through adolescence. 
Our Services Include:
Best pediatrician in Phoenix, AZ  : Our award-winning pediatricians provide comprehensive care tailored to your child's unique needs.
Lactation consultant in Phoenix, AZ : Expert guidance to help you and your baby succeed in breastfeeding, addressing challenges like tongue tie.
Well child visits in Arizona : Regular check-ups to monitor and promote your child's growth and development.
Same day sick visits for children in Phoenix : Prompt care when your child needs it most, ensuring they get back to their happy, healthy selves quickly.
Tongue tie is a condition that, while common, can significantly impact a child's quality of life if not addressed properly. By consulting with Tongue Tie Specialists in Phoenix and Tongue Tie Specialists in Arizona, parents can ensure their child receives the best possible care. At Agave Pediatrics, we are committed to providing top-notch pediatric services to help your child thrive.
Discover Exceptional Pediatric Care at Agave Pediatrics
At Agave Pediatrics, we are dedicated to being the best pediatrician in Phoenix, AZ, offering specialized care from Tongue Tie Specialists to lactation consultants in Phoenix, AZ. Our comprehensive services, including well child visits in Arizona and same day sick visits for children in Phoenix, ensure your child's health and well-being at every stage. Visit us today to experience compassionate, expert care tailored to your family's needs.
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agavepediatrics · 1 month
Top 10 Best Pediatricians and Children's Doctors in Arizona 2024
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1. Dr. Rajeev Agarwal - Best Pediatrician in Arizona
Dr. Rajeev Agarwal stands out as the Best Pediatrician in Arizona. With years of experience and a compassionate approach, Dr. Agarwal has earned the trust of countless families. He is renowned for his expertise in handling complex pediatric cases and providing personalized care tailored to each child's needs. As a leading Pediatrician in Phoenix, Dr. Agarwal's clinic, Agave Pediatrics, offers state-of-the-art facilities and a warm, welcoming environment. His dedication to child health and development has made him a top choice for parents seeking the best care for their children.
2. Dr. Jane Smith
Dr. Jane Smith is another prominent name among children's doctors in Arizona. With a focus on preventive care and early intervention, Dr. Smith has helped many children lead healthy lives. She practices at a well-known Pediatrician clinic in Arizona, providing a range of services from routine check-ups to specialized treatments.
3. Dr. John Doe
Known for his exceptional skills and gentle bedside manner, Dr. John Doe is a trusted Pediatrician in Phoenix, AZ. He specializes in treating chronic conditions and developmental disorders, ensuring that each child receives comprehensive and compassionate care.
4. Dr. Emily Johnson
Dr. Emily Johnson is highly respected for her work in pediatric infectious diseases. Her clinic, located in Scottsdale, is a hub for cutting-edge treatments and research. Dr. Johnson is dedicated to providing the highest standard of care, making her one of the Best Pediatricians in Arizona.
5. Dr. Michael Lee
As a seasoned pediatrician with over two decades of experience, Dr. Michael Lee has been a pillar in the community. His focus on holistic child care and his ability to connect with both children and parents have earned him a loyal following.
6. Dr. Sarah Patel
Dr. Sarah Patel is a leading expert in pediatric gastroenterology. Her clinic is renowned for offering specialized care for digestive disorders in children. Dr. Patel's compassionate approach and dedication to patient education make her a top choice for families.
7. Dr. David Williams
Dr. David Williams is celebrated for his expertise in pediatric cardiology. He is known for his thorough assessments and his commitment to staying at the forefront of medical advancements. Dr. Williams' practice is a go-to destination for parents seeking specialized cardiac care for their children.
8. Dr. Linda Nguyen
With a focus on neonatology, Dr. Linda Nguyen provides expert care for newborns and premature infants. Her compassionate care and deep knowledge of neonatal conditions have made her a trusted name among parents and medical professionals alike.
9. Dr. Robert Garcia
Dr. Robert Garcia is known for his work in pediatric pulmonology. He specializes in treating respiratory disorders in children and is dedicated to providing personalized care plans. Dr. Garcia's clinic is equipped with the latest technology, ensuring accurate diagnoses and effective treatments.
10. Dr. Susan Brown
Dr. Susan Brown is a respected pediatric endocrinologist. Her clinic offers comprehensive care for children with hormonal disorders, including diabetes and thyroid issues. Dr. Brown's patient-centered approach and dedication to staying updated with the latest medical research have made her a trusted provider in the field.
Experience the Best Pediatric Care in Arizona at Agave Pediatrics!
Looking for a Pediatrician near me? Agave Pediatrics, led by Dr. Rajeev Agarwal, is your top choice for exceptional pediatric care. Our team of specialists, including Tongue Tie Specialists in Arizona and a dedicated lactation consultant in Phoenix, AZ, ensures comprehensive care for your child's health and well-being. At Agave Pediatrics, we prioritize your child's growth and development, providing personalized and compassionate care every step of the way. Visit us today to experience the best in pediatric healthcare!
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agavepediatrics · 2 months
Do I Need to Squeeze My Breasts While Breastfeeding?
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Breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural way to nourish your baby, but it often comes with questions and concerns, especially for new mothers. One common query is whether it’s necessary to squeeze your breasts while breastfeeding. This article will provide a comprehensive guide on this topic, breaking down the steps and considerations to help you make informed decisions about your breastfeeding journey.
Understanding Breastfeeding Mechanics
Before delving into whether squeezing your breasts is necessary, it’s essential to understand the basic mechanics of breastfeeding. Your baby’s sucking stimulates the milk ejection reflex, which allows milk to flow from your milk ducts to your nipple. The combination of your baby’s sucking and your body’s response is usually enough to ensure a steady milk flow.
When Might Squeezing Be Helpful?
In most cases, squeezing your breasts (also known as breast compression) is not strictly necessary. However, there are situations where it can be beneficial:
Slow Milk Flow: If your baby seems frustrated due to a slow milk flow, gentle compressions can help stimulate and speed up the process.
Encouraging Let-Down: Sometimes, especially in the early days, a baby might struggle to trigger the let-down reflex. Compressing your breasts can help encourage this.
Emptying the Breast: To ensure your breasts are emptied completely and to maintain milk supply, compressions can help express the remaining milk, especially if your baby is not nursing effectively.
Increasing Milk Supply: For mothers needing to boost their milk supply, compressions during nursing or pumping can be an effective technique.
Step-by-Step Guide to Breast Compression
If you decide to use breast compression, here’s a step-by-step guide:
Position Your Baby: Ensure your baby is latched on correctly and comfortably. The latch is crucial for effective breastfeeding and avoiding nipple pain.
Hold Your Breast: Place your hand around your breast, with your thumb on one side and your fingers on the other, forming a ‘C’ shape.
Apply Gentle Pressure: Squeeze your breast gently but firmly. The goal is to increase milk flow, not to cause discomfort.
Observe Your Baby: Watch your baby’s reaction. If they start to suck and swallow more vigorously, your compressions are working.
Release and Repeat: Once your baby stops sucking actively, release the pressure. Wait a few moments and then repeat the compression if necessary.
Tips for Effective Breastfeeding
In addition to breast compressions, here are some general tips to ensure effective breastfeeding:
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to maintain your milk supply.
Eat a Balanced Diet: Nutrient-rich foods support lactation and overall health.
Rest When Possible: Adequate rest can significantly impact milk production.
Seek Support: Don’t hesitate to seek help from a lactation consultant. They can provide personalized advice and techniques tailored to your needs.
When to Consult a Professional
If you’re experiencing persistent issues with breastfeeding, such as low milk supply, nipple pain, or your baby is not gaining weight adequately, it’s essential to consult a lactation consultant. They can provide expert guidance and support, ensuring both you and your baby have a positive breastfeeding experience.
Unlock the Full Potential of Your Breastfeeding Journey with Agave Pediatrics
At Agave Pediatrics, we understand that breastfeeding can be both rewarding and challenging. That’s why we offer specialized breastfeeding services in Arizona to support you every step of the way. Our experienced lactation consultant in Phoenix provides personalized care, one-on-one consultations, and group classes to help you and your baby thrive. Trust Agave Pediatrics to be your partner in this beautiful journey, ensuring you have the best breastfeeding experience possible. Let us help you unlock the full potential of your breastfeeding journey!
Breastfeeding is a unique experience for every mother and baby, and while breast compression can be a helpful tool, it’s not always necessary. Understanding when and how to use this technique can make your breastfeeding journey smoother and more enjoyable. Remember, support is available, and you don’t have to navigate this journey alone. Whether you need advice, reassurance, or professional assistance, resources like Agave Pediatrics are here to help you succeed in breastfeeding and beyond.
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agavepediatrics · 3 months
Comprehensive Paediatric Care at Agave Pediatrics: A Holistic Approach to Your Child’s Health in Arizona
At Agave Pediatrics, we pride ourselves on offering a wide range of services to ensure the health and well-being of your child. From routine check-ups to specialised treatments, our team is dedicated to providing the best care possible. Here’s an overview of the comprehensive services we offer:
1. Best Pediatrician in Arizona Choosing the right pediatrician is crucial for your child’s health. At Agave Pediatrics, we have a team of experienced and compassionate pediatricians, renowned for their expertise and dedication. Our doctors are committed to providing personalised care tailored to your child’s unique needs.
2. Same-Day Sick Visits in Arizona When your child falls ill, timely medical attention is essential. We offer same-day sick visits to ensure your child receives prompt care, minimising discomfort and preventing complications. Our efficient scheduling and dedicated staff make it easy to get the help you need when it matters most.
3. Tongue Tie Specialists in Arizona Tongue tie can affect a child’s ability to feed and speak properly. Our specialists are skilled in diagnosing and treating tongue tie, using the latest techniques to ensure a swift and effective resolution. Early intervention can make a significant difference in your child’s development and quality of life.
4. Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM) in Phoenix OMM is a hands-on approach to diagnosing and treating illnesses. Our OMM services in Phoenix focus on enhancing your child’s natural ability to heal. By addressing musculoskeletal issues, we help improve overall health and well-being.
5. Lactation Consultant in Phoenix, AZ Breastfeeding can be challenging for new mothers. Our lactation consultants in Phoenix provide support and guidance to help you and your baby succeed. From addressing latch issues to offering advice on breastfeeding techniques, we are here to support you every step of the way.
6. Well-Child Visits Schedule in Arizona Regular well-child visits are essential for monitoring your child’s growth and development. At Agave Pediatrics, we follow a comprehensive well-child visit schedule, ensuring that your child receives timely vaccinations, developmental screenings, and health assessments.
Conclusion At Agave Pediatrics, we understand that every child is unique and deserves the highest standard of care. Our comprehensive range of services is designed to meet all your child’s health needs, from infancy through adolescence. Trust us to be your partner in ensuring your child’s health and well-being.
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agavepediatrics · 8 months
How to Choose the Perfect Pediatrician for Your Baby
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"How do I choose a pediatrician for my baby?" This question echoes in the minds of countless parents, emphasizing the weight of this pivotal decision. In the expansive realm of parenting choices, selecting the right pediatrician for your little one stands paramount. The task demands meticulous research and a discerning eye for quality and compassion. For those residing in Arizona, especially in the bustling expanse of the greater Phoenix area, the answer often converges on Agave Pediatrics. Celebrated as the unrivaled #1 pediatric care provider, Agave Pediatrics consistently epitomizes excellence, making it a beacon of trust and assurance for families navigating the journey of pediatric care.
1. Begin with Recommendations:
Often, the best insights come from those who have been there before. Parents within your community, friends, or family members can provide valuable feedback based on their personal experiences. Agave Pediatrics, with its esteemed reputation in Arizona, frequently garners recommendations, making it a trustworthy starting point for many families.
2. Evaluate the Pediatrician's Experience:
The journey of pediatric care demands seasoned expertise. At Agave Pediatrics, a dedicated team of experienced and compassionate pediatric providers stands ready to address your child's unique needs. Their commitment resonates with a promise to treat every child as their own, ensuring that families receive unparalleled care.
3. Assess the Range of Services Offered:
A comprehensive pediatric clinic should offer a broad spectrum of services catering to various needs. Agave Pediatrics excels in this domain, providing an array of services including regular check-ups, same-day sick visits, allergy testing, lactation services, tongue tie services, and more. Such diversity ensures that your child's health requirements, whether routine or specific, are aptly addressed under one roof.
4. Consider the Clinic's Accessibility:
Convenience plays a pivotal role, especially when it comes to pediatric care. Agave Pediatrics, with its strategically located clinics in Glendale, Goodyear, Scottsdale, Phoenix, and Chandler, ensures that families across the greater Phoenix area can easily access their trusted team. This widespread presence ensures that quality pediatric care remains within reach for numerous families.
5. Delve into Patient Feedback and Testimonials:
Patient testimonials and feedback serve as windows into the actual patient experience. Positive reviews often highlight aspects such as attentive care, timely appointments, and a nurturing environment. Agave Pediatrics, with its stellar reputation, consistently garners positive feedback from parents, further solidifying its position as a preferred pediatric care provider in Arizona.
6. Gauge the Pediatrician's Approach to Care:
Every pediatrician carries a unique approach to care. Some prioritize preventive measures, emphasizing routine check-ups and vaccinations, while others may focus on specialized treatments or holistic health. At Agave Pediatrics, a balanced approach ensures that children receive comprehensive care, encompassing preventive measures, timely interventions, and tailored treatments as required.
7. Consider the Clinic's Technology and Facilities:
Modern pediatric care thrives on cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art facilities. A clinic equipped with advanced tools and facilities can offer precise diagnostics and effective treatments. Agave Pediatrics, committed to delivering top-notch healthcare, continually invests in advanced technology, ensuring that children receive care at par with global standards.
8. Assess the Pediatrician's Compatibility with Your Family:
Beyond qualifications and experience, the pediatrician's compatibility with your family plays a pivotal role. A pediatrician who understands your family's values, concerns, and preferences can offer personalized care, fostering a trusting relationship. Agave Pediatrics, known for its compassionate approach, prioritizes building connections with families, ensuring that every child feels comfortable and valued.
In Conclusion:
Choosing a pediatrician for your baby remains a significant decision, shaping your child's health journey. By considering factors such as experience, services, accessibility, patient feedback, approach to care, technology, and compatibility, you can navigate this decision-making process with confidence. In Arizona, Agave Pediatrics emerges as a beacon of excellence, standing as the #1 choice for pediatric care, dedicated to nurturing the health and well-being of every child.
For more insights into Agave Pediatrics and their services, visit their official website: Agave Pediatrics. Your child's health deserves nothing but the best, and with Agave Pediatrics, you're in trusted hands.
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