#laame speaks
laame · 23 days
Rip the long hair 😃
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((Im not sad at all i swear))
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3knecrotic · 1 year
jinn u mad oo u mad LMFAO keep whining -v
Bro ur Actually Just hateful wtf
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sailorkamino · 2 years
you can sit with us
wildflower masterlist
relationships: twi'lek!jedi!reader x bad batch, background reader x plo koon & 104th battalion [gn, can be platonic or romantic]
summary: you're knight aola, a jedi with an abnormally strong connection to the living force and commander of the 104th. a reassigment leads you to kamino where you meet some equally unique (and chaotic) men, clone force 99.
word count: 1.6k
warnings: no use of y/n (reader will be called commander aola or smth flower related), proective!wolffe, shinies are in love with you, one mention of slavery, set 1 yr into clone wars so no echo yet
ryl translations: aola - flower
mando'a translations: Gar copad at jorhaa'ir laam, vod - you want to speak up, bro?
gif found on pinterest! credits to owner
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When Yoda suggests getting your own special forces unit after your knighting you know you had to meet them before making any decisions.
You decide to go to Kamino rather than have them come to Coruscant, that way you can train together. Besides, you like to visit Kamino between assignments when you have time. Shaak says it’s good for the clones’ morale… mainly because they start showing off as soon as you enter the room. Plus the employees are on their best behavior when they have an audience.
That’s how you find yourself a few days later in a large mess hall. You can feel hundreds of brown eyes on you as you hold your tray. Beside you Wolffe glares at as many of them as possible. Your co-commander had brought you to the ocean planet to meet your new squad and ship, he only needed to drop you off but he seemed determined to stay as long as possible.
You assume it has to do with the young shinie’s who keep ogling you. A few have already approached you in the hallways on the way here but Wolffe took it upon himself to scare them away.
It's not hard to spot clone force 99 amongst the sea of identical haircuts. Like all vode they're completley unique in the force: from deep browns, to vibrant pinks, to dusty yellows, to blood reds. Oddly enough no one else is sitting with them. You lean towards Wolffe's ear as you get closer to the table. “Play nice.”
“I’m always nice.”
You hold back a snort at his deadpan tone. You pull your lips into a polite smile as you come to a stop. “Is this seat taken?”
Instead of a verbal response the four clones gawk at you. The pricking of jealous stares from all around the mess hall make your lekku twitch but you don’t let any discomfort show on your face. You once again remind yourself these men have very limited experience with nat borns.
“Yeah, of course, general!” The big one answers. He hastily makes room on the bench, almost shoving his grey haired brother to the floor in the process.
You hold back a laugh as you sit beside him yet the new title rings in yours ears. You never wanted to be a solider in the first place and now you're a general? You do your best to release your feelings to the force before introducing yourself.
Wolffe still hasn’t spoken. You subtly kick his boot under the table. “Commander Wolffe. He/him."
“You want to sit with us?” The goggled one asks with a cocked head, reminding you of a curious purgil. Ah, he must be Tech. “I do,” you respond confidently. Although you’re a bit confused they don’t know who you are, weren’t they briefed on their new officer? They probably weren’t shown a holo of you though. Well, this should be fun.
Your response seems to break the long haired clone out of his stupor. “I’m Sergeant Hunter. This is Wrecker, Crosshair, and Tech. We're all he/him."
You note it will be easy to remember who specializes in what. You can sense the batch glancing at Wolffe’s cybernetic eye and you know he can too. They haven’t been deployed yet so it’s most likely the worst injury they’ve ever seen. Without looking up from his food the commander simply says: “lightsaber.”
The clones around you not so subtly glance to the two sabers at your waist. You slap his armored shoulder indignantly. “You can’t just say lightsaber, it looks like I did it!” You look at the curious shinies around you, tilting your head in Wolffe’s direction, “that would be courtesy of Dooku’s apprentice, Ventrass. But I think it just adds to his roguishly handsome vibe.”
Wolffe scowls but his cheeks flush at the compliment. You were there for every step of his recovery and since then you had taken it upon yourself to be his personal hype man. Plus seeing the stiff commander flustered is just too entertaining to pass up.
“Is their name really Ventrass?” Tech asks curiously.
“No, it’s Ventress, but she’s a real ass. Hence the name.”
You look down at your tray as they process the new info. “Ugh, this food should be considered a war crime. Remind me to never complain about the temple’s cafeteria again.” Wolffe doesn’t react, long used to your non sequiturs. The other clones share bewildered looks.
"As soon as I take you boys off world I’m getting you real food.” You add for good measure. Now you can literally feel the confusion radiating off of them.
"What do you mean 'off world’?” Hunter asks.
You look at him curiously. Okay maybe they don’t know they’re getting a new officer at all. “Wait, you guys haven’t talked to master Ti yet?”
“No, we haven’t.”
“Oh, well that explains your confusion. We’re gonna be working together.”
Hunter and Tech’s eyes widen comically. Crosshair squints suspiciously. Wrecker chokes on his mystery meat. You pat his large back to help it pass, wordlessly handing him some juice. “Sorry boys, it was kind of a last minute assignment but I was hoping you’ve been briefed.”
A stunned silence follows that quickly becomes awkward. You clasp your hands in front of you, “well that’s alright! After you eat we can run a sim together!”
Your comm pings. You've never been so greatful for a distracion because clone force 99 is still gawking at you. Then you see the sender and any gratitude drains from your body. You roll your eyes without realizing it (a habit you picked up from your co-commander.)
"How do I diplomatically tell Tuan We to kriff off?” You ask said clone.
Wolffe's lips twitch up, which is his version of laughing. “Negotians are your department, sir.”
“You don’t like ‘em either?” Wrecker asks, wonder in his voice.
You lean towards him with a conspiratorial whisper. “Jedi aren’t supposed to be vengeful but between us I’m about one interaction away from drop kicking the prime minister.” Pride feels your chest at the shocked laughs you recieve. Even Crosshair and Wolffe are unable to hide their amusement.
Another alert from your comm has you prepared to cut it in half with one of your saber's but then you see the sender: Master Shaak Ti! You have always been quite close to the togruta who brought you to the jedi order (and subsequently saved you from a life of slavery.) You haven’t got to see her in person in forever. She must’ve been pretty busy lately if she wasn’t able to brief your new unit on your arrival.
You look at the table of clones with a cocky grin. “Hey, have you boys ever seen a lightsaber duel?”
You pointedly ignore Wolffe’s eye roll. You’re convinced his cybernetic eye is gonna get stuck in that position one day.
Shaak Ti happens to be a master of makashi, aka the form both Dooku and Ventress prefer. That’s why neither of you are trying to end the duel by winning. It’s more of a studying opportunity. Especially considering you have a nasty habit of pissing off sith. To be fair what was Master Plo expecting when he asked Obi-Wan to teach you about negotiation?
You flip to avoid a graceful lunge from the general. Her violet eyes shine with pride. “Your ataru has greatly improved, young one.”
The slightly breathless praise has you grinning, feeling like an eager youngling again. You skillfully dodge her green blade, “am I tiring you out, master?”
She tries to appear disapproving but you can feel her amusement. “A jedi should be humble.”
You beam at her through the clash of your sabers. “I’ll have you know humility is one of my best traits.”
A beeping goes off from Tech’s datapad, alerting the end of your allotted sparring time. You come to a halt. The adrenaline of a good duel leaves you both glowing softly in the force.
“Woah! That was awesome!”
The bellowing voice makes you grin. “Thank you, Wrecker."
You power down one of your lightsabers, clipping it back to your hip. You extend your now free hand as you call your water bottle into it. Shaak Ti bows, bidding goodbyes to you and the clones before making her leave.
“What is ataru?” Tech asks, fingers stilled above his datapad screen.
You take a few gulps before answering. “Form four of lightsaber combat. It’s known as the aggressive form but really it’s more acrobatic than anything.”
Wolffe mumbles something along the lines of ‘show off.’ You aren’t surprised. He’s never been a fan of ataru. He thinks all the flips are impractical. “Gar copad at jorhaa'ir laam, vod?” You tease. Your eyes flick to the bad batch, noting their confusion in the force. “Do you speak Mando’a?” You ask and immediately regret it. You didn’t mean to put them on the spot.
“Some. Tech knows the most,” Hunter answers gruffly. His tone makes you think there’s a deeper meaning to them not knowing the language. You and Wolffe share a curious look but neither of you say anything. “Well I just told him to speak up,” you translate a bit awkwardly. You don't want them to feel excluded.
“How many lightsaber forms are there?” Tech suddenly asks.
You shoot the genius a thankful look for breaking the tension. “Seven. I can show you if you’re interested?”
“That would be fascinating!”
You’re starting to really like Tech’s enthusiasm. You glance at his brothers. They don’t necessarily feel bored but they aren’t as excited as Tech. “You boys don’t have to stay for this if you don’t want to.”
“Are you gonna do more tricks?” Wrecker asks. You can’t help but chuckle. Despite his size he reminds you of the younglings back at the temple. You miss them.
“I am.”
“Then I’ll stay!”
Crosshair tries to seem uninterested. “I don’t have any other plans,” he simpers. You can tell bonding with this vod won’t be easy but you’ve always liked a challenge. You look at Hunter expectantly since he has yet to speak up. “Sounds interesting," he shrugs.
“Great. Tech, you can record this if you like.” He flashes a small, grateful smile as he clicks away on his pad. You leave your shoto by your waist, igniting your regular saber as you fall into a familiar stance. “The first form is the most basic, shii-cho…”
As you move through katas you know you’ve found your answer for Master Yoda.
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meltherebel22 · 1 year
Mandalorian Translation Challenge!
This is a kinda of huge but not major spoiler for my story TLH, so read at your own risk! This is a conversation between our local insane toddler Fives and our local honeybun Echo.
Please keep in mind that some words in Mando have more than one meaning! So you will not only try to translate it back to English but figure out which word it is out of the ones that have more than one meaning.
Tagging: @thestarwarslesbian @cloneloverrrrr @bitchyblazebeliever @itsalexis22universe @mistress-of-the-empire @hellhound5925 @jules-1999 (Still can’t tag you for some reason, sorry Jules)
"Cyare?," Fives asked in a hushed tone.
"Vaabir mirdir Jes'ika . . . . jate?" I asked softly and quietly. We use our language when we are speaking in private in front of patients and their families.
"Baar'ur utreyar kaysh," Fives spoke, I could feel the shrug in that sentence.
"Baatir?" He asked gently.
"Elek," I spoke slightly louder than our shushed tones finally turning to look at him.
"Baar'ur cuyir nakar'mir? Jes'ika jahaal eyaytir baar'ur? Nu draar, baar'ur ratiin kar'tayl," Fives smirked.
"Lek," I quietly mumbled in agreement with him. Fives smile fell.
"Copaanir at slanar haa'taylir meh Jes'ika jahaala?" Fives asked in a hushed tone.
"Ni hukaatir gar norac akay gar olaror norac, suvarir," Fives stated lowly with a smile as he pushed me slightly with a elbow.
"Jate olar?" I asked quietly.
"Elek!" Fives stated loudly rolling his eyes.
"Ulyc val liser epar gar oyayc, meh gar dinuir laam. . . jair, a shi meh gar liser," I smirked as I stood up from my chair as Fives started howling out in laughter gaining the waiting rooms attention.
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I traveled to Mexico and there is a lot of colorism and anti blackness there well it’s common in the entire Latin diaspora
I noticed alot of advertisements and billboards over there have a lot of fairskinned almost white looking people
Yet there Afro Mexicans are nowhere to be represented. Even the indigenous Mexicans are treated bad because they have darker skin
I can’t really speak on it cuz I’m not afro latine or indigenous but I do follow activists and just ppl who speak on these things in the Latine community and it’s…bad. Like colorism is disheartening and borderline evil no matter where it takes place but it does look like it’s a lot more rampant in places like LaAm and other different sections and regions of the world.
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jafary · 2 years
— فضل القرآن —
The Holy Imam Hassan Al Askari asws said: 'It has been narrated to me from
my father Ali Bin Muhammad asws from his father Muhammad Bin Ali asws from his father Ali Bin Musa asws from his father Musa Bin Ja'far asws from his father Ja'far asws Bin Muhammad asws ‘The Truthful’ from his father ‘The Splitter of Knowledge’ Muhammad asws Bin Ali asws from his father Ali asws Bin Al Husayn asws ‘Adornment of the Prostrators’ from his father Husayn asws the ‘Master of the Martyrs’ from his father the Commander of the Faithful asws, the Chief of the Trustees, the Caliph of the Messenger of the Lord of the Worlds, the Differentiator of the Ummah and the Door of the City of Wisdom, and the Trustee of the Messenger of Mercy, Ali asws Ibn Abi Talib asws, from the Messenger of the Lord of the Worlds and the Chief of the Messengers, the Guide of the Resplendent and the Exclusive Honourable Intercessor on the Day of Judgment saww said: 'The reciters of the Holy Quran are in the exclusive Mercy of Allah azwj, are clothed in the Light of Allah azwj, the teachers of the Quran asws are the near ones to Allah azwj, and whoever befriends them asws has befriended Allah azwj and whoever is inimical to them asws is inimical to Allah azwj ,and keeps away the afflictions of the world from the attentive listeners of the Quran, and keeps away the afflictions of the hereafter from the reciters of the Quran. By the One in Whose Hand is the soul of Muhammad saww, the one who listens to one Verse from the Book of Allah azwj, and is firm in his belief in what has been revealed from Allah azwj to Muhammad saww to be true in all his saww statements and wise in all his saww actions, and whatever that was given to him saww was all handed over to the Commander of the Faithful Ali asws, and has belief that he asws is obedient to him saww in every order of his saww, then this person will get more reward than the one who donates a bag of gold in charity but does not hold this belief. The one who recites one Verse of the Quran whilst holding this belief, is better than the one who is the owner of all that is from beneath the Throne to the bottom of the earth and donates it all as charity in the way of Allah azwj but does not hold this belief. In fact, this charity of his will be an affliction for him.' Then he saww said: 'O people! Do you know when the reciter and the attentive listener of the Quran will get this great reward? This will be when they do not add anything from themselves to it, for this is a Glorious Word, nor do they hold back anything from it, nor do they eat (earn wages) from it, nor read it to show off.'
And the Messenger of Allah saww said: 'For you the Quran is a beneficial healer and a blessed medicine. For the one who associates himself with it and is obedient to it there is salvation, the one who does not pervert it and does not deviate from it, its wonders will not cease for him, and does not create numerous arguments. And recite it, for Allah azwj will give ten rewards for each of its words recited. This is not to say that for the recitation of 'Alif Laam Meem' there will be ten rewards, but there will be ten rewards for 'Alif', ten for 'Laam' and ten for Meem'.
Then the Messenger of Allah saww said: 'Do you know who are those that attach themselves to this great honour? These are the ones who take the Quran and its explanation from us asws the People of the Household asws or from those intermediaries (narrators of traditions) who are between us asws and our Shiites, and not from the disputers or those that indulge in analogies. And if someone speaks from the Quran by his opinion, and even if by coincidence turns out to be right, he will still be ignorant in that he took it from the wrong source. This is like the one who goes on a journey on a dangerous road without any protection and by mere coincidence arrives safely, he would still be condemned by the people of intellect, but if he gets devoured by dangerous animals then he would be condemned by the people of intellect as well as the ignorant common folk. If he were to make a mistake by his opinion in the Quran then he will have taken up residence in the Fire. His example is that of the one who sails in the ocean without a navigator, or the correct ship. There will be no one who hears the news of his death but will say that he was deserving of the destruction.'
And he saww said: 'There is no blessing that Allah azwj has Bestowed upon His
servants after their faith which is higher that knowing the Book of Allah azwj and its explanation. And the one who has been fortunately blessed by Allah azwj ,and then thinks that someone else is more fortunate than him, has degraded this Blessing of Allah azwj towards him.'
📖 تفسير الإمام العسكري(عليه السلام)
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wigglebox · 4 years
I absolutely love the scene we got in 15x18, American or LaAm Dub version. I really do not mind. I love it both ways. 
The problem was never that episode. That final scene was beautiful and all involved should be proud of it. It’s clear something happened in it be it minor cuts, ADR, idk, idc—regardless, it works. The episode, and that scene in particular, all who worked on it-in it-should be very proud.
It works if it was just Cas saying what he did and allowing himself to feel happiness in order to save someone he loves while also telling that person just how special they are. It works that he learned to speak his truth. It works that he chose to use his happiness to save the world and the person he loves, seemingly, unconditionally. 
It also works if he did hear a small reciprocation back. The Empty didn’t come for him the second he said I Love You. The show had set Cas up, and their relationship, as “reality”. As what was real. The reality to kill God. (I’m ignoring the IRL meta stuff right now thank you it makes my head hurt). So if they both speak their truth, they both make their happiness real, it takes out Death and allows them to further their plot to take God down. They put to words their truth and made it into a reality. 
BOTH versions fit for me. BOTH versions are very sad. 
But both versions still work. 
What just didn’t work was what came after. It wouldn’t have been “bury your gays” if changes that thematically, I think, fit, happened, then it wouldn’t have been ‘bury your gays’. It breaks my heart thinking Misha doesn’t think we like it. I think 15x18 was the HAPPIEST we have been collectively as a Fandom because the arc of the entire season (and indeed the last serveral years) had been leading to this moment. And then we read how he, J, and Bobo all worked on this and we know they wouldn’t do something where they couldn’t at least be reunited (even if it was in Heaven, which, that’s a different post). But it just didn’t happen. 
It absolutely sucks that whoever decided what happened in 15x20 not only undermined our own enjoyment of the show and meaning of the show, it undermined those three’s hard hard hard work and beautiful performances and writing and acting and directing. 
So yes. 15x18? Amazing. *chefs kiss*. They disrespected Misha, Jensen, and Bobo (and indeed Rich as well) by what came after. Whatever happened. 
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Consume me in all your Asparagus Jr headcannons please? 🥺
Oh man I have them scattered all over this blog - one sec let me gather them together.
Here's some general HCs
Here are some family HCs
Some HCs about babysitting for Bomba and Demeter
-He's close friends with most of the oldie squad, but he's closest with his sister (laame), Jenny and Skimble. The first two grew up with him (Jelly and him having been together since she was a week old), so they unfortunately know each other inside out and backwards - it's very difficult to keep anything regarding secrets or surprises from the three of them, and it's *also* very hard for them to embarrass each other because the other two have a whole arsenal of payback material.
-He's also very good friends with Munkustrap (who is technically his younger cousin in my HC world). Asparagus took him under his wing when he was younger since Deuteronomy wasn't around a lot and Munkustrap spent most of his time hanging out with the then "not so oldie" squad anyway. Munkustrap learned his dry sense of humour from him.
-He also *also* hangs out with Hathor a lot coincidentally, but the two of them have probably exchanged a total of a hundred or so words between them in the time they've known one another - and it's been *quite* the long time - they're both very quiet and Hathor often nodded her understanding before he even opened his mouth, so it's not even really necessary for them to speak to get along.
-Speaking of friends, though, Asparagus is generally picky of the company he keeps close to him - not because he's mean (though he is a bit of a grump until you get to know him), but because he's more generally socially withdrawn and gets exhausted very easily. Jellylorum had always been the friend maker of the two of them (her friends became his friends by extension). He's a perfectly pleasant fellow, just generally more on the quiet and skittish side and doesn't particularly like to start conversations (but will happily join them if you talk to him).
-That being said when he *does* choose to clearly say something, you should listen because it's probably important. Or interesting or weird at the very least.
-He clucks at his own children for it now, and makes a proper show of shaking his head in disapproval, but don't fool yourself - Asparagus was *also* infatuated with his own generations' Rum Tum Tugger (i.e. Bustopher) as a young cat (and still a little as an older cat but I mean who *isn't* infatuated with Bustopher?) and would thoroughly lose his marbles when he came around.
-The pipe is his favourite place to hang out in the Junkyard - he's been crawling into that thing to sleep since he was a kitten and his parents brought him to the 'yard for the first time. He's always happy to find other cats chilling out around that spot, too, and you will often find cats just strewn about the pipe with Asparagus quietly hanging out with them. He's definitely the adult you go to if you just want to exist and not talk for a while, as he never forces cats to talk if they don't want to. If you do want to talk to an adult while you're there, though, he will listen thoughtfully until you've finished and ask pointedly if you would like it to stop at listening or if you would like advice.
-He’s one of the few cats who has an actual den in the junkyard (which is carved out of an old armoire and very small, but very cozy and smells like old parchment), where he spends a lot of time. Most of his belongings are tucked away in the dressing room nook in the theatre that his father lives in, but he keeps his kittenhood blanket spread over the floor (it's worn through with holes, but he won't replace it).
-Both he and Jellylorum will gently brush their paws up against a cat's ears as a sign of affection (they get that from their mother, who would always do that first thing in the morning and just before they went to sleep - it's engrained in them. Sometimes they do it completely subconsciously)
-When he was a kitten, his absolute favourite story was Peter Pan (like father like son - he wore that book right out. Even the illustrations have places worn smooth and white from curious paws being rubbed over them), and he talked about being the "first kitten Lost Boy" so often to his mother and father, that they started calling him "Peter" or "Pan" as a nickname. It stuck with him throughout a good chunk of his adulthood - even his stepmother called him Peter on occasion. Only Jelly calls him that in private now. There was a point in his life where he was convinced that he'd never grow up and wasn't it quite the shocker when he did and age started taking his mother and father from him to boot.
-Asparagus, like his sister, was gifted with an effortlessly beautiful singing voice - and thank Cat for that because they didn't particualrly inherit any other dancing or acting genes from their parents (though Jelly is a *slightly* better actress than he is and they're both excellent storytellers). They sound a bit like this - with Asparagus sitting moreso on the operatic baritone scale (which was a very amusing inside joke in their family, since Gus was always cast in borderline baritone parts but he's a *tenor* - of course his son would be the baritone). While Asparagus doesn't talk alot, he does sing more often, and his purring rumbles moreso as a low, comforting hum.
-He also knows an unusual amount about gardening, clocks and magic tricks - he likes finding out how things work and where things come from. He may have taken apart Skimble’s pocket watch once - but don’t worry, he put it back together...eventually when he figured it out.
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asma-al-husna · 3 years
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Allah calls Himself Al-Ghaalib— The Victor, the Predominant— on one occasion in the Quran. Al-Ghaalib is the One who is victorious in every situation. He is the only One who decides and does as He wants with the creation and makes the believers prevail.
The Victor, the Predominant, the One Who Prevails
Ghaalib comes from the root ghayn-laam-baa, which points to two main meanings. The first meaning is to be victorious and to prevail. The second main meaning is to be predominant and overcome.
This root appears 31 times in the Quran in five derived forms. Examples of these forms are yaghliboo (“the will overcome”), ghaaliboona (“victorious”), and maghloobun (“one overpowered”).
Linguistically ghaalib refers to the one possessing the attribute of victory and dominance, whereas ghalaba refers to the verb “to overcome.” From the same root comes the word ghulb in the Quran, Allah says: wa hadaa’iqa ghulba– and gardens of dense shrubbery [Quran, 80:30], which points to a thick foliage of plants to be found in the earth and “overcoming” the soil it is growing in.
Al-Ghaalib is the ultimate one to prevail, control, dominate, and overcome each being and situation with great ease and utmost wisdom— and whenever He pleases.
Al-Ghaalib Himself says: And the one from Egypt who bought him said to his wife, “Make his residence comfortable. Perhaps he will benefit us, or we will adopt him as a son.” And thus, We established Joseph in the land that We might teach him the interpretation of events. And Allah is predominant over His affair, but most of the people do not know. [Quran, 12:21]
“Against all odds”
Allah ‘azza wa jall calls Himself Al-Ghaalib in Surah Yuusuf. In the story of the prophet Yuusuf ‘alayhi sallam everything is intended one way and it goes the other way, a beautiful example of how everything is in the control of Al-Ghaalib.
Yuusuf’s brothers want to get him out of the way so they can get the love of their father. They left him to die in the well, but he survived. Allah says in this surah: Wallahu ghaalibun ‘alaa amrih (And Allah is predominant over His affairs). What He wills will happen, even though everything indicates another way.
Then Al-Azeez, the wealthy ruler, buys Yuusuf and brings him into His palace, and Al-Azeez’s wife, a powerful, beautiful woman, does everything she can to seduce this young, single man who is her slave. Every single aspect is tempting for zinaa– immorality– but Yuusuf doesn’t sway.
He ends up descending from a palace into the darkest prison and from the prison back to a ruling position in Egypt where he is reunited with his beloved father, Yaqoob ‘alayhi sallam. All the events of this story are a clear sign that the final decision is to Al-Ghaalib, “against all odds.” And every human being is like Yuusuf ‘alayhi sallam in that in his affairs Allah is Al-Ghaalib!
How Can You Live By This Name?
1. Have strong belief.
Never fear people and their decisions, never be deceived by the looks of a situation nor be scared of losing your possessions – know that Allah is Al-Ghaalib in Your affairs and He will decide what happens. Next time you feel tempted to care more about the acceptance of people or gaining belongings than trying to please Al-Ghaalib, remind yourself and live by this ayah:  If Allah should aid you, no one can overcome (ghaaliba) you; but if He should forsake you, who is there that can aid you after Him? And upon Allah let the believers rely [Quran, 3:160]
2. Hold onto the truth.
Allah has written, I will surely overcome (la’aghlibanna), I and My messengers. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might [Quran, 58:21] Know that if you stick to the truth and to your Islamic principals you will win; no matter how weak the believers might get, the truth will prevail. This is because Allah is Al-Ghaalib; the victory of those who follow Him and the messengers is His promise and when Allah promises, He delivers.  Allah says: But those who were certain that they would meet Allah said, How many a small company has overcome (ghalabat) a large company by permission of Allah. And Allah is with the patient [Quran, 2:249] So hold on to the truth, no mater how weak it seems, have strong belief Allah is Al-Ghaalib, have patience and victory will be yours, whether in this life or the next!  And whoever is an ally of Allah and His Messenger and those who have believed – indeed, the party of Allah they will be the predominant (al-ghaaliboona). [Quran, 5:56]
3. Take lessons from the past.
And Pharaoh and his people were overcome (faghuliboo) right there and became debased. [Quran, 7:119] While you read the ayaat in the Quran of the former people and their fates, Allah observes if and how you apply these lessons in your daily life. Do you try to avoid the sins they committed? Look at the characteristics of the people who were defeated because of their transgression, disbelief and arrogance and strive to be better than them in shaa Allah.
4. Don’t let sins overcome you.
In the Hereafter there will be a heart-shaking scene: the people of the Hellfire will beg Allah to release them from the Fire. They will say, “Our Lord, our wretchedness overcame (ghalabat) us, and we were a people astray. [Quran, 23:106] However He (Allah) will say: Remain you in it with ignominy! And speak you not to Me!”  Verily, there was a party of My servants who used to say: “Our Lord! We believe, so forgive us and have mercy on us, for You are the Best of all who show mercy! But you took them for a laughing stock, so much so that they made you forget My remembrance while you used to laugh at them!) Verily, I have rewarded them this Day for their patience; they are indeed the ones that are successful. [Quran 23: 108-111] Let this scene inspire you to not be overcome by sins in this life and end up like the people begging Allah for one more chance. Instead believe in this life and continuously ask Al-Ghaalib for forgiveness and mercy, as you will not get a second chance to return to this world!
5. Don’t think you can prevail by yourself.
Never attribute any victory or success to yourself, nor dominate others in an unjust way. And [remember] when Satan made their deeds pleasing to them and said, No one can overcome (ghaaliba) you today from among the people, and indeed, I am your protector. [Quran, 8:48] Some people think they can prevail by themselves or they attach their mind or trust to another human being or even object, but eventually they will be defeated.
6. Don’t be deceived.
But, [on the contrary], We have provided good things for these [disbelievers] and their fathers until life was prolonged for them. Then do they not see that We set upon the land, reducing it from its borders? So it is they who will overcome? [Quran, 21:44] Sometimes the wealth, success, beauty and even intelligence of those who disbelieve can be confusing and even tempting. Know that Al-Ghaalib only prolongs the lives of some people for them to increase in their transgression. Say to those who disbelieve, You will be overcome and gathered together to Hell, and wretched is the resting place. [Quran, 3:12]
7. Call upon Al-Ghaalib.
When all people turn against Him after years of calling to Allah, what does Nuh ‘alayhi sallam do? He doesn’t ask others for help, he doesn’t give up, but he turns to Al-Ghaalib and beautifully supplicates:
‎فَدَعَا رَبَّهُ أَنِّي مَغْلُوبٌ فَانتَصِرْ So he invoked his Lord, “Indeed, I am overpowered, so help. [Quran, 54:10] Whenever you feel overpowered, call upon Al-Ghaalib with this Quranic dua’!
Wallahu ta’alaa ‘alem.

O Allah, Al-Ghaalib, we know that You are the One who is predominant in all affairs. Make us of those who have strong belief, hold onto the truth at all times and learn from the lessons You provided us in Your book. Don’t let us be overcome by sin, and make us of those who are victorious in both this life and the Hereafter, ameen!
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Steam | One-Shot | 2.8K | General
Title: Steam
Fandom: The Mandolorian  
Pairing: Din Djarin/ Reader
Rating: General 
Word Count: 2.8K 
Summary: The kid (and eventually Mando) get sick and you've got to get creative.
Cross posted from Ao3 here
A/N: This is just some teeth rotting fluff that came to me at 2am. Enjoy! Also can’t forget to thank @soyelfuegoquearde for keeping my head on straight and beta reading for me! Bless you! 
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You wake up with sleep still in your eyes to heavy breathing and small coughs coming from the kid’s silver sphere. Sitting up from your make-shift bed on the floor, you open the kid’s sphere to find him still asleep but fussing. He had picked something up a couple of days ago, and you were starting to get worried but not as worried as his dad. Mando would pace in the belly of the razor crest as you slowly rocked a fussing kid.
 "Have you tried tea?"
 Still pacing, you can hear soft mumbling coming from his voice modulator.
 "He could get worse... he needs a healer... but someone might tell... it could get back to... he wouldn't be safe... he needs to be safe... needs to be okay." 
 This was the first time you had ever seen Mando --- Panicked? You reach out and grab his forearm with your freehand, stopping him mid-stride.
 "Mando, he'll be fine. Kids get sick, it happens, but he'll get better. Look how strong he is," You finish saying as you boop his tiny green nose. 
 You say this to reassure him, but deep down, to reassure yourself too. You know how strong the kid is, but he was still so small. 
 Over the course of a couple of days, you had tried everything, but nothing seemed to work. He was still coughing, his nose was plugged, and when you put your ear to his tiny chest you could hear it rattle. On the fifth day of this nonsense, you had almost had enough. The kid was sick and grumpy because he couldn't sleep; you obviously didn't blame the kid. You just wished you could make him feel better. But if taking care of one person wasn't hard enough, you suddenly had to take care of two. Mando was worried and grumpy; he hadn't slept much either and was barely eating; all of his energy was focused on the kid. You practically had to push him off the Razor Crest this morning to catch his bounty.
 "But the kid!"
 "But the kid, nothing. You've spent two days just staring at him. He’s going to be fine!"
 "But what if he gets worse?"
 "We've got coms. I'll call you." 
 He turns around and looks you in your eyes (you assume). 
 "I can't go. My head’s not in it." 
 You cross your arms, unwavering in your stance.
 "It's a dumb, rich teenager who skipped bail. You could do this with your eyes closed."
 His head falls. No one speaks, but his thoughts are loud enough you can hear. You place a hand on the cold beskar of his helmet, the heat of your hand almost penetrating through the metal to cup his cheek.
 "He will be okay. I'll take good care of him." 
 Mando lifts his head, knowing that you'd do anything for that little womp rat. 
 "What if I tell you I'll give you updates every couple of hours?" 
 "Every 30 minutes." 
 "Every hour."
 His shoulders are still weighed by his paternal concern but with the assurance that his son is safe in your care, he turns away from the Crest and heads off to find his bounty. 
 A couple of hours passed since Mando went on his hunt; you had fed and given the kid some medicine as well as done your promised check-ins. As you sit down on the floor, leaning against the wall of the razor crest, still slowly rocking the kid, you start to hum a song your mom used to sing to you when you were sick as a kid. Continuing to softly hum, your eyes suddenly burst open with a memory from when you were younger. 
Quickly you move the kid from your arms into his sphere to change into a pair of shorts and take off your shirt with your breasts still wrapped underneath. With the kid now back in your arms you head to the fresher. As a kid, your mom would turn the shower to the hottest setting and would hold you while sitting on the floor, enveloped by the steam and wait for it to loosen everything in your chest. And you had the exact same plan for the kid. 
 Slowly the small fresher started to fill with warm steam, continuing to rock the kid who, honestly, hadn't left your arms much in the last five days. You feel him begin to settle and take normal breaths. You feel Incredibly relieved; all you wanted in the world right now was for this little one to get better. Finally feeling some peace, you leaned your head back and let the darkness envelop you. 
 You couldn't remember the last time you slept longer than 15 minutes. If somehow the kid was quiet and not struggling, you'd panic and wake up to check on him. But right now, you feel something cool radiating beside you and soft caresses on your face.
 Your eyes flutter open, the lights in the fresher are suddenly very bright, but your eyes start to focus on the beskar covered man squatting beside you. 
 "Mando," you say very groggily. 
 Still lightly caressing your face, Mando explains "You missed the last check-in. I was getting worried." 
 This makes your eyes open completely. "Oh my God, Mando! I'm so sorry, we were in here, and he was feeling better, and we both fell asle-" 
 Mando cuts off your babbling. "It's fine, I was already on my way back, I was just worried-" glancing at his son sleeping soundly in your arms "about the both of you." 
 You can feel the heat start to rise in your cheeks, hoping it can be explained away with the heat still captured in the tiny room, you look away. 
 "He's doing a lot better," You say, still not looking up at Mando. 
 "That's good." 
 Mando reaches down and caresses his son’s small cheek. Small cooing noises come out of his tiny lips, and he further snuggles into your chest. This makes you look up to Mando with a smile. He’s already looking back at you. 
 Mando breaks the stare "Here, let me take him, you..." gesturing to your body, which you realize is more uncovered than your employer had ever seen from you before. Instinctively you pull the child and your knees closer to your chest, unsure what you’re specifically trying to hide. "You... um... go to bed, you haven't slept since he got sick, and you’re exhausted from taking care ---" 
 Of the kid, you thought.
 "Of the both of us." 
 You try and put up a bit of a fight. "No, I'm feeling better; I swear, you just got back from a hunt anyways." 
 "No, get some sleep. Let me take care of both of you... please" 
 That please melts your heart, he could have asked for anything and ended it with that please, and you would have given it to him, happily. Looking at the child once more, softly stroking one of his enormous ears, you hand him over to his dad. Even asleep, the little one knows what his father’s armour feels like and cuddles in closer. Mando stands up and reaches his free arm down to help you up; you take it happily. 
 As you stand in front of Mando, a yawn builds inside your chest, you try to cover it, but Mando cocks his head to the side, giving you a knowing look. You admit defeat with your hands and head over to the pile of blankets on the floor you call your bed. You pull a ratty old shirt that Mando had given you. 
 "I don't wear it anymore; you can have it." 
 Even though you washed it many times before, it still had his lingering smell; you tended to wear it to bed; it made you feel... safe. Before you finish reorganizing your nest of blankets, Mando speaks up.
 "Take my bed. You deserve a better sleep than one on the floor." 
 Before you can protest, Mando cuts you off again.
 "I won't be sleeping any time soon. He needs to eat and... I miss him" 
 Mando's occasional domesticity made you warm and slightly lightheaded. You’re not going to argue with a father about his kid, and he's right; you are exhausted. So without any further argument, you walk over, kiss the kid on the head, wish Mando goodnight and crawl into his bed. 
 Unsure with how much exact time had passed, but you know it had to have been many hours. Your body is heavy as you wake up, you could feel the lines of the pillowcase indented in your skin. You rub your face, hoping to get some circulation back. As you slowly crawl out of Mando's bed, you hear, singing? It is very soft and as you look around you find it’s coming from the fresher. 
 Nuhoy Verd'ika 
Te me'suum'ika laam
Te Ka'ra dral
ca'nara gar vercopa 
 Hearing Mando’s deep voice sing this soft lullaby makes your heart soar. You tip-toe to the fresher door and open it just a smidge. Steam starts to escape; the kid must have started getting stuffy again. You see Mando curled over and rocking what you assume to be the kid, in pants but no shirt. Your eyes wander over his broad shoulders and back. He has many scars and some bruises. You imagine his body is littered with them... just begging to be kissed, but as your eyes wander up, you see hair. Beautiful brown messy locks but hair, Mando has his helmet off. 
 Nuhoy Verd'ika
Gar liser geroya nakar'tuur
akaanir nakar'tuur
parjir nakar'tuur 
 You panic and close the door. With your back pressed against the wall, your brain tries to comprehend what you saw. Mando couldn't have seen you, but if he did, you'd swear you hadn't seen anything. Well, you hadn't seen his face, so that wouldn't be a lie ...right? You would never want to be the reason Mando broke his creed. Sure, you always kind of wondered what your employer looked like, but his creed was much more important than your curiosity. 
 Nuhoy Verd'ika
gar aliit kar'taylir darasuum gar
Meh val chaaj'yc be'chaaj
kar'taylir darasuum kar'tayl nayc chaaj
Nuhoy Verd'ika
parjai shi olaror Verd'ika meg Nuhoy 
 As you hear a long pause, you think the song must be done, you realize you can't be found right outside the fresher, so you quietly bound over to your bed and start folding blankets, trying to look busy. Seconds later, Mando comes out still shirtless but with his helmet on. Thank Maker. Steam billowed out behind him like he was in one of your trashy holo-novels. 
 "Oh, you're up. How’d you sleep?" 
 "Good... really good." 
 Trying not to look at his chest, which you definitely fail at, and like you, he realizes how bare he is and instinctively pulls the child closer.
 "Um, can you take him so I, um, can get dressed?" 
 "Yes! Absolutely!" Reaching your arms out. You do a little dance with Mando as he hands you the kid and tries to get past you to get his clothes, but you both are obviously flustered. Finally, Mando gets past you; you keep your back to him to give him some sort of privacy. 
 "He's feeling a lot better." 
 "Oh, thank Maker," you say as you rock the finally peaceful child. 
 "The steam. It really helped." 
 "Good, my mother used to do it with me when I was little, and we were running out of options," you say with a chuckle.
 More quietly than before, "I don’t know what I'd do without you." 
 Your heart and stomach flutter, but with it sounding like it escaped Mando's internal monologue, you decide not to react. 
 Days later, the kid got better like you knew he would, but man, you are happy for Mandos sake. What you weren't expecting was for poor indestructible Mando to catch it from the kid. 
 "Why aren't you sick?" 
 "I guess I'm just stronger," giving him a quick wink.
 Over the course of a week, just like with the kid, you had to nurse Mando back to health. A week of forcing him to drink broth and tea and take his medicine, but just like with the kid, nothing seemed to help other than steam. 
 The first night Mando tried to do it alone, but he ended up passing out. So the next night you both got dressed in your lightest clothes, Mando, with his helmet still on he would lean against you, and you would shut off the lights. Anticipating the whooshing noise from Mandos helmet as he takes it off. The next five days, you both would spend a couple of hours sitting in the hot steam as he leaned against you and slept. 
 Your relationship began to slowly change. There were nights where you would sit in the cockpit and watch the stars go by telling stories. Sure you did most of the talking, but you could always tell Mando was listening, even with his helmet. 
 As you got more familiar it felt like Mando was always touching you. His hands, his body, constantly brushing up against you. When he reached for something, to get past you, just having a hand on you when you were in public. It felt like every chance he got he needed to be touching you. Slowly you started to get addicted to his small touches. You had no complaints you relished in the feeling of his gloves gliding across your body. Closing your eyes and enjoying the soft leather pads of his fingers or the cold beskar that covered his body. 
 Things dramatically changed between you two when Cobb offered you a job at the school. 
 “Come on Mando, don’t you think she’d make a great teacher for the little ones?” 
 “That’s not what I’m saying-”
 “So, are you not giving her a recommendation?” Cobb elbows Mando teasingly.
 “No, I-” 
 “Well, I haven’t said yes, but thank you for the offer Cobb, I’ll tell you my decision tomorrow.”  
On your way back to the crest, Mando was quiet. Mando was always quiet, but this silence felt heavy. When you finally enter the Crest you've had enough. 
 “What’s wrong, Mando” catching his arm, making him turn around. His head was pointed at the ground.
 “Are you going to leave?”
 “Are you going to leave? Leave the kid. Leave me.”
 “Well, I-”
 “Please don’t go.”  
 You place your hand on the side of his helmet. “I wasn’t going to leave. I care about the kid, you, too much. You guys… you guys are my family.” 
 There’s a long pause as your foreheads touch.
 “Do you trust me?”
 You only respond with a nod.
 “Close your eyes...please.”
 That please. You’d do anything for that please. You squeeze your eyes tightly shut.
You hear the recognizable whooshing of Mando taking off his helmet. It hits and rattles against the floor of the Crest. 
 You feel his soft breath before anything, his facial hair tickles your top lip, and his chapped lips press against your own. He starts to pull away, but you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer. It's an innocent kiss but as if Mando can feel the fire in your belly begin to grow he licks your bottom lip begging for entrance. Your mouths and tongues explore each other, but you both eventually pull away breathless. 
 “Wow, Mando, that was… wow.”
 “My names Din” 
 Now weeks after that Din and you had fallen into a pattern of domesticity. Intentional touches as you passed each other, sleeping together in his bed, even showering together in the dark. You couldn't be happier. 
 You were currently sitting on the ramp of the Crest watching the kid chase a butterfly around. Every time the kid got close, you’d clap and encourage him (but you also hoped it would scare the butterfly). Secretly you cheered on the butterfly, knowing the kid probably wanted to eat it.  
 “Hello, Cyare” Din says as he sits behind you and wraps his arms around your torso.
 “Hello Mando,” Remembering only to say his name in private.
 He rests his chin on your shoulder. Both of you sitting in the comfortable silence watching the little one run around. Your thoughts begin to wander.
 “You called me that when the kid was sick; what does it mean?” 
 “Yes, beloved.”
 “But you said that before we were…”
 “Together? Yes. You and that little one-” pointing his gloved hand at the kid who doesn't seem to be getting tired of this butterfly. “-Are my aliit. My Family. I will always protect you. This is the way.”
 Leaning back you cuddle into his shoulder, and his arms softly tighten around you. You look at the kid and feel Dins heartbeat against you, and you know you're safe. “This is the way.”
Translation For The Song.
Sleep little warrior
The moon is up
The stars are bright
It's time for you to dream 
 Sleep little warrior
You can play tomorrow 
Fight tomorrow 
Win tomorrow 
 Sleep, little warrior
Your family loves you
Even if they’re far away 
Because love knows no distance 
 So sleep, little warrior
Because victory only comes to little warrior who sleep
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laame · 2 days
Oof what a stab in the heart it felt to been asked "what i thought" about my bf and his friend **maybe*** going to a strip club, idk sure nice he asked atleast, but fuck that hurt and now im so full of anxiety
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wtfamidoing-fam · 5 years
Codywan fic (Maybe)?
o Moddy released this prompt to find a good home and I figured i would give it a shot.
Let me know what you guys think. 
New codywan prompt: what if Cody in quiet unguarded moments, when he thought Obi-Wan wasn’t paying attention, was half-asleep, etc called him by some loving Mando'a endearment. Maybe there’s some other declarations? Obviously thinking Obi wouldn’t hear and/or understand. Until of course, he finds out that Obi-Wan very much *does* know the language. Rest is up to you! Thank you!
For SWModdy
Okay so this is the first time I’ve written anything, I’m going to give this a try excuse my awfulness.
It at the end of a battle. Cody does not really remember much of it if he were honest, the length of it  taking more out of him then he is willing to admit. The day was won however and Cody was blearily watching as his Aliit stumbled into the transport that would take them back to the negotiator and away from the pit they were in at the moment.
It was the first of many transports. Cody, and the General would be on the last ones out, he was stuck for at least another hour. Cody gracelessly fell on a empty munitions crate and watched the orderly, if stumbling movements of his brothers with tired pride. They had done well today. He looked out at the see of identical bodies, looking carefully for the one body out of hundred that was slightly taller then the rest.
 Last Cody heard the General had been in the medical tent, but that was packed away when the last of the injured troopers walked or were carried to the transport. Cody took a moment to quickly looked around the deconstructed camp. Jedi were stupidly easy to spot in the clone battalions, most of them forgo armor making them dangerously visible and the slight differences in build compared to the clones did not help mask them at all. Obi-wan was not in the main camp, Cody did a quick sweep of the area visually to make sure.
With a sigh Cody hauled himself off of the mentions crate, something in his armor popped and crackled disconcertingly when the stood, Cody ignored it. Somethings were just not worth investigating when there was no way to get clean, or fix it.
Cody forcibly straightened himself and marched around the camp, he did not have to look long, searching for the walking trouble magnet he called general. Obi-wan was sitting in front of a putrid smelling warm body of water that they had to march through hours earlier, the once blue pool was now a murky light brown. He was sitting in the water logged ground with legs crossed, obviously attempting to mediate. His back was straight and breath was even, he looked nothing like the Jedi from the training manuals, or even the one from the holo books the men sometime enjoyed.
Obi-wan was dirty from the last battle with messy hair, tears and burns littered his tunics and leggings. But he was here and his quite calm composer was like a balm to Cody’s exhaustion, lending a little of the peace he was cultivating to Cody. 
Obi-wan was beautiful like that, calm and quite the grim of the battle only seemed to stick to the surface, never sinking in. There general  was still and relaxed looking, the weak grey light of the world making the warm browns, red and creams of obi-wan stand out. He was beautiful.
Cody took a seat beside him, watching as Boil and Waxer were organizing the last of the transports. There was a handful of transports to be loaded before it would be there turn Cody settled down to wait. Without meaning to Cody felt his eyes closing, he fell asleep where he sat.
Cody woke up to hushed voices and his neck bent at an uncomfortable angle, his  head rested on someone’s shoulder, the air smelt putrid. A hand was on his shoulder and Obi-wans warm voice filtered through the sleep induced fog.
“Commander, its time turn to go.”
Painstakingly Cody pried his eyes open and was met with the sight of Obi-wan craning his head awkwardly to look at Cody, who had apparently been drooling into his shoulder. He was filthy and his light blue eyes twinkled with humor and his lips were quirked in a little slash of a smile. Exposing a slash of purely white teeth. Cody blinked sluggishly before his head wobbled off of its impromptu pillow. Completely without his control the words “Gar cuyir a mesh'la dinii general.” wandered out of his mouth, almost lazily. 
Cody was immediately awake, his face growing warmer and warmer as the General looked at him with a puzzled expression. he opened his mouth, probably to ask what Cody had just said when he was cut off by a choked off snort behind them. Silently Cody thanked all the stars for the quick rescue. 
 Fully awake on the power of embarrassment Cody whipped his head around and was met by the gleeful looking Waxer, who was attempting to school his face into impassivity. But his gleeful eyes jumped back and forth between the generals puzzled expression and Cody’s flushed face with unholy glee.
Waxer’s face split into an grin.
“Well commander, General its time to join the rest of the battalion on the negotiator!” Waxer said with a clap, gesturing to the ship.
Cody and the General trailed into the last transport, and Cody studiously pretended not to notice, Waxer  herding the general and Cody into seats next to each other before joining Boil in the corner. and having a quick hushed conversation with him.
Cody resigned himself to his brothers teasing and sat back down again, Obi-wan leaned over to speak to him.
“ You know Cody you can go back to sleep I have it from here.”
“Thanks sir but I think I should stay awake until I’m in my bunk,” Cody yawned back. He was not going to slip up like that again if he could help it. In the corner Waxer snorted, Boil who raised a single eyebrow at Cody.
“Yoh Nutennir laam.  Kaysh's copyc!" Cody grumbled at them, wrestling down his flush. This had the unfortunately effect of the other clones quickly looking at him, before studiously looking away.
“bic Kelir not banar tug'yc” Cody mumbled embarrassingly to himself. Before settling down next to the general again.
The General looked up at him a grinned a little confusedly before settling down beside him. 
  Let me know what you Guys think.
There is now a Part 2 https://wtfamidoing-fam.tumblr.com/post/190008461424/codywan-fic-maybe-2
Here’s part three! if anyone needs it: https://wtfamidoing-fam.tumblr.com/post/190823954394/codywan-fic-36 
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aesterea-archived · 6 years
more on writing muslim characters from a hijabi muslim girl
- hijabis get really excited over pretty scarves - they also like to collect pins and brooches - we get asked a lot of questions and it can be annoying or it can be amusing, just depends on our mood and personality and how the question is phrased - common questions include: - “not even water?” (referring to fasting) - hijabis hear a lot of “do you sleep in that?” (we don’t) and “where is your hair?” (in a bun or a braid, usually) - “is it mooze-slim or mozzlem?” (the answer is neither, it’s muslim, with a soft s and accent on the first syllable) - “ee-slam or iz-lamb?” (it’s iss-laam, accent on the second syllable) - “hee-job?” (heh-jahb, accent on the second syllable)
- “kor-an?” (no. quran. say it like koor-annn, accent on the second syllable) - people tend to mess up our names really badly and you just get a sigh and a resigned nod or an awkward smile, maybe a nickname instead - long hair is easy to hide, short hair is harder to wrap up - hijab isn’t just covering hair, it’s also showing as little skin as possible with the exception of face, hands, and feet, and not wearing tight/sheer clothing - that applies to men too, people just don't like to mention it ( i wonder why) - henna/mehendi isn’t just for special occasions, you’ll see people wearing it for fun - henna/mehendi isn’t just for muslims, either, it’s not a religious thing - henna/mehendi is not just for women, men also wear it, especially on their weddings - there are big mehendi parties in the couple of nights before eid where people (usually just women and kids) gather and do each other’s mehendi, usually just hands and feet - five daily prayers - most muslim kids can stutter through a couple verses of quran in the original arabic text by the age of seven or eight, it does not matter where they live or where they’re from or what language they speak natively - muslim families tend to have multiple copies of the quran - there are no “versions” of the quran, there has only ever been one. all muslims follow the exact same book - muslims have no concept of taking God’s name in vain, we call on God at every little inconvenience - don't use islamic phrases if you don't know what they mean or how to use them. we use them often, inside and outside of religious settings. in islam, it is encouraged to mention God often and we say these things very casually, but we take them very seriously - Allahu Akbar means “God is Greatest” (often said when something shocks or surprises us, or if we’re scared or daunted, or when something amazing happens, whether it be good or bad; it’s like saying “oh my god”) - Subhan Allah means “Glory be to God” (i say subhan Allah at the sky, at babies, at trees, whatever strikes me as pleasant, especially if it’s in nature) - Bismillah means “in the name of God” and it’s just something you say before you start something like eating or doing your homework - In Shaa Allah means “if God wills” (example: you’ll be famous, in shaa Allah) (it’s a reminder that the future is in God’s hands, so be humble and be hopeful)
- Astaghfirullah means “i seek forgiveness from Allah” and it’s like “god forgive me” - Alhamdulillah means “all thanks and praise belong to God” and it’s just a little bit more serious than saying “thank god” (example: i passed my exams, alhamdulillah; i made it home okay, alhamdulillah) - when i say we use them casually, i really mean it - teacher forgot to assign homework? Alhamdulillah - our version of “amen” is “ameen” - muslims greet each other with “assalamu alaikum” which just means “peace be on you” and it’s like saying hi - the proper response is “walaikum assalam” which means “and on you be peace” and it’s like saying “you too”
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yousoseelie · 5 years
Alright, fellow nerds! The time is now--I have, to the more or less best of my ability, translated the first chapter into Mando’a. This is only lines spoken by Mando, because those make the most sense, not the literal entire script. Obviously there are...sort of spoilers? Most of it is pretty contextless, but still.
Notable frustrations: No word for Imperial or Empire, no words for landspeeder or speeder bike, no word for ride, no word for door. 
Also yes this includes the Armorer XD but in case revealing there’s More Than One Mando is a spoiler, I didn’t want to say that. Tally ho!
I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold.
Ni lise hiibi gar o’r oyayc, ra ni lise hiibi gar o’r ciryc.
I can take you in alive, or I can take you in cold.
Alternate: nadalyc, ‘warm’ from nadala ‘hot’ Also ge’nadala, “almost hot”
I need passage to the yards.
Ni liniba slana at me’sen veeray.
I need go to ship area.
No droids.
Nu beskar’ade.
No droids.
Get out.
Slana dayn.
Go out.
Probably not.
Cuyla nayc.
Probable no.
Alt: Nu’cuyla.
These are Imperial Credits.
Ibic’e X waadase.
These Imperial credits.
Note: oyula droten? Galactic Alliance
I don’t know if you heard, but the Empire is gone.
Ni nu’kar’tayli meh gar susulu, a X kyr’adyc.
I not know if you hear, but Empire passed away.
Alt: Ret gar nakar’mi, (Maybe you’re unaware,)
Note: I wanted something besides “thanks” or “yes” to indicate the sarcasm/resignation.
I’ll take them all.
Ni ven’hiibi an.
I will take all.
Why so slow?
Tion’jor bid dar’iviin’yc?
Why so no-longer-fast?
Alt: ures, ‘lacking’ or ut’reeyah, ‘empty’
Let’s see the puck.
Ke’tengaana ni bora.
Show me job.
Alt: koor, ‘deal, contract’
Alt: jilarud, ‘disc’
Tion chaavla?
(Essentially) Criminal?
What else did he say?
Tion majyc kaysh ru’sirbu?
What extra he said?
Have them lower theirs first.
Ke val diryci val sol’yc.
(Order) they lower theirs first.
I like those odds.
Ni vore ibac.
I accept this.
Note: The spirit of “I can take it” was more important than a literal translation, I feel.
-no translation needed-
Let’s see the puck.
Ke’tengaan jilarud.
Show disc.
Note: went with ‘disc’, also made it more clipped speaking to The Client.
What’s the chain code?
Note: I’m….pretty stumped on this, tbh.
Their age? That’s all you can give me?
Tion val simir’e? Tion ibac an gar lise dinui ni?
Their years? That all you can give me?
This was gathered in the Great Purge.
Ibic ru’joruu o’r Ori’Chakur.
This was gathered in Great Stealing.
Alt: te or haar for The, if you want emphasis.
It is good it is back with the Tribe.
Jate bic yaimpa bah aliit.
Good it returns to clan.
Note: bah and at both mean ‘to’, dative and movement-related, respectively. Both work, in this instance.
A pauldron would be in order.
Ni urmankala bes’marbur duumyc.
I believe pauldron approved.
Alt: serim ‘accurate, correct’ might fit too.
Has your signet been revealed?
Tion gar aliik ru’mar’eyi?
Your sigil discovered?
Alt: I feel like mar’eyla or mar’eyc would be more appropriate--it almost seems adjective-y.
Not yet.
Nayc su.
No, still/yet.
Ti ca’nara.
With time.
This is extremely generous. The excess will sponsor many Foundlings.
Ibic ori’dinui. Majyc ven’kir’mani birov ade.
This very gift. Extra will adopt many children.
Alt: adiike for children (3 to 13) or ik’aad (baby) but also I feel like it’s not quite encapsulating the nature of the word Foundling. Mar’ey’ade (Found children) or dar’buir’ade (orphans) I feel like fit more.
Alt: orilin, ‘profit, surplus’ majyce ‘something extra, addendum’ 
Alt: vencuyanir, ‘sustain’ instead of adopt?
That’s good.
I was once a Foundling.
Ni ru’cuyi Mar’ey’ad.
I was Found-child.
I know.
Ni kar’tayli.
I know.
Thank you.
Vor entye.
Thank you.
Did you help them?
Tion gar ru’gaa’tayli val?
You helped them?
Well, then I don’t know if I want your help.
Ret ni nu’kar’tayli meh copaani gar gaa’tayli.
Maybe I don’t know if I want you to help.
What’s your cut?
Tion’solet waadas gar copaani?
How much credits you want?
Alt: Tion’solet gar koor? “How much your deal?”
Half the bounty to guide? Seems steep.
Dul waadas par taap? Ori’waadas.
Half credits for location? Big money.
Alt: marekar, ‘navigation’, shekemir ‘follow’
Alt: Wayii ‘good grief’
The blurrg? You can keep them both.
Me’ven? Gar lise tayli val bintar.
Huh? You can keep them both.
I don’t know how to ride blurrg.
Ni nu’kar’tayli 
I don’t know
Note: wow, no word for ride really fucks me here.
Perhaps he remembers I tried to roast him.
Ret kaysh partayli ni ru’kebbu hetti kaysh.
Maybe he remembers i tried burn him.
I don’t have time for this.
Ni nu’gana ca’nara par ibic.
I do not possess time for this.
Do you have a landspeeder or speeder bike that I could hire?
Tion gar gana vhetin’juri’gota ra iviin’sol’gota ni lise verbori?
You have plains-carry-machine or speed-solitary-machine I can hire?
Note: no word for landspeeder or speeder bike, had to improvise
Easy. Easy. Now all right. Settle down. Whoa! Settle. Settle. That’s good. That’s good. Easy. Okay. That’s good. All right.
Udesii. Udesii. Jii an jate. Udesii. Wayii! K’udesii. Udesii. Jate. Jate. Pakod. Elek. Ibac jate. An jate.
Calm down. Take it easy. Now all good. Settle down. Hey! Settle. Settle. Good. Good. Easy. Yes. That good. All good.
Please. You deserve this.
Gedet’ye. Gar enteyo vore ibic.
Please. You must accept this.
Then why did you guide me?
Tion’jor gar alori ni?
Why you lead me?
Then why do you help?
Tion’jor gar gaa’tayli?
Why you help?
Oh no. Bounty droid. -sigh- Droids.
Osik. Beroya beskar’ad. Beskar’ade.
Shit. Bounty hunter droid. Droids.
IG unit! Stand down!
IG gotal! Sha’kaji!
IG-made! Cease-fire!
Alt: Kyr ge’kaan! (Endex!)
Alt: Gev! (Stop!)
I’m in the Guild!
Ni o’r Beroya Tsad!
I in Bounty Hunter Group!
That makes two of us.
Ibac gotalu t’ad be mhi.
That makes two of us.
Alt: Gar bal ni bintar, ‘You and me both’
So much for the element of surprise.
Bal’ban nu’keeni.
Definitely no infiltrating.
Unless I am mistaken, you are, as of yet, empty-handed.
Meh ni serim, gar gaane, su, ut’reeyah.
If I correct, your hands, yet, empty.
I have a suggestion.
Ni gana dajun.
I have plan.
We split the reward.
Mhi me’dinui dul waadas.
We share half credits.
Great. Now let’s regroup, out of harm’s way, and form a plan.
Ori’jate. Jii, mhi tom’urci, be’chaaj par aru’ese, bal dajuna.
Excellent. Now, we converge, away from enemies, and plan.
Can we talk about this later?
Tion lise mhi jorhaa’i bat ibic nu’jii?
Can we talk on this not-now?
Let’s go!
Ke mhi slana!
We go!
He’s in there!
Kaysh o’r ogir!
He in there!
Up top!
Whoa, you’re what?
Me’ven, tion gar nari?
Hey, you do what?
Do not self-destruct. Cover me!
Ke nu’naasta gar. Hukaat’kama!
Do not destroy you. Cover me!
Go! Go! Go! There’s too many!
Slan! Slan! Slan! Naysol!
Go! Go! Go! Too many!
They got us pinned.
Val gaanayli mhi.
They trap us.
Do not self-destruct! We’re shooting our way out. ...Okay.
Ke’ nu’naasta gar! Mhi ven’tra’cya mhi tok’kad mav. ...Wayii.
Do not destroy you! We will fire our retreat free. ...Good grief.
New plan!
Evaar’la dajun!
New plan!
 No! Stop it!
 K’uur! Gev!
 Hush! Stop!
Draw their fire, I’ll take it out. Go!
Hiibi val tra’cyn, ni ven’naasta bic. Slan!
Take their fire, I will destroy it. Go!
You know, you’re not so bad. For a droid.
Gar kar’tayli, gar nu bid dush. Par beskar’ad.
You know, you not so bad. For a droid.
That blaster hit looks nasty. You okay?
Ibac tracy’uur nyn ret’aarayla. Tion gar shupur’yc?
That blaster hit maybe painful. You injured?
Is that good?
Tion ibac jate?
That good?
Well, now we just need to get the door open.
Jii mhi shi liniba broka ibac tenn.
Now we just need to beat that open.
Anyone else?
Someone else?
Wait. They said 50 years old.
Pare. Val ru’sirbu she’eta simire.
Wait. They said fifty years.
No. We’ll bring it in alive.
Nayc. Mhi ven’hiibi bic o’r oyayc.
No. We will take it in alive.
Until Friday! K’oyacyi!
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inkognito97 · 7 years
I’ve seen a lot of Obi Wan angst around the internet recently and I’m in desperate need of just some happy, comfortable Obi Wan. Some nice, playful banter between him and Anikin/Rex. (I saw something about Obi Wan getting a tattoo (by a clone) of the old republic logo after a battle and I love that idea!)
He was aware of the eyes that rested on him, in fact, he had been aware of them for a couple of minutes now. His first thought had been that he was merely observed, out of curiosity, but he was not so sure about that now.
“Rex, Cody… what are you doing?” this was Anakin Skywalker, the hero with no fear. Thankfully however, during this mission, the hero with no fear had not been needed, it had gone peacefully. 
It were things like these that made Obi-Wan grateful. For every time they did not have to fight, for every soul they did not lose and for every being that valued peace more about money and wealth, he was grateful. 
“We are sitting with the General, Sir,” answered Rex.
“Yes, I can see that,” the blonde Jedi sounded rather amused. “Bur… why?”
“We don’t want to disturb his meditation, but we wanted to ask him something,” explained Cody.
“I think, you Jedi meditate too much and too long,” commented Rex.
Anakin fidgeted and he leaned a little closer to the two clones, lowering his voice, as if afraid that someone could hear him. It did not help to keep Obi-Wan, who was in a help meditative state and had therefore sharpened senses and awareness, from overhearing. “Don’t tell Obi-Wan, but… I think so too.”
The ginger haired Jedi Master struggled, not to start grinning. It was hardly a secret that Anakin hated meditation, which was rather strange. Here they had the strongest Force sensitive in the history of the Jedi and he had problems connected with it on a spiritual level. But he tried, that was what counted.
“Why are Jedi meditating anyway?” asked Cody, he was rather bold today, most likely thanks to the peaceful mission. The fact that they were currently stranded on a beautiful nature planet, might help as well. It would be a couple of days until their transport would arrive and therefore Obi-Wan and Anakin had decided to make the best out of it. 
The blonde seated himself to the clones. “Well, Obi-Wan says that it brings him back into balance,” he shrugged.
“So you DID listen to me after all,” he could not help himself and slowly opened his eyes, finding himself looking into a pair of familiar blue ones.
“Of course I listened,” Anakin pouted, “I always listened, I just did not always show it.”
“That is one way to put it, former Padawan of mine,” he started to stretch his limbs, noticing the amusement coming from the soldiers at their bantering. He also noted Anakin’s shy pleasure of being called Padawan again. Strange, he had never before noticed how Anakin still relied on their bond and partnership.
“General,” Cody cut in, “we, that means the troops and… we wanted to know, if you would like to join us this evening.”
The day got more and more interesting. After every mission, the clones would come together in private and followed their rituals. They would mourn their fallen brothers and sit together. A lot of clones, would get tattoos, either to better keep them apart, or because of accomplishments and memories. Obi-Wan was pretty sure that Waxer and Boil had Numa’s name tattooed on their forearms.
“It would be an honor,” said the Negotiator finally and he rose from his kneeling position, following the excited and happy clones. Strange, how easily clones could be made happy,, if you just treated them like real persons and like comrades.
Obi-Wan was surprised at the joy that that echoed wildly through the Force, upon his and Anakin’s mere appearance. It was true that they rarely shared such moments with their troops, but they DID spent a lot of time together.
“Hey General!” The bearded male turned his head towards the caller, “Dare to fight?” there was a huge grin plastered on Hardcase’s face.
Obi-Wan huffed and he took his lightsaber from his belt to hand it to Cody, who was closest to him. He trusted these clones with his life, especially during battle, he could trust them with his lightsaber as well.
“Let’s see what you got, General,” teased Hardcase, “without the Force.”
In the end, Obi-Wan was not sure, how he had ended up on the ground, but he guessed that it had to do with the couple of clone troopers, who were clinging to him, pinning him down and lying half atop of him. Strange, he remembered challenging Hardcase, not half their battalion.
“You seem to have a slight clone problem, Master,” Anakin was standing nearby, looking down at him with a mischievous grin plastered on his young features. There was also a gleam in his eyes.
Obi-Wan used the Force to flicker his former Padawan’s forehead, before resting his head back on the floor. “Ni dinuir laam,” he said, ‘I give up’ and as one, the clones holding him down got up. Hardcase offered him a hand.
“Was that Mando’a?” asked Anakin, who was rubbing his forehead.
Obi-Wan hummed, dusting of his attire from imaginary dirt and fully aware of the incredulous stares of the clones. “Satine taught me during the year my Master and I spent on Mandalore, protecting her,” he huffed, “The Force knows we had enough time on our hands, while hiding.”
It was Cody, who stepped forward, clasping his General’s shoulder. “I think I speak for everyone, when I say, ‘Gar cuyir a vod’.” You are a brother, Obi-Wan felt humbled by that. t was true that they had spent a lot of time together and had gone through terrible missions, only to come out alive, but to be so honored by the clones, it was special.
Obi-Wan returned the gesture and also clasped his Commander’s shoulder. “Thank gar par ibic ijaat,” and he truly was honored.
“Now our vod is just missing a tattoo,” Obi-Wan had no idea who had spoken, he could only feel the excitement in the Force that the statement brought.
“By the Force, if that is all it takes,” the clones cheered and Anakin sent him a thumbs up. It made him wonder, if his Padawan had already a tattoo as well.
Unsurprisingly, it was Kix who approached him with the tattoo machine. Instinctively, Obi-Wan bared his upper left arm.
“Nothing too fancy, boys. Remember, I am a Jedi,” he teased, knowing they would never disrespect or shame him.
“Don’t worry, we’ve got it covered,” Kix had it all under control.
In the end, Obi-Wan found himself with a small black logo of the Jedi Order on his upper arm. A clone helmet rested on top of the logo and in small curvy letters were the words, “Jetiise vod,” engraved in his skin. ‘Jedi brother’ indeed.
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