#la rulie
vicmillen · 3 months
Excuses I use to use familiar nicknames for the Links in Links Assemble:
Link is a really really common name around Hyrule, because of some ancient famous people or something. Means courageous or heroic.
Wars- drill sergeant mispronounced his surname Warris that one time in boot camp and it stuck forever.
Sky- abbreviation from his surname Skylark. He tell this to everyone at introduction to avoid being inevitably called birdboy
Wind- that's actually his legit name and not a nickname. His full name is Wind Waker because why not. Had considered changing his name to Link to fit in better, to the horror of every Link involved (only Wars actually)
Time did make it I'm so sorry. He's fairy boy back in the war and fierce now. Because his surname is Feris and people can pronounce it with or without stressing the 'i'.
Legend- that's just his surname. Like Dr Strange.
Twilight- because he is the Wolf of Twilight, and because of the twili connections. Full name is Link Rider.
Hyrule- again, legitimately his name. Like America Chavez (the marvel character). Haven't decided if that's first name or last tho. Has a nickname Rulie.
Four- because he splits into four version of himself. Has another nickname Rain, because rainbow. Mini is a forbidden nickname he will kill you.
Which just leave Wild. I don't know what to do with his nickname, I have a few ideas but nothing solid. Which is odd considering he is the one that inspired this whole au.
Maybe his surname is Wilder, maybe he got it as a remark on his fighting style, maybe it's a random codename that got stuck. I honestly can't decide...
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andsomedaykindness · 11 months
wrapping up a hyrule fic rn and it feels wrong. it doesn't really feel like him. but i actually really like it despite that so :/
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nancyheart11 · 3 months
Fan Joy July 1
Hyrule woke up. Suddenly urgency hit him like a rampaging Lynel and he sat up quickly, before he had to stop and hold his aching, throbbing head. Just what had he been– Where had the bunny gone? Was this a dream? Why had his head been lying on something soft? He spotted Legend and his heart calmed a little just knowing such a strong hero was nearby. “Legend? Why are you here? Are you looking for me?” Legend looked over with such an intense gaze Hyrule felt a shiver crawl down his back. The jumbled story of going to look for wood, finding an injured pink bunny and being chased by bandits flew out of his mouth, it was only stopped by the sudden realization the bunny had disappeared and  he had no way to prove himself to Legend. He must look like the most lazy hero ever! Sent to get wood and he didn’t manage that job. Legend must be so disappointed in him. He waited for the scolding that was surely about to come, his head held low since he couldn’t stand to see the look on Legend’s face. But instead of a lecture, there were arms around him? Legend was hugging him, why? “Ah… sorry sorry, you always panic if you are hugged suddenly. But I can’t help it.I’m so proud of you, Hero of Hyrule.” He didn’t know what to think, Legend saying he was proud of him? And looking at him with such soft eyes? Was this real? “Breathe, Rulie!” Oh, right, that was important. “Legend, I don’t understand . . . What I’ve done is- why did you say that all of a sudden.” “You will understand one day.” “But . . .” “No buts, now let’s go back to camp and treat your wounds. Can you walk?” “Yeah.” “Okay, let me hold your hand.” After a while of walking they encountered a hill. Legend started up first. “Watch your step! It’s slippery here.” He hesitated slightly and Hyrule’s gaze shot to the other hero's foot. The same wound on his right knee as the bunny, dragging the same foot, acting stiff, possibly from the anesthesic? And most suspicious he didn’t ask the cause of Hyrule’s wounds, as though he already knew. Could the bunny and Legend be one and the same?! ------- “Dinner is ready!” called Wild, immediately drowned out by, “PINK BUNNY?!” “Pink? Are you serious?” asked Warriors while finishing putting a bandage on Hyrule’s shoulder. “Yeah! It’s very cute.” he replied. “I want to see and hug it!” continued Wind at a more appropriate volume for sitting one Warriors distance away “If I find one, i’ll take a picture with my picto box!” “Maybe there are other colors besides pink? . . .” mumbled Warriors. “Hey, if we’re lucky, we might see the pink bunny family!” Wind hoped aloud. What Hyrule didn’t know was in another corner of camp where Legend was working on repairing his brown tunic, Twilight was hurting his already wounded chest by holding back his laughter. Legend glared harder at him while holding the needle threateningly, while Time and Four watched with a mix of amusement and confusion.
a little ficlet written about This amazing comic by @la-sera! I love her art and this is my favorite comic she's done yet!
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linkiscool333 · 4 months
Hey, guys, I am going to attempt a month-long Whump challenge. I have pulled prompts from previous challenges instead of using June of Doom. I will list it as Month of Whump instead.
Time Loop (Time, but everyone else dies at some point)
Stumbling/Magic exhaustion/Passing out/Carried to Safety/Won’t regain consciousness or unresponsive (H & L)
Kidnapping/ “Say goodbye.”/Impaled (H & Dink)
Torture/Came back wrong/no anesthesia (H, L, & Wa.)
Head wound/ “How many fingers am I holding up.” (Wild & S) HURT SKY
Nightmare (L, Marin, Hy, Ti., & Wa.)
Goodbye Note (S)
Ritual Sacrifice/ “I’ve got a pulse!” (H, Wa., & L)
Explosion/ “Stay with me.”/ Friendly Fire (Wild & H)
Touch-starved/Touch averse/Sensory overload (S & H)
“No one’s coming.”/ “They don’t care about you.” (H & Dink) Cont. 3
“Good. You’re finally awake.” (H & L) Cont. 2
Seizures/Fever (H & L)
Delirium/Hallucinations (H & L, Everyone is there) NOTEBOOK
Legend POV of 14 NOTEBOOK
Failed rescue attempt (Chain minus H) Cont. 11
Self-done first aid/ sutures (H, Pre – Lu)
Poison/Going into shock (H & L)
Infection/ “I don’t feel so good.” (L & H)
“I love you.” (Legend and Wa.)
“Who did this to you?”/Coughing up blood/Repeatedly passing out/Bleeding through bandages/ “You will regret touching them.” (H, L, Wa.) Cont. 16
Drunk (Wind & Wa.)
“You have to let me go.”/Flatline/ “Please come back.” (H, L, & Wa.) Cont. 21
Can’t Pass Out (Twi & Wild)
Lab Rat/ Transformations (L & Tw.)
Hypothermia (H & L)
“You weren’t supposed to get hurt.” (War Trio)
“You’re safe now.”/Soft words. (H & L) Cont. 23
CPR/ “They’re not breathing!” (Wind, Four)
Recovery (S, Tw, Everyone) Cont. 7
See a prompt that you want tagged for? Please pop into my ask box to make sure I get you!
To the regular people I tag for Rulie fics, this is your chance to opt out of tagging for the Month of Whump fics. Tagging will resume as normal after the challenge if you choose to opt out.
@la-sera @baileyboo2016 @winterfen @peepthatbish @awildsilver
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memoiremunson · 2 years
Saccharine Mornings - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
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Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: Eddie admires your process getting ready.
A/N: I know it's been a while but life has been crazy (in a good way!) and today I just felt inspired to finally write this idea that i've had floating around! Also, I felt this wasn't my best work so i might update it later but for now, c'est la vie! As always, hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 581
Warnings: nudity, kissing, fluff
● - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ●
The morning had been crisp when Eddie first felt his consciousness work to alert his sore, tired limbs. He became acutely aware of the dark ringlets tickling his cheeks.
Groaning, his hand felt for a hair tie, rummaging through the wrinkled sheets as his eyes closed in desperation to gain as much sleep as possible. Finding one of yours, as yours always had a metal band rather than just elastic, he smiled lazily.
Sitting up, the sheets pooled in his lap, soft and warm from the heat garnered by your nude bodies. He slowly gathered his ruly curls into a low bun. Eddie finally broke his eyes open.
The golden sunlight had managed to crack through the curtains. Eddie let out a happy sigh as this was probably one of his favorite times of the day. He could hear the shower head running and gradually creaking to an end, signaling you had finished your morning shower.
Eddie waited patiently in bed, much more awake now that he was about to watch you get ready. Eddie simply loved watching you pamper and ready yourself for the day ahead. It was something that was both intimate and domestic in its nature.
He could never pinpoint how he came to love this act of normalcy but in his eyes, you were the epitome of beauty. He always felt that your beauty was a clear glass reflection of how beautiful your soul is.
Breaking his stream of thoughts about you, you walked out in a towel. A smile spread across your face as you met his honey-brown eyes.
You could still see the blanket of sleep over him but his eyes still lit ablaze every time you met them. You scanned his frame, how the sunlight seemed to kiss his chest, highlighting his various tattoos. You loved Eddie like this. Relaxed, hair fluffy and wild, and absolutely love-smitten.
Soft “good morning’s” are exchanged but kept quiet to not interrupt the tranquility of the moment. You immediately went to do your after-shower routine. Dropping your towel, you poured lotion onto your palms, warming them up before lathering your skin.
Eddie watched and basked in the glory of your womanly form. He drank in the way you so delicately rubbed the sweet-smelling cream into your skin, massaging it in with expertise.
He sometimes asked if he could do it for you but today was not one of those days, today he simply wanted to admire.
The room is quiet as the only sounds are of you rustling around putting on various products and Eddie’s light breathing. His eyes glaze over as you finish putting your lipstick on.
Finished with your routine, you make your way over to his side of the bed before planting a kiss on his full lips. He drinks in the soft moan you let out as he pulls you in tighter from your neck. You break the kiss, happy that the lipstick’s promise of being smudge-proof proved true.
“I’ll see you after work, yeah?” You ask. Voice low and eyes desperately lost in the depths of Eddie’s doe eyes.
“Of course, baby. I’ll be there to pick you up like always.” He smirks. His thumb brushing your cheek ever so lightly.
Blushing, you finally make your way out of the room towards the front door, leaving for work.
Eddie runs his fingers over his lips with the gentlest touch where your saccharine lips once were. He wonders how he got ever so lucky.
Thank you for reading, Angel! <3
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needfantasticstories · 11 months
3 excerpts from a WIP dedicated to @la-sera and her gorgeous Downfall Duo Art
(The whole thing is long, so I wanted to share the parts you'd probably like best.)
1 - Chain vs Ghirahim and Yiga Clan
2 - Legend goes crazy looking for Rulie
3 - Delayed reunion with Rulie
Blood and Blade (4820 words) by SkipBreaker Chapters: 1/? Fandom: The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Sky/Sun (Linked Universe), Flora/Wild (Linked Universe), Malon (Legend of Zelda)/Time (Linked Universe) Characters: Sky (Linked Universe), Wild (Linked Universe), Hyrule (Linked Universe), Time (Linked Universe), Link (Legend of Zelda), Wind (Linked Universe), Warriors (Linked Universe), Twilight (Linked Universe), Yiga Clan (Legend of Zelda), Ghirahim (Legend of Zelda) Additional Tags: Linked Universe (Legend of Zelda), Sky (Linked Universe)-centric, Hyrule (Linked Universe) Needs a Hug, Sky (Linked Universe) Has a Bad Time, BAMF Legend (Linked Universe), Ghirahim Being Ghirahim (Legend of Zelda), Hyrule (Linked Universe) Has a Bad Time, Hyrule (Linked Universe) Has a Blood Curse, Good Older Sibling Warriors (Linked Universe), Mentioned Cia (Legend of Zelda) Series: Part 2 of WildSkyRule Summary: Ghirahim continues his quest to revive his master. Others have the same goal.
In Wild's Hyrule
“Traveler! Legend!” Four shouted in warning. 
“Oh look, I’ve found a little bird,” Ghirahim laughed. 
Legend? Sky turned to see Legend on the ground, knocked on his back by two pillars of earth the Yiga blademasters had shot up from the ground. They lifted their blades to strike him, but Legend was already swinging his leg to sweep their feet. He seemed to be holding his own. So who… 
Another shout from the road nearby, far more desperate, drew his eye. 
"Traveler!" Sky yelled. His heart beat too fast, the sound pounding in his ears. 
 Hyrule struggled desperately, pinned against the demon’s chest. The young traveler’s shield magic barely kept the barrage of black diamond blades at bay, but he was quickly wearing out from the effort. 
“Let him go!” Sky screamed as Ghirahim slowly stepped backwards, “Rulie! Thunder!”
One of Ghirahim’s arms released Hyrule as he reached for something at his side, giving Hyrule just enough room to slip an arm out and raise it high to cast Thunder. 
But the demon yanked his hand back and looped thin, crimson ropes over his wrists with rapid precision, like a spider weaving silk on a fly. 
“No!”  Legend yelled when he toppled both Blademasters and saw his successor, his little brother, trapped.  
Hyrule gasped and writhed as the red rope touched him, and tightened. Sparks of his Thunder spell fizzled and died as it throbbed with dark purple light. 
Hyrule grew pale and his eyelids drooped, half-closed, as magic drained from him. The rope cinched his wrists tighter together as the daggers turned outward, circling defensively around the demon and his prey. 
“Get off him!” Legend roared, but red flashes appeared in a circle around the Vet. When he tried to run past, two Yiga soldiers intercepted his path before he could gain enough speed with even a single step, and they shoved him back into the Blademasters. They wrestled him, grappling over tempered blade
“No!” Hyrule yelled, his eyes flashed open in terror for Legend before drooping again as the red ropes pulsed.
“What do you want with them?” Twilight demanded, searching the demon’s barrier for weak points and finding none. Goddesses, I miss Midna! She would strangle this clown and we’d be halfway to the stable by now.
“Oh, they don’t know about your ability, little fairy?” Ghirahim crooned in Hyrule’s ear. 
Hyrule closed his eyes tight, trying to hide his terror. He shook his head, then yelled as fast as he could, “He wants my bl–mmmph!” His words cut off as Ghirahim clapped a spindly hand over his mouth and chin. 
“You really never told them! Ha ha ha! How fortunate! I suppose that will be a mystery for the heroes to puzzle over on their own.”
“His blood revives Gannon!” Legend finished for him, and found two more huge Blademasters between him and the other Links.
There was no time to process.
Wild shot three arrows at the tall demon’s head. With a flippant wave of his fingers, the hovering knives transformed into a shimmering barrier and blocked them. 
Wild switched arrows. If ever there was ever a time to use his last ancient arrow, untouched since his fight with Gannon, it was now.
 “We need to get over there!” Wild yelled, knocking the arrow and swapping for Revali’s bow. Yet each time they tried to push closer, the Yiga rushed for Wild and the others stopped to defend him. 
Wild found an opening at last, and aimed for Ghirahim’s head, exhaled, and released the ancient arrow. 
A Yiga footsoldier appeared in the ancient arrow’s path. The soldier disappeared while the rest charged. Growling, Wild pulled out electric arrows instead. At least he had 200 of those. 
Throughout this, Legend wrestled his attackers, resisting them as much as they pressed him back, his power bracelets a force equal to their size. He kept them so off-balance that each slice and stab missed, and his boots dragged them quickly at whiplash speeds, steadily moving closer to Hyrule, but the assassins clung to him desperately, grappling for his arms. Wild and Twilight tried to pick off attackers, but Legend lurched unpredictably.
As he stopped to breathe, three fresh Yiga Blademasters appeared beside Legend and the four surviving attackers. 
Twilight, Wind and Four reached them at the same moment. 
“Subdue him already, fools,” The demon groused to the Yiga soldiers.
The Links redoubled their efforts to reach the pair.
Sky looked back to Hyrule, who had slumped in the demon's arms.
“Coward!” Sky yelled, breaking from Wild, Warrior, and Time.
“So much magic in this one, Skychild!” Ghirahim sang from another direction. He disappeared from the back of their group to the crossroad far ahead. He hefted the now unconscious teen in his arms.
“No!” Sky roared, just as lightning finally flashed above and struck the sword, but in the same instant Ghirahim and Hyrule had vanished in a cloud of obsidian diamonds. His skyward strike flew through empty air. 
Always too late, Sky thought. He felt sick. Couldn’t breathe. 
“Rulie!” Legend yelled, but the distraction cost him. The Yiga swarmed him like ants. One Blademaster struck the sword from his hand and another two pinned both his arms back. A fourth blocked Wild and Twilight’s shots with a shield.
“Ledge!” Wind warned too late, and Sky watched, frozen, as two Blademasters held the panting veteran still, brown ropes in the hands of a third, before they too disappeared. 
Where is Crimson? Sky thought numbly, standing alone where Hyrule and Legend had been. He had to fly…no, to run…to find them... but where did they go? 2. Legend's Escape
When the Yiga took Legend, they had not accounted for two facts: Legend’s arsenal of weapons, and his willingness to single-handedly burn down the entire hideout wile still inside it.  
“Where did you take him!?” Legend demanded, blasting his fire rod at the Yiga soldiers dancing away from his blasts, narrowly escaping a fiery end. 
“You’re the only one we got, you idiot!” A footsoldier shouted as she fired an arrow at Legend. She missed him entirely in her panic at the creeping flames, “you’re going to die with us if you keep lighting everything on fire!”
Alone within the enemy’s stronghold, he found no reason to hold back. 
 Legend grinned, and sent another blast into their supply of bananas. The soldiers scrambled to dodge and tried in vain to put out the flames before their whole stock burned. Legend sent back a few more blasts as he ran to the next room.
No Hyrule here, only more idiots, he realized as he entered a sparse training room. He chased the few soldiers out and continued his hunt from room to room, Pegasus boots moving him past the guards who shouted at him, the more persistent ones getting a blast of fire to the face before he continued his search. They popped in and out around him, but he hardly gave them a chance to materialize before blasting them
3. Reunion
(several days later, on a second sweep of the Yiga base with backup)
Wild, Twilight, and Legend appeared at the shrine by the Yiga base in the dead of night. 
The place was a wreck. Not a single Yiga appeared to stop them. 
“What the hell did you do, Ledge?” Twilight marveled. 
Wild surveyed the damage, some wall chunks blasted halfway to the bottomless pit where Master Khoga accidentally died while trying to kill him. 
“Hey, I don’t remember doing all this, okay? Could have been someone else,”
They both raised an eyebrow at him.
“Dinraal herself wouldn’t unleash this much destruction,” Wild smiled. 
“The Gerudo don’t like them either, little vai,” he scoffed, and looked around the piles of scorched boulders for an opening. 
“Hey, Twi’,” Wild pointed at the wall to their left. The once smooth canyon wall now showed a hidden hallway passage between blasted walls.
“I’m pretty sure that was me,” Legend confessed, “That’s just what we need, actually. It’s familiar. It leads to the prison cells,” He marched that way. “I hope they didn't reset their traps. I’d hate to have to blast them all over again,”
Wild followed. 
A rumble of thunder made them all slow and look to the sky.
A bright moon shone over a cloudless night.
“You heard that too, right?” Wild asked.
“Like…Thunder?” Twilight answered.
They raced inside.
(shortly after)
 He froze at Legend’s familiar yell. 
There, through the doorway, ran Legend, Twilight and Wild. 
He could hardly believe his eyes, but his thoughts had already turned to what he’d been running from.
“It’s Gannon!” Hyrule yelled as he raced to meet them, “We have to go!”
Legend grabbed the projectile that was Hyrule in his arms and nearly crashed into Wild as the debris ahead exploded. Twilight threw a blue Sheikah bomb at the broken hall which Wild set off as they ran.
Around the corner, Wild yelled, “Pull in close!”
They huddled together as blue tendrils encircled and took them out of reach of the red lights popping into view all around. The Yiga didn’t even finish materializing before the Links were gone. 
They reappeared in the cold, waving grass of Hyrule field.
“Hyrule, what the hell!” Legend’s voice trembled slightly as he gripped Hyrule’s arms and took in the state of his successor: the red thread around his throat like a line of blood, the strange white clothes, the chains, and the bruises all over him, but nothing lethal. He sighed in relief. 
“Just in case,” Twilight released a fairy. 
She zipped out and rushed around Hyrule with rapid squeaks, healing the few scrapes and bruises he’d earned climbing in the rubble. 
She chittered at the red cord on his neck before flying off. 
Before the fairy danced off into the night, Legend had pulled Hyrule into a ferocious hug. 
“I can’t believe we found you, Rulie,” he began with a growl that ended in a sob. 
Hyrule sat stunned for a moment, his tired mind catching up to the rush of events. He could feel his friend, smell his magic and sweat, the cool night air, the feel of the sturdy red tunic under his hands. He clutched him fiercely back. This wasn’t a dream. Hyrule grabbed fistfulls of the familiar tunic, and his chest swelled. 
“I’m sorry,” Hyrule sobbed into his friend’s neck, “I tried, but they brought him back! I couldn’t stop them. I'm so sorry!”
Legend pulled back and grabbed his face and looked at him fiercely. Hyrule’s heart tightened, ready for his wrath.
“It’s not your fault people are trying to destroy the world, Rulie,” his red, watering eyes made Hyrule’s heart ache, “We should have found you sooner. I’m sorry,”
Twilight and Wild placed a hand on Hyrule’s shoulder as well. He let Legend lean his forehead on his own, and they sat like that until both of them caught their breath as they sat in the cool grass. 
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invisibleraven · 5 months
"Be gentle, please." for Rulie plz and thank you
Julie swiped her forehead, feeling the sweat gathering there, as she was unused to the humid air that seemed to permeate the Georgia air. It was so different from the heat of LA that she had grown up with, but Reggie had asked her to come, meet his MeeMaw, see where he grew up, and well, she was unable to deny him anything.
"You ready?"
Julie turned and she wasn't sure how she didn't swoon-there he was in all his cowboy glory. From the hat to the boots, looking like something out of a Western and her fantasies all wrapped together. She gave an exaggerated whistle, causing Reggie to blush, tipping his hat as if to hide it.
"Lookin' pretty good yourself there darlin'."
Julie grinned-the jeans were tight, the shirt one of his old flannels and the hat one MeeMaw had pressed on her head. She felt kind of silly, but the mirror had proved she could pull it off.
"Let's go meet some horses."
The stables were a bit cooler and shaded, a minor relief from the warm day, though the smell left something to be desired, making Julie wrinkle her nose as it hit her. But then she saw the horses and froze. "Oh wow, I didn't realize they were so...big."
Reggie chuckled. "Yeah, they're all a few hands high. Good stock too-MeeMaw prides herself on that. You wanna meet them?"
"They're friendly right?" Julie asked, clinging to Reggie's arms as he lead her to the stalls.
"Most of them are," Reggie replied, then nodded at a stall with a large black stallion was huffing at them. "Not Boxer there though, but we won't be riding him."
Julie whimpered and then let Reggie lead her further away, taking in the large horse before here. Watching as Reggie offered it an apple, leaning his forehead against its nose.
"This here is Old Red-he was mine when I was a kid. He's retired now, but I still gotta spoil him a little." Then a roan mare. "This here is Sugarfoot-she's yours today. Sweetest filly there is. And over there is Jake, my new horse. You wanna give them some sugar?"
Julie looked at Reggie who was biting back a laugh then held out some sugar cubes for her to offer the horse. Julie glared at him before holding an open palm up to her horse, giggling as she ate the sugar.
She rubbed the horse's nose after the sugar was gone, finding Sugarfoot much less scary as she nuzzled her mane. But the prospect of riding her was still slightly terrifying.
But Reggie assured her that he would be right there, they were only going for a short trot, and if she really didn't like it, she never had to do it again.
Assurances aside, she still clung to the reins as they exited the barn. "Okay Sugarfoot, I'm new to this, so...be gentle please?"
"Darlin' she couldn't be anything else," Reggie assured her. "Not with you."
"So just like you?"
Reggie blushed again at her teasing, then coughed and gave her instruction on how to steer, speed up, slow down, and stop with noises and using the reins. Julie caught on fairly quick, giving a delighted laugh when she went around the paddock a few times with success.
"Alright, let's go."
They left the paddock, and Julie shivered as a breeze blew through her curls, feeling a bit freer without the fences, but also a little scared to know she was going forth on the whims of the wild beast between her thighs. But Reggie was right there, grinning madly as he pointed out scenery, telling her stories, and humming as they went, so that eased her mind a little.
Not enough to let go of her death grip on the reins, but enough that she wasn't hyperventilating.
"You wanna go a little faster?" Reggie asked.
Julie bit her bottom lip, but gave a hesitant nod-"Not too fast right?"
"Cantor, not gallop."
They sped up, and Julie laughed as the wind made her curls fly behind her, cooling her down, and made her feel like she was flying.
"That was fun!" she exclaimed as they slowed, coming to a stop by a small pond near a willow tree.
"Told ya so," Reggie quipped, helping her down, letting the horses graze as they sat in the shade, trading a water bottle back and forth whilst cuddling.
"It's so beautiful here," she sighed, nuzzling into Reggie. "You must miss it so much."
"Some days," he admitted. "But I do love Cali too. It's our home, it's where we met. I couldn't imagine living anywhere else. But maybe we could come back here more often?"
"I'd like that," Julie admitted. "How else are we gonna teach the kids how to ride a horse?"
"One day," Julie shrugged.
"I like the sound of that," Reggie whispered, pressing a kiss to her temple. "I'll ask MeeMaw to set aside a foal when we get there."
"Think they make the hats that small?"
Reggie tilted her chin up, giving her that infamous grin of his. "Darlin', I know they do." Before pulling her into a kiss that rivalled the heat of the day and the feeling of riding all at once.
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linked-end · 3 months
available for asks:
-time (oot+mm)
-twi (tp, lcbt)
-teddy (hw + st)
-mural (albw + alttp + la)
-ravio (albw + hw)
-wild (botw + totk)
-ages (oracles games)
-adagio (coh)
-koridai (cdi)
-rulie/rules (z1 + z2 + cartoon)
-sky (sksw)
-wind (ww + ph)
-light (fs + mc)
-spirit (st)
-fall (oot, fallen timeline)
-mask (oot + mm + hw)
-first (first hero)
-hylia (through assorted zeldas)
-the golden three
-the wind gods
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baileys-writing-desk · 7 months
The Water Dragon
Lanayru finally takes Hyrule to meet Faron.
“You’re gonna be in so much trouble if Sky finds out.”
Lanayru laughs at Hyrule’s comment, as they fly towards Faron’s residence in Lake Floria. The traveler steadies his breathing, safely gripped in the dragon’s hand, and the wind tousles his messy brown hair.
“Well then,” Lanayru replies. “We’ll make sure he doesn’t find out!”
Hyrule had told the rest of the Chain they were going to the woods instead, but the wily Thunder Dragon had other plans. It will only be for a little bit, he said. She’s been wanting to meet you since what happened with Four.
And so Hyrule gazes at the spacious lake below, as Lanayru begins to slow down. A clear waterfall meeting the surface in a shiny blue, shimmering with dots of sunlight. Woah… The sight of it nearly takes his breath away.
“She’s in there,” the old dragon explains, pointing ahead with his other hand. Hyrule can see a large dome-shaped structure with a partially open top. But they aren’t close enough quite yet to peer in and see her.
“Faron!!” Lanayru bellows. “It’s meee!!”
No reply is heard, and Faron does not emerge from her hall.
The traveler chuckles. “Is she not there or-“
“No, she is. Just being a stubborn little brat. Can’t hide from me forever, though.” The old dragon slows to a stop directly above the opening, and Hyrule can now make out a large blue dragon, wearing a dark robe akin to Lanayru’s yellow one. She looks up at them and instantly dives under the water.
“Oh, you-“ The Thunder Dragon huffs. “I know you’re in there! I can see you!” He lowers his voice slightly as he addresses the traveler. “Don’t worry, she’ll come out. She can’t stay underwater forever. I’ll grab her if I have to!”
“Ah…okay, then.” As Lanayru straightens up and begins to lower himself in, the slight crackling of electricity makes Hyrule’s eyes widen. Oh no. Electricity and water! “Hey, Lanayru…? Isn’t it bad for you to go in the water?”
“Ha! Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. Just don’t touch my tail or horns, boy, or you’ll be in for a nasty surprise! But you’re ok, it doesn’t spread to the rest of me.”
Hyrule sighs with relief. Phew. He would rather be ridiculed by Faron ten times over than be electrocuted by his own friend.
“Oh good.” He lets himself relax as Lanayru descends into the water of her hall, the lower half of his body submerged. “So…does she know that her hiding spot is terrible?”
“Yes,” the old dragon replies, gently placing Hyrule into the palm of his other hand. “But she’ll never admit it! Stubborn little thing.”
“Well, as long as she doesn’t eat me. I mean…she won’t, right?”
“Please Rulie, you gotta trust me on this one.” Lanayru chuckles and gently pats the traveler’s head. “She’ll never eat a Hylian, even she says that’s too far—“
A loud splash brings Hyrule’s attention forward, where Faron’s head emerges from the surface. She exhales loudly, appearing frustrated. “La…Lanayru.”
“Yes, I told you it’s me.”
She slowly raises up to meet the Thunder Dragon’s eye level. The round platform in the middle of the open hall sits between the two dragons, with a dark blue basin of sorts close by. It’s not much distance, but Hyrule is still outside of Faron’s grasp.
“I know, and I’m not exactly in the mood.” Faron huffs, but her eyes move to Hyrule and her demeanor changes, relaxes even. “Ah, who may this be? I didn’t realize you brought company!”
The traveler freezes in place. Oh no. He nudges Lanayru’s palm with his hand. Please…do it for me… Luckily, the old dragon catches on.
“This is my good friend Hyrule. The one I told you about. Now he’s a little timid, so be gentle with him.”
“Ah, yes!” The Water Dragon smiles, a surprise to the hero. “The little Link. Lemme take a closer look, eh? Lanayru, won’t you bring your hands out?”
Uh oh. Bad idea bad idea bad idea-
The Thunder Dragon keeps Rulie close instead. “He’s not comfortable with you touching him.”
Oh, thank Hylia. Thank you. The last thing he wants is for Faron to grab him and bring him close to her face. From there she could easily gobble him up if she wanted to!
“Hmm, I see.” To Hyrule’s relief, she seems to let it go. “Now, young hero, what drew you to this cranky old ass dragon?”
Lanayru’s laugh bellows throughout the hall. “Hey! That is not a nice way to refer to me in front of our guest!” He taps Hyrule’s side softly. “Rulie, want to answer?”
“Sure.” He gazes uneasily at a smirking Faron. “Your Link brought us together. I…I was scared at first, but we realized that we get along quite well. He’s like a parent to me.”
“Ah, Lanayru…” Faron smiles teasingly. “What is with you and kids? You spend time with the little munchkins and they all just fall in love with you!” She makes a dramatic gesture with her arms as she speaks.
Kid?? Rulie gives her a slight glare. “I’m not a kid! I’m nineteen!”
“Still, only a child to me. Cute little boy you are, hero. I could just squish your cheeks and put you in my mouth and—“
Lanayru cuts her off sternly. “Faron.”
“Oh, my apologies—you told me I shouldn’t make that joke with him. Silly me.”
Hyrule lets out a breath he hadn’t quite realized he was holding. Being in Lanayru’s hand, a comforting feeling, helps to relax him. If Faron really did want to eat him, Lanayru would most certainly intervene.
Rulie, she’s not gonna eat you, he tells himself yet again. Stop that.
“Well,” she continues. “I suppose if we want a proper introduction, Hyrule, I shall tell you about me. I am Faron, the Water Dragon and one of the three guardians of my kind from this land. The Goddess Hylia tasked me with protecting Lake Floria and the woods that take my name…”
“Now come on, maybe a little more interesting than that!” Lanayru giggles. “Make it fun!”
“Alright, fine! If you insist. Let’s see…I flooded the entire woods once, that was exciting! I can sing quite well, I like to annoy Thunder Dragon here because I can, uh…I possess a sacred water with healing abilities. It healed my wounds in the past and recently, it helped your little friend recover.”
Hyrule points to the large basin sitting on the platform. “Is that what that thing’s for?”
“Yes. It keeps the sacred water pure and isolated from the lake water. Anyone who wishes to be healed can simply go inside. I adjust the water level accordingly.”
That’s right. Four had indeed mentioned a basin—it must have been this one. The small hero was probably confused upon waking up in there, wondering why he was in a giant container with water all around…
“You know, I have to give this one to her,” Lanayru adds, bringing Rulie’s attention back. “She is very good with sacred water. Well, except I heard from our Link that she whined and begged for him to give her more.” The Thunder Dragon clears his throat, attempting to raise his voice. “Waaaah! Please, Link, I neeed water right nooow!! Pleeeease?”
Hyrule can’t help but laugh at his friend's terrible impression.
“Lanayru, stop that! I was injured, I needed it.” The Water Dragon gives the two a small eye roll in frustration.
“You could have asked nicely, though. Link came all this way to reach you, he deserved more respect.”
Hyrule has to admit, he’s with Lanayru on this one. Not that he wouldn’t ever side with Lanayru, but…Sky may be right here. Faron is a little…weird. Something is slightly off about the way she acts that shows a bit of entitlement.
“Okay, I get it. I don’t want to argue about this again.” She turns her focus to Rulie, giving him a cheeky grin. “See what I have to deal with? Ah, but I digress. Young hero…I have heard many good things. You’re all Lanayru talks about these days.”
“Wait…really?” he asks, feeling the old dragon gently pat his head.
“Yes, and it’s exhausting!” Faron’s tone is thankfully lighthearted. “It’s all Rulie, Rulie, Rulie. I miss Rulie. I want to give this to Rulie.” She sighs, leaning in a bit closer. “So. It’s good to finally put a face to the name.”
The traveler’s heart skips a beat at her movement, realizing he’s still not quite certain that he won’t become her dinner. Is her niceness all an act? Will she fly forward, reach her hand out and grab him? No Hyrule, it’s okay, she won’t eat you!
“Well, it’s uh…nice to meet you, Water Dragon.”
“Likewise.” To his surprise, she actually…smiles? A real, genuine smile, not the smirks she’s been giving Lanayru. “You’re a strong young man, Hyrule. A true hero, from what I see. Thunder Dragon’s been lucky to have you.”
A…true hero? She had decided that simply from looking at him. He remembers, however, that Sky hadn’t gotten the same treatment…he wasn’t strong enough in her eyes even with the Master Sword. Why?
“He’s been through so much,” Lanayru explains. “The least I can do is be there for him. Let him have fun while he’s here.”
Faron nods her head, gazing at Hyrule’s small form still in the old dragon’s palm. Does he like her? Not really, he decides. But she isn’t half as bad as he’d expected. She’s actually kinda nice to me!
“Well,” she states, “I suppose I could make it a bit more ‘fun’ in here, don’t you think? Hmm…”
Hyrule ponders the thought for a second, but to his relief Lanayru answers first. “Why don’t you show him your part of the song?”
“What song-? Oh, the Song of the Hero?” Faron laughs. “I haven’t done that in quite a while! And besides, Rulie…you may be a hero, but are you worthy to hear this sacred melody? The one I kept for over two thousand years from the Goddess Hylia?”
Oh no. The same behavior she had exhibited with Sky during his adventure. Perhaps Hyrule was wrong in thinking he’d be different.
“Lanayru sings his part to me all the time,” he replies, shrugging his shoulders. “I see no reason for you not to.”
“He’s right,” says Lanayru. “Come on Faron, just do it. He wants to hear it.”
The Water Dragon sighs. “Ugh. Okay, I will. But on one condition…you have to do it with me.”
Hyrule’s brow furrows. Me?? But he can’t- Oh. She is talking to Lanayru.
“Fine. Count me in.”
She makes a gesture with her claw, whispering one, two, three, four, and the two dragons begin their melody. Faron’s voice is much more high-pitched than Lanayru’s, but the way they flow together is…beautiful.
As they move through the song, Rulie watches Faron’s movements, the blue magic swirling through the air, the way she gracefully connects the notes with ease…and he hears the familiar thunderous voice of Lanayru from above him.
It’s enough to take his breath away in amazement.
When they eventually trail to a stop, Hyrule can’t help but clap to himself quietly. He didn’t want them to finish, he didn’t want the song to end.
“Well…” Faron speaks again. “How did you like that, hero?”
“I loved it. You have a very good singing voice, Water Dragon.” Just like both Lanayru and Eldin…all three dragons are remarkable singers. Was it a gift from Hylia?
“Why thank you. Just don’t expect me to do this again. At least, next time it won’t be free.”
Oh, she makes you pay, he thinks to himself. Stubborn brat.
“Stop that, Faron.” Lanayru’s voice is firm. “Try to be a little more gentle around Rulie, ok? We don’t want to scare him away.”
She huffs. “What, am I intimidating?!”
“Just a little, I’d say. But I can’t speak for him…what do you think, boy?”
“Oh,” The traveler blinks in surprise. “I mean- I struggle opening up sometimes, so…it might take me a while, but I’m alright.”
He doesn’t want to share his feelings about her, since they aren’t all that great and would probably be better kept to himself. She appears to be self-centered, whiny, and a bit demanding. Of course, she is actually nicer than he’d thought, leading him to think that maybe she isn’t too bad after all.
“Ah, I see,” the Water Dragon replies. “I’ll try my best, young hero. Perhaps you should just spend some more time with me.”
Well, that’s just great. He had hoped to leave soon, making this a short visit, but she seems to have other plans. If he says no, he fears, she will become upset with him…and he does not want to make Faron upset.
So reluctantly, he agrees.
And when they eventually leave the hall to visit more of Lake Floria, he confines himself to Lanayru’s familiar, comfortable grip. He still doesn’t want her to touch him.
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kichimiangra · 1 year
I like the idea that Digimon who are parted from their human partner, especially if the massive time speed difference is in effect, get a bit weird about it. We saw in Digimon Survive how [spoiler character] reacted by jealousy attacking partnered Digimon, while never able to bring themselves to harm any human. In other cases, I like to imagine that the Digimon do stuff like start talking for their missing human, or the human is a couple of minutes away but coming soon, or getting a worrying amount of art commissioned. The human partner finally reunites and things go from "Aw, you got a picture made of me!" to "Oh, you got a lot of pictures! ...And sculptures. And is that a recreation of my room?" pretty fast.
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[insert 'talking to the volley ball movie' joke here]
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It's kind of hard to imagine Gulus trying to simply have a reasonable conversation to convince Hiro to sync with him because, in fairness he's had the whole fucking series to try that. He even actively shut down a Hiro that was willing to chat with him under the reasoning of "It's not time yet" and then finally in the finale decided it was 'time' then and evolved to Regulus, and never really see a reason for why that earlier convo was shut down for bad timing.
(Maybe if the line was "There's no time left" then turns back to Gamma that would have made more sense because there was no time for the convo while Gulus had to go nappy-doo? Or maybe by "It's not time yet" he meant that he was biding his time to let the grb infection he left behind infect the digital world? I dunno)
But Gulus has effectively had the whole series to be like "Look man you are a logical mature guy, hear me out; I am literally the lesser of two evils and the other one is heading this way and oh my god is it so much worse than I am--"
I do love when characters are forced into a position of "Whelp... guess you have no choice but to trust me lol!" though.
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I'd say it's similar in that both digimon are precious babies at the beginning being taken care of by their human partner, but I think the biggest difference early on is that Takato and Guilmon's relationship feel like he's trying to raise a child sized talking pet, and Guilmon by the end feels like he's grown a lot, meanwhile Hiro and Gammamon immediately feels like Hiro has been given a super powered baby brother to raise, who also mostly stays baby until the end. It's not to downplay Takato and Guilmon's relationship, but Hiro/Gamma feels a little more personal from the word go, while Takato and Guilmon feel like the two took a little while longer to bond with each other. Maybe it's because Hiro and Gammamon almost feels like it has this "Maternal-ness" to it while Takato and Guilmon are more like "Dad who was suddenly handed a kid and told it's his and the mom skipped town so he's all alone and has no clue what he's doing" vibe. New AU: Hiro and Takato are roommates, neither knows what to do with their new digimon partners so now they are the figurative mommy and daddy to two babies.
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I should have moved this one up between the last GG and the Tamers message. Sei la vie.
As mentioned above, omg yes really Gulus has every reason to try and communicate but the writers just needed to stretch things out. I think it's more frustrating because it COULD be finagled to have the same result but with a more satisfying path;
Have it so that early on Gulus just COULDN'T come out for long and throughout the series had to waste whatever energy he stored up to bail the kids out of danger: -He wasted his energy vs TeslaJellymon and Angoramon in his first appearance and crapped out. -He blew his load in Arukenimon's mouth his second outing and had to go nap nap. -He struggled to try and come out to fight Myotismon but just hadn't stored up enough juice to be able to override Gammamon, lucky Cannoweismon happened so he could conserve his strength. -He saved Hiro and Ruli from Oroboromon AND got a large colorful Snickety Snack out of it, now wise enough to know to keep storing power. -He's been stockpiling juice for a while and feels he's ready to just threaten Hiro into syncing with him vs TonosamaGekomon, now becoming impatient. It falls through with minimal energy loss as he just brute forces' TonosamaGeko. -Finally back in the digital world he's bidded his time and preserved enough energy to completely overpower Gammamon, and take back his body, plus awesome zombie army, Which took over a year of napping in Gammamon and occasionally dipping into that energy store. That's really all that the writers had to do was make it so that his time in control of the body was too limited after each time he drained his battery for that conversation to happen, and by the time he had a more extended reserve he had better plans to roll off of. "Fuck it, we ball."
It's one of the most frustrating elements of GG, because of everything we canonically know about Gulus he really had no reason NOT to talk to them, especially when they had longer than an in-universe year to do so, and Hiro was already early on receptive to communication with Gulus, and the only reason he didn't pursue it was that Kiyoshiro advised against it out of fear.
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Pretty much just... rebellious Gammamon levels of misbehaving on a daily basis around the house. Purposely breaking things. Taking bites into non edible things and denying having done it despite the teeth marks lining up to him and not Gammamon, just anything that can be viewed as threatening and disruptive without technically breaking any of the 100 some odd rules Gammamon regurgitated for him to follow. But then when hologram ghost situations occur and Gulus gets a turn to show he can be a good boy (He can't) and handles things in the worst way, like Picking Hiro up into the air mid combat, because Kaus can bring Hiro to an aerial fight so why can't he? Only to just drop Hiro mid-air so he can use both his hands in combat, Hiro on barely being caught by Angora or Jelly, showing Gulus can't behave in a house setting and he can't responsibly be a team player in combat. Kiyo feels he hasn't changed. Ruli can see improvement, little as it may be but doesn't trust that Gulus isn't just waiting to cause trouble again, as he is very patient, while Hiro and Gamma are the only ones who can tell he is genuinely trying, even if passive aggressively.
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Honestly, episodic shows that have a larger strung together plot in the background while the highlight is just "What are we going to do today?" Are my favorite kinds of shows. They often overlap with "Slice of life, but with a twist" and I think that's what propelled Digimon Ghost Game into one of my favorite Digimon Series overall.
That said, I do agree that I wish that at least the ending was a bit more Serialized because... it's the big finale to that plot string in the background this whole time? And both what is going on in the Digital world with our protags AND what is going on with all the refugee digimon in the human world had great potential to be interesting stories on their own. Both feel a bit half baked though because once again, the pieces of something awesome are there, the writers just didn't use it. Honestly related but that's like one of the endings to Digimon Survive, I think it was the Wrathful ending, where it becomes a distopian world, Kemonogami are leaking into the human world, not everyone finds their partner but some do, the government doesn't see the difference or care about good or bad mon, and the survive kids kinda go on to become freedom fighters to try and protect the now outlawed Partnered kids from ending up like Aoi did. And I'm like.... That's an interesting story, how dare you end it there. Make a whole series with this concept?
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Okay but boy is a camping wilderness survivor who probably enters some kind of Lumberjack games every year. This kid could dead lift Gulus and he'd be like "WHUT THE FUCK HOW CAN YOU DO THAT?" And Hiro would be like "I eat straight meal worms for protein and chop wood for fun! Get your flannel shirt cape and lemme show you how to knock down a tree with nothing but a spork, a toothpick, and a canadian beaver!"
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New headcanon: For badass Gulus is he is surprisingly easy to bugs bunny into submission. The gang just never had the chance to realize that.
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jose92gt · 1 year
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Una de las cosas que me agrado en la forma que fue forjando el vínculo de amistad entre Ruli y Angoramon, recordando su inicio no había mucha química entre ellos a comparación de Hiro y Kiyoshiro hicieron conexión desde el primer momento
Pero irlo trabajando paso a paso e ir conociendo el uno al otro, fue ejecutado de buena manera
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randomnameless · 2 years
Looking for stuff here’n’there on pegasus knight I’ve noticed Willy himself was kind of lolcalised himself both in FE16 - that we knew - but also in Nopes (act surprised!).
(do we finally know why the War of Heroes started? Eh, not exactly.)
During the Nabatean Paralogue, Rhea goes :
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Lolcalised!Willy forged an Empire and wanted to unify the war-torn land.
Why did he want to unify the land? Who knows.
Poor Dumb Willy (remember, Jp!Willy from FE16 was manipulated by Seiros instead of merely “allowed her” to rule over humans per Supreme Leader’s sekrit story) on the other hand :
瞬く間に大国の主となり、争乱の絶えない フォドラを平定すべく兵を挙げました 
Which roughly means (thanks to @renisfan​!) Willy raised an army to subjugate/restore order to the war torn Fodlan.
Now we have plenty of historical examples where some dude pretends to “bring peace” but actually wanted to conquer new lands (la guerre des gaules?).
Was it just a pretext or a real motivation, hell if we will ever know, but it kinds of match (sort of?) what we already knew about pre imperial Fodlan, even if Rhea might not be the most neutral narrator when it comes to Willy, Flayn’s support with Ignatz also indicates that before the WoH, Fodlan was in a constant state of strife and conflict - with “Might makes Right” as the self-proclaimed King, how could it be any different, how could you be “Right” if you didn’t prove your “Might”?
Why was this changed then, and lolcalised!Willy only was a guy who wanted to unify the land? Why remove the part where he wanted to "restore order/bring peace” to the land?
Is it because a dude wanting to “restore order” in the land while throwing said land in a giant War is kind of antinomic?
Or is it because, during a certain battle...
Rhea actually asks Supreme Leader why she’s attacking and pissing on the peace Fodlan managed to secure, only for Supreme Leader to reply with one of her Supreme Replies (TM) :
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Lolcalised!Willy started a war to “unite” the “war-torn” Fodlan when Supreme Leader starts hers to unite the, uh, “peace-torn” Fodlan ; jp!Willy’s public reasons for starting the war was to restore order in war torn land because of  Nemesis’s, uh, rule.
So on the one hand, we have someone who starts a war to bring peace to a land with constant fighting, more or less ruled by a barbarian whose motto is excitement and enjoyment “do whatever you want as long as you’re strong you’re right” -
And on the other hand we have a war started by someone to re-unify the land that used to be her country’s several centuries ago, but also to remove the lizard illuminati who totally secretly controls the world by manipulating everyone.
I can already hear some people going all yes but crust system creates a systemic violence and it must have been eradicated but somehow it wasn’t going to be because the church is BaD and Dimitri is also BaD and a centrist or whatever - but I’m only talking about the “public” reasons here why each war started
A rapid comparison highlights - no wonder why this paralogue is only on AG - how the Hresvelg dynasty lost the Mandate of Heaven, and we know a certain team really tried to soften the few blows the game indirectly gives to Supreme Leader for reasons.
But this also answers one of the biggest questions I had about the WoH, we know Rhea doesn’t like wars and conflicts. So it always kind of bothered/buggered me why she used to help and support Wilhelm, who started a war.
If Willy told her this war he is starting is to bring “peace freedom justice and security to the empire to Fodlan” I can see her reluctantly agreeing to participate and/or support the war -
(even if, afaik, Willy might have started the War of Heroes in 32, Nemesis started the hostilities the day he partied in Zanado)
- and if it implied, by sheer coincidence, ruling over Fodlan and all the lands and people Nemesis ruled over, then, well, it’s just a coincidence right??
(granted, the second Nemesis died, Willy gave Adrestia to his son Lycaon, meaning at least he didn’t want to do the “ruling over Fodlan” thing if he ditched it immediately to his heir?)
Sure, it’s kind of foolish because, uh, you can’t wage a war to “bring peace” and IRL it has way too often been used as an excuse to conquer more land, considering how Nemesis’n’pals’s former territories were included in Adrestia during/after the War, I still can’t see the WoH as anything but an opportunistic War of conquest/subjugation - against very evil evil (tm) persons, sure, and they had a lot of reasons (erasing genociders ?) but it’s still a conquest!
Still, given KT’s history and the “unification boner” this verse has, I don’t even know if in-game it’s supposed to be seen as a bad thing...
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innytoes · 2 years
One more! 14 for either Rulie or PeterPatterLina please for the sleepy prompts?
Also for @bananakarenina who asked for the same
Looking back, it was kind of ironic that his parents had sent him to his Uncle John's place for the summer as some kind of punishment. And at the time, he'd hated it. He had to sleep on this pull out couch in the living room because Uncle John only had one bedroom.
Uncle John was a crazy prepper who spent too much time in the woods. He didn't have internet, he had a secret bunker under his basement, and he was way too into trying to teach Luke how to hunt and fish.
He let Luke play his guitar however much he wanted to, though, so that was a plus.
And then, the Sickness. It started in the big cities. Luke had to watch as LA was bombed, curled up in Uncle John's secret bunker. He couldn't get ahold of his mom, couldn't tell her that he loved her, couldn't do anything as the sickness spread, and spread, and the town they were in was evacuated. Uncle John let him be, reminded him that the bunker was soundproof, brought down his guitar for him.
Uncle John didn't let him leave the bunker until a week after the evacuation, until he was sure the place was safe and empty.
Then they got to work. And work. And more work. Luke learned to shoot, learned to hunt, learned to drive, how to work on cars, how to make an electric fence. Learned how to build his own flame thrower and set traps and grow potatoes and cook.
And he wrote, and wrote, and played, and played, until his voice was hoarse.
They had a good life, but then one day, Uncle John fell off the roof. He fell off the roof because Luke had said something stupid about missing Christmas with his mom, and Uncle John had been stringing up Christmas lights.
Luke didn't play for a year after that. He didn't deserve it.
He buried Uncle John at the edge of the garden, and in the spring, he planted one of the apple tree saplings they'd been nursing on top of him. Uncle John always joked how he'd wanted to be an apple tree, because he loved apple pie so much.
But he kept going. He kept going, because what else could he do? It was what Uncle John would have wanted. So he planted the potatoes, and the zucchini, and the tomatoes, and he tended to the apple tree, and he tried to keep going.
Until one day, one of the alarms went off. He checked the cameras, and there it was, on camera three, the giant hole trap had been activated. What really caught his eye, though, was the dog nervously pacing around the border.
He grabbed his shotgun and went outside.
The dog was still pacing, around and around and around the circle, barking anxiously until it spotted him. Then, it stood between him and the hole, growling.
"Ellie what's wrong? Ellie is it a zombie? You gotta run, Ellie!"
"It's not a zombie," Luke called.
"Don't shoot the dog!" Came the immediate frantic call. "Please don't shoot the dog, please, she's harmless, she's just trying to protect us."
"Don't shoot us either!" A girl's voice shouted up. He blinked. Two people, then. Maybe more.
"Can you call her off? I can't come closer if she keeps growling like that."
It was silent in the hole. Ellie the dog kept growling at him.
"Promise you won't shoot us?" came the uncertain question a few moments later.
"I promise."
If they were raiders, there were other ways to get rid of them.
There was a whistle from the hole, and the dog laid down and whined, letting Luke pass. Inside the hole were two people. They were a little dirty, a little tired-looking... but they were also the prettiest people Luke had ever seen.
"Um, hi," the guy said. "I'm Reggie. This is Julie. That's Ellie up there with you. Thank you for not shooting us."
"What are you doing here?" Luke asked.
"Well, we were trying to get to Boston, but then we ran into this fence, so we were trying to go around it, see if anyone was inside, and then Sploosh! Giant Hole!"
"We weren't trying to get in or anything," the girl said, eyeing Luke's gun. "We promise. It's just the two of us."
"Three of us," the guy pouted. "Ellie was just smart enough not to fall into the hole."
Eventually, Luke got them a ladder, and didn't shoot them. He was going to send them off with some water bottles and rabbits ears for the dog, but then Ellie put her head on his knee when he crouched down, and the girl and guy both laughed, and it was the most beautiful sound in the world, and before he knew it he was inviting them over for dinner.
It was weird, having people, people his age, over. He didn't know what to talk about. He'd hardly known what to talk about with people his own age before the whole apocalypse, unless it was about music.
Except then Julie saw the keyboard he had propped up in the corner of the living room, and she lit up. Luke admitted he'd been trying to teach himself how to play, but it was pretty hard without any books or the internet.
"May I?" she asked, and he nodded.
And then he fell in love.
And then Reggie joined her in the chorus, and he fell in love again.
They talked for hours, about music, about songs, about instruments. Reggie admitted he shredded on the banjo, but he was pretty okay on piano and guitar too. "I used to play bass in this band, but well, not much of that anymore."
Luke nearly vibrated out of his seat. "There's a music store within the fence," he said. It was one of the only places Luke kept nice, besides the house and the vegetable gardens.
They made their way over in the fading light, Luke nearly bouncing down the street. Ellie bounced with him, happy to be included. When they got to the music store, Julie gasped at the baby grand piano, while Reggie swooned over the cherry red bass.
He also did shred on the banjo.
In return, Luke showed them one of his songs. The way they looked at him, the sun setting through the window of the music store, you'd think that he was the angel, the dream come true, not them.
They went back to the house, Luke carrying an amp and Reggie the bass, while Julie had the banjo slung over her shoulder. Back at the house, Luke cooked them dinner, while in the living room, Julie and Reggie sang and played. If they noticed his red eyes or the tears staining his shirt, they didn't say anything.
After dinner, Reggie and Julie went to take a shower. Together. Even though he'd mentioned that he had plenty of water. Who knew, maybe they were plotting to kill him in there. He looked down at Ellie, who was sprawled on the couch, her head in his lap.
If they did kill him, at least they gave him a really awesome last day.
Except they didn't kill him. Instead, they put on the clothes he left for them (it had taken a while to find something with sleeves, so Julie's, you know, everything wouldn't be out) and then tried to argue that they couldn't just take his bed.
"It's fine," Luke said. "I usually sleep on the couch anyway." He always did, actually. It felt wrong, sleeping in Uncle John's bed. He only did it when he was really, really tired, or sore, or lonely, curling up between a mountain of pillows and pretending it was a hug.
"I'm afraid the couch is taken," Reggie said, pointing at where Ellie, who wasn't that big of a dog, was somehow managing to sprawl across all of the pillows.
"We can all share," Julie said. "If that's okay with you."
She took his hand, leading him to the bedroom. At his wordless nod, she slid the flannel from his shoulders. Behind him, Reggie pulled his shirt up and over his head. He sat down heavily on the bed, watching them undress each other, watching them touch each other.
They fell into bed together, the three of them, and it should have been awkward, but somehow, it wasn't. Between the two of them, Julie and Reggie knew what they were doing where he clearly did not. They kept him from floundering, from falling, from hesitating too much, until they were all climbing together, higher and higher, until everything was a brilliant white, an explosion of pleasure.
And in the end, they fell asleep, Julie pressed against his back, Luke's head on Reggie's chest, lulled to sleep by his heart beat, and it was perfect.
When he woke up the next morning, the bed was empty. Luke took a shaky breath. He knew it was too good to be true. He should- he should get up, see what they took, see what was left, but he couldn't bring himself to, not yet.
And then he heard it.
Singing, in his kitchen.
And he knew everything would be okay.
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bananakarenina · 1 year
first lines game
the lovely @breakaway71​ tagged me awhile ago and i am finally doing it!
rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to ao3. if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
these can all be found at my ao3 - bananakarenina
going from most recent to least:
1) Julie Molina leaves LA in the middle of the night. (heaven above & closer, aka the roadtrip au, complete, co-written with @where-you-go​)
2) “Luke. Luke, is that really you?” (to love’s self alone, the sequel to for love’s sake only, WIP)
3)  [Image ID: a photo from the Instagram account @officialjuliemolina.] (where the lovelight gleams, aka the rulie christmas romcom popstar au, WIP)
4) “I’m going soon, I think.” (keep reaching out, the companion piece to leave the light on, aka 10 conversations reggie has during the events of LTLO, WIP)
5) Her daughter knows all the stories, of course. (reprise: be so happy now, the beatriz timestamp to leave the light on, complete)
6) Drowning, it turns out, is a quiet thing. (praying for dryland, the drowning/lifeguard au, WIP)
7) “Jane! Time to wake up!” (a star sweetly gleaming: christmas at silver lake, the jane/missy christmas novella in the FLSO series. if i were a romance novelist it’d probably be called the Silver Lake Series and this would be book 1.5 lol. one day i will reveal the other titles i’d love to explore in this series if i had all the time in the world, lol. yes there is a victoria book i’d love to write. you all will be getting updates on this series until i am old and gray)
8) Luke crosses over first. (leave the light on, aka the canon-compliant crossover tragedy rulie epic. complete.)
9) Rose Molina is staring at her eyebrows in the bathroom mirror when the doorbell rings. (these last perfect days, the rulie promposal story, rose’s POV. complete)
10) “Reginald, Earl Peters!” (for love’s sake only, of course, historical romance fake marriage of my heart. complete)
40% unadorned lines of dialogue as first lines lol. that....sounds about right for me.
#1, 6, 8 were “wrote this line first in a bit of a trance and things unspooled from there” lines.
tagging @invisibleraven @innytoes @jmrothwell if you want to play!
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linkiscool333 · 15 days
I realized I forgot to post a few new Rulie works
Seriously, feel free to throw anything into my ask box.
@la-sera @baileyboo2016 @winterfen @peepthatbish
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daintyduck99 · 1 year
You know I gotta go for kissing after a long time of pining for Rulie.
This is also for @bananakarenina, who asked for the same prompt!
Julie lingers in the doorway, twisting her fingers in the sleeves of her stolen shirt as her gaze sweeps over the empty room.
It's not really empty, not even now. If she squints, she can see the boys all around her, squishing her on her little absurdly comfy orange couch as they run through their latest song or babble about a movie, flicking popcorn as she tells them to quit through a giggle. There's Flynn in the corner, papering the wall with pictures, now the ghosts of little cheerful squares.
She sees Reggie bringing her coffee and a blinding grin that's more invigorating than caffeine could ever be, motivating her to study. She sees him messing around on her sparkly pink guitar, the one the boys had helped her lug here from LA out of sheer sentimentality, crooning along to Tiny Dancer with glittering eyes that outshine said guitar. She sees him in the window, keeping her plants alive, brightening up the entire apartment.
She sees him all over this place, more than anyone else, more than Flynn, even, and her heart aches.
It's always been him.
"Julie? Did you catch anything you might have missed?"
She swallows a rueful little laugh and lays her head on Reggie’s shoulder as he wraps his arm around her, breathing out.
"No. Everything I miss is right here. But that's what makes uni so special, right? It can't last forever. And I won't be far from home, from everyone. We can still make music together. We can still play in the garage and all the Eats n Beats and whatever other crazy gigs Luke books us between—all our work. It'll be fine."
Won't it?
Reggie presses his lips to the top of her head, and she lets herself melt in his hold as he squeezes her a little tighter.
"Hey, it's okay. You're allowed to be a little sad. Like, sure! Our new jobs are exciting, and we'll all be around. But it won't be—exactly the same. I won't always be around to water your plants, you know?"
She snorts, twisting to hug him properly, hoping he won't ask for his flannel back as she bunches his t-shirt in her hands. She buries her face in his chest, breathing in the familiar scent of his woodsy cologne as she tries not to cry. It's a very near thing.
"You would be if I gave them to you," she jokes feebly, giving him a similarly weak smile once they start to unravel from the hug. "The plants. I'd hate to ruin all of your hard work. They're beautiful."
He swallows hard, searching her eyes. His are bluer than usual, darker with unshed tears, and his face has flushed. His hands linger on her arms, warm even through the material of his shirt.
His gaze flickers to her mouth, and her heart hammers in her throat.
"Julie—I'd rather have you. The whole deal. Your ice cold toes and the synthpop you sing along to in the shower and your cat and your janky old coffee maker and your closet full of shoes. Maybe that's corny, or it's too much, but I've—I've loved you for so long. And I love the way you live, so—how's that sound?"
She huffs a laugh, light with relief, winding her arms around his neck as she beams at him. He's delightfully corny and he's hers.
"Even the avalanche of shower products?"
He shrugs, sliding his hand up her arm and the side of her neck to cup her cheek, smiling when she leans into his touch.
"It can join mine."
His other hand finds her hip, and her breath hitches as their noses bump.
"And the plants?"
"Mhm. We'll keep them. Anything, as long as I get to keep you."
"You have me," she murmurs, "you’ve always had me," and she rises on her toes to finally seal it with a soft kiss.
He kisses her back so tenderly, the brush of a butterfly's wing, and it unleashes the swarm of them in her chest. She sways with the force of it, but he holds her steady.
Just like he always has.
She threads her fingers through his hair as they kiss and kiss and kiss, sound and sweet.
They kiss until something brushes her calf.
Julie startles back with a yelp, nearly tripping over the ball of fur at their feet as it meows at them scornfully.
"Luna!" she scolds, scooping her up. "You're the most jealous pet I've ever owned. I thought you were in your carrier!"
Reggie rubs the back of his neck. "Yeah, she also seemed sad, so I might’ve—loosened the latch. A little."
"What am I going to do with you two?" Julie asks Luna, giggling as she squirms out of her arms. "Well, I love you, so I suppose I'll have to keep you. Maybe get a bigger place as soon as possible. How does that sound?"
It lights the whole room when Reggie smiles, rinsing the area of its ghosts.
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