#sorry for late reply i was sleepin
khihi · 1 year
I know we're going feral about Nace tonight but I need to scream about Jure with someone
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I CANNOT 😭😭😭😭😭
the beads on the chain and the lace ribbon belt and and the lace around his neck and the lace flowers on his lapels!!!!! his outfits are always so cool!!!!!
i think he has the most lace on his body out of all of them, i NEED them to give us a lace tour so so bad!!!!!!!
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someguyingotham · 27 days
scale of 1-10 how normal are you about scarecrow acknowledging you?
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oh *fuck* yes that was very good
I love dumbification very much. and the fact that he starts out already halfway there because of the outfit (which, by the way, the mental image? holy shit) is extremely good
- 👽
picturing the Outfit was half the inspo im ngl 🙏im glad u agree. and yeah just <3 i think a) it's good (kinky) for virgil in particular and also it's so fun.
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dearrdiary · 1 month
the possibilities of a new beginning
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pairing; five hagreeves x fem!reader (replacing dolores btw sorry)
summary; that was a shitshow of a final season. im going to fix that and you're coming with me! many references to earlier seasons!
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the feeling of boiling skin overlapping his own was haunting, making his brain toss and turn like a sleepless man.
‘it's to save the world’ the thought kept repeating in his mind, ‘we must cease to exist’. closing his eyes, five was ready to embrace death, to fix the world that had been doomed to fail the moment the marigold entered their mother's wombs.
‘this isn't fair.’
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beep beep beep beep. went the digital alarm clock, screaming at the sleeping man to arise for the morning. five jolted up. frantically looking around in hopes of finding his siblings.
instead, walls of creamy white, a brown dresser, comfy bed, carpeted floors — an average bedroom... where was he...?
he stared off into space for a moment, recollecting his thoughts, before he heard the whir of an electric toothbrush. “who's there?”
“ah! sleepin' beauty woke up!” a voice called back, like an echo. a familiar yet, also unfamiliar voice coming from the other room. “you've slept in, we're going to be late if you don't start moving.”
five furrowed his brows, before he looked down at his hands. they weren't scarred like they used to be, they were... oddly normal. and his umbrella tattoo — wait, what umbrella tattoo?
footsteps approached the bedroom, a woman with a white towel wrapped around her body, and another wrapping her hair up to dry. “you okay there, five?”
the electric toothbrush whirred, a bit of toothpaste stuck to the side of the lady's mouth, as she gripped the towel to keep it from falling.
five snapped out of it once the whir glitched for a second then continued. “what day is it?”
“8th of August, 2024.” she replied, knitting her brows together in concern. “did you have a bad dream?”
a dream? was it a dream? was it reality? did we fix it? is this heaven? a domestic life with the woman, who strangely looked like a mannequin he swore he saw in a shop once?
“five?” the lady snapped her finger's, attempting to get his attention. five whipped his head up to look at the woman.
“[___]?” he said, saying her name, but almost questioning. like he forgot who she was. she laughed.
“yes, [___] hargreeves, your lawfully wedded wife and love of your life.” she teased back, smiling at five when she moved over to the dresser, pulling out clothes.
their wedding... as if memories of a whole life were coming back to him, he remembers. their wedding day, how beautiful she looked in her dress.
he remembers luther and his wife, sloane, there as well.
raymond almost spilling his wine on allison's dress, which made her laugh.
klaus and his lover, dave, keeping claire and the other kids occupied while diego and lila mingled off somewhere else — just to get a breather away from the kids.
five also remembers ben, showing off his new partner, jennifer, at the wedding like she was the greatest thing in the world. while jennifer just laughed and smiled sweetly.
“how... long have we been married now?” he asks.
“2 years.” [___] says, humming herself a time as she picked out a shirt to go with her jeans. “which jeans, black or blue... oh! speakin' of jeans. the neighbours dropped off your mail this morning, mailman got mixed up.”
jeans? neighbours? — “who?”
“the neighbours? jeanette and gene? jean and gene?” [___] said back, trying to jog his memory. “your memory isn't the best today, love.”
ah! his neighbours, of course. “tell them i said thank you.” five replied, shifting hsi legs and attempting to get out of bed.
once his bare heels hit the carpet, memories came racing back to him.
raymond and allison's wedding, claire's first birthday, luther and sloane getting together, lila and diego announcing their pregnancy, opening up a diner, where ben met jennifer — meeting [___]... in the department store, setting up the mannequins in their dresses...
what was he thinking about earlier? umbrella? did he need a new one? huh? what was he thinking again?
it was like his mind was erased in just a millisecond. a lively spark in his eyes appeared. “what are we doing today?”
“grace's birthday. remember?”
grace, grace, grace. diego and lila's little girl. it was her birthday, yeah. five nodded, “yes, i do.”
“i got that coffee you like yesterday. it's on the counter, near the spice rack, also — can you make sure to grab gracie's present from the cupboard??” [___] asked before five could leave the room.
he looked over at his wife, realising this was his life. he had a good life. a life many versions of himself many people would kill to have. a domestic, and family oriented lifestyle.
the sides of five's mouth twitched up in a smile. ”of course.” he answered her, before he put on a pair of navy blue slippers and walked down the hall, checking out the decor.
cabinets and glass doors cupboards filled with souvenirs and memories. paintings and family pictures on the walls. a retro styled house phone painted in a sunset for the aesthetics.
something crunched under his feet as he walked along. looking down, he lifted up his foot. a domino mask. a fake one, it had the dc robin logo on the back, probably from on of his nieces or nephew's, they probably left it here by accident.
something about the mask made him pause. dragging his finger across the black edgings, and white eye covers. “hm...” he mused, before placing it on a shelf in hesitation and slight dazed confusion.
that mask reminded him of something he felt wasn't even real. but the thing is, he couldn't remember? maybe an alternate version of himself knew what this was about.
he smiled at the mask, and scoffed at the idea. multiple timelines? how silly.
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On the twelfth hour of the eighth day of August 2024, absolutely nothing out of the ordinary occurred. You might say, it was just a normal day.
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its-time-to-write · 11 months
hello! First thing first, I want to say how much of a good writer you are, I hope you know this 💕 second I have this idea of reader and Jamie dating, but nobody knows. One day reader is in the coaches room and starts yawning and Roy is like what's that 🤨 (something similar to that scene with beard after he gets back with jane) and reader answers with "you have been waking me up everyday at 4 am" or smt like that and this is how everyone finds out. I know you have already written something like this but I thought it was cute, so feel free to ignore
this was cute. you were right.
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coffee at midnight
Neither you nor Jamie exactly decided to keep your relationship a secret.
“It’s not a secret, it’s private, babe,” Jamie insists. You just roll your eyes.
But like, it is private.
That means no instagram posts, no public dates, and no unasked opinions. It also means that Jamie gets a Polaroid camera (“so we don’t get hacked, babe,”), plans dates in his giant house, and keeps fans’ noses out of your relationship.
It also, also means that Roy Kent doesn’t know you’re in Jamie’s bed every morning when he knocks on the door loud enough to wake the dead.
You’re a week into these shenanigans, and you’re not sure how much longer you can handle it. You’ve barely been at Nelson Road for an hour, but you’ve yawned more than you’ve spoken. Jamie’s been sending you apologetic looks every time he passes you in the hall, but now the entire team is in the weight room as you bring the coaches their coffee.
You place Roy’s in front of him and he asks, “The fuck’s wrong with you?”
You glare. “Nothing. That’s rude to ask, anyway. I’m-” you pause to yawn- “fine.”
Ted looks between you and Roy. “Normally I’d side with the lady on this one, but you look dead on your feet. You been sleepin’ okay?”
“Yes,” you reply shortly. “I’ve been sleeping fine. I just don’t get a lot of it these days.”
“That sounds decidedly un-sexy,” Trent calls from his desk.
You snarl, “It isn’t,” then realize that Trent is undeserving of your anger. “I’m sorry. I’ve been getting like five hours of sleep every night this whole week. Me and my boyfriend just moved in together and we both talk like way too much. So we usually don’t fall asleep until late.”
The room fills with whistles and hoots from Ted, Beard, and Trent. Roy is stoic as always.
“I didn’t know you had a boyfriend,” Ted grins. “What’s his name?”
You hesitate. You’re pretty sure Jamie would be okay if you told Ted, but you’re not sure you really want to. You let the silence stretch on for a beat too long, and Trent’s on you like a vulture.
“It’s someone here, isn’t it?” he asks.
“No,” you reply, but it’s not convincing. It’s hard for you to lie when you’re this tired.
Jamie and Sam choose this exact moment to come into the locker room to grab water bottles. Jamie glances at you and you make the mistake of glancing back. It’s just for a second but Trent catches it with his stupid eagle-eyes.
“Oh shit,” he says.
You round on him. Maybe he does deserve your anger. “Don’t say anything,” you warn.
He zips his lips as Roy says, “Why are you being so fucking weird? We know you’re fucking lying. Just say which of these little pricks you’re dating and get some sleep like a fucking normal adult.”
“I’d be able to get regular sleep, except you’ve been waking me up at fucking 4am!” you explode.
The room goes silent. 
“Fuuuck,” Roy whispers. “Fucking Tartt? You’re dating- fuck, you moved in with fucking Tartt?”
“Yes,” you groan, “We’ve been together for six months and it’s probably the most serious relationship I’ve ever been in, and I know how it sounds but we really like each other. Higgins already knows because of HR shit but other than that, it’s been private.”
Ted and Beard have matching open-mouthed smiles. It would be a little scary if you hadn’t known them for as long as you have.
“That’s the most adorable shit I’ve ever heard in my whole life,” Beard says.
“Hold on,” Trent interjects, “does this mean you and Jamie have been staying up late every night talking?”
“Yes,” you reply primly. “And then this prick bangs on our door at fuck-thirty in the morning and I’m awake for the rest of the day.”
Roy says, “Right,” very slowly. “Is that fucking why he wasn’t wearing fucking trousers?”
All eyes turn to you.
“I’m not answering that,” you say. “In fact, I think I hear Higgins calling me. I have to leave right now.” You back out of the room and down the hall before anyone can say anything else.
The coaches’ office is silent for a moment before they all clamor out of their seats to chase you down the hall. They have so many questions but first, they’re going to yell at Higgins for keeping it a secret.
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lumpy-veev · 6 months
Sleep Mode (Without the Buttons)
Happy (late TvT) birthday to @starrysupercell! I wrote a Barley x Ash ficlet for my wonderful tumblr pal, but it's a bit short for ao3, so I figured I'd post it here!
Context: I have a little story brewing in my head, about Barley accidentally making a wish around Gene and becoming human for a bit! This is the first time he ever goes to sleep as a human. (I might post more about human Barley sometime in the future, but for now, this is all I have XD).
— — —
Ash knows what it's like to share a bed with a warm body.
Several warm bodies, even, what with the way his parents crammed him and his siblings into one room back when he was a wee lad.
But none of them were Barley.
And none of them were as fidgety as Barley.
"Bon?" he finally says as Barley rolls over for the fourth time in just as many minutes. "If ye ain't comfy I can sleep on the couch."
"Ah, no. It's fine," comes the hushed reply. From the sound of Barley's voice, he's facing away from him again.
Ash gives a non-committal hum in response, sliding an arm under his pillow as he gets settled again.
"I just feel like I'm doing it wrong."
"Hn?" It takes a moment for his bleary mind to process. "...Sleepin'?"
"Yes! I don't know what I could be missing. I'm worn out from the workday, I'm wearing comfortable sleepwear, I've even been trying to close my eyes and keep still." Ash feels a shift in the bed as Barley adjusts himself. "But I still don't feel any closer to falling asleep."
"Yeah? Well—" Ash stifles a yawn. "You're nae doin' anythin' wrong, f'that's all yer worried aboot."
"No. Sometimes ye just dinnae fall asleep." Ash sighs.
"Oh," Barley whispers. "That's..."
"Bloody annoyin'? A pain in the arse?" He snorts.
"I was going to say inconvenient. But I suppose you're correct as well," Barley chuckles quietly.
The two of them fall silent for a moment.
"Is that something that happens to you often?" Barley pipes up again.
"Not being able to sleep."
"Ah. Well." It's something Ash is all too familiar with. "Depends on how ye mean it. Sometimes I dinnae sleep till late coz I have more mess t'clean up than usual. Sometimes I dinnae sleep coz I just can't. Like you, right now. So, somewhat, I guess."
Ash can't tell what Barley's thinking. "S'not terrible. I make do with what I get."
"I suppose you do."
"...Mm." The bed creaks as Ash rolls over to stare at the ceiling. "But don't use me as an example of how ye should be taking care of yerself. I'm a terrible example."
Barley doesn't respond.
Ash turns his head.
In the darkness, he can just barely make out the outline of Barley's narrow shoulders.
If Ash really looked, he'd probably be able to see them rise and fall as he breathes. He'd probably be able to feel it, if he pressed a hand against his back. But the warmth settling under the covers with them is already more than enough, so Ash looks away, and settles for pulling his sheets a bit snugger around himself.
"You're not so terrible," Barley says, just as Ash thinks the conversation must have ended. "It's not as simple as I thought it'd be."
Ash blinks. "...Falling asleep?"
"Taking care of yourself, I mean. Being human at all is— it's—" Barley seems to cut himself off. "I'm sorry, I must be keeping you up, maybe I should move to the couch instead—"
Barley stops.
"C'mere." Ash rolls over, scooting over to loop his arms around his waist and pull him close. Barley makes a soft, surprised noise as he does. "S'this alright, Bon?"
He shifts a bit, but settles quick.
"Um, I— this... yes. Yes, more than alright."
Ash feels a hand cover his.
"Mm. Good." Barley smells like his soap. It suits him, because everything does. "Bein' human's a right chore sometimes. But it's not so bad. We're good at chores, you n' I."
"...We are, aren't we?" This close, Ash can hear the smile in his voice.
"We are," he affirms. "Now stop thinkin' so hard. I can hear it from out here."
That gets a snicker out of Barley, and Ash can feel the tension bleed from his shoulders as he finally relaxes.
"You ask the impossible of me, dear," Barley sighs. "But for you I will try. Goodnight, Ash."
"G'night, Bon. Sleep well."
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dudeshusband · 9 months
Ship: Mike x Dude
Words: 600
Description: Mike can't sleep.
Drabblecember day 22: trying to stay up late.
Mike couldn’t sleep a wink. They’d tried everything. Warm milk, tea, dimming the lights, moving around. Nothing helped. Usually on nights like this, they’d slip into Dude’s room across the hall and slip into his arms. Unfortunately, he wasn’t back from his night patrol with Chance. Something was holding him up. They sighed, and pulled the covers off. 
Another walk around the hotel. Another attempt at sleep. 
Footsteps. They sounded like Dude’s. 
A sigh. Now, Mike was sure it was Dude. 
He took off his hat and ruffled his curls on the way up. 
“What’re you doin’ up?” he asked when he saw them. 
Mike shrugged. “Can’t sleep.” 
Dude opened his door and gestured inside. “Come on, we’ll cuddle and you’ll be out like a light.” 
Mike doubted it, but they followed him inside anyway. He kept sighing, and rubbing his face. He almost yawned every few minutes, but always caught himself before he did. His eyes looked more closed than usual. 
“Long day?” Mike asked. 
Dude began to untie his tie. “We found somethin’ suspicious and followed it. It was only a fox.” 
“Not much happens in this little town.” 
Dude shook his head. “Not unless you make the wrong people mad.” He rubbed his face again, and worked on unbuttoning the rest of his shirt. 
“You might pass out where you stand.” 
“I won’t.” 
Mike chuckled. “I’ll catch you if you do.” 
Dude shrugged off his shirt and tossed it aside. Mike never could stop themselves from admiring his tanned skin. At some point in Mike’s spaced out state, Dude had finished undressing and made his way toward them. He waved his hand in front of their face. 
“Are you sleepin’ with your eyes open?” he asked, teasingly. 
“Might be, you look like a dream,” Mike quipped in an attempt at a flirty tone. 
He chuckled, and slid into bed beside them. He pulled them in and held them there, burying his face in their neck. 
“Hmm. I missed you.” 
“You saw me this morning.”
He kissed the back of their neck gently. “Mmm, well, it’s been a long day.” 
He was mumbling sleepily, and Mike knew he wouldn’t be awake much longer. 
He made a sleepy grumble in reply. 
“Stay up with me?” 
His eyes fluttered open, and he asked, “Why?” 
“I’m not tired.”
He nuzzled into their neck. “I‘m tired.” 
Mike turned in Dude’s grasp. They poked his nose, causing him to open his eyes again. 
“Talk to me? Please?” 
“What” — He yawned — “What about?” 
“Mmm, it’s gonna be Christmas soon.” 
“That it is.”
“You’re gonna fatten me up with cookies, aren’t you?” 
Defensively, Mike said, “Hey, I’m only making the cookies. If you eat all of them, that’s on you.” 
“Don’t make ‘em too good.” 
“Sorry, Consuelo’s helping me. These will be the best damn cookies you ever had.” 
The room was silent for a moment. 
Mike poked his nose again. 
Mike tried to kiss him awake, to no avail. They sighed. They tried to get out of bed, to take yet another walk. 
When they tried, Dude pulled them back in his sleep, and held them tightly. He breathed against their neck, tickling the skin. 
“Hey,” they said, poking him. “Let me go. Let me out.” 
His eyes fluttered open, then closed. He sleepily mumbled, “No. Mine.” 
They squirmed around, hoping to break loose. No such luck. 
They chuckled to themselves, and let him sleep, tucked into their chest. They wrestled an arm free to pet his head.
“Goodnight,” they whispered. 
It would be a while before sleep caught up with Mike. 
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jonesatheart · 1 year
Body Modification
"Hey, pal."  
Casey closed his eyes with a soft groan. "I'm dyin', aren't I?"  
Raph chuckled and tousled his hair. "No, ya not dyin', drama king."  
"It's somethin' bad if I'm in'e lab and you're here without Don. If it was fixable you'd'a gotten Don as soon as I started wakin' up. So what's wrong with me?"  
Raph shifted. "It's complicated. It's fixable, it's just gonna take a few months."  
Casey hummed. "What'd I break?"  
He lifted his head to look at Raph. "Then what is it?"  
"You feelin' okay to sit up? Ya were pretty doped up when we first found ya." 
Casey nodded and pushed himself onto his elbows. "Yeah. Honestly. I'm feeling pretty okay considerin' it sounds like ya had to go all mission impossible for me."  
"Yeah, well. They weren't tryin'a rough you up too bad. Kinda just happened. Don says ya didn't have many defensive wounds so they probably ambushed ya and dosed ya pretty quick then kept ya under the whole time. Ya been in and out here for a few hours too." 
"You're bein' weird, Raph."  
"I'm really sorry, Casey," he answered quietly, unable to fully look at Casey. "We really...we failed ya this time." 
"Okay, now you're just scarin' me. What happened?"  
"We think they took ya from your apartment. I got a text from you sayin' ya made it home fine after patrol and...based on the time line either they jumped ya right after ya sent it or they just sent it themselves."  
Casey felt his heart rate kick up as dread settle into his chest. "Raph, what day is it?" 
"It's Wednesday. They nabbed ya late Monday, early Tuesday. We don't always talk durin' the day and bein' out, we slept late. April's ben outta town so it wasn't till we tried gettin' a hold of ya about comin' over for dinner that we knew somethin' was wrong. It didn't take us long to find ya after that though. They didn't even really fight back about it. Just let us take ya."  
He cast a warily look at his friend. "They being?..."  
"The Dragons. We brought ya back Tuesday night and Don ran some tests to make sure you were okay, got ya started on an IV and some other stuff we nabbed from a few ambulances, and you been sleepin' off whatever it was they gave ya."  
"So it's like a full twenty-four hours kinda thing."  
"Close to, yeah."  
"And I guess it has somethin' to do with?..." He raised his left arm which was bandaged from the elbow down to his knuckles. 
"Do I wanna know?" 
Raph shook his head. "Ya really don't."  
"I wanna see it."  
"It's a tattoo. It's...It's their tattoo." 
Casey went still. "What do you mean 'their tattoo'?"  
"I'm sorry."  
"I wanna see it."  
"Casey-"  "It's not goin' anywhere and I'm gonna have to deal with it. Let me see it."  
"Okay." Raph held out his hand and Casey gave him his arm.  
"Hey." Casey rested his other hand over Raph's. "This is not your fault and I'm not mad at ya."  
Raph nodded. "Let's get this off and then ya can decide how ya feel."  
Casey stared at his arm as little by little  the outline of a purple dragon appeared, the tail first just under his elbow and ending with a severed head on the back of his hand. It was impossible not to recognize. A near perfect recreation of the one on Hun's arm, but condensed to his forearm where it could never be out of sight. The severed head either a threat or an accusation. 
He started gagging and Raph snatched the small bin off the floor and shoved it into his hands. He stood by his friend, holding back his hair and keeping the trash can steady.  
"Donny!" Raph shouted. "Get in here!" 
Donatello rushed and took the trash can from Raph. "Was he complaining of any symptoms before he got sick?" 
"He just threw up when I showed him his arm," Raph replied, massaging one of Casey's shoulders.  
"The shock of it then," Don nodded.  
"When can I get rid of it?" Casey asked, his voice dull from exhaustion and throwing his guts up. It had taken a while, even after his stomach was empty, for the his body to relax and stop dry heaving. Even then he was still shaking.  
"From my research, at least four months. Maybe up to six." 
"After that?" 
"Laser removal is an option. But the coloring does make it difficult. Thankfully they didn't have time to fill it in, but purple is one of the more difficult inks to remove. And. Scarring is always a possibility."  
Casey nodded and leaned into Raph who slipped an arm around his back. 
"I know you're not going to want to, but taking care of it is going to be really important. Keeping an eye out for infection and making sure the skin heals properly can help prevent scaring. We can always help you with that. But the faster it heals, the sooner we can look more seriously into removal options."  
"Thanks for takin' care of me, Don."  
Donatello reached out and squeezed his wrist. "That's what family does."  
"Family looks out for each other, we already talked about it, we want ya to hang out here till we can get you a new place," Raph told him. "That's not an offer. I'm tellin' you that's what gonna happen," he clarified when Casey looked like he might argue.  
"It ain't like they couldn't find me at the shop or somewhere else if they really wanted to," he grumbled. 
"Doesn't mean we gotta just hand ya over either." 
"They're not gonna kill me, Raph. If they'd wanted to do that they'd'a done it already. They want me to live with this. They don't need to get revenge beyond this."  
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ghostismybbygorl · 1 year
Neighbor troubles
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Soap x ghost (in gaz' perspective)
Nsfw: mentions of sex
This is based off of this tiktok
Pic: @pandemicdragon on tiktok
Enjoy >:3
Gaz sat up in bed nestled in his plaid robes with his pink flamigo blanket tucked around him. He was reading soaps book about art having a couple of the pages marked for him to study later. He was finishing up a paragraph where he hear a set of light footsteps walking down the hall and the sound of his neighbors door open
"Youre late" a low whisper emitted
"Yeah i know i know got caught up lookin for my book. Havent a clue where it went"
Gaz's ears perked up when he heard the thick Scottish accent.
Soap....in ghosts?..... in ghosts room?..... this late?
Gaz shook his head head looked at the clock
"Oh wow 2 am" he thought "its actually pretty late" he looked at the page he was on.
"Maybe ill just finish this chapter....."
"OH FUCK!" A loud whisper interrupted his thiughts
Gaz's eye looked up from the works analyzing his surroundings
Did soap stub his toe or something?
Another sound emitted from the room
"Mmm fuck! yes! yes! yes!"
They must be playing smash or something right? Gaz quietly panicked trying to deny the fact that something is happening and returning back to his book.
The he heard the light
Gaz ket oht a awkward chuckle
Maybe theyre changing seats
"Ohh yeaahhh~" soap moaned
"NOPE" gaz said slamming the book shut and civering his ears
Maybe they're just wresting? Yeah! Theyre wrestling!
gazs eye where wide with shock his ears defiled by the lewd sounds emitting from his neighbors room
He panicked theowing his blanket off of him and running out the door and slamming it shut. He briskly rushed down tge hallway where he still heard the distance sounds of soap getting his back blown out by his lieutenant.
He ran as far as he could go ending up at prices office at the other side of the building. He quickly rushed in closing the door huffing for air
Price jumped out if his seat his the papers he was looking at now littered on the ground
hia cigar that hung from his lips was now on-top of the desk gently letting a small hiss of what was burning below it. Price hurriedly wiped the ashes off the desk placing his cigar on the ash tray next to him
"Fucking hell kyle! What's got you in such a fuckin' tizzy?!"
Gaz froze the words from his lips couldn't form a sentence
"Answer me Sargent! Did you need anything or are you here to give me a good scare?!"
Kyle blinked a couple times before succumbing ti his surroundings
"N-nothing sir....just had a night terror...needed a place to... uh.... calm down?"
Price gave him a series of expressions ranging from concern, confusion and then acceptance
"Right.." price said stacking his papers and setting them on the desk
"Care to talk about i-"
"NO!" Gaz replied harshly "uh i mean no sir i dont want to talk about it"
Price noded his head grabbing his cigar and taking a drag
"Well then" he tapped his cigar on the ash tray the picking it up and walking towards kyle
"You can stay here, ive got a blanket on the loveseat you can use or if you need company i have a sleeping pad in my room you can rest on. Choice is yours" price patted his shoulder walking out of the room taking a puff from his cigar. "Night kid
Gaz sat down on the loveseat wrapping the blanket around his shoulders eventually drifting away to sleep
"Gaz" a hushed whisper emitted
Gaz opened his eyes to see ghost standing there with a box. Gaz immediately shot up rubbing the sleep out if his eyes
"Lieutenant! what uh what are you doing here?"
"Went to drop off some papers for price and saw you sleepin ere" ghost replied handing him the box
"Sorry for uh last night....."
Kyle gingerly grabbed the box which was a nice pair of noise cancelling headphones
"Oh!" Kyle replied "uh...thanks" rubbing his meck
"Yeah..no....no problem... if this uh happens just bang on the wall..."
"Got it...."
There was a awkward silence between the two. Gaz got up from the love seat
"Well im gonna go to my room and uh....get ready for the day"
Ghost nodded as gaz skedaddled to his room to get ready for the day.
Later that night the same thing happened
Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump
"Jesus fuck!" Gaz yelled how the fuck are they at it again wasn't one night enough? He banged on the wall earning a knock back. Gaz face was in pure confusion did they just knock back??? Gaz heard a snicker behind the wall before the Thump thump thump started back again
Gaz groaned grabbing his headphones and playing some white noise to wash away the lewd sounds that echoed from the lieutenants room. He huffed scrolling through his phone when he got a text from alex
Hey! Ill be around for a short mission tomorrow wanna hang out after? Maybe play some chess? ♟️😉
Gaz smirked
Time for payback 😈
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2bu · 7 months
we don’t interact a whole lot but you’re one of my favourite mutuals to see on the dash. literally always a :)!! seeing tiny vampire teeth icon in the left corner. i hope u have a nice day <3
TYSM!! sorry for my late reply i had a bad day and was sleepin it off 🥺💖
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punisheye · 1 year
💭 + "Have you been sleeping well lately...? I was wondering how you felt about dreams, is all."
oldass meme
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"Sleepin' fine," he replies with a wave of his hand. It's mostly the truth, but there have been some nights recently where he's had a hard time falling or staying asleep. His Vash's insomnia is coming back with the recent arrival of Bluesummers, so Wolfwood finds himself staying up with him. "Dreams?"
Wolfwood ponders it. Wolfwood doesn't remember most of his dreams. He always remembers the nightmares, but usually none of the nicer stuff. Nicer stuff, like returning to the orphanage and not having blood on his hands (and he knows he'd be welcomed with open arms, this is a realization he had moments before dying); like strong, familiar hands pressing into his waist while long eyelashes brush over his collarbone and a warm mouth moves over his skin. That one's real now.
"Some of 'em are better left dreams," he says. "I don't remember most of mine anyhow. If you were lookin' for somethin' deep 'n' introspective, sorry ta disappoint."
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can’t figure out if these words fit into either of the 2 fics in the Tender Mercies universe that im writing, so take them here-
Jack doesn’t actually know what he said. Doesn’t know why he called them in the first place. He trusts the Bozers more than he thought he’d be able to trust after his stint with the CIA, but this isn’t something that anyone should burden family friends with.
He’s on autopilot, though. Did exactly what he would’ve done if he had stayed on the ranch in Texas. He has no idea if things work the same out in rural California, but it’s too late now.
Jack’s phone rests in a white-knuckled grip in his right fist. Each breath feels like it’s only reaching halfway into his chest. Nothing quite feels right.
He hasn’t screamed or cried or done anything else that Jack thinks he probably should’ve done. That people who are truly human would be doing right now. Everything just feels… distant. Not quite numb, but like it’s happening to someone else.
And in a way, it is.
Jack can push all of this down. Mac, on the other hand, won’t be able to. Still blissfully asleep and Jack thinks that maybe he should just wait until the morning, wait until the weekend, wait for a couple of years before telling him.
It wouldn’t be fair.
He’s not stupid.
There’s a knock on the door, and almost mechanically, Jack moves toward it. Unlocks it without taking a look to see who was outside.
Both Loretta and Milton stand a few feet outside. “Jesus, Jack, I’m so sorry.”
He just shakes his head, stepping aside to let them in. Clearing his throat, he awkwardly asks, “Boze’s gonna be okay at home?”
“He’s thirteen and asleep,” Loretta replies. “Don’t worry about him. You hear me? You don’t have to worry about anything but you and Mac right now.”
Jack swallows. Turns back toward the kitchen table but can’t get his legs to start actually moving. “He’s still sleepin’. Can’t- I don’t know what to do. How do I tell-” He cuts himself off with a choke. He can handle everything else. Telling Mac, though? Apparently that’s the end of his rope.
“You don’t have to tell him right this second,” Milton says. “You can let him sleep ’til morning.”
Jack knows that. He’s already considered it, and has already made up his mind. 
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rage-youdamnnerd · 3 years
you give off tokoyami vibes idk why
Seshdhfj nice 👌
The past year has probably turned me into more of an edgelord than I'd like to admit 😅
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heistiplier · 5 years
yancy, bob and wade 💜
Yancy: Share some songs that have been stuck on your mind recently
(It’s a) Departure by The Long Winters (Where are my MBMBAM fans at??)Peach Pit by PEACH PITCurious by Hayley KiyokoOne of The Drunks by Panic! At The DiscoDid It To Myself by Orla Gartland
Bob and Wade: Bob or Wade? …that’s the question, who are you?
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rosykims · 6 years
for the oc ask!!: 3, 6, 8: duncan. 1 and 14: nadaia. 20 for both :3c
thank you rami !
3: Post a snippet from your writing that describes your OC.
this is lifted straight from duncan’s bio but i love it so !
“growing up, the young prince was known to be very quiet, shy, and deeply introverted. issues with his immune system meant he was not often able to play outside with the other children of the court, so he spent most of this time indoors, amusing himself with reading, music and chess. he proved himself to be exceptionally intelligent and observant at a young age, excelling at mental strategy games and reading highly advanced literature far above his peer’s reading level. despite struggling with public speaking and the physical expectations of being a king, duncan showed a remarkable eye for politics, and was able to offer his mother and father reliable counsel by the age of twelve.”
6: Describe your OC’s love life.
duncan is in a relationship with ashara’s daughter, nadaia ! they’re relationship is kinda similar to duncan’s parents though (ella and alistair) in that its very…… chill. they’re both experienced adults so it’s less intense than some relationships, but they care for each other dearly and duncan loved her enough to give up becoming king for her ! thats love babey ! anyway they are both easygoing and clever, and they respect each other a lot as experts in their own fields, and duncan especially acts as a massive cheerleader for nadaia’s successes
8: Describe one of your OC’s bad habits.
duncan has a dependency on pain killers - although this is only semi canon because i havent found any lore about addictive substances other than lyrium but. duncan has always lived with chronic pain so this has been his way of coping/managing his pain without having to ask for help, because he has a lot of guilt surrounding the subject.
1: List five basic facts about your OC.
nadaia is super passionate about the deep roads/lyrium/the titans and has spent years investigating and researching all the strangeness surrounding that topic
nadaia lived in orzammer for about two years with the legion of the dead, who agreed to protect her while she studied the deep roads, in exchange for her services as a healer
while there, she obviousl befriended the legion and while they refused to put her at risk by having her help them fight darkspawn, they did teach her how to defend herself. nadaia never did too well with a sword, but she’s excellent at hand to hand combat 
nadaia loves tattoos, and is COVERED in them. they are a bit of a mix of orzammer style mixed with her own dalish ancestry (although she doesnt consider herself dalish, she still likes to respect her roots) and then just… stuff she likes lmao . she’s very big on dumb meaningless tattoos that she just thinks are Neat u kno
nadaia legally changed her name when she came of age from lavellan to da’eralen. the reasoning was that she had never known anyone in the lavellan clan and felt no connection with the name, and felt having a fresh start would be the best thing for her. so she still loves her parent/s deeply, she now goes by da’eralen which (very roughly) means child with little stories.
14: What is one of your OC’s secrets?
hmm depending on how da4 goes, her biological father (solas oof) may potentially be a closely guarded secret between her and her mother.  but if its not neccesary for it to be a secret, she still has scene a LOT of terrifying things in the deep roads, and i hc has learnt things about the titans that she is too scared to share with anyone. 
20: Post a picture or gif that describes your OC.
duncan rehrefuihrfeui
and nadaia
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goodmorningglory · 2 years
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oh oh oh oh!!!!!!;; theyre beautiful!!!!! stunning!!!!!! kitty loml i love them look at kitty theyre adorable!!
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