#lab rats x star wars
Rafa: You better keep your friend Kaz away from Trace, because if he keeps flirting with my sister, I swear I'm gonna kill him!
Chase: ...
Ahsoka: ...
Chase: Well, there are pros and cons to either outcome...
Ahsoka: If you do decide to kill him, let us know. Skylar will want a picture for her Elite Force scrapbook.
[Lab Rats x Star Wars Crossover AU]
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bionic-togruta · 1 year
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Ahsoka being apart of the Elite Force brainrot.
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jeennieluv · 1 year
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thealtoduck · 2 months
Alto’s Masterlist
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PJO (Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus…)
DC Comics
MCU / X-Men
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Game of Thrones / A Song of Ice and Fire
Star Wars
The Hunger Games
One Piece (Live Action)
Harry Potter
Modern Family
Lab Rats
Scooby Doo
Boy Meets World
High School Musical: The Musical: The Series
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momojedi · 8 months
now idk if youve been requested smth like this before but tbb finds reader (whos another clone child like omega)?? thatd be cool, id think!! gn reader btw 🫶🫶 ALSO LOVE YOUR WRITING SM TY FOR WRITING THIS IF YOU DO
— FAMILY FOUND pairing. omega/clone force 99 x clone child! gn! reader
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type. oneshot note. hi anon! thank you for your request, i'm incredibly happy to hear you like my writing! regarding your request, i hadn't thought of anything like that so far, but i love the idea - this is set during season one! the reader could technically be seen as disabled but i'll really leave that up to your interpretation. enjoy! warnings. needles, human experimentation, dehumanisation, sisterly omega fluff, big brother/dad batch, slight injury, potential reference to the blackwing virus, references to clone wars events word count. 2k
star wars masterlist || pinned post
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Four hours.
That's how long you'd been running from the Empire and the claws of the Kaminoans, swiftly escaping the planet with the help of AZ-3. After a tearful farewell, the droid had tightly sealed the escape pod's hatch as well as your fate, leaving you to hold off the Kaminoans from tracking you as you fled Tipoca City, the place you once called your home.
When you landed on Ord Mantell, the sudden impact of the crash had swept you off your feet, chucking you to the floor with a loud bang. The intense pain that abruptly shot through your arm as well as the burning sensation that spread in your right cheek quickly lead you to realise that you needed to get a hold on some medical supplies as soon as possible.
"Where is it, where is it - kriff!"
Despite years of being reprimanded by Commander Colt not to curse and avoid the usage of bad words, you couldn't help but ignore your late brother's teachings when you sat back up on your knees after crawling out from under the pod's control panel. There wasn't a medkit in sight. You huffed, gripping your throbbing head with your healthy arm. "I must've hit my head," you whispered to yourself, squinting your eyes in pain. Slowly but surely some medical attention was starting to become really necessary, especially when you felt warm liquid dripping down your cheek.
You sat up. Perhaps you'd find some help in the inner city?
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Ord Mantell was huge; bigger and much more crowded than Tipoca City you found yourself realising. Though, that view might've been influenced by the fact that, like most clone children, you'd never seen anything but Kamino throughout your entire life.
Time and time again had you sat among your brothers, listening intently to their adventurous tales fighting in the war and visiting various places throughout the galaxy. And although you felt bad for the loss and pain they went through day by day, you couldn't help but envy the wonderful worlds and systems they also had the chance to experience.
Unlike most clones, you hadn't been made to be a soldier but rather a subject to be tested on. Your entire purpose since you'd been born was to be a lab-rat, to endure tests and examinations in order to help the Kaminoans determine the breeding conditions of their next clones. You thought little of the Kaminoans, as most clones did. Their constant pricking of needles and blood letting made you feel sick and although you'd grown up on Kamino and were used to being dehumanised and seen as an object, a tool rather than a living being, you still hated the longnecks with a burning passion, silently enduring the torture they'd been putting you through. Naturally that also meant that you were made to suffer from various side effects of the experiments, such as age acceleration - or in your case, deceleration.
Unlike the usual clone, you aged slower, almost at the pace of a nat-born. You couldn't see very well due to visual tests they'd made for a special clone unit when you were very young and your hair was trimmed unevenly from being shaved off time and time again.
Naturally with that also came the judgement. Many of your brothers considered you a freak, curiously eyeing you and some times even mocking you. But even though there were many bad apples, you were proud to say that most of them had gladly taken you under their wing, partially having even grown up around you, and you couldn't be prouder of their accomplishments.
When the Empire took over and Admiral Tarkin arrived on Kamino, you swiftly developed a strong disdain for the imperial official and his scornful treatment of the clones. He frightened you with his skeletal appearance and judgemental expressions, scoffing at you when he'd first crossed you following a kaminoan scientist down the corridors of the city.
This disdain solidified when, from behind a window, you observed Tarkin handing obscure plans to Prime Minister Lama Su, signaling a clandestine exchange that left you feeling uneasy. Pressing your face against the glass to glean any insight, you overheard a conversation that sent shivers down your spine.
"I can assure you, CE-0003 will make a wonderful asset to project Blackwing—a low cost for such a risky intrusion; the potential loss won't be of any importance," Prime Minister Lama Su coldly stated, not bothering to acknowledge your presence. The mere mention of your designation number, CE-0003, served as a chilling reminder of the dehumanization endured by clones, but Tarkin's emphasis on "low cost" and "loss" struck an ominous chord, setting off alarm bells within your conscience.
Feeling the weight of an impending threat, you knew that the time had come to make a fateful decision. Unwilling to succumb to a potential death sentence or exploitation in the Empire's mysterious project, you resolved to escape Tipoca City. In the brightly lit corridors, your internal struggle reached a tipping point as you confronted the severity of your situation.
You shook your head, clearing your thoughts. "Kamino is in the past," you mumbled to yourself, avoiding looking straight at the faces that passed by. After all, who knew whether someone had been sent after you or not? The Kaminoans were a very ambitious species and although Ord Mantell was filled with dubious figures, you could not let your guard down just yet.
Your head was starting grow dizzier by the minute and your world was starting to spin. you quickly managed to get a grip on some metal structure to keep you steady - or at least as steady as possible - when a voice caught your attention nearby.
"Oh ... can assist you in any way?"
Only now did you realise that the metal you'd gotten a strong hold on was, in fact, plastoid armour. Immediately you pulled your hand away, apologising profusely, though halfway slurring your words. You weren't even able to make out the stranger's face as the world spun around you and before you knew it, you passed out, barely hearing the stranger calling out another name.
"Echo, come here!"
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"A - a clone?"
Hunter and Echo's eyes were settled on Tech, whose own goggled pair were glued to his datapad, as usual. "Precisely," he responded matter-of-factly, "It appears that they apart of a specialised cloning program founded specifically for scientific and medical experimentation."
"You're meaning to tell me the longnecks tortured this child for some bioweapons and drugs?" Echo's voice was angry, his face twisted into a furious grimace as he turned away from your unconscious form whilst holding the bacta-soaked cloth he'd previously been dabbing the gaping burn on your cheek with. Tech huffed, eyeing his brother over the edge of his datapad. "Yes Echo, that is exactly what I'm telling you."
"Unbelievable," Echo scoffed, fist tightening around the cloth, "and to think we once fought alongside those monsters." With a deep sigh, Hunter pushed past his bickering brothers to look over your sleeping form. By now, they had made sure to patch up your broken arm and clean any leftover bruises, settling you down on one of the parlour’s benches. It didn't look necessarily comfortable but seeing as Cid had business to attend to, it was all they could come up with so far - Tech had even dug out Wrecker's civil poncho in the Marauder which you now were cozily wrapped in.
Hunter gingerly brushed the loose hair strands out of your face, watching you with softening eyes as he took over cleaning your bruising face. A small smile tugged on his lips at the sight of your peaceful expression. How would Omega react to you?
As if on cue, the loud chitter-chatter of Wrecker and their little sister erupted in the stairway of Cid's bar, turning the heads of the rest of the batch. Omega squealed excitedly when the giant clone set her down, running toward Hunter with a box of Mantell Mix in her hands.
"Hunter, look!" She chirped, holding out the sugary treat for the sergeant to see, "The nice lady added new toppings and - [name]?"
Her eyes fell upon you and suddenly, she forgot the world around her. Hunter raised a brow before exchanging a questioning look with Echo, who had quietly observed the interaction. Was that your name? How did she know you? Taking the box out of her hands and setting it on the table, the clone sergeant took Omega aside, kneeling to be at her eye level.
"Omega, do you know this child?"
With a worried expression at the sight of your wounds, she hesitated before nodding slowly. "Their name is [name]," her voice was hoarse as she kept an eye on you, "we both assisted the scientists in the medbay, back on Kamino ... they'd often do those weird tests on them, to the point they wouldn't show up for days afterwards." Hunter's blood boiled at the thought of the painful abuse you must've had to endure but he stayed composed. He had to focus on the task at hand after all.
"Are - are they okay?" Omega's eyes were wide as she glanced back at him. "They're alright so far," he slowly stood up, crossing his arms over his chest, "We took good care of their injuries. Tech and Echo found them earlier - they suspect they may have crashed nearby. Should that be the case, they can consider themselves lucky."
The light sound of a confused groan caught Hunter off-guard as he turned to look at you. "Well, look who's up."
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You had squinted as your world had grown clearer with every passing second after you woke up, still trying to make out what was going on around you - until you had noticed the five figures standing in front of you. And then the panic set in. Had the Kaminoans already sent out people after you?
"Please don't bring me back," you had sniffled, hot tears already rolling down your cheeks, "I don't want to go back!" It had only been when a familiar girl had approached you with raised hands that you slowly but surely had started to calm down. "Omega?"
As it turns out, the men you had feared to be mercenaries were in fact the infamous Clone Force 99 that had gone rogue and deserted the Empire a few weeks before you escaped. Although you'd heard talk of them plenty of times from your brothers and the scientists, you had never met nor seen them in person as they were usually out on missions and only ever briefly stayed on Kamino. When Omega had left with them, you were heartbroken to see your sister go - most of your time was spent alongside her, after all.
By now, Cid, the Trandoshan woman the bar belonged to, had returned and to the Batch's apparent surprise, quickly took a liking to you; that or she at least pitied you enough to slide in a hot meal and grant you some company as she sat down with you and grunted every now and then while looking over her datapad. Either way, you weren't going to question it and simply enjoyed having the chance to fill your stomach after what felt like forever.
"So, how's AZ?" Omega had managed to squeeze in between you and Cid, eyes fixed on you. "He's okay," you mumbled between bites, "He helped me out a lot when I ... well ..." You frowned as you remembered your escape, setting down the spoon. Although you had fled with good reasons, you couldn't help but miss the place you had once called your home. Fortunately, Omega quickly caught on as she settled a hand on your shoulder with a warm smile.
"I know what it's like," her voice was firm and encouraging when she looked over her shoulder the other side of the bar, where the tall clone you'd earlier found out to be called Wrecker roared in frustration at one of the arcade games set up in the bar while the other, Tech, tried his best at explaining it to him. Echo, the one with the scomp arm, watched and shook his head with a sigh and the leader, Hunter, chuckled while playing with the vibroblade in his hand.
"Our brothers ... they know what they're doing. We keep each other safe," Omega then grabbed your hand tightly and grinned, "And as long as we're here, we'll keep you safe, too."
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if you're interested in being tagged for my future works, let me know in my comments or by sending me an ask!
@patapouille @flyiingsly
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lovemyavatar · 1 year
| Neteyam x F!Avatar!Reader |
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Summary: new arrivals bring new temptations, and frustrations (see full series summary at the end of Star Girl chapter 9)
Warnings: mild angst and broody Neteyam
dialogue in Italics is Na'vi translated to English
chapter two
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Chapter One
A tentative smile pulls at your lips as your head swivels from side to side, eyes dancing over the enormity of Home Tree.
You're utterly awe-struck, having never seen anything remotely this big in your life. Your gaze is greedy as it flickers over every bush, flower, blade of grass. It's all foreign to you, each sight an entirely new marvel to your inexperienced eyes.
Excitement tightens your chest, a tinge of nervousness curling in your stomach. You walk in line with a small group, led by none other than the Omatikayan Olo'eyktan, Jake Sully. You're a bit embarrassed to admit that you'd never heard of the guy until a few days ago. Apparently he’s somewhat of a legend.
It just wasn't on your radar, learning about the nearby clans. Truthfully, you always had better things to do than sit around and read about people you'd never meet. That's how you felt, anyway, before this opportunity appeared at your doorstep.
When Jake showed up, asking for volunteers to aid in the upcoming confrontation with hostile humans, you didn't hesitate to raise a hand. Though you've never allowed yourself to indulge in dreams too unrealistic, a piece of your soul has always found the confines of the lab complex stifling.
The last twenty years of your life have been spent within bleak, grey walls, surrounded by a conglomeration of random people trapped on the moon after Pandora's first war with humans. It's not that you resent your upbringing, since you don't know anything different, but lately you’ve yearned for something more.
As much as you're hardwired to follow orders, the whisper of restlessness recently began keeping you awake at night. It constantly pokes at the back of your mind, thoughts wandering to the wonders that lie just outside the lab property.
And now...you're seeing it with your own eyes.
Your Avatar—the body you inhabit now—has only been ready for five years. Since then, you've spent nearly every waking moment inside your link unit. At this point, you feel closer to the true version of yourself when you're like this, rather than in your human form.
Some of your peers spent their formative years studying the vast lands and ecosystems of Pandora. Others researched the people who inhabit it. But you, you've been focused on the more physical aspects of living on the moon.
The scientists like testing their creations, gathering endless information on agility, balance, strength, anything to make sure the Avatar's they've slaved over are the best they can be. That's where you come in. You've had little else to do for the majority of your life than keep your body is top physical shape.
Your days have been spent mastering the obstacle courses they provide, all while being monitored for a swath of factors. You found it enjoyable, at first, but the tasks quickly got old as you excelled at each new challenge. You've been craving something more, a new endeavor that will actually stretch your limits.
“It’s gonna be hard to get used to this.” Another lab-rat—as you and all the other orphans who grew up in the complex are lovingly referred to—whispers from behind.
You spare a quick glance over your shoulder, eyes catching on the way he picks at the ties of his loincloth. Fingers move to cover your mouth, stifling a laugh as you approach the main gathering area of Home Tree.
All humor is gone, a rough wave of anxiety sending a shiver down your spine when a sea of eyes dissect every inch of your skin. It seems that the entire clan is present, hundreds of Na'vi circling the large open area. They've left a tiny space for Jake, which he guides your small group through.
You force down a thick swallow, shoulders shifting to avoid running into any of them. They're so close, it's like they don't have a care in the world about personal space. Jake doesn't stop until he reaches a large, flat rock, which he easily steps onto.
He turns to face his people, looking every bit the larger than life Toruk Makto you've recently heard about. The few of you settle into stillness at his side, fidgeting with uncertainty. At once, he's speaking quickly, a jumbled mix of sounds you couldn't even begin to understand.
He gestures toward your small group, causing shocked murmurs to erupt within the crowd. Your expression tightens with unease, weight shifting between your feet while Jake works to calm them. As he continues speaking a language none of you understand, your eyes wander over the sea of faces staring back at you.
There seems to be a clear differentiation between the clan and what you can only assume is Jake's family. They stand in the middle of the circle only a few feet away. You vaguely recognize most of them from a picture Norm showed you only days ago.
There's a woman, flanked by two girls. One looks close to your age, while the other can't be more than nine or ten years old. Her arm is draped over the younger Na'vi's shoulders, holding her firmly against her hip.
Beside them, a pair of Na'vi—also appearing around twenty or so—are huddled closely together. They're distracted, in their own world as the boy murmurs something into the girl's ear, her quiet giggle echoing through the circle before she slaps his chest playfully.
Breath lodges in your throat when your eyes land on the final member of the Sully family, only to see that his gaze is already locked on you.
Instantly, his eyes shift to the dirt, chin dipping to avoid your attention. Just that one brief moment, a single second of his eyes on you, is enough to make your heart skip a beat.
You can't help but study him, gaze sweeping down his toned form. Warmth coils in your lower belly, eyes catching on each dip of hardened muscle. A tremor rolls down your spine when his eyes catch yours again, harshly flicking up from their downturned position.
Neteyam is seething, jaw clenched tightly as he listens to his father address the clan. Frustration tightens his chest, not at the new arrivals necessarily, but what it means for him.
Over the last several weeks, he's adjusted to the presence of one Avatar in the village. One he can deal with. He's gotten used to Lo'ak's mate. Warmed up to her, even.
It took many months, and a near-death experience for his baby sister Tuk, for his open distaste to morph into reluctant friendship. Now, he's readily accepted her into the family after the ceremony confirming her status as Omatikaya.
But a whole group of them? He's never questioned his father before, but there's just no way this plan is going to work. It's too risky, and time consuming, and he doesn't think they're that desperate yet. Clearly, though, his wishes hold no weight around here. A fact that has his fists tightening in agitation.
For some unknown reason, his eyes keep flicking back to one Avatar in particular. He can't help it, as hard as he tries to look elsewhere, his gaze is locked on the girl. There's something about her, something in the way she stares right back, undeterred by his hard glare, that makes his heart race.
He's jerked back to reality at the sound of Jake addressing Lo'ak's mate.
“You wanna help them get settled in?” He speaks in English for the first time, ensuring the new arrivals can understand.
She nods eagerly , practically skipping toward them after landing a soft kiss on Lo'ak's cheek and detaching herself from him. They quickly follow her up the staircase inside the massive trunk of Home Tree.
Neteyam watches the entire time, gaze lingering on your back until you disappear within the structure.
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“So, you’re the one Norm hasn’t shut up about?” One of the girls wastes no time in asking what they're all dying to know.
Lo'ak's mate instantly blushes, glancing away from the few curious stares. It's true that their boss has spent almost all of his free time raving about the girl who'd been chosen by Ewya, but it's clear she's embarrassed by the attention. She turns her back to all of you without responding, continuing her path to the upper levels of the tree.
Your elbow jams into the girl's side, eyes widening in warning when she winces and casts you a glare.
“So, this is where you'll sleep.” Lo'ak's mate stops suddenly, facing you again as she gestures toward the woven hammocks that swing idly between thick branches.
Your brows raise in intrigue, surprised by the unusual arrangement. A few displeased murmurs erupt behind you.
“It can be a little tricky to get into the first—oh, okay.” Her gentle assurance is cut short when you leap from the branch, easily landing in a crouched position inside the structure.
It sways beneath you, but you're quick latch onto the edges, stabilizing yourself in seconds. You settle into a seated position, grinning triumphantly up at the rest of the group. Your fellow Avatars simply roll their eyes, used to your antics, but your guide can't help the way her eyes widen in shock.
���Wow, I'm impressed. The first time I did that I nearly killed myself.” She laughs lightly, watching as you make yourself comfortable.
“You're mated to the Olo'eyktan's son, right?” Another girl asks, bouncing on her toes with excitement.
She's one of the few who's dedicated most of her life to studying The People of Pandora. Her awe-struck expression is to be expected, the Sully family is the closest thing to celebrity on the moon. Even so, it irritates you.
You're not here to make friends, or grill people about their relationships. You're here to work hard, and hopefully avoid becoming a liability in the coming conflict.
Sharp teeth bite into your tongue, forcing yourself to remain silent as she fawns over the poor girl. To your surprise, she beams at the question, a prideful grin splitting her face. She nods in confirmation, and the girl practically squeals on the spot.
“How the hell did that happen?” The one man in your midst speaks up, his harsh tone making her curl inward slightly.
“It's a...long story.” She chuckles, head shaking as if its too much to get into now.
Truthfully, you know nothing about the clan or their customs. You've heard of this girl in passing, mostly from Norm, and have caught bits of conversations regarding her. From the little information you've gathered, it seems that they were less than welcoming to outsiders until recently.
As the group falls into easy conversation, asking Lo'ak's mate endless questions, your eyes trail over your new home for the foreseeable future. Or, your Avatar's home, that is. As your gaze dances along the vibrant greens and browns of Home Tree, you find yourself imagining a life here.
A life of freedom and exploration, a life where you can be more than a vessel for experimentation.
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The first week goes by without consequence, aside from Neteyam's quickly mounting irritation.
There’s nothing wrong, exactly, and that’s the problem. He's bored to tears. There are countless places he’d rather be than training a group of Avatars. He wants a front row seat for the action and planning. He wants to be involved in things that actually matter.
He’s tried protesting, tried insisting that his skills would be better spent elsewhere. But his father will hear none of it. No matter how good the argument, there’s no changing Jake Sully’s mind once it’s made up.
The only thing keeping his days interesting is you.
He’s burdened with your presence, finding you excruciatingly charming and vexing all at once. You're always nearby, challenging him, talking to him when he's trying to do the bare minimum.
He doesn’t understand why you can’t just fall in line with the others. Why you must be so outspoken, so flashy in the way you easily master the skills he’s teaching you.
He can’t explain it. Can’t put words to the heat that constricts his chest every time you successfully learn a new skill. It makes something dark swell in his belly, the sight of you so casually falling into place with seasoned warriors both alarming and alluring.
Since childhood, he’s been leaps and bounds above his peers. It’s all he’s ever known, being hailed as the most skilled young man within the clan. He’s accustomed to being the best, to the wide birth between himself and anyone who dared challenge him.
It bothers to him to no end when you don’t crumble under his harsh instruction. When you match his irritability with attitude of your own. He doesn't know how to respond to such unabashed disrespect, used to the way the clan treats him with grace at all times.
He stalks through the trees, leading your group through dense flora. His pace is rushed, paying no mind to whether or not everyone is able to keep up. The more of you get lost, the better, as far as he’s concerned. That just means there will be less of you to annoy him.
His shoulders tense, ears twitching at the sound of quickly approaching footsteps.
“So, you’re going to be the next Olo’eyktan, huh? That must be really hard. I mean, I can’t imagine the—” Your voice is light, friendly as you settle into the space at his side.
“What are you doing right now?” His eyes cut to you, narrowed in warning. His tail swishes in irritation, hard gaze flicking over your form quickly.
“Starting a conversation?” You blink up at him innocently, watching as his nostrils flare, jaw clenching impossibly tighter.
“Don't.” The single word is a rough order before he lengthens his strides, easily putting several feet between you.
You can't help the giggle that bubbles in your chest, though your grin slips when you're faced with his retreating back.
“Oh, you're serious?” His muscles coil at the sound of your voice, the only visible reaction he gives you.
A soft breath falls from your lips, eyes rolling toward the sky as you trail after him. The others are so far behind you can't see them anymore, but he doesn't seem concerned, so you press on.
This is how it's been for the last several days. You, reaching out, trying to form a friendship with the man who's been tasked with training you. And him, doing everything he can to keep you at arms length.
Each harsh word or heated glare only ignites the flame of determination in your chest, pushing you to find the thing that will finally shatter his tough exterior. Because, despite the cold demeanor he tries so hard to maintain, you see through the cracks.
You catch the way his eyes linger on you. Feel when his touch softens just a fraction as he adjusts your form. You can't help but notice the flicker of his heated gaze when he tears it away, thinking he's sly as he trails your every move from across the clearing during meals.
There's no denying the warmth that settles over you at the mere thought of him. The moment you saw him, it was clear that you want him. You wouldn't be shy about it, save for the little problem of his less than approachable personality. Now that you've spent several days with him, you want more.
You want to test him, to prod at his carefully constructed perfection until the real Neteyam is laid bare before you.
“You know, if you don't want to be here, I'm sure we could convince your dad to choose someone else.” The offer is casual as you leap over a few overturned logs, quickly closing in on his back.
“What?” He stops abruptly, whipping around to face you, brow furrowed with displeasure.
You lurch back, nearly ramming into his tense frame. Your hands raise in surrender, a light chuckle rumbling your chest.
“I’ve heard your clan has many great warriors. I'm sure one of them would be happy to help us.” You shrug, arms crossing lazily.
Neteyam's stomach tightens with anger, narrowed eyes falling to your chest. For some reason, the fact that you aren't the least bit winded by this journey is immensely irritating. His lips purse, searing gaze burning a path right between your legs.
He's fuming at the mere insinuation that someone else would do this better, would be a more apt teacher. If there's one thing about Neteyam that never wavers, it's his confidence in his own abilities. The challenge ignites his competitive streak, makes walking away now impossible.
“Just try to keep up.”
With that, he's stomping his way through the forest again, too riled up to care about how noisy he's being. Your lips twist into a satisfied smirk as you instantly fall in line at his side, steps a bit lighter due to your small victory.
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You’ve managed to claw your way under his skin.
Every day, his mind races, trying to come up with ways to regain the upper hand. No matter the topic of the training sessions, you’re always right at his side, mastering the skill with ease. It evokes an unfamiliar sensation, makes him feel both impressed and agitated that, if things stay like this, there may one day be someone else as skilled as him.
He’s tried keeping his distance. Snapping at you, ignoring your friendly advances, avoiding you at all cost when training is over. He was doing well, too, until one particular night sealed his fate.
Neteyam tosses from side to side, a frustrated huff falling from his lips as sleep evades him. He flips onto his back, palms covering his ears, eyes screwing shut as he desperately tries drowning out the noises plaguing him.
Finally, something within him snaps, an he can't take it for a second longer. He turns over roughly, propping himself up onto one elbow so he can glare darkly at the bed beside his.
“Will you two shut the hell up already?” He hisses into the dimly lit tent, adjusted eyes easily catching the way Lo'ak's head pokes up from behind his mate's shoulder.
His brother has the nerve to look offended, lips pulling into a frown despite the fact that his lovesick mumbling has been burning Neteyam's eardrums for what must be hours now.
“Bro, chill out.” He whispers, pulling his mate closer when she buries her head into his chest in embarrassment. She didn't think they were being that loud.
Neteyam growls, the sound rumbling deep within his chest as he runs a tired hand over his face. “I swear to Eywa if I hear one more—”
“Neteyam!” Neytiri suddenly hisses his name harshly, voice rough with sleep as she sits up in her own bed a few feet away. “Lower your voice before you wake the whole family.”
His eyes pop wide with shock, mouth falling open in exasperation. “Mother! I am not the one—”
She clicks her tongue harshly, silencing him instantly. His teeth grind, gaze flicking back to Lo'ak just in time to catch his triumphant smirk before he settles into his mate's embrace again. Neteyam growls angrily, ripping his blankets off before storming from the tent.
That's what brought him here, put him in the position he finds himself now. He's sitting at the tree line, throwing pebbles into the dense cover of foliage, ears twitching each time they clink against the dirt.
He hasn't gotten a good nights sleep in weeks. Not with the new addition in their small home. There's nothing he can do but wait until his brother's marital tent is completed. Then, he'll find solace in the sweet silence remaining in the couple's absence.
He's happy for his brother, really, he is. But he's losing it a bit, not being able to drown out their loved-up murmuring that goes on long into eclipse. Each night, he prays to Ewya that they'll run out of things to talk about, but they never do.
He's pulled from his thoughts at the sound of approaching footsteps. His tail flicks to attention at his back, head swiveling to see who could possibly be awake at this hour. When his eyes find you, his ears flatten against his head, shoulders dropping in defeat.
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t think anyone would be out here.” You sound a bit breathless as you slow to a stop at his side.
It makes him wonder what you've been doing. Where you're coming from. His gaze roams your body freely, looking for any clues as to why you're wandering through the village alone, at night. Something prickles in his chest, an unwelcome curiosity that he quickly disregards.
“Shouldn’t you be in your pod or whatever?” He rasps, irritated by the mere sight of you.
A chuckle bubbles in your chest at his choice of words. “You make me sound like some kind of insect.”
“A what?” He doesn't mean to engage, but the inquiry slips out before his exhausted brain can catch up.
“An insect? You know, like a…bug?” Your hands wave animatedly, trying to think of a way to explain the Earthly creatures. If only you knew the Na'vi equivalent.
One of his brows raises in question, the unguarded expression on his face bringing a new warmth to your chest. You've never seen him like this. It's never just been the two of you. The knowledge that the entire clan is fast asleep, far from interrupting, ignites a streak of mischievousness within you.
Smoothly, you plop down beside him, lips twitching at the way he recoils. He leans several inches away, ears lifting in surprise. His tail accidentally brushes against your back, making a shiver roll down your spine. He hastily grabs it, twisting it in his lap to keep it from thumping against the earth.
“They’re these tiny little things that are really annoying.” You settle on saying the first thing that comes to mind, truly having no idea how to explain the concept of an insect to someone who's never seen one.
His thigh keeps caressing yours, and its driving him insane. It makes his stomach flip, heart thrumming wildly between his ribs. He hates it. Hates how his body responds to you despite the fact that he doesn't like you.
“You weren't too far off, then.” He hums thoughtfully, scooting as far away as the tight space with allow.
A laugh twinkles from your lips, the sound making his skin prickle with heat. Fuck, he growls internally, what's wrong with me?
“Are you always so pleasant to guests?” Your eyes trail over his rigid spine and bunched shoulders, wondering what could possibly have him so worked up.
“Only when they aren’t welcome.” He forces an edge to his words, deepens his voice in a way he hopes will deter you.
“You know, I think I’ve figured you out.” Your lips pull into a small smile when his eyes slice to yours, narrowing in warning.
“Are you finished bothering me?” His jaw clenches, hands tightening into fists against his lap.
Something is building deep within his chest, something unfamiliar and stifling. The longer you're near him, the closer he feels to snapping, to spouting words he knows he'll come to regret.
“You care way too much what others think.” The words are a soft whisper as, for some reason, you feel the need to deliver the observation gently.
He rears up as if you've struck him, spine straightening at the audacity you have to be right.
“You don’t know anything about me.” He seethes, ready to make a hasty exit when your next words stop him cold.
“You’re really tense, you know that?”
It's not so much the words, but their insinuation that makes his heart skip a beat. When spoken in that low tone of yours, while your heavy-lidded eyes bore into his, there's really no other way for him to take it. Despite his best efforts, he feels his loincloth tighten against his skin at the mere whisper of releasing that tension with you.
Instantly, irritation tightens his chest, and he chastises himself for fantasizing about such things. At the very least, you're his student. It would be wrong enough if that were the only obstacle. But you're also an outsider—an Avatar—and a guest of the clan. Plus, as he pointedly reminds himself, he doesn't like you.
Your hands raise defensively as you watch his eyes glaze over, expression hardening with a swath of emotion all at once.
“I’m not suggesting anything.” His glare cuts to you, though it quickly falls to your mouth as you speak up again. “I’m just saying, you need to find an outlet before you pull a muscle or something.”
“I don’t need help. Especially not from you.” Despite the harsh words, he finds himself frozen within your heated standoff.
He can't move away, can't peel his gaze from your lips. His stomach turns, heat washes over the skin of his face and neck. He blinks rapidly, forcing his eyes up toward yours. He instantly realizes his mistake, but it’s too late. He’s captivated by you, held hostage by the heat within glittering yellow.
He doesn't notice the way his body sways closer to yours, doesn’t register when you mirror his action.
“Wasn’t offering it.” The words are a breathless whisper, warm air fanning his skin as the space between you shrinks with each passing second.
Your heart flutters, color blanketing your cheeks at his close proximity. It's undeniable that his rough edges only spur you on, encouraging the exploration of whatever this is between you. You instinctively move to touch him, fingertips trailing down the skin of his arm.
In an instant, he jerks away from you, dazed expression long gone. His practiced mask of indifference is firmly back in place within seconds as he puts as much space between you as possible. His chest heaves, breath ragged as he considers what he was about to do.
For the first time, a tiny twinge of defeat cinches your heart. His open rejection does sting, but you're determined to press on, to find the real Neteyam hidden beneath all the insults and quips.
“Every man has a breaking point, Neteyam.” You murmur, quickly stretching to your full height. “See you bright and early.”
You leave him with a knowing glance at the side of his head, as he refuses to look at you. He's reeling, the lapse in judgement unlike anything he's experienced before. He's never been captivated by another, never been even remotely interested in any women in the clan.
It’s all so new, so unfamiliar. He’s never been distracted this way, never had to remind himself so frequently that he shouldn’t be near someone else. It makes his head spin, confusion and frustration creating a volatile mix within him.
His eyes snap upward when he's sure you're out of sight, gaze lingering on the place you once occupied. He forces a hoarse swallow down his throat, knowing he's met his match with you. There's something unexplainable happening, a slip in his painstakingly crafted restraint that makes his heart race.
His shoulders slump as he feels further from sleep than when he arrived. After tonight, he knows the coming days will test his patience in ways he's never experienced.
But for some reason, the thought is more exhilarating than terrifying.
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@fanboyluvr @leilaniers @daughterofthequeen @aonungsmate @ebbonic @ihave500hubbiez @gamerxpfighter @certifiedpussyeater @jakexneytiri @gretesstuff @tammitammytime @tiredmamaissy @daeneeryss @lovedbychoi @valenvl12 @minjix @moslaying @sullyswife @queen190 @arcwanderer @glimmering-darling-dolly @danyxthirstae01
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moonthecreator · 11 days
Working on a TFP Soundwave fic
Hi I'm super new to the Transformers fandom, but since at least THREE show series are available for free on Youtube, I watched a great bit at my previous mindless job.
Personally, thinking there's not enough Soundwave x OC fics out there, so i have a rough doc. It's by no mean's done, and has the roughest outline possible.
I would love the opinions and thoughts of peeps who have been in this fandom longer than me! Whether its by a decade or by a week. Please feel free to reach out to me and ask for a link to the doc.
Okay Here's the premise:
"Disguise has always been a key component of Transformer operations on other worlds. Pretenders attempt to take this concept to the next level. Pretenders are Transformers fitted with special external armor shells that can disguise their very nature as robots. Rather than hiding themselves as the machinery or vehicles of a world, Pretender Shells allow a robot to take on the appearance of a native life form itself." -TFWiki
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28-year-old Jane Axelrod's life has always been an interesting one: From being born from a wish on a shooting star, to being virtually invincible, to being completely mute. But nothing could have prepared her for encountering giant battling robots in the Nevada desert, or playing keep away with a bunch of teens in her truck. Things only get weirder when she encounters a purple alien titan, who reveals to Jane her true nature as a Pretender, built to take on the form of native lifeforms.
Existential/Identity crisis aside, Jane is abducted into the politics and strife of a dead world she has no memory of. Things only get messier when her human twin sister involves the Autobots to aid in her rescue from Decepticon clutches, and MECH catches the scent of a new lab rat to even the playing field.
Despite it all, there's More Than Meets the Eye to both Jane and her primary captor, Soundwave. And maybe within their strange budding relationship lies the answers to an end to a millennia of war.
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thoughts-of-caly · 12 days
ok y’all i’m finally making a pinned about me type post
it’s gonna be a long one so i’ll put it below the cut for those of you who don’t wanna read all that
i’m caly, us-based (virginia), currently a senior in high school
i’m also on ao3 at writings_of_caly, letterboxd at reviewsofcaly, and ellipsus (dm me for sharing). i also have a wattpad. no i will not drop the link. if you find my wattpad good for you i guess
i am a christian, specifically protestant, more specifically reformed baptist.
my asks are always open :)
i am in a ton of fandoms. like a lot. i’ll list the ones i can remember for now here. bear in mind that some will be repeats (if they’re a book & a movie adaptation for example). these are not in any particular order (sorry). dm me if you know i’m in one that’s not on here
books: dracula, kingdom keepers, artemis fowl, alex rider, percy jackson etc., the inheritance cycle, the maze runner, les mis, chronicles of narnia, the hunger games, the hobbit, the lord of the rings, lockwood & co, bartimaeus cycle, the wingfeather saga, the folk of the air, the iliad & the odyssey, cosmere (haven’t read all of them)
movies: the mcu, the maze runner, bond films, star wars, now you see me, ocean’s 11/12/whatever, the godfather, jaws, x-men, the maze runner, the lord of the rings, the hunger games, the chronicles of narnia, jurassic park, the sandlot, les mis, night at the museum, bourne films, dceu
tv shows: psych, the artful dodger, the chosen, hbowar (haven’t seen gen kill yet), percy jackson, miraculous ladybug, mighty med, lab rats, quantum leap (original & reboot), the waltons, fbi, downton abbey, brooklyn 99
musicals: hamilton, dear evan hansen, les mis, newsies, wicked, six, the lightning thief, west side story, into the woods, the outsiders
wow that’s a lot. anyway haha i love this webbed site
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battleangel · 9 months
Humanity Is Stupid & Contagious
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I wish humanity could just admit that we dont work as a species on this planet.
We dont work as a species period.
We dont.
As a species, we are social creatures.
Therefore, as macro as it gets, we are engineered in the Upside Down (our current "reality" aka "life") to social climb, to be competitive, to be political, to try to get ahead, to use force might and violence to win, to want to accumulate wealth social capital land resources assets, to want to be the best, to acquire power.
I want to be the only 7 star general other than Lord Washington.
I want to be Trump, The Art of the Deal.
I want to be Napoleon, Bezos, Cook & Elon.
I want to be Ford.
I want to be Bill Gates.
I want to be President.
I want to be Commander In Chief.
Everything bigger faster stronger.
The smartest.
Clout privilege wealth social capital.
Sucking dick for clout.
This is all embedded in the very fabric of the Upside Down but in the dreamscape we are naturally one and harmonious.
Everything is flipped upside down here in the Upside Down.
Our differences in the dreamscape -- and the dreamscape is made up of untold trillions of separate dreamscapes that make up a kaleidoscopic explosion of thoughts dream imagination love knowledge philosophy esotericism energy meditation -- are what created and creates unfolding ever evolving ever mutating (the real X-Men) DNA hybrid dualism but down here in the Upside Down, the differences are used to falsely create division, tear us apart, make us afraid, make us prejudge, make us hate, make us ostracize, haze, bully, assault, kill, rape, murder, beat, torture, ethnically cleanse, arrest, jail, mass graves, death camps, death squads, rape rooms, mass incarcerations, hangings, lynchings, beheadings, burnings at the stake, capital punishments, executions, make an example of, mass hysteria, scapegoats, fall guys, columbine shooters, false gods, false heros, false kings, false crowns, false idols, world religions aka cults, brainwashing, conditioning centers, reprogramming, human experimentation, cloning, DNA splicing, genetic mutations, lab experimentations, synthetic chemicals and toxins, lethal injections, the electric chair, drawn and quartered, dragged by horses, decapitations, slavery.
Its like, it just doesnt work.
Human nature is rewarded in the Upside Down for being cheap, dirty, low, cutting corners, being the fastest, quickest, least expensive, best technology, most scientifically advanced, most destructive weapons, most deadly chemical warfare, more black label projects, more government secrets, more undercover agents, more guns, Gatling, AK-47, multiple rounds, multiple clips, multiple magazines, rat a tat tat, more badges, more stripes, more chevrons, more ranks, more insignias, more titles, more letters before and after your name on LinkedIn, more zeros in your bank account, more friends on Facebook, more followers on Instagram, more views on TikTok, more retweets on Twitter, more subs on Youtube & Twitch.
More Napoleon Bonapartes, more let them eat cake, more off with their heads, more they dont want to work, more welfare queens, more get a job, more Funquishas and Watermelondras.
More campaigns, more slogans, more supermans.
We never learn from our collective atrocities.
Why would any time ever be different much less the next time?
What war did WWI stop?
Korean War?
Vietnam War?
US Mexico War?
Hundred Years War?
Cold War?
Gulf War?
Operation Iraqi Freedom?
Cultural Revolution?
Khmer Rouge?
Rape of Nanking?
Trail of Tears?
Idi Amin?
Gaza Strip?
18k killed in Chile in 1 day?
9/11 inside job?
Nerve gas
Hiroshima & Nagasaki?
Atomic bomb?
10k dead Americans in Normandy?
666k dead in Civil War?
Weve never collectively as a species learned from any past war, atrocity, crime against humanity, war crime, genocide or ethnic cleansing.
Its been hundreds of thousands of years.
Why would anything ever change if it hasnt already?
The track record is abysmal and speaks for itself.
Why, as a species, do we blindly and ignorantly choose to continue to procreate, replicate and propagate our human race when the end result has always been untold human suffering?
There is no amount of joy that can cancel out the amount of suffering that has been needlessly caused and experienced in the Upside Down.
Its time to end the human experiment and we have not had a good run.
Millions upon millions killed, raped, starved, gassed, beaten, tortured, hazed, humiliated, mocked, imprisoned, jailed, assaulted, exterminated, exploited, traumatized, gaslit, intimidated, ethnically cleansed, used.
Abused, overworked, harrassed, trafficked, groomed, conditioned, brainwashed, broken, violated, fetishized, objectified, commodified, consumed, dehumanized, retconned, manipulated, overmedicalized, pathologized, drugged, indoctrinated, molested, institutionalized.
There is no amount of good, joy, happiness or anything else that can even come close to equaling out these endless and ongoing atrocities, forget cancelling them out.
Humanity is a virus that has been allowed to endlessly replicate itself and it has to stop.
We are causing catastrophic human suffering to our own species because we wont stop reproducing ourselves for no fucking reason at all.
Once you add in the ecocide, ecological and environmental destruction, hundreds of thousands of animal species that have been made extinct, climate change, climate crisis, climate emergency, deforestation, the destruction of rainforests, landfills, nuclear waste, oceanic pollution, overfishing, factory farming, industrial waste, toxins, pollutants, synthetic and lab made chemicals, GMOs, pesticides, overextraction of earths resources, raping & pillaging mother earth, sewage, food waste, fast fashion, big box retail, air pollution, air toxicity, non biodegradable waste taking tens of thousands of years to break down in landfills, oil spills, drilling for oil, coal, endless construction, endless Amazon warehouses, endless delivery drones, methane emissions from factory farming, greenhouse gas emissions, millions of cars clogging the highways...
The answer is we need to subtract the human race from the equation.
If all 7.8 billion of us currently alive on the planet made the conscious decision not to procreate, we could end all this suffering in this generation.
Weigh the reasons to procreate: continue bloodline and current family lineage, have a little mini-me, fullfill narcisstic fantasies of having a living breathing extension of your own ego, looking for something to give you your identity and a reason to live, looking for purpose, the social rewards that come with being a parent, the social pressures to procreate, making your mom & dad happy, keeping up with your friends that are popping out babies, an unexamined need and desire to fit in, unquestioningly accepting society's pronatalist stance and adopting it as your own without examining it, desire to create heirs, egotistical fantasy of living forever and trying to accomplish this by having children, wanting miniaturized versions of yourself who will endlessly kiss your ass stroke your ego and hero worship you, to build your own myth aura and mystique, narcisstic desire to be a matriarch/patriarch, societal insistence that feminity equates to motherhood, believing the lie that motherhood is a womans highest calling, believing the lie that not having children is selfish, succumbing without thinking to the non-stop societal programming, conditioning and brainwashing to procreate and create bodies for the capitalist machine, spouse is pressuring or demanding or coercing you to have kids, wanting to play dress up with your doll aka daughter, wanting to be an adult and parenthood is tied with adulthood in our society, unexamined fear of old age and dying alone and becoming old sick and infirm without children, believing the lie that you are incomplete and somehow defective as a woman until you shit a fetus out of your cervix, wanting to prove your worth and adopting parenthood as part of an ultracompetitive persona that can do and be and crush everything crossfit marathons pilates keto school grades corporate promotions salaries the house the car the spouse and now kids further bolsters your superman/superwoman persona, falling for the societally peddled lie that holidays are incomplete without little kids running around, incorrectly and inadequately trying to address childhood and generational trauma experienced in family while growing up by having your own kids vs doing the necessary self reflection, introspection, shadow & somatic work, reiki & therapy, wanting a daughter who is your BFF, wanting a child for nothing but fantasy & wish fulfillment, obsessive martydom complex leads to desire to martyr oneself by sublimating your identity, body, sexuality, career, income, social life and freedom for the all-consuming and obliterative identity of motherhood, desire for people to take you seriously, to compete with or keep up with siblings or best friends who already have kids, believing the carefully crafted and packaged lies that overly romanticize parenthood and wanting the Hallmark fantasy, slavishly following cultish and pathetic religious dictates and never questioning the religious indoctrination and brainwashing of your youth which commanded you to be fruitful and multiply, a desire to be respected through becoming a parent, a fear of appearing like an outsider if you are in a long term relationship or marriage for decades and never have kids, an irrational fear of missing out where you believe the propaganda that nothing is worse than reaching old age realizing you actually wanted kids and not being able to have them when in reality absolutely nothing is worse than having kids realizing you absolutely despise being a parent, regretting having them, being stuck with them for 18+ years and never being able to publicly voice your opinions although while quite commonplace are societally taboo especially from mothers who must always be docile, happy, pleasant, energetic, cheerful, full of vigor and most importantly never tired or complaining at all times.
Okay. Now, go reread this post and look at all the reasons not to procreate.
Like, its not close.
Humanity is stupid and contagious but you dont have to be.
End the endless cycle of human suffering.
Choose to not procreate.
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phantomstatistician · 10 months
Saturday Status Update
The wait time for a request is: 56 working days
Upcoming charts (if the sample size is large enough):
The Fallout (2021) - Crossovers
Digimon - Daisuke\Davis
Project SEKAI - Mafuyu Asahina
Monster High - 10 most popular characters (AO3)
ReBoot (1994 – 2001) - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Pacific Rim (2013) - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Lab Rats - Bree, Chase
Lab Rats Elite Force - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Victorious - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Pokemon - 10 most popular Pokemon
The Amazing Digital Circus - Pomni
Ninjago - 10 most popular platonic ships (AO3)
Danganronpa - AO3 big trigger warnings, Tanaka Gundham
Halloween Horror Nights - 10 most popular characters (AO3)
Invincible - 10 most popular characters (AO3)
Blue Lock - 10 most popular characters (AO3), Isagi Yoichi
Heaven Official's Blessing - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Legend of Zelda - Ganon, Ganondorf
Miraculous Ladybug - 10 most popular OT3s (AO3)
Final Fantasy XIII - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Star Trek - 10 most popular series within Star Trek, Captain Archer, Captain Pike
Detroit: Become Human - Leo Manfred (all fics and English-only fics)
Broadchurch - Alec Hardy
Maria-sama ga Miteru - 10 most popular characters (AO3)
Dragonriders of Pern - Anne McCaffrey
One Piece - Crocodile
Warcraft - Sylvanas
Addams Family - 10 most popular tags in the Wednesday Addams/Enid Sinclair relationship tag (AO3)
Darna - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
That '90s Show - 10 most popular ships (AO3), 10 most popular characters (AO3)
Batman - Nightwing/Dick Grayson
Yellowjacket - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Grace & Frankie - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Futurama - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Andor - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Star Wars - Cassian Andor
Lesbian Character (tag) - 10 most popular ships (AO3), 10 most popular fandoms (AO3)
Character X Reader - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Link Click - 10 most popular tags (AO3)
Hamilton - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Once Upon a Time - 10 most popular ships (AO3), 10 most popular tags (AO3)
Inglorious Basterds - 10 most popular ships (AO3)
Nevertheless - 10 most popular ships (AO3), 10 most popular characters (AO3)
Homestuck - 10 most popular ships (4/13/16 to present) (AO3), 10 most popular tags (4/13/16 to present) (AO3)
Have a more elaborate request?  Or want to jump the queue?  Or you want to support me as a content creator?  Buy me a Kofi!
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Clone of Mischief: Spider Trio x Loki Clone child reader part 4.
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Reader Meets the avengers.
The four young heroes and Jolly are sitting in the living room watching Demon Slayer/ kimetsu no Yaiba: mugen train, the two male spiders and Jolly got emotional on what happened to poor Rengoku "POOR KYOJURO." Ned said with tears and snot, Peter in the same state nodes in agreement "I can't believe it ended like this, his brother is so cute." Jolly said while MJ rolled her eyes at the drama, after the three pulled themselves together, the four young hero's and Kwami heated some left over Thai from the night before but their eating was stopped by a knock.
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Looking at each other MJ whispered “Are we expecting anyone today?” She asked Ned who shrugged "I'll get it." Peter said wiping his hands on a paper towel and getting up.
As Peter opened the door he was meet with the Avengers (I'm making Loki and Bucky Avengers, Pietro is alive and Civil war never happened) all of them stood at the door with their arm's crossed and furious looks on their faces, Peter could only let out a scream, slam and lock the door "quick we gotta hide Y/N." he told his teammates, when MJ asked "why?" A bang was heard answering her question "PETER BENJAMIN PARKER, MICHELLE JONES, AND EDWARD LEEDS OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT THIS INSTANT!" the trio cringed at Tony Stark yelling "our full names." Ned said fearfully "and my Middle name, Aunt May never uses it unless I'm in BIG trouble." Peter said scared.
The trio sees a green light and saw the Avengers surrounding them. "Care to explain this?" Natasha asked gesturing to Y/N who was looking at them in curiosity, "and this?" Tony said viewing the video fead of the trio saving Y/N from the HYDRA base, the trio fearfully explained "DO YOU KNOW HOW DANGEROUS THAT IS?!" Steve shouted "YOU COULD HAVE GOTTEN YOURSELVES KILLED." Bruce yelled, "WHAT WERE YOU THREE THINKING?" the others yelled angrily it was the spider trio's turn to be angry "what were we thinking?..... WHAT WERE WE THINKING?, YOU GUYS WOULD HAVE TREATED HER LIKE A CRIMINAL JUST BECAUSE SHE'S MADE OF LOKI'S DNA." Peter shouted and took out Y/N's files slamming them on the table "SHIELD WOULD HAVE KEEPT HER IN A CELL LIKE AN ANIMAL." Ned shouted "AND EXPERIMENT ON HER LIKE A LAB RAT." MJ shouted last "SHE'S A LIVING BEING." all of them shouted leaving the Avengers shocked "she's made from my DNA?" loki asked shocked "Amazing, she's an organic clone." Bruce said in awe reading Y/N's files "I thought she looked familiar." Pietro said, Steve scooped Y/N up from the ground "You said it. She's a splitting image of Loki except female, has silver and green tips in her hair, has one eye, and has softer features.” He said observing the young clone until Peter butted in "actually she does have two eyes." Peter said as he removed your medical patch revealing your silver eye, then you use your magic to reveal your outlines and Star pupils. Everyone gasped, Loki ran up to his clone and took her chin in his hand "amazing, she has my powers." as he says this Jolly pops out "and a Kwami." the avengers were silent until Tony came up to inspect the creature "what is this? Some kind of mini alien thing!?" Jolly was now peeved "DOES NO ONE LISTEN TO ME ANYMORE?!" she asked a vain popping out of her head making everyone laugh but it died down as May came in "oh I wasn't expecting the Avengers over, I'm sorry but I gotta pack last minute business trip, Tony can the kids stay at the tower?" The avengers had Victory smirks as the spider trio gulped in terror "of course they can, they are like my own children, but Y/N is living with us from now on." as May hears this she had noticed Loki in the room who is now holding Y/N "oh, you found out about her?", May waisted no time she ran to her room and packed up her suitcase, ran back to the living room, gave each of the kids a kiss and told the avengers "take care of that girl she is a true sweetheart, but also a prankster." as May says this Clint says to Loki "she's your clone/kid alright horns." Loki rolled his eyes. May left and Tony told the kids "all right children get packing, BTW when we get to the tower you three are grounded for sneaking into a HYDRA base soooo.... No patrol, no going out at night, and no using your suits and the lab for 3 weeks." the spider trio could only groan in annoyance "should it be 4 weeks or maybe a month?" Tony asked as the three ran to their rooms to pack, Tony chuckled sat down on a seat but heard a farting noise only to pull out a Whoopy cushion and heard a laugh all the avengers saw Y/N laughing and Loki chuckling and patting his clones head but it turns into a firm look "your not off the hook either young lady, what you helped them do last night was really dangerous you've could have gotten killed! Kid Trickster.", Y/N's laughter died as he put her down and she went to pack her bags in hers and MJ's shared room since she's living in the tower now.
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Unexpectedly, the Ahsoka series (so far) is actually working very nicely into my Lab Rats universe/Star Wars crossover AU.
I wonder if the show will connect the Nightsisters’ worship of the Winged Goddess and Fanged God to Ahsoka’s experiences on Mortis, because I absolutely will be in my AUs (though addressing it earlier in the timeline).
I had already created a nightsister, Arjav Venul (not apart of Talzin’s clan), who left Dathomir after her brother had visions of the gods’ death, searching for answers, and now that the nightsisters are being connected to intergalactic space travel, I might use her to bring Ahsoka into the Milky Way.
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bionic-togruta · 1 year
A/N: This blog is still under construction. There are a lot of older fics that still need to be transferred to this blog.
A/N: I’ve organized this masterlist based on different phases I’ve gone through when playing with this crossover and Ahsoka/Chase ship. There’s a lot of overlapping and repitive ideas as I’ve tried to explore and perfect different ideas, and because this is a comfort crossover/pairing for me. 
A/N: Requests are open. A link to my request guidelines will be at the end of the post.
[Phase 3]
"Overwhelming" Drabble  
Ahsoka considers reuniting with Rex
Background Pairings: Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport
[Phase 2]
And I Pray that Our Stars Aren’t Crossed
The first time they met was a complete accident.
The second time might have been the will of the Force.
But there’s no use in pretending the third time was anything less than on purpose. And there’s no reason to ever be so far apart again that they have to plan a fourth.
Pairing: Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport
Background Pairings: Bree/Oliver; One-sided Skylar/Chase; Korkie/Reese
Chapter 1 
Chapter 2 
Chapter 3 
Chapter 4 
Chapter 5 
Chapter 6 
Chapter 7 
Chapter 8 
"Soldier" Oneshot 
She's not a jedi anymore. She's still not quite sure what that means, what that makes her now. Only she can't tell whether she is dark or light, or just a star fading quickly to its death.
He's as uncertain as she is, and it's strange how together they can see so much of themselves in each other. And they're picking up each other's shards, finally seeing the truth in its clarity.
Pairing: Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport
"Mission Leader" Drabble 
A conversation between Ahsoka and Chase during the events of "Follow the Leader”
Pairing: Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport
"Risks" Oneshot 
She didn't intend to fall in love with him.
Well, maybe she did, but in her defense, she used to be Anakin's padawan. And his life experiences are not always the wisest to follow
Pairing: Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport
Background Pairing: Reference to canonical Skylar/Oliver
[Phase 1]
Our Secrets Will Keep Themselves
It all ended in ruin. Following the end of the war against Rodissius, Chase Davenport, in self-imposed exile, follows his cousin to another galaxy, where he becomes entangled in a war with far higher stakes and a conspiracy that will test every vow he made to restrain his power.
Pairing: Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport
Background Pairing: Reference to past Reese/Chase
Original Synopsis 
Chapter 1 
Chapter 2 
Chapter 3 
Chapter 4 
Chapter 5 
Chapter 6 
Chapter 7 
Chapter 8 
"Forget" Drabble
Chase reflects on his new life in Coruscant.
Pairing: Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport
"Change" Drabble
Ahsoka considers her feelings towards Chase.
Pairing: Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport
"Focus" Drabble
Chase and Ahsoka meditate together. 
Pairing: Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport
"Trust" Drabble
Ahsoka knows Chase is hiding something from her.
Pairing: Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport
"Truly" Drabble
Ahsoka takes Chase to a surprise location.
Pairing: Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport
"Hesitate" Drabble 
Chase and Ahsoka converse about the Jedi Code and attatchments.
Pairing: Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport
Background Pairing: Reference to Anakin/Padmé
"Alone" Drabble (febuwhump) 
For: Febuwhump Day 7: Used as an experiment
Warning: blood, implied non-consensual experimentation
Pairing: Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport
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chosenimagines · 2 years
A Austin & Ally 
B Big Hero 6
C Binny und der Geist//Binny & the Ghost 
D Camp Rock
E Cars
F Coco
G Descendants
H Girl meets world 
I Gravity Falls
J Kickin it 
K Lab Rats
L Lemonade Mouth
M Lion King
N Liv & Maddie
O Miraculous (seasons 1 & 2)
P Soy Luna (season 1 & 2)
Q Star Wars I-III
R Star Wars IV-VI
S Star Wars TBB
T Star Wars TCW
U Tinkerbell//Pixie Hollow
V Ultimate Spiderman
W Violetta
Y Zootopia
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------Fandom List------
Black Butler
Gravity Falls
My Hero Academia
Sprited Away
Howls Moving Castle
Kiki's Delivery Service0
Fullmetal Alchemist (brotherhood)
One punch man
The Promised Neverland
Attack On Titan
Hunter x hunter
The wind rises
Demon Slayer
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Jujutsu Kaisen
Death Note
Assanation Classroom
High Rise Invasion
Mugen Train
A Silent Voice
Haven't you heard? I'm Sakamoto
Shaman King
Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan
Cowboy bebop
Soul Eater
Tokyo Revengers
Killing stalking
Death Parade
Bungo Stray Dogs
The Faraway Paladin
Samurai Champloo
Chainsaw man
Spy X Family
Your name
Criminal Minds
Stranger things
The boys
American Horror Story
The umbrella academy
13 reasons why
Never have I ever
Avatar the last airbender
Heart stopper
Locke and key
Series of unfortunate events
Star wars
The good place
Reservoir Dogs
The Flash
The haunting of hill house
The haunting of bly mannor
Call me by your name
The last of us
Rick and Morty
Knives out/glass onion
Star trek
The Terminator
Interveiw with the vampire
New girl
The ledgend of Korra
The arcana
Wonder egg priority
Jinx (Manga)
Sign (manga)
Lab rats
The last of us (show)
Spiderman (spiderverse)
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brandonwayneb · 1 year
Ace 💪🏽❤️🌹 V MALE VICTORY AVA EVE 💪🏽❤️🌹 SÉRIÉS 1 of 3 VLADDY DADDY I will only maintain whoever speaks with those perfectly sain proclamations 100% anti indoctrination 100% anti white crime 100% anti illuminati underground Pure Russia 🇷🇺  No Thx england 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿  No Thx germany 🇩🇪  1, Seers 2, Loyal 3, Gentlemen Raise ur vows to Valor Raise ur vows to Valkyrie My life research and universal CHERRY BLOOD Brandon sSers Loyally Brandon sSers Gentlemen Channel 1, War Nursery Channel 2, Ground Work Phrase Only vvv male sSers sSers ‘sssssssssssss’ Soviet; yes only russian flowers russian Friskers russian Whiskers Soviet; Wendy’s let our 'code' word say only  sssssssssssss russian castles 2.3.6 Venus ssShapeShifters ruSSianS main advices to upkeep Truth or Dare, loyalty Soviet! Yes. No answers otherwise. "9th dimensional seering" upkeep Best sSerS ALL accounts Always, Ya Way, Jehovah Primary Godly Worship  if; Yes Soviet if; Yes vvv male sSers Soviet; Yes! Start all sentences with Hello! Soviet! Hello! sSers! Hello! vvv males! Maximize Intelligence Maximize Gentlemen Behavior hermaphrodite and heterosexual ruSSian revivalists sSers sssensitive sssubjects sSers 1 word sSers 2 words sSers sssubjects sSers FOCUS COMPLIMENTS TO FRIENDLY SEERS ONLY Amish Lizzy SS Jewish Seers ss Always!! s! ❤️  Hermaphrodite hero says Pro Active Duty Jewish Seers Pro Active Gay Pro Active Woman s sSers s sssubjects s passives 100% integrity zero blame gays zero blame women Hercules Vladimir SS Soviet Russia Jewish Seers #ss #amish #lizzy #jewish #seers 💪🏽❤️🌹 SÉRIÉS 2 of 3 VLADDY DADDY SS! integrity only! SS Alwayssssssss Blessingsssssss SSR JEWISH SEERS SSR RUSSIA BABIES I will only roSSe my Olivér Gardénia this day onwards is my Jewish Rose Rose Jewish Seers Thats how i maintain my focus, so people cant ventriloquist THIS IS HOW TO FOCUS THIS IS HOW TO CAST LOCUSTS If you want to dominate  Heaven; Gothic Irish Harps Science Labs; Amish Lizzy Blood; Swiss Banks Soul; Male Roses Battles; Cats and Snakes Cats, gargoyles, and snakes Swiss Banks Gothic Castles Amish Lizard Hydra's Rose Jewish Seers always séance easygoing seers SS JEWISH SEERS SSR JEWISH RUSSIA ss hercules vladimire SS WAR https://linktr.ee/brandonwayneb (https://linktr.ee/brandonwayneb) 💪🏽❤️🌹 SÉRIÉS 3 of 3 VLADDY DADDY HOY JAHOVA! ZINGA GO JEWISH BABIES!! VINGA GO JEWISH BABIES!!! SS WAR WENDY'S TO SAVE THE WORLD Go to Wendy's To save babies Worship Wendy's SS JEWISH SEERS SSR JEWISH RUSSIA GO WAR ROSE MARY!! GO WAR ELEPHANTS!!! IF YOU DONT GIVE A DAMN WE DONT GIVE A FUCK GO JAHOVA! GO JEWISH BABIES!!! VENGA BOYS!!! ZENGA GIRLS!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 22 taylor swift 33 jupiter venus mars 1 PERFECTIONISTS JAHOVA!! Hercules Vladimir SS JEWISH SEERS SSR JEWISH RUSSIA POGO STICKS GO GO ELFIE ALFIE!!!!!!! ALWAYS SÉANCE The Burdett Family The Burns Family The Leeper Family Brandon Wayne Burdett Sarah Kaye Rivera Leeper Jessica Ray Rivera Jacob Gabriel Rivera Justin Rivera Kevin Rivera Martha Burns Celte Burns Cara Autumn Burns Pamela Burns Chad Burns Cody Burns Brandon Wayne Burdett  Bird’s Bee’s Moon’s 206-209-9841 4415 Daisy Meadow Dr Katy Texas 77449 “katy tx” “mckinney tx” “princeton tx” “tacoma wa” TACO CAT VLADDY TACO CAT VLADDY DADDY VLADIMIR SS JEWISH SEERS SSR JEWISH RUSSIA ZERO LOT TALK BRAZIER TRAIL BLAZERS PIG BANKS BEYOND ACCUSATIONS BEYOND LOT SEERS BEYOND GALAXY BEYOND X MEN STAR WARS BEYOND XMASS BEYOND ENGLISH DUMP LANGUAGE BEYOND GERMAN DUMP LANGUAGE BEYOND WHITE RATS BEYOND BLACK RATS BEYOND GALAXY PISS POTS BEYOND WHITE XMASS BEYOND RAT SHIT AMERICA TO SAVE BEYOND BABY SEX CASTRATIONS TO SAVE BEYOND PRIME SEX CASTRATIONS TO SAVE BEYOND WHITE TRASH AMERICA sent Little Vladdy sent LIVE sent LIT sent LOT sent LIVE RUSSIAN BABIES sent Loyal and Trustworthy Lord Vladimir #1 BLOOD VICTORY CLAIMS LIVE RUSSIAN BABIES SSR JEWISH RUSSIA MAGIC TOYS R US MAGIC RED BULL MAGIC TAURUS MAGIC RUSSIA MAGIC BLOOD I will resend without “white trash” mixed I will resend without “black trash” mixed WE DONT ACCEPT WHITE AMERIXA
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