#lace yaps
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theodditylacey · 4 months ago
wanted to hop on here and say a few things about the US election. i usually will try not to make my blog political but i have to say something.
if you are at least eighteen, american and can access voting, go vote. and vote for kamala harris.
i sure don't agree with kamala harris on everything. i don't condone the party's support of israel. but you HAVE to vote for harris this election
voting for a third party is a vote for trump.
go vote.
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teshiee · 30 days ago
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i did not think this out much...at all, but drawing it was a lotta fun!
also i almost made lloyd veronica but i changed it to nya before i even started working on the. actual heather trio so yay!!
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kitnita · 1 day ago
dallasstars: like we said: don’t lose at rock-paper-scissors 🪨📄✂️
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xxgoldie · 2 months ago
Ooouaaghhh imagine surprising lighter for his birthday with like, lacy white lingerie or smth. I can’t decide if he’d jump his partner’s bones or take his time being all romantic and sappy lol
completely forgot abt this ask but like. ughhhhhh I love him. had this vibe in the birthday fic I wrote for him but kinda derailed it even tho it's such a yummy idea. I think he'd definitely be extra loving on his birthday; it's a tough day for him, he's a bit emotionally raw and you taking the time to make him feel loved and cared for has him feeling extra appreciative of you. but at the same time, he gets a bit feral when he sees you in lingerie. lighter fucking Loves it when you dress up for him, and presenting yourself as a gift for him? every single horny alarm in his head is blaring at full volume.
he ends up being so loving but so insatiable, just can't get enough of you (even more so than usual). feeling you up and kissing every inch of skin he can get to, he's less brutal in his pace than unusual, but his thrusts are still sharp and precise, taking his time watching your reactions at every one, taking in how pretty you look in that pretty white lace. he makes you cum so so many times, even as you're overstimulated and crying that it's too much, he's telling you that come on, surely you can give him one more, its his birthday.
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bigrhet · 1 month ago
I think one of the many funny unexplored things in DAV is that humans have nothing to do with shit tbh. The Qun isn’t really involved, but where it is it’s still not related to Tevinter/humans. The main beef is elves and dwarves. The humans (including Rook, which arguably makes it funnier) have NOTHING to do with any of that. Going to do Harding quest as a human Rook, bringing Neve or Lucanis or Emmrich is peak comedy. They’re about to be crushed under a mountain, the way Harding’s talking like she’s about to ressurect the Titan’s RIGHT THERE and send the world of Thedas as known into more chaos and disarray…
Harding: The Elves stole everything from us! The Titan’s deserve their revenge!
Human Rook, along with their human companion, about to be crushed by rocks and angry titan crystals: [rapidly patting Harding’s shoulder] HEY! Hey hey hey hey hey Harddinggg
Harding: ??
Human Rook & companion: We don’t have anything to do with this PLEASE STOP TAKING IT OUT ON US
Poor humans in Thedas. Always wrapped up in some ancestral shit they have nothing to do with. They were just there knocking sticks together and making fire when Solas stole the blood from the Titans.
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championofthefade · 2 months ago
Warning!! This post may contain spoilers for those who haven't played Veilguard yet! This turned out a lot longer than I thought, but I'm discussing the theory that Rook is a spirit.
I know that there are issues with the writing and any theory is not created to make those issues get swept under the rug. This theory is meant to be fun, and I would like to talk about it.
I'm thinking about the "Rook is a spirit" theory I saw on twitter/x. This theory often rotates in my head often, and I think that it's so interesting.
Like, listen. I understand that narratively it would be complicated to insert into what we know is Dragon Age Veilguard. Someone brought up the fact that it would be a strange thing because wouldn't Emmrich know that Rook is a spirit the way that he knows Lucanis has Spite?
But the theory that cadhalash paints for us is the fact that Varric was for Rook what the Rook is for the companions.
"Help them with their personal problems and talk to them about their feelings, but never ask Rook how they're doing. Or if they need anything. In codex memos we learn the companions have potlucks and book clubs but Rook is not invited. We learn at the end that Varric wasn't really there... What if Rook wasn't either? There's tons of chat about this idea now with other examples of Rook being compared to a spirit in the game. Very interesting and fun!" -cadhalash
There could be the very huge chance that Emmrich would recognize Rook as a spirit, but what about a spirit made flesh?
Think about Cole's banter with Blackwall, for example:
Blackwall: How does a spirit become flesh anyway?
Cole: I don't know. How does a Warden become Grey?
It may seem like a reach, but to me, it makes sense. Cole chose to become human because that was the shape that would help, which he says in a banter with Varric.
Varric: So, Kid, why human?
Cole: It was the shape that would help.
Varric: Huh. Most people don't pick a shape. I guess I was hoping for something deeper with that question.
Cole: It had to be him. But harmless. The him he wanted that wouldn't hurt.
Varric: Well that's... deeper. I think.
You may be thinking, "Hey, Atlas. That might be a little reaching, don't you think?"
Well, yes. Applauding the people that caught onto Solas in the Dragon Age Fandom years and years ago now because you all were on the nose about him being a worm (spirit). But considering what we know from Dragon Age as a whole, it could be possible that Rook is too a spirit of a different kind.
We know that Emmrich can sense Spite. We know that Emmrich can talk directly to Spite. But what if Rook was more like Cole? Would Emmrich's ability to speak to spirits or sense them so close apply?
I would say, that depends on the type of Spirit that Rook would be, right? This has a lot of wiggle room for what you think your Rook would be as a spirit?
From the Wiki:
Spirits lack imagination and creativity; everything they make is based off something made by mortals. Whether benevolent or malevolent, most spirits cannot help but mine a Fade visitor's mind for their thoughts and memories. They then mimic the pieces of life they see by shaping the Fade into various realms that cater to the unconscious desires of the living, providing experiences to the sleeping that become their "dreams."
And the Spirits listed:
Command, Compassion (Cole), Courage, Curiosity (Manfred), Duty, Faith (Wynne), Honor, Hope, Justice(Anders), Learning, Love, Perseverance, Purpose, Valor, Wisdom (Solas).
(We know from Veilguard that Spite is referred to as a spirit of Determination/ mentioned in a data mine, Passion.)
For the sake of the theory, let's say that Emmrich would get an inkling. A prickling feeling even that he knows that there's a spirit near by and would chalk it up to being Manfred because he would know that, right? But then there's Spite. How big of an energy read does Emmrich get from Lucanis to immediately go, 'Yeah, you've got a tag along and I'm sorry it wasn't a willing possession'.
So, how would it get unnoticed by Emmrich, the resident Fade Expert?
Well... Reading further down said wiki page, we find this:
As Rhys puts it in a dialogue with Cole, "being important makes you real". (Asundered reference, I believe?)
Being important makes you real. Rook becomes the 'leader' when Varric gets hurt at the beginning of the game. For the entirety of the game, as Rook, you have to build a team to fight ancient elvhen gods. Rook has to be what Varric was, pulling people that Solas didn't know into trying to save the world from going to shit.
Rook was given a purpose. To save the world.
Regardless of how Rook is perceived, they are in charge. They are in a position that they didn't want, probably was expecting to go home after dealing with this Dread Wolf that they were recruited to stop, and now... They're given a role that would make them important. And as before being important makes you real.
Could Rook be something akin to Cole rather something like Spite or other spirits that we know in Veilguard?
Here's another thing: Solas.
Yes, we are talking about the egg. I'll try to keep this as coherent as possible. We know that Solas didn't want to come from the Fade to be a human (another discussion for another time). We learn that Solas was a spirit of Wisdom, whose Wisdom was twisted into a weapon and forced to do things that stripped Solas of what he wanted to keep for himself. To remain as Wisdom.
This makes it interesting if we add to the fact that Rook could choose to outsmart Solas. Because at that pivotal moment, Solas was Pride. On his pride, it was always the sword he would fall on.
Say what you will about the trick ending, but this is something that shouldn't be glossed over. Being outsmarted by Rook, Solas says, "I am a fool... Who has met his match."
Met his match. This also might be another case of reaching, but it's interesting phrasing from someone who tells clever half-truths and never quite lies. Being tricked by Rook out of pure wits alone. Something that he thought he succeeded in.
What does this have to do with spirits?
Solas, who was brought out of the Fade to take a body to join the elves in a fight against the Titans. Solas, who crafted the lyrium dagger to sunder the Titans from their dreams in hopes of stopping the war. Solas, who created the blight from the Titans' severed dreams. Solas, who started a rebellion against the ancient elvhen gods who abused their power.
Rook, who was brought onto a job to stop the Dread Wolf. Rook, who disrupted the ritual in hopes of stopping Solas. Rook, who started a double blight from freeing these ancient elvhen gods. Rook, who has to build a team to stop these ancient elven gods.
I would say, in spirit, Rook is a mirror of Solas. I'm not saying Rook is wise like Solas or anything like that. But there is something about Rook being Solas' mirror that could fold into Rook being a Spirit of Reflection.
This is just something that comes to mind. Rooks helps Taash discover their identity, helps Emmrich deal with his fear of mortality, helps Neve protect Dock Town, helps Bellara with Cyrian, helps Harding with the Titans, helps Davrin with the griffons, and helps Lucanis with Spite. (Generalized, all choice dependent.) These are reflections of the companions. These are reflections of the people that Rook had brought together to save the world.
It could easily be written off because we're not entirely sure how many spirits there are, but I digress.
Of course, that too would beg the question of how it would apply to all Rooks from all backgrounds?
Let's take a look at the ones that make me think.
Shadow Dragon Rook
The foundling Rook was adopted into a military family and joined the Shadow Dragons to fight from the shadows for change in Minrathous.
We learn in a dialogue with Tarquin that a Shadow Dragon Rook was found on a battlefield by the Mercar family.
Now with this little bit of dialogue, it makes me (personally) think back to what Solas says about him walking the Fade and seeing ancient battlefields where spirits reenact wars from the other side of the Veil. There could have been spirits that were there during this battle where SD Rook was found. (It also kinda reminds me of Loki being found by Odin and raised in Asgard. Don't come for me, I've only watched the movies.)
For the sake of theory, say that a spirit that would have looked over a SD Rook before they were found by the Mercars. Thinking about it, it reminds me of how Cole (the mage) was watched over by Compassion and then Compassion took a shape that would help.
A spirit (in Spite's case) can be drawn to a person, yes? As Determination, we know that Spite was drawn to Lucanis' determination to live or something of the like. (I will live to spite you, essentially.)
Mourn Watch Rook
Discovered by undead inside a Grand Necropolis tomb as an infant, Rook was raised by Mourn Watch necromancers, eventually joining the order.
Relating back to the Muttering Undead that is in a coffin on the path from Emmrich's recruitment:
Stumbling… The steps. Skeletons saw… Oh no choice. Had to be brave… Had to be brave… Too late to cry… Save the (girl, boy, baby) with the grave.
This is a little more open ended. We know nothing about Ingellvar beyond that. We don't know where they came from, only that they were found inside a tomb. It makes me scratch my head.
We know that it's a custom in Nevarra that a spirit could reanimate a skeleton, essentially, and bring some part of their consciousness from back across the Veil. We see that Manfred, when you choose to bring him back, is brought back from across the Veil and returns with magic.
Sure, it's not the same thing as building a body out of Titan's blood, but the idea that the spirits that became the Evanuris are the best of the physical and the Fade offers up to the idea that they were going to have magic anyway when they crossed the Veil. Only lyrium gave them more power than I think that they knew what to do with.
I make this point from the perspective that Mourn Watchers are typically necromancers. They are almost always close to places where the Veil is thin enough for a spirit to come across and possessing a body in a sense.
When it comes to the Muttering Undead, I don't know who that could have been or what they were doing in the Necropolis. But it's clear that they were determined to save Mourn Watch Rook, and they were the one that put Rook in the tomb.
This one makes me scratch my head because it's so broad and vague. For the theory that Rook is a spirit, this is the origin/background/faction that lends itself to the idea because in Nevarra they revere and respect their dead with the ability to raise the corpses to continue contributing to the Grand Necropolis. But we're talking about a wee baby Rook growing up in the Necropolis. Could it be possible that the saving of Rook is more spirit in a tomb?
The last things I would like to touch on.
Dialogue with Harding (her romance I believe?) :
Harding: I've seen spirits leave the Fade and become real people. (COLE!!!)
Rook: You think I could be a spirit in disguise?
Harding: It isn't malicous. They're just drawn to strong emotion. And then...one day, real people.
Rook: I think I'm really me, and I'm really here.
This is why I mentioned Cole earlier.
And the absence of Rook in the Veilguard mural is brought up in the theory as well. Rook's absence on the mural strikes me as odd. Because yes, the companions would be a main focus in the stories that would follow them. But what about Rook, the person who brought these vastly different people together and saved the world? Not there. Were they ever there?
Much to think about.
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officialzevran · 3 months ago
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5mcsinatrenchcoat · 3 months ago
(spoilers for Act 3)
Perhaps a hot take from me 'cause Davrin is dead in my game (I didn't know, I just kept Lace with me 'cause I romanced her)
But the way every time The Choice comes up the comments are full off "Sorry Harding I can't lose Assan like that", "It's Harding every time for me 'cause Assan is too important", "If Assan didn't jump with him it would be different but--"
Do any of you motherfuckers actually care about DAVRIN???
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ferryfoam · 8 months ago
I just watched Tears of the Prophets girl what was that ??? Jadzia deserved better than to be fucking fire blasted alone halfway through praying what the hell !?! And then there was a significant lack of send off ? They couldn't have done a brief funeral scene where everyone talks about how much she meant to them ?? That faceless captain who crashed on a random planet from a few episodes back got more of a send off than Jadzia come the fuck on man
I'm sure there are behind the scenes reasons why she was killed off (which I will look into shortly. I guess) but seriously they couldn't have given it even a little bit more care ? For the death of a beloved character ? Who's been there for 6 full seasons of show ?
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theodditylacey · 4 months ago
Oh! also forgot to ask what's your fav song?
probably forget her by jeff buckley!
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butchdykecxck · 2 months ago
there's something so special to me about lace
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superhaught · 9 months ago
Ya know I was pretty sure Lace Harding was gonna be my girl in DA:tV but Davrin be lookin’… 👀🥴🥵🫣😵‍💫
Am I… finally going to play a gay man?
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acidrain39 · 1 month ago
ngl i never really understood the concept of lingerie. like i guess its pijamas but sexy but… why even wear them if youre gonna be naked anyway???? im way too ace to get it i fear…
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spookythesillyfella · 2 months ago
Spooky, you’re probably asleep when I’m sending this but I really wanted to ask about Briefcase and Brendon’s relationship in their childhoods!! (I love them dearly and I wanna hear your au versions dynamic)
HII !!!!
yes . i waz indeed sleeping . BUT NOW – after getting done with all the mundane buizness of everyday – I CAN FINALLY ANSWER AN ASK THAT IVE BEEN LOOKING FORWARD TO !!! ¥_^
SO !!!!!
in their childhood . brendon and benjamin were never close – becauze of the harsh environment that their parentz put them through [having a predetermined life already planned out for them . high academic expectationz . unaccepting failure and / or falling short of their insanely high standardz] cauzed a split between them from their formative yearz
benjamin . being the younger sibling . waz alwayz controlled and sheltered more than brendon . since their parentz realized they must've "went wrong somewhere" becauze brendon showed no interest in their way of thinking and wouldn't internalize their philosophy of "you're only worth living if you contribute something to society" – in other wordz . benji never saw anything wrong with the way he waz being treated and adopted the same viewz az them
brendon . on the other hand . thought thiz way of thinking waz flawed from the start ; a resentment from both sidez began to blossom – brendon angered by the inability of hiz family to accept the fact he doezn't want to follow the whole plan they mapped out and their insistence to "push him back on the right track" by trying to take away all the things that he liked to do [muzic making equipment . computer . not allowing him to go outside and spend time with people . etc.] ; thiz iz what mostly lead to brendon developing bpd
the two'z parentz were rather popular when it came to the buizness world . having access to a lot of connectionz . companiez . high ranking individualz . and often had benjamin tagging along with them at meetingz and partiez when he waz a teenager – in theze meetingz . he'd get praized quite often in the face of people deemed "important" by hiz family whilst brendon alwayz got put down for "being a slacker" or "making foolish decizionz that would hurt him and the family in the long run" ; a lot of the thingz said by them shaped the view he had over hiz brother . but rather than making him hold hatred for the older one . he seemed a little more pitiful toward him – "maybe he just needz some gentle guidance !!! if i try harder . im sure i can fix him – im great at everything . after all !!!" sort of thinking
brendon waz kicked out the minute he turned 18 and when that happened hiz entire family cut all contact with him – in their wordz . "until you get your shit together . you're not allowed to come back"
however . when benjamin got hiz own apartment . he thought that the treatment hiz family had for brendon WAZ rather harsh . and called him up . offering to let him live together . under ONE condition – that brendon would give up on trying to make muzic and get a real job . in order for their family to accept him again
brendon waz utterly desperate to live in an actual home . so of course he agreed to move in with him . but wazn't willing to give up on making muzic – he'z been doing it in secrecy ever since moving in together
ever since living together in the absence of their family . the two have begun to tolerate one another more and more . despite the fact they still have biasez towardz one another
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lovefrmt · 3 months ago
everyone who tags lace dividers and then has no lace dividers in ur goddamn post i hope a car tire crushes all ur toes
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