#lace replies
Are you keeping Lace safe?
dirt always keeps the guy safe but the guy is stupid and got himself and dirt and everyone else stuck in paldea and now dirt must fight for dominance with other non dirts dirt will obviously win but still annoying to dirt
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tiny-vermin · 4 months
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i became a vampire to suck blood and fuck forever 🦇🦇🦇
vamp crowley and azi in nadja and laszlo's hot hot fits, deeply inspired by @mrghostrat's fic, in the room where you sleep
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cowbeaus · 8 months
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number one ruby x amber defender and lover forever
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tacit-semantics · 2 months
hey, apologies if this is an unwanted question, but do you have any tips on finding resources for learning bobbin lace? I’ve started learning myself, but I’m struggling to expand beyond a torchon ground bookmark, and to understand clean color + pattern changes, if that makes sense. Love your comic panel piece btw!!
Oh hey, not unwanted at all! I love answering questions like these!! Anyways in a move that is sure to surprise everyone, I got excited and this got a little long so under the cut we go
Anyways first off- cannot recommend Jo edkins’ site enough. Fantastic instructions, info on different styles, grounds, stitches, etcetera, and there are these animated demonstrations of a lot of the stitches that really helped them click for me :) anyways this is where I did (and do!) the bulk of my learning, in no small part because it’s also free sjsjjs
Bookwise, my favorite is Lessons in Bobbin Lacemaking by Doris southard. Relatively easy to find, and there are a lot of patterns for strips/edgings in there that you can copy over. My version’s also printed on this really nice thick paper which is not immediately relevant but I DO consider it a plus
I’ve also used The Torchon Lace Workbook by Bridget M. Cook with some success, though I did find the process of copying the patterns over a little more difficult with this one. The patterns themselves are very nice though, and while I went into this one already knowing how to work Torchon, from the looks of it the introductory section is pretty solid, and there’s lots of fun color stuff going on in the patterns
Anyways you’ll probably notice that this is mostly torchon stuff- that would be because as of right now, I mostly make torchon stuff and it’s also a very very good starting point. Now, as for finding resources on your own: antique pattern library my beloved. Light of my life. Anyways, this is all public domain stuff which historically I find a little more difficult to use in terms of actually learning how to do things; the text tends to be very small and I struggle to parse the illustrations, but a)that might not hold true for you aksjsj and b) once you’ve got a general idea of how things work there’s a whole wealth of patterns right there!! All free!!!! Antique pattern library I love you. Anyways going to internet archive and searching bobbin lace is also always a very good bet, and similarly accessible. This is generally what I do when I want to find info on something either without spending money, or if I know there’s not going to be a lot of more modern books on it, like for filet lace
Now, back when I first started, I also used lynxlace a lot which was a site dedicated to the making of various kinds of lace- unfortunately it seems as though the site itself is no longer available, but it’s still accessible through the wayback machine. This site often references the owner’s book- I haven’t read that and I’m not sure if it’s still available, but if you find that the way the free lessons are presented works for you, then that might be worth looking into. This site also has a resources section linking to other sites/books- as a general rule that’s also a fantastic way to find more, well. Resources aksjsj. Honestly, I’d recommend checking if all of the books/websites that you like have a resources/works cited/other books section or something equivalent. Following any links will probably require liberal use of the wayback machine, but it really is worth it if you wanna build up a bigger resource base :)
Anyways, I hope this helps!! My more general advice is to just have fun with it which I suppose seems a little obvious?? But it can get very very easy to get caught up in the specifics, and especially with something as fiddly as lace. Dont be afraid to experiment!! Try what sounds interesting!! I wish you the best of luck with your projects, and also I’m very glad you liked the comic panel piece I loved making that sksjsj that was so much fun
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lacependragon · 4 months
You know, the longer I think about it, the more I realize that it actually makes perfect sense that an online company so incredibly pro-military and pro-veteran (RoosterTeeth) would write the worst black-and-white, unbelievable, morally bland, and utterly boring and worldbuilding breaking anti-military story I've ever seen.
It's like they thought if they even slightly tried to make it realistic, even slightly tried to make it believable, we'd all realize how similar it was to the US military and go "you hate veterans!"
But instead we got a military that makes no sense. A story that relies on you not paying any attention to the worldbuilding. And a bunch of dead people who didn't mean anything because by the end they were just fucking caricatures. James is the evil general. Clover is the too-loyal right hand. Vine is the self-sacrificial meditative type. And they aren't anything else.
All of Atlas is flat and cardboard and cartoon-y and bad. And I genuinely think so much of it is the inability of these fuckers to stop sucking off the US military long enough to understand something called nuance. Because they fired so completely in the opposite direction to their on-camera shit (we love veterans! we love soldiers! fight the bad guys!) as opposed to RWBY (all military evil there is no nuance no middle ground nope just evil! James is as bad as SALEM!) that they lost every discussion and every interesting detail in the sprint between the two podiums.
This isn't the real world! We can have discussions about stuff we wouldn't approve of in real life but make interesting stories! We can have discussions about redemption and revenge and making choices!
But nah let's just have them all be evil evil people and then save Winter (maiden, sure), and Elm, Harriet, and Marrow (and I'm not going to lie here. I genuinely think the reason Harriet lives instead of Vine is because RT was TERRIFIED of another Sienna Khan backlash.)
Atlas was bad.
It was rushed. It was sloppy. It broke characters. It broke worldbuilding. It broke the internal logic of the universe.
And we still learned fucking nothing about its people, its culture, or its history. Just like in Mistral.
Setpieces. Empty destructible setpieces. Only this time there was nothing else to prop up the building facades.
Truly, the only good thing Atlas gave us was Penny.
And look how that turned out.
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exhausted-archivist · 1 month
@ajramseyart replied to your post “My Guesses on Character Height”:
They are in scale but Harding has been moved up. You can kind of see her foot at the bottom of the screen. Her knee is even with the bottom of the character pics.
​Hi! So, I had to double check cause I thought I missed that. But her knee lines up with Emmrich's, you can see Emmrich's as well in his shot. Her knee is also slightly bent so there is that to consider. But I don't think they moved her up. She lines up as standing in the same place as Emmrich.
They're standing behind Davrin though, so there is likely a little distortion since they aren't directly side by side. But I don't think its too much. Also most of Emmrich's height comes from his torso (and his platform boots).
Close ups below the cuts for people avoiding spoilers.
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khihi · 1 year
I know we're going feral about Nace tonight but I need to scream about Jure with someone
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I CANNOT 😭😭😭😭😭
the beads on the chain and the lace ribbon belt and and the lace around his neck and the lace flowers on his lapels!!!!! his outfits are always so cool!!!!!
i think he has the most lace on his body out of all of them, i NEED them to give us a lace tour so so bad!!!!!!!
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bearlytolerant · 4 months
Bear I am right there with you re: Harding she has so many freckles I want to smooch
The way she slammed that mug into the face and just the scrunch of her beautiful face like UGH 😩 I neeeed her.
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alfea · 23 days
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jizzlords · 7 months
“Eeee!” The baby princess reaches up to the deadly sin, her tiny fingers outstretched to the strange glowing faces in his hair. Fur? Charlie has no idea what it is, but the toddler just knows she wants to touch his strange mane of hair…and the hat on his head. The faces in his hair look like puppet masks.
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With piercing eyes aglow — to the unsuspecting individual, the sight of something so minute approaching something as colossal as Asmodeus would have anyone holding their breath and uncertain to intervene.
Yet as the princess would wobble her way closer to him, Ozzie was the one to swiftly close the gap between them — his body hovering over her and his arms open wide, expectantly.
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❝ Ooooh hey there, pretty babe! ♪ ❞ Large arms are quick to swipe her up, sitting her on his forearm with a bounce. Her squeals and babbles were contagious in making him grin wide but if there's one thing he was to be in this moment, it was determined. Firm. She's not distracting him, no way.
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❝ Nah-up-up! ❞ Starting off strong, Ozzie's got his finger up to silence her excitement. ❝ Now hold on, little miss thing. Before you ask anythin' of me, you gotta let me ask you first. Got it? Okay, so first: what are we doing way out here? Where's your daddy at? ❞ Surely, he's somewhere. He better be! Letting her peruse around his humble abode without so much as a "hi" or "can you watch her for me"? Absolutely not.
Turning on his heel with a bouncing princess in arms, he was already keeping an eye out for the ruler. There really seems to be no sign of him out here. He better be fuckin' playing.
❝ My next question is, where the hell is your jacket? Doesn't your daddy know it's raining outside? ❞ to further prove his point, he pauses by a window with a hand extended to show her. In doing so, he's also looking outside for the vanishing parent. ❝ No jacket, in the rain, your daddy's gonna get it. Just you wait, babycakes. One more question then it's your turn, okay? NEXT — ❞
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Ozzie pauses at the tiniest hands pawing at his mane. His proud stature sinks at the touch, even more-so when he looks at her and he's met with her father's same striking features. With her, grinning so wide with eyes so bright. He doesn't stop her, either, as she reaches for his face, then his hat was next.
❝ You ... are just like your daddy, you know that? ❞ Composure is rapidly dwindling if not already shot. Shutting one of his eyes as Charlie reaches for the ram in his mane, he cranes his neck to avoid being poked in the eye and removes his hat to put on her head. ❝ C'mon, babycakes. How bout you and I go get a sugar high before you go back home? ♡ ❞
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chaos-lioness · 5 months
hey new yarn people I have a question. I’m looking for some beginner lace cowl recommendations, do you have any?
I’m hoping for something that ends up the size of a largish kerchief, with a repetitive motif because im trying to learn how to “read” lace and I’d love to be doing the same thing over and over. I prefer symmetrical triangles but if you have something awesome in another shape please do not hesitate to suggest it!
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What eevelution do you think you'd be? And if not an eeveelution, what’s your pokesona?
my- my pokesona is a rapidash!- and i think id be- an umbreon- if i had to pick..
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frenchfrywrites · 1 year
Makes sense right!!!??? With his mask!!!!!?????
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tacit-semantics · 1 year
Hi there! Can I ask what resources you're using to learn netting and filet lace? I usually use youtube for learning a new fiber art, but a lot of what I'm seeing is crochet to mimic the filet look. Or, like, it's in French. Any websites, videos, books, etc you've come across would be super helpful!
Hey!! I’m gonna go under the cut for this because I started typing it out and it got. Long. Anyways, here we go!!
My favorite book for netted lace (and for learning the netting techniques themselves) is netted lace: techniques and patterns by Margaret Morgan!! It teaches basic netted shapes, and it’s got patterns for lace doilies, as well as larger pieces too I believe. There are also some filet lace patterns there, but no instructions for the technique itself
Filet lace is… unfortunately a little bit harder in that I haven’t found something that actually definitively walks me through it in a way that I’d be able understand but I definitely do not speak for everyone there, so I’m gonna point you towards what I think are gonna be the best bets:
First off: Lacis, practical instructions in filet brodé or darning on net by Isabel A Simpson!! That one’s on internet archive so it’s pretty easy to access too. It also has a pattern that shows you the path that the thread is supposed to take when you embroider, and I’m hoping that that’ll kickstart a better understanding of how the actual technique works
Other than that, I’m gonna say The Technique of Filet Lace by Pauline Knight, also on internet archive- not entirely relevant but that one actually directly quotes the previously mentioned book, and both of them mention the lack of written instructional literature on the subject, so if nothing else were in good company adjsks. Also, as a warning, an issue I’ve been having is that a lot of instructional books spend a not insignificant amount of time teaching the netting technique itself which definitely makes sense but can also be a bit frustrating if you’re looking for the embroidery technique
The Priscilla netting book (if you look it up then the university of Arizona should have a free pdf) has a lot of good decorative stitches!! It can be a little hard to parse though
For a tutorial walking through two small patterns, there’s filet lace tutorial by elinor’s crafts on Wordpress!! I’m going to hyperlink that at the bottom of this because I came back to add this section and do not want to risk losing everything by rearranging alsdkdk
Luckily, patterns themselves are way easier to find- i’d go to antique pattern library for those, or again internet archive, where I usually just look up filet lace and have at it. I don’t think the language barrier will be as big an issue once the technique is down, or at the very least that’s what I’m hoping sjsjjs
I’d also very much recommend checking the back of any instructional books for like a bibliography kinda thing and using that for additional resources. Makes for a good jumping point!!!
And unfortunately that’s about all I’ve got!! As with anything self-taught, there is a very real possibility that there’s a HUGE gap in my knowledge that I am just outright unaware of so if that’s the case then I apologize in advance- that said, I hope this helps a bit!!!
Edit: if you have anywhere from $100-160 then there’s filet lace: introduction to the linen stitch by Marie-jo quinault. I absolutely cannot vouch for quality because I do not have $100-160 and the closest thing I’ve found to the content is a thirty second video of someone flipping through it but this one’s like my white whale ok supposedly its very detailed and illustrated and very very out of print from the looks of it. Pour one out, etcetera. It’s SO so expensive
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
Opinion on the Huntress from the silksong teasers? I know we only got one line from her but she intrigues me
Anon the moment I saw her I loved her so much that I was the first person to write a fic about her. Granted, it was not very long and was only a fleeting interaction based upon the scant details we were given, but i feel like that gives you enough of an answer to my opinion on her shfhshsh
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layzeal · 2 years
i'm reading some like, old ooooold mdzs discussion posts on some chinese websites and oh i'm having so much fun
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